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191 Interesting Theology Research Paper Topics For You To Try

theology research paper topics

Do you know how to write a theology paper? Well, first you will need to find and research the best topic that you are interested in. However, it can be frustrating to some extent when you are not sure of what is expected of you, and what to do your research on.

As students, you need to consult your professors in college to know the best topic to choose for your research. Hence, be assured that after you decide on a topic, we will provide online help from there.

It can be difficult to find the right research topic for your University project. However, we have made it easier for you! We have provided a variety of topics that you can choose from.

Theology Research Paper Topics

Most of these topics are based on Christianity research paper topics. They help you visualize more how religion and society correlate. They are based on the various values and evidence behind them.

  • The issues that cause immorality in the church.
  • The role of religious institutions in ensuring peace and harmony.
  • The influence of the different church doctrines on Education development.
  • The effectiveness of faith in Christian life and how it impacts people.
  • What are the major contributors to divisions in the church?
  • The Biblical examination of why there are divisions in the church.
  • The Christian model of living and how it impacts society.
  • The religious conflicts in different parts of the world.
  • How persistent violence affects religious institutions.
  • The principles of religious institutions funding.
  • The role of religious institutions in state politics.
  • The impact of transformational leadership on leader’s performance.
  • The impact of a church minister’s family relationship on the growth of the church.
  • The implication of the involvement of religious institutions in politics.
  • The leadership styles and welfare programs impact salvation.
  • The major effects of servant leadership on Pentecostal fellowship.
  • Evaluate the impact of church leadership on church growth.
  • How does leadership affect the growth of churches?
  • How do parental curses affect the spiritual growth of children?

Theological Essay Topics

These are topics that you can use for your theological essays. They are simple to comprehend and will help you to get a better understanding of religion. They are also based on the beliefs of society.

  • Factors responsible for the division of people in religious institutions.
  • The moral effect of premarital sex among young teenagers.
  • Evaluate the effect of the sectarian crisis in the church.
  • How does parenting affect spiritual growth in children?
  • The impact of church separation at different ages for spiritual growth.
  • The truth behind speaking in tongues and its influence on spiritual growth.
  • Evaluate the impact of the use of new technology in providing spiritual growth to individuals.
  • The influence of the relation between the laity and clergy in building the church.
  • The impact of corporate social responsibility on society.
  • The various Christian ethics and impact on the church growth.
  • Do churches contribute to healthy living in society?
  • Illustrate the cardinal dimension of the Christina CSR – Corporate social responsibilities.
  • Evaluate proliferation and its impact on religious institutions.
  • Nature and faith roles for a Christian.
  • How does the administration of a religious institution affect its growth?
  • The nature and role of faith in different religions.
  • The effect of different denominations in the growth of the church.
  • Evaluate the accepted Christian life and its impact on society.
  • Describe Christianity as a way of life.

More Theology Paper Topics

These are other topics that are broad enough for any research paper. You just need to do proper research, consult your university professor, and choose the best topic for you. It will create a better understanding of theology.

  • The principles that guide church finance in the New Testament.
  • Evaluate the Roman Catholicism.
  • The influence of the religious doctrines in the church.
  • Evaluate the impact of objectification of religion.
  • Evaluate the Russian factory and evangelical church.
  • The Church and theological concepts.
  • Evaluate the Biblical insight on sexuality.
  • Understanding hope, faith, and other theological virtues.
  • What is Eschatology? The role in the life of a believer.
  • Evaluate the Rule of St Benedict through Humility, obedience, and justice.
  • According to Boethius, what is the origin of evil?
  • Explain happiness according to Thomas Aquinas.
  • Analyze the Philosophical arguments against or for the existence of God.
  • Evaluate Augustine’s political and social opinions.
  • Evaluate the relationship between science and theology.
  • Show the life and science of Giordana Bruno.
  • The best response to trauma according to theology.
  • The best response to loss and betrayal is based on Theology.
  • Evaluate the temptation in the garden and its influence on current life.

Research Topics in Theology

Are you looking for the best research topics in theology? Why not start with these? They are based on modern society and religions.

