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Anna Muckerman

Relocation cover letter example

Relocation cover letter example

Cover letter header

Cover letter greeting, cover letter introduction, cover letter body , cover letter conclusion .

So you’re relocating! Whether it’s across the country or just a few towns away, moving comes with all sorts of big goodbyes and new beginnings. How do you use a cover letter to your advantage when searching for jobs at a new location? How do you adapt a cover letter to a relocation position? Let’s delve into this guide and find out.

When you’ve already got the weight of so many personal changes on your shoulders, finding a new job can feel like a huge burden. That’s why we’re here to help. This relocation cover letter example and guide is packed with tons of writing and formatting tips to make you stand out in any industry – even when you feel like a bit of a newcomer.

Why is a cover letter vital for relocating professionals? The answer is complex. Firstly, for  job seekers who are looking to relocate, a great cover letter for your resume is the only application material where you’ll even get to mention that you’re relocating. If the hiring manager’s got questions, your cover letter is the answer. Next, there’s the fact that in your previous place of residence, you were plugged in to the local professional community. In a new city or town, you need extra effort to showcase your personality, motivation and history. This is why a cover letter is the perfect introduction instrument, since it expands beyond the dry formula of a resume.

Resume.io’s collection of tips, tools and templates are designed to help take the stress out of finding a new job. We’ve got dozens of cover letter examples in multiple industries that can help supplement this relocation cover letter guide with the exact advice you need for your field and job title.

This relocation cover letter example along with our free sample sentences will:

  • Explain the unique challenges of a relocation cover letter and how to overcome them
  • Offer free examples, samples and templates to help you formulate your cover letter
  • Explore the secrets of making your relocation a positive opportunity for the employer
  • Help you avoid common pitfalls and stand out even among local candidates

Before you can write any great cover letter, you’ll first need to tackle resume writing. Check out Resume.io’s collection of 300+ resume examples complete with specific tips and advice for your industry. Then bring all your experience, skills and education together with great formatting. Our professionally-designed resume templates are quickly customizable inside of our easy-to-use resume builder.

The purpose of a relocation cover letter

The purpose of your relocation cover letter will be much the same as any other cover letter: to introduce yourself and your experiences. You’ll also want to create a personal connection that sticks with the hiring manager and makes them want to get to know you more, even if it means going through the extra trouble of bringing you in from far away for an interview.

A good cover letter is brief and to the point. As a relocation candidate, you’ll be at a slight disadvantage since some of your precious cover letter space will be taken up by the explanation of your relocation. Still, you’ll want to keep the relocation section short and at the end of your letter – more on that later on. The entire letter should be no more than one page or 200 to 400 words. In our overall example on how to write a cover letter, we’ve got tons of specific formatting advice, plus free templates to make great visuals a breeze.

It’s not about you, it’s about them

A “relocation” is inherently about you as the applicant since it won’t be the business who picks up and moves across the country. This fact is completely at odds with the whole point of a cover letter which is to show a business what you can do for them .

Therefore, during the writing process, make sure to focus largely on what makes you a uniquely qualified candidate. Don’t waste any time pleading or explaining why you need a job in this new location. Instead, focus on the specific skills and traits you possess that would make them fly you in from the ends of the earth if they had to.

Relocation cover letter structure, writing examples

A cover letter for a relocation follows much the same structure as cover letters for all other jobs and industries. The key exception will be within the header and at the end of the body section where you briefly mention your relocation. In the following chapter, we’ll break down these key components:

  • The cover letter header
  • The greeting
  • The introduction
  • The letter body
  • The conclusion.

You can find even more details on how to write each of these sections, plus free sample sentences and formatting tips in our overall guide on cover letters.

Your cover letter header serves two important roles: the first is to label your cover letter with all the necessary contact information should a hiring manager want to get in touch with you about a job interview. You should never hide any information, but for a relocation cover letter, you’ll want to stick to your digital contact info like phone number, email and LinkedIn instead of a physical mailing address. 

The second purpose of your header is to create a professional presentation that catches a hiring manager’s attention and makes you stand out from other applicants. Your formatting plays a key role in how a hiring manager perceives you, so make sure to align your tone, branding and image with the formality of the company. When in doubt, clean lines and a neutral color palette work well for most situations.

The goal of this section: Keep your name and personal data at the hiring manager’s fingertips should they wish to get in touch. Create a visually attractive layout that is professional and appropriate for the employer’s image.

Align document styles!

As a relocation candidate, you’ll want to go the extra mile to make sure your application wows the HR team. One of the best ways to do that is by aligning the document styles at the top of your resume and cover letter. A cohesive format gives the impression that you are a confident, polished candidate who knows their worth – exactly what you want to project to make your relocation sound like an opportunity instead of a disadvantage.

If you don’t have time to become a graphic designer overnight, a resume template and corresponding cover letter template can make this process a breeze. Check out our collection of free cover letter templates in four categories that cover just about every profession: Simple, Modern, Creative and Professional.

Your cover letter greeting plays a vital role in setting a positive and friendly tone for the rest of your cover letter. The golden rule: if at all possible, try to address the letter recipient by name (check the box below for what to do otherwise). Use the most appropriate greeting based on the workplace culture – “Dear” or “Hello” are two possible options depending on the formality level needed.

The goal of this section: Create a personalized message and positive tone by using the letter recipient’s name in your greeting.

Dear Ms. Pinnott,

The importance of names and addressed greetings

As a candidate who isn’t based locally, it’s a smart idea to use every option at your disposal to catch a hiring manager’s attention and make a great first impression. A big part of that is personalizing your letter with the correct name of the recipient. And it’s not just a shot in the dark – scientific research shows that humans have a positive neurological response to hearing their own names.

However, in large companies or offices with HR teams it can be difficult to know how many people will read your letter, let alone their names. If the company directory or the job application can’t help you, there are other options. A collective greeting is usually your best bet. Try “Dear (Company Name) Hiring Team” or even “Company Family” if it matches the branding.

You can’t explain your relocation if you can’t even get a hiring manager to read your cover letter in the first place. Therefore, your introduction should be interesting and relevant while still exuding the highest level of professionalism. Above all, don’t begin with the details of your relocation. Instead, start your cover letter like you would if you lived locally: with an interesting anecdote, relevant statistic or bold personal statement that immediately flows into the body section.

The goal of this section: Encourage a hiring manager to read your cover letter through a skill, example or fact without mentioning your relocation right away.

Procurement is about identifying requirements and delivering best value solutions – $1.5m in cost savings over three years meant an extra 2.9% on the bottom line for my previous employer (with only a 20% change in the supplier base).

Your cover letter body is where you get into all the abilities and unique qualifications you bring to the table. Begin this section like you would for any other cover letter. Make sure you use interesting and relevant examples from your previous positions that highlight what you could do for your prospective employer. The STAR method may help. Briefly describe a S ituation, the T ask you were charged with, your A ction and the positive R esult that followed.

The second paragraph of the body section is where you can finally mention your relocation. Remember to frame the move as a potential win for them – after all a great candidate is coming to their area! Let them know the date of your planned move and then express your enthusiasm for the position and let them know if you are available for a video or in-person interview before that time. Never come across as presumptuous or demanding for the position. The hiring manager should never feel like you’re asking for a favor.

The goal of this section: Highlight the skills and experiences that make you the perfect candidate, briefly and tactfully mention your relocation in a positive way without sounding desperate or demanding.

I am in the process of relocating from Los Angeles to New York in February due to my partner’s new job and am looking to secure a procurement role in the consulting industry. I worked on nationwide projects with Paragon and I estimate that the supplier base will be 75% similar for the sorts of projects that you take on. I have a strong New York network that will help me get up to speed with the local market – relationships are everything. I have a degree in Business Administration from UCLA and have completed over 20 courses involving negotiation, influencing and supplier management areas. It is important to create a framework for managing performance, both to optimize current suppliers and to offer prospective suppliers an insight into what is expected. I hope that I will be able to replicate some of my previous achievements should I join Latitude Consulting:

  • 15% cost saving on venue hire (with a 4.8/5 rating from over 10,000 attendees).
  • $450,000 annual saving by renegotiating a nationwide accommodation agreement.
  • 98% hitting supplier performance targets – up from 87% three years previously.
  • Consolidated total supplier base from 240 to 170 – with 8% cost savings.  

I understand that the New York events market will be a different challenge, but there are enough similarities in how procurement operates to feel confident that I can do a great job. A fantastic event does not have to be a mouth-wateringly expensive event.

For a relocation cover letter, your conclusion will likely be wrapped up into the final body paragraph of your cover letter. That’s because the closing paragraph contains the Call to Action – a sentence that expresses interest in the position and lets the hiring manager know you’re available for an interview. 

Your signature should match the formality level of your greeting. “Sincerely,” “Warm regards” or “Thank you” can all work well.

The goal of this section: Create an effective Call to Action that invites a hiring manager to contact you, sign off with a professional and appropriate signature.

I would welcome the opportunity of an interview to explore synergies further. Sincerely, Gregory Walls

Writing tips and strategies for a relocation application letter

The majority relocation cover letter should be geared towards your prospective position and the experience and skills you bring that would make you an invaluable asset to the company. Many employers are willing to take a chance on the relocation candidate but only if they can be sure that you won’t get cold feet about the position during the final stages of the hiring process – or worse, decide you can’t stand your new city and quit only a few months after taking the job.

Whether you’re an entry-level candidate or have years of experience, here’s how to avoid common red flags hiring managers see when they read relocation cover letters:

  • Give a real reason for your relocation: Having always wanted to experience the magic of New York because of a famous movie probably won’t cut it. Make sure to offer a concrete, human reason for needing to change locations.
  • Create a sense of permanency about your move: If you’ve signed a lease, mention it. Even if you’re still house shopping or you plan to move in with friends, these details show a hiring manager you won’t waste their time by backing out at the last minute. Plus, your new permanent address can be used on a cover letter submitted by mail or on an online application.
  • Offer a date or time frame: Keeping your relocation a secret could actually hurt your chances of landing the position once a hiring manager finds out. Instead, give a specific date or time frame for your move and offer to accommodate an in-person interview if you can.
  • Mention any connection to the area: Even if you land the position and your relocation goes smoothly, how can a hiring manager be sure you’re really in it for the long-haul? Briefly mentioning any family, school or professional connections can prove that you’re already familiar with what you’re getting into, and thus more likely to stay.

Relocation cover letter format and common mistakes

When it comes to writing a cover letter for a relocation, the stakes are high. Avoiding these common errors is essential to making a good first impression and landing an interview.

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes: These simple errors can dash your credibility right from the outset and frame you as a poor communicator. Luckily, typos don’t have to be the demise of your cover letter. Use spell check or ask someone you trust to proofread your application before you submit.
  • Negative tone: How can you expect a hiring manager to view your relocation positively if you don’t yourself? The tone and word choice you use when talking about your move are key to your cover letter’s success. Make sure to frame the change as an opportunity for you, and more importantly, for your potential employer.
  • Generic cover letter: You’re asking the employer to take a chance on you and you can’t even be bothered to express interest in the company? That’s an easy “no thanks” for any hiring manager. Make sure to research the position and tailor your cover letter with the right skills, experiences and achievements for the exact job opening you’re applying to.
  • Poor formatting: Childish fonts, too much text or neon colors might catch a hiring manager’s eye – and give them a chuckle. You need top-notch formatting to create a professional image and a great first impression. Don’t be afraid to ask for help: enlist a design-minded friend or use a cover letter template if you’re short on time.

Key takeaways

  • A cover letter is essential to your application when relocating since it’s one of the only places you’ll be able to explain your move and frame it in a positive light.
  • Begin your cover letter with your strongest skills, achievements and experiences to draw the hiring manager into your professional story before mentioning your relocation.
  • Use the end of your body section to briefly discuss your relocation by giving a date you plan to move, your reason for moving and your connection to the area.
  • Do extra research about the company and make sure your cover letter is customized to their exact needs to paint yourself as the ideal candidate.
  • Your application formatting is the first thing a hiring manager will notice about you. A professionally-designed cover letter template can help you create an attractive presentation without much fuss.

