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burning food for energy experiment

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Energy content in foods

In association with Nuffield Foundation

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Try this class experiment to investigate how much energy different foods contain

In this practical, students burn a sample of a foodstuff of known mass, heating a known volume of water. From the measured temperature change, students calculate the energy transferred to the water, and hence estimate the energy present per unit mass of food.

This is a class experiment in which different groups can investigate different foodstuffs. If each group investigates two foodstuffs – one in common with the rest of class to provide a common baseline, and the other a different foodstuff from the rest – a comparative table of energy in different foods can be drawn up from the class results. This should be possible to achieve in 45–60 minutes.

  • Eye protection
  • Thermometer (–10 to 110 °C), short, stirring type
  • Boiling tube, or metal calorimeter (or similar metal container) (see note 4 below)
  • Measuring cylinder, 25 cm 3
  • Bunsen burner
  • Heat resistant mat
  • Mounted needle
  • Stand and clamp
  • Balance, weighing to 0.1 g

Use of a variety of dry foodstuffs, such as:

  • Mini-marshmallows
  • Popcorn (already popped)
  • Broad beans (dried)

See notes 5, 6 and 7 below for additional guidance.

Health, safety and technical notes

  • Read our standard health and safety guidance.
  • Wear eye protection throughout.
  • Students must be instructed NOT to taste or eat any of the foods used in the experiment.
  • While boiling tubes are easy to use for this experiment, the poor thermal conductivity of glass may be a major cause of error. Metal containers, such as copper calorimeters or tin cans of similar dimensions that can be held in a clamp, provide more effective heat transfer to the water. Note that this benefit is lost if the can is stood on a tripod, as the latter will also be heated.
  • Check in advance for common allergy problems, eg peanuts.
  • Some foodstuffs can be burned safely and easily using a mounted needle. Others may melt and drop off the needle, so burning on an old metal teaspoon is an alternative method – this can also be used for liquid foodstuffs, such as olive oil. High protein foodstuffs may produce pungent fumes, and should be burned in a fume cupboard. Each foodstuff provided should be tested beforehand to check that it is capable of sustained combustion without having to be relit repeatedly.
  • One foodstuff needs to be selected as suitable for the standard experiment used by each group. Enough samples of approximately the same mass of this foodstuff need to be provided for the class. A trial run before the lesson should be carried out to establish that it will burn readily, sustain combustion and leave little unburnt residue, and that the mass of this foodstuff that will cause a temperature rise in the water used of around 20–30 °C.

Using a test tube

  • Measure 10 cm 3 of water into the test tube.
  • Clamp the test tube in the retort stand at an angle as shown in the diagram, and over a heat resistant mat.

A diagram showing the equipment required for investigating the energy content of foods by burning samples to heat water

Source: Royal Society of Chemistry

The equipment required to investigate the energy content of different foodstuffs

  • Weigh a small piece of food and record the mass.
  • Take the temperature of the water and record it in the table.
  • Fix the food on the end of the mounted needle. If the food is likely to melt when heated put it on a teaspoon instead of on the needle.
  • Ignite the food using a Bunsen burner, and immediately hold it about 1 cm below the test tube and above a heat resistant mat. If the flame goes out, quickly relight it.
  • When the food stops burning, stir the water with the thermometer and record the temperature.
  • If there is a significant amount of unburnt food left on the needle, reweigh this and record the mass remaining.
  • Empty the test tube and refill it with another 10 cm 3 of cold water. Repeat the experiment using a different food.

Using a metal container

Instructions as for a test tube, except:

  • Use a larger volume of water, eg 25 or 50 cm 3 , and a larger food sample.
  • Clamp the container in a level position above a heat resistant mat.

Teaching notes

This experiment provides an opportunity to use a temperature sensor linked to a data logger instead of a thermometer.

One foodstuff should be preselected to be the one used by all groups to standardise their experiments with each other (see Health, safety and technical notes ), while each group needs to be allocated a different foodstuff for the second run.

