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House Rent Allowance Request Letter to Company – Sample Letter to Company Requesting for HRA

application letter for hra allowance

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

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To, The HR Manager, __________ (Company’s name), __________ (Company’s address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Request for house rental allowance

Sir/ Madam,

My name is _________ (name) and I am working in your reputed company’s _______ (department) as a __________ (mention designation). My employee ID is __________ (mention employee ID).

Respected, I would like to state that I am entitled to avail the house rent for my residence. Respected, I am a native resident of ______ (mention location) and due to my job, I am residing in this city at __________ (mention location) which is ________ (distance from the company).

It is to request you to kindly allow me to avail the provided facility. As per the requirements, I am hereby attaching a copy of _________ (ID Proof/ rental agreement/ any other). I believe you would consider this as a genuine request.

Thank you, __________ (Signature), __________ (Name), __________ (Employee ID number)

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  • Generally, HRA is provided for employees living in rented accommodation outside of company-provided housing.
  • It's advisable to attach documents such as ID proof, rental agreement, or any other relevant proof of residence.
  • The distance requirement may vary depending on the company policy. It's best to check with your HR department for clarification.
  • Processing time can vary, but companies often aim to process such requests in a timely manner.
  • If your request is denied, you can inquire about the reasons for the decision and seek guidance from HR on any next steps or alternative options available.

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  • request letter for allowance of house rent

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Letter Templates

application letter for hra allowance

application letter for hra allowance 1

If you are seeking to receive HRA (House Rent Allowance) from your employer, you may need to submit an application letter. In this article, we will provide you with tips for writing a compelling application letter for HRA allowance. We will also provide you with seven examples that you can use as a guide when drafting your letter.An application letter for HRA allowance should clearly state your reasons for requesting the allowance. Your letter should also include the amount of the allowance you are seeking and any supporting documentation.You can find examples of application letters for HRA allowance online that you can edit to fit your specific needs.

Examples of Application Letters for HRA Allowance

Example 1: request for hra allowance.

I am writing to request a House Rent Allowance (HRA) from my employer. The reason for my request is that my current salary does not allow me to afford a suitable accommodation near my workplace. Therefore, I have to travel a long distance daily, which takes up a lot of my time and money.

I am seeking an HRA allowance of $[insert amount] per month to help me cover the cost of rent and other housing expenses. I have attached a copy of my rental agreement and other supporting documentation for your review.

Thank you for considering my request.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Example 2: Increase in HRA Allowance

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to request an increase in my House Rent Allowance (HRA) to $[insert amount] per month. The reason for my request is that the cost of living has increased significantly over the past few years, and my current HRA allowance does not cover my housing expenses.

I have attached copies of my rental agreement and other supporting documentation to show that my housing expenses have increased. I would be grateful if you could consider my request and increase my HRA allowance accordingly.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Example 3: Request for Retroactive HRA Allowance

Dear Human Resources,

I am writing to request a retroactive House Rent Allowance (HRA) for the past six months. Although I have been working for your company for over a year, I was not aware that I was eligible for HRA until recently.

I have attached a copy of my rental agreement and other supporting documentation to show that I have been paying for my housing expenses out of my own pocket. I am seeking a retroactive HRA allowance of $[insert amount] per month for the past six months.

Example 4: HRA Allowance for Newly Hired Employee

I am writing to request a House Rent Allowance (HRA) as a newly hired employee. The reason for my request is that I have relocated to [city name] for this job, and I am in need of financial assistance to cover my housing expenses.

Example 5: HRA Allowance for Employee Transfer

I am writing to request a House Rent Allowance (HRA) as I have been transferred to [city name] for work. The reason for my request is that I need financial assistance to cover my housing expenses in the new location.

Example 6: HRA Allowance for Employee Promotion

I am writing to request a House Rent Allowance (HRA) as I have been promoted to a new position that requires me to relocate to [city name]. The reason for my request is that I need financial assistance to cover my housing expenses in the new location.

Example 7: HRA Allowance for Employee Support

I am writing to request a House Rent Allowance (HRA) as I am experiencing financial difficulties that are preventing me from covering my housing expenses. The reason for my request is that I have undergone some unforeseen challenges such as illness, and thus, it has become difficult to meet my expenses.

I am seeking an HRA allowance of $[insert amount] per month, and I have attached a copy of my rental agreement and other supporting documentation to support my claim.

Tips for Writing an Effective Application Letter for HRA Allowance

When writing an application letter for HRA allowance, follow these tips:

  • Be clear and concise in your request.
  • State your reasons for requesting the allowance.
  • Include any supporting documentation with your letter.
  • Use a formal tone and format for your letter.
  • Address your letter to the appropriate person or department.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: how much hra allowance can i request.

A: The amount of HRA allowance you can request depends on your job position and the cost of living in your area. Check with your employer for any guidelines on HRA allowances.

Q: Do I need to provide documentation for my housing expenses?

A: Yes, you should attach supporting documentation, such as a rental agreement or utility bills, to your application letter to show your housing expenses.

Q: Can I request a retroactive HRA allowance?

A: Yes, you can request a retroactive HRA allowance if you were not aware that you were eligible for the allowance and have documentation to support your claim.

Q: Who should I address my application letter to?

A: Address your application letter to the appropriate person or department, such as your immediate supervisor or the Human Resources department.

Q: Can I use a template for my application letter?

A: Yes, you can use a template for your application letter, but make sure to customize it to fit your specific needs and circumstances.

Q: When should I submit my application letter?

A: Submit your application letter as soon as possible to allow time for your employer to review your request and make a decision.

Writing an effective application letter for HRA allowance can help you receive the financial assistance you need to cover your housing expenses. By following the tips and using the examples provided in this article, you can draft a compelling application letter that makes a strong case for your request. Remember to attach supporting documentation with your letter and address it to the appropriate person or department.

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Urgent Request Letter for Housing Allowance from Company

In this article, I’ll guide you through the steps to writing a compelling request letter for a housing allowance. Plus, I’ll share a customizable template and tips to enhance your chances of success.

Key Takeaways Understand the Purpose: Know why you’re eligible for a housing allowance and how it benefits both you and the company. Be Professional: Use a formal tone and structure in your letter. Personalize Your Request: Share your unique circumstances without oversharing. Support With Evidence: Include any relevant documents or figures. Follow Up: Don’t hesitate to follow up if you don’t hear back within a reasonable timeframe.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your Request Letter

Step 1: understand the company policy.

Before drafting your letter, ensure you understand your company’s specific policies regarding housing allowances. This knowledge will help you tailor your request to align with company guidelines, increasing your chances of approval.

Step 2: Start With a Professional Format

Use a formal business letter format. Start with your contact information, the date, and the recipient’s details. Begin the letter with a polite salutation like “Dear [Manager’s Name].”

Step 3: Clearly State Your Purpose

In the opening paragraph, get straight to the point. Clearly state that you are requesting a housing allowance, mentioning any specific company policy or precedent if applicable.

Step 4: Explain Your Situation

This is where personal experience comes into play. Briefly explain why you need the housing allowance, focusing on how it will enable you to perform better at your job. For example, if the allowance will help you live closer to work, leading to reduced commute times and better productivity, mention this.

Step 5: Provide Supporting Evidence

If you have any documents that can support your request, mention them in the letter. This could include lease agreements, rental market analysis, or a statement of your current living expenses.

Step 6: Be Respectful and Professional

Express gratitude for the reader’s time and consideration. Make it clear that you’re open to discussing the request further if needed.

Step 7: Close the Letter Formally

End with a formal closing like “Sincerely,” followed by your signature and printed name.

Template for Housing Allowance Request

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Company’s Name] [Company’s Address] [City, State, Zip]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to formally request a housing allowance as part of my employment compensation. Understanding the company’s support for its employees in balancing work-life demands, I believe that a housing allowance would significantly contribute to my stability and continued productivity.

Given my current living situation and the local real estate market, an allowance would enable me to secure accommodation closer to the office, reducing commute time and enhancing my work-life balance. This change would not only improve my daily efficiency but also align with the company’s objective to support employee well-being.

I have attached relevant documents to support my request, including a summary of local rental costs and my current lease agreement.

Thank you for considering my request. I am grateful for the opportunity to discuss this matter further and am available at your convenience.

[Your Signature] [Your Printed Name]

Personal Tips from Experience

  • Be Concise: Keep your letter to one page. Decision-makers appreciate brevity.
  • Personalize Wisely: While personal details can strengthen your request, avoid oversharing or making overly emotional appeals.
  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your letter to the company culture. A startup may prefer a more casual tone than a corporate enterprise.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: how can i effectively request a housing allowance from my company.

Answer : I highlighted the rising costs of living in my area and explained how a housing allowance would significantly enhance my job satisfaction and productivity. My manager appreciated my honesty and considered my request, showing the value of open communication.

Q: What should I include in my request letter for a housing allowance to ensure it gets noticed?

