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PhD Program

A PhD degree in Physics is awarded in recognition of significant and novel research contributions, extending the boundaries of our knowledge of the physical universe. Selected applicants are admitted to the PhD program of the UW Department of Physics, not to a specific research group, and are encouraged to explore research opportunities throughout the Department.

Degree Requirements

Typical timeline, advising and mentoring, satisfactory progress, financial support, more information.

Applicants to the doctoral program are expected to have a strong undergraduate preparation in physics, including courses in electromagnetism, classical and quantum mechanics, statistical physics, optics, and mathematical methods of physics. Further study in condensed matter, atomic, and particle and nuclear physics is desirable. Limited deficiencies in core areas may be permissible, but may delay degree completion by as much as a year and are are expected to remedied during the first year of graduate study.

The Graduate Admissions Committee reviews all submitted applications and takes a holistic approach considering all aspects presented in the application materials. Application materials include:

  • Resume or curriculum vitae, describing your current position or activities, educational and professional experience, and any honors awarded, special skills, publications or research presentations.
  • Statement of purpose, one page describing your academic purpose and goals.
  • Personal history statement (optional, two pages max), describing how your personal experiences and background (including family, cultural, or economic aspects) have influenced your intellectual development and interests.
  • Three letters of recommendation: submit email addresses for your recommenders at least one month ahead of deadline to allow them sufficient time to respond.
  • Transcripts (unofficial), from all prior relevant undergraduate and graduate institutions attended. Admitted applicants must provide official transcripts.
  • English language proficiency is required for graduate study at the University of Washington. Applicants whose native language is not English must demonstrate English proficiency. The various options are specified at: https://grad.uw.edu/policies/3-2-graduate-school-english-language-proficiency-requirements/ Official test scores must be sent by ETS directly to the University of Washington (institution code 4854) and be received within two years of the test date.

For additional information see the UW Graduate School Home Page , Understanding the Application Process , and Memo 15 regarding teaching assistant eligibility for non-native English speakers.

The GRE Subject Test in Physics (P-GRE) is optional in our admissions process, and typically plays a relatively minor role.  Our admissions system is holistic, as we use all available information to evaluate each application. If you have taken the P-GRE and feel that providing your score will help address specific gaps or otherwise materially strengthen your application, you are welcome to submit your scores. We emphasize that every application will be given full consideration, regardless of whether or not scores are submitted.

Applications are accepted annually for autumn quarter admissions (only), and must be submitted online. Admission deadline: DECEMBER 15, 2024.

Department standards

Course requirements.

Students must plan a program of study in consultation with their faculty advisor (either first year advisor or later research advisor). To establish adequate breadth and depth of knowledge in the field, PhD students are required to pass a set of core courses, take appropriate advanced courses and special topics offerings related to their research area, attend relevant research seminars as well as the weekly department colloquium, and take at least two additional courses in Physics outside their area of speciality. Seeking broad knowledge in areas of physics outside your own research area is encouraged.

The required core courses are:

/ /   Electromagnetism
/ / Quantum Mechanics
/ Statistical Mechanics
Classical Mechanics
Introduction to Research
Independent Study/Research

In addition, all students holding a teaching assistantship (TA) must complete Phys 501 / 502 / 503 , Tutorials in Teaching Physics.

Regularly offered courses which may, depending on research area and with the approval of the graduate program coordinator, be used to satisfy breadth requirements, include:

  • Phys 506 Numerical Methods
  • Phys 555 Cosmology & Particle Astrophysics
  • Phys 507 Group Theory
  • Phys 557 High Energy Physics
  • Phys 511 Topics in Contemporary Physics
  • Phys 560 Nuclear Theory
  • Phys 520 Quantum Information
  • Phys 564 General Relativity
  • Phys 550 Atomic Physics
  • Phys 567 Condensed Matter Physics
  • Phys 554 Nuclear Astrophysics
  • Phys 570 Quantum Field Theory

Graduate exams

Master's Review:   In addition to passing all core courses, adequate mastery of core material must be demonstrated by passing the Master's Review. This is composed of four Master's Review Exams (MREs) which serve as the final exams in Phys 524 (SM), Phys 514 (EM), Phys 518 (QM), and Phys 505 (CM). The standard for passing each MRE is demonstrated understanding and ability to solve multi-step problems; this judgment is independent of the overall course grade. Acceptable performance on each MRE is expected, but substantial engagement in research allows modestly sub-par performance on one exam to be waived. Students who pass the Master's Review are eligible to receive a Master's degree, provided the Graduate School course credit and grade point average requirements have also been satisfied.

General Exam:   Adequate mastery of material in one's area of research, together with demonstrated progress in research and a viable plan to complete a PhD dissertation, is assessed in the General Exam. This is taken after completing all course requirements, passing the Master's Review, and becoming well established in research. The General Exam consists of an oral presentation followed by an in-depth question period with one's dissertation committee.

Final Oral Exam:   Adequate completion of a PhD dissertation is assessed in the Final Oral, which is a public exam on one's completed dissertation research. The requirement of surmounting a final public oral exam is an ancient tradition for successful completion of a PhD degree.

Graduate school requirements

Common requirements for all doctoral degrees are given in the Graduate School Degree Requirements and Doctoral Degree Policies and Procedures pages. A summary of the key items, accurate as of late 2020, is as follows:

  • A minimum of 90 completed credits, of which at least 60 must be completed at the University of Washington. A Master's degree from the UW or another institution in physics, or approved related field of study, may substitute for 30 credits of enrollment.
  • At least 18 credits of UW course work at the 500 level completed prior to the General Examination.
  • At least 18 numerically graded UW credits of 500 level courses and approved 400 level courses, completed prior to the General Examination.
  • At least 60 credits completed prior to scheduling the General Examination. A Master's degree from the UW or another institution may substitute for 30 of these credits.
  • A minimum of 27 dissertation (or Physics 800) credits, spread out over a period of at least three quarters, must be completed. At least one of those three quarters must come after passing the General Exam. Except for summer quarters, students are limited to a maximum of 10 dissertation credits per quarter.
  • A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 must be maintained.
  • The General Examination must be successfully completed.
  • A thesis dissertation approved by the reading committee and submitted and accepted by the Graduate School.
  • The Final Examination must be successfully completed. At least four members of the supervisory committee, including chair and graduate school representative, must be present.
  • Registration as a full- or part-time graduate student at the University must be maintained, specifically including the quarter in which the examinations are completed and the quarter in which the degree is conferred. (Part-time means registered for at least 2 credits, but less than 10.)
  • All work for the doctoral degree must be completed within ten years. This includes any time spend on leave, as well as time devoted to a Master's degree from the UW or elsewhere (if used to substitute for credits of enrollment).
  • Pass the required core courses: Phys 513 , 517 , 524 & 528 autumn quarter, Phys 514 , 518 & 525 winter quarter, and Phys 515 , 519 & 505 spring quarter. When deemed appropriate, with approval of their faculty advisor and graduate program coordinator, students may elect to defer Phys 525 , 515 and/or 519 to the second year in order to take more credits of Phys 600 .
  • Sign up for and complete one credit of Phys 600 with a faculty member of choice during winter and spring quarters.
  • Pass the Master's Review by the end of spring quarter or, after demonstrating substantial research engagement, by the end of the summer.
  • Work to identify one's research area and faculty research advisor. This begins with learning about diverse research areas in Phys 528 in the autumn, followed by Phys 600 independent study with selected faculty members during winter, spring, and summer.
  • Pass the Master's Review (if not already done) by taking any deferred core courses or retaking MREs as needed. The Master's Review must be passed before the start of the third year.
  • Settle in and become fully established with one's research group and advisor, possibly after doing independent study with multiple faculty members. Switching research areas during the first two years is not uncommon.
  • Complete all required courses. Take breadth courses and more advanced graduate courses appropriate for one's area of research.
  • Perform research.
  • Establish a Supervisory Committee within one year after finding a compatible research advisor who agrees to supervise your dissertation work.
  • Take breadth and special topics courses as appropriate.
  • Take your General Exam in the third or fourth year of your graduate studies.
  • Register for Phys 800 (Doctoral Thesis Research) instead of Phys 600 in the quarters during and after your general exam.
  • Take special topics courses as appropriate.
  • Perform research. When completion of a substantial body of research is is sight, and with concurrence of your faculty advisor, start writing a thesis dissertation.
  • Establish a dissertation reading committee well in advance of scheduling the Final Examination.
  • Schedule your Final Examination and submit your PhD dissertation draft to your reading committee at least several weeks before your Final Exam.
  • Take your Final Oral Examination.
  • After passing your Final Exam, submit your PhD dissertation, as approved by your reading committee, to the Graduate School, normally before the end of the same quarter.

This typical timeline for competing the PhD applies to students entering the program with a solid undergraduate preparation, as described above under Admissions. Variant scenarios are possible with approval of the Graduate Program coordinator. Two such scenarios are the following:

  • Students entering with insufficient undergraduate preparation often require more time. It is important to identify this early, and not feel that this reflects on innate abilities or future success. Discussion with one's faculty advisor, during orientation or shortly thereafter, may lead to deferring one or more of the first year required courses and corresponding Master's Review Exams. It can also involve taking selected 300 or 400 level undergraduate physics courses before taking the first year graduate level courses. This must be approved by the Graduate Program coordinator, but should not delay efforts to find a suitable research advisor. The final Master's Review decision still takes place no later than the start of the 3rd year and research engagement is an important component in this decision.
  • Entering PhD students with advanced standing, for example with a prior Master's degree in Physics or transferring from another institution after completing one or more years in a Physics PhD program, may often graduate after 3 or 4 years in our program. After discussion with your faculty advisor and with approval of the Graduate Program coordinator, selected required classes may be waived (but typically not the corresponding Master's Review Exams), and credit from other institutions transferred.
  • Each entering PhD student is assigned a first year faculty advisor, with whom they meet regularly to discuss course selection, general progress, and advice on research opportunities. The role of a student's primary faculty advisor switches to their research advisor after they become well established in research. Once their doctoral supervisory committee is formed, the entire committee, including a designated faculty mentor (other than the research advisor) is available to provide advice and mentoring.
  • The department also has a peer mentoring program, in which first-year students are paired with more senior students who have volunteered as mentors. Peer mentors maintain contact with their first-year mentees throughout the year and aim to ease the transition to graduate study by sharing their experiences and providing support and advice. Quarterly "teas" are held to which all peer mentors and mentees are invited.
  • While academic advising is primarily concerned with activities and requirements necessary to make progress toward a degree, mentoring focuses on the human relationships, commitments, and resources that can help a student find success and fulfillment in academic and professional pursuits. While research advisors play an essential role in graduate study, the department considers it inportant for every student to also have available additional individuals who take on an explicit mentoring role.
  • Students are expected to meet regularly, at a minimum quarterly, with their faculty advisors (either first year advisor or research advisor).
  • Starting in the winter of their first year, students are expected to be enrolled in Phys 600 .
  • Every spring all students, together with their advisors, are required to complete an annual activities report.
  • The doctoral supervisory committee needs to be established at least by the end of the fourth year.
  • The General Exam is expected to take place during the third or fourth year.
  • Students and their advisors are expected to aim for not more than 6 years between entry into the Physics PhD program and completion of the PhD. In recent years the median time is close to 6 years.

Absence of satisfactory progress can lead to a hierarchy of actions, as detailed in the Graduate School Memo 16: Academic Performance and Progress , and may jeopardize funding as a teaching assistant.

The Department aims to provide financial support for all full-time PhD students making satisfactory progress, and has been successful in doing so for many years. Most students are supported via a mix teaching assistantships (TAs) and research assistantships (RAs), although there are also various scholarships, fellowships, and awards that provide financial support. Teaching and research assistanships provide a stipend, a tuition waiver, and health insurance benefits. TAs are employed by the University to assist faculty in their teaching activities. Students from non-English-speaking countries must pass English proficiency requirements . RAs are employed by the Department to assist faculty with specified research projects, and are funded through research grants held by faculty members.

Most first-year students are provided full TA support during their first academic year as part of their admission offer. Support beyond the second year is typically in the form of an RA or a TA/RA combination. It is the responsibility of the student to find a research advisor and secure RA support. Students accepting TA or RA positions are required to register as full-time graduate students (a minimum of 10 credits during the academic year, and 2 credits in summer quarter) and devote 20 hours per week to their assistantship duties. Both TAs and RAs are classified as Academic Student Employees (ASE) . These positions are governed by a contract between the UW and the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), and its Local Union 4121 (UAW).

Physics PhD students are paid at the "Assistant" level (Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant) upon entry to the program. Students receive a promotion to "Associate I" (Predoctoral Teaching Associate I or Predoctoral Research Associate I) after passing the Master's Review, and a further promotion to "Associate II" (Predoctoral Teaching Associate II or Predoctoral Research Associate II) after passing their General Examination. (Summer quarter courses, and summer quarter TA employment, runs one month shorter than during the academic year. To compendate, summer quarter TA salaries are increased proportionately.)

  • UW Physics Department fact sheet .
  • MyPhys , UW Physics Department intranet with policies and information for enrolled students.
  • UW Graduate School information for students and postdocs.
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Doctoral Program (Ph.D.)

  • Graduate Programs

The Physics Ph.D. program provides students with opportunities to perform independent research in some of the most current and dynamic areas of physics. Students develop a solid and broad physics knowledge base in the first year through the core curriculum, departmental colloquia, and training.

Upper-level courses and departmental seminar series subsequently provide more specialized exposure. Armed with the core knowledge, doctoral students join a research group working in an area of particular interest. This research is performed in very close collaboration with one or more faculty whose interests span a wide range of physics fields.

Applicants are expected to have a strong background in physics or closely related subjects at the undergraduate level. All applications are evaluated holistically to assess the applicant's preparation and potential for graduate coursework and independent research, which can be demonstrated in multiple ways.

For the physics track, only the Physics Subject GRE scores are  required (general GRE scores are not required). For the astrophysics track, submission of General and Subject Physics GRE scores is not required.

Three recommendation letters from faculty or others acquainted with the applicant's academic and/or research qualifications are required.

If you have submitted an application and need to make changes or add to the application, do not send the materials to the Physics department. The department is unable to alter or add to your application. Contact the  Graduate School staff  for all changes.  

Ph.D. Program Milestones and Guideposts

  • Work toward joining a research group
  • Pass 3 courses per semester if a TA or 4 courses per semester if a Fellow with at least 50% B's or better
  • Complete 6 core courses (PHYS 2010, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2140)
  • Begin research
  • Complete PHYS2010 (or other core courses) if not taken during Year 1
  • Complete at least 2 advanced courses
  • Pass qualifying exam
  • Complete 2nd Year Ethics Training
  • Identify prelim committee
  • Continue research
  • Complete remaining advanced courses
  • Pass preliminary exam and advance to candidacy
  • Complete thesis research
  • Write and defend thesis

Ph.D. Resources

  • Ph.D. Program Student Handbook
  • Graduate Core Course Listing
  • Finding a Research Group
  • Comprehensive Exam Information
  • Ph.D. Second Year Ethics Training Requirement
  • Ph.D. Preliminary Exam Requirements and Guidelines
  • Ph.D. Prelim Form
  • Physics Department Defense Form
  • Ph.D. Dissertation Defense Requirements and Guidelines
  • Ph.D. Course Waiver/Permission Form
  • Utility Menu

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Graduate studies, commencement 2019.