As the same amount of water is heated each time, the temperature rise can be used to compare the amount of heat energy given off per gram of each foodstuff by dividing the rise by the mass of foodstuff burnt.

For classes familar with the equation q = m  ×  C  × Δ T , where q is the heat energy, m the mass of water heated, C the specific heat of water (4.2 J g –1 deg – 1 ) and Δ T the temperature rise, this can be used to calculate the energy (in J) absorbed by the water each time. Dividing this by the mass of foodstuff burnt gives the heat energy absorbed by the water in J per g, as shown in the table below.

Each group needs to prepare a results table along the lines of the example below:

MeasurementFood 1Food 2
Mass of foodstuff /g    
Temperature of water before heating / C    
Temperature of water after heating / C    
Change in temperature / C    
Heat absorbed by water / J (Mass of water × 4.2 × Temp. change)    
Heat absorbed by water per gram of food / J    

Class results for the heat absorbed by water per gram of food may then be collected and compared on a class spreadsheet prepared by the teacher. After this has been done, a class discussion of ‘fair test’ problems will be appropriate, identifying sources of error and ideas for improving the technique used.

More resources

Add context and inspire your learners with our short career videos showing how chemistry is making a difference .

Additional information

This is a resource from the  Practical Chemistry project , developed by the Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry. This collection of over 200 practical activities demonstrates a wide range of chemical concepts and processes. Each activity contains comprehensive information for teachers and technicians, including full technical notes and step-by-step procedures. Practical Chemistry activities accompany  Practical Physics  and  Practical Biology .

© Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry

  • 11-14 years
  • 14-16 years
  • 16-18 years
  • Practical experiments
  • Thermodynamics
  • Quantitative chemistry and stoichiometry
  • Analytical chemistry


  • The quantity of heat energy released can be determined experimentally and calculated using Eₕ=cmΔT.
  • Fats and oils are: a concentrated source of energy; essential for the transport and storage of fat-soluble vitamins in the body.
  • 2.8.7 calculate enthalpy changes from experimental data using the equation q = mcΔT;
  • determine the enthalpy changes for combustion and neutralisation using simple apparatus; and
  • 2. Develop and use models to describe the nature of matter; demonstrate how they provide a simple way to to account for the conservation of mass, changes of state, physical change, chemical change, mixtures, and their separation.
  • 9. Consider chemical reactions in terms of energy, using the terms exothermic, endothermic and activation energy, and use simple energy profile diagrams to illustrate energy changes.

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Energy provided by food: practical

I can calculate the amount of energy provided by different foods by measuring a change in temperature.

Lesson details

Key learning points.

  • Different foods provide different amounts of energy.
  • The amount of energy provided by different foods can be investigated and compared by burning them.
  • Burning foods can heat water and the temperature change of the water measured.
  • The mean temperature change can be calculated from repeat measurements.
  • Energy provided by the food (J) = mass of water (g) x rise in temperature (°C) x 4.2

Common misconception

Control variables make it a fair test.

Control variables need to be kept the same to make the investigation valid.

Temperature change - The difference in the starting and end temperature of a substance.

Mean - An average of several measurements, which is calculated by adding them up and dividing by the number of measurements.

Mass - The amount of matter in an object.

Variable - A variable is a factor that can be varied or measured in a science experiment.

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - equipment


Adult supervision required

This content is © Oak National Academy Limited ( 2024 ), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).

Starter quiz

6 questions.

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Additional material

Calorimetry: Measuring the Energy in Foods

A carolina essentials tm activity, total time: 65-90 mins.

Prep: 20-30 mins | Activity: 45-60 mins

burning food for energy experiment

Life Science

High school.

During this investigation, students will determine the calories—or heat content—of 3 different foods. From the experiment setup and data collected, students will have the evidence necessary to construct a model of heat transferred through the reaction of food with oxygen. Students will then apply their model to cellular respiration.