For even more useful writing tips, check out our other related cover letter examples :

  • Career change cover letter sample
  • Freelancer cover letter example
  • First job cover letter sample

Free professionally designed templates

  • Career Development

How to Include Willingness to Relocate on Your Resume

Ken Chase profile pic

10 min read

A woman in a black vest and yellow t-shirt, sitting in front of a blackboard in a classroom, looking at a computer while her hands hover over the keyboard.

The search for a new job can be an emotional roller-coaster for job seekers. While it can be exciting to move on to the next stage of your life and career, there are often unexpected challenges and anxieties. That’s especially true when you’re planning to relocate and land a new job at the same time!

The good news is that being from another state doesn’t need to put you at a disadvantage in a long-distance job search. You just need to mention that you’re willing to relocate on your resume in a way that helps you compete with local candidates seeking the same job. Here are some of the best strategies to help you manage any out-of-state job search and minimize the concerns employers may have about dealing with relocation issues.

Why would a relocation be a problem for employers?

Before you even begin to mention relocation on your resume, remember that many employers are reluctant to hire out-of-state candidates. There are many reasons for this, but they all typically boil down to two things: the company’s time and expense. There are often increased costs associated with hiring candidates from out of state. In many instances, local candidates are typically available to begin work shortly after being hired. That isn’t always the case when candidates live in another state.

Some employers also view relocation as a risk for everyone involved. Here are some concerns you’ll want to address if you expect to land an interview and eventual job.

What happens if your move to their city doesn’t work out as you planned? 

Will you become a flight risk and need to move again – forcing the company to go through the hiring process all over again? 

Key Takeaway

Follow these simple tips when you mention relocation on your resume, and you’ll be able to effectively compete against local candidates for that out-of-state job you deserve.

How to mention that you’re willingness to relocate on your resume

As with everything in life, there is a right way and a wrong way to mention relocation on your resume during the job search.

First, let’s be clear: you do need to mention it. There are always some job seekers who present themselves as locals. Unfortunately for them, that deception is invariably discovered at some point. It is important to be honest with any prospective employer instead of lying on your job application, and let the company know that you’re relocating.

There are several effective ways to handle this subject, and to impress employers while you're at it!

If your relocation depends on landing a job

If your relocation is dependent on landing a job, then you need to mention that fact somewhere on your resume and/or cover letter.

In this case, you would mention relocation on your resume and discuss it in more detail in your cover letter.

You could mention it at the top of your resume and use one of the following:

Willing to relocate

Willing to relocate to Florida (if it's a specific desired location)

Regardless of which option you choose, the proper way to mention that you’re willing to relocate in your resume is to include that language after your current location. For example:

John J Smith

Anytown, AnyState (willing to relocate) | 555.555.5555 | [email protected]

Related : When your relocation depends on landing a job and a certain starting salary, read this post too: How To Include Desired Salary In a Cover Letter

Don't make this common mistake

Many job seekers make the mistake of listing the city they're relocating to as a current location on their resumes or LinkedIn profiles, and only bring up intentions to relocate when it comes time for the interview. This scramble makes you look unprofessional and dishonest – not a good impression to make on prospective employers!

Instead, if you're planning to relocate later and to a certain target location, you should mention that on the top of your resume with your contact information.

If you're moving whether you get a job or not

If you have a place secured and are certain about moving, you can include your new city and state on your resume in place of your current location. You don't need to mention relocation on either the resume or cover letter; however, you would generally be expected to appear for an interview.

If the date is still a few weeks out, you can provide the desired city you're relocating to along with the month and year.

Relocating to Florida in December 2018

Relocating to Austin, TX by 10/2020

Here is an example of including relocation on a resume:

Relocating to Anytown 08/2024 | 555.555.5555 | [email protected]

Remember that hiring managers are generally reluctant to interview those who are relocating unless it's for a high-level position that's difficult to fill.

Additional advice for job searching

During the coronavirus pandemic, there was a huge shift toward remote work and working from home. While that meant more remote opportunities during the pandemic, many employers have been rapidly returning to on-site employment again. Though remote opportunities still exist, it is important to clarify that issue as early in the application process as possible.

It should be obvious from the job description whether the position is remote, fully remote, or temporarily remote. If it isn't, you need to get that clarification during the interview! When you're not interviewing in person, it may be tempting to say you're local when you aren't.


These lies have a way of coming out. For example, your new potential employer may need to mail you onboarding materials or notify you that you're expected to be in the office next week. Always be upfront about where you're located. Focus on the value you can add, regardless of your location.

If you aren't willing to relocate for this position, you need to be assured before getting hired that this position will remain remote indefinitely.

Read our guide on How To Write A Resume For Remote Work to learn how to tailor your resume for a remote job.

How to mention relocation on a cover letter

The cover letter is where you would discuss your relocation in more detail. Look at the example below for more tips. You'll see that this type of statement would typically be placed near the end of your cover letter. That allows you to focus the main body of the letter on your potential employer's needs. It also enables you to establish yourself as the best candidate before the issue of relocation is mentioned.

I hope to have the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications and your company’s needs at your earliest convenience. While my family currently lives in Minneapolis, we are already in the process of moving to [company’s location]. I am confident that the timing of the move can be mutually beneficial and believe that there is much that I can contribute to the success of your team.

I am prepared to travel to meet with you for an interview at any time. Thank you again for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Cover letters help your job application stand out to a hiring manager. Here's what a good cover letter looks like in 2024 .

Express interest in video conferencing or phone interviews

When employers know that you’re either in the process of relocating or have expressed a willingness to do so, they are often open to conducting an interview via the phone or a video conference. It is important to also mention in your cover letter that you’re available for those options too. Be sure to include your email and other video conferencing information in your cover letter to aid in any interview scheduling process.

Writing a relocation resume: tips

To help you craft your own relocation resume, we’ve compiled some simple, step-by-step tips that you can use. As you create each section of the resume and add your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements, remember to focus on the value that you can offer to employers.

1.     Start with your contact information

Your resume should begin with your contact details, right at the top of the page. That includes your first and last name, city and state, phone number, email, and professional social media URL (LinkedIn). These details are critical since employers will need to be able to find this information if they want to schedule interviews or contact you with job offers. Add a brief mention of your willingness to relocate here.

2.     Craft a job title headline

This headline should include the job you’re seeking, along with some descriptive language to help highlight your unique value as a potential hire. For example: Results-focused Marketing Manager with 10 Years of Leadership Experience.

3.     Create a summary section

Some people like to think of this three to five-sentence paragraph as the resume’s equivalent of a salesperson’s elevator pitch. It should briefly highlight your key skills, at least one measurable achievement, and relevant experience in the industry and role.

4.     List your core competencies or skills

Include both hard and soft skills in this important section. Always make sure that you analyze the job posting and role description to identify the key abilities that the employer is seeking. The language used in the job posting will often include keywords that you need to insert into your resume to get past applicant tracking system, or ATS – so try to use those exact terms in your skill section.

5.     Detail your professional history

Of course, your resume also needs to include information about your work experience . List your relevant experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your current position. Include the job title, company name, and dates of employment. For each position, also add four or five bullet point examples of measurable achievements to help employers see the type of value that you can provide as a new hire.

6.     Include information about your education

Your educational section should include the name of the school you attended and the dates of attendance. Add the degree that you obtained, along with any relevant coursework. You can also include additional instruction, certifications, continuing education, and other educational achievements that can bolster your qualifications for the position.

Depending on the job you’re seeking and your skills, experience, and achievements, you may also want to include additional sections . These sections could include:

Groups or other professional affiliations you may be involved with

Notable projects that you’ve completed

Job-related activities

Publications or research that you’ve completed

You’re here, your dream job is there, go get it

The fact is that you can – and should – mention that you’re willing to relocate in your resume and cover letter. You need to communicate that you're serious about the move and ensure that your resume presents you as the most qualified candidate for the job.

Unless you're applying for a remote job, competing against local talent is always difficult for out-of-state candidates. With the right resume and cover letter, however, you can level the playing field. And that can improve your chances of landing that job!

Good luck with your job search!

Need help showing that you’re willing to relocate in your resume? The resume experts at ZipJob can help! Get your free resume review today and get on the path to improving your job search results.

Recommended reading:

What A Great Cover Letter Looks Like

Best Job Search Sites For Remote Work

Why Is It So Hard to Find A Job?

Ken Chase, Freelance Writer

During Ken's two decades as a freelance writer, he has covered everything from banking and fintech to business management and the entertainment industry. His true passion, however, has always been focused on helping others achieve their career goals with timely job search and interview advice or the occasional resume consultation. When he's not working, Ken can usually be found adventuring with family and friends or playing fetch with his demanding German Shepherd. Read more resume advice from Ken on  ZipJob’s blog .

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  • Cover Letters

How to Mention Relocation in a Cover Letter

resume cover letter relocation examples

  • Should You List Your Address?
  • How to Mention Relocation
  • Option 1: Mention It at the Beginning
  • Option 2: Mention It at the End

Review a Sample Letter Mentioning Relocation

When you’re planning on relocating to a new area and you need to find a job in a different city , it’s important to be careful how you handle all that information in your cover letter. Hiring managers often look for people in the immediate vicinity, and you don’t want to miss an opportunity just because you currently live outside of their area . Read on to learn how to mention relocation when you write a cover letter.

If you’re applying for a senior position or a job with a shortage of qualified candidates, you have a good chance of being considered for a job even though you currently live in a different location. However, if you’re applying for a low or mid-level position where there may be many qualified applicants who already live in the area, you can risk being screened out if you submit documents with an out-of-town address.

Employers will be more likely to consider someone who is already going to be in the area, so they don't have to deal with the logistics and expense of moving a new hire.

You need to phrase your cover letter correctly, so you can get your application considered by prospective employers, even if you currently live outside of their region. 

First of all, keep the focus on your  qualifications for the job  rather than on where you live. Secondly, make it very clear that you are planning a move to the new location.

Finally – if your budget allows – you can mention that you are more than happy to travel, at  your own cost , to their campus or office for a personal interview and that you also plan to be responsible for your own moving expenses.

Should You List Your Address on Your Resume and Cover Letter?

You will find career counselors who advise omitting your physical address on your resume and cover letter entirely, because this may lessen your chances of consideration and because of potential identity theft. However, many hiring managers will still perceive such an omission as a “red flag,” wondering why you have omitted your address even as they note that the latest job mentioned on your resume is located 1,000 miles away from them. Until omitting physical addresses on professional resumes becomes commonplace, it’s probably best to be upfront and explain your current address and relocation plans.

How to Mention Relocation in Your Cover Letter

You’ll typically benefit the most by addressing the fact that you’re moving upfront. This will make it clear that you’re not applying just as a way to get to the new location. After all, your main rationale for applying for any job should be the nature of the work, followed by the appeal of the organization.

You can either mention the fact that you are moving at the beginning of the cover letter or closer to the end. But either way, a statement that addresses your interest in the job itself should precede any reference to the fact that you're relocating.

Option 1: Mention It at the Beginning of Your Letter

This type of statement can be included early in the first paragraph of a cover letter.

Sample Cover Letter Mentioning Relocation

Maximum Communications 123 Main St. Anytown WA, 12345 555-555-5555 maximum@communications.com

September 1, 2018

Drew Smith 123 Home Dr. Hometown PA 56789

Dear Mr. Adams,

It was with much excitement that I learned of Maximum Communications’ search for an Associate Marketing Coordinator. I am highly interested in consideration for this position since it would enable me to apply my project management skills and also would tap my passion for event planning.

