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How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay | Examples

Published on September 21, 2021 by Kirsten Courault . Revised on May 31, 2023.

An insightful college admissions essay requires deep self-reflection, authenticity, and a balance between confidence and vulnerability. Your essay shouldn’t just be a resume of your experiences; colleges are looking for a story that demonstrates your most important values and qualities.

To write about your achievements and qualities without sounding arrogant, use specific stories to illustrate them. You can also write about challenges you’ve faced or mistakes you’ve made to show vulnerability and personal growth.

Table of contents

Start with self-reflection, how to write about challenges and mistakes, how to write about your achievements and qualities, how to write about a cliché experience, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Before you start writing, spend some time reflecting to identify your values and qualities. You should do a comprehensive brainstorming session, but here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What are three words your friends or family would use to describe you, and why would they choose them?
  • Whom do you admire most and why?
  • What are the top five things you are thankful for?
  • What has inspired your hobbies or future goals?
  • What are you most proud of? Ashamed of?

As you self-reflect, consider how your values and goals reflect your prospective university’s program and culture, and brainstorm stories that demonstrate the fit between the two.

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Writing about difficult experiences can be an effective way to show authenticity and create an emotional connection to the reader, but choose carefully which details to share, and aim to demonstrate how the experience helped you learn and grow.

Be vulnerable

It’s not necessary to have a tragic story or a huge confession. But you should openly share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to evoke an emotional response from the reader. Even a cliché or mundane topic can be made interesting with honest reflection. This honesty is a preface to self-reflection and insight in the essay’s conclusion.

Don’t overshare

With difficult topics, you shouldn’t focus too much on negative aspects. Instead, use your challenging circumstances as a brief introduction to how you responded positively.

Share what you have learned

It’s okay to include your failure or mistakes in your essay if you include a lesson learned. After telling a descriptive, honest story, you should explain what you learned and how you applied it to your life.

While it’s good to sell your strengths, you also don’t want to come across as arrogant. Instead of just stating your extracurricular activities, achievements, or personal qualities, aim to discreetly incorporate them into your story.

Brag indirectly

Mention your extracurricular activities or awards in passing, not outright, to avoid sounding like you’re bragging from a resume.

Use stories to prove your qualities

Even if you don’t have any impressive academic achievements or extracurriculars, you can still demonstrate your academic or personal character. But you should use personal examples to provide proof. In other words, show evidence of your character instead of just telling.

Many high school students write about common topics such as sports, volunteer work, or their family. Your essay topic doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, but do try to include unexpected personal details and your authentic voice to make your essay stand out .

To find an original angle, try these techniques:

  • Focus on a specific moment, and describe the scene using your five senses.
  • Mention objects that have special significance to you.
  • Instead of following a common story arc, include a surprising twist or insight.

Your unique voice can shed new perspective on a common human experience while also revealing your personality. When read out loud, the essay should sound like you are talking.

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

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First, spend time reflecting on your core values and character . You can start with these questions:

However, you should do a comprehensive brainstorming session to fully understand your values. Also consider how your values and goals match your prospective university’s program and culture. Then, brainstorm stories that illustrate the fit between the two.

When writing about yourself , including difficult experiences or failures can be a great way to show vulnerability and authenticity, but be careful not to overshare, and focus on showing how you matured from the experience.

Through specific stories, you can weave your achievements and qualities into your essay so that it doesn’t seem like you’re bragging from a resume.

Include specific, personal details and use your authentic voice to shed a new perspective on a common human experience.

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Courault, K. (2023, May 31). How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay | Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/college-essay/write-about-yourself/

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15 Tips for Writing a College Essay About Yourself

What’s covered:.

  • What is the Purpose of the College Essay?
  • How to Stand Out Without Showing Off
  • 15 Tips for Writing an Essay About Yourself
  • Where to Get Free Feedback on Your Essay

Most students who apply to top-tier colleges have exceptional grades, standardized test scores, and extracurricular activities. How do admissions officers decide which applicants to choose among all these stellar students? One way is on the strength of their college essay .

This personal statement, along with other qualitative factors like teacher recommendations, helps the admissions committee see who you really are—the person behind the transcript. So, it’s obviously important to write a great one.

What Is the Purpose of the College Essay? 

Your college essay helps you stand out in a pool of qualified candidates. If effective, it will also show the admissions committee more of your personality and allow them to get a sense of how you’ll fit in with and contribute to the student body and institution. Additionally, it will show the school that you can express yourself persuasively and clearly in writing, which is an important part of most careers, no matter where you end up. 

Typically, students must submit a personal statement (usually the Common App essay ) along with school-specific supplements. Some students are surprised to learn that essays typically count for around 25% of your entire application at the top 250 schools. That’s an enormous chunk, especially considering that, unlike your transcript and extracurriculars, it isn’t an assessment of your entire high school career.  

The purpose of the college essay is to paint a complete picture of yourself, showing admissions committees the person behind the grades and test scores. A strong college essay shows your unique experiences, personality, perspective, interests, and values—ultimately, what makes you unique. After all, people attend college, not their grades or test scores. The college essay also provides students with a considerable amount of agency in their application, empowering them to share their own stories.

How to Stand Out Without Showing Off 

It’s important to strike a balance between exploring your achievements and demonstrating humility. Your aim should be to focus on the meaning behind the experience and how it changed your outlook, not the accomplishment itself. 

Confidence without cockiness is the key here. Don’t simply catalog your achievements, there are other areas on your application to share them. Rather, mention your achievements when they’re critical to the story you’re telling. It’s helpful to think of achievements as compliments, not highlights, of your college essay.  

Take this essay excerpt , for example:

My parents’ separation allowed me the space to explore my own strengths and interests as each of them became individually busier. As early as middle school, I was riding the light rail train by myself, reading maps to get myself home, and applying to special academic programs without urging from my parents. Even as I took more initiatives on my own, my parents both continued to see me as somewhat immature. All of that changed three years ago, when I applied and was accepted to the SNYI-L summer exchange program in Morocco. I would be studying Arabic and learning my way around the city of Marrakesh. Although I think my parents were a little surprised when I told them my news, the addition of a fully-funded scholarship convinced them to let me go. 

Instead of saying “ I received this scholarship and participated in this prestigious program, ” the author tells a story, demonstrating their growth and initiative through specific actions (riding the train alone, applying academic programs on her own, etc.)—effectively showing rather than telling.

15 Tips for Writing an Essay About Yourself 

1. start early .

Leave yourself plenty of time to write your college essay—it’s stressful enough to compose a compelling essay without putting yourself under a deadline. Starting early on your essay also leaves you time to edit and refine your work, have others read your work (for example, your parents or a teacher), and carefully proofread.

2. Choose a topic that’s meaningful to you 

The foundation of a great essay is selecting a topic that has real meaning for you. If you’re passionate about the subject, the reader will feel it. Alternatively, choosing a topic you think the admissions committee is looking for, but isn’t all that important to you, won’t make for a compelling essay; it will be obvious that you’re not very invested in it.

3. Show your personality 

One of the main points of your college essay is to convey your personality. Admissions officers will see your transcript and read about the awards you’ve won, but the essay will help them get to know you as a person. Make sure your personality is evident in each part—if you are a jokester, incorporate some humor. Your friends should be able to pick your essay from an anonymous pile, read it, and recognize it as yours. In that same vein, someone who doesn’t know you at all should feel like they understand your personality after reading your essay. 

4. Write in your own voice 

In order to bring authenticity to your essay, you’ll need to write in your own voice. Don’t be overly formal (but don’t be too casual, either). Remember: you want the reader to get to know the real you, not a version of you that comes across as overly stiff or stilted. You should feel free to use contractions, incorporate dialogue, and employ vocabulary that comes naturally to you. 

5. Use specific examples 

Real, concrete stories and examples will help your essay come to life. They’ll add color to your narrative and make it more compelling for the reader. The goal, after all, is to engage your audience—the admissions committee. 

For example, instead of stating that you care about animals, you should tell us a story about how you took care of an injured stray cat. 

Consider this side-by-side comparison:

Example 1: I care deeply about animals and even once rescued a stray cat. The cat had an injured leg, and I helped nurse it back to health.

Example 2: I lost many nights of sleep trying to nurse the stray cat back to health. Its leg infection was extremely painful, and it meowed in distress up until the wee hours of the morning. I didn’t mind it though; what mattered was that the cat regained its strength. So, I stayed awake to administer its medicine and soothe it with loving ear rubs.

The second example helps us visualize this situation and is more illustrative of the writer’s personality. Because she stayed awake to care for the cat, we can infer that she is a compassionate person who cares about animals. We don’t get the same depth with the first example. 

6. Don’t be afraid to show off… 

You should always put your best foot forward—the whole point of your essay is to market yourself to colleges. This isn’t the time to be shy about your accomplishments, skills, or qualities. 

7. …While also maintaining humility 

But don’t brag. Demonstrate humility when discussing your achievements. In the example above, for instance, the author discusses her accomplishments while noting that her parents thought of her as immature. This is a great way to show humility while still highlighting that she was able to prove her parents wrong.

8. Be vulnerable 

Vulnerability goes hand in hand with humility and authenticity. Don’t shy away from exploring how your experience affected you and the feelings you experienced. This, too, will help your story come to life. 

Here’s an excerpt from a Common App essay that demonstrates vulnerability and allows us to connect with the writer:  

“You ruined my life!” After months of quiet anger, my brother finally confronted me. To my shame, I had been appallingly ignorant of his pain. 

Despite being twins, Max and I are profoundly different. Having intellectual interests from a young age that, well, interested very few of my peers, I often felt out of step in comparison with my highly-social brother. Everything appeared to come effortlessly for Max and, while we share an extremely tight bond, his frequent time away with friends left me feeling more and more alone as we grew older.

In this essay, the writer isn’t afraid to share his insecurities and feelings with us. He states that he had been “ appallingly ignorant ” of his brother’s pain, that he “ often felt out of step ” compared to his brother, and that he had felt “ more and more alone ” over time. These are all emotions that you may not necessarily share with someone you just met, but it’s exactly this vulnerability that makes the essay more raw and relatable. 

9. Don’t lie or hyperbolize 

This essay is about the authentic you. Lying or hyperbolizing to make yourself sound better will not only make your essay—and entire application—less genuine, but it will also weaken it. More than likely, it will be obvious that you’re exaggerating. Plus, if colleges later find out that you haven’t been truthful in any part of your application, it’s grounds for revoking your acceptance or even expulsion if you’ve already matriculated. 

10. Avoid cliches 

How the COVID-19 pandemic changed your life. A sports victory as a metaphor for your journey. How a pet death altered your entire outlook. Admissions officers have seen more essays on these topics than they can possibly count. Unless you have a truly unique angle, then it’s in your best interest to avoid them. Learn which topics are cliche and how to fix them . 

11. Proofread 

This is a critical step. Even a small error can break your essay, however amazing it is otherwise. Make sure you read it over carefully, and get another set of eyes (or two or three other sets of eyes), just in case.

