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  • TeachEngineering
  • Traveling Sound

Hands-on Activity Traveling Sound

Grade Level: 4 (3-5)

Time Required: 30 minutes

Expendable Cost/Group: US $2.00

Group Size: 2

Activity Dependency: None

Subject Areas: Physical Science, Reasoning and Proof, Science and Technology

NGSS Performance Expectations:

NGSS Three Dimensional Triangle

Make waves in your classroom with the resources featured here, by grade band, to inspire your K-12 students make sense of the phenomena of waves!

Curriculum in this Unit Units serve as guides to a particular content or subject area. Nested under units are lessons (in purple) and hands-on activities (in blue). Note that not all lessons and activities will exist under a unit, and instead may exist as "standalone" curriculum.

  • Seeing and Feeling Sound Vibrations
  • Pitch and Frequency
  • Sound Visualization Stations
Unit Lesson Activity

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Engineering… Turning your ideas into reality

Sound and acoustic engineers know that the shape of a room and its materials greatly impact how sound waves travel. Recording studios are designed in soundproof booths so that the recorded music does not contain any unwanted external noise. Libraries are designed to reduce any introduced noises, to assure a quiet, non-distracting learning environment. Concert halls are designed so that sound generated on the stage travels to the back of the space without being distorted.

After this activity, students should be able to:

  • Explain that sound can move through solids, liquids and gases.
  • Describe how sound needs molecules to move and that changing the medium that it travels through changes the sound.
  • Describe how engineers use sound energy when designing spaces, such as movie theaters.

Educational Standards Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN) , a project of D2L ( In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g. , by state; within source by type; e.g. , science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc .

Ngss: next generation science standards - science.

NGSS Performance Expectation

4-PS3-2. Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents. (Grade 4)

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This activity focuses on the following aspects of NGSS:
Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts
Make observations to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence for an explanation of a phenomenon or test a design solution.

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Energy can be moved from place to place by moving objects or through sound, light, or electric currents.

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Energy is present whenever there are moving objects, sound, light, or heat. When objects collide, energy can be transferred from one object to another, thereby changing their motion. In such collisions, some energy is typically also transferred to the surrounding air; as a result, the air gets heated and sound is produced.

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Light also transfers energy from place to place.

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Energy can also be transferred from place to place by electric currents, which can then be used locally to produce motion, sound, heat, or light. The currents may have been produced to begin with by transforming the energy of motion into electrical energy.

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Energy can be transferred in various ways and between objects.

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International Technology and Engineering Educators Association - Technology

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State Standards

Colorado - science.

Each group needs:

  • large bowl (metal works best)
  • 2 metal objects, such as spoons, to knock together
  • Traveling Sound Worksheet , one per student

A basic understanding of the phases of matter: liquids, solids and gases.

Sound engineers are especially interested in the way sound travels. Can you hear as well when you sit in the back of the class as when you sit in the front? What about in the assembly hall or gymnasium? On the playground? Can you think of other times when you cannot hear as well as someone else? What happened? How about in a movie theater? What do engineers do so that the sound quality is good for everyone in a movie theater? (Possible answers: Add speakers around the room, curtains, carpet the walls, cone-shaped theaters act like a megaphone and help to direct sound waves further.)

Which is louder—walking on carpet or on tile? It is quieter on carpet because the carpet absorbs the sound energy . Sound energy, light energy and other types of energy, need molecules to travel through and vibrate , but sometimes sound energy is absorbed by an object or material. Engineers use this idea when designing rooms that are meant to be quiet. Have you ever noticed how the walls of a movie theater are covered with carpet or fabric? This is to prevent echoing of the sound system. Sometimes when you are in an empty room, your voice echoes or sounds hollow. This is because an empty room has no materials in it that might absorb the sound energy, so the sound bounces off the hard walls, back at you. This makes it hard to hear clearly.

Do you think sound energy can travel through air? Of course it can! That is how sound energy travels when you talk to a friend. How about water? Can you hear sound travel under water? How about a solid? Can sound move through a solid object? Engineers want to know if sound can travel through solids, liquids and gases so they can develop ways to send messages to people all over the world. Can you imagine how great sound would be if it could travel anywhere?

Understanding the properties of sound and how sound waves travel helps engineers determine the best room shape and construction materials when designing libraries, classrooms, sound recording studios, concert halls and theatres. Room shape and materials can impact how sound waves travel since sound waves bounce off different object in different ways. In this activity, we are going to study how sound waves travel through liquids, solids and gases, and think about how engineers might use this information.

Before the Activity

  • Gather materials and make copies of the Traveling Sound Worksheet .
  • Divide the class into teams of two students each.

