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Allama Iqbal Essay in Urdu | علامہ اقبال پر مضمون

Allama Iqbal essay in urdu . Doctor Muhammad Iqbal is also known as Allama Iqbal. He was a scholar, poet and diplomat in British India. Iqbal was born on 9 November 1877 and died on 21st April 1938.

He is evaluated as one of the most significant figures in Urdu literature. He is famous for his literary work in both Urdu and Persian languages۔

Allama Iqbal was a poet and thinker. His struggle stimulated the doctrine of self-hood. His poetry dealt with the scholarly and artistic reconstruction of the Islamic world۔

Due to his dream and struggle, On 14 August 1947 , Pakistan became an independent country.

Allama Iqbal essay in Urdu

Allama Iqbal essay in Urdu

 علامہ محمد اقبال ہمارےقومی شاعر ہیں۔آپ 9 نومبر 1877ء کو پاکستان کے شہر سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہو ئے۔ان کے والد کا نام شیخ نور محمد تھا ۔آپ کے والدین نیک دل اور مذہبی خیالات کے مالک تھے

آپ کے خاندان کا تعلق کشمیری پنڈتوں سے تھا۔انہوں نے بہت پہلے اسلام قبول کر لیا تھا۔ ہجرت کے بعد وہ سیالکوٹ میں آباد ہو گئے تھے۔

Allama Iqbal Mazmoon in Urdu

علامہ اقبال کی ابتدائی تعلیم وتربیت ایک دینی مدرسے سے ہوئی۔اس کے بعد آپ سیالکوٹ کے مشن ہائی سکول میں داخل ہو گئے۔اس ادارے میں آپ کو سیدمیرحسن جیسے بہترین استاد ملے۔ جنہوں نے آپ کی تربیت بھی کی اور آپ میں دین سے متعلق ذوق پیدا کیا۔

اقبال نے میٹرک کا امتحان مشن ہائی سکول سے پاس کیااور پھر مرے کالج سیالکوٹ میں داخلہ لے لیا۔وہاں آپ نے ایف۔اے کا امتحان پاس کیااور بی۔اے آپ نے گورنمنٹ کالج لاہور سے کیا اور پنجاب بھر میں اوّل آئے۔

گورنمنٹ کالج لاہور میں آپ کو بہترین اساتذہ سے مستفید ہونے کاموقع ملا جن میں سر فہرست پروفیسر آرنلڈ  کا نام آتا ہے۔ایم۔اے کرنے کے بعد آپ نے تدریس کے شعبے میں اپنی خدمات انجام دیں۔ آپ پہلے اورینٹل کالج اور بھر گورنمنٹ کالج لاہور میں پروفیسر رہے۔اس کے بعد اعلیٰ تعلیم حاصل کرنےکے لیے1905ء میں آپ انگلستان روانہ ہو گئے۔

انگلستان میں اقبال نےکیمبرج یونیورسٹی سے بارایٹ لا کی ڈگری حاصل کی۔ اس کے بعد جرمنی کی میونح یونیورسٹی سے پی۔ایچ۔ڈی کی ڈگری حاصل کی۔ بالآخر آپ 1908ء میں وطن واپس آگئے۔علامہ اقبالؒ کو اپنے استاد پروفیسر آرنلڈ سے بہت عقیدت تھی۔قیام انگلستان  کے دوران  اقبال نےپروفیسر آرنلڈ کے کہنے پر اپنی شاعری کے فن کو بھی جاری رکھا

اقبال کو شعر و شاعری سے بہت لگاو تھا۔آپ کی لکھی گئ نظمیں سیاسی جلسوں اور ادبی حلقوں میں بڑے شوق اور جذبے سے پڑھی جاتی تھیں۔

Allama Iqbal essay in urdu

علامہ اقبال کے ابتدائی دور کی شاعری قدرتی مناظراور  وطن سے محبت کا اظہار ہے۔ ”کشمیر“ جیسی نظموں میں انہوں نے پرندوں ، پہاڑوں ،ندیوں اور قدرت کے خوبصورت مناظر کے بارے میں لکھا ہے۔ گزرتے وقت کے ساتھ ان کی شاعری میں پختگی اورنکھار آتا گیا۔اپنی شاعری کے زریعے،اقبال نے سوئی ہوئی قوم کوخواب غفلت سے بیدار کر کے مذہبی اور سیاسی شعور بیدار کیا۔

اقبال نے ایک شاعر کی حیثیت سے بے پناہ شہرت حاصل کی۔ خصوصا ان کا مکالمہ مابین خدا اور انسان”شکوہ“ اور ”جوابِ شکوہ“ بہت مشہور ہے۔ ان کی بہترین  کتابیں بانگ درا ، بال جبریل اور ضربِ کلیم ہیں۔ اقبال گہری مذہبی سوچ کے حامل اور بہترین مفکر تھے۔

انہوں نے بچوں کے لئے بھی کئ نظمیں لکھیں۔ان میں بچّےکی دُعا ،ایک پہاڑ اور گلہری اور پرندے کی فریاد شامل ہیں۔آپ نے 21 اپریل 1938ء کو وفات پائی۔اقبال کا مزار  لاہور میں واقع ہے۔

In his 1930 presidential lecture at the Muslim League’s annual meeting in Allahabad, he developed a political framework for Muslims in India. After the creation of Pakistan in 1947, Iqbsl was titled the national poet ۔

In his special speech on 30 December 1930, Iqbal summarized a perception of a self-sufficient state for Muslim-majority regions in northwestern India۔

Because of his understanding and awareness, people soon started calling him ‘Allama’ Iqbal. In 1923, King George V of Britain awarded him with the title of Allama ‘Sir’ Muhammad Iqbal

He was a poet, scholar, reformer, philosopher, and great Islamic visionary. Not only this but also he was the developer of the Ideology of Pakistan.