  • Evaluate the two views of theology and their impact on current life.
  • Provide a comparison between Armenians and classic Calvinism.
  • Evaluate the triumph of Armenians and its dangers.
  • Examine the Christian doctrine of security.
  • Evaluate God’s foreknowledge and human freedom and the problems associated with it.
  • Examine God’s immutability aspect and influence on everyday life.
  • Provide a detailed paper on the Biblical perspective of the tension of the son of God’s death as predestined by God.
  • Evaluate the pre-existence of the Son of God.
  • Examine the existence of God’s son concerning the historical dimension of the Biblical witness to God.
  • Evaluate the modern inerrancy debate and its impact on the church.
  • Discuss the reflections on the Theology of Worship.
  • Distinguish between the scripture and culture and impact on the society.
  • Distinguish humans through atheism and secularism.
  • How is humanism portrayed in society?
  • Discuss the problem of natural evil and its impact on society.
  • Analyze the Biblical perspectives on the second coming of the son of God.
  • Provide the popular ideas on the second coming of Christ.
  • Discuss the nature of God and its relation with living beings.
  • What are the popular concepts surrounding the second coming of Jesus Christ?
  • What are the speculations on the end times?

In Depth Theology Essay Topics

These are other theology essay topics that you can use. They are based on real-life circumstances and the consequences of some occurrences. They will help you get a better understanding of what you learn at school.

  • Evaluate the two Biblical stories and their impact on human understanding of creation.
  • Evaluate the protestant principle of faith alone as traced through Habakkuk and Paul.
  • How does faith impact how people live with each other in society?
  • Evaluate homosexuality as shown in the Bible.
  • Evaluate God’s love and human love.
  • Discuss Nehemiah’s life and the question of identity.
  • Explain synergism in fulfilling the mission of the Church.
  • How do you understand the term born again in Christianity?
  • What are the different views that people have about God?
  • What is subjected as Holy Living?
  • What justifies someone living a Holy life?
  • What is the importance of Christian creed, confessions, and catechism in Christianity
  • How do creeds of reformation help in faith-building?
  • Discuss the collection of Biblical studies, and theological reflections that address Women in the Ministry.
  • The impact of historical theology on modern Christianity.
  • Evaluate the heritage of Holiness in Christianity.
  • Evaluate the Day of the Lord and related metaphors in terms of Biblical passages.
  • What is the difference between prophetic and apocalyptic eschatology?

Bible Thesis Topics

The Bible is a great book, however, you need great intervention to understand it fully. Here are some topics that you can start with to understand the basis of the Bible.

  • Evaluate the Old Testament in the Bible as twenty passage
  • What are the implications of the day of the Lord and related metaphors of accountability?
  • Provide a literary analysis of the Book of Genesis.
  • Evaluate the term, “Limited God” in terms of His level of knowledge about humanity – new things he learns about humans
  • Analyze the Old Testament’s concept of the Torah from the Biblical traditions.
  • Evaluate the theoretical analysis of the Old Testament practice of sacrifice and how it differs from appeasement of the gods or physical means to forgiveness.
  • Evaluate the social ethics in the revelation and experience of God in human history.
  • Analyze the 4 Old Testament passages that use “us” to refer to God.
  • Evaluate Psalm 51 and the transformation language.
  • Evaluate Nehemiah and the Question of Identity.
  • Write an essay on the role of the wisdom and psalm traditions which provide a basis on the realities of life from a basis of Faith.
  • Analyze using different Bible passages on whether Jesus had to die.
  • What are the assumptions based on the death of Christ?
  • Evaluate the self-understanding of Jesus and its impact on society.
  • Analyze the social relationship of Jesus and its implication on modern life.
  • What is the relation between Jesus, Religion, and Politics?
  • Retrace the journey of Jesus Christ during his whole life.
  • What were the implications of the death of the Messiah?
  • What were the tensions involved in the overcoming of the death of the Messiah?
  • Analyze various passages in the book of Psalms and their impact on daily living.

Theological Discussion Topics

These topics are mainly based on discussions. This is on the various phenomenon and beliefs associated with them. They are also based on different religions across the world.

  • Evaluate the effect of the church in society in the 21 st century.
  • Evaluate Buddhism in Japan as compared to the one in China.
  • What are the basic ideas and beliefs behind honor killings in some religions?
  • What are the major differences between parables in the Bible and fairy tales?
  • Evaluate the organizational structures of the Buddhists n Thailand and other parts of the world.
  • Why do priests in certain religions never marry and stick to celibacy?
  • How was Jesus different from other prophets in the Bible?
  • How is the Islamic and Christian religion-related?
  • Evaluate the rise of mega-churches
  • Why abortion is strongly disregarded in Christianity?
  • What are the reproductive rights for women in Islam?
  • State the effects of homosexuality in different religions.
  • Provide the Biblical account of how the World was created.
  • The various effects of Greek culture on Christian theology.
  • Early Christian fellowship and encounter with Jesus.
  • Evaluate the sacred ceremonies in Christianity and their significance.
  • Discuss our ancestors and their spiritual beliefs.
  • Which scientific research and proofs disagree with Christian theology
  • Evaluate our ancestors and their spiritual beliefs

Religious Research Paper Topics

Have you ever thought of doing a religious research topic? Why not try any of these!. The topics will also help you get a better understanding of the world and various phenomena.