With the Students

  • Ask the students to predict if sound can move through solids, liquids and gases.
  • Have the students complete the worksheet, which leads them through traveling sound wave activities.
  • Can sound energy travel through solids? Students place their ears on a desk or table as they tap or scratch on the top. They compare that to the same sound made when their ear is not pressed to the table.
  • Can sound energy traveling through liquids? Fill a large bowl or bucket (metal works best) with water. One student taps two spoons together under the water. Two other students observe and compare the tapping sound they hear, as heard through the air and as heard by placing an ear against the bowl.
  • Can sound energy traveling through gases (air)? The students feel their throats gently during each of these tasks:
  • Hum with your mouth and nose open.
  • Hum with your mouth open and nose closed.
  • Hum with your mouth closed and nose open.
  • Hum with your mouth and nose closed.
  • Discuss with the students what happened. Were their predictions correct? Can sound travel through air, water and solids? (Answer: Yes!) Sound needs molecules to move. Solids, liquids and gases are all made of molecules. The characteristics of the molecules (for example, the space between the molecules) determine whether the sound becomes muffled or changes in some way.
  • How might engineers use the knowledge that sound travels through solids, liquids and gases? (Possible answers: Engineers create devices that send sound anywhere — through water to a submarine in the ocean, through wires to your TV, and through the air in surround sound movie theaters or emergency broadcast signals.)

echo: Repetition of a sound by reflection of sound waves from a surface.

frequency: The rate of vibrations in different pitches.

pitch: The highness or lowness of a sound.

sound energy: Audible energy that is released when you talk, play musical instruments or slam a door.

sound wave: A longitudinal pressure wave of audible or inaudible sound.

vibration: When something moves back and forth, it is said to vibrate. Sound is made by vibrations that are usually too fast to see.

volume: When sound becomes louder or softer.

wave: A disturbance that travels through a medium, such as air or water.

Pre-Activity Assessment

Prediction: Ask students if they think sound can move through solid, liquid, and gas. If so what are some examples? (Possible examples: Students may recall talking under water or using tin can and string telephones.)

Activity Embedded Assessment

Worksheet: Have students use the Traveling Sounds Worksheet to guide them in the activity and as a place to record their observations. Review their answers to gauge their mastery of the subject.

Post-Activity Assessment

Toss-a-Question:  Ask students to independently think of an answer to the question below and write it on a half sheet of paper. Have students wad up and toss the paper to another team member who then adds their answer idea. After all students have written down ideas, have them toss the paper wad to another team, who reads the answers aloud to the class. Discuss answers with the class.

  • What is an example of something through which sound can travel?

Neighbor Check: Have the students compare their activity observations with a neighbor. Are they the same or different? Have each team report some of their similar and dissimilar observations to the rest of the class.

Engineering Design: The supply of air on Earth is running out! Several futuristic cities for human habitation are being designed either underwater or deep inside mountains. Have each student group become a city planning engineering team and draw a communication system for sending emergency messages between the new cities. Make sure to illustrate and describe how the sound energy (message) will move through air, water or solid rock.

This activity can be very loud. Ask students to not disturb others while they learn and have fun.

To bring some humor to the activity, ask each student to hum a small part of their favorite song while feeling their throat. Have each student alternate between having their nose and mouth open or closed while humming non-stop. Why does the sound change depending on whether you close your nose or mouth? What happens if you block your ears? What does this activity teach us about sound? (Answer: Sound vibrations must travel through air for us to hear them. Like a musical instrument [perhaps a recorder or flute], if you change the holes where sound escapes, it changes the pitch, but not the frequency/vibrations of the sound.)

If a metal bowl is used during the activity, the vibrations from the objects colliding underwater vibrate the bowl, creating the illusion that the bowl is being struck. Have students draw the vibrations in the bowl on a piece of paper. Do the vibrations change if the objects are tapped together increasing softly?

Have students think about different forms of communications. Does sound travel most often through solids, liquids or gases? Have students poll their friends, family and neighbors to solicit their ideas.

For lower grades, conduct the activities as a class instead of in teams. Younger students could also draw pictures of their observations instead of writing in sentence form.

how does sound travel through air experiment

Students are introduced to the sound environment as an important aspect of a room or building. Several examples of acoustical engineering design for varied environments are presented.

preview of 'Sound Environment Shapers' Lesson

Students learn how different materials reflect and absorb sound.

preview of 'To Absorb or Reflect... That is the Question' Lesson

Students learn that sound is energy and has the ability to do work. Students discover that sound is produced by a vibration and they observe soundwaves and how they travel through mediums. They understand that sound can be absorbed, reflected or transmitted.

preview of 'Decibels and Acoustical Engineering' Lesson

Students use the engineering design process to design and create soundproof rooms that use only one type of material. They learn and explore about how these different materials react to sound by absorbing or reflecting sound and then test their theories using a box as a proxy for a soundproof room. ...

preview of 'What Soundproofing Material Works Best? ' Activity Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. Accessed December 19, 2005. (Source of some vocabulary definitions, with some adaptation.)