Answer : I included a detailed breakdown of my housing expenses and compared them to industry standards in my letter. This approach helped my employer see the rationale behind my request, leading to a positive discussion about my compensation package.

Q: How do I approach my employer about a housing allowance without seeming demanding?

Answer : I framed my request as a discussion about potential support rather than a demand, expressing how such assistance would aid in my long-term commitment to the company. My employer valued this approach, which opened the door to a constructive conversation about my needs.

Q: Can I ask for a housing allowance even if it’s not a common benefit in my company?

Answer : I decided to request a housing allowance despite it being uncommon at my workplace, demonstrating the unique challenges I faced in the local real estate market. My initiative led to a precedent-setting discussion, showing that sometimes you need to ask for what you need, even if it’s unconventional.

Q: What’s the best way to follow up on my housing allowance request without appearing impatient?

Answer : I followed up with a polite email after two weeks, reiterating my request’s importance and my willingness to discuss it further. This gentle reminder underscored my serious interest while respecting the decision-making process, which my HR department appreciated.

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  • Application Requesting House Rent Allowance From Company

These four templates are designed to assist employees in requesting a House Rent Allowance (HRA) adjustment from their respective companies. Whether it's due to a rent increase, relocation, or a change in accommodation, these templates provide a clear and professional way to communicate the need for a modification in HRA. Each template addresses different circumstances, such as rent hikes, relocations, or changes in living situations, and is structured to convey the employee's commitment to their organization while seeking financial support to manage their housing expenses effectively. These introductory paragraphs set the tone for the respective requests, emphasizing the importance of HRA in maintaining a healthy work-life balance and professional focus while justifying the need for the adjustment through supporting documentation and a willingness to engage in further discussions if necessary.

Template Request for House Rent Allowance (HRA) Increase

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Date]

[Employer's Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Request for House Rent Allowance (HRA) Increase

Dear [Employer's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request an increase in my House Rent Allowance (HRA) as part of my compensation package with [Company Name]. Over the past year, I have experienced a significant increase in my rental expenses due to [mention the reasons, such as inflation, higher rent rates, or change in living circumstances].

As you are aware, HRA plays a crucial role in helping employees manage their housing costs and maintain a healthy work-life balance. I have been a dedicated and committed member of the [Company Name] team for [mention your tenure], and I believe that an adjustment to my HRA would greatly assist me in addressing the rising costs of housing in [City/Location].

I have attached supporting documents, including my current lease agreement and proof of increased rental expenses, for your reference. These documents illustrate the genuine need for an HRA adjustment.

I kindly request that you consider my request for an increase in HRA, which I believe would not only help alleviate my financial burden but also ensure that I can continue to focus on my job responsibilities without any distractions.

I am more than willing to discuss this matter further and provide any additional information or clarification if necessary. Your prompt attention to this request would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

[Your Name] [Employee ID] [Contact Information]

Template house rent allowance (hra) request due to relocation.

Subject: Request for House Rent Allowance (HRA) Due to Relocation

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request the inclusion of House Rent Allowance (HRA) in my compensation package following my recent relocation to [New City/Location] due to [briefly explain the reason for relocation, such as a company transfer or project assignment].

As part of my role within [Company Name], I have been assigned to [mention the specific project or department] in [New City/Location]. This relocation was essential for the successful completion of my job responsibilities and to support the company's objectives. However, it has resulted in a significant increase in my housing expenses.

I have attached all necessary documentation, including my new lease agreement and details of the higher rental costs in [New City/Location], to substantiate my request. I believe that granting me HRA in line with the prevailing rates in my new location would be fair and greatly appreciated.

I am committed to contributing effectively to [Company Name]'s success in my new role, and an adjustment in my compensation package would help me maintain my focus on work without being burdened by the increased living expenses.

I am available for any discussions or clarifications you may require regarding this request. Your prompt attention to this matter would be highly valued.

Thank you for your consideration.

Template Request for House Rent Allowance (HRA) Due to Rent Increase

Subject: Request for House Rent Allowance (HRA) Due to Rent Increase

I trust this message finds you in good health. I am writing to formally request an adjustment to my House Rent Allowance (HRA) due to a recent increase in my rental expenses.

As you know, I have been a dedicated member of the [Company Name] team for [mention your tenure], and I have always strived to excel in my role. However, the cost of living has significantly risen in [City/Location], leading to a substantial increase in my monthly rent. This unexpected financial strain has made it challenging to maintain my current living standards while meeting my financial obligations.

I have enclosed the necessary documents, including my updated lease agreement and proof of the rent increase, to support my request for an HRA adjustment. I believe that aligning my HRA with the current market rates will not only alleviate my financial burden but also enable me to continue performing at my best within the organization.

I am open to discussing this matter further and providing any additional information if required. Your understanding and timely response to this request would be greatly appreciated.

Template House Rent Allowance (HRA) Adjustment Request for New Accommodation

Subject: Request for House Rent Allowance (HRA) Adjustment for New Accommodation

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request an adjustment to my House Rent Allowance (HRA) as I have recently relocated to new accommodation in [City/Location] due to [briefly explain the reason for the move, such as a change in family size or safety concerns].

My commitment to [Company Name] remains unwavering, and I am dedicated to contributing to the success of our organization. However, the move to new accommodation has resulted in a significant increase in my housing expenses, which I had not anticipated when initially joining the company.

I have attached all relevant documentation, including my new lease agreement and details of the higher rental costs, to substantiate my request. I believe that an adjustment in my HRA to reflect the increased rental expenses would be equitable and greatly assist me in maintaining my performance and focus on my job responsibilities.

I am available for any discussions or clarifications you may require regarding this request. Your prompt attention to this matter would be highly appreciated.

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at Englishtemplates.com . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at englishtemplates.com. Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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Sample Request Letter for Housing Allowance from Company

Below are the templates of requests for housing allowance from companies or employers. We provide templates. Please let us know in the comments if you need any type of templates for your personal, business, or school needs.

Template 1: Basic Request for Housing Allowance

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Employer’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Request for Housing Allowance

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a housing allowance as a part of my compensation package at [Company Name]. Given the rising costs of housing in [City/Location], I believe a housing allowance would greatly assist me in maintaining a suitable living arrangement closer to my workplace.

I have been a dedicated and committed employee at [Company Name] for [Duration of Employment]. Throughout my time here, I have consistently demonstrated my commitment to the company’s success and have always given my best effort to contribute positively.

Considering the distance between my current residence and the workplace, along with the increasing expenses of housing in the area, I kindly request your consideration for a housing allowance. This allowance would significantly alleviate financial strain and enhance my overall productivity by reducing commuting time and stress.

I am open to discussing the details of the housing allowance, including the amount and any necessary documentation, at your earliest convenience. Your support in this matter would greatly impact my work-life balance and job satisfaction.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this matter further.

[Your Name] [Employee ID] [Signature (if submitting a physical letter)]

Template 2: Request for Housing Allowance with Justification

Subject: Request for Housing Allowance – Justification Provided

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to formally request a housing allowance as a component of my compensation package with [Company Name]. I believe that a housing allowance would be a valuable addition to my benefits package based on the following considerations:

  • Increased Commute Time: Over the years, the commute to work has become increasingly time-consuming and stressful due to the growing traffic congestion in [City/Location]. A housing allowance would enable me to secure a residence closer to the workplace, thereby reducing my daily commute and enhancing my overall productivity.
  • Market Trends: The cost of housing in our region has significantly risen, making it challenging to secure suitable accommodations within a reasonable budget. A housing allowance would help bridge the financial gap, allowing me to maintain a comfortable living standard that aligns with my dedication to [Company Name].
  • Work-Life Balance: By residing closer to the office, I would have more time to invest in personal and professional development activities, contributing positively to my work-life balance and overall job satisfaction.

I have been honored to contribute to the success of [Company Name] over the past [Duration of Employment] and remain committed to its growth and prosperity. I believe that a housing allowance would not only recognize my efforts but also further motivate me to excel in my role.

I kindly request a meeting to discuss the possibility of including a housing allowance in my compensation package. I am open to providing any additional information or documentation necessary to support this request. Your consideration and support are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Template 3: Request for Housing Allowance Due to Relocation

Subject: Request for Housing Allowance – Relocation Circumstances

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a housing allowance as part of my compensation package at [Company Name]. The purpose of this request is to assist with the relocation expenses and costs associated with establishing a new residence closer to my new work location.

As you may be aware, I am currently undergoing a significant transition due to a recent relocation of my department or role. This transition requires me to relocate my residence to [City/Location] in order to fulfill my responsibilities effectively. The process of finding suitable housing and settling into a new environment involves substantial financial considerations.

A housing allowance would greatly alleviate the financial burden associated with relocating and setting up a new residence. It would enable me to focus on my responsibilities without the added stress of managing the substantial costs associated with relocating.

I am committed to the continued success of [Company Name] and look forward to contributing positively to the team in my new role. I kindly request your consideration of this housing allowance request, given the unique circumstances surrounding my relocation.