As a teacher demonstration, place a marshmallow on a paper clip and burn it until only ash remains. Ask students what has changed and why.

Essential Question

How are bonds of food molecules broken and new compounds formed, resulting in a net transfer of energy? Allow students to discuss their ideas about the burning marshmallow. Guide them to remember that a marshmallow is very high in sugar. As the sugar burns, carbon ash is produced and heat or thermal energy is released. Some students may recognize that the thermal energy is responsible for melting the inner layers of the marshmallow while the outside burns.

Investigation Objectives

  • Use a calorimeter to determine the number of calories in 3 samples of food.
  • Construct a model to illustrate the flow of energy through a calorimetry experiment and relate the model to what happens in cells.

Next Generation Science Standards* (NGSS)

PE HS-LS1-7. Use a model to illustrate that cellular respiration is a chemical process whereby the bonds of food molecules and oxygen molecules are broken and the bonds in new compounds are formed resulting in a net transfer of energy.


Developing and Using Models

  • Use a model based on evidence to illustrate the relationships between systems or between components of a system.


LS1.C: Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms

  • As a result of chemical reactions, energy is transferred from one system of interacting molecules to another. Cellular respiration is a chemical process in which the bonds of food molecules and oxygen molecules are broken and new compounds are formed that can transport energy to muscles. Cellular respiration also releases the energy needed to maintain body temperature despite ongoing energy transfer to the surrounding environment.


Energy and Matter

  • Energy cannot be created or destroyed— it only moves between one place and another place, between objects and/or fields, or between systems.
  • Soda can (empty with tab still attached)
  • Stirring rod
  • Support stand and 2 rings
  • Thermometer
  • Graduated cylinder, 100 mL
  • 2 large paper clips
  • 3 food samples with nutrition labels (2 to 3 g each of samples such as nuts, marshmallows, dry crackers, or chips)
  • Aluminum foil (10 cm x 10 cm)
  • Electronic balance
  • Cork stopper (optional)

Safety and Disposal

Use safety glasses or goggles and be cautious with the matches and burning food samples.  Check for food allergies before using food samples.  Sensitive individuals should not participate in any activities that may result in exposure. Never eat or drink in lab.

Remind students to dump the water out of the can before recycling it. All food, ash, and scraps can be rolled up in the aluminum foil and disposed of in the trash.

To reduce student setup time, put 2 rings on each support stand. Place a smaller ring (to suspend the thermometer) above a larger ring from which to suspend the soda can.

Note:  Students may not develop identical models. The task is to use common characteristics among the fruit to develop a classification model. At the close of the activity, discuss the different student models and compare them to the included partial key. Emphasize the differences between a classification model and a dichotomous key.


  • Using the graduated cylinder, obtain 50 mL of water and carefully pour it into the soda can. 
  • Determine the mass of water and the can. Record the mass of water in the data table (hint: density of water = 1 g/mL). 
  • Hold the paper clip horizontally and bend the outer end upwards until it reaches a 90° angle to the rest of the paper clip. 
  • Obtain a food sample that weighs 2 or 3 g — Sample #1. 
  • Place the food sample on the end of the paper clip that extends upward. The sample should be freestanding, supported by the bottom of the paper clip (see Figure 1). Determine the initial mass of the food sample and paper clip, and record your findings in the data table.
  • Place a small piece of aluminum foil underneath the paper clip in a space that has been cleared of all flammables. 
  • Insert the stirring rod through the soda can tab and position the can in the ring stand so the stirring rod supports it (see Figure 2). 
  • Adjust the ring stand until the can is approximately 4 cm above the food sample.
  • Suspend the thermometer inside the can. The thermometer bulb should be in the water but not touching the bottom of the can. Unfold the second paper clip and use it as a hook to suspend the thermometer from the top ring.
  • Determine the initial temperature of the water in the can and record this value in the data value. 
  • Carefully light a match and use it to light the food sample. 
  • Allow the lit sample to heat the water in the can. Gently stir the water periodically with the thermometer (see Figure 3). 
  • Monitor the temperature change of the water and record the highest observed temperature in the data table. 
  • Once the food sample has burned, find the mass of the remaining food sample and paper clip. Record this value in the data table. 
  • Repeat steps 1 through 14 for each of the remaining food samples. 