Supporting program, acknowledgements.

The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under grants from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education and National Science Foundation (GK-12 grant no. 0338326). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: March 17, 2021


Sound on the move.

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Sound is a pressure wave, but this wave behaves slightly differently through air as compared to water. Water is denser than air, so it takes more energy to generate a wave, but once a wave has started, it will travel faster than it would do in air.

A relay race

Sound travels by particles bumping into each other as they vibrate. It is a little like a relay race – each runner holds a little bit of information (the baton), and when they make contact with the next runner, they pass the information on.

In the case of sound, the runners are particles and the information (baton) they are passing along is energy of vibration. In a sound wave, a particle picks up some energy and keeps it until it bumps into a neighbouring particle. The next particle will then pick up the energy and transfer it to the next one in the chain. This happens extremely fast and is detected as a wave of pressure.

Sound won’t travel in a vacuum because there are no particles to bump together to transmit the vibration.

Sound in air

In a gas like air, the particles are generally far apart so they travel further before they bump into one another. There is not much resistance to movement so it doesn’t take much to start a wave, but it won’t travel as fast.

Sound in water

In water, the particles are much closer together, and they can quickly transmit vibration energy from one particle to the next. This means that the sound wave travels over four times faster than it would in air, but it takes a lot of energy to start the vibration. A faint sound in air wouldn’t be transmitted in water as the wave wouldn’t have enough energy to force the water particles to move.

Sound in solids

In a solid, the particles are even closer together and linked by chemical bonds so the wave travels even faster than it does in either liquid or air, but you need quite a lot of energy to start the wave at the beginning.

Sound and temperature

Temperature has a marked influence on the speed of sound. This is not due to a change in how closely together the particles are to each other but relates to the amount of energy that each particle has. Hot particles have more energy and transmit sound better than cold particles. Water in Antarctica will transmit sound slower than water in the tropics.

Some comparisons for the speed of sound in different materials

Air at 20°C

343 metres per second (m/s) – also known as Mach1

Air at 0°C

331 m/s

Helium at 0°C

965 m/s

Water at 20°C

1,482 m/s

Water at 0°C

1,417 m/s

Solid steel

5,960 m/s

Related content

Explore the science concept related to sound further with these articles:

  • Hearing sound – the basics of sound waves
  • Measuring sound – the different parts of a sound wave, how we talk about and measure sound
  • Sound – visualising sound waves – helps students to 'see’ sound waves with videos and diagrams

In our recorded PLD session Sounds of Aotearoa a group of primary science educators introduce some fun ways you can learn and teach about sound.

Activity ideas

Use these activities to explore some essential physics ideas relating to sound, but in a whole new way.

  • Modelling waves with slinkies – stay indoors and model how sound travels.
  • Catching worms using ground sounds – go outdoors and investigate whether there is any evidence that earthworms respond to vibrations in the ground.
  • Sound detectives – can you locate sounds while blindfolded?
  • Make and use a hydrophone – and listen to underwater sounds.
  • Sound on an oscilloscope – use oscilloscope software and your computer to make and watch a visual sound display.
  • Investigating sound – simple exploratory activities and questions to experience and build an understanding of sound.
  • Hearing sounds – using whispers and vibrations to hear and experience how sound moves.
  • Hearing sounds under water – go underwater yourselves to listen to sounds
  • Measuring the speed of sound – use a timing app to measure the speed of sound.

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how does sound travel through air experiment

by Chris Woodford . Last updated: July 23, 2023.

Photo: Sound is energy we hear made by things that vibrate. Photo by William R. Goodwin courtesy of US Navy and Wikimedia Commons .

What is sound?

Photo: Sensing with sound: Light doesn't travel well through ocean water: over half the light falling on the sea surface is absorbed within the first meter of water; 100m down and only 1 percent of the surface light remains. That's largely why mighty creatures of the deep rely on sound for communication and navigation. Whales, famously, "talk" to one another across entire ocean basins, while dolphins use sound, like bats, for echolocation. Photo by Bill Thompson courtesy of US Fish and Wildlife Service .