I am available at your convenience to discuss this matter further and provide any additional information you may require. Your support in this endeavor would greatly enhance my ability to transition smoothly and seamlessly into my new role.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Template 4: Request for Housing Allowance – Cost of Living Adjustment

Subject: Request for Housing Allowance – Cost of Living Adjustment

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to formally request a housing allowance as part of my compensation package at [Company Name]. The purpose of this request is to address the rising cost of living in [City/Location], which has made it increasingly challenging to maintain a suitable standard of living.

I have been a dedicated employee at [Company Name] for [Duration of Employment] and have consistently demonstrated my commitment to the company’s goals and objectives. However, the escalating expenses related to housing have placed a significant strain on my financial situation.

A housing allowance would provide essential relief from the burden of high housing costs and would allow me to allocate more resources towards my professional and personal development. By assisting with housing expenses, this allowance would ultimately contribute to my overall well-being and job satisfaction.

I kindly request your consideration of this housing allowance request, taking into account the current cost of living in [City/Location]. I am more than willing to provide any necessary documentation or engage in further discussions to facilitate the process.

Thank you for your time and understanding. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this matter further.

Template 5: Request for Housing Allowance – Long-Term Commitment

Subject: Request for Housing Allowance – Demonstrating Long-Term Commitment

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a housing allowance as an integral part of my compensation package at [Company Name]. My purpose in making this request is to underscore my long-term commitment to both my role and the continued success of our organization.

Throughout my tenure at [Company Name], which spans over [Duration of Employment], I have consistently strived to contribute positively to our team’s objectives and to uphold the company’s values. As I look ahead, I am eager to deepen my involvement and play an even more significant role in achieving our shared goals.

Considering the dynamic nature of our industry and the evolving demands of my responsibilities, I am convinced that a housing allowance would substantially enhance my ability to focus on my work. It would alleviate the financial pressures associated with maintaining suitable housing in [City/Location], allowing me to dedicate more energy and time to my professional endeavors.

I firmly believe that this housing allowance would further strengthen the bond between me and [Company Name], reinforcing my commitment to our mutual success. I am open to discussing the specifics of the allowance and any documentation required to facilitate this process.

I kindly request your thoughtful consideration of this request, recognizing that this housing allowance would be a tangible expression of the organization’s appreciation for my dedication and an investment in our collective future.

Thank you for your time and attention. I am eager to engage in a conversation to explore this possibility further.

Please remember to personalize these templates by filling in your specific details, such as your name, address, company details, and relevant dates. Additionally, you may want to adjust the language and tone to match your unique circumstances and the company culture.

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Request Email for House Rent Allowance – Sample Email Requesting HRA

Request Email for House Rent Allowance – Sample Email Requesting HRA

To:        _________@____.__ (Receiver’s email address) Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__ (Bcc/ Cc receiver’s email address)

From:   _________@____.__ (Sender’s email address)

Subject: Request for House Rent Allowance

My name is ___________ (name), and I am working as _________ (designation) in your reputed company for the last ___________ (duration). My employee ID is _________ (mention your employee ID).

I am writing this email with the utmost respect to inform you that I am entitled to avail the house rental allowance that is being offered by the company to employees. Respected, I belong to __________ (state name/city name), and I have moved to this city for official/job purposes. I am residing in a rented property and therefore entitled to the rental allowance from your end.

I kindly request you to proceed with the same and grant me the rental allowance. I shall be obliged. As per the requirements, I am attaching a copy of _________ (my rental agreement/ID card/any other).

Thanking you,

Yours truly, ___________ (Your name), ___________ (Employee ID)

Incoming Search Terms:

  • Sample Request Email for House Rent Allowance - Template and Format
  • Requesting House Rent Allowance: Sample Email and Format
  • House Rent Allowance Request Letter: Sample Template and Example
  • How to Write a Request for HRA - Sample Email and Tips
  • House Rent Allowance Application: Sample Email Request and Guide

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The Number 1 Letter Writing Website in the world

Request Letter for Allowance

Last Updated On March 3, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

Occasionally, an employee can request an allowance if assigned duties away from the work station or to perform the duties of a coworker. Other types of allowances are housing, transport, travel, and medical allowance. Employers have provisions to manage allowances.

When an employee assumes more responsibilities, the employer can make arrangements to offer the employee allowance. Under such arrangements, the employee can write a request letter for allowance. This letter is addressed to the employer or the relevant authority responsible for making payments.

A request letter for allowance is applicable when the company has a policy that manages allowance or the employer has made such arrangements. This is a formal document to notify your employer that you are eligible for an allowance based on the current circumstances. It is important for reference to the employer of the amount of money you are requesting and the reason for the request.

Tips for writing a request letter for allowance

  • Acquaint yourself with the employer’s contract or company’s policy to determine provisions for allowance
  • State precisely the reason for the request
  • Ensure the format and content of the letter are formal
  • Address the letter to the relevant authority
  • Write the letter in a professional  and polite language
  • Be straight to the point

Request Letter for Allowance Template

If you have been taking more workload than usual, you can request for an allowance. See the request letter for allowance template and sample letters that you can customize to your needs.


Date (date on which letter is written)



Dear _________________,

My name is ____________, an employee with your company ____________ in the department of ____________. I have worked with your company for ____________ years and I take pride in being part of your team. I hereby write this letter to request for my ____________ allowance of ____________ which is due for ____________.

I have brought this matter to the attention of ____________ but as of today ____________ the payment has not been made to my bank account. I submit all my bills in good time hence this cannot the cause of the problem.

This problem is putting me in a difficult financial position because this has been the arrangement since I joined the company. Additionally, employees in my job group ____________ are eligible for this allowance as stipulated in the employees’ policy.

I have visited the bank and they say that the payment has not been made yet. Kindly take up this issue with the relevant party so that I can have my ____________ allowance by the latest ____________. I herewith attach documents on when the last payment was made and receipts of the pending bills.

Please help me solve this matter at the earliest.

Thank you.  

Yours sincerely,


Request Letter for Allowance Samples

If you have no idea how to write an allowance request letter, check out our free request letter for allowance sample that you can use to tailor a professional and convincing letter to your employer.

Dane Leblanc,

50 Corona Ave.

Fair Lawn, NJ 07410

United States

Date:____________ (Date on which letter is written)

Troy Coffey,

Nampack Ltd

76 Prince Ave.

Millville, NJ 08332

Sub; Request for travel allowance

Dear Mr. Coffey,

My name is Dane Leblanc an employee with Nampack Ltd in the department of occupational health and safety. I hereby write this letter with respect to the travel allowance which is due for the last month and not yet received. 

I traveled to Denmark on 21 st November 2019 to represent the company in a conference and workshop about the health and safety of employees’ in the workplace. The conference was a success and our company was recognized to have good policies to protect employees in the workplace. 

Before I left for Denmark, the human resource manager assured me that I will get my travel allowance of $5,000 when I get back since the attendance invitation was received late. However, this allowance has not been paid as of today 30 th January 2020. Kindly receive the agreement attached herewith.

Please look into this matter in person to help me solve this problem. 

Yours Truly,

Dane Leblanc

Sub: Requesting for allowance

Dear Mr. Winton,

I want to bring to your kind attention that I have not received my medical and transport benefit till now.  I have been serving your organization for the past ten years, and it has happened to me for the first time. I have submitted all my bills to the Accounts department in time, but till now, my allowance has not been credited into my bank account. The total amount needs to be credited $4000 for the month of July-August.

I would request you to please look into the matter and get the needful done at the earliest. I am enclosing the copies of the bill for your reference.

Your promptness in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Thanking you,


Marc Steven

Request Letter for Allowance Email Formats

Are you wondering how to approach your employer with an allowance request? Have a look at the email sample of request letter for allowance that you can use to write a professional request to your boss.

Dear HR Manager,

My name is Gus Mcintosh and I am a dedicated employee of Kevian Industries for five years. I hereby write this letter to request for my housing allowance for September to December 2019. Employees in my job group P3 are eligible monthly housing allowance as stated in the company’s employees policy. Unfortunately, I have not received my allowance for September to December.

I have submitted my monthly bills to the finance department for the above stated months but still the payments have not been made of $10,000. Over the past years, this problem has never occurred. I am in a tough position of being evicted from my house that I have lived for over ten years. Additionally, I have visited the bank several times but my account has not been accredited. 

I wish to request that you look into this matter personally and do the needful. I would be very grateful to have my housing allowance by the end of the week. Please contact me on my cell 362-438-4720 if you have any updates on this issue.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

Gus Mcintosh

I want to bring to your kind attention that I have not received my medical and transport allowance till now.  I have been serving your organization for the past ten years, and it has happened to me for the first time. I have submitted all my bills to the Accounts department in time, but till now, my allowance has not been credited into my bank account. The total amount needs to be credited $4000 for the month of July-August.