  • To save student time, prepare ring stands and food samples ahead of time.
  • For water, 1 g = 1 mL. 
  • If the paper clip is unstable, student can insert the paper clip into a cork stopper or tape the base of the paper clip to the aluminum foil. 
  • Triscuit and Cheez-It crackers work well. Dry nuts work well too, if no students have nut allergies. Foods advertised as “hot” may have jalapeno oil and produce a high, long-lasting flame that leaves a sticky residue. 
  • Different foods produce different heights of flames. Circulate around the room to make sure the flame is not too far from the can. A large distance will increase error. 
  • Remind students that the thermometer bulb should be in the water and not touching the bottom of the can. 
  • Suggest students draw the classification model directly onto the butcher or craft paper to preserve the fruit groupings. They can throw the fruit away after that. 
  • Students should blow the match out and place it on the aluminum foil. 
  • Remind students to read the thermometer at eye level with the thermometer bulb remaining in the water. 
  • It is OK to brush off ashes before weighing.
  • Start with water that is close to the same temperature each time.

burning food for energy experiment

Data and Observations

Student answers will vary in mass, and the final temperature of the water will vary with the type of food burned.

Note: This is an incomplete key. Not all classifications of fruit are represented with this sample.

burning food for energy experiment

Analysis & Discussion

Using sample 1 data.

1. Determine the mass of food that actually burned. (Initial Mass of Food Sample and Paper Clip – Final Mass of Food Sample and Paper Clip After Burning)

2. Determine the change in temperature of water, ∆T.

3. Calculate the energy (in calories) released by the burning food sample and absorbed by the water.

Q = mC p ΔT

Q = heat absorbed by water, m = mass of water in grams, C p  = 1 cal/g °C, ∆T = change in temperature

Q = 50 g × 1 cal/g °C × 33 °C = 1650 cal

Compare your calculated calories to the food nutrition label. Describe any differences.

Student answer should be much higher because calories, NOT kilocalories, are calculated.

4. Food Calories, as read off a nutrition label, are actually kilocalories (often denoted as “Calories” with a capital C). There are 1,000 calories in a kilocalorie, or food Calorie. Determine the number of kilocalories (food Calories) released by the burning food sample (1 kilocalorie, or Calorie = 1,000 calories).

1650 cal × 1 kilocal/1000 cal = 1.65 kcal

5. Calculate the energy content of the food in kilocalories/gram.

1.65 kcal/1.5 g = 1.1 kcal/g

6. Using information on the nutrition label of the food sample, calculate the food manufacturer’s kilocalories/gram. (Divide calories per serving by the number of grams in a serving.)

90 cal/38 g = 2.37 kilocal/gram

7. Compare your experimentally determined energy content (in kilocalories/gram) to the calculated value from the nutrition label. Calculate the percent error for your experiment.

(2.37 kcal/ gram – 1.1 kcal/gram) / 2.37 kcal/gram = 0.54 × 100 = 54% Sources of error may include heat lost to the can and to the air. Some of the heat was transferred to the can to warm it up, and some may have been transferred to the air between the food and can.

8. Draw and label a model of energy transfers that take place during this activity. Be as detailed as possible.

Student models can vary but should include these energy transfers: photosynthesis stored chemical energy in plant sugars → plant sugars burned/oxidized (chemical energy is changed to thermal energy as bonds are broken and then reformed in products) → thermal energy transferred to can and water in the can through convection.

