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Sayed Research Proposal Employee Turnover

Research methodology and proposal (busn11094), university of the west of scotland.


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Research Proposal Assignment 1 Table of Contents 1. Research Design.................................................................................................. 1 Research Topic.................................................................................................. 1 Research Background....................................................................................... 1 Research Aim..................................................................................................... 1 Research Objectives.......................................................................................... 1 Research Questions.......................................................................................... 2. Contribution to knowledge................................................................................... Research Philosophy............................................................................................... Research Paradigm................................................................................................. Research Reasoning............................................................................................... Research Approach................................................................................................. Data collection method............................................................................................ Timeframe of the research....................................................................................... References...............................................................................................................  To know about the initiatives taken by the management of McDonalds in order to boost the employee satisfaction and thus reduce the employee turnover  To have knowledge about the ways to reduce the employee turnover for an specific firm 1 Research Questions With the help of research questions the researcher breaks down the research aims into several aspects to have critical understanding (Kumar, 2013). The research questions to be answered in this project are following here: 1. What factors lead to the employee turnover for a firm? 2. Is there any relationship between employee satisfaction and employee turnover? 3. How do firms get affected by higher employee turnover rate? 4. What the remedial measures a firm can take in order to mitigate the higher employee turnover rate? In order to answer the questions the researcher wants to go through different real life examples and current state of employee turnover in the fast food industry. Besides this, the researcher would like to estimate the whole scenario of McDonalds based on the sample data. 2. Contribution to knowledge Fast food industry is a high-turnover industry. Both the blue colour and while colour employees are prune to switch to different jobs. In 2013, The National Restaurant Association estimated an employee turnover rate of 75% (Sanburn, 2013) and employers spend an average of $500 to replace the lost staff according the report form “The Economist” (Thompson, 2015). In comparison with other industries, it is apparent that fast food industry is very prune to employee turnover, according to the Werner and DeSimone (2011). Every research needs to be conducted considering the contribution of the research to the academic and practical field, as claimed by Bell (2010). This research is going to the conducted in order to draw some insider information regarding the current condition of employee turnover in the fast food industry. By doing this research the researcher would like to know the reasons behind the high employee turnover rate in 2|Page the industry. Thus, the first and foremost beneficiary of the research is the researcher himself/ herself. By conducting the research an estimate of the overall industry can be made by the researcher. Hence, this research will benefit the overall fast food industry since the researcher will unveil the ways to reduce the high turnover rate. In the long run, the industry profitability will be increased by having clearer understanding about different issues regarding employee satisfaction and employee turnover. Research Philosophy Three most common research philosophies are positivism, post-positivism, and interpretivist, according to Yeung (2008). According to Bell (2010) in positivism research philosophy a researcher depends on quantifiable observations which lead to statistical analysis. This philosophy helps a researcher to be independent from the study and there are no provisions for human interests within the study. On contrary to positivism philosophy, Creswell (2009) claimed that, post-positivism philosophy considers itself as an amendment to positivism. Walliman (2010) stressed on the fact that post-positivism relies on numbers and also investigate the numbers for statistical reasoning. In case of interpretivist, Yeung (2008) claimed that a researcher ignores numbers and investigates phenomena in order to conduct the study and draw conclusions. In this research project, the researcher is going to follow the interpretivist philosophy whereby the researcher can imply measures to ignore the numbers and to investigate the phenomena. The researcher wants to conduct the research based on the qualitative data mostly and the interpretivist philosophy of research will help the researcher to deal with the qualitative data, according to Creswell (2009). At the same time, specific quantitative data will not be available in this research. This is the main reason behind the inability to use the other philosophies (Walliman, 2010). Research Paradigm According to Gray and Guppy (2007) epistemology research paradigm makes subjective judgments whereby the researcher creates own perceptions regarding the perception towards knowledge. In this case Creswell (2012) stressed that if the findings cannot be generalized by other researchers, in this case, the researcher makes subjective judgments. According to Gray and Guppy (2007) ontology 3|Page non-numeric data whereas in case of quantitative approach a researcher collects numeric data. In short, qualitative data are not quantifiable whereas quantitative data are easily quantifiable. Qualitative data can be collected by a researcher whereby the research scope is big compared to data collected using quantitative approach. Another research approach most researchers follow is the mixed pragmatism whereby both the qualitative and quantitative approaches are used. Data collected to conduct the researcher under this approach is both qualitative and quantitative. In this research project, the researcher wants to follow the qualitative research approach whereby unquantifiable data will be used. Since the qualitative data can be collected from a large field of study, the researcher wants to use all the available sources like books, journals, firm specific data from websites, direct conversations with the company personnel, etc. This research approach will help the researcher to collect the relevant and specific data and thus conduct the research accordingly. In conducting this research, the researcher may not find the sensitive information regarding the true employee turnover over 10 year period for McDonalds. Data collection method The research is going to be conducted on the understanding that employee turnover is affected by lots of factors and employee turnover negatively affects an organization and the employees. To conduct the research the researcher would like to focus on secondary data mostly. Since the collection of primary data from the employees of the particular firm may not be viable, the researcher would like to focus on secondary sources. Collection of data from reliable secondary sources will help the researcher to have a clear understanding about the perception of the employees regarding their job satisfaction and reasons behind the switching from one job to another, according to Creswell (2009). The secondary data will be collected by focusing on reliable sources mostly. In this case, the researcher would like to collect relevant data from different publications like books, articles from different journals, particular website of the firm, financial statements of the firm, etc. These sources can play a great role in determine the success of the research since the effective and efficient method of data collection can add value to the research according Gill and Johnson (2010). 5|Page In this research the researcher would like to collect data for last 10 years. Hence, the sample size of the research is 10. Sampling method to the used in time of collecting data is convenient sampling whereby the past data will be collected based on the convenience of the research. In this sampling method the researcher will collect data from different sources which are really related with the research (Kumar, 2013). This sampling method will help the researcher to get authentic data regarding the benefits and amenities offered by McDonalds and other firms in the retail industry to their employees (Gray and Guppy, 2007). Trustworthiness and access to the proper data are two issues in this research which the researcher wants to focus most. In time of collecting secondary data the researcher must have to be very cautious in order to avoid any biasness of the authors (Walliman, 2010). For instance, the researcher will try to avoid any blogs or other unreliable sources in time of collecting data so that the data are authentic and trustworthy. The researcher would not be able to collect data from the employees in a direct way since the access to the data may be limited. That is why the researcher is mostly focused on collecting secondary data (Bell, 2010). Timeframe of the research Timescale of a research helps a researcher to conduct the research within the specified time, according to Creswell (2012). The researcher would like to follow the following timescale for each activity. The research is expected to be completed within 8 weeks of time. Particulars Introduction Literature review Data collection Data analysis Documentatio n Proof reading and presentation 6|Page Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Module : Research Methodology and Proposal (BUSN11094)

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Employee Turnover: Causes, Importance and Retention Strategies

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proposal research employee turnover


proposal research employee turnover

This research aims to understand the causes of employee turnover and retention strategies in an organization. Key research findings indicate that employees have several reasons to leave their workplaces, such as job stress, job satisfaction, job security, work environment, motivation, wages, and rewards. Furthermore, employee turnover has a huge impact on an organization due to the costs associated with employee turnover and can negatively impact the productivity, sustainability, competitiveness, and profitability of an organization. However, the organization must understand the needs of its employees, which will help organizations, adopt certain strategies to improve employee performance and reduce turnover. Thus, implementing strategies will increase job satisfaction, motivation and the productivity of individuals and organizations, which can reduce employment problems, absenteeism, and employee turnover.

proposal research employee turnover

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