Different employers offer various allowance provisions to their employees. Sometimes the allowance can be delayed or not given as agreed. When writing a request for allowance, it is essential to address the recipient in a polite language, acquaint yourself with allowance provisions, and use formal content. 

Additionally, be clear on the amount due, the reason for the request, and address the request to the relevant party.

Megha Kothari

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What is House Rent Allowance: HRA Exemption, Tax Deduction, Rules & Regulations

Updated on : Jul 31st, 2024

In a salaried individual's compensation package, one crucial element is the House Rent Allowance (HRA). It's a significant benefit provided by employers to cover a portion of an employee's rental expenses for their residence. This article aims to explain the significance and extent of the deduction permissible for HRA.

What is HRA (House Rent Allowance)?

House Rent Allowance (HRA) is an allowance (part of CTC) given by your employer to help you cover the cost of living in a rented accommodation . 

Is HRA Taxable?

HRA is a part of your salary income and therefore, it is initially considered as your taxable income. However, if you live in a rented accommodation, you can claim a tax exemption either – partially or wholly under Section 10(13A) of the Income Tax Act. This is popularly known as HRA exemption. If you don’t live in a rented accommodation, this allowance is fully taxable.

Please note that the tax exemption of house rent allowance is not available in case you choose the new tax regime .  

HRA for Self-Employed Individuals

Individuals who are self-employed cannot claim HRA but they can avail tax deductions towards the rented accommodation under Section 80GG .

HRA for Salaried Individuals 

Section 10(13A) of the Income Tax Act allows salaried individuals to claim exemptions for House Rent Allowance (HRA). As this allowance is a significant part of an individual's salary, it is important to follow the company's policies regarding the claiming of HRA. Rule 2A of the Income Tax Rules prescribes the quantum of exemption admissible.

How to Claim HRA Exemption?

To claim HRA exemption, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Live in rented accommodation.
  • Receive HRA as part of your CTC
  • Submit valid rent receipts and proof of rent payments.
  • The HRA exemption calculation will depend on various factors like salary, rent paid, HRA received by the employee and city of residence of employee.

How to Calculate HRA Exemption?

The lowest of the following amounts can be claimed as HRA exemption:

  • Actual HRA received  
  • 50% of [basic salary + DA] for those living in metro cities ( Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai or Chennai)
  • 40% of [basic salary + DA] for those living in non-metros
  • Actual rent paid (-) 10% of [basic salary + DA]

HRA Calculator

Can I Claim HRA and Deduction on Home Loan Interest?

Yes, you may claim both HRA exemption and home loan interest deduction.

There can be two situations where you are living in a rented house while owning a house. 

The rented house and the owned house are located in the same city

Here, you need to justify the claim of deduction with valid reasons, i.e., why you are not living in your own house. One case may be that the office location is very far from the house you own. This way, you can claim both HRA and Home loan benefits subject to the fulfilment of applicable conditions.

The rented and owned house is located in different cities

Here, you are eligible to claim tax benefits if you had to shift to another city due to job requirements.

When Do You Need a Landlord’s PAN?

If you have taken a house on rent and are making a payment of over Rs.1 lakh annually – remember to provide the landlord’s PAN. Else, you may lose out on the HRA exemption.

Landlords without a PAN must sign a self declaration stating he does not have a PAN, as per circular No. 8/2013 dated 10 October 2013.

Tenants paying rent to NRI landlords must remember to deduct TDS of 30% before making the payment towards rent. 

Click here to know more .

What If I Don’t Receive an HRA?

If you pay rent for living in a residential accommodation but do not receive an HRA from your employer, you can still claim the deduction under Section 80GG. Conditions that must be fulfilled to claim this deduction:

  • You are self-employed or salaried
  • You have not received HRA at any time during the year for which you are claiming 80GG  
  • The expenditure incurred by you on rent of accommodation should exceed 10% of your total income
  • You or your spouse or your minor child or HUF of which you are a member – do not own any residential accommodation where you currently reside, perform duties of office or employment or carry on business or profession.

If you own any residential property other than the place mentioned above, you should not claim the benefit of that property as self-occupied. The other property would be deemed to be let out to claim the 80GG deduction.

Click here to know more on Section 80GG.


Mr Anwar, employed in New Delhi, has taken up an accommodation on rent for which he pays Rs.15,000 per month during the Financial Year (FY) 2023-24. He receives a basic salary of Rs.25,000 monthly and DA of Rs.2,000, which forms a part of the salary. He also gets an HRA of Rs.1 lakh from his employer during the year.

Let us understand the HRA component that would be exempt from income tax during FY 2023-24. As per the given data, calculate the following:

HRA would be the lowest of the following:

  • HRA received – Rs.1 lakh
  • 50% of basic salary and DA – Rs.1,62,000 (50%*(Rs 25,000+Rs 2,000)*12 months)
  • Rent paid minus 10% of salary- Rs.1,47,600 

Therefore, the entire rent amount of Rs.1,80,000 paid by Mr Anwar is not directly exempt. It involves calculations, and the lowest of the three calculated amounts will be exempt from income tax.

Therefore, the entire HRA received from the employer is exempt from income tax.

How to Claim HRA When Living With Parents?

Let’s understand this with an example.

Samiksha works in an MNC in Bangalore. Though her company provides her with HRA, she lives with her parents in their house and not in rented accommodation. How can she make use of this allowance?

Samiksha can pay rent to her parents and claim the allowance provided. She has to enter into a rental agreement with her parents and transfer money to them every month. Also, Samiksha’s parents need to report the rent   paid by their daughter as their income in their  income tax return . They can save tax on the family income if their other income is below the basic exemption limit or taxable at a lower tax slab.

Things that are necessary in this arrangement

  • Rental agreement 
  • Transfer of rent amount, preferably via bank transfer
  • Reporting of rental income by their parents by filing an income tax return.

Click here to read more about claiming HRA when living with parents.

How to Claim Deduction Under Section 80GG?

The least of the following will be exempted from tax:

  • Rs.5,000 per month;
  • 25% of adjusted total income*;
  • Actual rent should be less than 10% of adjusted total income*

*Adjusted total income is calculated as Gross total income after adjusting deducting all deductions except deduction under section 80GG.

Also read about: Basic Salary UAN Login Last Date to File ITR   Section 115BAC of Income Tax Act   Income Tax Deductions List How to e verify ITR   Annual Information Statement (AIS) Section 80D   Home Loan Tax Benefit Leave Travel Allowance

Frequently Asked Questions

You can only claim tax exemption on HRA if the HRA component is part of your salary and paying rent for your residential accommodation.

 You can claim HRA exemption by submitting proof of rent receipts to your employer. Alternatively, you can claim the HRA exemption yourself while filing your income tax return.

Effortlessly calculate your HRA exemption!  Simply enter your annual basic salary, dearness allowance (DA), and HRA amount from your pay slip into this   HRA calculator . It will instantly calculate and display your exempt HRA amount.

A self-employed individual cannot claim an HRA exemption. Only a salaried individual with an HRA component in their salary package can claim an HRA exemption. 

The employer deducts TDS at the applicable tax slab rates on balance HRA, which is not tax-exempt. 

Salaried employees who receive house rent allowance as a part of salary and pay rent, can claim HRA exemption to reduce their taxable salary wholly or partially.

House rent allowance received by an employee is partially or wholly exempt as per the conditions laid out in Section 10(13A).

Dearness allowance is a component of salary towards adjustment for living costs paid generally to government employees, public sector employees, and pensioners. Dearness allowance is calculated as a percentage of basic salary to cover the impact of inflation.  HRA is a component of salary paid by big employers towards rent payment by the employee. HRA exemption is allowed least of the below :

  • Actual HRA received by the employee
  • 40% of salary for a non-metro city or 50% of salary if the rented property is in metro cities like Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai
  • Actual rent paid should be less than 10% of salary.

For the calculation above, the salary would include basic, dearness allowance (if provided in terms of employment), and a fixed percentage of commission.

The taxable portion of the HRA component should be included as a part of ‘Salary as per Section 17(1)’. 

An exempt portion of the HRA component is to be added under the heading ‘allowances to the extent exempt u/s 10’ (ensure that it is included in salary income u/s 17 (1), 17(2), 17 (3)).  Please note that if you   file ITR online through Cleartax, the software auto-populates the Form 16 component. In such a case, you will just have to verify the amount auto-populated. 

If HRA is not mentioned in Form 16, that means your employer has not provided a separate component of HRA. HRA u/s 10(13A) can be claimed when the employer gives a separate component towards HRA. In the absence of it, you can claim for rent paid under Section 80GG.

HRA can be at most claimed as according to the lowest of these three amounts 

  • Actual house rent allowance received 
  • 40% (in non-metro city) or 50% (in metro city) of the salary 
  • Actual rent paid less than 10% of the salary.