9. Explain how the calorimetry model compares to what happens in a cell.

Cells “burn” or oxidize food on a smaller level during respiration. Food is broken down through digestion and sugar molecules are broken down into usable chemical energy and thermal energy. As bonds are broken in the sugar molecules and reformed in products, energy is released in the form of heat.


burning food for energy experiment


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  • Safety Goggles Required


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Lab Answers: Energy from Burning Food

  • Lab Answers: Energy from Burning…

If the change in temperature is greater when the water is heated with the use of the fire caught by the food substance, then the energy content in the food substance is higher because the heat energy is greater, since the heat energy is absorbed by the water when the fire is kept under the test tube containing water.

The formula indicates that if the change in temperature is greater when the mass of the substances and the volume of water are constant, then the heat energy is higher.

The conclusion drawn by my hypothesis is:

  • Measuring Cylinder
  • Laboratory Thermometer
  • Needle with Handle
  • Scalpel (for cutting the substances into exactly 0.5 grams)
  • Test tube holder
  • The following substances are the 5 different food items that are used to conduct the experiment, the substances used are:

i.      Biscuit

ii.      Koko Crunch

iii.      Cheetos

iv.      Peanut

v.      Candle nut

  • Independent Variable: Heat energy of the food substance used.
  • Dependent Variable: Temperature change in the water/Amount of energy absorbed.
  • Controlled Variable: Amount of water, Temperature of surroundings, Type of needle used, Temperature of water.


  • Independent Variable: As we vary the food items that we use, their heat energy/ they themselves become the independent variable.
  • Dependent Variable: The change in temperature/ Heat energy absorbed is varied as the heat energy of the substance is varied.
  • Controlled Variable: The temperature is not varied in any case or does not depend on anything during this experiment, the amount of water equals 20ml in each trial of an experiment for each food substance.
  • Measure 20ml water in the measuring cylinder and pour it into the test tube.
  • Place the test tube in the holder and lock it tight.
  • If the food substance measures 0.5 grams on the electrical balance, then use the substance, otherwise use the scalpel to divide it into smaller pieces and make sure it measures exactly 0.5 grams.
  • Measure the initial temperature of the water using the thermometer
  • Poke through a food substance measuring 0.5 grams using the needle with the handle.
  • Turn on fire on the burner.
  • Set the food substance on the needle to fire on the burner.
  • Once the food substance starts to burn, place it under the test tube so the water inside it can absorb heat.
  • Measure the temperature change in the water using the thermometer.
  • Measure the energy content in the food item by using the following formula:
BiscuitInitial Temp (ᵒC) of WaterAfter Burn Temp(ᵒC) WaterMass (g)   BiscuitEnergy Content of Biscuit (kJ)
Trial 126350.531.426
Trial 227410.512.305
Trial 327490.513.696
Koko KrunchInitial Temperature of Water (ᵒC)After Burn Temperature (ᵒC) WaterMass (g) of the Koko CrunchEnergy Content (kJ)
Trial 12533.50.51.428
Trial 225300.50.840
Trial 325330.51.344
CheetosInitial Temperature of Water (ᵒC)After Burn Temperature of Water (ᵒC)Mass (g) of the CheetosEnergy Content of Cheetos (kJ)
Trial 126440.53.024
Trial 225490.54.032
Trial 325450.53.360
Candle nutInitial Temperature of Water (ᵒC)After Burn Temperature of Water (ᵒC)Mass (g) of the CandlenutEnergy Content of Candlenut (kJ)
Trial 125760.58.568
Trial 228790.58.568
Trial 328800.58.736
PeanutInitial Temperature of Water (ᵒC)After Burn Temperature of Water (ᵒC)Mass (g) of the PeanutEnergy Content of the Peanut (kJ)
Trial 128640.496.171
Trial 225600.55.880
Trial 327.5520.54.116

Average Results

Food ItemEnergy T1(kJ)Energy T2(kJ)Energy T3(kJ)Average Energy (kJ)
Koko Crunch1.4280.8401.3441.204
Candle nut8.5688.5688.7368.652

Discussion of Results

The least energy as the graph shows is in the Cereal (Koko Crunch). It contains about 1.2 kJ of Average Energy. Candlenut contains the highest amount of energy in the 5 items used during the experiment possessing energy of approximately 8.6kJ.