Robert Boyle's classic experiment

Artwork: Robert Boyle's famous experiment with an alarm clock.

How sound travels

Artwork: Sound waves and ocean waves compared. Top: Sound waves are longitudinal waves: the air moves back and forth along the same line as the wave travels, making alternate patterns of compressions and rarefactions. Bottom: Ocean waves are transverse waves: the water moves back and forth at right angles to the line in which the wave travels.

The science of sound waves

Picture: Reflected sound is extremely useful for "seeing" underwater where light doesn't really travel—that's the basic idea behind sonar. Here's a side-scan sonar (reflected sound) image of a World War II boat wrecked on the seabed. Photo courtesy of U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, US Navy, and Wikimedia Commons .

Whispering galleries and amphitheaters

Photos by Carol M. Highsmith: 1) The Capitol in Washington, DC has a whispering gallery inside its dome. Photo credit: The George F. Landegger Collection of District of Columbia Photographs in Carol M. Highsmith's America, Library of Congress , Prints and Photographs Division. 2) It's easy to hear people talking in the curved memorial amphitheater building at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia. Photo credit: Photographs in the Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress , Prints and Photographs Division.

Measuring waves

Understanding amplitude and frequency, why instruments sound different, the speed of sound.

Photo: Breaking through the sound barrier creates a sonic boom. The mist you can see, which is called a condensation cloud, isn't necessarily caused by an aircraft flying supersonic: it can occur at lower speeds too. It happens because moist air condenses due to the shock waves created by the plane. You might expect the plane to compress the air as it slices through. But the shock waves it generates alternately expand and contract the air, producing both compressions and rarefactions. The rarefactions cause very low pressure and it's these that make moisture in the air condense, producing the cloud you see here. Photo by John Gay courtesy of US Navy and Wikimedia Commons .

Why does sound go faster in some things than in others?

Chart: Generally, sound travels faster in solids (right) than in liquids (middle) or gases (left)... but there are exceptions!

How to measure the speed of sound

Sound in practice, if you liked this article..., don't want to read our articles try listening instead, find out more, on this website.

  • Electric guitars
  • Speech synthesis
  • Synthesizers

On other sites

  • Explore Sound : A comprehensive educational site from the Acoustical Society of America, with activities for students of all ages.
  • Sound Waves : A great collection of interactive science lessons from the University of Salford, which explains what sound waves are and the different ways in which they behave.

Educational books for younger readers

  • Sound (Science in a Flash) by Georgia Amson-Bradshaw. Franklin Watts/Hachette, 2020. Simple facts, experiments, and quizzes fill this book; the visually exciting design will appeal to reluctant readers. Also for ages 7–9.
  • Sound by Angela Royston. Raintree, 2017. A basic introduction to sound and musical sounds, including simple activities. Ages 7–9.
  • Experimenting with Sound Science Projects by Robert Gardner. Enslow Publishers, 2013. A comprehensive 120-page introduction, running through the science of sound in some detail, with plenty of hands-on projects and activities (including welcome coverage of how to run controlled experiments using the scientific method). Ages 9–12.
  • Cool Science: Experiments with Sound and Hearing by Chris Woodford. Gareth Stevens Inc, 2010. One of my own books, this is a short introduction to sound through practical activities, for ages 9–12.
  • Adventures in Sound with Max Axiom, Super Scientist by Emily Sohn. Capstone, 2007. The original, graphic novel (comic book) format should appeal to reluctant readers. Ages 8–10.

Popular science

  • The Sound Book: The Science of the Sonic Wonders of the World by Trevor Cox. W. W. Norton, 2014. An entertaining tour through everyday sound science.

Academic books

  • Master Handbook of Acoustics by F. Alton Everest and Ken Pohlmann. McGraw-Hill Education, 2015. A comprehensive reference for undergraduates and sound-design professionals.
  • The Science of Sound by Thomas D. Rossing, Paul A. Wheeler, and F. Richard Moore. Pearson, 2013. One of the most popular general undergraduate texts.

Text copyright © Chris Woodford 2009, 2021. All rights reserved. Full copyright notice and terms of use .

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Spoons on Strings

Activity length, energy human body sound, activity type, discrepant event (investigatable).

In this activity, students experience first-hand the effect of sound travelling through a solid and the air. 

An object produces sound when it vibrates in matter. This could be a solid (for example, earth), a liquid (water), or a gas (air). Most of the time, we hear sounds travelling through the air in our atmosphere.