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Allama Iqbal Essay in Urdu | علامہ اقبال پر مضمون

Allama Iqbal Essay in Urdu

Allama Iqbal is one of the most prominent figures in Urdu literature and Pakistani history. Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal was a renowned poet, mystic, philosopher, and political activist who was pivotal in the Pakistan Movement. Today we wrote about allama iqbal essay in Urdu with headings, pdf, and quotations for classes 3,6,4,5,7,8,9, and 10th in easy and short wording 2023.

My favorite personality essay allama iqbal, we will explore Allama Iqbal’s life, achievements, and legacy, highlighting his enduring impact on modern Pakistani society. He emphasized the concept of “Khudi” (selfhood) and urged Muslims to rediscover their spiritual identity. His vision of a separate Muslim state inspired the creation of Pakistan in 1947. Allama Iqbal’s contributions continue to influence the Muslim world and his legacy remains a significant part of Pakistani culture.

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Iqbal’s Essay Conclusion

Allama Iqbal was a visionary leader who made an indelible impact on the history of Pakistan and the globe. His poetry and ideas continue to inspire and drive others to this day. His philosophy of self-reliance, tenacity, and compassion for everyone has become a cornerstone of Pakistani society, and his legacy will be remembered for years.

What was Allama Iqbal’s educational background?

Allama Iqbal received his early education in Sialkot and later studied at Government College Lahore. He then went to England to study law and philosophy at Cambridge University. Iqbal also received a Ph.D. from the University of Munich in Germany.

What is the significance of Allama Iqbal’s poetry?

Allama Iqbal’s poetry is considered to be a cornerstone of Pakistani literature and culture. His poetry is known for its deep philosophical and spiritual insights, as well as its political relevance. His message of self-reliance, determination, and compassion for all has become a guiding light for individuals and nations alike.

What was Allama Iqbal’s political affiliation?

Allama Iqbal was associated with the All India Muslim League, which was a political party that advocated for the rights of Muslims in India. He was a vocal supporter of the idea of a separate Muslim state in India, which eventually led to the creation of Pakistan.

Why is Allama Iqbal our National Hero?

Allama Iqbal is considered a national hero due to his contributions to the creation of Pakistan, his inspirational poetry, and his leadership in advocating for the rights of Muslims in the Indian subcontinent.

Allama Iqbal Born and Death date?

Allama Iqbal, whose full name was Sir Muhammad Iqbal, was born on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, Punjab, British India (now Pakistan). He passed away on April 21, 1938, in Lahore, Punjab, British India (now Pakistan).

Which gave the message of Allama Iqbal for contemporary society?

1 : Unity and Brotherhood 2 : Self-Realization and Self-Respect 3 : Education and Enlightenment 4 : Social Justice and Equality 5 : Environmental Consciousness

Who was Allama Iqbal?

Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877–1938) was a renowned philosopher, poet, and politician from British India. He is considered one of the most important figures in Urdu and Persian literature and is often referred to as “Mufakkir-e-Pakistan” (The Thinker of Pakistan) and “Shair-e-Mashriq” (The Poet of the East).

What is Iqbal’s poetry known for?

Iqbal’s poetry is known for its philosophical depth, spiritual insight, and the use of symbolism. He explored various themes such as self-awareness, Islamic philosophy, the concept of selfhood (Khudi), and the challenges faced by Muslims in the modern world. His Persian and Urdu poetry is widely read and has inspired people across generations.

What is Iqbal’s concept of Khudi (selfhood)?

Iqbal’s concept of Khudi revolves around the idea of individual self-realization and self-empowerment. He believed that individuals should strive to recognize their unique potential and talents, and through this self-awareness, they could contribute positively to society and achieve personal growth.

What are some famous works of Allama Iqbal?

Some of Iqbal’s famous works include the poetry collections “Bang-e-Dara” (The Call of the Marching Bell), “Asrar-e-Khudi” (Secrets of the Self), and “Zabur-e-Ajam” (Persian Psalms). His poem “Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri” is a well-known expression of hope and aspiration.

How is Iqbal remembered in Pakistan today?

Allama Iqbal is revered in Pakistan as a national poet and philosopher. His birthday, November 9th, is celebrated as a national holiday, and various events are held to honor his contributions. His poetry and philosophy continue to be taught in schools and universities, and his ideas remain relevant to discussions about identity, society, and spirituality.

Note : I hope you enjoy reading this short, small, and easy essay and the best poetry on Allama Iqbal in the Urdu language for classes 3,6,4,5,7,8,9, and others. you can also read

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