The recent trajectory of growth at Maximum Communications, including your latest addition of Pepsi as a client, further stimulated my interest in applying for this position.

My wife and I are planning to relocate  (or, even better, “are in the process of relocating”)  within the next two months to the Seattle area to be closer to her family, so the timing of this job opening is ideal.

Option 2: Mention It at the End of Your Letter

Perhaps the best way, however, to address relocation is to incorporate a statement in a final paragraph which mentions traveling to the area. This a) allows you to focus on the job and your qualifications themselves at the beginning of the letter; and b) gives you more time to make it clear that the employer wouldn't be responsible for your travel costs, moving costs , or any other expenses.

As mentioned above, organizations usually expect to fund travel and bring in candidates from outside locations to interview for senior and hard-to-fill positions. However, for more entry-level jobs there may be a preference for local candidates. 

Dear Mr. Smith,

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss this position. I will be traveling to Seattle for a conference  (or to find an apartment or to network with local college alumni)  in two weeks and would be available to meet at that time. However, I would also be glad to travel, at my own expense, for an interview at your convenience. Please know that I also have resources in place that would allow me to relocate and begin work immediately upon hiring. Thank you for your time, consideration, and forthcoming response.

This is a cover letter example that mentions relocation. Download the cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Review a Sample Letter Mentioning Relocation (Text Version)

Susan Jones 111 Oak Street Anytown, MA 02222 555-222-3333 susan.jones@email.com

Mr. James Redstone Managing Director GRE Enterprises 222 Market Street San Diego, CA 20165

Dear Mr. Redstone,

I heard with great interest in the open position of Sales Coordinator at GRE Enterprises from my supervisor, James Gray. He suggested I contact you directly, as we had been discussing my next career opportunity and my family’s upcoming move to the San Diego area.  

At ABC, my contributions to the sales team have been well documented. My sales have consistently exceeded my goals by double digits, and my client satisfaction ratings have been maintained at the highest standards. My organizational and communication skills have placed me in a leadership role among the entry-level staff.    

 As you know, ABC is a company similar in size and scope to GRE. As I look toward my next position, I believe the possibility of continuing my career path in sales with your group will be a wonderful opportunity to help make your company even more successful.

I will be traveling to San Diego several times in the next few months and would love to meet you at your convenience to discuss how I can contribute to your sales team.

Thank you for your consideration.

Susan Jones (signature hard copy letter)

Susan Jones

If you are sending an email cover letter , list your contact information in your signature after your name.

Definition of a Cover Letter for Relocation

A cover letter relocation is a supplementary letter that is usually attached to various documents, for example, when applying for a job in a new place, entering a university, or during business correspondence. The main goal of relocation letters is to prepare the ground for further job applications.

If you want to draw additional attention from your potential employer, make a good impression, and increase the chance of getting a job offer, writing a cover letter is essential. There is no doubt that a hiring manager is more likely to consider a local candidate for the job than a nonresident. So, presenting all the information concerning the exact time and place of your relocation in advance is a good strategy.

resume cover letter relocation examples

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Reasons to Compose a Relocating Cover Letter

The role of relocation cover letters in the process of job searching is integral. It is necessary for building a personal relationship between an employee and a potential boss from the very beginning.

There is no chance that a hiring manager will ever read your resume if the cover letter has poor quality or lacks emotion. Therefore, if you face the need to start your career from scratch in another place, pay special attention to composing a relocation cover letter.

Cover Letter Relocating Essentials

A relocation cover letter format is not much different from the ordinary structure of such documents. It must include the following parts:

  • salutation;
  • an opening statement containing information about the applicant and the desired position;
  • the body of a letter with a summary of personal qualities, skills, and experience;
  • conclusion with an expression of the desire to receive an interview invitation;
  • contact information;

Show Your Interest in the Work in a Target Company

If we are talking about a perfect cover letter for out of state job, then it must be company-oriented. A job seeker who sends the same relocation cover letters to different firms is not interested in a particular vacancy. An experienced HR manager understands this right away.

Before writing a cover letter, study the company’s ideology carefully and try to imagine the ideal candidate for the position. If you find yourself a perfect fit, do not hesitate to write about it and demonstrate your enthusiasm.

resume cover letter relocation examples

Be Precise About the Date and Time

When writing a willing to relocate cover letter for a potential employer, be specific and outright. Of course, you should not state your readiness to relocate in the introductory sentence. First, it is necessary to show you are a perfect qualified candidate for the desired position. 

Any decent company plans everything in advance, so make sure to notify a hiring manager about your immediate plans. Think about the date when you are ready to take up new work responsibilities and include this information in your cover letter.

resume cover letter relocation examples

Mention Specific Ties With a New Place

In this part of a relocating letter, you should include a concise explanation of the reasons for your relocation. Try to think about how you can connect changing a place of residence with applying to a position in a new company.

Mention the ties you have in an area, whether you already are familiar with the place or it is a completely new experience. Try to show you are a competent and reliable person - demonstrate your serious intentions and readiness to stay there for a long time.

resume cover letter relocation examples

Provide Actual Contact Information in a Relocation Letter

Of course, lying in a relocate cover letter will benefit neither your potential boss nor you. Therefore, make sure you provide relevant information as to your future address and contact number.

Using the resume-building tool, list all your target locations in the cover letter. This way, your document has a better chance of getting to the right place because employers have the ability to filter search results so that only the applicants living in the required area or city are shown.

resume cover letter relocation examples

Instruction on Writing a Relocation Cover Letter

Writing a relocation resume cover letter is much easier with expert assistance. Reference to the quality examples from reliable sources is necessary if you want to increase your chances of getting a job offer. Nevertheless, forget about copying unless your objective is making a bad impression on the potential boss.

Introduce Yourself

An appeal is an integral part of any document, including a cover letter. It is better to address the letter not to the head of the company but personally to the specialist who is engaged in recruiting. If you are not sure who to write the letter to, it is permissible to start with the standard greeting form.

Note that it is not relevant to begin with the reasons for your relocation in cover letter. Think about some engaging phrases that would definitely catch the attention of a hiring manager. Why not implement them in context?

resume cover letter relocation examples

Make Sure to List the Reasons in Your Relocate Letter

Here, you can think about both the reasons for your relocation and the reasons for applying for the job. An HR manager may express interest in your previous place of work and inquire about the frequency of changing the city of residence. You should prove yourself as a reliable and stable person.

Relocating letters are important to inform the potential employer about all the details concerning your moving plans. Of course, personal information must be filtered, but staying clear and honest is essential.

resume cover letter relocation examples

Describe Your Relevant Experience

Explore the career site of a target company and find out which values and critical requirements ​​are most important. Try to demonstrate your compliance with some of them. 

When talking about your academic results and professional experience, focus only on the aspects that are valuable for a company; do not delve into unnecessary details. Moreover, do not pretend to be a qualified expert if you are not experienced - remember about honesty and building a decent reputation.

Relocation cover letter samples will be useful in finding the correct structure for this part of the document. 

resume cover letter relocation examples

Focus on Qualifications and Capabilities

Any employer is primarily interested in professionalism, so there is no better way to attract attention than by providing an honest story about your most significant skills. Best relocation cover letter examples provide about 5-7 sentences explaining why one is the best candidate for the position, highlighting specific elements of the education, life experience, and additional courses completed.

It is important not to overestimate yourself; otherwise, HR will immediately feel your insincerity. It is better to include those skills that you are ready to demonstrate directly at the interview.

resume cover letter relocation examples

Conclude the Document Correctly

When summarizing a cover letter for relocation, you must let the employer know that you intend to act immediately. Conclude the letter by promising to call at a certain time and discuss any additional questions. This may cause the HR manager to reconsider your resume while waiting for a call. Be sure to call as promised. 

Continuous persistence can open up new opportunities you have never even dreamed about. At the end, leave a signature and provide relevant information that can be used to contact you.

resume cover letter relocation examples

More information on how to write the best cover letter you can find here.

Relocating Cover Letter Samples

We have compiled a few options of the most potent relocating cover letter sample for your convenience. Adapt them to the specifics of your desired position and place of residency, add personal emotions, and become a great candidate. Upon consulting professionals, you will be ready to send your cover letter directly to a hiring manager.

Relocation Cover Letter Sample №1

In this relocation letter sample, an applicant expresses his interest in working for a new company.

Dear Mr. Peterson,

I follow your company quite actively, so I was glad to know that you are looking for a PR manager. I would like to take responsibility for the projects the company deals with in this area.

I will be permanently changing my place of residency due to some family issues. Therefore, I am interested in becoming a part of your company on a permanent basis.

John Jacobs

Sample Relocation Cover Letter №2 

This relocation cover letter example is useful for those moving out of state.

I am writing to apply for the Sales Manager position in the Marketing Department. As an experienced marketing specialist in Canada, I have developed an understanding of the market specifics in this country. However, my dream has always been to work for a foreign company and dive into another culture. So, when I was offered a permanent place of residence in Germany, I accepted the opportunity without delay. 

I look forward to receiving feedback from you.


Willing to Relocate Cover Letter Sample №3

Note that relocation cover letter samples are clear and outright. Try to make your document no less informative than the one below.

I am interested in the position of Sales Representative in your company. I have extensive experience in retail, including merchandising, so I can come up with some new convincing ideas for the firm.

I am currently in the process of relocating to your area. I will be ready for a face-to-face interview on 13/09/21 or for an alternative online discussion at any convenient time. I will be able to start working right away.

Relocation Cover Letter Template

Make sure to get acquainted with a relocation cover letters template before starting to compose your own. Do not forget that your document must be in agreement with existing rules.

Your Address and Phone Number

The Name of an Employer

The Name of a Company

Dear [HR Manager],

First paragraph: self-presentation, the story of your relocation.

Second paragraph: providing the reasons why a company should pay attention to your candidacy.

Third paragraph: how you can contribute to achieving the company’s goals.

Final statement

Writing a Relocation Cover Letter: Summary of the Received Information

In case of starting a new life in another city or country, consider writing a relocation cover letter, which is indispensable rather than supplementary. To increase the chances of getting hired, follow these simple but effective rules.

  • Make sure to mention your intentions in your cover letter willing to relocate. However, do not start enumerating the reasons immediately from the first sentence - save it for the following paragraphs.
  • Get acquainted with some relocation letters sample - pay special attention to the format, style, and length of a document.
  • Show your interest in the company’s activities if you want to attract HR with your relocating for a job cover letter.
  • Offer a call, an online meeting, or a personal interview. Be ready to provide honest answers and actual information. 

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resume cover letter relocation examples

Relocation Cover Letter Example

resume cover letter relocation examples

Written by Mark DeGrasso

May 5, 2023.

If you’re planning on relocating for a job, you’ll need to write a cover letter that addresses your intentions. A relocation cover letter is similar to a regular cover letter, but it includes additional information about your willingness to move to the new location. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how to write a relocation cover letter that will impress employers and boost your chances of getting hired.

What Employers Look For In A Relocation Cover Letter

Relocating for a job can be an exciting opportunity, but it can also be a daunting task. Employers understand this and want to make sure that the candidate they hire is fully committed to making the move. That’s why they pay close attention to relocation cover letters.

When crafting your relocation cover letter , it’s important to keep in mind what employers are looking for. First and foremost, they want to know why you’re interested in moving to the new location. Are you looking for a change of scenery? Do you have family or friends in the area? Are you excited about the job opportunity and the potential for growth within the company? Whatever your reasons may be, make sure to clearly articulate them in your cover letter.

Employers also want to see that you’ve done your research on the company and the new location. Take the time to learn about the company culture and values, and explain how they align with your own values and goals. Research the area where you’ll be living and highlight any connections you have to the community. This will show the employer that you’re invested in the company and the new location.

Finally, employers want to know that you’re committed to the move and that you have a plan for making the relocation as smooth as possible. Explain how you plan to handle the logistics of the move, such as finding housing and arranging transportation. If you have any experience with relocating in the past, share what you learned from that experience and how you plan to apply it to this move.