12. Abstain from using AI

There are a handful of good reasons to avoid using artificial intelligence (AI) to write your college essay. Most importantly, it’s dishonest and likely to be not very good; AI-generated essays are generally formulaic, generic, and boring—everything you’re trying to avoid being.   The purpose of the college essay is to share what makes you unique and highlight your personal experiences and perspectives, something that AI can’t capture.

13. Use parents as advisors, not editors

The voice of an adult is different from that of a high schooler and admissions committees are experts at spotting the writing of parents. Parents can play a valuable role in creating your college essay—advising, proofreading, and providing encouragement during those stressful moments. However, they should not write or edit your college essay with their words.

14. Have a hook

Admissions committees have a lot of essays to read and getting their attention is essential for standing out among a crowded field of applicants. A great hook captures your reader’s imagination and encourages them to keep reading your essay. Start strong, first impressions are everything!

15. Give them something to remember

The ending of your college essay is just as important as the beginning. Give your reader something to remember by composing an engaging and punchy paragraph or line—called a kicker in journalism—that ties everything you’ve written above together.

Where to Get Free Feedback on Your College Essay 

Before you send off your application, make sure you get feedback from a trusted source on your essay. CollegeVine’s free peer essay review will give you the support you need to ensure you’ve effectively presented your personality and accomplishments. Our expert essay review pairs you with an advisor to help you refine your writing, submit your best work, and boost your chances of getting into your dream school. Find the right advisor for you and get started on honing a winning essay.

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How to Write a College Essay About Yourself

David Sep 30, 2020

How to Write a College Essay About Yourself

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The scholarship you’re applying to requires that you write an essay about yourself. Easy peasy, how hard could it be? After all, you’ve been living with yourself for the last 17+ years! You know yourself better than anybody. You open your computer to start typing but your mind goes blank. Everything that you know about yourself suddenly seems unworthy of a $5,000 scholarship. 

What in the world can you write about that will spark enough interest in the scholarship committee? Before you start panicking, check out our step-by-step guide on how to write a college essay about yourself.

Step 1: Brainstorm 

The first way to tackle any scholarship essay prompt is to start with some thinking. We highly suggest that you take time before starting to write to brainstorm the essay prompt. This will not only get your creativity flowing, but your essay will be more organized and cohesive.  

Brainstorm Ideas 

To start brainstorming, sit down in a quiet space with a pen and paper. Think about your background, your family life, your family’s financial state, your academic history, your childhood, your education, sports you play, and anything else about yourself that makes you who you are. If you’re stuck, strike up a conversation with your parents or friends about yourself to get you rolling. Jot notes about yourself down on the paper.

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Now, it’s time to take the facts you’ve written about yourself and dig deeper. The goal of your scholarship essay is to tell a story about yourself that will convince the scholarship committee that you deserve to win. How can you turn facts about yourself into a compelling story?  What information can you provide about yourself that will broadcast your character? 

It helps to think about who your audience is. To do this, get to know the scholarship organization better! Visit their website and read their ‘about’ section. What do they stand for? What kind of students do they award? 

Your audience might be interested in how much you studied to get your 3.8 GPA. Your GPA and test scores may have helped get you into college, but they might not be enough to win you scholarship money. Thousands of students have near to perfect GPAs, and writing about it can be a bit dry.  

Your audience wants to read about the challenges you’ve faced along the way or meaningful experiences you’ve had. Did you have to watch a younger sibling every day after school because your parents were at work? Have you experienced mental health challenges or learning disabilities that have made studying hard for you? How did you decide that you wanted to study business in college? This is what we mean when we say to dig deep. Go past the surface level.  Talk about the experiences you have had that have gotten you to where you are today. 

Step 2: What to Include in an Essay About Yourself 

A scholarship essay about yourself is obviously very broad. You can take your essay in many directions. Remember, you want to provide information about yourself that makes your essay worth reading. Including facts about yourself in your essay is fine. But, you better be seasoning those facts with a lot of flavors. 

Here are some ideas to include in your essay. 

Topics You Can Address in Your Essay

There are plenty of ways you can talk about yourself in your essay. Remember, your essay must focus on yourself and your personal experiences in life. You can choose one or two of the following topics as the basis of your essay.

  • Experiences that have inspired your degree choice.
  • Challenges you’ve faced that have impacted your life and education.
  • Unique hobbies you have or the sports you play. 
  • How you’ve changed over the years. 
  • Your experiences in school. 
  • Professional goals you have for the future. 
  • Your achievements.
  • Special relationships that have inspired you. If you choose this topic, remember the essay still needs to focus on you.

The topic you choose to write about should be one that you can connect back to your education or career goals. If it didn’t impact your education or career in some way, it’s likely not relevant for the scholarship.  

Remember, you need to talk about the why and the how. For example, why are you pursuing a degree in law? Why did you choose this degree path? How will a law degree help you in your future? How have past experiences led you to dream of becoming a lawyer? 

Step 3: Sketch an Outline

Now that you have an idea of what you’ll write about it, it’s time to get organized. Creating an outline is your final step before starting to write. Choose one or two of the topics we suggested and start breaking down what you’ll write about in each paragraph. Your essay should consist of an introduction, 3-5 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. 

Check out our tips on what you should and shouldn’t include in your essay: 

  • Impress from the start of your essay.
  • Place yourself in the reader’s shoes. Do you show enough of your personality in your essay? Do you convince the reader that you deserve to win? 
  • Do your research and learn about the organization. Try and connect yourself to their initiatives. Do you have a hobby or goal that matches the organization? What can you bring to the organization?  
  • Only include relevant information. If something seems unnecessary or out of place, it probably is.
  • Write in the first person, this is about you after all.
  • Give specific examples. Don’t say you struggled during freshman year, instead, show what that struggle looked like.
  • Show off your strengths and achievements. 
  • Make your essay interesting! If it doesn’t captivate your audience from the start, it’s not good enough.
  • Proofread and edit your essay. Those little spelling mistakes can cost you the scholarship. They are distracting and they don’t do a good job at convincing the reader that you’re professional. Everybody makes mistakes but it’s on you to check your work before submitting.
  • Use the correct format .
  • Write about academic weaknesses in your transcripts. This is your chance to take responsibility for the ‘D’ you received during freshman year algebra. You might write about your struggles with algebra and how you were motivated to improve by getting a tutor. Definitely do not play the victim card by blaming a teacher! 
  • Making mistakes is human! Write about what you learned from your mistakes and how they have made you stronger.
  • Be authentic- write how you speak (of course, with correct grammar). Trying to impress with big words from the thesaurus isn’t as impressive as you think. 
  • Follow the essay instructions! You can write the best essay but if you don’t follow instructions, you risk being disqualified.  
  • Lie- Making up stories to win over the scholarship judges isn’t going to win over anybody! Lies scream inauthenticity. Trust us, it’s obvious when students lie and scholarship judges aren’t impressed.
  • Brag- If you think that bragging about your 4.0 GPA is going to win you scholarship money, you’re wrong. Show off your confidence in a way that doesn’t come across as overbearing and arrogant.
  • Use the essay as an opportunity to divulge your deepest darkest family secrets. This is not the place to cry your heart out or disclose personal information.
  • Be vague about your professional goals. What sounds better, awarding a student with clearly defined goals or a student who doesn’t know what they want to do in life?
  • Repeat the same information over and over again. You will have your readers yawning! 
  • Use cliches. Cliches are overused! Be bold and different. 

Step 4: How to Start an Essay About Yourself 

As with all scholarship essays, your essay about yourself should captivate readers from the very beginning. Start your essay with a creative introduction that will make the readers want to continue reading your essay. You may choose to start with a personal story or experience. 

Avoid using cliches such as “from a young age” or “for as long as I can remember.” Also, avoid using quotes. These are other peoples’ words, not your own.

At the end of your introduction paragraph, you should have a thesis statement that makes it clear to the reader why you are applying for the scholarship. They should be able to taste your enthusiasm and understand your motivation for applying. 

How to Start an Essay About Yourself Example

When it comes to my passion for teaching others, you might say I wasn’t given much of a choice in life. As the older sister of four, it was my responsibility to lead the way and teach my two younger brothers and sister. At least, I assumed that responsibility. I helped them with everything from school projects to packing for camp in the summer. It’s no surprise to me that years later, I have chosen to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Education at the University of Texas in the fall. With this scholarship, I will be able to pursue my degree in education and return to my hometown to teach in a local elementary school after graduating. 

Step 5: What to Include in Your Body Paragraphs  

Your body paragraphs are the meat of your scholarship essay. This is where the scholarship readers really get to know you. Your body paragraphs should each contain an argument with supporting details and examples. 

Your job in these paragraphs is to bring your personality out as much as possible. You also want to connect your arguments with your educational and career goals, and of course, to the scholarship you’re applying for. Make sure you relay to the reader how the scholarship will help you fulfill your goals.

How to Write a College Essay About Yourself Body Paragraphs Example

My role as a teacher to my little brothers and sister was only the start of it. As soon as I was of appropriate age, I started babysitting my neighbors on the weekends to earn extra money. Sure, that meant sacrificing my weekend nights with friends, but I was able to save up quite a lot of money from my Friday night and Saturday night gigs. For me, it was never only about the money. I loved spending time with the little kids. I would come up with fun activities to do with them, like “restaurant night,” where we would create menus and whip up ice cream sundaes in the kitchen. 

By high school, it was clear to me that I wanted to be a teacher. I took several classes in high school that confirmed this dream of mine. I particularly enjoyed my early childhood education class where I learned theories in childhood development, classroom management techniques, and about developing curriculum. I even started to write up my own curriculum and made my younger siblings be in “school,” with me as their teacher. I don’t think they were too happy about all those extra hours of school… 

Over the last year, I completed an internship as a teacher’s assistant. Every Tuesday and Thursday I spent half the day working with a 3rd-grade teacher at the local elementary school. I learned so much from this experience, like how to manage behavior problems and how to encourage shy students to participate in lessons. I can’t wait to come back to my hometown and work as a teacher after college.

Step 6: How to End an Essay About Yourself  

By the time you get to writing your concluding paragraph, you may feel an urge to finish up your essay quickly. But, your concluding paragraph is also important in making that final last impression. Don’t rush through it. 

Your concluding paragraph should wrap up your essay while giving an overview of the main points of your essay.  You should do the following in your concluding sentence: 

  • Restate your thesis in other words. 
  • Give an overview of the arguments you made in your body paragraphs. 
  • End your concluding paragraph with a big thought related to your future.

How to End an Essay About Yourself Example

You might say that my upbringing made me who I am today, but I think it’s a lot more than that. I wouldn’t have the confidence I have today in myself and in my future goals if it weren’t for my studies and jobs throughout high school. I am so excited to start my degree at the University of Texas and keep developing the tools and skills I need to become the best teacher I can be.

Step 7: The full Example of How to Write a College Essay About Yourself

Now that you have learned how to write a solid introduction, conclusion, and body paragraphs, it’s time to put it all together. Here is the full example: 

Final Thoughts 

The “Tell Us About Yourself” scholarship essay prompt might feel frustrating. It can feel intimidating but it’s really not so bad once you know how to tackle it. 

Use these tips and you’ll be good to go. Time to start writing!