The Harvard Department of Physics offers students innovative educational and research opportunities with renowned faculty in state-of-the-art facilities, exploring fundamental problems involving physics at all scales. Our primary areas of experimental and theoretical research are atomic and molecular physics, astrophysics and cosmology, biophysics, chemical physics, computational physics, condensed-matter physics, materials science, mathematical physics, particle physics, quantum optics, quantum field theory, quantum information, string theory, and relativity.

Our talented and hardworking students participate in exciting discoveries and cutting-edge inventions such as the ATLAS experiment, which discovered the Higgs boson; building the first 51-cubit quantum computer; measuring entanglement entropy; discovering new phases of matter; and peering into the ‘soft hair’ of black holes.

Our students come from all over the world and from varied educational backgrounds. We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment and attracting the widest possible range of talents.

We have a flexible and highly responsive advising structure for our PhD students that shepherds them through every stage of their education, providing assistance and counseling along the way, helping resolve problems and academic impasses, and making sure that everyone has the most enriching experience possible.The graduate advising team also sponsors alumni talks, panels, and advice sessions to help students along their academic and career paths in physics and beyond, such as “Getting Started in Research,” “Applying to Fellowships,” “Preparing for Qualifying Exams,” “Securing a Post-Doc Position,” and other career events (both academic and industry-related).

We offer many resources, services, and on-site facilities to the physics community, including our electronic instrument design lab and our fabrication machine shop. Our historic Jefferson Laboratory, the first physics laboratory of its kind in the nation and the heart of the physics department, has been redesigned and renovated to facilitate study and collaboration among our students.

Members of the Harvard Physics community participate in initiatives that bring together scientists from institutions across the world and from different fields of inquiry. For example, the Harvard-MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms unites a community of scientists from both institutions to pursue research in the new fields opened up by the creation of ultracold atoms and quantum gases. The Center for Integrated Quantum Materials , a collaboration between Harvard University, Howard University, MIT, and the Museum of Science, Boston, is dedicated to the study of extraordinary new quantum materials that hold promise for transforming signal processing and computation. The Harvard Materials Science and Engineering Center is home to an interdisciplinary group of physicists, chemists, and researchers from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences working on fundamental questions in materials science and applications such as soft robotics and 3D printing.  The Black Hole Initiative , the first center worldwide to focus on the study of black holes, is an interdisciplinary collaboration between principal investigators from the fields of astronomy, physics, mathematics, and philosophy. The quantitative biology initiative https://quantbio.harvard.edu/  aims to bring together physicists, biologists, engineers, and applied mathematicians to understand life itself. And, most recently, the new program in  Quantum Science and Engineering (QSE) , which lies at the interface of physics, chemistry, and engineering, will admit its first cohort of PhD students in Fall 2022.

We support and encourage interdisciplinary research and simultaneous applications to two departments is permissible. Prospective students may thus wish to apply to the following departments and programs in addition to Physics:

  • Department of Astronomy
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Mathematics
  • John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)
  • Biophysics Program
  • Molecules, Cells and Organisms Program (MCO)

If you are a prospective graduate student and have questions for us, or if you’re interested in visiting our department, please contact  [email protected] .

  • Admissions & Financial Aid
  • Admissions FAQs
  • Advising Team
  • Advising Portal (Graduate)
  • Course Requirements
  • Other PhD Tracks
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  • History of MIT Physics
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  • Meet the Academic Programs Team
  • Prospective Students
  • Requirements
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Research Opportunities
  • Graduate Admissions
  • Doctoral Guidelines
  • Financial Support
  • Graduate Student Resources

PhD in Physics, Statistics, and Data Science

  • MIT LEAPS Program
  • Physics Student Groups
  • for Undergraduate Students
  • for Graduate Students
  • Mentoring Programs Info for Faculty
  • Non-degree Programs
  • Student Awards & Honors
  • Astrophysics Observation, Instrumentation, and Experiment
  • Astrophysics Theory
  • Atomic Physics
  • Condensed Matter Experiment
  • Condensed Matter Theory
  • High Energy and Particle Theory
  • Nuclear Physics Experiment
  • Particle Physics Experiment
  • Plasma Physics
  • Quantum Gravity and Field Theory
  • Quantum Information Science
  • Strong Interactions and Nuclear Theory
  • Center for Theoretical Physics
  • Affiliated Labs & Centers
  • Program Founder
  • Competition
  • Donor Profiles
  • Patrons of Physics Fellows Society
  • Giving Opportunties
  • Latest Physics News
  • Physics Journal: Fall 2023 Edition
  • Events Calendar
  • Physics Colloquia
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Many PhD students in the MIT Physics Department incorporate probability, statistics, computation, and data analysis into their research. These techniques are becoming increasingly important for both experimental and theoretical Physics research, with ever-growing datasets, more sophisticated physics simulations, and the development of cutting-edge machine learning tools. The Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Statistics (IDPS)  is designed to provide students with the highest level of competency in 21st century statistics, enabling doctoral students across MIT to better integrate computation and data analysis into their PhD thesis research.

Admission to this program is restricted to students currently enrolled in the Physics doctoral program or another participating MIT doctoral program. In addition to satisfying all of the requirements of the Physics PhD, students take one subject each in probability, statistics, computation and statistics, and data analysis, as well as the Doctoral Seminar in Statistics, and they write a dissertation in Physics utilizing statistical methods. Graduates of the program will receive their doctoral degree in the field of “Physics, Statistics, and Data Science.”

Doctoral students in Physics may submit an Interdisciplinary PhD in Statistics Form between the end of their second semester and penultimate semester in their Physics program. The application must include an endorsement from the student’s advisor, an up-to-date CV, current transcript, and a 1-2 page statement of interest in Statistics and Data Science.

The statement of interest can be based on the student’s thesis proposal for the Physics Department, but it must demonstrate that statistical methods will be used in a substantial way in the proposed research. In their statement, applicants are encouraged to explain how specific statistical techniques would be applied in their research. Applicants should further highlight ways that their proposed research might advance the use of statistics and data science, both in their physics subfield and potentially in other disciplines. If the work is part of a larger collaborative effort, the applicant should focus on their personal contributions.

For access to the selection form or for further information, please contact the IDSS Academic Office at  [email protected] .

Required Courses

Courses in this list that satisfy the Physics PhD degree requirements can count for both programs. Other similar or more advanced courses can count towards the “Computation & Statistics” and “Data Analysis” requirements, with permission from the program co-chairs. The IDS.190 requirement may be satisfied instead by IDS.955 Practical Experience in Data, Systems, and Society, if that experience exposes the student to a diverse set of topics in statistics and data science. Making this substitution requires permission from the program co-chairs prior to doing the practical experience.

  • IDS.190 – Doctoral Seminar in Statistics and Data Science ( may be substituted by IDS.955 Practical Experience in Data, Systems and Society )
  • 6.7700[J] Fundamentals of Probability or
  • 18.675 – Theory of Probability
  • 6.S951 Modern Mathematical Statistics or
  • 18.655 – Mathematical Statistics or
  • 18.6501 – Fundamentals of Statistics or
  • IDS.160[J] – Mathematical Statistics: A Non-Asymptotic Approach
  • 6.C01/6.C51 – Modeling with Machine Learning: From Algorithms to Applications or
  • 6.7810 Algorithms for Inference or
  • 6.8610 (6.864) Advanced Natural Language Processing or
  • 6.7900 (6.867) Machine Learning or
  • 6.8710 (6.874) Computational Systems Biology: Deep Learning in the Life Sciences or
  • 9.520[J] – Statistical Learning Theory and Applications or
  • 16.940 – Numerical Methods for Stochastic Modeling and Inference or
  • 18.337 – Numerical Computing and Interactive Software
  • 8.316 – Data Science in Physics or
  • 6.8300 (6.869) Advances in Computer Vision or
  • 8.334 – Statistical Mechanics II or
  • 8.371[J] – Quantum Information Science or
  • 8.591[J] – Systems Biology or
  • 8.592[J] – Statistical Physics in Biology or
  • 8.942 – Cosmology or
  • 9.583 – Functional MRI: Data Acquisition and Analysis or
  • 16.456[J] – Biomedical Signal and Image Processing or
  • 18.367 – Waves and Imaging or
  • IDS.131[J] – Statistics, Computation, and Applications

Grade Policy

C, D, F, and O grades are unacceptable. Students should not earn more B grades than A grades, reflected by a PhysSDS GPA of ≥ 4.5. Students may be required to retake subjects graded B or lower, although generally one B grade will be tolerated.

Unless approved by the PhysSDS co-chairs, a minimum grade of B+ is required in all 12 unit courses, except IDS.190 (3 units) which requires a P grade.

Though not required, it is strongly encouraged for a member of the MIT  Statistics and Data Science Center (SDSC)  to serve on a student’s doctoral committee. This could be an SDSC member from the Physics department or from another field relevant to the proposed thesis research.

Thesis Proposal

All students must submit a thesis proposal using the standard Physics format. Dissertation research must involve the utilization of statistical methods in a substantial way.

PhysSDS Committee

  • Jesse Thaler (co-chair)
  • Mike Williams (co-chair)
  • Isaac Chuang
  • Janet Conrad
  • William Detmold
  • Philip Harris
  • Jacqueline Hewitt
  • Kiyoshi Masui
  • Leonid Mirny
  • Christoph Paus
  • Phiala Shanahan
  • Marin Soljačić
  • Washington Taylor
  • Max Tegmark

Can I satisfy the requirements with courses taken at Harvard?

Harvard CompSci 181 will count as the equivalent of MIT’s 6.867.  For the status of other courses, please contact the program co-chairs.

Can a course count both for the Physics degree requirements and the PhysSDS requirements?

Yes, this is possible, as long as the courses are already on the approved list of requirements. E.g. 8.592 can count as a breadth requirement for a NUPAX student as well as a Data Analysis requirement for the PhysSDS degree.

If I have previous experience in Probability and/or Statistics, can I test out of these requirements?

These courses are required by all of the IDPS degrees. They are meant to ensure that all students obtaining an IDPS degree share the same solid grounding in these fundamentals, and to help build a community of IDPS students across the various disciplines. Only in exceptional cases might it be possible to substitute more advanced courses in these areas.

Can I substitute a similar or more advanced course for the PhysSDS requirements?

Yes, this is possible for the “computation and statistics” and “data analysis” requirements, with permission of program co-chairs. Substitutions for the “probability” and “statistics” requirements will only be granted in exceptional cases.

For Spring 2021, the following course has been approved as a substitution for the “computation and statistics” requirement:   18.408 (Theoretical Foundations for Deep Learning) .

The following course has been approved as a substitution for the “data analysis” requirement:   6.481 (Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis) .

Can I apply for the PhysSDS degree in my last semester at MIT?

No, you must apply no later than your penultimate semester.

What does it mean to use statistical methods in a “substantial way” in one’s thesis?

The ideal case is that one’s thesis advances statistics research independent of the Physics applications. Advancing the use of statistical methods in one’s subfield of Physics would also qualify. Applying well-established statistical methods in one’s thesis could qualify, if the application is central to the Physics result. In all cases, we expect the student to demonstrate mastery of statistics and data science.

Applied Physics

Ph.D. program

The Applied Physics Department offers a Ph.D. degree program; see  Admissions Overview  for how to apply.  

1.  Courses . Current listings of Applied Physics (and Physics) courses are available via  Explore Courses . Courses are available in Physics and Mathematics to overcome deficiencies, if any, in undergraduate preparation. It is expected the specific course requirements are completed by the  end of the 3rd year  at Stanford.

Required Basic Graduate Courses.   30 units (quarter hours) including:

  • Basic graduate courses in advanced mechanics, statistical physics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, and an advanced laboratory course. In cases where students feel they have already covered the materials in one of the required basic graduate courses, a petition for waiver of the course may be submitted and is subject to approval by a faculty committee.
  • 18 units of advanced coursework in science and/or engineering to fit the particular interests of the individual student. Such courses typically are in Applied Physics, Physics, or Electrical Engineering, but courses may also be taken in other departments, e.g., Biology, Materials Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Chemistry. The purpose of this requirement is to provide training in a specialized field of research and to encourage students to cover material beyond their own special research interests.​

​ Required Additional Courses .  Additional courses needed to meet the minimum residency requirement of 135 units of completed course work. Directed study and research units as well as 1-unit seminar courses can be included. Courses are sometimes given on special topics, and there are several seminars that meet weekly to discuss current research activities at Stanford and elsewhere. All graduate students are encouraged to participate in the special topics courses and seminars. A limited number of courses are offered during the Summer Quarter. Most students stay in residence during the summer and engage in independent study or research programs.

The list of the PhD degree core coursework is listed in the bulletin here:  https://bulletin.stanford.edu/programs/APLPH-PHD .

3.  Dissertation Research.   Research is frequently supervised by an Applied Physics faculty member, but an approved program of research may be supervised by a faculty member from another department.

4.  Research Progress Report.   Students give an oral research progress report to their dissertation reading committee during the winter quarter of the 4th year.

5.  Dissertation.

6.  University Oral Examination .  The examination includes a public seminar in defense of the dissertation and questioning by a faculty committee on the research and related fields.

Most students continue their studies and research during the summer quarter, principally in independent study projects or dissertation research. The length of time required for the completion of the dissertation depends upon the student and upon the dissertation advisor. In addition, the University residency requirement of 135 graded units must be met.

Rotation Program

We offer an optional rotation program for 1st-year Ph.D. students where students may spend one quarter (10 weeks) each in up to three research groups in the first year. This helps students gain research experience and exposure to various labs, fields, and/or projects before determining a permanent group to complete their dissertation work. 

Sponsoring faculty members may be in the Applied Physics department, SLAC, or any other science or engineering department, as long as they are members of the Academic Council (including all tenure-line faculty). Rotations are optional and students may join a group without the rotation system by making an arrangement directly with the faculty advisor. 

During the first year, research assistantships (RAs) are fully funded by the department for the fall quarter; in the winter and spring quarters, RAs are funded 50/50 by the department and the research group hosting the student. RAs after the third quarter are, in general, not subsidized by the rotation program or the department and should be arranged directly by the student with their research advisor.

How to arrange a rotation

Rotation positions in faculty members’ groups are secured by the student by directly contacting and coordinating with faculty some time between the student’s acceptance into the Ph.D. program and the start of the rotation quarter. It is recommended that the student’s fall quarter rotation be finalized no later than Orientation Week before the academic year begins. A rotation with a different faculty member can be arranged for the subsequent quarters at any time. Most students join a permanent lab by the spring quarter of their first year after one or two rotations.  When coordinating a rotation, the student and the sponsoring faculty should discuss expectations for the rotation (e.g. project timeline or deliverables) and the availability of continued funding and permanent positions in the group. It is very important that the student and the faculty advisor have a clear understanding about expectations going forward.

What do current students say about rotations?

Advice from current ap students, setting up a rotation:.