Please note that you can claim HRA if you reside at your parents’ house, provided that you transfer the rent to your parents. In this case, your parents will have to report this rental income in their return of income for taxability purposes.  

If your parents have income less than the basic exemption, they are not liable to pay taxes.  Further, the benefit of HRA can also be claimed if you own a house and are claiming a deduction for principal payment u/s 80C and interest deduction u/s 24. The reason for residing in a rented house should be genuine and valid. The IT department can closely monitor this arrangement.

An HRA certificate is a certificate issued by the government employee for claiming house rent allowance for not being able to avail of a government accommodation according to the prescribed procedure. 

Documents like rent receipts and rental agreements must be submitted to the employer to claim a house rent allowance deduction. If the payment of rent is more than Rs 1 lakh per annum, then the PAN of the landlord must be submitted. Based on these proofs, employers will provide exemption for HRA in Form 16.

While filing returns through Cleartax, you can directly upload Form 16. The details mentioned in Form 16 will auto-populate, including the HRA exemption. However, suppose you don’t have Form 16. In that case, you can add the exempt portion of HRA under the tab Income sources > point 2 exempt allowances under Section 10.

Use   HRA exemption calculator of Cleartax .

It is mandatory to submit rent receipts or a copy of the rental agreement as proof for claiming a house rent allowance deduction.

If you missed submitting rent receipts or a copy of the rental agreement to your employer at the time of proof submission, you can claim the HRA deduction while filing ITR.

In case you miss claiming the HRA while filing your return, you can file a revised return to correct the error before 31st December of the assessment year or completion of assessment, whichever is earlier.

According to Section 10(13A), an employee can claim an HRA deduction maximum up to the actual HRA component received from the employer.

No, Individuals paying rent but not receiving house rent allowance can claim a deduction under Section 80GG. Also, the individual, spouse or children should not own a house property in the place of employment, business or location where the individual ordinarily resides for claiming this deduction.   

About the Author


Ektha Surana

Multitasking between pouring myself coffees and poring over the ever-changing tax laws. Here, I've authored 100+ blogs on income tax and simplified complex income tax topics like the intimidating crypto tax rules, old vs new tax regime debate, changes in debt funds taxation, budget analysis and more. Some combinations I like- tax and content, finance & startups, technology & psychology, fitness & neuroscience. Read more

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Clear offers taxation & financial solutions to individuals, businesses, organizations & chartered accountants in India. Clear serves 1.5+ Million happy customers, 20000+ CAs & tax experts & 10000+ businesses across India.

Efiling Income Tax Returns(ITR) is made easy with Clear platform. Just upload your form 16, claim your deductions and get your acknowledgment number online. You can efile income tax return on your income from salary, house property, capital gains, business & profession and income from other sources. Further you can also file TDS returns, generate Form-16, use our Tax Calculator software, claim HRA, check refund status and generate rent receipts for Income Tax Filing.

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  • Budget 2024

House Rent Allowance (HRA) Exemption Rules & its Tax Benefits

HRA is covered under Section 10(13A)  of Income Tax Act 1961.  Salaried Employees  who live in a  Rented house  can claim HRA to lower their taxes – partially or wholly. The decision of how much HRA needs to be paid is made by employer. Part of Salary is apportioned to HRA.


–  Salaried Individual  only can claim HRA.


(Self employed cannot claim HRA. However Self Employed can also claim deduction of Rent paid under Section 80GG of Income Tax Act 1961.)

–  Stay in Rented Accommodation

(Not living in a self owned).

– Rent paid exceeds 10% of Salary.

– HRA is a part of Salary. 

(Can be seen in Form 16(B) Sr.no. 2 (e).)

– Not paying rent to spouse.


Deduction available is least of the following:  

 i. Actual  HRA Received.

ii. 50% of (Basic salary + DA) for living in Metro Cities (40% for Non Metro Cities).

iii. Actual Rent paid less 10% of Basic Salary + DA

Let us understand with the help of some Examples below:

Actual Rent paid less 10% of Basic Salary + DA


1st:   Rent Receipt  provided by the Landlord.

Rent Receipt

  Note:  If Total Annual Rent paid is  more than Rs. 1,00,000/-  than  PAN

Number of Landlord is Mandatorily to be mentioned.

(If PAN Number is not provided by the Landlord then take   a Declaration  from the landlord of not holding the PAN Number).

2nd:   Rent agreement  should be furnished if demanded by the employer.

3rd:  It is always advisable to pay rent by  Cheque  or  by electronic payment mode.

4. Can Mr. XYZ claim HRA by paying rent to family members?


YES!  HRA can be claimed by paying  Rent to Parents.

Following steps needs to be taken:

  • Mr. XYZ needs to be  make rent agreement  with the Parents.
  • He can  pay rent  to the parents and  claim benefit .
  • He needs to  transfer money  to their bank account.
  • Parents have to  show  that  Income as Rental Income  in Tax return filing.

Please Note:  That HRA  cannot be claimed by paying rent to spouse.



  • HRA Exemption and Home Loan Deduction, Can both be claimed? –  Yes.
  • Two Rented houses in Two different Locations. Can HRA be claimed for Both? –  No, Only for ONE House.
  • Rent Receipt Required? –  Yes, if rent is above Rs. 5000/- per month.
  • HRA includes Electricity/Maintenance Charges? –  No it only includes Rent paid.
  • Does a tenant have to pay TDS on the rent paid to landlord? – Yes TDS @5%, under section 194IB if Rent exceeds Rs. 50,000/- per month.
  • House Rent Allowance
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application letter for hra allowance

Hi, If my parents are staying in a different city in a rented house and I am paying the rentals on behalf of my parents (who are dependant on me). Can I claim HRA on such rental paid for my dependant parents?

Can I claim HRA Exemption under section 80GG if my company has provided accomodation and I am paying rent for accomodation provided to my parents back in home town.

उपयोगी जानकारी

Is there any limit of amount to be paid as rent to parents

Is there any limit on the amount of rent can be paid against a property to parent?

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application letter for hra allowance

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September 2024

The Benefits Navigator is now called the STH Resource Guide

STH Resource Guide for NYC Families & Students in Temporary Housing

Human Resources Administration (HRA)

Where can i go for help, what services do they offer.

The Human Resources Administration is dedicated to fighting poverty and income inequality for New Yorkers in need. HRA provides essential benefits such as food and cash assistance, rental vouchers, and Medicaid.

Use the Access HRA portal to apply for or recertify programs such as SNAP , Cash Assistance , FairFares NYC , health insurance , and more. You can also manage your case by viewing appointments and notices, receiving payments, and uploading documents. If you have questions, dial 311 and ask for ACCESS HRA .

A Homebase Center 

If you’re at risk of getting evicted or need help making ends meet, Homebase can help. They offer emergency grants, information about public benefits, and other services to keep you in your home. Find the Homebase location closest to you and make an appointment.

An HRA Center

Use the HRA Locations map to search for SNAP Centers, Job and Service Centers, and Medicaid offices near you.

Your Shelter

Talk to your case manager about benefits and applying for HRA programs. 

Your Child’s School

Ask the school’s STH Community Coordinator about the support available to your family. They can introduce you to other NYC Department of Education (DOE) staff and shelter staff who can help.

Click an entry to learn more.

A free City ID card

City id card | nyc human resources administration (hra).

IDNYC is a free government-issued photo ID card for people 10 and older who live in NYC. It can help you get City services, museum memberships, and more.

Child support services

Office of child support services, family services | nyc human resources administration (hra).

The Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) makes children the priority through helping mothers, fathers and guardians in opening and maintaining child support cases. A child can get child support until age 21 even if the other parent isn’t involved in the child’s life. Parents who pay child support can get help finding a job and managing their child support debt. Other services are also available.

Financial help to cover the cost and installation of an air conditioner or fan

Cooling assistance benefit, cash & expenses | nyc human resources administration (hra).

The Cooling Assistance benefit helps eligible households buy and install an air conditioner or fan.

Food from pantries and community kitchens

Community food connection, food | nyc human resources administration (hra).

There are ways to get free food quickly – get groceries from a food pantry, or a cooked meal from a community kitchen. Use the Food Help NYC ( https://foodhelp.nyc.gov/ ) map or call 311 to find your closest food pantry and community kitchen.

Get text messages with new job openings

Text 2 work, work | nyc human resources administration (hra).

TXT-2-WORK sends you text messages with new job openings. Many pay above minimum wage and you can choose to get alerts from areas of work that you are interested in working.

Help for adults in danger of abuse, neglect or exploitation

Adult protective services.

APS helps adults in danger of abuse, neglect or exploitation. If you or someone you know needs help, refer them to APS by calling 718-557-1399.

Homes for adults who cannot live alone

Family type homes for adults, housing | nys office of children and family services (ocfs); nyc human resources administration (hra).

Family-Type Home for Adults (FTHA) are state licensed, adult care facilities that offer a comfortable, home-like atmosphere to residents. Residents are dependent adults who require support services, but do not need skilled medical or nursing services.