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David Tabachnikov ScholarshipOwl

David Tabachnikov is the CEO of ScholarshipOwl. Formerly at Waze and Google, David is an experienced CTO/R&D manager with over 10 years of experience of leading tech teams. David fervently believes that students should have greater access to education, and is passionate about using technology to help them achieve that goal.

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9 Tips for Writing an Essay About Yourself

You know yourself better than anyone else, but writing about yourself can still be tough! When applying for scholarships or to college, essay prompts  can feel so general (and yet so specific!) that they leave us stumped.  So we’ll show you 8 tips to write an essay about yourself, so that you can land more scholarships. (Psst – Going Merry makes applying easy .)

1. Create a List of Questions

2. brainstorm and outline, 3. be vulnerable, 4. use personal examples, 5. write in the first person, 6. don’t be afraid to show off…but stay on topic, 7. show personality , 8. know your audience, 9. proofread and edit.

Let’s start with some examples of personal essay prompts:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Describe a challenge or event that made you who you are today.
  • What are your short and long-term goals, and how do you plan to achieve them?
  • Write about a time you failed at something. How did it affect you?

These are just a few of many scholarship essay prompts that require you to look internally, to answer a question, solve a problem, or explain a scenario in your life.  

We get it. You might not be a big fan of bragging about yourself, or you might want to keep your personal stories to yourself. But by opening up and sharing your story, you can show scholarship providers, colleges and universities who you are, and why you’re deserving of their scholarship.

(Don’t just take our word for it – check out our scholarship winners page full of students like you who were brave enough to share their stories with us).

how to write an essay about yourself

To get started, check out these 9 tips on how to write an essay about yourself:

After reading through the scholarship essay prompt, breathe, and make a list of smaller questions you can answer, which relate to the big essay prompt question. 

Let’s say the main essay prompt question asks you, “What were challenges or barriers you had to work to overcome?” Then the smaller questions might be something like:

  • What is your background? Family, finances, school.
  • What was challenging about that background?
  • What’s your greatest accomplishment? How did you get there? How have previous challenges influenced your goals?

Think of these questions as mini-prompts. They explain your story and help you answer the main essay prompt with more details than if you just answered it without a plan in place.

After considering smaller questions, it’s time to brainstorm your answers.  Take out a pen and paper – or open up a document on a computer – and take your time in answering each mini-prompt. Organize your responses in order:

  • Intro to main essay prompt.
  • Answer about 3 mini-prompt questions.
  • Conclude by rewriting the answer to the main essay prompt with a summary of your mini-prompt answers.

This organization will help you stay on topic and answer the prompt directly. (Or check out these 6 scholarship essay examples for alternative essay structures.)

Don’t be afraid to let your strengths, challenges, and personal stories shine through in your essay! Scholarship and admissions committees love to see that you’re self-aware how you can improve as a person, or how you’ve grown because of your experiences. Honest writing can help tell the best stories (in this case, YOUR story).

how to write an essay about yourself

Since this essay is all about you , you should make your answer as specific as possible! Avoid using generalizations (e.g., “I’m really good at music). Instead, go for more personalized statements (e.g., “My fourth-grade teacher Ms. Matay really inspired me to pursue my interest in the clarinet”). Your personal examples are what will help your scholarship essay stand out among the thousands of applicants..

 You’re telling your story, so write from your perspective! You can narrate your story. You can provide an overview of what you learned from your experiences. However you choose to answer the prompt, we recommend writing in an active tone, and using “I” and “me” throughout your essay.

Most students worry about bragging in their essay, but we say go for it! This is your time to shine, so highlight your accomplishments and strengths.  Review your essay to make sure that you’re keeping the tone informative and that you’re still on topic. (Brag while answering the essay prompt; don’t just mention random, unrelated but impressive facts about yourself!)You can use this brag sheet where you can brainstorm your accomplishments. While the worksheet is geared toward requesting letters of recommendation , you can still use it to write out your hobbies, interests, college list , and strengths to help you answer your scholarship essay prompt.

how to write an essay about yourself

Just because it’s an essay doesn’t mean it has to be dry and boring. This essay is all about you, so let your personality shine through. If you’re the class clown, you can use a bit of humor. If you wear your heart on your sleeve, don’t be afraid to show emotion. Trying your best to express who you are as a person will have a huge effect on the admissions or scholarship committee!

If you’re applying for a scholarship, research the scholarship provider. If you’re applying to college, research the school. Understanding what makes the provider/college unique and what their motivations are, will allow you to incorporate that information in your essay. For example, many scholarships are funded by private companies that sell products. You might want to reference those products in your essay. A good example of this is Emily Trader’s essay for the Life Happens organization , where she uses her personal narrative to explain the importance of insurance planning, since that is the mission of the organization (which is funded by insurance companies).

The last step in answering your essay prompt is to double-check your work! One typo can be distracting and cause scholarship providers to scratch their head while reading the essay. ( Psst, humble brag: Going Merry’s application platform includes spellcheck because we’ve got your back .) In addition to proofreading for typos and grammatical errors, also consider whether the sentence or paragraph structure makes sense. Are you breaking paragraphs in the right place? Are you using topic sentences well to signpost your main ideas? Does the essay flow? Consider these “bigger” structural questions too.  You might also want to ask a friend, family member, teacher, or guidance counselor to review your essay. They might catch something you didn’t see the first time around, and that can really help your essay! In fact, that is scholarship winner Daniel Gill ’s #1 tip. (Another tip is to apply for scholarships using Going Merry !)

how to write an essay about yourself

Also, check out this helpful list of the 10 most common scholarship essay topics while you’re brainstorming!

Top 10 Most Common Scholarship Essay Prompts Graphic

Now that you know how to write an essay about yourself, it’s time to start applying for scholarships! Remember: You’ve got this. 

Sign up for your free Going Merry profile . From there, you can easily upload and submit your essay for thousands of scholarships. We make it easy so you’ll only need to enter your profile information once! And then, you can apply away. In fact, we even have some bundled scholarships so that you only enter your essay once, to apply for multiple scholarships at the same time.

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How To Answer Tell Me About Yourself (13 Sample Answers Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

tell us about yourself sample essay

By Mike Simpson

Updated 6/12/2022.

tell us about yourself sample essay

Few interview questions are as deceptively simple as “Tell me about yourself.” After all, you know all about you, right? So, you shouldn’t have any trouble.

While it seems like an open invitation to talk about nearly any aspect of your life, that isn’t what’s happening here. That’s what makes figuring out how to answer “tell me about yourself” so tricky. If you don’t share the right kind of information, your response will miss the mark.

But how do you get it right? By checking out a few tips and tell me about yourself sample answers that you can use as a starting point. Let’s get started.

Why Do Hiring Managers Ask This Question?

So, why do hiring managers ask this question? Do they really want to get to know you better, or do they have another motive?

Well, it’s actually a bit of both. First, they want to see how you react to a question asked casually and without structure. Can you offer up a well-structured, informative response that gives them an idea of who you are as a professional? Or do you ramble about personal details that aren’t relevant to the role?

Second, they want to get a feel for what you deem to be “important.” The aspects of your career that you highlight give them a surprising number of clues about your preferences, priorities, and values, making it easier for them to assess your mentality and determine if you fit in with the company culture.

Overall, hiring managers and recruiters may start making hiring decisions in as little as 90 seconds after meeting you. Since that’s the case, you need to take it seriously when a hiring manager asks you, “Tell me a little about yourself,” as that’s normally one of the first questions you’ll face. Additionally, you want to use a great strategy to create your answers. More about that in a moment.

How to Answer Tell Me About Yourself

Alright, now that you know why this question is asked, it’s time to dive into how to answer “tell me about yourself.” Here’s a quick step-by-step process you can use to craft an outstanding response.

Use the Tailoring Method

First things first, you want to use the Tailoring Method to build your answer. That ensures your response is as relevant to the hiring manager as possible, allowing you to speak to their needs and preferences while you share details about your professional history.

Generally, you can find out a lot about what the hiring manager wants to know with a bit of research. Review the job description to find out more about the skills and traits their after, as well as the duties you might encounter. Then, review information about the company, including its mission, values, and products or services. That way, you can talk about points that will pique the hiring manager’s interest right at the beginning of the meeting.

Use a Chronological Approach

Overall, this is an interview question where your answer should feel like a story. Using a chronological, narrative-style approach lets you show the hiring manager how you’ve grown in your career, highlighting the occasional relevant achievement along the way. It keeps your answer compelling, all while making the details easier to follow.

Avoid These Mistakes

Along with crafting a great answer, you need to make sure you avoid certain missteps. Here are a few mistakes you’ll want to avoid along the way.

1) Regurgitating Your Cover Letter and Resume

The “Tell us about yourself” question isn’t an invitation for you to simply list off the same accomplishments you put on your resume. Yes, it’s important for you to highlight moments in your past when you were successful, but the real power lies in bringing more to the table, providing the hiring manager with relevant details that didn’t fit on your application.

2) Telling Your Life Story

This is probably the most common mistake that people make. Why? Because it’s the easiest way to answer this question.

Don’t start talking about where you were born or what you did as a child. Unless an experience relates to your career, it doesn’t typically belong here.

3) “Well, What Do You Want to Know?”

An answer like this tells an interviewer that you’re unprepared. Plus, it comes off as a bit combative. In either case, it’s a bad first impression and could cost you the job.

4) The 10-Minute Monologue

Don’t go off on a ten-minute monologue all about you when you’re asked, “Tell me a little about yourself.” Instead, keep it short.

For most interview questions , responses between 30 seconds to four minutes are ideal. With this one, something in the 60 to 90-second range is likely best. There are going to be a lot more questions coming down the pipe that will allow you to elaborate on your various experiences, skills, and accomplishments. Don’t feel like you have to answer all of them at once.

Just remember, this is just one question the hiring manager could ask you in your interview! That’s why we created an amazing free cheat sheet that will give you word-for-word answers for some of the toughest interview questions you are going to face in your upcoming interview.

Click below to get your free PDF now:

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FREE BONUS PDF CHEAT SHEET: Get our " Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet " that gives you " word-word sample answers to the most common job interview questions you'll face at your next interview .


Top 13 Tell Me About Yourself Answers

Okay, it’s almost time to dig into the tell me about yourself examples. But before we hop in, there’s something else we need to mention.

When you’re looking at a tell me about yourself sample answer in the list, understand it’s only supposed to be inspiration. Along with showing you what an outstanding answer looks like, it can help you come up with ideas for your own responses.

However, the tell me about yourself answers below are only starting points. You shouldn’t use them as written. Instead, you need to take advantage of the Tailoring Method , too.

With the Tailoring Method, you customize your answer to meet the hiring manager’s needs. That way, your response is as relevant as possible, increasing the odds that you’ll impress.

Since the answers below aren’t tailored to the job you’re after, they shouldn’t be used without some tweaks, at a minimum. Otherwise, just treat them as inspiration, ensuring you’ll know when your own answer is where it needs to be.

So, now that we’ve covered that, here are some tell me about yourself examples, representing a range of experience levels, industries, and roles.