  • If you have a specific professor or group in mind, you should contact them as early as possible, as they may have a limited number of rotation spots.
  • You can prepare a 1-page CV or resume to send to professors to summarize your research experiences and interest.
  • Try to tour the lab/working areas, talk to senior graduate students, or attend group meeting to get a feel for how the group operates.
  • If you don't receive a response from a professor, you can send a polite reminder, stop by their office, or contact their administrative assistant. If you receive a negative response, you shouldn't take it personally as rotation availability can depend year-to-year on funding and personnel availability.
  • Don't feel limited to subfields that you have prior experience in. Rotations are for learning and for discovering what type of work and work environment suit you best, and you will have several years to develop into a fully-formed researcher!

You and your rotation advisor should coordinate early on about things like: 

  • What project will you be working on and who will you be working with?
  • What resources (e.g. equipment access and training, coursework) will you need to enable this work?
  • How closely will you work with other members of the group? 
  • How frequently will you and your rotation advisor meet?
  • What other obligations (e.g. coursework, TAing) are you balancing alongside research?
  • How will your progress be evaluated?
  • Is there funding available to support you and this project beyond the rotation quarter?
  • Will the rotation advisor take on new students into the group in the quarter following the rotation?

About a month before the end of the quarter, you should have a conversation with your advisor about things like:

  • Will you remain in the current group or will you rotate elsewhere?
  • If you choose to rotate elsewhere, does the option remain open to return to the present group later?
  • If you choose to rotate elsewhere, will another rotation student be taken on for the same project?
  • You don't have to rotate just for the sake of rotating! If you've found a group that suits you well in many aspects, it makes sense to continue your research momentum with that group.

Application process

View Admissions Overview View the Required Online Ph.D. Program Application  

Contact the Applied Physics Department Office at  [email protected]  if additional information on any of the above is needed.

Quick Links +

Phd program.

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree requires a thorough understanding of the foundations of physics and mathematical methods as evidenced by performance on the written Preliminary Exam and the oral Qualifying Exam, as well as submission of a dissertation which must include an original contribution to fundamental physics. There is no foreign language requirement for the Ph.D. degree.

Ph.D. students must complete the  graduate core courses  in classical physics (200ABC), statistical physics (219A), and quantum mechanics (215AB). Most students are also required to take either field theory (230A) or a third quarter of quantum mechanics (215C), with the choice usually depending on the student's planned research area. The required curriculum can be tailored to fit an individual student's preparation and needs. Students who have completed graduate classes elsewhere may have certain requirements waived, while students who have gaps in their undergraduate preparation or who have taken time away from school may begin their studies with advanced undergraduate courses. A faculty adviser consults with each incoming student about possible deviations from the standard coursework. First-year students must also enroll in the Colloquium (290), in which outside speakers give broad overviews of topics of current research, and an introduction to department research (295), in which UC Davis faculty members discuss their own research. Physics 295 is especially useful for students as they pick a specialization and Ph.D. adviser.

Each research area requires a  cluster  of more specialized classes, which students normally take during their second year of graduate school.

The  Preliminary Exam  is given twice a year, in Fall before the start of classes and during the Spring quarter. The exam covers Upper Division undergraduate physics, and students are expected to pass the exam by the end of their second year.

After beginning their research, students prepare for the  Qualifying Examination , which should be taken during the third year of graduate school.This exam consists of a research talk by the student and a question session. Questions often emphasize the candidate's broad field of specialization but can address any area. After the student passes the oral exam, the only remaining requirement is the dissertation itself.

Typical time for completion of the Ph.D. degree is five to seven years, although we see times outside range in both directions. The duration depends on the student's preparation, the research area, and how fully the student devotes him/herself to the work. Events outside the student's control can also have significant influence, from the weather during scheduled telescope time to problems with a particle accelerator.

Students making good progress towards their degrees usually have  funding  through teaching, research, or  fellowship  positions for their entire time in graduate school.

This  timeline  outlines the expected progress.

Applied Physics, PhD

Applied physics phd degree.

Are you a problem solver? If so, Applied Physics is the program for you. Applied Physicists are problem solvers by nature, spending their time exploring the phenomena that become the foundation of quantum and photonic devices and novel materials. Located at the intersection of physics and engineering, Applied Physics enables you to study the fundamentals of complex systems, including living organisms. You will work with faculty to research biomaterials, materials, photonics, quantum engineering, and soft matter.

Research in this area focuses on photonics, quantum science and engineering, quantum materials, quantitative biology, soft matter physics, biomaterials and biophysics, and novel materials. Applied Physics at Harvard provides an extraordinary opportunity to further your intellectual curiosity whether you are excited about experiments, developing new instrumentation, theoretical studies, or modeling.

Projects worked on by current and past students include developing millimeter-size flat lenses for virtual and augmented reality platforms, discovering materials for stable quantum computing, and building fundamental technologies for integrated photonics.


Applied Physics Degree

Harvard School of Engineering offers a  Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Applied Physics , conferred through the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Doctoral students may earn the masters degree en route to the Ph.D.  Prospective students apply through Harvard Griffin GSAS; in the online application, select  “Engineering and Applied Sciences” as your program choice and select “PhD Applied Physics” in the Area of Study menu.

The Applied Physics program does not offer an independent Masters Degree.

Please note that admission to the AP Ph.D. program is independent from admission to the Physics Ph.D. at Harvard. While you can transfer between programs within SEAS after being admitted, transfer to a program outside SEAS requires reapplying to that program. Once admitted to the Applied Physics PhD program, you must find a Ph.D. advisor who holds an appointment within SEAS. (Faculty members listed as “Affiliates" can co-advise a Ph.D. student with another Applied Physics faculty member, but cannot serve as the primary research advisor.)  

Applied Physics PhD Career Paths

Graduates of the program have gone on to a range of careers in industry in companies like Apple, NTT Physics & Information Labs, and Intel. Others have secured faculty positions at University of Wisconsin, Stanford, and Columbia. More generally, students with a PhD in Applied Physics are can take roles in academia, aerospace, technology, energy, and medicine.

Admissions & Academic Requirements

Please review the  admissions requirements and other information  before applying. in the online application, select “Engineering and Applied Sciences” as your program choice and select “PhD Applied Physics” in the Area of Study menu. Our website also provides  admissions guidance ,  program-specific requirements , and a  PhD program academic timeline .

Academic Background

Applicants typically have bachelor’s degrees in the natural sciences, mathematics, computer science, or engineering. 

Standardized Tests

GRE General: Not Accepted

Applied Physics Faculty & Research Areas

View a list of our  Applied Physics faculty  and Applied Physics affiliated research areas , Please note that faculty members listed as “Affiliates" or "Lecturers" cannot serve as the primary research advisor.

Applied Physics Centers & Initiatives

The area features a highly-accomplished faculty and a number of world-class facilities and centers, including the  C enter for Integrated Quantum Materials ; the  Center for Nanoscale Systems , one of the world's most advanced research facilities housing a shared cleanroom, facilities for materials synthesis, and a microscopy suite;  Materials Research Science and Engineering Center ; the  Kavli Institute for Bionanoscience and Technology ; the  Quantitative Biology Initiative ; the  Center for Integrated Mesoscale Architectures for Sustainable Catalysis ; and the  Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering .

View a list of the research centers & initiatives at SEAS and the  Applied Physics faculty engagement with these entities .

Graduate Student Clubs

Graduate student clubs and organizations bring students together to share topics of mutual interest. These clubs often serve as an important adjunct to course work by sponsoring social events and lectures. Graduate student clubs are supported by the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin School of Arts and Sciences. Explore the list of active clubs and organizations .

Funding and Scholarship

Learn more about financial support for PhD students.

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Learn more about how to apply  or review frequently asked questions for prospective graduate students.

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Physics (Ph.D.)

Student in front of a chalk board with equations in the background

The Physics Ph.D. program at UNH offers an in-depth exploration of core concepts like electromagnetic theory, quantum mechanics, and classical mechanics. At a top-tier research university with the Space Science Center, you'll engage in innovative research with award-winning faculty specializing in condensed matter, nuclear and particle physics, high energy theory, space physics, astrophysics and cosmology, and physics education. This rigorous training prepares you for successful careers in academia, industry, government research, or advanced postdoctoral studies.

Why pursue a Ph.D. in physics at UNH?

Expand your career opportunities within academia, industry or research through our physics Ph.D. program. You’ll work through a core curriculum exploring the fundamental areas of physics while also engaging with electives in your area of interest. You’ll apply advanced methodologies while conducting original research. If you are interested in teaching physics, you’ll also have the opportunity to pursue a cognate in college teaching. As a doctoral student in our program, you’ll have the opportunity to receive support through teaching assistantships, research assistantships or fellowships.

Program Highlights

The Department of Physics offers excellent research opportunities for graduate students. UNH physicists are engaged in world-class research in applied optics, condensed matter, nuclear and particle physics, education, and high energy theory and cosmology. The Space Science Center fosters research and education in all the space sciences, ranging from the ionosphere to the Earth's magnetosphere, the local solar system, and out to the farthest reaches of the universe. In addition, UNH has just reached the top tier of research universities, Carnegie Classification R1, and our research portfolio brings in more than $110 million in competitive external funding each year.

Potential career areas

  • Government research
  • Private industry research/development
  • Renewable energy
  • Science communication

Prof. Fabian Kislat

Contact Information

Olaiya A. Olokunboyo

Curriculum & Requirements

Program description.

The Physics Ph.D. program prepares students for a career in industry, education, research or academia. Students will progress from studying a core curriculum encompassing fundamental areas of physics to taking elective classes in their area of interest. They will then conduct original research in a particular research area, leading to their PhD dissertation and defense.

For more details, please consult the physics graduate student handbook .

Requirements for the Program

Degree requirements.

Course List
Code Title Credits
PHYS 805Experimental Physics (or equivalent demonstrated experimental proficiency)4
PHYS 931Mathematical Physics3
PHYS 935Statistical Physics3
PHYS 939Classical Mechanics3
PHYS 941
PHYS 942
Electromagnetic Theory I
and Electromagnetic Theory II
PHYS 943
PHYS 944
Quantum Mechanics I
and Quantum Mechanics II
PHYS 806Introduction to Physics Research and Teaching (two semesters, taken during the first year in the program)1
Select four additional 3+ credit elective courses, of which 2 may be at the 800 level 12
Total Credits38

For Space Science students, these courses must include Plasma Physics ( PHYS 951 ) , Magnetohydrodyamics of the Heliosphere ( PHYS 953 ) , and one of Magnetospheres ( PHYS 987 ) , Heliospheric Physics ( PHYS 954 ) .

Students are required to

  • demonstrate proficiency in teaching,
  • pass the written comprehensive exam, and
  • pass an oral qualifying exam on a thesis proposal.

Degree candidates are required to

  • register for a minimum of two semesters of PHYS 999 Doctoral Research ,
  • pass the oral dissertation defense, and
  • successfully submit the final dissertation to the Graduate School.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will master the theoretical concepts in advanced mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics at the graduate level.
  • Students will have an advanced understanding of the mathematical methods, both analytical and computational, required to solve complex physics problems at the graduate level.
  • Students will be proficient in experimental physics.
  • Students will develop and demonstrate proficiency in teaching at the undergraduate level.
  • Students will have a specialized knowledge of their chosen field of advanced research in physics.
  • Students will be able to present advanced scientific ideas effectively in both written and oral form.
  • Students will be well prepared for postgraduate study in physics and related disciplines, as well as advanced careers in a multitude of fields ranging from scientific and technical to financial.

Application Requirements & Deadlines

Applications must be completed by the following deadlines in order to be reviewed for admission:

  • Fall : Jan. 15 (for funding); after that on rolling basis until April 15
  • Spring : N/A
  • Summer : N/A
  • Special : Spring admission by approval only

Application fee : $65

Campus : Durham

New England Regional : VT

Accelerated Masters Eligible : No

New Hampshire Residents

Students claiming in-state residency must also submit a Proof of Residence Form . This form is not required to complete your application, but you will need to submit it after you are offered admission, or you will not be able to register for classes.


If you attended UNH or Granite State College (GSC) after September 1, 1991, and have indicated so on your online application, we will retrieve your transcript internally; this includes UNH-Durham, UNH-Manchester, UNH Non-Degree work and GSC. 

If you did not attend UNH, or attended prior to September 1, 1991, then you must upload a copy (PDF) of your transcript in the application form. International transcripts must be translated into English.

If admitted , you must then request an official transcript be sent directly to our office from the Registrar's Office of each college/university attended. We accept transcripts both electronically and in hard copy:

  • Electronic Transcripts : Please have your institution send the transcript directly to [email protected] . Please note that we can only accept copies sent directly from the institution.
  • Paper Transcripts : Please send hard copies of transcripts to: UNH Graduate School, Thompson Hall- 105 Main Street, Durham, NH 03824. You may request transcripts be sent to us directly from the institution or you may send them yourself as long as they remain sealed in the original university envelope.

Transcripts from all previous post-secondary institutions must be submitted and applicants must disclose any previous academic or disciplinary sanctions that resulted in their temporary or permanent separation from a previous post-secondary institution. If it is found that previous academic or disciplinary separations were not disclosed, applicants may face denial and admitted students may face dismissal from their academic program.

Letters of recommendation: 3 required

Recommendation letters submitted by relatives or friends, as well as letters older than one year, will not be accepted.

GRE Optional

The GRE scores are optional, if you wish to provide scores please email the scores directly to the department once you have submitted your application online.

Personal Statement/Essay Questions

Prepare a brief but careful statement regarding:

  • Reasons you wish to do graduate work in this field, including your immediate and long-range objectives.
  • Your specific research or professional interest and experiences in this field.

Important Notes

All applicants are encouraged to contact programs directly to discuss program-specific application questions.

International Applicants

Prospective international students are required to submit TOEFL, IELTS, or equivalent examination scores. English Language Exams may be waived if English is your first language. If you wish to request a waiver, then please visit our Test Scores webpage for more information.

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Physics, PHD

On this page:, at a glance: program details.

  • Location: Tempe campus
  • Second Language Requirement: No

Program Description

Degree Awarded: PHD Physics

The PhD program in physics is intended for highly capable students who have the interest and ability to follow a career in independent research.

The recent advent of the graduate faculty initiative at ASU extends the spectrum of potential physics doctoral topics and advisors to include highly transdisciplinary projects that draw upon:

  • biochemistry
  • electrical engineering
  • materials science
  • other related fields

Consequently, students and doctoral advisors can craft novel doctoral projects that transcend the classical palette of physics subjects. Transdisciplinary expertise of this nature is increasingly vital to modern science and technology.

Current areas of particular emphasis within the department include:

  • biological physics
  • electron diffraction and imaging
  • nanoscale and materials physics
  • particle physics and astrophysics

The department has more than 90 doctoral students and more than 40 faculty members.

Degree Requirements

Curriculum plan options.

  • 84 credit hours, a written comprehensive exam, an oral comprehensive exam, a prospectus and a dissertation

Required Core (18 credit hours) PHY 500 Research Methods (6) PHY 521 Classical and Continuum Mechanics (3) PHY 531 Electrodynamics (3) PHY 541 Statistical Physics (3) PHY 576 Quantum Theory (3)

Electives or Research (54 credit hours)

Culminating Experience (12 credit hours) PHY 799 Dissertation (12)

Additional Curriculum Information Of particular note within the core courses are the PHY 500 Research Methods rotations, which are specifically designed to engage doctoral students in genuine, faculty-guided research starting in their first semester. Students complete three credit hours of PHY 500 in both their fall and spring semesters of their first year, for a total of six credit hours.