When a sound is produced, it causes the air molecules to bump into their neighbouring molecules, which then bump into their neighbours, and so on. There is a progression of collisions that pass through the air as a sound wave. The air itself does not travel with the wave (there is no gush or puff of air that accompanies each sound); each air molecule moves away from a rest point and then, eventually, returns to it.

Sound travels differently through a solid object than through a gas. Because the molecules in a solid are packed much closer together (more densely), vibrations are passed along much more easily from one molecule to the next. As a result, sound waves travel faster through solids (such as a length of string) than through gases (like air). That is why we put our ear to a person’s chest to hear their heartbeat, and cowboys in old movies put their ear on the railway tracks to sense the vibrations of a far-off train.

When we hear something, what we are sensing are the vibrations in the air. These vibrations enter the outer ear and cause the eardrum to vibrate too.

The ears are extraordinary organs. They pick up all the sounds around us and then translate this information into a form the brain can understand. One of the most remarkable things about this process is that it is completely mechanical. The sense of smell, taste and vision all involve chemical reactions, but the hearing system is based solely on physical movement.

Sound vibrations are funneled into your ear canal by your outer ear (pinna). As the vibrations move into your middle ear, they hit your eardrum and cause it to vibrate as well. Your eardrum in turn vibrates the three smallest bones in your body: first, the hammer (malleus), then the anvil (incus), and finally, the stirrup (stapes).  The stirrup passes the vibrations into a coiled tube in the inner ear called the cochlea. The fluid-filled cochlea contains thousands of hair-like nerve endings called cilia. When the stirrup causes the fluid in the cochlea to vibrate, the cilia move. The cilia change the vibrations into messages that are sent to the brain via the auditory nerve. The auditory nerve carries messages from 25,000 receptors in your ear to your brain. Your brain then makes sense of the messages and tells you what sounds you are hearing.

Describe some properties of sound.

Describe how sound is perceived by the human body.

Per Student Pair: 2 metal spoons string, cut into ~80 cm section

Key Questions

  • When the string is pressed against your ears, is the sound louder or softer compared to when you simply hold the string in front of you?
  • How does the sound get from the spoon to your ears?
  • Does using a different material to tap the spoon change the sound? In what way? Why do you think that is?
  • What real life equipment does this experiment resemble?


  • Tie one spoon into the centre of each string
  • Wrap each end of the string to each index finger of a student, so the string and spoon hang in a V-shape.
  • The student should hold the string infront of them, while a buddy uses a second spoon to tap the spoon on the string. Alternatively the student can swing the spoon to tap a chair or door (metal on metal is best)
  • Students discuss their observations at this point.
  • Repeat part one with the student pressing their tied index fingers to their ears (never in their ears!). It is crucial that the spoon remains freely dangling (you may want to have them lean forward slightly so the spoon hangs away from their body).
  • Discuss how the sound has changed, and what this shows about the way sound travels. See if you can design new experiments to test any hypotheses that emerge.
  • Make a tin-can telephone to further investigate how sound can travel along a string (tip: these work best when the string is taut).
  • If time permits, encourage the class to experiment and find different materials (e.g. wooden rulers, plastic rulers, felt pens, rubber erasers, etc.) to use in tapping their spoons.
  • This experiment shows that sound travels through a solid better than air, so why are doors and windows effective at blocking sound?

About the sticker

Artist: Jeff Kulak

Jeff is a senior graphic designer at Science World. His illustration work has been published in the Walrus, The National Post, Reader’s Digest and Chickadee Magazine. He loves to make music, ride bikes, and spend time in the forest.

Comet Crisp

T-Rex and Baby

Artist: Michelle Yong

Michelle is a designer with a focus on creating joyful digital experiences! She enjoys exploring the potential forms that an idea can express itself in and helping then take shape.

Buddy the T-Rex

Science Buddies

Artist: Ty Dale

From Canada, Ty was born in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1993. From his chaotic workspace he draws in several different illustrative styles with thick outlines, bold colours and quirky-child like drawings. Ty distils the world around him into its basic geometry, prompting us to look at the mundane in a different way.