Example 1 – Entry-Level Retail

I’m an enthusiastic, dependable, upbeat high school graduate hoping to take my customer service skills to the next level. I believe that retail is the perfect option for doing that, allowing me to engage with a range of customers and face challenges that will only help me improve.
While I lack prior retail experience, I have volunteered for projects that are highly similar. For instance, I oversaw a quarterly bake sale at my school, allowing me to get cash handling and customer service experience.
This role specifically taught me interest because I’m looking for a fast-paced environment where I can learn and grow. I am not just diligent but highly ambitious and willing to learn, which will let me provide real value to my first retail employer.

Example 2 – Entry-Level Tech

I’m a tech-savvy high school graduate looking to take my first steps into a technology career. Along with being highly familiar with productivity suites – such as Microsoft Office – thanks to my schooling, I’m also incredibly comfortable with Android smartphones and tablets. Additionally, often assist family members with their devices, providing support to individuals of all ages and with varying degrees of technical knowledge.
Since I’m highly passionate about the field, I believe this customer support role is a great fit. It’ll allow me to put my current skills to work, as well as develop new ones that will lead to a strong career.

Example 3 – Entry-Level Trades

I’ve had a passion for cars for as long as I can remember. While I initially explored my interest as many children do – collecting Hot Wheels cars – my continuing interest encouraged me to dig deeper. I began by assisting my father and grandfather with routine maintenance, getting a general overview of common processes. Then, I signed up for autobody in high school, giving me my first real taste for the work involved.
After high school, I transitioned to a trade school, broadening my skills to include a variety of repairs and maintenance activities. Today, I’m looking for an opportunity to put those capabilities to work, as well as continue to grow in my new field.

Example 4 – Recent Social Work College Grad

When I started high school, I already knew that I wanted a career where I could make a real difference in people’s lives. I began volunteering, spending time supporting a range of organizations. However, the experience that fundamentally changed my life was volunteering for an agency that provided support to the elderly.
Many older adults in our communities require far more support than they usually receive. Whether it’s rides to medical appointments, helping getting groceries, or having someone come and cut their grass, it made a dramatic difference in their lives.
After that experience, I decided that social work was my calling, particularly in the area of services for the elderly. I graduated at the top of my class and, during my studies, had an opportunity to intern at a local community support agency. I feel that my education and experience have prepared me well for the career that lies ahead and I look forward to doing my part to support those in my community who need it most.

Example 5 – Recent Engineering College Grad

Nothing quite captures my imagination and sparks my passion like bridges. I’ve long been a fan of these massive feats of engineering, so much so that I often went out of my way to explore as many as possible once I was able to drive.
During high school, I also joined a Rube Goldberg club. It allowed me to explore structures in creative ways, further increasing my interest in the field of engineering.
After my high school graduation, I headed to XYZ University to pursue a degree in structural engineering, ultimately graduating in the top five percent of my class. While studying, I had the opportunity to complete an internship with ABC Co., a leading engineering firm in the area.
Overall, my drive to create amazing structures has only strengthened as I acquired the skills and knowledge required to work in the field. Ultimately, I feel that my passion and capabilities combined make me an asset, and I look forward to securing a position that will help me get my career off of the ground.

Example 6 – Recent Physical Therapy College Grad

During high school, I was unfortunate enough to experience a serious knee injury while participating in after-school sports. While the injury was a challenge, one good thing did come of it; my passion for helping others heal.
As part of my recovery, I spent time with a kind, compassionate, and capable physical therapist. Their poise, knowledge, and ability to motivate me made my recovery far simpler than it would have otherwise been, and that experience made me realize that I want to do the same for others.
I ultimately headed to XYZ College to earn my Bachelor’s before heading to ABC University to complete my physical therapy education. Now that I’m licensed, I’m ready to take the next step and find a position where I can assist others as they walk down the road toward recovery.

Example 7 – Mid-Level Human Resources Pro

As the saying goes, people are a company’s greatest asset. Since that’s the case, I wanted to build a career that allowed me to help organizations manage their workforces more effectively.
I began by completing a Bachelor’s degree, giving me a strong initial foundation. After that, I landed a role as a recruiter, allowing me to dig deeper into hiring processes and providing me with crucial skills that help me spot genuine talent.
After a time, I added benefits administration to my plate. Additionally, I acquired my PHR certification as well as returned to school to secure my Master’s degree. Once that’s complete, I plan on securing my SPHR certification, as well.
Ultimately, my current goal is to find a company where I can provide value today and into the future, particularly as I expand my skills.

Example 8 – Mid-Level Accounting Pro

I grew up as one of those children where numbers simply made sense. As a result, I was fascinated by every mathematics subject as I progressed through my education and quickly decided that a math-oriented field would ultimately be the best fit.
During my studies, I interned with an area company, providing assistance to its accountants. This helped me acquire foundational skills, particularly when it came to reporting. After earning an accounting degree, I began working for a local firm, expanding my involvement to records management for my own set of clients.
Over time, my responsibilities expanded. Along with supporting 40 clients, I began attending strategy meetings, assisting with the development of new processes designed to increase accuracy and boost efficiency.
Today, I’m looking to continue on that growth path, acquiring new skills and expanding my responsibilities. My goal is to work in a management position, so I’m seeking out opportunities that allow me to contribute while also giving me the opportunity to take on projects that’ll send me in that direction.

Example 9 – Entry-Level Marketing Manager

Initially, I entered the world of marketing because of the amount of creativity involved in the field. I had a knack for innovation, coming up with unique ways to position companies to secure more market share. On average, I achieved growth rates of 18 percent, as well as improved customer retention by 200 percent.
However, as my career progressed, I learned that other skills were equally important. Research, organization, and collaboration are all essential, and I found I pulled on those more and more as time passed.
With each successful campaign, my leadership skills were increasingly helpful. I’ve had the opportunity to oversee small teams, ensuring that everyone collaborated effectively to achieve great results. Now, I feel I’m ready for the next step. That’s why I’m currently pursuing a management position.

Example 10 – Entry Level Sales Manager

I’m the kind of person who wants to help others make their lives easier to manage. As a result, I enthusiastically share details when I think a product or service is poised to do just that. Since that’s the case, sales was a natural fit.
However, during my six years in the field, I also discovered that I’m highly adept at motivating others. That’s why I was selected to manage several projects. Along with keeping myself on target, I was able to effectively coordinate the efforts of team members, all while keeping engagement high.
Those experiences allowed me to hone my management skills, giving me a strong foundation that I know will serve me well. I believe this position aligns with my core objectives, giving me an opportunity to provide exceptional value not just to the company but also to the employees I will oversee along the way.

Example 11 – Seasoned Customer Service Manager

I began my customer service career 12 years ago, initially handling calls in a contact center for a leading service provider. That frontline, hands-on time taught me far more than I expected, increasing my interest in key areas like experience management. Additionally, listening to my colleagues’ concerns gave me insights into operational efficiency and engagement, both of which have proven valuable.
Over time, I worked to expand my knowledge and capabilities. I volunteered for special projects, ensuring I could play a role in positive organizational change. In just one year, I was able to oversee my first project, and, a mere six months later, I was promoted to a supervisory role.
As I’ve moved forward, ultimately leading a department, I kept those initial experiences in mind. They allow me to see the situation through the eyes of customers and frontline employees, ensuring that any changes made benefit them both. Ultimately, that’s experience that I want to take to a new company, allowing me to improve new workplaces for everyone.

Example 12 – Seasoned Warehouse Manager

During my career, I’ve had the opportunity to work my way up. I initially began as an order packer with a major online retailer. As time progressed, I gathered new skills, including in critical areas like inventory management and operational safety.
In short order, I began transitioning into supervisory roles. At first, I supervised a small team, though I was soon overseeing an entire department. After two years at that level, I began managing full warehouse floors, directing the work of more than 100 employees. Additionally, I played a key role in advancing our operations, including spearheading an IoT initiative to improve efficiency.
Today, I’m looking to move my career forward by taking on a new challenge. The expanded duties that come with this role genuinely caught my eye, and I’m hoping to secure this position – or one like it – as quickly as possible.

Example 13 – Executive

For the past four years, I’ve had the opportunity to serve as the technology department manager with an industry-leading company. During my time there, I’ve overseen five unique teams, each comprised of 10 to 20 highly skilled employees.
Along with ensuring productivity, I developed approaches to ensure priorities were properly addressed and that everything was accomplished within budget. Additionally, I coordinated with the C-suite to gather input and facilitate its strategic vision, as well as coach employees toward greater levels of success.
Along the way, I completed my Master’s degree in IT, as well as several certifications in key areas. When combined with my leadership experience, I felt it was time to take the next step and seek out a CTO opportunity.

Putting It All Together

At this point, you should have a solid ide of how to answer “tell me about yourself.” All of the tips and tell me about yourself sample answers above show you what it takes to craft a great response. Use them to your advantage, but don’t forget to use the Tailoring Method, too. That way, your answers will be impactful and relevant, increasing the odds that you’ll impress.

FREE : Tell Me About Yourself PDF "Cheat Sheet"

Ok the next thing you should do is Download our PDF Answer "Cheat Sheet" that gives you "word for word" example answers to this dreaded question.

In it you'll find answers to fit a variety of scenarios including: if you just graduated , have no experience and more!


tell us about yourself sample essay

Co-Founder and CEO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at TheInterviewGuys.com.

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at TheInterviewGuys.com. His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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tell us about yourself sample essay

How to Answer the ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ Job Interview Question (With Examples)

It’s not meant to be a resume review.

Jeff Link

The “tell me about yourself” job interview question is not actually a request for you to walk through every item on your resume. Rather, it’s a chance for you to set the stage for the rest of the interview and establish why you’re the right person for the job.

How you respond to the prompt plays a key role in the direction the interview takes. It shapes the interviewer’s perception of your personality, accomplishments and enthusiasm about the position.

3 Steps to Approach the 'Tell Me About Yourself' Question

  • Explain why you’re passionate about your specialization or field of study.
  • Provide specific examples that illustrate your passion.
  • Connect past accomplishments to the potential role.

To give yourself an edge in the interview process, thoughtfully craft a response that’s succinct and yet still provides specific evidence of your qualifications.

Read More 26 Job Interview Tips to Make a Lasting Impression

Why Do Interviewers Ask the ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ Question?

Hiring managers usually ask this question to hear what you’re passionate about and the impact you’ve made in previous positions . While you talk, they’ll be assessing whether your interests and accomplishments are relevant and transferable to the position you’re seeking at their company.

It commonly comes up early in an interview, when hiring managers typically form their first impression of a candidate. Jeremy Schifeling, principal product marketing manager at Khan Academy and former career adviser, said the next 25 minutes of the interview are largely spent “collecting evidence to confirm what I’ve already decided.”

“What seems like a throwaway question to both hiring managers and to job interviewees is actually the exact opposite,” Schifeling said. “It’s probably the most important question in the entire conversation.”

Variations of ‘Tell Me About Yourself’

Sometimes the “tell me about yourself” question will be asked other ways, such as:

  • “Tell me about your background.”
  • “Walk me through your resume.”
  • “Describe yourself.” 
  • “I’d love to hear more about your journey/career.” 
  • “Tell me something about you that’s not on your resume.” 
  • “I have your resume in front of me, but tell me more about yourself.” 