Coursework beyond the core courses is established by the student's doctoral advisor and supervisory committee, working in partnership with the student. The intent is to tailor the doctoral training to the specific research interests and aptitudes of the student while ensuring that each graduating student emerges with the expertise, core knowledge and problem-solving skills that define having a successful doctoral degree in physics.

When approved by the student's supervisory committee and the Graduate College, this program allows 30 credit hours from a previously awarded master's degree to be used for this degree. If students do not have a previously awarded master's degree, the 30 credit hours of coursework are made up of electives to reach the required 84 credit hours.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must fulfill the requirements of both the Graduate College and The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Applicants are eligible to apply to the program if they have earned a bachelor's or master's degree in physics or a closely related area from a regionally accredited institution. Applicants must have had adequate undergraduate preparation equivalent to an undergraduate major of 30 credit hours in physics and 20 credit hours in mathematics. Courses in analytic mechanics, electromagnetism and modern physics, including quantum mechanics, are particularly important.

Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00 = "A") in the last 60 hours of their first bachelor's degree program or a minimum GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00 = "A") in an applicable master's degree program.

All applicants must submit:

  • graduate admission application and application fee
  • official transcripts
  • personal statement
  • three letters of recommendation
  • proof of English proficiency

Additional Application Information An applicant whose native language is not English must provide proof of English proficiency regardless of their current residency.

Applicants requesting credit for prior graduate courses, taken either at ASU or elsewhere, must demonstrate mastery of the relevant course material to the graduate-level standards of the Department of Physics.

Next Steps to attend ASU

Learn about our programs, apply to a program, visit our campus, career opportunities.

As professional physicists, graduates can advance the frontiers of physics by generating new knowledge in their subfields while working on the most challenging scientific problems at the forefront of human understanding. Graduates find positions in a variety of settings, such as administration, government labs, industrial labs and management, and as academic faculty.

Physicists are valued for their analytical, technical and mathematical skills and find employment in a vast array of employment sectors, including:

  • engineering

Program Contact Information

If you have questions related to admission, please click here to request information and an admission specialist will reach out to you directly. For questions regarding faculty or courses, please use the contact information below.

open search form

Requirements for a Doctorate in Physics

An advanced degree in physics at Caltech is contingent upon an extensive research achievement. Students in the program are expected to join a research group, carry out independent research, and write publications for peer-reviewed journals as well as a thesis. The thesis work proposed to a Caltech candidacy committee then presented and evaluated by a Caltech thesis committee in a public defense. Initially, students are required to consolidate their knowledge by taking advanced courses in at least three subfields of physics. Students must also pass a written candidacy exam in both classical physics and quantum mechanics in order to progress into the research phase of the degree.

Graduates of our program are expected to have extensive experience with modern research methods, a broad knowledge of contemporary physics, and the ability to perform as independent researchers at the highest intellectual and technical levels.

The PhD requirements are below and are also available in the Caltech Catalog, Section 4: Information for Graduate Students .

Submit for approval by Graduate Option RepBy end of first term
Complete 2 terms of Phys 242 CourseFall & Winter Term of first year
Complete Basic Physics Requirement by passing the 
By end of second year
Complete the  By end of second year
Complete the

Complete the
By end of third year

By end of third year
Hold Annual meetings6 months to 1 year after the oral candidacy
exam and every year thereafter
Final By the end of fifth or sixth year

Plan of Study

The plan of study is the set of courses that a student will take to complete the Advance Physics Requirement and any courses needed as preparation to pass the Written Candidacy Exams (see below). Any additional courses the student plans to take as part of their graduate curriculum may be included in the plan of study but are not required. Students should consult with their Academic Advisor on their Plan of Study and discuss any exception or special considerations with the Option Representative. 

Log in to REGIS and navigate to the Ph. D. Candidacy Tab of your Graduate Degree Progress page. Add you courses into the Plan of Study section. When complete, click the "Submit Plan of Study to Option Rep" button. This will generate a notice to the Option Rep to approve your plan of study. Once you complete the courses in the Plan of Study, the Advanced Physics Requirement is completed.

Written Candidacy Exams

Physics students must demonstrate proficiency in all areas of basic physics, including classical mechanics (including continuum mechanics), electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, statistical physics, optics, basic mathematical methods of physics, and the physical origin of everyday phenomena. A solid understanding of these fundamental areas of physics is considered essential, so proficiency will be tested by written candidacy examinations.

No specific course work is required for the basic physics requirement, but some students may benefit from taking several of the basic graduate courses, such as Ph 106 and Ph 125. In addition, the class Ph 201 will provide additional problem solving training that matches the basic physics requirement.

Exam I: Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism       Topics include: TBA

Exam 2: Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics      Topics include: TBA

Both exams are offered twice each year (July and October) Email  [email protected]  to sign up

Nothing additional. Sign up for the exam by emailing Mika Walton. The Student Programs Office will update your REGIS record once you pass the exams.

Advanced Physics Requirement

Students must establish a broad understanding of modern physics through study in six graduate courses. The courses must be spread over at least three of the following four areas of advanced physics. Many courses in physics and related areas may be allowed to count toward the Advanced Physics requirements.  Below are some popular examples.  Contact the Physics Option Representative to find out if any particular course not listed here can be used for this requirement. 

Physics of elementary particles and fields (Nuclear Physics, High Energy Physics, String Theory)

                 Ph 139 Intro to Particle Physics                 Ph 205abc Relativistic Quantum Field Theory                 Ph 217 Intro to the Standard Model                 Ph 230 Elementary Particle Theory (offered every two years)                 Ph 250 Intro to String Theory (offered every two years)

Quantum Information and Matter (Atomic/Molecular/Optical Physics, Condensed-Matter Physics, Quantum Information)   

                Ph 127ab Statistical Physics                 Ph 135a Intro to Condensed Matter Physics                 Ph 136a Applications of Classical Physics (Stat Mech, Optics) (offered every two years)                 Ph 137abc Atoms and Photons                 Ph 219abc Quantum Computation                 Ph 223ab Advanced Condensed Matter Physics

Physics of the Universe (Gravitational Physics, Astrophysics, Cosmology)             

                Ph 136b Applications of Classical Physics (Elasticity, Fluid Dynamics) (offered every two years)                 Ph 136c Applications of Classical Physics (Plasma, GR) (offered every two years)                 Ph 236ab Relativity                 Ph 237 Gravitational Waves (offered every two years)                 Ay 121 Radiative Processes

Interdisciplinary Physics (e.g. Biophysics, Applied Physics, Chemical Physics, Mathematical Physics, Experimental Physics)

                Ph 77 Advanced Physics Lab                   Ph 101 Order of magnitude (offered every two years)                 Ph 118 Physics of measurement                 Ph 129 Mathematical Methods of Physics                 Ph 136a Applications of Classical Physics (Stat Mech, Optics) (offered every two years)                 Ph 136b Applications of Classical Physics (Elasticity, Fluid Dynamics) (offered every two years)                 Ph 229 Advanced Mathematical Methods of Physics

Nothing additional. Once you complete the courses in your approved Plan of Study, the Advanced Physics Requirement is complete.

Oral Candidacy Exam

The Oral Candidacy Exam is primarily a test of the candidate's suitability for research in his or her chosen field. Students should consult with the executive officer to assemble their oral candidacy committee. The chair of the committee should be someone other than the research adviser.

The candidacy committee will examine the student's knowledge of his or her chosen field and will consider the appropriateness and scope of the proposed thesis research during the oral candidacy exam. This exam represents the formal commitment of both student and adviser to a research program.

See also the Physics Candidacy FAQs

After the exam, your committee members will enter their result and any comments they may have. Non-Caltech committee members are instructed to send their results and comments to the physics graduate office who will enter the information on their behalf. Once all "pass" results have been entered, the Option Rep will be prompted to recommend you for admission to candidacy. The recommendation goes to the Dean of Graduate Studies who has the final approval to formally admit you to candidacy.

Teaching Requirement

Thesis advisory committee (tac).

After the oral candidacy exam, students will hold annual meetings with their Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC will review the research progress and provide feedback and guidance towards completion of the degree. Students should consult with the executive officer to assemble their oral candidacy committee and TAC by the end of their third year. The TAC is normally constituted from the candidacy examiners, but students may propose variations or changes at any time to the option representative. The TAC chair should be someone other than the research Adviser. The TAC chair will typically also serve as the thesis defense chair, but changes may be made in consultation with the Executive Officer and the Option Rep.

What to do in REGIS?

Login to Regis, navigate to the Ph. D. Examination Tab of your Graduate Degree Progress page, and scroll down to the Examination Committee section. Enter the names of your Thesis Advisory Committee members. Click the "Submit Examination Committee for Approval" button and this will automatically generate notifications for the Option Rep and the Dean of Graduate Studies to approve your committee. Enter the date, time and location of your TAC meeting and click "Submit Details." Your committee members will automatically be sent email reminders with the meeting details.

PhD Defense

The final thesis examination will cover the thesis topic and its relation to the general body of knowledge of physics. The candidate should send the thesis document to the defense committee and graduate office at least two weeks prior to the defense date. The defense must take place at least three weeks before the degree is to be conferred. Please refer to the  Graduate Office  and  Library  webpages for thesis guidelines, procedures, and deadlines.

  • Date, time, and location of your exam and click the "Submit Examination Details" button. You committee members will automatically be sent email reminders with the exam details. 
  • Commencement Information and click the "Submit Commencement Information" button (at least 2 weeks prior to defense)
  • Marching Information and click the "Submit your Marching Information" button (at least 2 weeks prior to commencement)

PhD Graduate Education at Northeastern University logo

The Physics Department offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Physics with specializations in different subfields that reflect the forefront research activities of the department, including astrophysics, biological physics, condensed matter physics, elementary particle physics, nanomedicine, nanophysics, and network science.

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The program for the PhD degree consists of required coursework, a qualifying examination, a preliminary research seminar, the completion of a dissertation based upon original research performed by the student, and a dissertation defense upon completion of the dissertation. Based on these measures, students are expected to obtain a graduate-level understanding of basic physics concepts and demonstrate the ability to formulate a research plan, orally communicate a research plan, and conduct and present independent research.

The PhD dissertation will be based on new and original research in one of the current theoretical or experimental research programs in the department, under direct supervision of an advisor from the Physics Department. Alternatively, the dissertation research can be in a recognized interdisciplinary field involving another research area of the University, under the direct supervision of a faculty member in that field. Another option is to work in an area of applied research in one of the industrial or high-technology laboratories associated with the department’s industrial PhD program. In that case, the direct supervisor is associated with the institution where the research is performed.

The Department of Physics offers stipended graduate assistantships (teaching and research), full tuition toward degree requirements as well as coverage in NU’s student health plan (NUSHP).

  • 90 percent of department faculty have major research grants
  • Over 100 papers published annually
  • Approximately 100 enrolled PhD students
  • Highly competitive fellowships available to applicants
  • Associated institutes and centers include the Nanomedicine Innovation Center, Center for Complex Network Research (CCNR), Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Complex Systems (CIRCS) and the Quantum Materials Science Institute (QMSI). In addition, Physics faculty are an integral part of the Network Science Institute
  • The department is home to the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics (CTBP), which is one of nine National Science Foundation Physics Frontiers Centers. CTBP partner institutions include Northeastern, Rice University, Baylor College of Medicine and University of Houston.
  • Faculty are leading members of the National Science Foundation’s newly established Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions, which is a joint institute that spans MIT, Harvard, Tufts and Northeastern.

Our graduates pursue careers within academia and beyond.

  • National Institutes of Health
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Capital One
  • Houston Rockets
  • Reactive Innovations, LLC
  • Athena Health
  • Smoothies Technologies Inc.
  • Gamelan Labs Inc.
  • Boston University
  • Institut Langrange de Paris
  • SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
  • University of California, San Diego
  • King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
  • Instituto de Telecomunicacoes
  • Massachussets Institute of Technology
  • JDS Uniphse
  • Monash University
  • Ecole Normale Supzrieure, International Center for Fundamental Physics and its Interfaces, Paris, France
  • IBM TJ Watson Research Center

Application Materials


  • Application fee – US $100
  • Unofficial transcripts for all institutions attended (Official transcripts required upon acceptance of admission offer)
  • Personal statement
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • GRE General – recommended, but not required
  • GRE Physics – recommended, but not required
  • Proof of English Proficiency for all applicants

Priority deadline for completed applications: December 1 st

Rolling admissions until March 15th. Check with department to see if there is any availability.

  • Program Website

Request Information for PhD in Physics

Boston University Academics

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The Physics PhD program educates students to become scholars and researchers in physics. Our graduates are trained to teach and to carry out original research that is theoretical, experimental, computational, or a blend of these approaches. Research specialties include:

  • Biological physics
  • Computational physics
  • Experimental condensed matter physics
  • Theoretical condensed matter physics
  • Particle astrophysics and cosmology
  • Experimental particle physics
  • Theoretical particle physics
  • Statistical physics

Our program prepares professional scientists for careers in academic, industrial, and government settings. To be admitted to the program, a student needs at least a bachelor’s degree in physics or a closely related discipline.

Our program offers numerous interdisciplinary opportunities, particularly with the Chemistry, Computer Science, and Mathematics Departments in the College of Arts & Sciences, the College of Engineering, and the Materials Science & Engineering Division. Major resources include the Scientific Instrument Facility, Electronics Design Facility, Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science & Engineering, and Photonics Center.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate a thorough and advanced understanding of the core areas of physics, including mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermal and statistical physics, and quantum mechanics, along with the mathematics necessary for quantitative and qualitative analyses in these areas.
  • Demonstrate the ability to acquire, analyze, and interpret quantitative data in the core areas of physics.
  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct theoretical, experimental, or computational research that makes original contributions to our understanding of the physical world.
  • Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate the results of research in both written and oral presentations.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use advanced computational methodologies in research and teaching.
  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct scholarly activities in a professional and ethical manner.

Course Requirements

A total of sixteen 4-unit courses (64 units) are required to fulfill the PhD requirements (with grades of B– or higher) and with an overall average of B or greater. Course requirements are as follows:

  • CAS PY 501 Mathematical Physics
  • CAS PY 511 Quantum Mechanics I
  • CAS PY 512 Quantum Mechanics II
  • CAS PY 521 Electromagnetic Theory I
  • CAS PY 541 Statistical Mechanics I
  • CAS PY 581 Advanced Laboratory (may be waived if a student submits evidence of having taken an equivalent course at their undergraduate institution. If PY 581 is waived, it must be replaced with another 4-unit lecture course.)
  • CAS PY 961 Scholarly Methods in Physics I (must be taken in first year)

The remaining courses must be chosen from an approved list of lecture courses found on the department website, including at least one distribution course from outside the student’s research specialty (see PhD degree requirements on the department website for more details).

Up to eight non-lecture courses (numbered above 899) may be counted toward requirements, but no more than two directed study courses and two seminar courses may be counted.