Long-term care at home

Home care services program, health | nyc human resources administration (hra).

You can get care at home instead of moving into a nursing home. Different types of care include a home nurse, house cleaning, physical therapy, and more depending on your needs.

Low-cost and free health insurance

Health insurance assistance, health | nyc human resources administration (hra); nys department of health (nys doh).

Health insurance helps pay for planned or unexpected medical care. Health insurance options are available to all New Yorkers, even if you are not a citizen. Counselors can help you choose a health insurance plan.

Money for heat and utility expenses

Home energy assistance program.

HEAP helps low-income households meet the cost of heating their homes. The benefit can pay for fuel, your utility source, and heating equipment replacement and repairs. The benefit is paid directly to the heating vendor or utility company. You may be able to get HEAP even if your heat is included in your rent.

Money to buy food

Supplemental nutrition assistance program.

Get help paying for groceries with SNAP, previously known as food stamps. You’ll get money on a debit card that can be used at many grocery stores and farmers markets.

Monthly cash help when you are in need

Cash assistance.

Your family can get cash if you’re in need. Many families will get the funds on a debit card that can be used at any ATM or store where EBT cards are accepted. Some families may only qualify to get funds paid directly to their landlord.

One-time cash help during an emergency

Emergency assistance / one shot deal.

You may be able to get cash help if you cannot pay your bills because you lost your job, are getting less pay from your job, or had another emergency like an unexpected medical situation. This help is called “Emergency Assistance” or a “One Shot Deal.”

Ride for half price

Fair fares nyc.

Fair Fares NYC helps low-income New Yorkers save 50% on public transportation including subway fares, eligible bus fares, and Access-A-Ride paratransit trips.

Services for people with HIV or AIDS

Hiv/aids services administration.

HASA connects people with HIV/AIDS to services that help them live healthier and independent lives.

HRA and Cities Classification

inner banner

Sr. No. Office Memorandum No. Title Date Download
1 2/4/2022-E.II B Compendium of instructions regarding grant of House Rent Allowance to Central Government employees  (1.18 MB)
2 02/04/2018 - E.IIB Re classification of Mathura Vrindavan Municipal Corporation as Y class city for the purpose of grant of HRA regarding  (38.17 KB)
3 2/5/2017-E.IIB Re-classification /Upgradation of Cities/Towns on the basis of Census-2011 for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance to Central Government Employees  (206.59 KB)
4 2/5/2017-E.IIB Dispensation of condition of applying for Government Accommodation and furnishing of No Accommodation Certificate for admissibility of House Rent Allowance.  (222.5 KB)
5 2/05/2018-E.IIB Reimbursement of rent to Government Servant during their temporary stay upto a maximum period of six months in State Bhavans /Guest houses/Departmental Guest Houses run by Central Government/State Governments/Autonomous Organizations etc.  (462.96 KB)
6 2/5/2017-E.IIB Implementation of recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission relating to grant of House Rent Allowance to Central Government employees.  (117.13 KB)
7 2-5-2014-EIIB Re-classification/Upgradation of Cities/Towns on the basis of Cencus-2011 for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance to Central Government Employees  (150.15 KB)
8 2(14)/2010-E.II(B) Re-classification of Saharanpur as "Y" class city for the purpose of House Rent Allowance  (145.6 KB)
9 2(13)/2008-E.II(B) Decision of the Government on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission relating to re-classification of cities/towns for grant of House Rent Allowance(HRA)  (60.49 KB)
10 2(21)/E.II(B)/2004 HRA and Cities Classification as per Census 2001  (566.2 KB)


Website Content Managed by Owned by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India

Designed, Developed and Hosted by National Informatics Centre (NIC )

Last Updated : 4 September, 2024

Visitors : 3473733


Cash Assistance Application Frequently Asked Questions

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Submitting an Application

Cash Assistance Application and Recertification Kit

My Cash Assistance recertification is due and I can’t use ACCESS HRA. How can I recertify?

If you could not recertify on ACCESS HRA, you can recertify now using one of these ways:

  • Mail/Fax : Request a recertification form by phone at 718-557-1399 or download it here: https://on.nyc.gov/ca-recert . Then, mail or fax your completed form to your Benefits Access Center. You can find a location near you at HRA Benefits Access Centers .
  • In person : Complete your recertification at a Benefits Access Center. You can find a location near you at HRA Benefits Access Centers .
  • Phone : Call Infoline at 718-557-1399 to apply over the phone if the other submission options are difficult for you.

I missed the deadline for my Cash Assistance recertification and now I’m afraid I will lose benefits. Can I still recertify?

If you missed your Cash Assistance recertification period, we may still be able to accept your late recertification form if you contact us now using one of these ways:

  • In person : Complete your recertification at an HRA Benefits Access Center. You can find a location near you at https://on.nyc.gov/BAC .
  • Phone : Call Infoline at 718-557-1399 to request a referral to complete your phone recertification if the above submission option is difficult for you.

Who can apply?

Every person, regardless of age, citizenship, immigration status or income, is allowed to apply for Cash Assistance (CA), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Medicaid Assistance (MA). Anyone over the age of 18 may request to establish his/her own CA case, even while residing in his/her parent(s) home.

NOTE: If you have children under the age of 21 living with you, and their other parent does not live with you, you will automatically be referred to Child Support Services.

Do I need to have a Social Security Number (SSN) to be eligible for benefits?

Generally, to be eligible for Cash Assistance benefits, you and all of the members of your household must have a valid Social Security Number (SSN) or show proof of having applied for one. ACCESS HRA keeps all of your information private and secure.

If you are applying for Cash Assistance benefits on behalf of your children and you are an undocumented immigrant you do not need to have or show that you applied for an SSN, and the Agency cannot take unfavorable actions against your household. Your children must have a valid SSN or have applied for one to be eligible for Cash Assistance benefits.

What if I don't have an SSN?

If you are applying for Cash Assistance benefits but do not have a SSN, you may still qualify for benefits if you show proof that you applied for a SSN. A worker will discuss your options for benefits during your initial application interview to process your application and will provide information on how to apply for an SSN if needed. If you are an undocumented immigrant applying for benefits for your children only, you do not have to provide or show proof of applying for an SSN for yourself. Learn how to apply for a Social Security Number and Card .

Will my immigration status impact my eligibility?

Immigration status and eligibility for Cash Assistance is complicated, but you should still apply for benefits if you and your family need them. A worker will evaluate your individual circumstances to determine eligibility. You can apply for and get Cash Assistance benefits for eligible household member(s) even if you or some other members of your household are not eligible for benefits because of immigration status. For example, undocumented parents can apply for Cash Assistance benefits for their documented children and receive benefits for their eligible children. You may be eligible for Cash Assistance Benefits if you are a United States (U.S.) citizen, a noncitizen U.S. national (person born in American Samoa), or a qualified non-citizen (such as a refugee).

The HRA Benefits Access Center staff will provide the needed information to determine if you qualify based upon your immigration status.

Who needs to be on my application for Cash Assistance?

You must include everyone that lives with you on the application, even if they are not applying for benefits.

Note: You should discuss certain living situations with your worker if you have a student that is away from home, or an individual away for military assignment.

What will the application ask?

The application will ask questions about:

  • The people (household members) that live in your home, including their age, relationship to you, and immigration status.
  • The money your household members earn from working at a job or from self-employment.
  • The money your household members receive from other sources, including, but not limited to, money they receive from Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB), Workers' Compensation, Social Security Benefits, Child Support, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
  • The bills and expenses your household pays each month including rent or mortgage payments, electricity, heat, child care or medical bills (paid or unpaid).
  • The resources that are available to your household members, including cash on hand and bank accounts.
  • If any of the household members are enrolled in an institution of higher learning, like college, employment training program, business, or vocational school.

You will be asked to provide proof of some of the answers you have given. Please see the Frequently Asked Question for documentation requirements for more detail.

Is the online Cash Assistance application different from the paper Cash Assistance application?

  • The questions may be asked differently online than on the paper form, but the same information will be required in all cases.
  • Eligibility is determined by the Human Resources Administration (HRA), whether you submit an online application or paper application.
  • The same procedure at HRA is used for applications whether they are submitted in person, online, by fax, or through the mail.

What are the advantages of submitting a completed application online?

  • It might save you time during your interview with the HRA worker. By providing more information in your online application now, your HRA worker may have fewer questions to ask you later.
  • You can work on the application at your own pace.
  • Electronic submission is immediate and does not require mailing time.
  • You can conveniently print out a copy or keep a PDF file of your application responses.

Next Steps/ Completing the Eligibility Process

What do you need to make an eligibility decision on my application?

There are a few steps in the process to complete before a decision can be made:

  • Complete and electronically sign and submit your application online.
  • Your application will be reviewed by an HRA worker, and all individuals 18 years and older must have their eligibility interview to provide all the necessary information
  • Provide documentation of information that requires validation (your worker will let you know what you need to give).
  • Comply with all other requirements discussed with your worker for other appointments.