Overall, a relocation cover letter is your chance to show the employer that you’re serious about the job and committed to making the move. By addressing each of these key components, you can create a compelling cover letter that will help you stand out from the competition.

Essential Components of a Relocation Cover Letter

Relocating for a job can be both exciting and daunting. Writing a relocation cover letter is an important step to show your potential employer that you are serious about the job and willing to make the move. Here are some essential components that you need to include in your relocation cover letter:

  • Your Contact Information: This should include your full name, address, phone number, and email address. Make sure that your contact information is up-to-date and professional-looking.
  • The Employer’s Contact Information: This should include the employer’s name, address, phone number, and email address. If possible, try to address your cover letter to a specific person rather than using a generic greeting.
  • A Personalized Greeting: Use the employer’s name if possible, and make sure to spell it correctly. A personalized greeting shows that you have done your research and are interested in the company.
  • An Opening Paragraph: This should explain why you are writing and your interest in the job. Be specific about the position you are applying for and why it appeals to you.
  • A Second Paragraph: This should explain your willingness to relocate and any plans you’ve made to do so. If you have already secured housing or have family in the area, mention it here.
  • A Third Paragraph: This should highlight your relevant skills and experiences. Use specific examples to show how your skills and experiences match the job requirements.
  • A Closing Paragraph: This should reiterate your interest in the job and thank the employer for considering your application. You can also mention that you are available for an interview at their convenience.

Keep in mind that a relocation cover letter is an opportunity for you to showcase your enthusiasm for the job and your commitment to making the move. Make sure to proofread your letter carefully and customize it for each job application. Good luck!

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Writing a Relocation Cover Letter

Relocating for a job can be an exciting opportunity, but it requires careful planning and consideration. One of the most important steps in the process is writing a relocation cover letter that effectively communicates your qualifications and enthusiasm for the job. However, there are some common mistakes that you should avoid when writing a relocation cover letter. These include:

  • Focusing too much on the relocation and not enough on your qualifications for the job: While it’s important to explain your reasons for wanting to relocate, your cover letter should primarily focus on your qualifications for the job. Make sure to highlight your relevant skills and experience, and explain how they make you a strong candidate for the position.
  • Not doing enough research on the company and the location: Employers want to know that you’re genuinely interested in the job and the company. Take some time to research the company’s mission, values, and recent projects, and explain how your skills and experience align with their needs. Additionally, research the location where the job is located and highlight why you’re excited to live and work there.
  • Being too informal or using unprofessional language: Your cover letter should be professional in tone and language. Avoid using slang or overly casual language, and make sure to address the employer formally (e.g. “Dear Hiring Manager”).
  • Not proofreading carefully for errors: A cover letter with typos or grammatical errors can quickly turn off a potential employer. Make sure to proofread your cover letter carefully, and consider asking a friend or mentor to review it as well.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase your chances of writing a relocation cover letter that effectively communicates your qualifications and enthusiasm for the job. Good luck!

Final Steps On Writing Your Relocation Cover Letter

Relocating for a job can be a daunting task, but a well-crafted relocation cover letter can make all the difference. As you’re finishing up your relocation cover letter, there are a few final steps you should take to ensure that it’s the best it can be:

  • Read it over carefully: Once you have completed writing your relocation cover letter, read it over carefully to make sure it flows well and makes sense. Check for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or typos. Ensure that you have used the right tone throughout the letter.
  • Get a second opinion: Have someone else read it over to catch any errors or areas for improvement. This could be a friend, family member, or a professional editor. A fresh set of eyes can often spot things that you may have missed.
  • Craft a strong subject line: The subject line of your email is the first thing that the employer will see. Make sure it is strong and attention-grabbing. It should be short, to the point, and relevant to the content of your relocation cover letter.
  • Send your letter in a timely manner: Once you are satisfied with your relocation cover letter, send it in a timely manner. Make sure you have included all the necessary attachments and documents. If you don’t hear back within a reasonable amount of time, follow up with a polite email or phone call.

A relocation cover letter is an opportunity for you to showcase your skills and experience while explaining why you are the best candidate for the job, despite the distance. It should be personalized to the company and the job you are applying for. Make sure you have done your research on the company and the location you are relocating to.

Remember to highlight your willingness to relocate and your reasons for doing so. Be honest and transparent about your situation. Explain why you are interested in the job and how it fits into your long-term career goals.

Lastly, make sure your relocation cover letter is professional and well-written. It should be easy to read and understand. Use a clear and concise writing style, and avoid using jargon or technical terms that the employer may not understand.

By following these final steps, you can ensure that your relocation cover letter is the best it can be and increases your chances of getting the job you want.

Example Relocation Cover Letter

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am thrilled to apply for the [Position] role at [Company], as advertised on [Job Board/Website]. I am confident that my skills and experiences make me the ideal candidate for the job, and I am excited about the opportunity to work for such a reputable company.

Although I am currently living in [Current City], I am eager to relocate to [Target City] to take on this new challenge. After researching the area, I am excited to explore the thriving arts scene and outdoor activities that the city has to offer. I have also made arrangements to secure an apartment in [Target City], so I am ready to make the move as soon as possible.

Moreover, I am passionate about [Your Profession] and have developed a strong skill set that includes [List Relevant Skills]. I am confident that these skills, coupled with my dedication and passion for the industry, make me a valuable asset to the [Company] team. I have experience in [Related Experience], which has prepared me to handle the responsibilities of the position with ease.

Furthermore, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my talents to an organization that is known for its commitment to excellence. I am confident that my skills and experience will enable me to make a significant contribution to the company’s success.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Your Name]

P.S. I would like to take a moment to express my excitement about the prospect of living in [Target City]. I have always been drawn to the city’s vibrant culture and rich history. The city is home to many world-renowned museums, galleries, and theaters, which I look forward to exploring. Additionally, I am an avid hiker and runner, and I am excited to take advantage of the city’s numerous parks and trails. I am confident that my relocation will not only benefit my professional growth but also enhance my personal life.

Relocation Cover Letter FAQ

Relocating for a job can be an exciting opportunity, but it can also be a daunting task. Here are some frequently asked questions about writing a relocation cover letter:

Q: Should I mention my willingness to relocate in my resume?

A: While it’s not necessary to mention your willingness to relocate in your resume, it’s a good idea to include it in your cover letter. This way, the employer knows upfront that you’re open to moving and can consider you for the position accordingly.

Q: How do I address a relocation cover letter?

A: Address your relocation cover letter to the person who will be reviewing your application. If you don’t know their name, you can address it to “Hiring Manager” or “Human Resources.”

Q: How do I prove that I’m committed to making the move?

A: You can show your commitment to making the move by mentioning any steps you’ve taken to prepare for the relocation. For example, have you secured housing in the new location or researched the area to get a better understanding of the community? Mentioning these details will show the employer that you’re serious about the opportunity.

Q: Is it okay to ask the employer for relocation assistance?

A: Yes, it’s okay to ask the employer for relocation assistance if it’s not already mentioned in the job posting. However, it’s important to do so tactfully and professionally. You can mention that you’re excited about the opportunity but that relocating can be a costly process, and you were wondering if the company offers any assistance or reimbursement for relocation expenses.

Q: Should I mention any personal reasons for wanting to relocate?

A: While it’s okay to mention that you’re excited about a new adventure or interested in exploring a new city, it’s not necessary to mention personal reasons for wanting to relocate. Keep the focus on your professional goals and how the position aligns with them.

Remember, a relocation cover letter is your chance to showcase your enthusiasm for the position and your willingness to make the move. Use it as an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment and dedication to the company and the role.

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Ask Amanda: How Do I Mention Relocation in My Cover Letter?

6 min read · Updated on October 20, 2021

Amanda Augustine

Each week, TopResume's career advice expert, Amanda Augustine, answers user questions like the one below from Quora and our Ask Amanda form. A certified professional career coach (CPCC) and resume writer (CPRW), Amanda has been helping professionals improve their careers for nearly 15 years. Have a question for Amanda? Submit it here .

Q: How do I address my desire to relocate for work in my cover letter and resume?

I'm about to start a job search and want to relocate. How do I approach the subject of relocation in my cover letter and resume? — April

Great question, April! Before you update your resume and cover letter for a long-distance job search, I suggest doing some online research to determine which job markets are healthy and have a decent number of job openings in your desired field. It's not enough to know you want to relocate to somewhere warm — search your favorite job boards to get a better sense of which locations not only meet your personal needs but also have a high demand for professionals in your line of work. Your current location will be less of an issue when your talents are in high demand.

Once you've narrowed your search to a few locations, dig a little deeper to determine which is the right place for you to live. Reach out to friends and friends-of-friends who live in the area and can give you the inside scoop on what it's like to live and work there. If possible, visit each city to get a feel for each area.

Also, make sure you can afford to move to each location. Use resources like Salary.com's customized salary reports and NerdWallet's cost of living calculator to estimate the salary range you can expect to earn in each location and determine if it will be enough for you to live comfortably in that area.

How to discuss relocation in your resume

Apply these relocation tips to your resume and LinkedIn profile, where applicable.

Edit the location details

If you've narrowed your search to a specific locale, include the city, state, and zip code in your contact details at the top of your resume. If you haven't worked in this city before, consider removing the location information for your employers within your resume's Work History section.

Update your resume professional summary

Take advantage of the professional summary section of your resume, space previously reserved for your resume objective statement , to address your desire to relocate. Include a blurb similar to the following toward the end of your summary: “Interested in relocating to the greater [location] area.” You can take it a step further and mention that you're “willing to relocate to [location] at own expense” to demonstrate to employers how serious you are about making such a move. If you're still on the fence about relocating for work, leave a line like this out until you've done your research and found a specific location that interests you and is a realistic option, given your career and the location's current job market.

Emphasize other aspects of your employers

Consider adding a one-line company description underneath each employer listed on your resume that highlights the aspects each has in common with the companies you're currently targeting for your job search. This could be anything from the company's size to its industry to the types of customers it serves. The idea is to downplay the location of each employer by emphasizing other attributes that are relevant to your desired employer.

Related: How to Build an Employer 'Dream List' for Your Job Search

How to discuss relocation in your cover letter

Your cover letter and the summary section of your LinkedIn profile are great places to add personal details about your desire to relocate that would seem out of place on a resume.

While technology is making the world smaller and smaller, employers still tend to favor local candidates over out-of-towners when all else is equal. Why? Because non-local candidates typically cost more money to hire (i.e. relocation costs) and are often considered more of a flight risk. Use your cover letter to dispel any false assumptions an employer may have about your decision to relocate.

Highlight your history

If you previously worked or studied in the area, or if you have family living there, incorporate these facts into your cover letter. This information shows employers that you're already familiar with the location and will be comfortable living there. In other words, you've already begun to lay down roots and are less likely to jump ship as a result.

Demonstrate your research

If you haven't lived in the location before, show the employer that you've done your homework on the area. When explaining why you're interested in the opportunity, drop in a detail or two that demonstrates what you've learned about the location and why it makes the position more appealing. By exhibiting the research you've done on the area, you're showing the employer how serious you are about relocating.

Indicate your family's support

While you don't necessarily want to go into the nitty-gritty details of your family, it doesn't hurt to mention that “My family and I are committed to relocating to [location]” to show your family's support of the move. If you're relocating because your spouse or partner was transferred to this location for work, be sure to specify this in your cover letter, as it may alleviate any fears the employer has about your genuine interest in relocation.  

How to approach relocation in your cover letter and resume

Once you've updated your job-application materials to demonstrate your commitment to relocation, focus on developing a strong network of connections in your desired city to help you sidestep the ATS software and put your application directly into the hands of the recruiter or hiring manager.  

Click on the following link for more tips for conducting a long-distance job search .

Need help positioning your resume for relocation? TopResume can help !