Students are encouraged to audit courses after the completion of formal course requirements or en route to the PhD. Audit course requests must be approved by the student’s advisor and the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS).

Language Requirement

There is no foreign language requirement for this degree.

Demonstration of Proficiency in Physics

Each student is required to demonstrate proficiency through coursework by maintaining an average grade of at least B in the five core Physics courses, with no grade lower than B–.

Students who fail to achieve the qualification standards will be asked to either:

  • Retake one or more the core courses (units will not be given for a course taken more than once).
  • Audit or self-study the material in one or more of the core courses and retake the final exam of the appropriate course(s); the result(s) will be used to evaluate if the student meets the qualification standards in that area.

Students who have already taken the equivalent of one or more of the core physics courses may petition to alternatively demonstrate proficiency by one of three options: (i) retake one or more core courses at Boston University; (ii) present evidence of satisfactory performance in the equivalent core courses at another university, corresponding to a minimum grade of B– and at least an average grade of B in the equivalent core courses; or (iii) opt for an oral examination. The petition should be filed immediately upon entering the graduate program. Under exceptional circumstances, the DGS may decide to accept a late filing of the petition. Determination of satisfactory performance is made by a faculty committee appointed by the DGS. If the committee judges that either options (ii) or (iii) are not satisfied for one or more courses, the student will be required to enroll in the appropriate course.

A student who has failed to achieve the qualification standard may file a petition to demonstrate proficiency by an oral exam in the subject(s) in question.

Qualifying Examination

The PhD qualifying examination, known formally as the ACE (Advancement to Candidacy Examination), is an oral examination, which is required for PhD candidacy. Students prepare an oral presentation of approximately 20 minutes in duration on a research paper chosen by the student in consultation with their research advisor, which is subject to approval by the DGS. If the student does not have an advisor at the time of ACE preparation, a student can choose a paper in their field of interest, again subject to approval by the DGS. The committee will ask questions about the content of the research paper following the presentation. Some questions will encourage the student to place the discussed paper within a broader physics context. The entire examination should last about 60 minutes in total. The examination committee is formed by four faculty members—the DGS plus three additional faculty members from the Department of Physics or faculty members from related departments who are approved by the DGS.

Dissertation and Final Oral Examination

Candidates shall demonstrate their ability for independent study in a dissertation representing original research or creative scholarship. A prospectus for the dissertation must be completed and approved by the readers, the DGS, and the Department Chair/Program Director approximately seven months before the final oral exam, and no later than the fall term of the student’s seventh year. Candidates must undergo a final oral examination in which they defend their dissertation as a valuable contribution to knowledge in their field and demonstrate a mastery of their field of specialization in relation to their dissertation. All portions of the dissertation and final oral examination must be completed as outlined in the GRS General Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree .

Interim Progress Report

The student must submit an Interim Progress Report to the DGS by the end of the fourth year. This report is a 3-to-5-page (single-spaced, 12-point font) description of the student’s PhD research activities. It should include the anticipated research scope, research accomplishments, and time scale for completion of the PhD. The report should be prepared in consultation with, and the approval of, all members of the PhD Committee.

Departmental Seminar

The student is required to give a generally accessible seminar related to their dissertation project as part of a Graduate Seminar Series. All five members of the PhD Committee must attend the seminar; other faculty and students are encouraged to attend. The seminar should be presented shortly after the dissertation prospectus is prepared and no later than six months before the final oral exam.

Immediately after the seminar, the PhD Committee meets privately with the student to discuss the details of research required for the completion of a satisfactory PhD dissertation.

Any PhD student who has fulfilled the requirements of the master’s degree program, as stated here , can be awarded a master’s degree.

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Department of Physics

Explore the opportunities, you are here, apply to the yale physics phd program.

The Yale Department of Physics welcomes applications to our matriculating graduate class of 2025 beginning around August 15th, 2024. The General GRE and Physics GRE scores are Optional for applications received by the December 15, 2024, submission deadline.

We recognize the continuing disruption caused by COVID-19 and that the hardship of taking GREs falls unequally on individual students. We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment for all; therefore, we do not require these standardized tests for admission to our program. All applications are reviewed holistically, and preference will not be given to students who do or do not submit GRE scores.

Frequently Asked Physics Questions General Application Questions Application Fees and Fee Waivers* Accommodations for Applicants Facing Extenuating Circumstances

Need more information before you apply? Join us for our Fall 2023 Webinar Series

Physics Only Webinar Watch Recording Here , Slides

Physics & Astronomy - Joint Webinar Watch Recording Here , Physics Slides , Astro Slides

Physics & Applied Physics - Joint Webinar Watch Recording Here , Physics Slides , Applied Physics Slides

Signup to recieve communication on future webinars here .

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Northern Illinois University Department of Physics College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

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  • Department of Physics

Ph.D. Program

Students are required to complete 90 semester hours of graduate course work. This includes 15 hours selecting five out of six core courses covering classical and quantum mechanics, statistical physics, and electromagnetic theory, and 12 hours of 600 or 700 level courses in two different areas of physics. The remaining hours are for dissertation work or other graduate course work in physics and related fields.

Transfer credits for students entering with a master's degree or with graduate coursework from another institution are allowed. Transfer credits are limited to a total of 30 semester hours.

Typically each semester some courses are offered in the evening in order to accommodate non-traditional and part-time students. 

Exam Requirements

Students entering the program without a master's degree in physics are required to pass a MS qualifying examination covering undergraduate material, which is usually taken during the first year. This can be waived given a physics GRE score of 50%.

Successful completion of a Ph.D. candidacy examination based on the core courses and upper-level undergraduate courses is required of all students in the Ph.D. program.

The Ph.D. candidacy exam is divided into three areas: classical mechanics, quantum mechanics and E&M. The  Physics Graduate Manual  describes exam policies further.

Related Links

  • Graduate Admission Information
  • Physics Graduate Manual  (PDF)
  • M.S. Course Requirements
  • Ph.D. Course Requirements
  • Graduate Course Descriptions
  • Recent Thesis and Dissertations
  • Undergraduate

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Request Information

Director of graduate studies.

[email protected]

Ph.D. in Physics

Wayne State's Ph.D. in Physics allows students to further their studies in the general field of physics while also putting emphasis on one or two specific fields of interest. This involves a combination of coursework and the completion of an original, scholarly piece of research that is then presented as a Ph.D. dissertation.

Areas of specialization include nuclear physics, high energy physics, condensed matter physics, astrophysics, atomic physics, materials science, optics, mathematical physics, quantum field theory and applied physics. Practical applications for specific theoretical training and skills practiced in a physics Ph.D. program can include engineering, product development, consulting, teaching and more.

See graduate admissions for more information.

Career insights

This tool provides a broad overview of how major selection can lead to careers and is provided without any implied promise of employment. Some careers will require further education, skills, or competencies. Actual salaries may vary significantly between similar employers and could change by graduation, as could employment opportunities and job titles.

Department of Physics


Introduction to the Graduate Program

Sherry Song and Joseph Van der List Grad Students

Thank you for your interest in graduate studies in Physics. Here we give a general overview of Princeton’s Physics Ph.D. program. For information on admissions and more detailed program requirements, please see the links to the left.

We welcome students from diverse backgrounds and strive to provide a sense of community and inclusiveness where students are enabled to achieve their full potential. Graduate study in the Department of Physics is strongly focused on research , and only the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program is offered. The Physics Department maintains an active research program with equal emphasis on theoretical and experimental studies. Besides its traditional strengths in theoretical and experimental elementary particle physics, theoretical and experimental gravity and cosmology, experimental nuclear and atomic physics, mathematical physics, and theoretical condensed matter physics, it has newer strong and growing groups in experimental condensed matter physics and biophysics.

Physics department faculty and graduate students are active in research collaborations with scientists in several other departments, including astrophysical sciences , electrical engineering , chemistry , biology , neuroscience , and the program in quantitative and computational biology , as well as the Institute for Advanced Study and the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials . If prior approval is obtained, students may conduct their research under the supervision of advisers from outside the physics department.

For information on graduate student life check out the Student Experience page

For more information, please contact :  Professor Simone Giombi, Director of Graduate Studies

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The PhD in Physics is a full-time period of research that introduces or builds upon research skills and specialist knowledge. Students are assigned a research Supervisor, a specialist in part or all of the student's chosen research field, and join a research group that might vary in size between a handful to many tens of individuals.

Although the Supervisor is responsible for the progress of a student's research programme, the extent to which a postgraduate student is assisted by the Supervisor or by other members of the group depends almost entirely on the structure and character of the group concerned. The research field is normally determined at entry after consideration of the student's interests and the facilities available. The student, however, may work within a given field for a period of time before their personal topic is determined.

There is no requirement made by the University for postgraduate students to attend formal courses or lectures for the PhD. Postgraduate work is largely a matter of independent research and successful postgraduates require a high degree of self-motivation. Nevertheless, lectures and classes may be arranged, and students are expected to attend both seminars (delivered regularly by members of the University and by visiting scholars and industrialists) and external conferences. Postgraduate students are also expected to participate in the undergraduate teaching programme at some time whilst they are based at the Cavendish, in order to develop their teaching, demonstrating, outreach, organisational and person-management skills.

It is expected that postgraduate students will also take advantage of the multiple opportunities available for transferable skills training within the University during their period of research.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the research programme, students will have demonstrated:

  • the creation and interpretation of new knowledge, through original research or other advanced scholarship, of a quality to satisfy peer review, extend the forefront of the discipline, and merit publication
  • a systematic acquisition and understanding of a substantial body of knowledge which is at the forefront of an academic discipline or area of professional practice
  • the general ability to conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of new knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of the discipline and to adjust the project design in the light of unforeseen problems
  • a detailed understanding of applicable techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry; and
  • the development of a PhD thesis for examination that they can defend in an oral examination and, if successful, graduate with a PhD

The University hosts and attends fairs and events throughout the year, in the UK and across the world. We also offer online events to help you explore your options:

Discover Cambridge: Master’s and PhD study webinars - these Spring events provide practical information about applying for postgraduate study.

Postgraduate Virtual Open Days - taking place in November each year, the Open Days focus on subject and course information.

For more information about upcoming events visit our events pages .

Key Information

3-4 years full-time, 4-7 years part-time, study mode : research, doctor of philosophy, department of physics, course - related enquiries, application - related enquiries, course on department website, dates and deadlines:.

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Easter 2025

Michaelmas 2025, easter 2026, funding deadlines.

These deadlines apply to applications for courses starting in Michaelmas 2025, Lent 2026 and Easter 2026.

Similar Courses

  • Physics MPhil
  • Mathematics MPhil
  • Planetary Science and Life in the Universe MPhil
  • Computational Methods for Materials Science CDT PhD
  • Astronomy MPhil

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DTU Physics

Department of Physics

The PhD programme at DTU Physics

Modern physics, significant basic scientific challenges and application perspectives are the focus of our innovative research environment. About 100 students comprise the PhD school at DTU Physics. Approximately half are international.

The organization of the PhD schools at DTU differs from the other Danish universities in that it is the institutes that are themselves PhD schools.

The PhD programme takes 3 years to complete and is specifically designed to train researchers to an international level which will allow them to interact with the international research community. 

As a PhD student, you must complete an independent scientific project that results in a written dissertation and a public defense of your PhD project. 

Through guidance you learn how to research

The PhD program is a learning process where, as a PhD student, you learn to research through supervision. You and your supervisor work together in a team to achieve the best research in the field.

The PhD programme consists of:

  • an independent scientific project
  • an education course corresponding to 30 ECTS points
  • a teaching and communication course corresponding to approx. 3 months.
  • an external study stay
  • a dissertation
  • a public defense

Chemical Physics

Offered in collaboration with the Departments of Chemistry and Physics and Astronomy, the PhD in Chemical Physics is for mathematically inclined chemistry graduate students or the atomic-molecularly focused physics graduate students. The curriculum melds Chemistry and Physics, with more emphasis on chemical synthesis than the core program in Physics and more electricity and magnetism than the core program in Chemistry. This combined program will prepare you for careers in this recognized interdisciplinary area.

Program Outcomes

In addition to valuable professional skills training and experience in teaching, all graduates of the Chemical Physics PhD program have led one or more independent research projects while being mentored by faculty at the top of their fields. You will learn how to find, understand, and critically evaluate primary literature, and you will learn how to write, display, and communicate chemical science information for both nonscientific and expert audiences. You'll also learn about other important aspects of research including matters of safety, ethics, integrity, diversity, and inclusion. 

Graduates of the Chemical Physics PhD program are well-trained for research careers in a wide range of fields spanning theoretical and experimental chemistry, physics, spectroscopy, and materials. Our alumni have gone on to a wide range of academic, governmental or private sector research jobs in energy, materials, surface science, and catalysis.

Home Departments

This exciting program is offered by two Departments: Chemistry and Physics in Astronomy. Students apply to and enroll in the program through one of these departments (referred to as the 'home departments'), either as a prospective student or as a current student after being accepted by one of the departments’ programs (e.g., after they have already started their PhD).

Upon completion of the doctorate, your transcript will denote that your degree is either a PhD in Chemistry: Chemical Physics or a  PhD in Physics: Chemical Physics, depending on your home department.

Application Requirements

  • Application fee
  • Official TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test scores, if applicable .
  • Transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendation. Note: Applicants do not need the support of a current Tufts faculty member to apply to this program.
  • Please describe your long-term goals and how a graduate degree in chemistry will help you achieve them.
  • If you have participated in a research project (including course-based research), describe how your personal, intellectual, and creative contributions altered the course of the project.
  • What research are you interested in pursuing in graduate school? How do the research programs of specific faculty in our program align with your interests?
  • Please share any circumstances that affected your academic performance.
  • How have you built on your strengths and worked to improve areas of weakness? How have you responded to challenges and critical feedback you have received?
  • Please describe how you built, contributed to, and enriched the communities to which you belong.

Note: Applicants do not need the support of a current faculty member to apply to this program.

Tuition and Financial Aid

See Tuition and Financial Aid information for GSAS Programs.

Graduate Research at Tufts

Graduate students at Tufts form a thriving community of researchers that engages in cutting-edge science. Chemistry research at Tufts is highly interdisciplinary, addressing basic questions about how the universe works and how we can use molecular science to improve society. The department's areas of focus include chemical biology, biotechnology, analytical chemistry, surface science, extraplanetary science, catalysis, green energy, inorganic chemistry, organic synthesis, education research, quantum computing, material science, and therapeutics development. Likewise, the Department of Physics applies an interdisciplinary approach to exploring the areas of astronomy and astrophysics, biophysics, condensed matter physics, cosmology, general relativity, particle physics and physics education.

Explore Research Labs in Chemistry

Explore Research Labs in Physics and Astronomy

faculty photo

Joshua Kritzer

Research/Areas of Interest: Bioorganic, Biophysical, & Chemical Biology. Peptides and their mimetics can target protein surfaces in ways small molecules rarely do, making peptide libraries attractive for screening for nontraditional modes of action. The Kritzer research group takes advantage of peptide and peptidomimetic libraries to bypass many of the disadvantages of small molecule screening. They also explore how modifications such as substitution of peptide bonds with isosteres, amide N-methylation, and head-to-tail cyclization affect the activities, specificities, and bioavailabilities of functional peptides. By combining powerful techniques from organic synthesis, biophysical chemistry, molecular biology and genetics, they are developing new molecules and new strategies to attack cancer, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases.