  • Discuss the emergence of the new religion and its effects.
  • Evaluate world science and religion.
  • Is there a big difference between the Christian and Islamic history?
  • Evaluate world religions with no God – how did people live?
  • Discuss the phenomenon and implications of the trickster gods.
  • Examine the influence of religion in theocratic states.
  • What are the effects of the Greek religion and European culture myths?
  • What is the impact of religion on modern Japan’s culture?
  • What are the considerations that children are innocent souls in the religious discourse?
  • Evaluate the polytheistic religion and mythology
  • Discuss the similarities of images of god and myths associated.
  • The role of women in Islam.
  • How does religion impact people’s daily life?
  • Evaluate animalism and totemism in the manifestation in the modern world.
  • What are the Greek myths and religion’s impact on the European culture?
  • Describe the phenomenon of trickster gods.
  • The similarities and differences of monotheistic religions.
  • Evaluate how atheism is a religion.
  • Evaluate the theocratic states and their influence on religion.
  • Is there an existence of world religions that have no gods?
  • Provide the history of Christianity.

Expanded Religious Topics to Write About

Do you know the best religious topics to write on? With the various topics at hand, it can be hard to choose one. However, these topics are unique and will make you get a different perspective on life.

  • What is the concept of the soul in different religions?
  • Evaluate the history of Judaism.
  • Evaluate the Nordic mythology and religion in the modern world.
  • Describe religious counseling versus classical psychology.
  • What is the attitude of sex in different religions?
  • Evaluate whether children are considered innocent in all religions.
  • Do you think faith can help overcome the harshness of puberty?
  • Examine female clergy in different religions.
  • Evaluate the concept of reincarnation in world religions.
  • Explain the history of Hinduism and its impact on Indian culture.
  • What is the impact of the crisis of faith in the world?
  • Is yoga a health or religious practice?
  • How is the afterlife considered in different religions?
  • Evaluate religion and economics.
  • Evaluate Confucianism and its impact on the modern world.
  • Discuss female clergy in different religions.
  • Debate whether a world full of so much evil can exist with an all-loving omnipotent God.
  • How do all religions lead to the same mountaintop?
  • How do wars use politics as a mask when religion is the core?
  • Is the Great Flood story known across all religions?

World Religions Research Paper Topics

These topics are mainly based on world religions and their impact on the modern world. The topics are broad to ensure you get a better understanding of the various religions in the world.

  • Can atheism be considered a religion on its own?
  • How are animalism and totems manifested in the modern world
  • Discuss the various philosophies such as post-modernism, fatalism, nihilism, and relativism
  • How military action is ethically justified through religion?
  • Can the religious leanings of a politician led to him or her losing an election?
  • Compare the modern Egyptian religious traditions to those from the presynaptic period.
  • Evaluation of what Confucianism is and its impact on the world.
  • How does the Gnostic faith different from modern Christianity?
  • How do new religions cannibalize the rituals that were being used in past religions?
  • How is the Bible different from all other books?
  • How does pure land Buddhism purport to reform the current Buddhist religion?
  • Discuss how God only exists in the minds of people who follow him?
  • How do the various religions deal with the end of the world?
  • Discuss the hypostatic union.
  • What was the Egyptian’s understanding of divinity’s existence?
  • Evaluate the existence of guardian angels and how one can be?

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Below are downloads (PDF format) of the M.A. (Religion) theses of some of our graduates to date.

Note: Certain requirements for current thesis students have changed since earlier theses were completed.