Recommended Reading:

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Relocating for Work

What Is an ATS? How to Write a Resume to Beat the Bots

Don't Answer These Off-Limits Interview Questions

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How to Mention Relocation in Cover Letter and Resume

resume cover letter relocation examples

Relocating for a job is becoming increasingly common in today’s global economy. However, it is essential to mention this detail in your cover letter and resume, as it is crucial for potential employers to know if you are open to moving or not. Failing to mention this can lead to you being overlooked for the position, even if you are the most qualified candidate.

In this article, we will discuss how to mention relocation in your cover letter and resume effectively. We will provide you with practical tips and advice to help you highlight your willingness to relocate without seeming desperate or pushy. Additionally, we will cover the importance of customizing your application to the job you are applying for and the company’s specific needs.

By the end of this article, you can expect to have a clear understanding of how to mention relocation in your cover letter and resume effectively. Whether you are moving across the country or to a new country entirely, this article will provide you with the tools you need to succeed in your job search. So let’s get started!

Reasons to Mention Relocation

When applying for a job, it is sometimes necessary to mention relocation in your cover letter and resume. Here are some reasons why job seekers may need to do so:

1. Targeting a Specific Location

Job seekers who are targeting a specific location that is different from their current location will need to mention relocation. This is especially true if the job listing specifically requires candidates to be local to the area.

By mentioning relocation, the employer will know that the job seeker is open to move to the desired location if hired. This also shows that the job seeker is committed to the company and the role they are applying for.

resume cover letter relocation examples

2. Already Planning to Relocate

Some job seekers may already be planning to relocate for personal reasons, such as moving closer to family, or for professional reasons, such as pursuing a higher-level opportunity. In this case, mentioning relocation is crucial for the employer to know that the candidate is serious about relocating and has already taken steps to make this a reality.

It is important to note that job seekers should provide an estimated timeline of when they plan to relocate. This will give the employer a clear understanding of when the candidate will be available to start the new role and if it aligns with the company’s needs.

3. Exploring New Opportunities

Job seekers who are open to relocating for new opportunities can also mention it in their cover letter and resume. This can open up more opportunities for the job seeker, as the employer now knows that they are willing to move for the job.

In addition, mentioning relocation can show the employer that the job seeker is flexible and adaptable to change, which are highly valued traits in any industry. By presenting oneself as a talented and willing candidate, job seekers increase their chances of being hired.

By mentioning relocation in your cover letter and resume, job seekers display their commitment and willingness to pursue new opportunities. It also shows that the job seeker has thought deeply about their professional goals and is willing to take action to reach them. Providing clear and honest information about relocation can help job seekers stand out and increase their chances of getting hired.

Research the Company

One crucial step in the job search process is researching potential companies thoroughly before you mention your willingness to relocate in your cover letter or resume. This stage crucially determines whether a company is worth your time, effort, and ultimately, your relocation.

Here are some tips to follow while researching a company:

  • Start from the company’s official website. It’s the primary source of up-to-date and trustworthy information you should rely on. Inspect the company’s values, mission, culture, and products or services they offer.
  • Check out their social media accounts. Companies use social media to engage with their audience and attract potential employees. Follow their pages to gain an understanding of how they communicate, their events, recent achievements, and more.
  • Conduct a quick Google search. Have they dominated the industry lately by winning accolades, producing valuable reports or case studies, or launching a new product? Ensure that you know the most recent information.
  • Use professional networks like LinkedIn to check out the company’s employees’ profiles. Uncover what types of people are already at the company, what their job functions are, and their online presence.
  • Look up the location. Confirm where the office is based, the average cost of living of that area, and check if your salary is competitive. Determine if this location aligns with your lifestyle and needs.

Keep in mind that you will need to show a compelling reason why you’d like to be relocated to their workspace in your cover letter. Generic cover letters that sound like you’re sending out “one-size-fits-all” won’t interest readers or employers. By researching the company, you will be designing your cover letter and resume.

Here are some tips for tailoring your application to the company:

  • Identify keywords and phrases in the job posting that relate to your skills and experience. Use this information to demonstrate how you’re the most qualified candidate for the company’s job description.
  • Reference the company’s mission statement, goals, values, and culture in your cover letter. You can identify key points from the company’s communication outlets and incorporate them into your application to show you’ve researched their values.
  • Use specific examples to show how you align with the company’s values and mission. Use examples from previous jobs and education that demonstrate what you can offer to the company.
  • Tailor your achievements to the position you’re applying for. Use your research and incorporate your achievements and education to match the position that the company is hiring for.

Tailoring your cover letter and demonstrating your knowledge of the company and why your expertise aligns with their values could help you stand out as an employer. It also shows that you’re sincerely interested in the company and have put the effort to research them before applying.

How to Mention Relocation in the Cover Letter

If you’re planning to relocate for a job opportunity, it’s essential to communicate this information in your cover letter. Here are some tips on how to include your relocation plans in your cover letter:

Tips on How to Include Relocation in the Cover Letter

Start with a clear statement: Begin your cover letter by explicitly mentioning your relocation plans. It’s best to address this topic upfront, so your potential employer understands your intentions.

resume cover letter relocation examples

Explain the reasons behind the relocation: Adding some context about why you’re moving can help the employer understand your motivations. Highlight any personal or professional reasons that are driving your decision to relocate.

Assure the employer about your readiness for relocation: Ensure the hiring manager that you’re prepared for the relocation process by providing details about your relocation readiness. Explain that you’ve researched the location, and you’re aware of the cost of living, taxes, and any other relevant information.

Reiterate your interest in the job: Mention your enthusiasm and qualifications for the job position. Always focus on how you can benefit the company with your skills and experience.

Be concise: Your cover letter should be clear, concise, and straightforward. Keep it short and sweet, approximately one page long.

Explanation of What to Include in the Cover Letter When Mentioning Relocation

When mentioning relocation in your cover letter, it’s essential to include certain details to provide the employer with a clear understanding of your intentions.

First, explain your reasons for relocating. Whether it’s to be closer to family, a better quality of life, or a career opportunity, it’s crucial to emphasize your motivation for the move.

Secondly, describe your current residence and how flexible you are with the relocation timeline. Also, include any plans you have for the move, such as the expected move date or whether you have already secured a place to live.

Moreover, it would help if you were assured of your commitment to the relocation process. Explain any steps you have taken to prepare for the move, such as research on the location, networking with professionals in the new location, etc.

Finally, reiterate your interest in the job opportunity and how you plan to benefit the organization with your skills and experience. Emphasize the value you can bring to the organization and how excited you are about the prospect of joining their team.

Mentioning your relocation in your cover letter can be a daunting task, but it’s crucial to address it upfront to avoid any confusion later. By following these tips and including the necessary information in your cover letter, you can demonstrate your preparedness, commitment, and enthusiasm for the job opportunity.

Example Cover Letter with Relocation Mention

As an experienced copywriter and subject matter expert, I understand the importance of effectively mentioning relocation in a cover letter. A well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference in landing an interview, and mentioning relocation can be a major hurdle to overcome. Here is an example cover letter that effectively mentions relocation:

Dear Hiring Manager,

I was thrilled to come across the [Job Title] role at [Company Name], and I am excited to apply for the position. As a [Number] year experienced [industry] professional, I am confident that my skills and experience would make me a valuable asset to your team.

I am writing to you from [Current Location], and I am very interested in relocating to [Target Location] for this opportunity. My spouse and I have been planning this move for some time, and I am thrilled that this position aligned so well with our plans.

In my current role at [Current Company], I have been responsible for [Key Responsibility]. I have been recognized for [Achievement], and have played a key role in [Project]. I am confident that I could bring this same level of success to [Company Name] in the [Job Title] role.

In addition to my experience and skills, I am a hard-working, dedicated professional who is passionate about [Industry]. I have always been drawn to [Company Name] because of your reputation as a leader in the industry, and I would be honored to be a part of your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further, and to learn more about this exciting opportunity.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Explanation of what makes the cover letter effective

This cover letter is effective for a few reasons.

First, the candidate clearly communicates their excitement about the job opportunity and their interest in relocating. They explain that they have been planning the move for some time, which demonstrates that they are committed to making the move and are not just casually considering it.

Second, the candidate highlights their relevant experience and skills. They mention their current role and the key responsibilities they have had, as well as a specific achievement and project they have worked on. This helps to show the hiring manager that they have the skills and experience needed for the job.

Finally, the candidate demonstrates their passion for the industry and their admiration for the company. This helps to show the hiring manager that they would be a good cultural fit for the company, and that they are genuinely interested in the work they would be doing.

This cover letter effectively mentions relocation in a way that is positive and compelling. It demonstrates the candidate’s commitment to the move, while also highlighting their relevant skills and experience. This is the kind of cover letter that is likely to catch the attention of a hiring manager, and get the candidate one step closer to landing their dream job.

Including Relocation on Your Resume

If you are looking for a job in a different city or state, it is essential to mention your willingness to relocate on your resume. Doing so can increase your chances of being considered for the job, especially if the employer is looking for someone who already lives in the area. Here are some tips on how to include relocation information on your resume and present yourself as a viable candidate for the position:

How to include a mention of the desire to relocate on the resume

  • Add a summary statement:  Include a summary statement at the beginning of your resume that states your willingness to relocate. This statement should be clear and concise, highlighting your experience and skills, as well as your motivation to move to a new location.

Example:  Goal-driven marketing professional with five years of experience seeking a challenging role in New York City. Willing to relocate immediately.

  • Add a location tag:  You can also add a location tag to your address on your resume, indicating that you are open to relocation. For example, you could add “Open to Relocation” next to your city and state. This makes it clear to potential employers that you are willing to move to their location.

Example:  123 Main Street, Anytown, USA (Open to Relocation)

  • Add a cover letter:  While a resume provides the basic information about your professional experience and qualifications, a cover letter allows you to provide more context about why you are interested in the position and why you are willing to relocate for it. Be sure to mention this explicitly in your cover letter and explain why you’re interested in the location.

Tips on how to present yourself as a viable candidate for the position

  • Highlight your relevant experience:  When applying for a job in a new location, it’s essential to demonstrate your experience in similar roles or industries. Be sure to emphasize your relevant experience on your resume.

Example:  Managed regional marketing campaigns for X company, resulting in a 20% increase in sales in the West Coast region.

Research the company culture:  Conduct thorough research on the company and its culture before applying. This will give you a better understanding of whether the company is a good fit for you and increase your chances of being considered for the role.

Remain flexible:  Be open to different job opportunities that may be available in the new location. You may have to make some compromises, such as accepting a lower salary or a different position, but keep in mind that taking a job in a new location can lead to new opportunities and experiences.

Including relocation information on your resume is essential when applying for jobs in a new location. By emphasizing your relevant experience and demonstrating your willingness to move, you can increase your chances of being considered for the position. Make sure to do your research on the company and remain flexible throughout the job search process.

Addressing Possible Concerns

When applying for a job that requires relocation, it’s essential to realize that hiring managers may have concerns about the practicalities of hiring someone who does not live locally. However, these concerns can be overcome if you can show that you’re committed to the move and have thought carefully about how your relocation will benefit the company.

Here are some tips on how to address any concerns that hiring managers may have regarding relocation:

Be Clear and Honest : When discussing relocation, be clear about why you’re relocating and what your plan is. Give a straightforward and honest answer about your goals and intentions, as it will help to eliminate any uncertainty or misunderstandings.

Highlight your Flexibility : With relocation comes change, and hiring managers need to be confident that you’re flexible and can adapt to new environments. Emphasize your past experiences where you’ve demonstrated resilience and adaptability to convince them that you’re ready for the challenge.

Demonstrate Your Commitment : Commitment is vital when it comes to relocation. You need to convince the hiring manager that you’re entirely committed to the move, and it’s not merely a temporary solution or a short-term opportunity. Highlight how you’ve planned for the move, and how you’ve taken steps to ensure that everything runs smoothly in the transition.