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Pierre-Hugues Beauchemin

Research/Areas of Interest: Experimental High Energy Physics My research focuses on the discovery of new fundamental particles of nature, as well as on the understanding of the behavior of the known particles. To do this, I participate in the ATLAS experiment, one of the two general-purpose detectors at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. My work currently consists in analyzing data in order to: Perform precision measurements leading to a better understanding of the strong interaction within the QCD theoretical framework; Search for new physics in events involving large amount of missing energy, typical signature of new particles that interact very weakly with normal matter such as dark matter candidate; Develop and estimate the performance of the ATLAS trigger system. This last aspect of my work also involves software development and a participation in the detector operation. I'm focusing my efforts on the Missing Energy trigger. The Standard Model of particle physics, despite being very successful, cannot be the end of the story. It contains a certain number of theoretical dissatisfactions. Of all the possibilities, I believe that dark matter is one of our best guess. Its existence is based on experimental facts, and the mass scale of dark matter particles, in the case where it is the right explanation, should be accessible at the LHC. Its existence would be inferred by the observation of missing energy in subset of all collected events. Looking for excesses of events involving large amount of missing energy over expectations is a promising way to look for dark matter at the LHC. My approach is to carry such search by performing precision measurements of Standard Model quantities, to optimize the sensitivity of the analysis to such new particles. Predictions using quantum chromodynamics (QCD) implies many approximations, assumptions or simplifications at various levels. These could lead to large systematic uncertainties on various Standard Model predictions, possibly leading to significant limits in our sensitivity to new phenomena. My research try to determine which of the simplifications and approximations are acceptable at the level of precision needed for a new physics discovery. To this end, I investigate events that contain a vector boson and jets, as they are sensitive to such physics and yet provide a clean enough environment to allow for high precision measurements. These are also the most important background to a wide range of new physics signature. As a side, I am also interested in the philosophy of physics, focusing on epistemological aspects of experiments and simulations as used in High Energy Physics.

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Timothy Atherton

Research/Areas of Interest: Condensed Matter Physics, Soft materials, Colloids, Liquid Crystals, Computational Physics, Physics Education Soft matter physics is the study of matter that is all around us in everyday life: soaps, oil, foods, sand, foams, and biological matter. All of these are readily deformable at room temperature and combine properties of both fluids and solids. Despite their ubiquity, these materials are extremely complicated. Unlike simple fluids like water, they have rich internal structure; unlike crystalline solids they are typically not periodically ordered. Moreover, they exist in long-lived metastable states far from equilibrium and respond to stimuli such as applied electric and magnetic fields, temperature and pressure. My work seeks to understand how these materials respond to shape: how they self-organize on curved surfaces or in complex geometries and how this knowledge can be used both to sculpt desirable shapes at the microscopic scale and create shape changing systems like soft robots. We use high performance computing to simulate and predict these behaviors and work closely with experimentalists at Tufts and beyond.

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Clay Bennett

Research/Areas of Interest: Organic Synthesis, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Synthetic Methodology, Bioorganic Chemistry. Complex carbohydrates play critical roles in a number of biological processes including, protein folding, cellular adhesion and signaling. Despite their importance, very little is understood about the molecular basis of their activity. This is largely due to the fact that the only source of pure oligosaccharides is tedious multi-step synthesis, which can take months or even years to compete. Our research is focused on developing methodologies, based on asymmetric catalysis, to streamline complex oligosaccharide synthesis. Ultimately such methods will aid in the rapid and routine preparation of oligosaccharides for biophysical studies and drug discovery.

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Bruce Boghosian

Research/Areas of Interest: Applied dynamical systems, applied probability theory, kinetic theory, agent-based modeling, mathematical models of the economy, theoretical and computational fluid dynamics, complex systems science, quantum computation Current research emphasis is on mathematical models of economics in general, and agent-based models of wealth distributions in particular. The group's work has shed new light on the tendency of wealth to concentrate, and has discovered new results for upward mobility, wealth autocorrelation, and the flux of agents and wealth. The group's mathematical description of the phenomenon of oligarchy has also shed new light on functional analysis in general and distribution theory in particular. Secondary projects include new directions in lattice Boltzmann and lattice-gas models of fluid dynamics, kinetic theory, and quantum computation.

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Research/Areas of Interest: Condensed Matter Physics

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Research/Areas of Interest: I am interested in synthesis and characterization in inorganic and materials chemistry. I am especially interested in fundamental chemistry that has important societal implications. My research laboratory currently works in several areas: Earth-abundant molecular light absorbers and emitters. Molecular light absorbers and emitters are used in photoredox catalysis, dye-sensitized solar cells, and organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). We are exploring high-spin complexes of iron and manganese to prepare new molecules that absorb and emit light. Volatile molecules carrying metal-atom equivalents for superconducting wires. Cryogenic superconducting wires enable quantum bits based on Josephson junctions. We are developing new molecules and methods to deposit the electropositive metals that make up these wires from chemical vapors. Thin-film photovoltaics with earth-abundant, sulfide-based absorber layers. Thin-film photovoltaics (solar cells) provide electricity from sunlight with just a few hundred nm of light-absorbing material. We are exploring binary and ternary sulfides as new sources of earth-abundant photovoltaics. I am developing new research programs in several areas: Zero-emissions ironmaking. The synthesis of iron metal from iron ore contributes ca. 4% of global carbon dioxide emissions. I am interested in alternative thermochemical methods of making iron from iron oxides. New superconducting materials. Near-room-temperature superconductors have recently been realized in compressed hydrides. I am interested in new hydride compounds that are stable at ambient pressure and might serve as ambient-pressure, ambient-temperature superconductors.

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Lawrence Ford

Research/Areas of Interest: Theoretical cosmology, quantum field theory, models for quantum gravity effects My current research involves several related topics in quantum fluctuation phenomena, with applications to gravitation and cosmology. One topic is the study of energy density fluctuations for quantum fields such as the electromagnetic field. My collaborators and I have shown that large vacuum energy density fluctuations are more probable than previously expected. These large fluctuations can drive quantum fluctuations of gravity and provide insight into effects in quantum gravity, an area which is not well understood. Energy density fluctuations may also produce observable effects in atomic or condensed matter systems, and may play a role in the evolution of the early universe. I am also working on analog models for quantum gravity, in which quantum fluctuations in a nonlinear optical material might produce fluctuations in the speed of light, analogous to an effect expected in quantum gravity.

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Hugh Gallagher

Research/Areas of Interest: Experimental particle physics, neutrino oscillations, neutrino interaction physics, neutrino astrophysics, computer simulations of neutrino-nucleus interactions. The main thrust of my research is the study of the neutrino. Through neutrino oscillation experiments, we are gaining insights into neutrino masses and mixing parameters. Precise measurements of these quantities may allow us to uncover the reason behind the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe, or point the way to a theory beyond the standard model. Precise measurements of oscillation parameters require good models of neutrino-nucleus interactions. I work on experiments that are studying neutrino oscillations (NOvA and DUNE), on experiments that are providing new data on neutrino-nucleus interactions (MINERvA), and on a widely-used software package (GENIE) that is used to simulate neutrino-nucleus interactions.

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Gary Goldstein

Research/Areas of Interest: Theoretical high energy and nuclear physics, Science and society, Science education Theories of fundamental constituents of matter, Quantum Chromodynamics, tests of the Standard Model and beyond, the role of spin and angular momentum in particle interactions at medium and high energies. The role of science in public policy; non-proliferation of nuclear arms; education for peace.

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David Hammer

Research/Areas of Interest: Research on learning and instruction. My research is on learning and teaching in STEM fields (mostly physics) across ages from young children through adults. Much of my focus has been on intuitive "epistemologies," how instructors interpret and respond to student thinking, and resource-based models of knowledge and reasoning.

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Mark Hertzberg

Research/Areas of Interest: Theoretical Physics: Cosmology, Particle Physics, Astrophysics. My primary research is in physics at the interface between theoretical cosmology and particle physics, including astrophysics and aspects of quantum field theory. By studying the extreme conditions of the very early universe, as well as the properties of the late universe's dark constituents, and analyzing the results of various ground based experiments, we can gain insights into the fundamental laws of nature. This acts as the driving force behind much of my research, although I sometimes investigate other interesting subjects. A central focus has been on trying to understand the nature of dark matter, which forms the majority of matter in the universe. There are various interesting candidates for the dark matter, including so-called axions, which may organize into new interesting types of structures. Furthermore, I have worked on the understanding the large scale structure of the universe, which gives insights into the initial conditions of the early universe. Another focus has been on understanding cosmological inflation, which is the leading idea for the earliest moments of our universe, involving an early phase of rapid expansion. I have worked on connecting inflation to the matter anti-matter asymmetry of the universe and worked on the post-inflationary era where the universe needs to transition to a hot soup of particles. A recent interest is in pursuing a fundamental understanding of gravitation. I am interested in understanding the full set of theoretical and observational constraints that determine the structure of gravitation, including constraints from quantum mechanics. Furthermore, I sometimes investigate interesting quantum phenomena, including entanglement entropy and the Casimir effect.

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Samuel Kounaves

Research/Areas of Interest: Planetary Chemical Analysis & Astrobiology - In the search for life in our solar system over the past several decades, it has become increasingly clear that there may be multiple worlds besides Earth that either once had or may still have environments capable of supporting microbial life as we know it. Our current research is focused on two aspects of this search: (1) In the search for life on Mars, one key question is; how are biologically-produced molecules (biomarkers) altered when exposed to solar ultraviolet radiation in the presence of oxychlorines and their intermediate formation products? To help answer this question we are investigating the "fragmentation" patterns of such altered biogenic compounds which could then be used to identify the original biomarker and thus provide evidence for life on Mars. (2) We are developing in-situ analytical instrumentation that is designed to unambiguously detect microbial life and determine the habitability of planetary environments that may be present at the surface or subsurface of Mars, and the oceans of icy-worlds such as Saturn's moon Enceladus or Jupiter's moon Europa.

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Krishna Kumar

Research/Areas of Interest: Bioorganic Chemistry and Chemical Biology The research interests of the Kumar laboratory are centered on the (1) use of chemistry to design molecules to interrogate and illuminate fundamental mechanisms in biology, or be used as therapeutics; and (2) use of biology to "evolve" and "select" molecules that can perform chemistry in non-biological and medicinal settings. These are some questions we are trying to answer: (i) Is it possible to design and mimic natural proteins and other biological macromolecules by use of building blocks that nature does not use – and whether such constructs can be endowed with properties that are not found in biology?; (ii) How did the first enzymes arise in the imagined Darwin's pond – is there a way to recreate this scenario and in the process develop a fundamentally new method to create enzymes?; (iii) Biology uses phase separation, that is, clustering of different compounds in confined locations – a process that is key in orchestrating the daily activities of a cell – can we find methods that can predictably dictate where molecules are located in a given environment and thereby direct the phenotype that is generated?; (iv) Can we rationally design small molecules and peptides that can function against antibiotic resistant bacteria that are threatening the most basic tenet of modern medicine?

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Yu-Shan Lin

Research/Areas of Interest: Theoretical and Computational Biophysical Chemistry. The YSL Group aims to elucidate the structures and functions of biomolecules by integrating the power of advanced computations with the elegance of chemical theory. Our focus is to develop and apply computational methodology to significant biological problems that are difficult to address experimentally. Two major research projects in the YSL Group are (1) to understand and design cyclic peptides with desired conformations to modulate protein–protein interactions and (2) to elucidate the structural and functional roles of post-translational modifications and non-natural amino acids on protein folding.

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Research/Areas of Interest: Quantum Information, Quantum Simulation, Adiabatic Quantum Computation, Computational Physics Quantum information faces three basic questions. Firstly, what are quantum computers good for? Secondly, how do we build one? Thirdly, what will quantum information contribute if technological obstacles to constructing a large scale quantum computer prove insuperable? The first question is the search for problems which quantum computers can solve more easily than classical computers. The second is an investigation of which physical systems one could use to build a quantum computer. The third leads to the search for spinoffs in classical computation, and the question of where the classical/quantum boundary lies. I am interested in all three questions.

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Charlie Mace

Research/Areas of Interest: Bioanalytical and Materials Chemistry. To solve outstanding problems in global health, the Mace Lab applies a multidisciplinary approach combining aspects of analytical chemistry, materials science, and engineering. The primary goal of the Mace lab is to develop low cost, patient-centric technologies that can improve access to healthcare. To achieve this, the Mace Lab designs devices that improve the self-collection of blood and enable the diagnosis of diseases in resource-limited settings, and they are exploring ways the methods that are developed in the lab can used by others. Their main techniques leverage the properties of paper and other porous materials to integrate function into simple, affordable devices. Unique to laboratories in Chemistry departments, his group specializes in handling human blood and saliva. Technologies developed in the Mace lab have made the leap to clinical sites in Africa, South America, and the US, owing to their network of clinical, academic, and industry collaborators. The Mace Lab has broad expertise in assay development and device prototyping, which they apply to evaluating the efficacy of candidate therapeutics, performing separations that lead to new measurements, and making field-deployable kits for point-of-care testing. They have additional expertise in instrument development, phase separation in systems of polymers, and microfluidics.

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W. Anthony Mann

Research/Areas of Interest: Experimental high energy physics, elementary particle interactions, neutrino oscillations, neutrino-nucleus interactions, baryon instability searches. Design and execution of experimental measurements that reveal or constrain the existence of new elementary particles, that delineate the properties of known elementary particles, and that quantify the interactions and symmetries that govern fundamental energy systems of the subatomic realm.

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Danilo Marchesini

Research/Areas of Interest: Astronomy; galaxy formation and evolution; extra-galactic surveys; active galactic nuclei; near-infrared astronomy Understanding how galaxies form and evolve means understanding how the tiny differences in the distribution of matter inferred from the cosmic microwave background radiation grew and evolved into the galaxies we see today. The working hypothesis is that galaxies form under the influence of gravity, and galaxy formation can be seen as a two-step process. First, the gravity of dark matter causes the tiny seeds in the matter distribution to grow bigger with time. As they grow more massive, the gravitational attraction becomes stronger, making it easier for these structures to attract additional matter. As the dark matter structures grow, they pull in also the gas, made of hydrogen and helium, which is the primary ingredient for the formation of stars, and hence for the formation of the stellar content of galaxies. The formation of the stellar content inside these dark matter structures involves many physical processes that are much more complicated and quite poorly understood from a theoretical perspective. These physical processes include, for example, how gas cools and collapses to form stars, the process of star formation itself, merging of galaxies, feedback from star formation and from active super-massive black holes. My research activity in the past decade has focused on understanding how galaxies formed after the Big Bang, and how their properties (e.g., the stellar mass, the level of star formation activity, the morphology and structural parameters, the level of activity of the hosted super-massive black hole, etc.) have changed as a function of cosmic time. Since we cannot follow the same galaxy evolving in time, we need to connect the galaxies we observe at a certain redshift (i.e. a certain snapshot in time) to those we observe at a smaller redshift (i.e., at a later time in cosmic history) in order to infer how the properties of galaxies have actually changed and what physical mechanisms are responsible for these changes. The better we understand the galaxy properties at a certain time and the more finely in time we can probe the cosmic history, the easier it becomes to connect galaxies' populations seen at different snapshots in time, linking progenitors and descendants across cosmic time. Ultimately, my research aims at understanding what galaxy population seen at one epoch will evolve into at a later epoch, and what physical processes are responsible for the inferred changes in the galaxies' properties. In order to do this, I have adopted two different but complementary approaches. The first approach consists of statistical studies of the galaxy populations at different cosmic times; the second approach consists of detailed studies of individual galaxies to robustly derive their properties.