Note: If you fill out as much of the application as you can before submitting it, it may reduce the amount of time needed to conduct your eligibility interview with an HRA worker.

What if I miss my scheduled interview?

If you miss an interview or don’t call within the first 10 days after you submit, you will receive an automated call and a reminder letter in the mail telling you how to do your interview.

How will I complete my Cash Assistance interview?

Before you can receive benefits, you will need to complete your interview with an HRA worker. After you submit your application, we will tell you what steps to take to complete your interview. You will also receive an automated telephone call as well as a letter in the mail reminding you about how to complete your interview. When submitting your application, it is important to provide phone number(s) where you can be contacted so that we are able to get you the reminder timely.

If you have applied for an emergency benefit or have an immediate need, you should try to have your interview right away.

How can I submit documents for my eligibility?

After you submit your application, a list of documents you may need to provide the Human Resources Administration (HRA) will be shown. This list may be different for each household, depending on what information you provided in your application.

The Cash Assistance Documentation Guide (W-119D) provides a detailed list of documents you can use to verify the information you provided in your application.

During your interview the HRA worker will tell you which types of documents you need to submit to assist in determining your eligibility. The HRA worker will also give you an appointment to return the documents in person to the Benefits Access Center.

You can return documents in several ways:

Option 1: Using the NYC ACCESS HRA mobile app. This is a self-service app that allows you to manage your case on the go. Simply log in to the app with your ACCESS HRA account, go to the "Required Documents" tab and use the "Upload Now" button to get started.

CA clients who do not have an account on ACCESS HRA can also use the NYC HRA Document Upload mobile app to return documents.

Both apps are available via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. For more information, visit the ACCESS HRA Mobile page .

Option 2: You can submit documents to establish your eligibility at a HRA Benefits Access Center, by fax, or by mail.

Find your HRA Benefits Access Center mailing address, telephone number, and fax number.

At a Benefits Access Center, you can visit customer service or use the self-service scanner to submit your documents. Please remember to submit copies of your documents and do not mail originals.

A document receipt will be mailed to you once your documents are processed by HRA.

Do I have to work in order to get benefits?

Am I eligible for Emergency Assistance?

How soon will I get my benefits?

Inquiries/ Check Status

If my application is denied, how soon can I apply again?

You have the right to reapply at any time.

How can I check the status of my Cash Assistance application?

You can check the status of your application on ACCESS HRA on your 'Home' page.

If you have not linked to your ACCESS HRA account with your Human Resources Administration (HRA) case, you will be presented with the "Find My Case" page where you will be asked to enter Date of Birth and Social Security Number OR Client Identification Number (CIN). This will allow HRA to locate your case information.

Case History: You can view all cases for the last 12 months, along with the status of each case by clicking on the "Benefits" menu option at the top of the page.

Case Details: You can view when your recertification is due, request a budget letter, household members on your case and more by clicking on the card with the "View Case" option.

On the Phone

Call Infoline at 718-557-1399 if you have additional question about your case.

In a Center

You can call or visit an HRA Benefits Access Center and request information about your case.

What if I already submitted my application or recertification (by mail, fax, or online)?

There is no need to submit an application online if you have just recently submitted another application for the same program to HRA. You should call for your interview as soon as possible.

Please contact InfoLine at 718-557-1399 to find out the status of your application.

Can I receive text messages or emails about my application or case?

Yes you can!

If you opt-in to receiving text messages and/or emails about your application, and you provide accurate email and cell phone information, you can receive emails and/or text messages about your application and upcoming appointment dates.

First, you will be sent an email from us asking you to confirm your email address. After opening that email and clicking on the link, your email address will be confirmed in our system and you will start receiving emails about your application or case. We will never share your email address or send confidential case information over email.

If you wish to receive text messages about your application or case, please provide a contact number where we can send text messages. Please note that text message rates from your telephone company may apply.

You can update these preference at any time by logging into ACCESS HRA and then clicking on the drop down option; located at the top right section of the page, next to your username or email address and selecting 'Profile'. To edit your information, click the "Update" button on the 'Contact Information' section.

Can I see received notices online?

You can see what notices you recently received for your case by logging onto ACCESS HRA and selecting "E-notices" from the menu option. If you are enrolled in 'Paperless notices', you must read all notices issued to your case within 30 days. Failure to do so will result in your disenrollment in Paperless notices.

Please note: Not all notices for your case are shown on this page. Certain notices will only be received by mail at your 'Mailing Address' on file. In order to view a notice, click the 'View Notice' icon.

HRA will notify you when notices are posted to your ACCESS HRA account. Please note that you can update these preferences at any time by logging into ACCESS HRA and then clicking on the drop down option; located at the top right section of the page, next to your username or email address and selecting 'Profile'. To edit your information, click the "Update" button on the 'Contact Information' section.

How do I request a reasonable accommodation?

Where can I register to vote?

What are the documents I need for my Special Grant request?

Required documents that are requested by the agency can be found on your Documents page. If you recently submitted a Special Grant request on ACCESS HRA, your required documents can also be found on your Next Steps page, which can be accessed via the User Home page.

Please see below links to download blank copies of the required document forms that are available online.

Paying for housing costs I owe

  • W-147Q, Primary Tenant's Statement Regarding Occupancy of Secondary Tenant
  • W-146E, Request to Pay Rent Arrears in Excess of Public Assistance Maximum Shelter Allowance
  • FIA-1211 form, Documentation Guide for Housing Related Special Grant Requests

Learn more about community-based organizations that can help you apply for mortgage assistance

Pay for Utilities You Owe

  • FIA-1104A, Utility Handout

Paying for storage

  • FIA-1127D, Notice to Applicants/Participants of the Revised Storage Fee Process and Allowance Requirements
  • FIA-1127E, NYC Human Resources Administration Family Independence Administration One-Time Approval of Storage Fees Grant for Storage Space Exceeding Limit

Help with Moving

  • W-147CC, Move Statement
  • W-147JJ, Broker's Statement for Fee Payment by Check
  • W-147M, Landlord/Managing Agent's Statement
  • W-147N, Security Voucher
  • NYS FAQ when using licensed movers

Adding a household member

How can I find out more information about assistance programs?

Learn more about New York City's Office of Financial Empowerment, Financial Counseling program .

Learn more about organizations that provide casework services and also help individuals and families locate existing community-based resources such as anti-eviction legal services and short term financial assistance.

Learn more about community based providers that can help you apply for rental assistance .

How do I request help with paying work expenses?

HRA may be able to help you with the expenses for approved work-related activities including job search.

These expenses can include:

  • Necessary Public Transportation
  • Clothing for Participants in Job Search Activities who have Exceptional Circumstances
  • Licensing/Uniform/Durable Goods Fees

When you begin a work activity, you will get help with your related expenses. If your needs change or if you do not get the help you need, you should tell your vendor. If your vendor does not help you, you can submit a request to your HRA Benefits Access Center by phone, fax, mail, or in-person.

For child care allowances, please contact your HRA Benefits Access Center for help.

The Fair Fares NYC program allows eligible New York City residents to receive a 50% discount on subway and eligible bus fares or Access-A-Ride paratransit trips. You can learn more or apply for Fair Fares NYC with Access HRA using any computer, smartphone, or tablet.

How do I apply for Burial Allowance?

HRA may be able to help cover burial expenses after the loss of a relative or friend.The Burial Claims Unit will assist you. Applications must be completed and returned in person within 60 days of death.

Complete and return your application form to the Office of Burial Services Please keep the following in mind the total cost of the funeral must be $1700 or less. HRA may be able to cover up to $900.

Questions? Call us at 718-473-8310

Please bring the following documents with your application

  • Original certified copy of the death certificate
  • Copy of the Funeral Contract
  • Copy of the cemetary or crematory bill
  • Original itemized funeral bill signed by the Funeral Director and notarized
  • Original completed Funeral Director's Affidavit form , if money is still owed for services
  • Information about the assets of the deceased

We may request additional documentation later.

Learn more about Burial Financial Assistance .

How do I get help to fix my boiler or furnace?

Home Energy Assistance Program Phone: 212-331-3126 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm

Case Changes & Emergency Grant requests

What is a case change?

Case changes are when your living situation changes. For example, this could be when you need to change the people on your case, when you move, or when your income changes. You can make a change to your case by logging in to ACCESS HRA and clicking "Request a CA Case Change or Emergency Grant" in the Quick Links navigation on your home page and following the on-screen instructions. Some case changes may change how much benefits you get for your case. For some changes, HRA will let you know if you can make the change to your case (for example, if you are removing a person from your case who is a minor).

What do I do if my income changes?