How to Answer ‘Tell Me About Yourself’

To answer “tell me about yourself,” focus on overviewing your present career and passions, highlighting your past experiences and then connecting all of these elements to your future goals. Here’s how to do it step-by-step.  

1. Overview Your Career and Why You’re Passionate About It

When answering this question, begin with a thesis statement that expresses your career holistically and, in particular, why you are passionate about your field or specialization.

2. Highlight Skills and Impact and Provide Examples to Support Them

Next, highlight your skills and the impact you made in your previous roles by providing concrete examples. Use these details to illustrate your career passion and emphasize quantifiable outcomes.

3. Connect Your Career Passion to the Role You’re Applying For

Finally, conclude with a remark that connects your passion and accomplishments to the role you are applying to. Express how your experiences have prepared you to take on a new role, and what you hope to contribute to and gain from it.

How to Structure a Response to ‘Tell Me About Yourself’

The goal is not to ramble, but also not to sound too rehearsed. Instead, devise a brief, purposeful response that offers the interviewer specific examples that relate your passions to the job.

'Tell Me About Yourself' Answer Template

  • Open with a brief statement of passion.
  • Offer evidence of relevant experience.
  • Include concrete details to support your examples.
  • Connect examples to the responsibilities of the prospective job.
  • Conclude by linking your passion to the company mission and values.

1. Open With a Thesis Statement

Structure the response as a five-paragraph essay — a formula rooted in storytelling, not a regurgitated checklist of resume items.

“I don’t want to give the employer all the messiness of my career,” Schifeling said. “I want to give them a simple story they can grab onto, just like a journalist uses a hook to grab people’s attention.”

The opening sentence operates much like a thesis statement. Here’s what Schifeling might say, were he asked the “tell me about yourself” question in an interview for his current position:

“All my life, I’ve tried to bring two things together: The power of education and technology to help students in need. From the time I was a kindergarten teacher back in Brooklyn, to doing it every day at Khan Academy as a marketer.”

2. Connect Your Passion and Experience to the Job

The passion, evidence and tie back (PET) method is another way to structure a streamlined response to the “tell me about yourself” question.

It’s an interview response technique that begins with a statement of passion, followed by evidence of that passion and a concluding remark that bridges a candidate’s experience with the company’s mission and the duties of the job description. 

PET is similar to the five-paragraph essay, but with the evidence section condensed to emphasize experiences that are highly relevant to the position and that show the candidate’s enthusiasm and energy.

3. Showcase Your Working Style and Values

Jo-Nell Sieren, a career adviser for design, interactive arts and media students at Columbia College in Chicago , coaches candidates to emphasize how their school and professional experiences showcase their individual working styles and values. 

A software engineering or graphic design student who wishes to differentiate themselves might discuss their contributions to a hackathon, game jam or conference panel. A mid-career UX designer seeking to convey their social values might point to a human-centered design project that emphasizes their empathy for end users.

Whatever the case, keep the executive summary of your professional background brief, typically one minute or so.

‘Tell Me About Yourself’ Example Answers

Answering the popular “tell me about yourself” interview question is different for every person, depending on their level of experience, education and desired career. Here are some examples to steer you in the right direction.  

General Example Answer

“When I was studying business in college, I didn’t necessarily see myself working in HR, but I’m grateful my career led me in that direction. Being part of a people management team has given me valuable insight into how to put together an effective support system for employees. I actually spearheaded the effort at my current employer to expand the company’s benefits package. It had been several years since those offerings had been touched, and so I led a project to modernize things, to ensure our employees had access to things like mental health resources and financial support for professional development. I bring a lot of experience and knowledge to the table that I think have thoroughly prepared me for an HR manager job.”

Example Answer for Recent Graduates

“I’m a writer at my core, and my love for storytelling carried from childhood all the way to university. I started studying marketing because I wanted to be able to help craft meaningful brand narratives. In my coursework, I’ve handled dozens of projects focused on content creation, like writing SEO articles and developing video concepts, but I also have real-world experience from my internship. Even though I was the most-junior person on my team, I made some really significant contributions and got to get hands-on with the creative process. Getting that taste of the professional world has me excited to kickstart my career, and I’m hoping your agency will be a good fit for me to continue learning and growing.”

Example Answer for Switching Industries

“I started working in finance straight out of college. I was able to hit the ground running because the hard work I put into my internship as a student luckily paid off and the company that I was with offered me a full-time position. The four years that I’ve spent in this job have helped me hone my analytics and financial forecasting skills. I’ve always been pretty good with numbers, but what’s really given me an edge is taking the time to develop the patience and resourcefulness to communicate what can be incredibly complex information to people who come from all kinds of educational and professional backgrounds. This work has laid the foundation for my career, but I’m ready to branch out and try something new. So I’m looking forward to stepping out of the financial sector and putting those valuable skills to the test in a different kind of industry as a business analyst.”

Example Answer for Experienced Candidates

“I’ve worked in software development for the past decade and have extensive experience in building and deploying mobile apps. In my current position, I led a recent project to launch what has become one of my company’s most successful games on both Android and iOS. Of course it’s been incredibly rewarding to get to participate in software projects that let me stretch my creative muscles, but it’s also felt really great to be growing into my leadership potential. I’ve enjoyed getting to mentor and coach younger developers as I took the reins on guiding some projects to completion. That’s why I’m looking to move into a role with more leadership and management responsibilities.”

More on Interview Questions How to Answer Tough Interview Questions Like a Pro

4 Tips for Answering ‘Tell Me About Yourself’

1. don’t just walk through your resume.

The classic misguided advice is to walk hiring managers through your resume. Don’t do it.

“Here’s where I went to school. Here’s what I majored in. Here’s my first job. Here’s my second job,” is a boring way to begin the conversation and comes off cold and like a robot going through the motions, Schifeling said.

2. Ask a Check-In Question to Build Rapport

The “tell me about yourself” question is a great opportunity to ask clarifying questions , Marielle Smith, vice president of people at Narvar , said.

“Did I answer your question? Is there an area you’d like to hear more about? I want to make sure I’m answering your question,” Smith said, suggesting several possible approaches.

Touching base with an interviewer is a good way to tease out which, if any, aspects of your professional story they’re interested in exploring further. It also helps establish rapport, suggesting you are empathetic to their concerns and can communicate efficiently in an office environment.

3. Tell an Anecdote that Hooks the Interviewer

Incorporate a good professional story when answering the “tell me about yourself” question. Consider something with a compelling hook, concrete evidence and a touch of warmth that leaves an indelible impression. 

Hiring managers are more likely to be receptive to a refreshing anecdote that entertains them. Really, the answer is less important than what its delivery conveys about the candidate.

Schifeling and other hiring leaders also advise you to respond succinctly while emphasizing your enthusiasm and value to a potential employer.

4. Own Your Story, Even If You’re a Misfit

Perhaps the key takeaway, Schifeling said, is to own your story. That means being unafraid to put yourself out there, even at the risk of appearing as an outlier for a role.

Schifeling tells the story of an entrepreneur he coached who worked in the online education space, helping photographers grow their businesses. She had an impressive track record as a business owner but initially refrained from sharing it in interviews, for fear her unconventional background would scare off potential employers.

“She was trying to take all this incredible stuff she had done and boil it down to seem safe,” he said. “She was actually ruining all her advantages: Running her own business, managing a [profit and loss] statement. Like, she had been responsible for the success of other people around her but she felt she had to put all that to the side.”

When she reframed her strategy to lead with her experience as a business owner, her luck changed.

“In fact, what she was able to do is not only get a job offer at a super competitive firm in the Denver area, but then go back to her existing employer with that offer, and turn it into a $60,000 promotion,” Schifeling said.

In the end, she chose to tell the interviewer about herself — to own her story — rather than model her response after an imagined “right answer” or a perfect candidate she thought they had in mind. And that’s what made the difference.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best answer for "tell me about yourself".

An effective answer for "tell me about yourself" involves:

  • Outlining your career and why you're passionate about your field or specialization.
  • Using concrete examples to highlight your strengths/skills and the impact you've made in your previous roles.
  • Connecting your accomplishments and passions to the role you're applying for now, and emphasizing what you hope to contribute to and gain from the role.

How do I introduce myself in an interview?

When introducing yourself in an interview, do the following:

  • Greet your interviewer confidently, introduce yourself with your full name and express that it is nice to meet them.
  • Show enthusiasm for discussing the specific role and express gratitude for meeting with your interviewer.
  • Briefly go over your current role or degree, background and expertise you can bring to the open role. 

Dawn Kawamoto and Rose Velazquez contributed reporting to this story.

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Hey, I'm a junior and I've started working on my college essays. For the prompt 'Tell us about yourself,' I'm not really sure where to start or what to focus on. Does anyone have some tips or examples of great essays with this prompt?

Hey! The 'Tell us about yourself' prompt can seem a bit vague, but it's actually a great opportunity to showcase your unique qualities, interests, and experiences. Instead of a broad overview of your entire life, focus on a specific experience or aspect of your personality that you want to highlight. Remember to be genuine and show your true self, not what you think colleges want to see. Share a story that resonates with who you are and what you care about.

One example: if you're passionate about environmental activism, you could write about a time when you led a local river cleanup or started a recycling program at your school. Your essay should leave the admissions officers with a strong sense of who you are and why you'd make a great addition to their campus community. Good luck!

About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ

CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.

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How to answer 'tell us about yourself' (& sample responses)

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What interviewers are looking for when they say, "tell me about yourself"

Tell us about yourself examples: what do the best answers have in common, how to answer "tell us about yourself" questions, 3 sample answers for "tell us about yourself, interview prep tips: how to show up as your best self, is discussing your personal life a good idea, how your "tell us about yourself" answer can fuel career growth.

Many people struggle with the classic (and vague) “tell us about yourself” interview question. If you find the prompt difficult to answer, you’re not alone. Trying to answer an open-ended question can be overwhelming. There are simply too many possible directions for your potential response.

Fortunately, you can perfect your answer to this dreaded interview question. Think of it as an opportunity to talk about your passions and stand out among other candidates. By understanding what interviewers are looking for, you can formulate a response that’s sure to impress.

You’ve probably sat down with a recruiter or hiring manager who’s said, “Tell me a little something about yourself.” It’s one of the most common interview questions next to the “ tell me about a time …” questions. Interviewers use questions to vet job seekers and gauge their personalities. During initial interview questions , the potential employer will assess your professional experience to see if you’d be a good choice for the role. 

There are a few objectives at play when a hiring manager hits you with the “tell me about yourself” interview question:

  • Determining how well-rounded you are as a candidate: This is an opportunity to show off your diverse work experience and articulate why you’re the best fit for the role. Interviewers also evaluate your personality to determine whether you’re a good cultural fit for their company .
  • Getting the story behind the CV and cover letter : Interviewers want you to walk them through your work history. They want to know what you learned from each job, why you left your job or are thinking of leaving, and where your new role fits into this trajectory. 
  • Easing into the conversation: The interview process is stressful enough. Interviewers don’t want you to feel like it’s an interrogation. “Tell us about yourself” is an icebreaker. It's a segue to the Q&A about qualifications, experience, and hypothetical scenarios. 
  • Orienting themselves for the interview: The hiring team should have a plan for your interview. But your response to “tell us about yourself” will remind them of the items on your CV and why they’re interested in you. It also opens the door to creative follow-up questions.