Gregory Cline 2020
Hikari Ishido 2020
Jeffrey Johnson 2020
Elizabeth Krulick 2020
Peter Vaughn 2020
Jason Burns 2019
Jonathan Herr 2019
David Lange 2019
Steven Neighbors 2019
Nancy Nolan 2019
Kevin D. Pagan 2019
Ronald A. Cieslak 2019
Scott Davis 2018
R. Shane Hartley 2018
Chadwick Haygood 2018
Brian Mesimer 2018
Dave Perrigan 2018
Shane Prim 2018
Michael Prodigalidad 2018
Craig Riggall 2018
Viktor Szemerei 2018
Sam Webb 2018
Charles Betters 2017
Jeffery Blick 2017
Aaron Johnstone 2017
John Kidd 2017
Dean Klein 2017
Matthew Lanser 2017
Michael Pettingill 2017
Tyler Prieb 2017
James Rosenquist 2017
Adam Sinnett 2017
Andrew Warner 2017
Jeffrey Chipriano 2016
Ryan Dennis 2016
Eric Fields 2016
Dianne Geary 2016
Richard Gimpel 2016
Robert Holman 2016
Steven Johnstone 2016
Ben Jolliffe 2016
Paul Y. Kim 2016
Paul LeFavor 2016
Adam Mabry 2016
Christopher Smithson 2016
Jason Jolly 2015
Eric Mitchell 2015
Kevin Shoemaker 2015
Pei Tsai 2015
Tina Walker 2015
Maria Colfer 2014
Paul Hamilton 2014
Thomas Harr 2014
Phillip Hunter 2014
Jon Jordan 2014
Jeff Lammers 2014
David Reichelderfer 2014
Clell Smyth 2014
Jordan Vale 2014
Glenn Waddell 2014
William Cron 2013
Andrew Hambleton 2013
Ian Macintyre 2013
Brian Ruffner 2013
Paul Schlehlein 2013
John Spina 2013
Geoffrey Stabler 2013
Nathan Carr 2012
Joe Chestnut 2012
Christopher DiVietro 2012
Alicia Gower 2012
Matthew Harlow 2012
Robert Huffstedtler 2012
Matthew Lukowitz 2012
Matthew Monahan 2012
Robert Olson 2012
Sam Sinns 2012
Michael Chipman 2011
Keith Elder 2011
Robert Getty 2011
Aaron Hartman 2011
Christopher Haven 2011
Frederick Lo 2011
Scott McManus 2011
David Palmer 2011
Steven Saul 2011
Frank Sindler 2011
Bruce Smith 2011
David Stiles 2011
Linda Stromsmoe 2011
Ying Chan Fred Wu 2011
Patrick Donohue 2010
Chuck Goddard 2010
Steve Hays 2010
David Herding 2010
Samuel Masters 2010
Landon Rowland 2010
Jason Wood 2010
Gerald L. Chrisco 2009
J. L. Gerdes 2009
Joseph C. Ho 2009
Dan Jensen 2009
Michael H. McKeever 2009
Michael Newkirk 2009
Andrew Sherrill 2009
Anthony R. Turner 2009
Jason Webb 2009
Mark A. Winder 2009
Renfred Errol Zepp 2009
Daniel A. Betters 2008
Lynnette Bond 2008
Claude Marshall 2008
Robinson W. Mitchell 2008
James W. Ptak 2008
Randy C. Randall 2008
Ken Stout 2008
Shin C. Tak 2008
Daniel A. Weightman 2008
Ronald S. Baines 2007
Erick John Blore 2007
Phillip Gene Carnes 2007
Kevin Chiarot 2007
J. Grady Crosland, M.D. 2007
Natalie P. Flake 2007
Dante Spencer Mably 2007
Jim Maples 2007
Daniel Millward 2007
Timothy James Nicholls 2007
Greg Schneeberger 2007
Steven Walker 2007
Michael Winebrenner 2007
Andrew Young 2007
Richard G. Abshier 2006
Dennis Di Mauro 2006
Jeffrey Hamling 2006
Jonathan Ray Huggins 2006
Bradley D. Johnson 2006
Ronald A. Julian 2006
Noah Denver Manring 2006
Daniel Craig Norman 2006
James Mark Randle 2006
Garry M. Senna 2006
Joseph Olan Stubbs 2006
Young C. Tak 2006
Stephen R. Turley 2006
Jeremy Alder 2005
John Gordon Duncan 2005
Mary Lyn Huffman 2005
Gregory Perry 2005
Taylor Wise 2005
Joshua Guzman 2004
Trevor C. Johnson 2004
Michael Munoz 2004
Yaroslav Viazovski 2004
Jack Williamson 2004
Dale Courtney 2003
Bruce Etter 2002