Western Dinosaur

Time-Travel T-Rex

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  • Kinematic Graphing 2 Concept Checker
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  • Vector Walk in Two Dimensions Interactive
  • Name That Vector Interactive
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  • Sound as a Pressure Wave Preview
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  • Sound of Music Preview
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  • Models of Light Preview
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how does sound travel through air experiment

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Sound as a Longitudinal Wave

  • Sound is a Mechanical Wave
  • Sound is a Longitudinal Wave
  • Sound is a Pressure Wave

how does sound travel through air experiment

Sound waves in air (and any fluid medium) are longitudinal waves because particles of the medium through which the sound is transported vibrate parallel to the direction that the sound wave moves. A vibrating string can create longitudinal waves as depicted in the animation below. As the vibrating string moves in the forward direction, it begins to push upon surrounding air molecules, moving them to the right towards their nearest neighbor. This causes the air molecules to the right of the string to be compressed into a small region of space. As the vibrating string moves in the reverse direction (leftward), it lowers the pressure of the air immediately to its right, thus causing air molecules to move back leftward. The lower pressure to the right of the string causes air molecules in that region immediately to the right of the string to expand into a large region of space. The back and forth vibration of the string causes individual air molecules (or a layer of air molecules) in the region immediately to the right of the string to continually vibrate back and forth horizontally. The molecules move rightward as the string moves rightward and then leftward as the string moves leftward. These back and forth vibrations are imparted to adjacent neighbors by particle-to-particle interaction. Other surrounding particles begin to move rightward and leftward, thus sending a wave to the right. Since air molecules (the particles of the medium) are moving in a direction that is parallel to the direction that the wave moves, the sound wave is referred to as a longitudinal wave. The result of such longitudinal vibrations is the creation of compressions and rarefactions within the air.

Regardless of the source of the sound wave - whether it is a vibrating string or the vibrating tines of a tuning fork - sound waves traveling through air are longitudinal waves. And the essential characteristic of a longitudinal wave that distinguishes it from other types of waves is that the particles of the medium move in a direction parallel to the direction of energy transport.

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How to Measure Sound Travel in the Air

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A signal strength meter.

Key Takeaways

  • Sound can travel through air, water and solids but not through a vacuum, as it requires a medium to propagate.
  • The speed of sound in air is approximately 1,130 feet (344 meters) per second at room temperature, though this speed can vary with changes in temperature and humidity.
  • You can perform a simple experiment involving two blocks of wood, a stopwatch and a tape measure to measure the speed of sound in air by calculating the time it takes for the sound to travel a known distance.

Sound can travel through most materials -- the most commonly known being air (gas), water (liquid) and steel (solid). However, it does not travel at all in a vacuum, because the sound waves need some kind of medium in which to travel. In addition, some materials absorb, rather than reflect or pass, sound waves. This is the basis of soundproofing [source: Kurtus ].

The average speed of sound through air is about 1130 feet per second (344 meters per second) at room temperature. However, changes in temperature and humidity will affect this speed [source: Kurtus ].

Here is a simple way to measure the speed at which sound travels through air. You'll need the following items:

  • Two blocks of wood, or other items that make a loud, sharp sound when struck together
  • A stopwatch
  • A friend to help with the experiment
  • A tape measure


  • Find a large empty area, such as a field or large court.
  • Choose two spots on opposite ends of the area where each person will stand.
  • Measure the distance between the two spots using a tape measure. Alternatively, you can count off measured steps between the two spots.
  • Have your friend take the blocks and stand at one spot, holding them up high.
  • Take the stopwatch and stand at the other spot. Make sure you have a clear view of the blocks.
  • Signal your friend to bang the two blocks together hard.
  • Start the stopwatch as soon as you see the blocks hit each other.
  • Press stop as soon as you hear the sound from the blocks.
  • Calculate the speed of the sound by dividing the distance between you and your friend by the elapsed time. To get a more accurate measurement, repeat the above steps a few times and then take an average of the results [source: Green Planet Solar Energy ]. //]]]]> ]]>

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the humidity level affect the speed of sound in air, can the speed of sound vary at different altitudes.

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How sound travels

This worksheet originally published in Learn Science! for grades 5-6 by © Dorling Kindersley Limited .

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March 24, 2016

Making Sound Waves

An ear-resistible science project from Science Buddies

By Science Buddies

how does sound travel through air experiment

Key concepts Acoustics Vibration Sound waves Hearing

Introduction How well do you know your eardrums? You probably know that your eardrum is an essential part of your ear, allowing you to hear the world around you. But why do we call it a drum? It turns out that calling it a drum is a very accurate description of what your eardrum looks like—and what it does inside your ear. To understand how your eardrum works, imagine using a drumstick to bang on a real drum, and then touching the drum with your hand. When you do this, you can feel the vibrations moving through the drum material. Our eardrums work in a similar way, but instead of from the beat of a drumstick, our eardrums vibrate in response to sound waves hitting it. We can't see these sound waves with our eyes. But we can see how they cause vibrations in things around us, just as they do in our eardrums!