The best answers to the “tell me about yourself” prompt have a few things in common. By recognizing these common themes among excellent answers, you can tailor your answer to fit the standard. No matter what industry you’re in, you can apply these pointers in future interviews. 

The greatest “tell us about yourself” examples do the following things right:

  • The interviewees use good storytelling techniques. By learning how to be a good storyteller , you can keep listeners engaged.
  • The answers illustrate the personal growth the person has achieved
  • The interviewees don’t go into too much detail because they know they have the rest of the interview to discuss specifics
  • The interviewees' answers highlight how they would be good candidates for the roles in question
  • The interviewees show their passion for what they do. They speak with excitement and enthusiasm.
  • The answers are specific and take inspiration from the STAR interview method

Without proper preparation for an interview , it’s easy to ramble or get off track. Planning ahead and focusing on key points you want to cover can help you stay focused. You can even practice with a friend or family member. While you shouldn’t script your answer, you can formulate a rough outline of what you want to say. 

Divide your story into past, present, and future

Interviewers don’t need your whole life story. They just need an overview of where you’ve come from and where you’re headed. Introduce your greatest accomplishment and the challenges you’ve overcome. Discuss previous experience and how it shaped your career path . 

Your discussion of the present should revolve around where you’re focusing your time and energy . Explain the phase of your career that you’re in. For instance, maybe you started in graphic design but are shifting more toward software development. Let the interviewer know what brings you fulfillment. 

When it comes to the future, describe your career goals and how you plan to achieve them. Your career aspirations will let interviewers know you’re optimistic about the future and what you can achieve. If you have a 3-year plan or a 10-year plan that this role ladders into, share it during the interview. You may even receive helpful career advice . 

Highlight past work experiences that show your strengths

Your past experiences have each taught you something valuable. Maybe you’ve improved your communication skills or gained knowledge in project management . Crafting your soft skills through experience shows potential employers you’re good at learning new things .   

Share with the interviewer the relevant experience that contributed to your professional development . You can include anything that has fueled your growth in the conversation, including internships . 

Mention what you're looking for in your next job

You can use this time in the interview to demonstrate how the role fits what you’re looking for. Explain why you want this job in particular. Maybe company culture is important to your career fulfillment, or you have a specific way you like to be managed . Relate everything back to how this will help you serve the employer. 

It’s important to have a clear objective behind your job search. This objective could be having a position that makes a difference in the world. Perhaps you want more freedom for creativity or want to participate in more collaboration on projects.

The interview is an opportunity to explore your needs as well. It’s important to find out if you’re compatible with the company. Aligning with a company’s core values , for instance, can determine happiness and satisfaction in the workplace. In the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , a 2022 article on core values at work explored the role of company values in self-actualization and belonging. It found that connections based on shared values help create a strong sense of belonging .

Touch on what differentiates you from other candidates

You don’t have to directly compare yourself to other candidates to show you’re the best choice. Showcasing your unique attributes is enough to distinguish you as the ideal employee. Think about what makes you different in your field of expertise so interviewers can see the value you bring to the table.


The following are great examples of how this might look:

  • “A lot of people may fulfill customer requests, but I like to go above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction ”
  • “I care a lot about the user experience, and I think that’s what makes my work as a software developer unique”
  • “While a lot of sales associates are all about numbers, I like to focus on building rapport with clients and strengthening trust while hitting my goals”

Relate it all back to the role

When discussing these aspects of yourself and your personal achievements , tie everything back to the job description. The interviewer will be looking for ways you could be a good fit. You’re essentially telling them why they should hire you before they can ask.

The following example answer prompts illustrate how to bring your conversation back to the role:

  • “I would be a perfect fit for this role because I am deeply aligned with and inspired by your company culture” 
  • “This position would be the perfect opportunity to engage in my passion”
  • “Writing for health care companies taught me so much about the industry and prepared me for a role like this”
  • “My professional background in computer science has taught me the problem-solving skills necessary for this position”
  • “Having that much responsibility as a leader conditioned me for management roles such as this one”

Seeing some sample answers for the “tell us about yourself” question can inspire your own. Pay attention to how each response follows the present-past-future formula. Notice also how they’re more than a bullet point list of accomplishments. 

"Tell us about yourself" sample answer for a recent graduate

“I have two months left to complete my graduate school program in marine biology. I chose this field because I grew up by the sea. I love the ocean and everything in it. I care very deeply about how climate change affects it. 

Last year , through an internship, I worked with oceanographers in the Arctic. We made many fascinating discoveries, and I was grateful to contribute. Now, I hope to continue doing fieldwork and one day lead a study of my own.”

"Tell us about yourself" sample answer for a switch to a similar role

“I joined my current job as a content writer because I love the craft. Throughout college, as I completed my degree in English Literature, writing was always top of mind . For example, I accepted an internship at my small-town newspaper because it allowed me to tell interesting stories. 

When I moved back to the city, new jobs were scarce, so I worked at a local content agency because it allowed me to keep writing. My current role is primarily focused on social media and gaining subscribers . 

I’m grateful for all I’ve learned, but my goal is to expand into long-form writing. When I saw this job posting on LinkedIn, I was very interested.”

"Tell us about yourself" sample answer for a career transition

“My current position is in project management at a tech startup. I love helping talented people build amazing things, which is why I enjoy the role so much. 

But I also have a history of working in the public sector. I’ve organized community events and previously worked with not-for-profits in my city. I was also elected to student government during my graduate degree. 

I miss public service work. I hope to use my management skills in this new role at your organization to return to my passion.”

An interview is a chance to make a good first impression . Perhaps there’s a chance for second interview questions , but you need to stand out during the first round.

These interview tips can help you appear professional and make it to the next interview:

  • Dress well: Knowing what to wear for a job interview increases your chances of success. A 2021 article in the Journal of Business Research described how leaders can use clothing to influence how others perceive them . Dress in nice, respectable clothing that gives you an air of professionalism.
  • Ask follow-up questions: Asking questions at the end of the interview shows you have a genuine interest in the role. Think of a few questions to ask beforehand. 
  • Practice power poses : Engaging in power poses before an interview can build confidence . A School Psychology International study in 2020 found that power posing increases positive feelings in children .
  • Do your research: Commit the job description to memory so you can discuss the role and responsibilities . Browse the company website and learn its history. 
  • Learn to market yourself: Knowing how to self-promote can be the key to securing a job offer . Focus on your strengths and be confident. 

You may wonder if you should sprinkle in tidbits of your personal life during job interview questions. To put it plainly, it depends on the company. Some interviewers will appreciate connecting with you on a personal level.

For example, mentioning your love for your pets might be a good idea during an interview for a position at a vet clinic. Or maybe you browsed the company website and saw a section dedicated to office pets. Showing that you share personal values or interests with the company can certainly boost your likability.

Some topics are best left untouched, like financial stress and political or religious beliefs. Leave those subjects at the door.

There are plenty of ways to connect on a personal level. You could discuss a book that sparked your interest in your profession or a quote from a favorite show that motivates you . When you discuss anything personal, it should be relevant to the specific job or company. 

Those four words hold so much power, revealing what’s most important to you. You can choose to spend the time talking about your past, your hopes, or your passions. Maybe you’ll focus on how you’ve embraced your authentic self through your work or found fulfillment.  

Mastering how to answer “tell us about yourself” means you’ve come to know yourself well. You can recognize what’s important to you and what you have to offer. Connect with a BetterUp Coach to identify your strengths, discover your true self, and flourish in your next interview. 

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Chris Helvajian

Chris Helvajian is a talent acquisition leader with more than a decade of experience in talent acquisition. He's passionate about creating scalable solutions to resolve recruiting problems at their root. His golden thread is "connecting people to opportunity." Chris is currently a recruiter at BetterUp and received his MBA at Chapman University.

25 final interview questions and sample answers

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Essay Papers Writing Online

Learn the best tips and techniques for crafting a compelling and engaging essay about myself.

How to write an essay about myself

When it comes to talking about oneself, it can be quite a challenge to find the right words to express our thoughts and emotions. Writing an essay about oneself is an opportunity to not only showcase our personality, but also our experiences and achievements. It allows us to reflect on our journey and share our unique perspective with the world. Crafting an essay about oneself requires careful consideration of the words we choose and how we structure our thoughts. In this guide, we will explore effective tips and strategies to help you write an exceptional essay that truly captures who you are.

Understanding yourself is the first step. Before diving into writing, take some time to reflect on your experiences, values, and beliefs. Consider the moments that have shaped you and the lessons you have learned along the way. Think about your passions, strengths, and weaknesses. Understanding yourself will help you create a more authentic and compelling essay. Don’t be afraid to dig deep and explore your innermost thoughts and feelings. This self-reflection process will provide a solid foundation for your essay.

Show, don’t tell. Instead of simply listing your accomplishments or personality traits, strive to illustrate them through vivid anecdotes and specific details. This will make your essay more engaging and memorable. Use descriptive language and paint a picture for your readers. For example, if you want to showcase your leadership skills, don’t just say, “I am a great leader.” Instead, share a story of how you organized and successfully led a team to accomplish a challenging task. By providing concrete examples, you will leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Tactics for Crafting a Personal Account: Step-by-Step Manual

Constructing a narrative about oneself can often present a challenge. In order to produce an effective personal essay, it is crucial to employ certain strategies that lend authenticity and engage the reader. This section will outline a step-by-step guide for writing a compelling essay that highlights personal experiences and insights.

Use Personal Anecdotes and Examples

When crafting an essay about yourself, it is important to make it engaging and relatable to your audience. One effective way to achieve this is by using personal anecdotes and examples. These storytelling elements can bring your essay to life and make it more memorable.

Instead of just stating facts about yourself, try incorporating specific instances or events from your life that illustrate your qualities, experiences, or perspectives. For example, if you are writing about your leadership skills, you can share an anecdote about a time when you successfully led a group project or organized a community event.

Personal anecdotes not only add depth and authenticity to your essay, but they also help to showcase your unique personality and differentiate you from other applicants. They provide concrete evidence of your abilities, allowing the reader to form a better understanding of who you are as an individual.

Furthermore, using examples is an effective way to support your claims and arguments. Whether you are discussing your academic achievements, personal growth, or career goals, providing specific examples or evidence can strengthen your essay and make it more persuasive.

Remember to choose anecdotes and examples that are relevant to the points you are trying to make in your essay. They should effectively support your main ideas and contribute to the overall coherence of your piece.

In conclusion, incorporating personal anecdotes and examples in your essay can make it more engaging, relatable, and persuasive. By sharing specific instances from your life, you not only showcase your unique qualities and experiences, but also provide evidence to support your claims. So, don’t be afraid to share your personal stories and experiences – they can make your essay truly standout.

Highlight Your Achievements and Accomplishments

Highlight Your Achievements and Accomplishments

When it comes to writing an essay about oneself, it is essential to showcase your achievements and accomplishments. This section allows you to underscore your skills, experiences, and noteworthy moments in your personal and professional life. By highlighting your accomplishments, you not only demonstrate your abilities but also provide evidence of your dedication, hard work, and commitment to success.