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Addressing the weight of caring for souls and the troubled heart of the pastor through biblical counseling , a biblical analysis of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (emdr) therapy and its use in biblical counseling , male and female he created them: the implications of a paradigmatic reading of genesis 1–3 for the complementarian-egalitarian debate , death will die: finding eternal life from a johannine ars moriendi , the evolution of homiletic instruction at the southern baptist theological seminary from john broadus to charles gardner , how penal substitution addresses our shame: the bible’s shame dynamics and their relationships to evangelical doctrine , “a golden mine opened”: the role of christ-centered preaching in the sermons of benjamin keach , the pastor as a biblical counselor and equipper of biblical counselors within the local church , missionary sending and the moravian brethren , the imago dei, transhumanism, and the future glory of humanity: a critical interaction with ray kurzweil's technological singularity , a critique of the early islamic charge that paul corrupted christ’s original religion , the virtues of discipleship: faith and mercy as righteousness in matthew's gospel , biblical meditation and the visual arts: a method of biblical meditation for a post- christian, visually-saturated age , developing an awareness of the demonic in biblical counseling, in conversation with william perkins , foreign language acquisition among children with down syndrome: a precedent study for christian schools , the pastoral theology of the apostolic fathers , the contribution of ambrose jessup tomlinson to classical pentecostalism , rediscovering and applying god's holiness in isaiah 6 and revelation 4 through the lens of abraham kuruvilla's hermeneutical and homiletical approach , he makes her desert like the garden of yhwh: a typological understanding of the birth of isaac as resurrection from death , jesus as god's delight in the gospel of matthew: an overlooked aspect of matthew's christology .

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Master of Theology Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Theological Foundations for Shobi's Table Extending Hospitality in Hunger Ministry , Esther Kristianti Sianipar

How Can Pastors Who Are Working with Youth in Tanzania Help Youth Resolve Christian-Muslim Tensions? , Ombeni Martin Ulime

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Poverty Alleviation in the Rural Areas of Kunene Region in Namibia: The Role of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) , Jeremia Ekandjo

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Missional Discipleship Within the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria , Innocent Webinumen Anthony

Empowering Laity to Engage in Pastoral Care Ministry: A Proposal for Capacity Building and Supervision for Larger Congregation with Special Reference to Kohima Ao Baptist Church, Nagaland, India. , Tsuwainla Jamir

The Social Role of Worship: A Reading of Micah 6:1-8 , Khin Win Kyi

Murmuring Met with Mercy and Grace: An Examination of the Pre-Sinai Wilderness Wanderings Traditions , Anna Rask

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

A Reinterpretation of Chin Christian Spirituality Beyond One Century in the Light Of Martin Luther's Freedom Of a Christian , Bawi Dua

New Every Morning: Epectasy as a Theology for Innovation , Joel Hinck

The Church’s Call to Minister to Refugees: A Case Study on Liberian Refugees in Minnesota , Rufus Kudee

Apostolicam Ecclesiam: Socio-Liturgical Interpretation of the Mission of the Church in the Perspective of Friedrich Nietzsche's "Antichrist" , Sebastian Ryszard Madejski

Developing Adaptive Leaders: An Initial Intervention for Transforming a Church Culture , Molly Schroeder

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Need for Older Adults’ Ministry in the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) , Bitrus Habu Bamai

Luther's Understanding of Grace and Its Implications for Administration of the Lord's Supper in the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN) , Yelerubi Birgamus

Living the American Dream: Faith Formation and the Missio Dei Dilemma among Seventh Day Adventist African American Immigrant Families , Enock Ariga Marindi

Lakota Cultural Fusion and Revitalization of Native Christian Identity , Kelly Sherman-Conroy

The Word-of-God Conflict in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in the 20th Century , Donn Wilson

The Rupture That Remains: A Trauma-Informed Pastoral Theology , Eric Worringer

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Challenge of Being in the Minority: Palestinian Christian Theology in Light of Christian Zionism Post-1948 , Medhat S. Yoakiem

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Towards Beloved Community: Racial Reconciliation through Multiracial Missional Churches , Gray Amos Kawamba

Sanctification in Adolescence: How Karl Barth’s Two-Fold Critique of the Church Could Influence Youth Ministry Practices Today , Joel Vander Wal

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

The Absolving Word : Luther's Reformational Turn , Matthew W. McCormick

The Defiled Imago Dei and Forgiveness: The Tensions Between Ethnicity and Humanity in the Image of God in the Context of the Ethiopian Churches , Wondimu Legesse Sonessa

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Widowhood Care and Empowerment in 1 Timothy 1:3-16: A Case Study of the Evangelical Methodist Church of Christ as a Paradigm for African Instituted Churches , Millicent Yeboah Asuamah

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Understanding the Nature and Impact of Alcoholism : Implications for Ministry in Kenya , Margaret Kemunto Obaga

Theses/Dissertations from 1963 1963

An Approach to the Interpretation of the Self-Designation of Jesus: The Son of Man , Marlin Eugene Ingebretson

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School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses

School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses

Submissions from 2022 2022.