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Austin Napier

Research/Areas of Interest: Experimental Particle Physics, Electromagnetic Theory, Computational Physics. High Energy Physics: studies of heavy quarks, new particle searches, tests of the Standard Model. Computational Physics: data analysis, simulation, electromagnetism.

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Research/Areas of Interest: Gravitational waves, cosmic strings, energy conditions in general relativity, anthropic reasoning in cosmology.

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Fiorenzo Omenetto

Research/Areas of Interest: ultrafast nonlinear optics, nanophotonics, biopolymer multifunctional materials, material science, photonic crystals, photonic crystal fibers

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Anna Sajina

Research/Areas of Interest: Extragalactic astrophysics How did galaxies and their central black holes co-evolve from the Big Bang to the present? Despite much progress through large scale galaxy surveys as well as ever more sophisticated numerical simulations, we are still hampered by the fact that much of the star-formation activity and black hole growth are buried in thick cocoons of dust and gas. Observations suggest that much of this activity took place in the past, before the Universe was half its present age, and likely involved mergers of nearly equal sized galaxies. As the merger progresses, gas and dust are more and more concentrated, triggering prodigious star-formation and gradually increasing accretion onto the central black hole (Active Galactic Nuclei or AGN). The process is short lived as supernovae- or AGN-driven winds lead to a 'blow-out' event which disperses the intervening gas and dust halting further star-formation and black hole growth. Indications that starbursts and AGN may regulate each other as above can be seen in the local correlation between the mass of a central black hole and the stellar mass of its host galaxy. The same galaxy observed at different stages of this process can appear very different. Therefore observations of different types of galaxies at different epochs and in different wavelength regimes are crucial to build a more complete understanding of the whole process.

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Rebecca Scheck

Research/Areas of Interest: Chemical Biology and Bioorganic Chemistry. The post-translational modification (PTM) of proteins is an essential cellular vocabulary that allows critical information to be communicated within and between cells. The Scheck lab pioneers new chemical biology tools that enable the decoding of PTM networks. We use these methods to unlock previously unattainable information about how PTMs are integrated into signaling networks in living cells. Our focus is on PTMs with unusual mechanisms that make them particularly complicated to study using traditional tools, which typically inhibit or profile specific enzyme activities. We use an integrated mass spectrometry and chemical biology approach to develop new, selective chemistries and chemical methods that can predictably modulate, track, or capture specific PTMs, like glycation, ubiquitination, or phosphate B-elimination. Learning how these signals are interpreted or degraded will provide access to new therapeutic targets for preventing or treating neurodegenerative diseases, bacterial infection, autoimmune disease, cancer, diabetes, and age-related diseases.

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Mary Shultz

Research/Areas of Interest: Physical Chemistry and Surface Science. The Shultz group applies physics and chemistry to understand the inner workings of hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen bonding plays key roles in environmental, biological, and atmospheric chemistry. Our program has research thrusts in all three directions. We specialize both in devising environments that clearly reveal key interactions and in developing new instrumentation. The most recent focus is on icy surfaces and on clathrate formation. Probing the ice surface begins with a well-prepared single-crystal surface. We have unique capabilities for growing single-crystal ice from the melt and for and preparing any desired ice face. Our clean water efforts are aimed at developing new materials to fill the significant need for safe drinking water. According to the World Health Organization, over one billion people lack safe drinking water. Our program is based on using photo catalysts to capture readily available sunlight to turn pollutants into benign CO2 and water. We developed methods to grow ultra-nano (~2 nm) particles that have well-controlled surface structures and chemistry.

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Krzysztof Sliwa

Research/Areas of Interest: Physics of elementary particles The Standard Model, gauge theories; also topology, differential geometry and other branches of modern mathematics to better understand quantum gauge theories, the origin of mass and the structure of space-time, matter and all interactions, including gravity. I am a member of the ATLAS collaboration at the LHC. Studies of Higgs boson and top quarks. The main objective is to find out whether the new particle discovered in 2012 is a minimal Standard Model Higgs, or some other kind. Studies of top quarks are very interesting on their own. Because of very large mass of the top quark, its lifetime is very short, ~ 5x10^{-25} seconds, much shorter that the characteristic time of the strong interactions. As a consequence, top quark decays before any strong interaction effects may take place. This allows a direct access to the information about the quark spin, which is very difficult, if not impossible, for any other quark. Studies of top quarks are very important for other searches, as top quarks will constitute the most important background for almost any final states due to "new physics" and have to be understood very well. We are using very advanced multidimensional analysis techniques, developed by our group (Ben Whitehouse and I). Topology and geometry of the Universe In the Standard Cosmological Model (SCM), the starting point is an interpretation of the observed redshift of spectral lines from distant galaxies as a Doppler shift in the frequency of light waves as they travel through an expanding Universe. Acceptance of this hypothesis led to the ideas of the Big Bang and the LambdaCDM, the Standard Model of cosmology. Remarkably, there exist another explanation of the cosmological redshift. As shown by Irving Ezra Segal, a mathematician and a mathematical physicist, the same axioms of global isotropy and homogeneity of space and time, and its causality properties, are satisfied not only by the Minkowski spacetime R x R^3, but also by a Universe whose geometry is R X S^3. In Segal's model, the geometry of the spatial part of the Universe is that of a three-dimensional hypersurface of a four-dimensional sphere. Locally, it is indistinguishable from the flat Minkowski spacetime. It is the geometry of the Einstein static Universe, which he abandoned when the interpretation of the increase of redshift with distance was universally accepted as evidence for expanding Universe. If the universe is R1 x S3 but observations are made in flat Minkowski frame, then such an observer measures the "projections" from R1 x S3 into flat R1 x R3. The redshift in Segal's model arises in a geometric way analogously to distortions which appear when making maps using stereographic projection from S^2, a two-dimensional curved surface of a sphere in three dimensions, onto a flat surface of a map, R^2. Segal's theory makes a verifiable prediction for the redshift as a function of distance. The comparison, although in principle very simple, is non-trivial. For more distant objects, one can only estimate the distance using various proxies, for example the magnitude, if one assumes that the chosen sources have the same absolute luminosity. Surprisingly, Segal's model cannot be falsified with the currently available data. The magnitude-redshift data for supernovae agree very well with SCM, but it also agrees with Segal's model. There exist another independent observable, the number of observed galaxies as a function of redshift z, N(< z). Assuming that galaxies are uniformly distributed in the Universe, their number is proportional to the volume enclosed in a given fixed angular field of view, and the dependence of this volume on the manifold distance is sensitive to the geometry of the Universe. Two Tufts undergraduate students, Maxwell Kaye and Nathan Burwig, joined me in this analysis. We examined the data from several Hubble Deep Fields, and found that the number of observed galaxies as a function of redshift is also in very good agreement with Segal's model. We are continuing with a study of these fundamental questions about the topology and geometry of our Universe. Interestingly, I have also shown recently that one can explain the observed value of the CMB temperature, following Segal's original idea that the CMB appears unavoidably as a result of light traveling many times around a closed spatial part of the R X S^3 Universe. Magnetic monopoles I am also a member of MoEDAL, a small collaboration looking for magnetic monopoles at the LHC.

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Igor Sokolov

Research/Areas of Interest: Engineering for Health -> Physics of cancer and aging -> Mechanics of biomaterials at the nanoscale, Synthesis and study of functionals nanomaterials for biomedical imaging and drug delivery, Advanced imaging for medical diagnostics, Novel processes and materials for dentistry: nano-polishing and self-healing materials

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Cristian Staii

Research/Areas of Interest: Biological Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Mechanics My research interests cover a broad array of topics in biological physics, condensed matter physics and quantum mechanics. In biological physics our group is performing both experimental and theoretical work to uncover fundamental physical principles that underlie the formation of functional neuronal networks among neurons in the brain. One of the primary challenges in science today is to figure out how as many as 100 billion neurons are produced, grow, and organize themselves into the truly wonderful information-processing machine which is the brain. We combine high-resolution imaging techniques such as atomic force, traction force and fluorescence microscopy to measure mechanical properties of neurons and to correlate these properties with internal components of the cell. Our group is also using mathematical modeling based on stochastic differential equations and the theory of dynamical systems to predict axonal growth and the formation of neuronal networks. The aim of this work is twofold. On the one hand we are using tools and concepts from experimental and theoretical physics to understand biological processes. On the other hand, active biological processes in neuronal cells exhibit a wealth of fascinating phenomena such as feedback control, pattern formation, collective behavior, and non equilibrium dynamics, and thus the insights learned from studying these biological systems broaden the intellectual range of physics. I am also interested in the foundations of quantum mechanics, particularly in decoherence phenomena and in applying the theory of stochastic processes to open quantum systems. My interests in condensed matter physics include quantum transport in nanoscale systems (carbon nanotubes, graphene, polymer composites, hybrid nanostructures), as well as scanning probe microscopy investigations of novel biomaterials.

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E. Charles Sykes

Research/Areas of Interest: Physical Chemistry, Surface Science, and Nanoscience. The Sykes group utilizes state of the art scanning probes and surface science instrumentation to study technologically important systems. For example, scanning tunneling microscopy enables visualization of geometric and electronic properties of catalytically relevant metal alloy surfaces at the nanoscale. Using temperature programmed reaction studies of well defined model catalyst surfaces structure-property-activity relationships are drawn. Of particular interest is the addition of individual atoms of a reactive metal to a relatively inert host. In this way reactivity can be tuned, and provided the energetic landscapes are understood, novel bifunctional catalytic systems can be designed with unique properties that include low temperature activation and highly selective chemistry. Newly developed curved single crystal surface are also being used to open up previously inaccessible areas of structure sensitive surface chemistry and chiral surface geometries. In a different thrust, the group has developed various molecular motor systems that are enabling us to study many important fundamental aspects of molecular rotation and translation with unprecedented resolution.

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Samuel Thomas

Research/Areas of Interest: Organic Materials Chemistry Our group applies the philosophy of physical organic chemistry to organic materials, in the forms of polymers, crystals and surfaces. Specifically, we investigate new materials that show macroscopic changes in properties upon exposure to external stimuli. Our main focus has been new materials that respond to light, which has a unique combination of characteristics: i) easy control over where light goes and when it goes there (spatiotemporal control), ii) easy control over intensity and energy, and iii) the ability to pass through many solid materials that traditional chemical reagents cannot. Our research has focused in three separate areas. 1. Photochemical control of charge. As interactions between charges dictate much of molecular behavior, controlling charge can yield control over matter. We have developed a series of materials in which light switches the charge-based interactions between polymer chains from attractive. By combining this top-down fabrication approach of with the bottom-up fabrication method of layer-by-layer assembly, we have developed thin films in which photochemical lability is confined to individual nanoscale compartments, yielding photo-delaminated free-standing films and multi-height photolithography. 2. Using functional side chains to control conjugated materials. Conjugated materials hold great promise for applications including solar cells and displays. We have focused on expanding the role of the side-chains of these materials, which occupy up to half of their mass but are typically reserved only for solubility. Early work in our group focused on integrating photolabile side chains for negative conjugated photoresists. This has evolved to using the non-covalent interactions of aromatic side-chains for controlling interactions between molecules, and therefore their material properties, including the use of mechanical force to control luminescence—mechanofluorochromism. 3. Singlet-oxygen responsive materials. Singlet oxygen (1O2) is a critical reactive oxygen species in photodynamic therapy for cancer as well as in damage to plants upon overexposure to light. Its photochemical production is also chemically amplified through a photochemical reaction, which is the lynchpin of several commercial bioanalytical technologies. Through a combination of fundamental physical organic chemistry and materials chemistry, we have luminescent conjugated polymer nanoparticles as probes for 1O2 in water that shows improved limit of detection over the commercially available luminescent probe for 1O2.

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Roger Tobin

Research/Areas of Interest: Experimental condensed matter physics; physics education For most of my career, my primary physics research area has been experimental surface science. In my lab at 574 Boston Ave., my students and I have studied what happens when foreign atoms and molecules form chemical bonds with metal surfaces. Our research has had implications for a range of potential applications including catalysis, chemical sensing, and the growth of thin films and nanoparticles on surfaces. In recent years my focus has shifted towards physics education, at both the college and, especially, at the elementary school level. Together with collaborators at a local nonprofit organization and at other universities, I have helped to develop and study curriculum materials and professional development strategies for the study of matter and energy in grades 3-5. In my own classes at Tufts, I have implemented and studied a range of instructional approaches aimed at more effective and equitable learning.

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Research/Areas of Interest: Physical and Surface Chemistry. The Utz group studies how molecules react on surfaces. Reactions at the gas-surface interface are highly dynamical events. Large-scale atomic and vibrational motions transform reactants into products on sub-ps and Å scales. The experiments probe ultrafast nuclear motion and energy flow dynamics that underlie heterogeneous catalysis and chemical vapor deposition. The goal is to to better model existing processes and direct the rational design of new catalytic materials and deposition techniques. The experiments use vibrational- and rotational-state selective laser excitation of molecules in a supersonic molecular beam to provide precise control over the energetics and orientation of the gas-phase reagent as it approaches the surface. Reaction probability and product identity is then quantified as a function of the reagent's energetic configuration. These experiments have shown that the vibrational state of the incident molecule can have a profound effect on reaction probability, and suggest that energy redisribution within the reaction complex is not complete prior to reaction and that the competing kinetics of energy redistribution and reaction might be manipulated to control the outcome of a reaction. This has been subsequently confirmed by exerting bond-elective control over a heterogeneously catalyzed reaction.

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Thomas Vandervelde

Research/Areas of Interest: Interaction of light with matter, physics of nanostructures and interfaces, metamaterials, material science, plasmonics, and surfactants, semiconductor photonics and electronics, epitaxial crystal growth, materials and devices for energy and infrared applications.

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Alexander Vilenkin

Research/Areas of Interest: Theoretical cosmology I do research on cosmic inflation, dark energy, cosmic strings and monopoles, quantum cosmology, and the multiverse.

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Taritree Wongjirad

Research/Areas of Interest: My current focus is on measuring the properties of the neutrino, one of the fundamental particles of the Standard Model. We know a few things about the neutrino: it has a very small mass, has no electric charge, comes in three types — or flavors — and interacts only via the weak force and gravity. However, there are many things we do not know. What is the exact mass of the neutrino? And how does it get its mass? Are the three we know about the only kinds that exist? Answers to these questions impact not only our understanding of the fundamental laws of matter but also have consequences for our understanding of how the universe evolved. These and many other questions make the neutrino a fascinating particle. However, as mentioned above, neutrinos interact only via the weak force. They interact so rarely that, at the energies, we typically work with, neutrinos can pass through light-years long block of lead without striking it. This makes neutrino experiments challenging as we need to build massive, building-sized detectors which are instrumented with relatively, low-cost sensors. However, the challenge is often fun, as we are often forced to apply the newest technologies in both hardware and software to design and complete our experiments.