Begin by reflecting on your accomplishments in various areas of your life. Look beyond the obvious academic or professional achievements and consider personal milestones, volunteer work, leadership roles, or any significant challenges you have overcome. These accomplishments can range from winning a sports competition to completing a project successfully or receiving recognition for your contributions.

When describing your achievements, aim to be specific and provide relevant details. For instance, instead of simply stating that you won an award, elaborate on the specific award, including the criteria, the competition or event, and possibly how you felt when you received it. This level of detail helps the reader get a clear sense of your accomplishment and its significance.

Moreover, don’t shy away from discussing challenges you have faced during your journey to highlight your accomplishments. Sharing the obstacles you have overcome demonstrates resilience, determination, and the ability to adapt and grow.

In addition to showcasing your accomplishments, it is pivotal to connect them to your personal and professional goals . Highlight how these achievements have shaped you as an individual and how they relate to your aspirations. Discuss how each accomplishment has contributed to your growth, development, and the acquisition of specific skills or qualities that are relevant to your essay’s overall theme or purpose.

Remember, while it is important to present your achievements, do so humbly and avoid sounding boastful. Instead, focus on conveying your passion, the lessons you have learned, and the positive impact these accomplishments have had on your life.

By highlighting your achievements and accomplishments, you will showcase your abilities, experiences, and the unique qualities that make you stand out. This section allows you to provide a well-rounded view of yourself while demonstrating your potential for future success.

Discuss Your Goals and Aspirations

When writing an essay about yourself, it is important to discuss your goals and aspirations. This section allows you to express your hopes and dreams for the future, showcasing your ambition and drive. By sharing your goals, you provide insight into your motivations and what you hope to achieve in life.

One way to discuss your goals is by highlighting specific career aspirations. You can mention the profession or field you aim to pursue and explain why it is meaningful to you. Perhaps you have always had a passion for science and hope to become a research scientist, or maybe you dream of being a lawyer and fighting for justice. By discussing your career goals, you demonstrate your focus and determination.

Furthermore, it is important to discuss personal goals unrelated to your career. These could include aspirations in areas such as personal growth, relationships, and health. For example, you may have a goal to become a better communicator, to build stronger relationships with loved ones, or to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sharing these goals provides a well-rounded picture of who you are and what you value in life.

In addition to discussing your goals, it is beneficial to explain the reasons behind them. What has influenced or inspired you to set these aspirations? Did a personal experience or role model shape your goals? By providing context, you give your readers a deeper understanding of your motivations and what drives you to pursue these aspirations.

In conclusion, discussing your goals and aspirations in your essay about yourself allows you to showcase your ambition, drive, and motivations. By discussing both career and personal goals, you provide a well-rounded perspective of who you are and what you hope to achieve in life.

Be Honest and Authentic in Your Writing

When it comes to writing about yourself, it is important to be truthful and genuine in your words. Being honest allows you to connect with your readers on a deeper level and creates a sense of authenticity in your writing.

Authenticity in writing means presenting your true self and conveying your thoughts and experiences sincerely. It involves revealing your strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures without any embellishment or exaggeration. Your readers will appreciate your genuine approach and will be able to relate to you on a personal level.

Being honest in your writing also means being true to yourself. Don’t try to mold your story or experiences to fit a specific narrative or expectation. Instead, embrace your uniqueness, quirks, and individuality. Your personal voice and perspective are what make your essay stand out and resonate with your readers.

In addition to being honest, it is important to be mindful of the tone and language you use in your writing. Be respectful and tactful when discussing sensitive or challenging topics. Maintain a balance between vulnerability and professionalism to ensure your message is conveyed effectively.

Remember, the purpose of writing about yourself is to share your story and experiences, not to impress or gain approval from others. Stay true to yourself and allow your authenticity to shine through your words. By being honest and authentic in your writing, you will not only create a meaningful essay, but also connect with your readers on a deeper level.

Be truthful, genuine, and authentic in your writing, and your essay about yourself will be compelling and impactful.

Revise and Edit Your Essay for Clarity and Coherence

Once you have completed the initial draft of your essay, it is important to carefully revise and edit it to ensure clarity and coherence. Revising and editing involves carefully reviewing your essay for any errors or areas of confusion, and making necessary changes to improve the overall flow and organization of your ideas.

One important aspect of revising and editing is to ensure that your essay is clear and easy to understand. This involves checking for grammar and spelling errors, as well as refining your sentence structure and word choice. By using clear and concise language, you can ensure that your ideas are communicated effectively to your reader.

In addition to clarity, coherence is another key element to consider when revising and editing your essay. Coherence refers to the logical and smooth flow of ideas within your essay. To achieve coherence, you should ensure that your paragraphs are well-organized and that each paragraph links to the next in a logical manner. Transitions and topic sentences can help to achieve this, providing a clear connection between ideas and guiding your reader through your essay.

When revising and editing, it can also be helpful to read your essay out loud. This can help you to identify any awkward or confusing sentences, as well as to check the overall rhythm and flow of your writing. Pay attention to any areas that seem disjointed or difficult to follow, and make changes to improve the overall coherence of your essay.

Finally, it is important to take the time to review and polish your essay before submitting the final version. This involves checking for any remaining errors, refining your language and style, and ensuring that your essay is well-structured and organized. By thoroughly revising and editing your essay, you can ensure that your ideas are presented clearly and coherently, leaving a strong impression on your reader.

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How to Answer “Tell Us About Yourself” in a Job Interview? (5 Sample Responses)

  • Klara Cervenanska , 
  • Updated October 31, 2023 7 min read

Learning how to answer "tell us about yourself" is a crucial step in preparing for any job interview . It's the most commonly asked interview question and it's usually the very first thing the hiring managers ask.

But don't be fooled. This question isn't just an ice breaker to make you feel comfortable. Instead, they want to see:

  • who you are as a professional;
  • how well you can pitch yourself for the job.

Your answer to this question sets the tone for the entire interview. It’s your chance to showcase your strengths, experiences, and why you’re the perfect fit for the position. 

In this article, we will provide sample answers for practice, help you tailor an answer that best represents your professional journey, and avoid common mistakes. 

Table of Contents

Click on a section to skip

Understanding the question

How to prepare your answer.

  • How to answer "tell us about yourself"
  • Common mistakes to avoid when answering "tell me about yourself"

Tips for delivering your answer confidently

  • Key takeaways: How to answer "tell us about yourself"

When interviewers ask "tell us about yourself," they're not asking for your life story.

They want a brief but comprehensive summary of your professional journey, tailored to the job you’re applying for.

What they look for:

  • Relevant professional experience. Highlighting past jobs and responsibilities that are pertinent to the role you're interviewing for. Sharing the skills that make you an asset to their team.
  • Confident communication. Clearly and confidently articulate your thoughts, ensuring you provide a well-structured and thoughtful answer, rather than being quiet or unprepared.
  • Cultural fit. Showing traits that prove you'd blend well with the company’s values and work environment.

It’s a simple question, but it’s easy to misstep. Some might think it’s a casual ice-breaker and start delving into personal stories. That’s a common pitfall.

This question is not about making you comfortable; it's a structured opportunity for you to sell yourself from the get-go.

Why it can be tricky:

  • Misinterpretation. Thinking it’s a casual conversation starter when it’s actually a strategic interview question.
  • First impression. It’s usually the first question, so nailing it sets a positive tone for the rest of the interview.
  • Lack of structure. Failing to provide a concise, well-thought-out response.

To ace this question, recognize it for what it is: your moment to shine professionally right from the start, setting a strong and positive first impression.

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Preparing for how to answer "tell us about yourself" question is a step you shouldn't skip. By planning ahead, you gain control over how you present yourself, ensuring clarity and relevance in your response.

Here's how to structure your answer to "tell me about yourself" in 4 steps:

Begin by discussing your current role, explaining why you are a great match for the job, and highlighting your top three qualifications. Example: "I'm a data analyst with seven years of experience, now part of the team at TechSolutions. In this role, I manage extensive datasets and analyze them to guide strategic decisions. I bring to the table strong expertise in R, a solid grasp of data visualization, and the ability to demystify complex data for stakeholders without a technical background."

Next, you want to highlight examples of past successes, ensuring they are relevant to the position you're aiming for. Example: "What I'm really proud of is a project back at DataGen, where we got to unravel customer feedback layer by layer. We put advanced predictive analytics to work, honing in on ways to amp up our product game. It was a huge win, with customer satisfaction scores soaring by 20%"

After that, pick one thing from this particular job or company that excites you. Example: "I am particularly drawn to this role because of your company’s innovative approach to data analysis, and the opportunity to work with big data applications, something I am very passionate about."

Connect your future career aspirations with the potential role. You can also connect this to the previous point. Example: "Looking forward, I’m eager to dive deeper into predictive modeling and I believe this position offers the perfect platform to expand my skills and contribute to innovative solutions."

By preparing your answer and structuring it, you not only showcase your technical expertise but also your enthusiasm for the role.

How to answer "tell us about yourself"

Now that we've walked through how to structure your answer, let’s put theory into practice.

Below are five sample answers tailored to different job positions, applying the strategies we discussed in the previous chapter.

We highlighted the best opener sentences for each part of your answer:

  • Introduction to your current role and top skills
  • Highlighting your past achievements
  • Pin-pointing one thing that excites you about the job/company
  • Discussing your future career aspirations

1. Marketing manager

Example answer:.

“ I’ve been spearheading the marketing team at TrendingNow for over seven years, really honing in on digital advertising and SEO.

I’m particularly proud of how we managed to boost our main product line’s organic traffic by 40% last year, all thanks to a solid strategy and a bit of elbow grease.

When I look at your company, I’m genuinely excited about your commitment to data-driven decisions. It’s right up my alley, especially with my experience in analytics and content creation.

Looking ahead, I’m keen on bringing my skills to your team, growing with a company that’s as forward-thinking and innovative as you guys.”

2. Software developer

“ I’ve dedicated the last five years to honing my software development skills at DevSolutions, primarily working with Python and Java to solve complex challenges.

Just recently, we successfully implemented a new feature that significantly enhanced our user experience, a project I played a key role in.

I’ve been following XYZ’s work closely and am impressed with your dedication to agile methodologies, something I value highly as a developer.

I’m at a stage in my career where I’m looking to elevate my skills and contribute to innovative projects, and I believe XYZ provides the perfect environment for that growth. The challenging and innovative work you do here is precisely what I am seeking in my next role.”

3. Project manager

“ I’ve spent the last six years immersed in project management at BuildRight, where I’ve successfully led teams through the entire lifecycle of numerous projects, always ensuring we stay on time and on budget.

One of my proudest moments was steering a project that was initially behind schedule back on track, ultimately delivering it two weeks early and 15% under budget.

I’m particularly drawn to GlobalInnovate due to your commitment to sustainability and innovative tech. This aligns with my passion for eco-conscious project management.

I see a great opportunity to contribute my skills here, and I’m eager to be part of your innovative journey, further developing as a project manager.”