(Graduate Paper) The Role and Characteristic of Love in 1 Corinthians 13 , Ninh Van Nguyen

(Master's Thesis) Synodality as the Listening Church: Pope Francis Continues and Expands Vatican II's Teaching on Collegiality , Toan Van Phan O.Cist

Submissions from 2021 2021

(Graduate Paper) Pauline Theology: The Interdependently Called Body of Christ , Katryna Bertucci

(Master's Thesis) The Glory of the Lord Whose Likeness is as the Appearance of a Human Being/Adam: A Study of Ezekiel’s Son of Man/Adam Anthropology , Timothy R. Schmeling

(Graduate Paper) The Power, (Problem), and Potential of Prayer , Meghan E. Stretar

Submissions from 2020 2020

(Graduate Paper) How Can Catholic Youth Programs Improve the Youth’s Connection To the Mass? , Elizabeth Cook

(Graduate Paper) Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: A Glimpse Into the Theme of Righteousness Through the Anthropology, Theology, and Spirituality of the Psalms , Elizabeth Cook

(Graduate Paper) Introducing Queer Theology , Cole Epping

(Graduate Paper) Taking Care of the Forgotten: A Pastoral Response to the Hospice Care Professional , Constance Friebohle

(Graduate Paper) A Global Church in the Local Parish: Fostering Intercultural Competency for Indonesian Catholic Ministry in the United States , Janice Kristanti

(Graduate Paper) The Indispensability of Inculturation For Effective Evangelization: Revisiting The Evangelization of Sub-Saharan Africa , Mark Obeten

(Graduate Paper) Seeking a New Paradigm for Youth Ministry of Waegwan Abbey, South Korea , Cyprian Ji-Eung Ryu

(Graduate Paper) The Catholic Church and the Turn of the 20th Century: An Anthropology of Human Flourishing and a Church for Peace , Maria Siebels

(Graduate Paper) The Wounded Body of Christ: Social Trauma in Pastoral Care , Kelsi Watters

Submissions from 2019 2019

(Graduate Paper) A Non-Dualistic Reading of Body and Soul in the Gospel of Matthew: Focusing on Matthew 10:39 in the Context of Discipleship , Alexander Blechle

Submissions from 2018 2018

(Graduate Paper) Catholic Social Teaching and the Christian Responsibility to the Poor , Rose Aspholm

(Master's Thesis) Not Quite Calvinist: Cyril Lucaris a Reconsideration of His Life and Beliefs , Stephanie Falkowski

(Graduate Paper) Life or Death and Other False Dichotomies: A Theology of Hospice , Kayla Stock

Submissions from 2017 2017

(Master's Thesis) On Dionysian Theological Methodology , Joseph Arrendale

(Graduate Paper) The Transcendence of the Apprehension of Beauty , Mary Abigail Coleman

(Graduate Paper) The Paradox of Remarkable/Unremarkable Julian of Norwich , John P. Fitzgibbons

(Book Chapter) Agape Unbound in Silence and Deep River , Elizabeth Cameron Galbraith

(Graduate Paper) Formed for Diverse Communion: Toward Developing An Ecumenical Formation Process for New Members of Holy Wisdom Monastery’s Sunday Assembly , Rosy Kandathil OSB

(Graduate Paper) A Garden Enclosed, A Fountain Sealed Up: Paradoxical and Generative Metaphors of Enclosure in Medieval Female Anchoritism , Cody Maynus Obl.S.B.