Emphasize Your Transferable Skills : Hiring managers may worry that your relocation may interrupt your work, and that the company may lose valuable time while you adjust to the new location. Demonstrate your transferable skills and how they can benefit the company during the transition. Highlight how your experience has equipped you to handle similar challenges before, and how you can contribute positively to the company during the relocation period.

Address Cost Concerns Proactively : Relocating can be an expensive process, and hiring managers may have concerns about how much it may cost the company. Address these concerns proactively by highlighting ways that you can lessen these costs. Research available financial support given by the company regarding relocation packages and how you can handle your moving expenses.

Turning potential objections into selling points is crucial in convincing the hiring manager to consider you for the position. By combining these tips, you can turn any obstacle into an opportunity and show that you’re their best choice for the job. The key is to communicate your commitment, adaptability, and enthusiasm, leaving no doubt in their minds that you’re the right person for the job, even if it involves relocating.

Preparing for the Interview

When it comes to relocating for a job, preparing for the interview is crucial. Here are some tips to help you put your best foot forward during the interview process:

Research the company and industry: It’s important to have a good understanding of the company and the industry in which it operates. This will help you tailor your responses to the specific needs of the company and demonstrate your knowledge and interest in the job.

Practice common interview questions: There are certain questions that are commonly asked during interviews, such as “Tell me about yourself” and “Why do you want to work for this company?” Practicing your responses to these questions can help you feel more confident and be better prepared for the interview.

Be prepared to discuss your relocation: The interviewer will likely ask you about your plans for relocating, so be ready to discuss your timeline, the logistics of the move, and any support you may need from the company.

Here are some possible questions that may come up during the interview and tips on how to answer them:

  • Why do you want to relocate for this job?
  • Explain your motivation for relocating, such as the desire for a new challenge or the opportunity to work for a great company in a new city. Emphasize your commitment to the company and the job.
  • How will you handle the stress of relocating?
  • Acknowledge that relocating can be stressful, but emphasize your ability to handle stress and adapt to new situations. Highlight any previous relocation experiences and how you successfully navigated them.
  • Are you familiar with the area where you will be relocating?
  • If you’re not familiar with the area, do some research beforehand to show your interest in the community. Highlight any relevant information you’ve learned about the area, such as the cost of living or local attractions.
  • How soon can you relocate?
  • Be honest about your timeline for relocating, but also emphasize your willingness to be flexible and work with the company’s needs. If possible, provide a specific date for when you can start.

By preparing for the interview and anticipating common questions, you can increase your chances of success when relocating for a job. Remember to stay positive, demonstrate your knowledge and skills, and show your commitment to the company and the job.

Relocation Packages

Relocation packages are agreements between employers and employees that cover the costs and logistics of moving to a new job location. These packages typically include reimbursement for expenses such as moving trucks, packing materials, storage, temporary housing, travel costs, and more.

When considering a job opportunity that requires relocation, it’s important to ask potential employers about their relocation packages to ensure that you understand exactly what support will be offered. Here are some key questions to ask:

1. What relocation expenses are covered?

Make sure you get a clear understanding of what expenses are included in the relocation package. Some common elements include temporary housing, transportation costs, and closing costs on a new home. However, some employers may have more generous packages that include things like storage for your items or professional cleaning services.

2. Who is responsible for arranging and paying for the move?

Some employers will handle all aspects of the move for you, while others may require you to make your own arrangements and then provide you with a reimbursement after the fact. Make sure you understand who will be responsible for coordinating your move and who will be providing payment for your expenses.

3. How long will temporary housing be provided?

If your new job requires you to move to a new city or state, it’s likely that you’ll need temporary housing while you find a permanent home. Make sure you understand how long the employer will provide temporary housing, and what happens if you haven’t secured a new home within that timeframe.

4. Are there any conditions to the relocation package?

In some cases, employers may require you to repay some or all of the relocation expenses if you leave the company within a certain timeframe. Make sure you understand what conditions are attached to the relocation package to avoid surprises down the road.

By asking these key questions, you can get a better understanding of what a potential employer is offering for relocation and ensure that you make an informed decision about your next career move.

Accepting an Offer

When you’re relocating for a new job, accepting the offer can come with additional considerations. Here are some tips on how to accept the job offer and some important things to consider before doing so.

Tips for Accepting the Job Offer

Show gratitude: Begin by thanking the employer for offering you the position. Expressing appreciation shows that you are excited about the opportunity and are serious about the role.

Clarify any confusion: If anything is unclear in the job offer, now is the time to ask questions. You want to ensure that you understand all of the details before accepting the offer.

Negotiate if necessary: If you feel that the offer doesn’t fully meet your needs, consider negotiating for a better salary or additional benefits. However, be mindful of the company’s budget and the industry standards to avoid compromising the offer altogether.

Confirm your start date: Before accepting the job, clarify your start date and the arrangements you need to make for relocation. This will allow you to plan accordingly and ensure a smooth transition.

Follow up in writing: Once you have agreed to the terms and conditions of the job offer, it’s important to follow up with a written confirmation. This will help avoid misunderstandings and ensure that both you and the employer are on the same page.

Important Considerations

Before accepting a job offer, it’s important to consider the following factors:

Cost of Living: Consider the cost of living in the city or region where the job is located. This may impact your budget and lifestyle.

Relocation package: Review the relocation package offered by the employer, including any costs associated with moving.

Quality of life: Consider the quality of life in the new location, including schools, housing, and amenities.

Cultural fit: Consider whether the company culture aligns with your values and working style.

Career growth: Evaluate the potential for career growth and advancement within the company.

By considering these factors, you will be better prepared to accept a job offer that meets your needs and sets you up for success in your new role.

Examples of Successful Relocation

When it comes to relocation for a job, success stories can provide a lot of inspiration and helpful guidance for those hoping to follow in the footsteps of those who have made the leap before them. Here are a few examples of job seekers who effectively relocated for a job, as well as an explanation of what made their relocation efforts successful.

Example 1: Jane Smith

Jane Smith had always lived in a small town in the Midwest, but after years of struggling to find a job in her field, she decided to look further afield. She found a job in her desired industry in a large city on the East Coast, and made the decision to relocate for the opportunity.

What made Jane’s relocation efforts successful was her careful planning and preparation. Before making the move, she researched the city she would be relocating to, including the cost of living, job market, and housing options. She also reached out to her new employer to discuss relocation assistance, benefits, and resources available to new hires. By having a clear plan in place before making the move, Jane was able to hit the ground running and make a successful transition to her new job and city.

Example 2: John Doe

John Doe had been working in his hometown for years but was ready for a change. He found a job in a different state that aligned with his career goals and decided to take the leap and relocate for the opportunity.

What made John’s relocation efforts successful was his flexibility and willingness to adapt. He didn’t have a specific city or location in mind when he began his job search and instead was open to opportunities across the country. He also made sure to research the city and company he would be relocating to before accepting the job, which enabled him to make a seamless transition. Once he made the move, John immersed himself in the local community, joining clubs and organizations to meet new people and build a support system in his new home.

Example 3: Sarah Lee

Sarah Lee had never lived more than an hour away from her family and friends, but after landing her dream job on the West Coast, she knew she had to make a big change. She packed up her belongings and relocated to a city thousands of miles away, eager to begin her new role.

What made Sarah’s relocation efforts successful was her determination and positive attitude. She knew that making a move like this would be challenging, but she embraced the opportunity for growth and professional development. Sarah also made an effort to stay connected with her loved ones back home, scheduling regular phone calls and video chats to stay in touch. By staying focused on her goals and maintaining a positive outlook, Sarah was able to thrive in her new job and city.

In all of these examples, careful planning, research, and a willingness to adapt were crucial to successful relocation efforts.

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Cover Letter Ninjas

A Persuasive Relocation Cover Letter Example

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How do you approach the idea of relocation with potential employers? It is a challenging subject to be certain. For one thing, covering relocation expenses does increase the cost of hiring an employee. Further, there’s risk a potential employee is making if the desire to relocate to a new area is  a rash decision. This could lead to quick turnover.

All of these factors can make it difficult to convince a potential employer that you are a great candidate for relocation. Hence, you will need to come up with valid responses to those potential risks and objections, and ensure the employer about your seriousness. The best place to brook that subject is your cover letter. 

This post contains several tips to help you get it done, along with a sample relocation cover letter.

How to Mention Relocation in a Cover Letter?

You have two options to mention relocation in a cover letter:

  • In the opening paragraph — works better if you upload a formal cover letter with your address in the letterhead
  • At the end of your letter — a better option for email cover letters and less formal submissions. 

In either case, don’t make relocation the focal point of your letter. That prime spot is reserved for your interest in the positions and competitive skills. 

Here’s how to mention relocation at the beginning of your cover letter:

“In 2018, I first learned about your company’s mission of improving diversity at the Anual Marketing Award and was very impressed with your campaign results (belated congrats on the 2nd place). At my current position with Civil Corps, I was in charge of promoting the company’s D&I program too and managed to negotiate coverage in VOX, Techcrunch, and CBNC. I believe I could achieve the same results for your company too. I’m in the process of relocating to Denver, I was very excited to learn that Maxwell Corps is looking for a new PR manager.” 

And here’s another sample for highlighting relocation at the end of your cover letter:

“I’d be eager to provide more context of my achievements during the interview. Would you like me to share my calendar so that we could schedule a Zoom interview? I’m relocating to Denver in a month and would appreciate the opportunity to do a remote interview. However, I’m also open to traveling for an on-site interview if that works better for you. Thank you again for your consideration.” 

How to Write a Relocation Cover Letter

Similar to other types of cover letters, a relocation letter should have the same standard structure: opening paragraph, main body, and concluding paragraph. 

However, to make your cover letter for relocation more compelling, try this:

  • Open with a lead on your qualifications 
  • Highlight your interest and enthusiasm for the position 
  • Discuss your most relevant skills in the body of the letter
  • Show your passion and commitment for a new location
  • Be forthcoming about your current location and decision to relocate
  • Don’t overexplain — instead talk about your flexibility with interviewing 

Now let’s zoom in on each step! 

Lead With Your Qualifications – End With Your Relocation

You should definitely disclose that you will be relocating. What you shouldn’t do is lead with that information. Instead, cover your aptitude, talents, and qualifications. Describe why you are a good fit, and how interested you are in the announced opportunity. 

As you close your cover letter, mention that you will be relocating if you are offered the position. Or suggest that you could start working remotely and then relocate. If you’ve written the rest of your cover letter successfully, the hiring manager may very well be eager to move forward with the application process.

Show a Strong Interest in The Position Along With Relevant Skills

Your best chance at landing a job in another place is by proving that you are so qualified that you are worth any relocation expenses. That’s why you must indicate that you understand the position, have researched the company, and can show how your skills make you the ultimate candidate for the job at hand. 

Give specific examples of your accomplishments. Match your skills with the requirements of the position you are applying for. Wondering how to frame that for your industry? Refer to other cover letter examples on our website. Betcha we already covered your niche!

Don’t Over Explain or Apologize

It is perfectly acceptable to apply for jobs in other locations. You should be honest and clear about this, but avoid going into needless detail as you attempt to explain or apologize for your employment requirements. Don’t spend more than a line or two mentioning the relocation. Avoid using words like ‘sorry’ or ‘apologize’ when you bring up this subject.

You should also avoid revealing any personal information that might make things uncomfortable. For example, avoid disclosing that you are relocating due to a divorce.

Don’t Obscure Your Current Location

Some people believe that you shouldn’t share where you are currently located. This is generally not the best advice to follow. 

Because it is standard to include contact information on your resume and cover letter, leaving it off can definitely arouse suspicion. Avoid creating any red flags, and include your contact information like you normally would. You also don’t want to make it seem as if you were hiding information or being misleading.