Background What we experience as sound is actually a mechanical wave, produced by the back-and-forth vibration of particles in the air (or whatever medium is around our ears—remember sound travels through water, too!). To understand this, imagine (or try) clapping your hands underwater. As your hands move toward each other they gather water, creating a space behind them that the surrounding water particles rush to fill. Once your hands meet, the water particles between your hands are squashed together. You can see the result both of these events as ripples moving away from your clapped hands through the water. Sound waves travel through air in a similar way. When you clap your hands, you displace (or move) the air particles between and around your hands. This creates a compression wave that travels through the air (much like it did in the water). A continuous sound (such as the one produced by a tuning fork) is caused by the vibrations of the fork tines. The tines’ vibrations repeatedly compress and displace the air particles around them, causing a repeating pattern of compressions that we hear as a single, continuous tone. The faster the tines move, the less time there is between each compression, causing a higher-frequency sound wave.

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When this wave hits your ear, it encounters your eardrum. Your eardrum is a very thin membrane that acts as a barrier between the outside world and your inner ear. Although it protects the inside of your ear, your eardrum's real purpose is to transmit sound. When the sound waves hit your eardrum, they cause it to vibrate—the same way that a real drum vibrates when you hit it with a drumstick. The vibrations in your eardrum are then transferred via three tiny bones inside your ear into a fluid-filled chamber called the cochlea (pronounced KOK-lee-uh). Vibrations in your cochlea are transformed into electrical signals that your brain interprets as sound. We hear different sound pitches (highs and lows) based on the sound wave’s frequency—the higher its frequency, the higher its pitch.

In this activity you will be observing the vibrations caused by sound waves as they pass through a model membrane, just like the vibrations that go through our eardrums!

Parchment or wax paper

A large rubber band that will fit around the top of a glass bowl (An elastic headband works well, too.)

A small glass bowl large enough to rest a Bluetooth speaker at the bottom

Sugar or salt (To help you see the results better, you can use colored sugar sprinkles or you can color the sugar or salt yourself with food dye.)

A portable Bluetooth speaker

A phone or other device that can connect to your speaker (For this activity you will play one single tone at time from the device. There are several free tuner apps available as well as YouTube videos that you can use to play single tones from your phone. Be sure you have permission to add apps to the device.)

Ear plugs (optional)


Place the speaker in the bowl; make sure it is on and connected to the phone or device you will be using.

Cover the top of the bowl with a sheet of wax paper.

Wrap the rubber band around the edges of the bowl to secure the paper in place.

Sprinkle a layer of sugar or salt over the paper. Make sure that the granules are spread evenly across the paper; try to avoid piles.

Open the tuner app (or a YouTube video playing one single tone) on the phone or device. Start with the lowest frequency tone available. Set your volume to the lowest possible setting and hit Play.

While the tone plays, observe the sugar or salt granules on the paper. What do you notice about the granules? Are there any changes? If so, what are they?

Slowly increase your phone’s volume. Each time you increase it pause to observe the sugar or salt. What do you notice? Have the granules changed? In what way?

Continue to increase the volume, observing any changes to the sugar on the paper. (Important: Keep your speaker volume within a comfortable range. If the volume starts becoming uncomfortably loud and you still do not see any changes, see the first "Extra" step below for tips.)  What effect does increasing the volume have on the sugar or salt? What do you think is causing this change?

When you see an effect on the sugar or salt, try pausing the tone and then restarting it. When the tone stops, what happens to the granules? What about when you restart the tone? Why do you think the tone has this effect on the granules? Do you notice any patterns in how the granules behave when the tone is playing?

Pause the tone and reset the sugar or salt so that it is evenly spread across the paper again.

Set your phone back to the lowest volume and change the frequency of the tone that you are playing to a higher frequency.

Repeat the activity, slowly increasing the volume for this new tone. How is the new tone different? Does it sound higher or lower? How does the new tone affect the granules? Is the effect different than what you observed with the first tone? If so, in what way? What do you think causes the difference between the two tones?

Extra: Repeat the activity, trying different tones. Try to explore a wide range! Tip: look up a video of “Chladni's experiment” and use the audio to try tones in your own activity!

Extra: Try the activity again, but this time replace the glass bowl with other household containers. Does a cake pan work? What about a vase? What about a metal or wood bowl? If you didn't see any results the first time, try using a deeper bowl, and try different sizes.

Observations and results Did playing the tone cause the sugar or salt granules to move around on the wax paper?

As the sound wave travels through the wax paper, it causes the paper to vibrate. When you increase the volume of the tone, you are adding energy to the sound wave, resulting in larger vibrations. Eventually these vibrations are large enough to move the sugar or salt on the paper.