(Graduate Paper) The Gospel of Mark , Nancy McCabe

(Master's Thesis) A Theological Retrieval of Communal Parenting as a Moral Response to Baby Stealing and Childlessness in Nigeria , Henry U. Omeike

(Graduate Paper) Do This, in Memory of Me! , Joseph Qiu-Lin Zhang

Submissions from 2016 2016

(Master's Thesis) A Church Built on Charity: Augustine's Ecclesiology , Michael J. Clinger Jr

(Graduate Paper) A Story of Identity in the Christian East , Manya Gustafson

(Graduate Paper) Jude's Enochian Apocalypse , Lucian López OSB

(Graduate Paper) Matthew's Least Brothers and It's Application in the Catholic Church , Runbao Zhang

Submissions from 2015 2015

(Electronic Book) Illuminating Christ , Jessie Bazan

(Master's Thesis) Gifting Freedom to the Samaritan: Considerations on access to both the sacramental event and salvation for those who, for whatever reason, find themselves outside the Church, and the consequences of identity for the Church in gifting such access , C. A. Chase

(Graduate Paper) My Brother's a Jerk and Dad's Gonna Spank Him: Roles and Relations in Obadiah , Aletta Stumo

Submissions from 2014 2014

(Graduate Paper) Christology, Theology, & Evolution in Celia Deane-Drummond's Christ and Evolution , Trevor Beach SJ

(Graduate Paper) Joy as Illumination: Participation in God's Life-giving Trinitarian Love , Trevor Beach SJ

(Graduate Paper) Consideration of the Church's Identity and Mission, Predicated on the Church Be-ing 'Ligamen' (Bond) , C. A. Chase

(Graduate Paper) Observations on the Performative Force of the Qyama and the Ihidaye, and its Pertinancy Today , C. A. Chase

(Graduate Paper) Christ, the Meeting Point of Sacramental and Trinitarian Theology , Nathan Peter Chase

(Graduate Paper) The Christological Remnants within Eucharistic Prayers , Nathan Peter Chase

(Master's Thesis) With Eyes That See: The Role of Spiritual Vision in the Ascent of Nyssen Noetic Theology , Benjamin Rush

(Master's Thesis) St. John of the Cross and the Denudation of the Soul , Wesley Sutermeister

Submissions from 2013 2013

(Graduate Paper) A History and Analysis of the Missel Romain pour les Diocese du Zaire , Nathan Peter Chase

(Graduate Paper) The Development of the Epiclesis: Alexandrian or Syrian? , Nathan Peter Chase

Submissions from 2011 2011

(Graduate Paper) Short-Term Solution, Long-Term Problem: The Rite of Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest and its Use in the United States of America , Christopher Angel

(Graduate Paper) Welcome (Back): The Use of Initiatory Elements in the Reconciliation of Heretics to the Early Church , Christopher Angel

(Graduate Paper) The Gospel of Matthew: The Temple Cleansing in 21:12-17 , Kasey Devine

(Graduate Paper) The "Ladder" of the Lord's Plagues , Kasey DeVine

Submissions from 2010 2010

(Graduate Paper) St. John Chrysostom and His Message of Social Justice Today , Joel Cassady

(Graduate Paper) Trinitarian Christology: The Grammar of The Christian Faith and the Foundation for a Theology of Religious Pluralism , Eric Christensen

(Graduate Paper) Entering into the Profound Mystery: Yves Congar’s Via Media on the Salvation of People of Non-Christian Religions , Elizabeth M. Cunneen

Submissions from 2009 2009

(Graduate Paper) Ego Eimi Formula and a Sense of Continuity in John’s Gospel Chapter Sixth (Jn 6: v.20, vss.35-58) , John Changjin Bai

(Graduate Paper) Jesus the Christ as a Jun-Zi in Confucian Perspectives , John Changjin Bai

(Graduate Paper) An Exegesis of 1 Corinthians 12:31 - 13:1-3 , Gregory Congote OSB

(Graduate Paper) Gregory Palamas and Hesychasm , Gregory Congote OSB

(Graduate Paper) Modern Usury: The Moral Challenge of Credit Cards in Light of Catholic Teaching and Practice in the Past and the Present , David R. Smoker

Submissions from 2008 2008

(Graduate Paper) Community in the Theology of Søren Aabye Kierkegaard , Nicholas Coffman

(Graduate Paper) Jean-Luc Marion’s Theology of Eucharistic Presence , Nicholas Coffman

(Graduate Paper) Proclaiming the Truth of Beauty , Larry Fraher

(Graduate Paper) Augustine of Hippo and Elizabeth de la Trinite: A Conversation across the Centuries , Vernon W. Goodin

(Graduate Paper) "Who Do You Say That I Am?" The Role of Story in Christology , Vernon W. Goodin

(Graduate Paper) Sufficere, “It Is Enough”: Avarice vs. Simplicity and Detachment in the Rule of Saint Benedict , Arlen M. Hanson

