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First page of “Kimirei, IA 2012 Importance of mangroves and seagrass beds as nurseries for coral reef fishes in Tanzania. PhD Thesis, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 204 p”

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Kimirei, IA 2012 Importance of mangroves and seagrass beds as nurseries for coral reef fishes in Tanzania. PhD Thesis, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 204 p

Profile image of Ismael Kimirei

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Biological Conservation, 2006

Identification of critical life-stage habitats is key to successful conservation efforts. Juveniles of some species show great flexibility in habitat use while other species rely heavily on a restricted number of juvenile habitats for protection and food. Considering the rapid degradation of coastal marine habitats worldwide, it is important to evaluate which species are more susceptible to loss of juvenile nursery habitats and how this differs across large biogeographic regions. Here we used a meta-analysis approach to investigate habitat use by juvenile reef fish species in tropical coastal ecosystems across the globe. Densities of juvenile fish species were compared among mangrove, seagrass and coral reef habitats. In the Caribbean, the majority of species showed significantly higher juvenile densities in mangroves as compared to seagrass beds and coral reefs, while for the Indo-Pacific region seagrass beds harbored the highest overall densities. Further analysis indicated that differences in tidal amplitude, irrespective of biogeographic region, appeared to be the major driver for this phenomenon. In addition, juvenile reef fish use of mangroves increased with increasing water salinity. In the Caribbean, species of specific families (e.g. Lutjanidae, Haemulidae) showed a higher reliance on mangroves or seagrass beds as juvenile habitats than other species, whereas in the Indo-Pacific family-specific trends of juvenile habitat utilization were less apparent. The findings of this study highlight the importance of incorporating region-specific tidal inundation regimes into marine spatial conservation planning and ecosystem based management. Furthermore, the significant role of water salinity and tidal access as drivers of mangrove fish habitat use implies that changes in seawater level and rainfall due to climate change may have important effects on how juvenile reef fish use nearshore seascapes in the future.

Seagrass beds and mangroves are distributed in tropical regions all over the world and considered important nurseries for coral reef fish species. Studies in the Caribbean have shown that seagrass beds and mangroves are the most important nurseries for juvenile coral reef fish, and when juveniles become adults they move to the coral reefs. Coral reef fish in the Indo-Pacific region do not show such a consistent pattern. In this region it is not clear to what extent coral reef fish use available habitats in a non-reef – coral reef gradient and what the influence is of the presence of non-reef habitats as a nursery on coral reef fish populations on coral reefs. The present study was carried out on four islands along the coast of Tanzania and on one island in the Comoros archipelago in the western Indian Ocean. Using a point count visual census method during the day, the length, abundance and distribution of 76 commercially important coral reef fish species were studied. In total, 2279 quadrats were surveyed at six different non-reef habitats, on coral reefs adjacent to seagrass beds and mangroves (reef sg-mg), on coral reefs at a greater distance to seagrass beds and mangroves (reef far) and on coral reefs in the Comoros archipelago completely lacking seagrass beds and mangroves (reef Comoros). Results showed that shallow seagrass beds did harbour much higher juvenile fish densities than mangroves, deep seagrass beds, intertidal flats, algal beds and coral reefs. This suggests that shallow seagrass beds are the most important nurseries for juvenile coral reef fish. Furthermore, all 76 observed species were categorised in six species groups: sg residents, sg-reef transients, generalists, reef generalists, reef residents and rare species, based on their juvenile and adult distribution patterns between non-reef and reef habitats. Two species groups, sg-reef transients and reef generalists, showed possible migrations between non-reef and reef habitats, but only sg-reef transients, consisted of two species, showed a possible ontogenetic migration from seagrass beds towards the coral reef adjacent to non-reef habitats. This suggests that the nursery hypothesis affected only two species and all other species can use alternative habitats. On reef Comoros the six species groups were also present, but the number of species found on reef Comoros was much lower than on reef far. On reef far three species groups and on reef Comoros four species groups showed significant higher adult densities on reef sg-mg than on reef far or reef Comoros. This suggests that on the scale of an entire island, non-reef habitats have an impact on species groups. The presence of non-reef habitats influences coral reef fish densities on reef sg-mg. At species level, 22 species of the 50 observed species on reef far and 5 species of the 19 observed species on reef Comoros showed significantly higher adult densities on reef sg-mg than on reef far or reef Comoros. This indicates that these species have an advantage of nearby non-reef habitats as a juvenile habitat, but they can sustain on reef far or reef Comoros. On reef far 28 species and on reef Comoros 14 species showed no effect of the absence of non-reef habitats on adult fish densities on the coral reef. It is suggested that these species are able to use the coral reef as an alternative nursery and do not depend on non-reef habitats. They can possibly spend their entire life cycle on the reef and are to some extent self-sustaining.

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2002

Abstract: There has been much controversy over the degree to which mangroves and seagrass beds function as nursery habitats for the juveniles of fish species that live on coral reefs as adults. In previous studies we have shown that the juveniles of at least 17 Caribbean reef-fish species are highly associated with bays containing mangroves and seagrass beds as nurseries, and that juveniles of these species are absent in bays lacking such habitats.

There is a long-standing debate whether mangrove and seagrass habitats in the Indo-Pacific region function as nurseries for coral reef fishes. We studied the use of all major shallow-water habitat types by juvenile coral reef fish using visual census surveys at 4 islands along the Tanzanian coast (East Africa) and at the island of Grande Comoros (Comoros archipelago). We investigated the value of mangroves, seagrass beds, coral reefs, macroalgae and intertidal flats as a juvenile habitat for fish by studying density distribution patterns of juveniles and adults of 76 reef fish species in these habitats. We assessed (1) which part of the reef fish community used mangrove–seagrass habitats as juvenile or adult habitats, (2) whether adult fish densities and diversity on adjacent reefs were related to the presence of these shallow habitats, and (3) whether adults of species that use these habitats when juvenile were less abundant on coral reefs situated far away from these juvenile habitats. Seagrass beds and coral reefs were the most important juvenile fish habitats. Ontogenetic migrations between seagrass beds and reef habitats possibly occur, since several species showed their highest juvenile densities on seagrass beds, whereas adults showed their highest densities on reefs adjacent to these seagrass beds. The presence of areas with seagrass beds positively influenced adult densities of many reef fish species on adjacent coral reefs. Of the 36 fish species whose juveniles were observed in seagrass beds along the Tanzanian coast, 32 species were absent from or showed low densities on coral reefs of the island of Grande Comoros (lacking seagrass beds or mangroves). On reefs far from seagrass beds and mangroves along the Tanzanian coast, 25 of these 36 species were absent or showed low densities in comparison with reefs adjacent to these habitats.

Nature, 2004

Marine Ecology …, 2001

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Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2017

Aquatic Biology, 2009

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2006

PLoS ONE, 2013

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2002

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Estuarine, Coastal and …, 2010

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2007

Marine and Freshwater Research, 2017

Environmental Biology of Fishes, 2005

Limnology and Oceanography, 2007

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