To report a change in your income, log in to ACCESS HRA and click "Request a CA Case Change or Emergency Grant" in the Quick Links navigation on your home page. Then select "Make changes to your income" and click "Continue." You can make changes to your income by clicking "Edit" next to the income you need to update. You can also add a new type of income. You can do this for income you get from a job, self-employment, Social Security and SSI, Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB), money you get from another person, or income you get from somewhere else.

What do I do if I need to add or remove a person from my case?

To add or remove a person from your case, log in to ACCESS HRA and click "Request a CA Case Change or Emergency Grant" in the Quick Links navigation on your home page. Then select "Change case member(s)" and click "Continue."

If you need to add a person to your case, we will ask you for some information about them, such as their age, relationship to you and their income. We may ask for some documents about this person.

If you need to remove a person from your case, we will ask you if they still live with you. If they do not, we will ask when they left and why they left. If the person is a minor, HRA will let you know if you can remove them from your case. We will also contact you if you pay child support for them.

Can I request more than one change to my case?

Can I request a case change with an emergency grant?

Yes. On the "Case Changes & Emergency Grants" page, just click the case changes and emergency grants that you need. When you select a case change or emergency grant, the box will turn blue and have a check mark. Then click "Continue" and follow the steps we give you.

Can I close my case on ACCESS HRA?

Yes. After logging in, click on the “View Details” button next to your Cash Assistance case. Then, click on the “Close My Case” link in the I Need To section on the left.

How can I tell HRA about a change in my expenses?

You should tell us if you have expenses that you did not include on your application, or if your expenses have changed. These expenses could include rent or mortgage, utilities, child care payments, child support payments, or medical bills.

Currently, you cannot submit a change of your expenses using ACCESS HRA. Instead, please use the ACCESS HRA Mobile App to upload a document that shows the current expense. After you give us this document, HRA may need to contact you for more information about your expense. For a list of documents you could submit for your expenses, please see the W-119D.

What if the case change or special grant request I need is not available on ACCESS HRA?


  1. [ Sample Request Letter For Hra Allowance Cover Templates Free

    application letter for hra allowance

  2. Grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) to Central Government employees

    application letter for hra allowance

  3. HRA Declaration form for all Government employees

    application letter for hra allowance

  4. Hra Landlord Letter: Complete with ease

    application letter for hra allowance

  5. House Rent Allowance Request Letter to Company

    application letter for hra allowance

  6. Revision of rate of House Rent Allowance (HRA): NVS

    application letter for hra allowance


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  1. Request Letter for House Rent Payment from Company

    When drafting a letter to request a house rent allowance from your company's HR manager, clarity and politeness are key. Begin with a respectful salutation and introduce yourself, stating your designation and employee ID for reference. ... application letter for hra allowance; Post navigation. Credit Report Correction Request Letter - Sample ...

  2. House Rent Allowance Request Letter to Company

    House Rent Allowance Request Letter to Company - Sample Letter to Company Requesting for HRA When writing a request letter to your company for a house rent allowance (HRA), it's important to clearly state your name, designation, and employee ID, along with providing details about your current residence and the reason for requesting the allowance. . Attaching relevant documents, such as ID ...

  3. application letter for hra allowance

    Your letter should also include the amount of the allowance you are seeking and any supporting documentation.You can find examples of application letters for HRA allowance online that you can edit to fit your specific needs. Examples of Application Letters for HRA Allowance Example 1: Request for HRA Allowance. Greetings,

  4. Forms and Documents

    Download important information and application forms for rental assistance programs. CityFHEPS Documents. FHEPS Documents. Pathway Home Documents. SOTA Documents. Directory of City Agencies Contact NYC Government City Employees Notify NYC CityStore Stay Connected NYC Mobile Apps Maps Resident Toolkit. NYC.

  5. Urgent Request Letter for Housing Allowance from Company

    Template for Housing Allowance Request. Dear [Recipient's Name], I am writing to formally request a housing allowance as part of my employment compensation. Understanding the company's support for its employees in balancing work-life demands, I believe that a housing allowance would significantly contribute to my stability and continued ...

  6. Application Requesting House Rent Allowance From Company

    Subject: Request for House Rent Allowance (HRA) Adjustment for New Accommodation. Dear [Employer's Name], ... Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at englishtemplates.com. Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the ...

  7. Cash Assistance

    Cash Assistance On-Demand. Once you submit your online cash assistance application or your recertification, call 929-273-1872 anytime between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday to complete your interview. Please remember to upload your documents using the ACCESS HRA app.

  8. Sample Request Letter for Housing Allowance from Company

    Subject: Request for Housing Allowance. Dear [Employer's Name], I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a housing allowance as a part of my compensation package at [Company Name]. Given the rising costs of housing in [City/Location], I believe a housing allowance would greatly assist me in maintaining a suitable ...

  9. Request Email for House Rent Allowance

    House Rent Allowance Application: Sample Email Request and Guide; Categories Request Emails Tags Employee Benefits, Formal Email Format, House Rent Allowance Request, HRA Application, Sample Letter Template. Request Email for Birth Certificate Issuance - Sample Email Requesting Birth Certificate. Request Email for Water Supply Connection ...

  10. House Rent Allowance Request Letter To Company

    Sample House Rent Allowance Request Letter To Company - Sample Letter to Company Requesting for HRAIn this video, you will find a sample House Rent Allowance...

  11. Request Letter for Allowance

    Dear HR Manager, My name is Gus Mcintosh and I am a dedicated employee of Kevian Industries for five years. I hereby write this letter to request for my housing allowance for September to December 2019. Employees in my job group P3 are eligible monthly housing allowance as stated in the company's employees policy.

  12. Cash Assistance

    Burial Allowance. HRA may be able to help cover burial expenses after the loss of a relative or friend. The Office of Burial Services will assist you. This application must be completed and returned by mail, In-person at the new address below, by email at [email protected], or by fax at (917) 639-0476.

  13. What is House Rent Allowance: HRA Exemption, Tax Deduction, Rules

    Section 10(13A) of the Income Tax Act allows salaried individuals to claim exemptions for House Rent Allowance (HRA). As this allowance is a significant part of an individual's salary, it is important to follow the company's policies regarding the claiming of HRA. Rule 2A of the Income Tax Rules prescribes the quantum of exemption admissible.

  14. House Rent Allowance (HRA) Exemption Rules & its Tax Benefits

    1. CONDITIONS FOR CLAIMING HRA EXEMPTION? - Salaried Individual only can claim HRA. (Self employed cannot claim HRA. However Self Employed can also claim deduction of Rent paid under Section 80GG of Income Tax Act 1961.) - Stay in Rented Accommodation. (Not living in a self owned). - Rent paid exceeds 10% of Salary.

  15. Application For House Rent Allowance

    HRA full form is House Rent Allowance. It is a part of your salary provided by the employer for the expenses incurred towards rented accommodation. You can claim HRA exemption only if you are residing in a rented house. HRA exemption is covered under Section 10(13A) along with rule 2A of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

  16. ACCESS HRA Frequently Asked Questions

    ACCESS HRA is an online benefits portal and mobile app for New York City residents. With ACCESS HRA, you can apply or recertify for many HRA benefits, submit documents for your application, manage your case, and much more. You can also submit and keep track of your documents using the NYC ACCESS HRA mobile app.

  17. Human Resources Administration (HRA)

    Access HRA. Use the Access HRA portal to apply for or recertify programs such as SNAP, Cash Assistance, FairFares NYC, health insurance, and more. You can also manage your case by viewing appointments and notices, receiving payments, and uploading documents. If you have questions, dial 311 and ask for ACCESS HRA. A Homebase Center

  18. HealthCare.gov

    Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs): 3 things to know. Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) are account-based health plans that employers can offer to their employees. They reimburse employees for their medical expenses. Your employer may offer you either an. Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (QSEHRA).

  19. Orders & Circulars

    4. 2/5/2017-E.IIB. Dispensation of condition of applying for Government Accommodation and furnishing of No Accommodation Certificate for admissibility of House Rent Allowance. 03/05/2019. Download. (222.5 KB) 5. 2/05/2018-E.IIB. Reimbursement of rent to Government Servant during their temporary stay upto a maximum period of six months in State ...

  20. PDF Certificate to Be Furnished by A Central Government Servant for

    With reference to Headquarter Office Letter No; 07-Estate-10-2007 dated 12.01.2009, I do hereby undertake to refund the HRA sanctioned in my favour in case the present order is superseded by any further order for non-payment & recovery of HRA in the instant category of cases & date as determined on the said superseded order.


    Write: Mail a letter to Office of Administrative Hearings, NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, P.O. Box 1930, Albany, NY 12201-1930 (Please keep a copy for yourself.) Telephone: Call (800) 342-3334 Fax: Fax a letter to (518) 473-6735.

  22. Cash Assistance Application Frequently Asked Questions

    If the help you need is not available on ACCESS HRA, you can make your request by mail, fax, in-person at your Center or by calling Infoline at 718-557-1399. You can also use the ACCESS HRA Mobile App to upload a document in support of your request. This document must have your name, the date, your case number, and your signature.