Show Your Passion and Commitment to The New Location

If the hiring manager believes that you have some connection to or passion for their location, they will be more likely to believe you are a viable candidate. Learn about the community in which you plan to work. Mention in the cover letter that you are excited about the possibility to relocate. Share what it is that makes you excited about the possibility of moving.

Mary F.

A Sample Cover Letter For a Relocation in .docx Format

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A Relocation Cover Letter Example – Text Format

Dear Charlotte Williams,

My name is Davis Ninja, I am a certified public accountant with three years of experience as an auditor working for a Fortune 500, technology firm. I am very interested in the position of Chief Accounting Officer at Logistics International. I believe that I have the skills and background that make me a perfect fit for this job.

It is my understanding that Logistics International is facing many new challenges as it expands into the Southeast Asian markets. Because I have led my current employer through a similar expansion, I have both the professional skills and international connections to do the same for Logistics International. Let me handle the job of ensuring that your company is in compliance with international, finance regulations so that you can focus your energies on other matters.

I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my qualifications further. I will be traveling to your area within the next two weeks. This is when I will begin the process of searching for apartments as I make arrangements to relocate to your area from my current residence in Tampa, FL. Please be assured that I am capable of handling all relocation matters myself.

Davis Ninja, CPA

Another Example of Cover Letter for Relocation

Dear Nancy Reeves,

My name is Danielle Ninja, and I am an experienced, wildlife biologist specializing in freshwater ecology. Dr. Erica Green, a mutual friend of ours, informed me that you were looking for a scientist to manage the expansion of the state of Illinois Fisheries Management and Ecology Program into the Chicago area. I’ve reviewed the requirements for the job, and believe that I would be a perfect fit.

I am currently employed as a fisheries research technician for the state of Michigan. My work is primarily in the upper peninsula. The duties include taking and testing water samples from rivers and other waterways, observing and recording behaviors of fish and other vertebrate and invertebrate animals living in and around the water, capturing and tagging fish using various methods, and ensuring that all wildlife is handled humanely. I also record and organize all data for submission to the University of Michigan.

As I understand, my duties would essentially be the same with some additional supervisory responsibilities. I am confident I can take those on, as I have led several internship programs over the past three years.

Before I sign off, I want to assure you that I am aware that I will be required to relocate if I accept this position. This is something I am prepared to do. Thanks to friends and family in the area, I will be able to secure housing immediately and plan on looking into permanent arrangements upon receiving a job offer.

Danielle Ninja

Should You Put Relocation on a Resume Too?

Yes, it’s better to be forthcoming about your relocation plans. Hiring managers will appreciate a heads-up on your current location and will try to accommodate the interview process accordingly. The best way to mention relocation on a resume is the header area. Add a quick line to your resume tagline or summary. This way every reader of your resume (and there may be several!) will immediately understand your situation and weigh on the decision to call you in. 

What is a Fair Relocation Package?

A standard employer relocation package covers some of the costs of moving for the candidate. However, the exact package “content” differs a lot depending on the industry, position, and other benefits offered. Typically, employers either issue a cash allowance for relocation or offer other monetary perks such as temporary housing, pre-paid storage units, assistance with hiring a moving company, or travel costs reimbursement. Some international companies such as Google, Microsoft, and IBM among others also provide assistance for family members and cover a wider range of relocation costs. If the employer advertises a relocation package, ask them directly about what’s included.

How Do You Negotiate a Better Relocation Package?

Before you enter relocation package negotiation do an honest assessment of your needs. How much financial costs will you incur? Will you need to break an expensive lease or sell a property? Are you moving to a more competitive housing market where apartment search can take a while? Jot down your basic list of needs. Then approach HR and ask them to provide an overview of what their organization could cover. 

If some costs don’t overlap, but other perks are provided, think about how you feel about compromising. If the package clearly doesn’t cover enough, prepare your case. Appeal to the fact that the hassle of relocation (and searching for an apartment for instance) can delay your start date or make you less productive during the onboarding period. Share some of your ideas about how the employer’s assistance could help you get settled in the new role faster and start generating value for the business. Most will agree to meet you at least halfway (as long as your demands are adequate).

Final Thoughts

Remember that a ninja moves effortlessly. Your task is to prove to hiring managers that your relocation needs will be a non issue. Next, show your passion and skill. Finally, provide assurance that you are able to cover relocation expenses. That’s the recipe for a strong relocation cover letter. 

Other Cover Letter Samples

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Relocation Cover Letter: Tips from Cover Letter Proofreader

resume cover letter relocation examples

Are you  planning to relocate to a new area or are just open to moving to a new city  if the right opportunity arises? In this case, you need to  take extra care of your application documents to compete with local job-seekers. If you are curious about  how to reflect the relocation in your cover letter  or  how to write a CV  for relocation – read below.

I need help writing a cover letter!

In most cases, applying for jobs in other states or overseas is a huge challenge. Including a physical address that is located far away from the job area might be seen as a red flag by an employer. And, just like any other red flag (job-hopping, career gap, etc.), it should be addressed properly on your application documents. Your relocation cover letter should be strong enough to appeal to a reader. Using relocation cover letter samples to help yourself with formatting is a great idea.

The seasoned  experts of our resume writing service  can explain any career challenge to your advantage. Our staff writers have 2+ years of experience with resume creation and have helped thousands of clients land better jobs with quality written, keyword-enriched resumes. So, if you struggle to find employment in a new city, don't hesitate to contact us and get your resume and cover letter done professionally. Relocation cover letters written by our team are strong, convincing, relevant to the job opening, and match the job title requirements.

Creating a cover letter for relocation

Relocation to a new area is a time-consuming process, so you should start early on. First of all, research the job market in the area where you're planning to move to make sure you'll have enough job opportunities to choose from. The best scenario is to relocate when you already have a job offer – it will save you money.

Keep your career level in mind . As a rule, if you are a senior specialist or an executive, you'll find it easier to get a job in a new city – companies are ready to go to great lengths to attract highly qualified staff and management. You are more likely to get a job interview if your relocation cover letter format clearly communicates your experience and qualifications. On the other hand, entry- and mid-level professionals might struggle to compete with the local job-seekers who are just as qualified as they are. Nevertheless, it only means that you will need to make extra effort and probably agree to relocate at your own expense. Make sure that the relocation fits into your career plan (if you don't have a career plan yet, here's why you need it:  https://resumeperk.com/blog/planning-a-future-career-are-you-for-or-against ).

Why address a relocation issue in a cover letter?

As a rule, covering letter is reviewed first, and based on what they read the hiring manager decides whether a resume is worth consideration. Moreover, a cover letter is more of a personal document and is perfect to refer to any work-related issues that don't belong to your resume. Thus, hiring managers do pay attention to what you actually write in your relocation cover letter before you get an invitation for a face to face interview or in person meeting.

Where to mention your willingness to relocate?

There are two popular scenarios for explaining the relocation issue: in the first paragraph of the letter and in the closing one.

The first option works best when the company attracts talents countrywide and relocating candidates there is quite routine. In this case, you can end an introductory paragraph with ‘I am willing to relocate for the job at your earliest convenience'.

However, if you need to explain the relocation in further detail, it's better to do so in the closing paragraph. This approach is better for companies that typically hire local candidates. Moreover, it allows you to focus on the job and qualifications at the top of the letter and, therefore, gives the target company more chances to fall in love with you.

Addressing the relocation issue: tips from professional writers

  • Highlight your connection with an area If you have previously lived or studied in the town or have a family member living there, be sure to inform the potential employer about it. This will let them know that you are familiar with the location and will take less time to accommodate a new environment. Looking for a job remotely often means that you'll have to pass a lot of phone interviews. Learn  how to do a phone interview  in the right way. This information should also be mentioned during in person interview.
  • Explain your reason for relocation If the company isn't specifically hunting you, they will be cautious when dealing with candidates applying remotely, and that's a normal practice. To convince the employer that you're a safe bet, you need to give a grounding for your relocation.  If you relocate for personal reasons (better climate, moving for your spouse, etc.), give the employer a solid reason that has motivated you to relocate. Highlight that you are moving permanently and are looking for a long-term, full-time position. If you're willing to move because of a higher salary and better career prospects, be sure to emphasize your dedication to your career. The best cover letter triggers the interest of the reader and yet does not leave too many open questions.
  • Show that you've done the research When creating a cover letter for relocation, you should be as specific about the company and the location as possible. Before writing that letter, do your research on the company and demonstrate your knowledge of the company, its challenges, and its products in your cover letter. Additionally, you can highlight your knowledge of the area and its perspectives for your career, if any, to demonstrate that you are serious about your relocation decision. Find a sample cover letter guide online to get a better idea of how to write a great cover letter. A perfect cover letter sample will save you a wealth of time.
  • Downplay the location factor If you're not aiming for a top-level role where companies are willing to attract qualified candidates at all costs, you might need to do some extra work to downplay the fact you're located in another state. One of the popular tricks is to use a local address. However, be aware that if you've indicated a local address, the employer won't compensate your travel expenses if you're invited for an interview, and the chances are that you'll have to fly for an interview in a rush. The better tactic is to say that you're already in the middle of the relocation process and, if you want that job at all costs, you can also mention that you're willing to relocate at your own expense. Therefore, you minimize the employer's expenses for hiring and your candidacy will be more welcomed.
  • Make your cover letter flawless Ideally, upon a cover letter review the hiring manager should reach out to their phone and invite you out for an interview. Although such cases are rare, a well-written cover letter increases your chances of getting an interview call. So, you should put extra effort into composing the letter until it's perfect in all aspects. Include your most important and relevant experience and highlight the accomplishments to show your orientation at the result. Mention any extra training that qualifies you for the position, academic degree, or volunteering projects. List the relevant skills with examples of how you've applied them. If you manage to convince the hiring manager that you're a perfect candidate, the relocation won't be a major issue any longer. When writing a cover letter, be sure to avoid  the don'ts of a cover letter  that turn the employers away.

There are several ways to mention relocation in your  cover letter  – use the method that fits your career situation and company time best. In some cases, one sentence in an opener is enough, and sometimes you'll need to expand on the issue for a few sentences. Therefore, choose a relocation cover letter template that meets your needs the most.

Should I address the relocation issue on my resume?

Typically, your desire to relocate is not mentioned on a resume. However, if the company asks to apply with a resume only, you can address the relocation issue at the end of your career summary, i.e. ‘Willing to relocate for the job'.

Want a guide to creating a high-quality resume? Check out how to  create an effective modern resume .

Struggle to create a relocation cover letter? Our experts can help

Relocation is a serious step in your career, and finding a job at a distance is more difficult than getting hired by a local company. Therefore, you want a cover letter that addresses your relocation issue effectively so that the employer gets interested in your candidacy. Using writing tips and relying on sample relocation cover letter is a good idea, but our writers can take this burden of your shoulders and help you land a new job faster.

Resume experts on our team are ready to edit your existing cover letter or create a new one, especially for jobs that require relocation. We provide quality writing, timely delivery, and targeting your cover letter for a particular job posting. Our writer will consider all your requirements and will work on your letter until you're 100% satisfied as per our satisfaction guarantee. You can also get your resume, CV, and LinkedIn profile created and be totally prepared for job-hunting. We keep our prices moderate: check out our  resume packages and discounts .

Relocation cover letter sample

Now that you are aware of the ways to describe relocation in your cover letter, take a look at a good example:

Relocation cover letter example

Image source : https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cb/7a/3b/cb7a3b66d95700a6e18fe41d32fb2484.png

Note that this candidate mentions the relocation issue right front so that the hiring manager will continue reading the letter even though the candidate is located in a different state. After that, the job-seeker lists their strengths and excellent academic performance, which, in their opinion, will be beneficial for the organization. And finally, they show their familiarity with the area and willingness to attend face-to-face interviews whenever it's convenient for an employer.