You may have also noticed that the granules move in different patterns depending on the frequency of the tone. When the frequency of the tone changes, the vibration of the wax paper changes as well, resulting in the changing patterns of sugar or salt grains.

More to explore Frequency-Dependent Sound Absorption , from Science Buddies Do-Re-Me with Straws , from Science Buddies Resonance Experiment! , from Illusions Science Everyday Objects Dancing on Sound , from BuzzFeedBlue

This activity brought to you in partnership with Science Buddies

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Science project, how well does sound travel through a gas a liquid a solid.

Kindergarten Science Science projects: How Well Does Sound Travel Through a Gas? A Liquid? A Solid?

Grade Level: Preschool to 2nd grade; Type: Physics

Chidren will experience sounds travelling through things in different states: a bag of air, a bag of water, a wooden block.

Research Questions:

Will a pencil tap heard through a bag of air sound different than a pencil tap heard through a bag of water? Will these taps sound different than a tap heard through a wooden block?

  • Zippered sandwich bag
  • Wooden block

Experimental Procedure:

  • Blow into the sandwich bag and quickly seal it to create a puffed up bag of air (a gas).
  • Cover one ear with your hand and the other ear with the bag of air.
  • Have an assisstant tap the bag with a pencil. How does it sound?
  • Now fill the bag with water (a liquid) and seal it.
  • Hold this water-filled bag against one ear while covering the other ear with your hand.
  • Have your assistant tap this bag with a pencil. How does it sound?
  • Finally hold a wooden block (a solid) over one ear while covering the other ear with your hand. Have your friend tap the block with the pencil. How does it sound?
  • Compare and discuss your observations.

Terms/Concepts: Things exist in different states: gas, liquid. solid; Sound travels.

References: "How to Demonstrate Sound Waves to Kids," eHow Family

Underwater Sound Experiment for Kids

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Monster Sciences

Sound Science Experiment: Can sound travel through water? Build a hydrophone

Sound Science Experiment - Can sound travel through water?

Make your own hydrophone to listen for sounds underwater.


 Monster Sciences Sound Experiment:  Can you hear underwater?

What you will need:.

  • A large bowl half full of water
  • An empty plastic soft drink bottle with no lid
  • 2 hard things, e.g. pebbles, marbles, metal spoons

What you will do:

  • Gently click the hard things (pebbles, spoons etc) together.  How do they sound?
  • Place your bowl of water on a table or the ground so it is no higher off the ground than your waist.
  • VERY CAREFULLY cut the bottom off your plastic container, about level with the bottom of the label.
  • Put the bottle, cut side down, into the bowl of water and put your ear up against the hole at the other end.
  • Ask your partner to gently tap the spoons or other hard things together under the water.  What can you hear?
  • Swap and let your partner listen.

  What is going on?

You are listening to the sound waves from the clicking traveling through the water.  Sound travels in waves caused by vibrations, bumping the molecules around them together.  Does the sound travel through the air better than the water, or the water better than the air?  Compare it to a solid by tapping the hard object gently on the table while you put your ear against it.  What did you discover?

  Monster Challenges: 

  • The bottle you have cut off catches sound waves – how else could you use it for this?  Could you make a phone?  How?
  • The bottle can also be used to magnify sound waves.  Can you figure out how?
  • Try this next time you’re swimming!

Teaching Notes:

Key concepts:.

Sound travels in waves.

  • Investigation Record IR01– one copy per student
  • Experiment Description Sound S04– one copy per student
  • Large bowl with water, empty soft drink bottle, scissors, hard objects

Lesson Notes:

When doing this experiment with younger students I usually cut down the bottles myself prior to the lesson.

The hard objects can be anything water proof.  Remind students not to tap them too hard – it can be too loud!

As a class discuss the experiment prior to undertaking it, and students should complete the sections of their Investigation Report IR01 from ”Title to “Hypothesis”.

What should happen in this experiment, and why?

The students should be able to clearly hear the clicking underwater, in fact is should be easier to hear and clearer than in the air.  This is because the molecules in a liquid like water are closer together so bounce off each other more effectively than the molecules of air.  The solid table should transfer the sound even better than the water because its molecules are closer together again.

The children should note that the clicking rocks vibrate the water, the vibration creates sound waves which vibrate the bottle and then the air inside it to carry the sound to their ear.  If their ear was in the water the sound is even better.

Follow up discussion questions:

  • How do whales and dolphins use sound in the water?
  • What about submarines?
  • Can you think of a way to use water to improve a string phone?  (If you wet the string between the cups closely packed water molecules replace the loosely packed air molecules within the fibers of the string).

Get this experiment here or as part of a bundle of Sound Experiments here .

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