The trials of the Biscuit show increasing energy from T1 to T3, causing the Average Energy to be higher than the energy obtained in T1 and T2 but lesser than T3. The results of Candlenut show a similar pattern and Peanuts have an opposite pattern.

The results of Cheetos show a pattern of results being T1 (Least) – T2 (Highest) – T3 (Lesser than Highest and Higher than Least). The Average Energy in this case is just a bit higher than the T3. The Koko Crunch shows the opposite pattern and therefore the Average Energy observed is higher than T3.

The trials of Biscuit and Peanut show high variation, this shows the inaccuracy in the results that can be explained by evaluating the method used.

My results completely agree with my hypothesis that when the temperature change is greater, the energy content is higher.  My hypothesis states:

If compared to my results, I can vouchsafe that my hypothesis agrees with my results.

The experiment was done with the best method possible in the lab with the provided equipment. The accuracy could be increased by:

  • Use a calorimeter to insulate the test tube to prevent loss of heat energy.
  • Use a digital thermometer for accurate readings of temperature.
  • Prevent the carbon coating that is formed on the test tube when a substance is burnt as it forms insulation.
  • Try to have a handle made out of wood for the needle as metal conducts heat.
  • Conduct more trials.
  • Turn off the A/C and perform the experiment at room temperature.
  • Use exactly 0.5 grams of food substances. Prevent even the minute errors.

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Lovely, just lovely. A true champion in the field of science.

what is the name of this experiment?

Extremely useful!!!

AMAZING EXPERIMENT! schoolwork helper, thank you for helping me understand calories

what is left at the end of the experiment when the foods are completely burnt?

you used 5.839 as your average for the peanut, it should be 5.389. 🙂

Calculation of energy content of peanut

What formula do you use to calculate the amount of Joules?

Energy released from food ( gram) = (Mass of water x temp rise x 4.2g) / Mass of food sample

Really great .. thank you so much

Thanks a lot this helped me with my plan and design lab.Thanks much really appreciate it 😊😊

Thanks a lot!! I really appreciate it!!!! It helped me with my homework and to be frank, it fulfilled my requirements!! Please keep it up!! 😉

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Food is fuel.

Experiment #01 from Food Chemistry Experiments


We consume food to get the energy necessary to run our bodies. Different foods contain different amounts of energy. In the United States, the energy in food is measured in Calories (which are actually kilocalories, indicated by the capital “C”); in the rest of the world, people use kilojoules (kJ).

What is in food that provides the energy? How do you measure the amount of energy in food?

In this activity you will be using a process called calorimetry to determine the amount of energy in different foods. You will burn measured quantities of different foods. The energy released will be used to increase the temperature of a known mass of water.

Once you know the change in temperature for the amount of water you used, you can calculate the amount of heat energy that went into the water using a well known equation

q = mC p ∆ T

where Q is the heat energy, m is the mass of the water, ∆ T is the change in temperature and C p is the specific heat of water, 4.18 J/gºC. This means that 4.18 joules of energy is required to increase the temperature of each gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.

You will then use the amount of heat produced and the mass of the food burned to determine the energy content, in kilojoules per gram, and energy per serving for each food you test.

  • Determine the energy released from various foods as they burn.
  • Look for patterns in the amounts of energy released during burning of different foods.

Sensors and Equipment

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burning food for energy experiment


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This experiment is #01 of Food Chemistry Experiments . The experiment in the book includes student instructions as well as instructor information for set up, helpful hints, and sample graphs and data.

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Energy in food.

Perhaps our most immediate connection with energy is the energy in our food. Releasing the energy by burning gives an insight into the total energy available in a sample of foodstuff.


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Energy in food (burning food practical) KS3 or KS4

Energy in food (burning food practical) KS3 or KS4

Subject: Biology

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Other

Piotr Klimczak

Last updated

27 January 2017

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