(Graduate Paper) Stories in Stained Glass: An Analysis of the Stained-Glass Windows at Saint Norbert Abbey in De Pere, Wisconsin , Timothy A. Johnston

(Master's Thesis) Wittgenstein and Worship: Investigations of Liturgical Language-Games and Their Formative Role in Christian Identity , Michelle Kathleen Weber

Submissions from 2007 2007

(Graduate Paper) Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Prophet & Martyr , Fr. Michael Calhoun OSB

(Graduate Paper) Saint Basil: Monastic Reformer , Fr. Michael Calhoun OSB

(Graduate Paper) Looking at Conflict Diamonds Through the Lens of Catholic Social Teaching , Heather Cherpelis

(Graduate Paper) “Allegorical Typologies” of the Eucharist: An Analysis of Some Eastern Liturgical Commentaries , Nathaniel G. Costa

(Graduate Paper) “For All the Saints”: A Feast for All People and All Time , Nathaniel G. Costa

(Graduate Paper) Eternal Hope: The Story of Sr. Mary Luke Tobin and Other Women who Participated in Vatican Council II , Megan S. Enninga

(Graduate Paper) Vulgar and Ascetic Christians: the Myth of a Higher Spirituality The rhetoric of monastic profession as a second baptism , August L. Gothman

(Graduate Paper) Active Participation and the Song of the Assembly , William Griffiths

(Graduate Paper) Transforming both the gifts and the people: Eucharistic presence , William Griffiths

(Graduate Paper) “You Can Become All Flame”: Do the Desert Fathers Have Anything to Say to Us Today? , Arlen M. Hanson

(Graduate Paper) Toward a Domestic Ecclesiology: The "Domestic Church" Finds Articulation in Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body" , Craig James St. Clair

(Graduate Paper) Celebrating the Communion Rite , Jay Stimac

(Graduate Paper) Karl Rahner: On Grace and Salvation , Nicole Streit

(Graduate Paper) One Body, One Spirit, One Priesthood; Many Members, Many Charisms, Many Ministries: Reflections Anglican and Catholic , Cody C. Unterseher

(Graduate Paper) Arianism, Athanasius, and the Effect on Trinitarian Thought , Andy Witchger

(Graduate Paper) How the Parish and School of St. Agnes Creates Vocations , Andy Witchger

Submissions from 2006 2006

(Graduate Paper) How Paul and the Jerusalem Council Might Speak to Division in the Twenty-First Century Church , Mary Birmingham

(Master's Thesis) Becoming One Spirit: Origen and Evagrius Ponticus on Prayer , Hilary Case OSB

(Graduate Paper) Syncletica: Urban Ascetic and Desert Mother , Susan Dreyer OSB

(Graduate Paper) The Education of Heloise in Twelfth-Century France , Susan Dreyer OSB

(Graduate Paper) A Woman of the Reformation , Megan S. Enninga

(Graduate Paper) A Key and Classic Text: Ephesians 5:21-33 , Katinka Nadine Ellen Evers

(Graduate Paper) Concealing to Reveal: Modesty in Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body , Katinka Nadine Ellen Evers

(Graduate Paper) Sex in the City of God , Diana Macalintal

(Graduate Paper) The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ecclesial Discipleship and Redemption , Diane Draxler Pederson

(Graduate Paper) The Spiritual Potential of Poetry , Carl Schlueter

(Graduate Paper) Complicating the Poor Widow’s Gift: Exegesis on Mk. 12:41-44 , Timothy Traynor

(Graduate Paper) "We Should Glory in the Cross:" The Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross and its Contemporary Liturgical Significance , Cody C. Unterseher

Submissions from 2005 2005

(Graduate Paper) Hermeneutics and Liturgical Space: Interpreting the Domus Ecclesiae - Domus Dei , Gregory Reed Beath

(Graduate Paper) Eros: Human and Divine , Denae M. Fielder

(Graduate Paper) And the Question Became Flesh: Jesus the Catechist in the Gospel of John , Diana Macalintal

(Graduate Paper) Hesychast Prayer: Attending the Cosmic Banquet of the Heart , Tamara Ann Moore

(Graduate Paper) A Study in Spiritual Lineage: The "Influence and Noninfluence" of Pseudo-Dionysius on The Cloud of Unknowing , David M. Odorisio

(Graduate Paper) The Cistercian Spirit in Stone , David M. Odorisio

(Graduate Paper) Architectural Reforms of Eucharistic Reservation , Diane Draxler Pederson

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