How to write a relocation letter: Key takeaways

Above, we've listed the practical ways to list your intent to relocate for the job. To describe your unique situation effectively, use the following principles.

  • Show your connection with the area or employer . Did you study in the city you're planning on moving to, and have friends or family there? Make sure the letter reflects that. Did you work for the company's branch before or were you an employee of their main client? Mention this as well. Are you moving for personal reasons? This deserves to be mentioned, too.
  • Demonstrate your fit for the role. The relocation issue is important, but don't make it a central point of your letter. First and foremost, focus on everything that makes you a valuable fit for the role: your experience, education, and accomplishments. Research the company so that you can highlight your fit more effectively. Find a relocation cover letter example that matches your exact situation!
  • Be concise and attentive to detail, as usual.  Like a traditional cover letter, a relocation letter should not exceed one page unless you're in academia. 3-4 short paragraphs will work great. Don't forget to proofread the letter to exclude any occasional mistakes, double check your name and contact details. Do not forget a  proper letter ending .

Have you ever written a cover letter for relocation?

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resume cover letter relocation examples

Addressing Relocation in a Cover Letter

Addressing Relocation in a Cover Letter

Landing a new job is quite a challenge today. It is even more of a challenge to find a job in another state or even country. As a rule, it extends the job search period significantly since the companies often prefer local candidates over people from other states or countries. However, if you are planning to relocate, it doesn’t have to mean you’ve got no chances. Relocation shouldn’t be some kind of a disadvantage that will make it very difficult to get a job offer. There are things out-of-state job seekers can do to minimize the concerns the hiring managers might have in regard to relocation issues. 

Why Is Relocation a Problem for Employers?

Before you address relocation on your application documents, it is important to understand the reasons why companies prefer locals over out-of-state candidates. There may be multiple nuances but usually, it all boils down to the employers’ valuable resources: time and money. No one can argue with the fact that hiring people from different states and countries is associated with increased costs. Additionally, local prospects typically can begin work right after the job offer is made. Those residing in different states usually need additional time to relocate. 

Besides, you can’t deny the fact that relocation brings additional risks both for the employers as well as for the job seekers. What happens if the move doesn’t really work out for you? In most cases, it means you would want either to go back or find a new place. For the employer, it means going through the hiring rigmarole all over again (which is additional expenses). 

If you take the job search seriously, it is important to understand the most common concerns the companies might have in regard to relocation. The question is how can you tailor the application effectively and address these issues?

How to Mention Relocation in a Cover Letter?

Before you meet the hiring authorities at the interview, your application is the only chance to impress your prospective employers and address relocation concerns they might have. There is not much you can do with your resume because its format doesn’t imply the section where you could properly address the relocation issues. All you can do is add the statement that you are willing to relocate next to your address on a resume. Depending on your plans you can either be specific (i.e. “Relocating to New York in November 2019”) or generic (i.e. “Available to relocate nationwide”). This only informs prospective employers of your intentions to relocate but doesn’t really address any potential issues.

On the other hand, a cover letter is a perfect tool which gives more freedom to elaborate on the subject explaining why relocation will not be a problem for the company. A cover letter may be a thing of the past in some cases but relocation is one of those exceptions when it can actually save your application. All you need to do is to tackle all of the challenges related to your move and convince the hiring manager that hiring you will not be much different from hiring a local candidate. Below you will find key components of an effective relocation cover letter that will help you properly address the employers’ concerns.

1. Explain why you are relocating . There is a huge difference between planning to move to a new city and applying for a nice job in a different state. Employers are well aware of this difference and that’s why they often question whether out-of-state candidates are serious about the move. Explaining why you decided to make the move will help them eliminate the doubts in regard to your dedication. No need to go into details – don’t waste valuable space on your letter with unnecessary information no one wants to know. Just list concrete reasons to show that your intention isn’t the stretch of your imagination but a done deal. Here are some examples of how you can do it: 

resume cover letter relocation examples

  2. Provide a date . This should really help employers feel more comfortable about giving you an interview call. Providing a date or a period for your arrival is another proof that your intention to move is serious. Often the companies can’t afford spending months on hiring someone. When it comes to filling in the position, it is always the sooner, the better. Therefore, providing your arrival date (hopefully in the nearest future) should help put their mind at ease. It may well be that you don’t have the date yet, just let them known how much time you would need to complete the move if offered the job. It is important to be realistic in your projections though. In a cover letter, it could look something like this:

resume cover letter relocation examples

  3. Offer an in-person visit . Since you live in a different state or even country, it is likely that you will have a remote interview via phone, Skype or some other platform (if your resume is good enough). However, it is very unlikely that you will be able to land a job with just a phone call. Most employers would want to talk to you in person before making any decisions. More than that, accepting a job offer without a face-to-face meeting is risky for you, as a job seeker. It is best if you can learn more about the company and its culture by visiting their office. For example, you could say something like this:

resume cover letter relocation examples

It is important to make it clear that you are open to an in-person visit (at least if your remote interview goes well). Don’t mention anything about travel expenses. At this stage, it is not a good time to talk about money.  Focus on expressing your desire to learn more about the opportunity.

Relocation Cover Letter Example

A relocation cover letter isn’t much different from cover letter examples you can find online. The difference is usually a couple of sentences (that can turn everything around for long-distance job candidates). The best way to address relocation is to include a brief paragraph at the very end of the letter. When job seekers choose to do it at the very beginning, they somewhat shift the focus from the job and their qualifications (which should be the most important information) to relocation concerns (secondary matters for employers). 

Here is a relocation cover letter example:

resume cover letter relocation examples

Relocation Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Dear Mr. Smith:

I am writing in response to the present job opening for a Sales Manager found at indeed.com/jobid928618308. In my search for a new challenge in sales, I was pleased to find this position open at Business Pro, Ltd. as I believe that my track of sales accomplishments along with y commitment become a valuable asset for the company. Eager to learn more about this opportunity, I have enclosed my resume for your perusal.

As my career profile illustrates, I am well-prepared to penetrating new territories and exceeding sales targets. Having served as a Sales Manager within the construction industry, I am accustomed to the rigors of the highly-regulated environment requiring consummate accuracy and excellent communication skills. If given the opportunity, I will be more than happy to deliver similar results for Business Pro, Ltd. while collaborating with your staff to accelerate the achievement of your short- and long-range goals.

Further, I would bring the following strengths to your team: 

- Penetrating new sales territories and increasing sales by over 30% through implementing new marketing programs.

- Training new sales associates to improve the overall efficiency of the sales team by 50%. 

I would welcome the chance to meet you in person and discuss the opening in detail. My husband has recently accepted the executive job offer at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and we will be moving to Boston in the middle of August. I can start working within only one week after an offer, as we have already bought an apartment in Phoenix. I am also open to traveling to Phoenix for an in-person interview at a mutually convenient time.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you!

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4 Must-Dos For Your Relocation Cover Letter

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It’s a challenge many job seekers face. You want to move to a new city, but you need a guaranteed paycheck before you make the big jump. So you look for opportunities on local job boards and send out applications.

But here’s the problem:  employers have a distinct bias against long-distance job candidates.

It’s an uphill climb, but there are things you can do to improve your chances of landing an interview. You’ve got to convince the employer that interviewing and hiring you will be nearly as easy as any local candidate. And it all starts with a solid relocation cover letter.

In addition to everything else you need to include in your cover letter, make sure you tackle, head-on, the challenges related to your relocation. You want to do this, briefly, in the final paragraph of your letter, after you explain how awesome you are and how you’ll solve all the employer’s problems.

Here are the four things you want to include in any relocation cover letter:

1. Explain why you are moving

There’s a big difference between applying for a far-flung job and actually packing up your belongings and moving to that new town. Sometimes our dedication to a big move wavers when the opportunity arrives.

This is one reason employers may be skeptical of out-of-town applicants; they question whether you are really serious about the move. That’s why it serves you to be crystal clear about the reason for your move.

You don’t need to go into a lot of details—remember, real estate on your cover letter is precious—but provide enough information to show that your desire to move isn’t some flight of fancy. The more concrete your reasons, the better. The goal is to show the employer that your move is a done deal.

Here are some things you could say:

“After a decade in Washington, DC, I’m looking for opportunities to return to my hometown, Cleveland.” “I moving to Tampa to be closer to my family, who all live in the area.” “My husband recently accepted a position at UCLA, and we’re moving to Los Angeles later this month.” “I’m marrying an Oregonian this summer, and we’re relocating to Portland in August.”

Reasons like “I like the way-of-life in Tucson” or “I loved Austin when I visited last year” carry less import with employers. While these sentiments may be true, they lack the stickiness that makes your move a done deal.

2. Give a date or time frame

The best way to ease an employer’s mind that you are really moving is to provide a date for your arrival. Again, this is why a concrete reason for a move is so helpful.

Organizations hire because they have a problem and they need help ASAP. Often, that puts a premium on candidates who are available to start immediately. A hiring manager might be willing to wait for a stellar candidate but their patience won’t last forever. You have to explain exactly how long they’d have to wait to bring an awesome candidate, like you, onto their staff.  A firm arrival date (hopefully in the not-too-distant-future) can put the hiring manager’s mind at ease.

If you don’t have an arrival date, share how quickly you could relocate, if offered the position. The faster you can make the move, the better—just remember to to be realistic in your projection.

Identify the resources or connections you have that could best facilitate a move. Again, this can be done in one sentence:

“I can start within two weeks of a job offer, as I already have family in the Wichita area.” “I’m willing to commute from Sacramento, until I move to closer to the Bay area.”

3. Explain how you can interview

Another perceived challenge with out-of-town applicants, from the employer’s perspective, is how they’ll interview you. Hiring managers are used to the traditional interview process—namely, an in-person meeting in their office. Anything that varies from this path may be be alien territory.

Do not expect the hiring manager to know how they can interview you remotely. Instead, offer up your own solution for this challenge. It’s simple, just say:

“I’m available to interview by phone, Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, FaceTime, or any other platform that is convenient for you…”

The goal here is to make the remote interview process as easy as possible for the hiring manager. The offer of a video-based communication system is particularly helpful as it more closely approximates the typical in-person experience.

4. Put an in-person visit on the table

Did you notice how my last quote ended with an ellipsis? That was intentional because you’re not going to land an offer with just a Zoom chat.

Most hiring managers will want to meet you in-person at some point. And, frankly, I would warn against accepting any offer without first meeting the employer in-person. A face-to-face meeting is the best way to learn more about the organization and whether you’ll be a good fit there.

So, you need to put the offer of a visit on the table in your cover letter:

“… and I’m open to traveling to Boston for an in-person meeting, should there be mutual interest.”

This is an important addition to your earlier interview suggestion. You’re making it clear that you’re open to a visit, eventually, but only if the initial phone interview goes well. This is a gesture of good faith to the employer and shows that you’re serious about the right opportunity.

Leave unmentioned who will pay for this travel. At this point in the process, talking about money is putting the cart before the horse. Just put the idea out there and focus on your desire to learn more about each other. If there’s genuine and mutual interest after your Zoom call, you’ll have more leverage for asking for travel expenses.

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    Communication is a foundational skill for any good Reporter, and one excellent way to demonstrate it is with a cover letter. A cover letter allows you to tell the story of how you've developed valuable skills and learned to overcome obstacles. And you don't even have to spend too much time writing a cover letter when you use our Cover ...

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    Otherwise, use our cover letter examples if you're still brainstorming what to write. They can inspire you! For design help, check out our cover letter templates library. We've got 15+ preformatted cover letter designs you can use for your document! To create a great document from scratch, we also feature a complete guide on How to Write a ...

  30. 6 Great Cake Decorator Resume Examples

    Otherwise, use our cover letter examples if you're still brainstorming what to write. They can inspire you! For design help, check out our cover letter templates library. We've got 15+ preformatted cover letter designs you can use for your document! To create a great document from scratch, we also feature a complete guide on How to Write a ...