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5 Best Universities In Makhachkala For International Students 2024

Out of 5 universities in Makhachkala , Dagestan State University and Dagestan State Technical University are the top-performing schools in Makhachkala. This list covers public institutions in Makhachkala .

In this article, we’ve compiled the best universities in Makhachkala. We based our rankings on academic reputations from reputable sources and the number of international students. By doing this, you’ll have an efficient way of comparing your target universities and choose your host university in Makhachkala.

1 Russia Public
2 Russia Public
3 Russia Public
4 Russia Public
5 Russia Public

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Applying to the universities in Makhachkala involves submitting requirements and following specific admissions procedures set by your chosen university. The requirements often include a student visa, application packages, and language scores. Check out our guide for international students who want to study in Makhachkala to learn more about applying for admission in this country’s universities!

How much are the tuition fees at the best universities in Makhachkala?

Tuition fees at Makhachkala’s universities can vary depending on which university, degree, and program you will be enrolling in. Generally, tuition fees for the bachelor’s level range from 85,700 RUB to 127,000 RUB , while tuition fees for the master’s level range from 91,900 RUB to 135,200 RUB.

As we cover the best universities in Makhachkala for international students, feel free to check out the university’s information on Admission, Tuition, Courses, and Language Requirements by looking at the individual university pages.

Top Universities in Makhachkala for International Students

1 dagestan state university.

Dagestan State University (DSU) is a prominent university in the region of the North Caucasus. It has modern infrastructures, two museums, a library with countless academic resources, and advanced training centers. It is also known for its internationally recognized educational system, and all its accredited study programs are taught by highly qualified educators with years of experience in their respective fields. Some of its top-rated programs include nanotechnology, chemical engineering, and plasma physics.

2 Dagestan State Technical University

The Dagestan State Technical University was established in the region of Makhachkala, Russia, in 1972 with the sole purpose of raising the educational level in the region and providing cheap and affordable education to the middle and lower classes. This university has many directions that are very beneficial for students, such as the fields of design, engineering, and computer science, which are well-required in the Russian job market.

3 Dagestan State Medical University

Dagestan State Medical University is a specialized higher education institute that offers undergraduate and graduate-level education. It has five academic faculties: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Preventive Medicine. The university was established in 1932 and has continued to be a center for creating medical professionals. It currently has over 5000 students, 100 of which are foreign, in its care.

4 Dagestan State Pedagogical University

Dagestan State Pedagogical University (DSPU) is a public university in Makhachkala, Dagestan, Russia. It was established in 1917 with the establishment of the Pedagogical Institute in Buynaksk. It was officially recognized in 1943 as the Dagestan Women’s Teacher’s Institute, the precursor of the modern university. The university offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in pedagogy.

5 Dagestan State Agrarian University

Dagestan State Agrarian University is a Russian public university founded in 1932 and is located in the city of Makhachkala. Different kinds of education are offered but most are Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs. Specialization, Secondary Vocational, and Professional training are also present for interested applicants. The university also provides adequate scholarships and student support services.

We know that choosing your dream school in Makhachkala not an easy task. After all, you need to consider other factors like the cost of your education, school background, and population, as it can be overwhelming on your part.

So, to help you out further in weighing your school options for studying in Makhachkala , make sure to visit our list of the best public universities in Makhachkala ! These articles will surely help you in deciding your next study destination!

  • Dagestan State University
  • Department of Physics
  • Gulnara Darvinovna Kardashova

Gulnara Darvinovna Kardashova

Gulnara Darvinovna Kardashova Dagestan State University  ·  Department of Physics

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Figure 5. The temperature dependence of the tensile strength of...

  • French National Centre for Scientific Research

Andrey Bakin

  • Technische Universität Braunschweig

Young-Wook Kim

  • University of Seoul

Z. Liliental-Weber

  • University of California, Berkeley

Eric W. Neuman

  • Sandia National Laboratories

Ştefan Ţălu

  • Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca

Sebastian Stach

  • University of Silesia in Katowice

L. Grmela

  • Brno University of Technology

Jung-Jie Huang

  • Da-Yeh University

Henrique Duarte Da Fonseca Filho

  • Federal University of Amazonas
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  • Admission requirements

MBBS in Russia | MBBS in Dagestan | Study in Russia | Study in Dagestan | Education in Russia | Education in Dagestan | Dagestan State Medical University | DAGSMU | DAGSMA | MBBS Admission in Dagestan State Medical University | MBBS Fee in Dagestan State Medical University | Direct Admission in Dagestan State Medical University | Apply for MBBS Admission in Dagestan State Medical University | How to Get Direct Admission in MBBS in Dagestan State Medical University | Study in Dagestan State Medical University | About Dagestan State Medical University | Admission Requirements in Dagestan State Medical University

Dagestan State Medical University offers free merit admission system for International students. All students who have secondary school certificate have right to get admission at Dagestan State Medical University. We don’t require any specific marks or grades for admission at any course.


For Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing Courses:

For admission in medical related courses, students must have studied the following subject with other subjects at school.

– Biology

– Chemistry

– Physics


For PG / Clinical Residency courses: 

– Mbbs / MD / BDS degree with transcripts

For Medical Ph.D / Doctorate Degree:

– Certificate of completion of Intersnship

– Certificate of completion of Residency or Postgraduate Medical Education


For Masters in Public Health, Dentistry, Nursing and all other Masters programs:

We require the following for admission in Masters courses:

– 4 years Bachelors degree in with with transcripts

– Higher secondary school certificate

For Ph.D Doctorate Degree in any field:

We require the following for admission in any Ph.D degrees:

– Bachelors degree with transcripts

– Masters degree in the related subject with transcripts

  • About university
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  • General medicine
  • Preventive medicine
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  • Admission 2023-2024
  • Tuition fee
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  • Russian embassies
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Admission info.

Program intend to study General medicine Dentistry Pharmacy Pediatrics Preventive medicine

Language to study English Russian

Copyright 1992-2023 Dagestan State Medical University | General Medicine | MBBS | Dentistry | Pharmacy | Pediatrics | Nursing


  1. Physics Program Details

    physics phd courses

  2. PhD in Physics

    physics phd courses

  3. Ph.D. in Physics Degree Requirements

    physics phd courses

  4. Physics PhD

    physics phd courses

  5. Physics PhD Programme

    physics phd courses

  6. PhD in Physics

    physics phd courses


  1. Master of Physiotherapy at Flinders University

  2. Studying Physics Everyday Until I Get a PhD

  3. Best Way To Learn Physics #physics

  4. Studying Physics Everyday Until I Get a PhD

  5. Studying Physics Everyday Until I Get a PhD

  6. Studying Physics Everyday Until I Get a PhD


  1. PhD Program

    A PhD degree in Physics is awarded in recognition of significant and novel research contributions, extending the boundaries of our knowledge of the physical universe. Selected applicants are admitted to the PhD program of the UW Department of Physics, not to a specific research group, and are encouraged to explore research opportunities throughout the Department.

  2. Doctoral Program (Ph.D.)

    Ph.D. Program Milestones and Guideposts. Year 1. Year 2. Year 3. Year 4+. Pass 3 courses per semester if a TA or 4 courses per semester if a Fellow with at least 50% B's or better. Complete 6 core courses (PHYS 2010, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2140) Complete PHYS2010 (or other core courses) if not taken during Year 1. Ph.D. Resources.

  3. Best Physics Programs in America

    University of California--Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, CA. #9 in Physics (tie) Save. 4.5. Graduate schools for physics typically offer a range of specialty programs, from quantum physics to ...

  4. Graduate Studies

    Graduate Studies. Commencement 2019. The Harvard Department of Physics offers students innovative educational and research opportunities with renowned faculty in state-of-the-art facilities, exploring fundamental problems involving physics at all scales. Our primary areas of experimental and theoretical research are atomic and molecular physics ...

  5. PhD in Physics, Statistics, and Data Science » MIT Physics

    Courses in this list that satisfy the Physics PhD degree requirements can count for both programs. Other similar or more advanced courses can count towards the "Computation & Statistics" and "Data Analysis" requirements, with permission from the program co-chairs. The IDS.190 requirement may be satisfied instead by IDS.955 Practical ...

  6. PhD Program

    The department requires that students take the following courses which total 19 units: Physics 209 (Classical Electromagnetism), Physics 211 (Equilibrium Statistical Physics) and Physics 221A-221B (Quantum Mechanics). Thus, the normative program includes an additional 19 units (five semester courses) of approved upper division or graduate ...

  7. Ph.D. program

    Courses are available in Physics and Mathematics to overcome deficiencies, if any, in undergraduate preparation. It is expected the specific course requirements are completed by the end of the 3rd year at Stanford. Required Basic Graduate Courses. 30 units (quarter hours) including: Basic graduate courses in advanced mechanics, statistical ...

  8. PhD Program :: Department of Physics and Astronomy

    PhD Program. The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree requires a thorough understanding of the foundations of physics and mathematical methods as evidenced by performance on the written Preliminary Exam and the oral Qualifying Exam, as well as submission of a dissertation which must include an original contribution to fundamental physics.

  9. PhD in Applied Physics

    Doctoral students may earn the masters degree en route to the Ph.D. Prospective students apply through Harvard Griffin GSAS; in the online application, select "Engineering and Applied Sciences" as your program choice and select "PhD Applied Physics" in the Area of Study menu. The Applied Physics program does not offer an independent ...

  10. Physics (Ph.D.)

    The Physics Ph.D. program prepares students for a career in industry, education, research or academia. Students will progress from studying a core curriculum encompassing fundamental areas of physics to taking elective classes in their area of interest. They will then conduct original research in a particular research - Program of Study, Graduate, Doctor of Philosophy

  11. Physics, PHD

    Degree Awarded: PHD Physics. The PhD program in physics is intended for highly capable students who have the interest and ability to follow a career in independent research. ... Applicants requesting credit for prior graduate courses, taken either at ASU or elsewhere, must demonstrate mastery of the relevant course material to the graduate ...

  12. Requirements for a Doctorate in Physics

    No specific course work is required for the basic physics requirement, but some students may benefit from taking several of the basic graduate courses, such as Ph 106 and Ph 125. In addition, the class Ph 201 will provide additional problem solving training that matches the basic physics requirement.

  13. Physics

    Physics. The Physics Department offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Physics with specializations in different subfields that reflect the forefront research activities of the department, including astrophysics, biological physics, condensed matter physics, elementary particle physics, nanomedicine, nanophysics, and network science.

  14. PhD in Physics » Academics

    Course Requirements. A total of sixteen 4-unit courses (64 units) are required to fulfill the PhD requirements (with grades of B- or higher) and with an overall average of B or greater. Course requirements are as follows: Eight lecture courses numbered between 500 and 899, including: CAS PY 501 Mathematical Physics. CAS PY 511 Quantum ...

  15. PhD in Applied Physics

    Delve into research at the intersection of theoretical physics and applications in areas of departmental strength. In the PhD in Applied Physics program at Columbia Engineering, you'll choose a specialization in plasma, solid state, or optical and laser physics and collaborate with researchers in domains like high-temperature plasma physics, thin-film formation and processing, and the design ...

  16. Apply to the Yale Physics PhD Program

    The Yale Department of Physics welcomes applications to our matriculating graduate class of 2025 beginning around August 15th, 2024. The General GRE and Physics GRE scores are Optional for applications received by the December 15, 2024, submission deadline.. We recognize the continuing disruption caused by COVID-19 and that the hardship of taking GREs falls unequally on individual students.

  17. Ph.D. Program

    Ph.D. Program. Students are required to complete 90 semester hours of graduate course work. This includes 15 hours selecting five out of six core courses covering classical and quantum mechanics, statistical physics, and electromagnetic theory, and 12 hours of 600 or 700 level courses in two different areas of physics. The remaining hours are ...

  18. Ph.D. in Physics

    Ph.D. in Physics. Wayne State's Ph.D. in Physics allows students to further their studies in the general field of physics while also putting emphasis on one or two specific fields of interest. This involves a combination of coursework and the completion of an original, scholarly piece of research that is then presented as a Ph.D. dissertation.

  19. Physics Ph.D. Program

    Elective courses (18 credits): The remaining 18 credits should be graduate level physics electives, or graduate level courses in a related field with approval of the research supervisor and graduate program advisor. One of the electives must be a computational course (PHYS 6170 Computational Physics and Engineering, MPEN 6290 Computational ...

  20. Introduction to the Graduate Program

    Graduate study in the Department of Physics is strongly focused on research, and only the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program is offered. The Physics Department maintains an active research program with equal emphasis on theoretical and experimental studies. Besides its traditional strengths in theoretical and experimental elementary particle ...

  21. PhD in Physics

    The PhD in Physics is a full-time period of research that introduces or builds upon research skills and specialist knowledge. ... There is no requirement made by the University for postgraduate students to attend formal courses or lectures for the PhD. Postgraduate work is largely a matter of independent research and successful postgraduates ...

  22. DTU Physics

    The PhD program is a learning process where, as a PhD student, you learn to research through supervision. You and your supervisor work together in a team to achieve the best research in the field. The PhD programme consists of: an independent scientific project; an education course corresponding to 30 ECTS points

  23. Chemical Physics

    Graduates of the Chemical Physics PhD program are well-trained for research careers in a wide range of fields spanning theoretical and experimental chemistry, physics, spectroscopy, and materials. Our alumni have gone on to a wide range of academic, governmental or private sector research jobs in energy, materials, surface science, and ...

  24. 5 Best Universities In Makhachkala For International Students 2024

    This location has a lot to offer for international students, including world-class universities and exciting student experiences. Out of 5 universities in Makhachkala, Dagestan State University and Dagestan State Technical University are the top-performing schools in Makhachkala. This list covers public institutions in Makhachkala .

  25. Gulnara KARDASHOVA

    Dagestan State University · Department of Physics. PhD. Contact. Connect with experts in your field. Join ResearchGate to contact this researcher and connect with your scientific community.

  26. Dagsmu

    For admission in medical related courses, students must have studied the following subject with other subjects at school. - Biology - Chemistry - Physics. REQUIREMENTS FOR MEDICAL POSTGRADUATE / CLINICAL RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: For PG / Clinical Residency courses: - Mbbs / MD / BDS degree with transcripts. For Medical Ph.D / Doctorate Degree:

  27. Diagnostic Medical Physicist, Department of Radiology

    While a board certification in Diagnostic Medical Physics by the ABR is highly desired, board-eligible candidates may be considered, depending on their experience and background. Candidates with a PhD and an appropriate background will be considered for a faculty appointment in the Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences.

  28. Khabib Nurmagomedov Receive Hero's Welcome in Makhachkala ...

    If for some reason you needed more evidence of how big a deal Khabib Nurmagomedov has become in Russia and his native Dagestan, take a look at video.