4. Graphic designer

“ In my four years as a graphic designer at CreativeSolutions, I’ve mastered various design tools and developed a keen eye for aesthetics, which has greatly enhanced our visual content and branding efforts.

A project I’m particularly proud of involved rebranding a client’s visual identity, resulting in a 30% increase in their customer engagement.

I’ve been following your work at DesignInnovate, and I’m really impressed with your commitment to creativity and innovative design solutions.

I’m excited about the chance to bring my unique style and skills to your team, and I believe this role is the perfect opportunity for me to further refine my design capabilities.”

5. HR specialist

“ Over the last five years at PeopleFirst, I’ve honed my skills in employee relations, benefits administration, and talent acquisition, playing a key role in creating a positive work environment and improving our employee retention rate by 25%. I’ve successfully implemented various employee engagement programs that have not only boosted morale but also enhanced productivity across departments.

I’m particularly proud of the mentorship program I spearheaded, which has significantly aided in the professional development of our staff.

I’ve been keeping an eye on the innovative HR practices at TalentInnovate, and I’m thoroughly impressed by your commitment to employee well-being and professional growth.

The chance to bring my expertise to your esteemed team, contributing to your progressive HR initiatives, is an exciting prospect.”

Of course, you need to tailor your answer to "tell us about yourself" according to the job you're applying for. The samples provided are just a guide to show you how you might structure your answer in various roles.

Aim for your answer to be concise yet comprehensive, typically lasting between 1-3 minutes . This length allows you to provide enough detail without losing the interviewer’s attention.

Rehearsing is key – practice your response out loud until you feel confident.

Common mistakes to avoid when answering "tell me about yourself"

Navigating through the "tell us about yourself" question in an interview can be tricky, and even the most confident speakers might find themselves stumbling.

To make sure you don’t fall into common traps, here’s a rundown of mistakes to steer clear of:

  • Being too vague or too detailed: You want to hit that sweet spot. Give them the “just right” amount of information to showcase your qualifications without turning it into a monologue. A rule of thumb is to stay in a 1-3 minute range.
  • Turning it into a personal story-time. While it's nice to add a personal touch, this is not the time to delve deep into your personal life. Share a tidbit if it's relevant, but keep the spotlight on your professional self.
  • Forgetting to tie it back to the job. It’s not just about you; it’s about ‘You + Job’. Every skill or experience you mention should be a breadcrumb leading them straight to why you’re perfect for the role.
  • Saying "I don’t know," "ummm," or "sooo". These filler words are conversation killers. Practice makes perfect, and perfect means no unnecessary 'umms' and 'uhhs.'
  • Memorizing a script. Practice, but don’t memorize. If you sound like you're reading off a teleprompter, it’s not a good look. Remember, it’s a conversation, not a performance.

Delivering your answer with confidence is just as important as the content of your answer.

Here's how to nail it:

  • Master your body language. Stand tall and make eye contact. No slouching or fidgeting; show them you're confident and engaged.
  • Practice, practice, practice. Run through your answer multiple times. Use your mirror; it won’t judge you, but it will help you judge yourself.
  • Watch videos. YouTube is your friend. Watch how others do it, and pick up on their confidence-boosting techniques. Here's a great example .
  • Role-play. Grab a buddy and practice. Let them throw curveballs at you so you’re ready for anything.

Remember, the goal is to seem comfortable and in control, even if your stomach is doing somersaults.

Practice in front of a mirror. It might feel a bit awkward, but it’s a tried-and-true method that really helps in presenting yourself clearly and confidently.

Key takeaways: How to answer "tell us about yourself"

Wrapping up our journey on how to answer "tell us about yourself", it’s clear that this common interview opener is more than just a casual question.

It's a strategic opportunity to present yourself as the ideal candidate.

Here’s a quick recap of the structure for your answer:

  • Introduction to your current role and top skills. Clearly state your current position and emphasize the skills that make you excel in your role.
  • Highlight your past achievements. Showcase specific achievements from your past roles, demonstrating your capability and experience.
  • Pin-point something exciting about the job/company. Express genuine enthusiasm for the job or company, highlighting what specifically excites you about the opportunity.
  • Discuss your future career aspirations. Illustrate how this role fits into your broader career plans, showing alignment and long-term interest.

And while you're at it, don’t forget to prepare for other common interview questions like:

  • Why should we hire you?
  • Why did you leave your previous job?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Klara graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she began writing full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. Her pieces were featured in multiple CNBC articles. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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tell us about yourself sample essay

tell us about yourself sample essay

“Tell me about yourself” Interview question: 26 Answers

"Tell me about yourself" question in a job interview with these 10 tips and examples. Tailor your response and convey confidence.

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, and one of the most common questions asked is "Tell me about yourself." This question can seem broad and intimidating, but it's an opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and personality to a potential employer. Here are some tips for how to answer this question:

  • The Power of Introduction: Starting your response with a brief introduction that includes your name and relevant experience will help you set the tone for the rest of your response and grab the interviewer's attention.
  • Relevant Skills and Accomplishments: By highlighting your relevant skills and accomplishments that are related to the job, you show the interviewer that you are a strong candidate for the position.
  • Professional Background and Preparedness: Sharing your professional background and how it has prepared you for the job will give the interviewer a better understanding of your qualifications and how they relate to the job.
  • Focus on Demonstrating Value: Being concise and focusing on the key points that demonstrate your value to the company will show the interviewer that you understand what the company is looking for.
  • Keep It Professional: It is important to avoid discussing personal information that is not relevant to the job, as it can distract from your professional qualifications.
  • Convey Confidence and Enthusiasm: Using confident and positive language to convey enthusiasm and a can-do attitude can make a big impression on the interviewer and show that you are a good fit for the company.
  • Tailor Your Response: By tailoring your response to the company and job you are applying for, you demonstrate that you have done your research and are serious about the position.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Practicing your response beforehand can help you feel more comfortable and confident during the interview.
  • Share Specific Examples: Rather than simply reciting your resume, sharing specific examples or anecdotes that demonstrate your skills and experience can help make your response more engaging and memorable.
  • Tying It All Together: Concluding your response by summarizing your qualifications and expressing your interest in the job will leave a positive impression on the interviewer and demonstrate that you are excited about the opportunity.

Example Answers

The professional overview.

"I'm a finance professional with over ten years of experience in investment banking. In my current role, I oversee a team of analysts and have successfully completed numerous high-value transactions. I'm excited to bring my expertise to a new company and help drive success. In addition to my work in investment banking, I've developed a strong network within the industry and stay up-to-date on industry trends through attending conferences and participating in professional organizations. I'm confident that my expertise and connections will benefit a new company."

The Unique Trait

"I'm a marathon runner, and I've found that the discipline and focus required to complete a race have helped me develop excellent time-management skills in my professional life. For example, I was able to successfully balance multiple projects and deadlines in my last role, ensuring on-time delivery every time. I've also found that my passion for rock climbing has also helped me develop strong teamwork and communication skills, which have been valuable in my professional life."

The Education and Skills

"I recently completed a degree in graphic design and have since gained experience in branding, digital marketing, and print design. I'm excited to apply my skills and creativity to a new role and contribute to the company's success. In addition to my graphic design skills, I'm also proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, HTML, and CSS. I'm excited to bring my technical skills to a new role and continue to learn and grow in the field."

The career goals

"I've always had a passion for environmental science and have worked in various roles in the industry. My goal is to continue to learn and grow, eventually becoming a leader in the field and making a significant impact on sustainability efforts. I'm excited to work for a company that shares my values and commitment to sustainability. In the long term, I would like to become a leader in the field and make a significant impact on global environmental issues."

The passion for the industry

"I've always been interested in technology and have spent the past five years working in software development. I've been involved in several projects that have improved the user experience and saved the company significant time and resources. I'm excited to continue to innovate and contribute to the industry. I'm always looking for new ways to innovate and improve products and services. In my last role, I developed a new app feature that increased user engagement by 25%. I'm excited to bring this creative problem-solving approach to a new company."

The previous experience

"I've worked in various customer service roles throughout my career, from hospitality to healthcare. I've developed excellent communication and problem-solving skills, and I'm excited to bring these skills to a new role in a different industry. Throughout my customer service career, I've learned how to effectively communicate with people from all walks of life. This has helped me to build strong relationships with customers and colleagues alike, and I'm excited to continue this approach in a new role."

The leadership experience

"I've spent the past ten years leading teams in various industries, from retail to healthcare. I've developed a strong sense of leadership and have been able to motivate my teams to achieve success, such as leading a team to improve patient satisfaction scores by 20%. In addition to leading successful teams, I'm also experienced in change management and have successfully implemented new processes and systems. I believe my leadership skills will be an asset to a new company."

The Multilingual Candidate

"I'm fluent in Spanish, French, and English, which has allowed me to communicate effectively with clients and team members from various countries and cultures. In my previous role, I was able to develop new business opportunities with clients in South America due to my language skills. I have a deep understanding of multicultural nuances and am able to build strong relationships with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds."

The Social Media Expert

"I have experience developing and executing successful social media campaigns, including managing influencer partnerships and creating engaging content that increased engagement rates by over 50%. I'm excited to bring my creative approach and analytical skills to a new role. I keep up with the latest social media trends and algorithms, and I'm able to adapt quickly to changes."

The Public Speaker

"I have experience speaking at industry conferences and events on various topics related to my field. In my last speaking engagement, I was able to engage the audience and receive positive feedback on my presentation skills. I'm confident that I can adapt my communication style to any audience, whether it's colleagues or clients, and convey complex ideas in a clear and concise manner."

The Problem Solver

"I thrive in challenging situations and have a track record of identifying and solving complex problems. For example, I was able to develop a new system that streamlined the supply chain and reduced costs by 15%. I'm excited to bring my problem-solving skills to a new company and contribute to its success. I'm able to think creatively and outside the box to find effective solutions."

The Data Analyst

"I have experience in data analysis and visualization, including proficiency in SQL and Tableau. In my previous role, I was able to identify trends and patterns that improved business processes and increased revenue. I'm excited to bring my analytical skills to a new company and continue to make data-driven decisions. I'm able to present data in a clear and understandable way to both technical and non-technical stakeholders."

The Innovator

"I'm always looking for new ways to improve processes and innovate. In my last role, I was able to develop a new software feature that increased efficiency and saved the company over $100,000 per year. I'm excited to bring this innovative mindset to a new company and contribute to its growth. I'm able to collaborate with cross-functional teams and generate creative ideas to solve complex problems."

The Researcher

"I have experience conducting market research and analyzing consumer behavior. In my last role, I was able to identify new target markets and increase sales by 20%. I'm excited to bring my research skills to a new company and contribute to its success. I'm able to gather and analyze data from various sources and use insights to make informed decisions."

"I have experience mentoring and training junior team members, including developing training programs and providing ongoing coaching. I've seen my former mentees grow and excel in their careers, and I'm excited to continue to mentor and develop talent in a new role. I'm able to adapt my coaching style to each individual's needs and goals."

The Customer Advocate

"I'm passionate about customer advocacy and have experience developing customer feedback programs and implementing changes based on customer feedback. In my last role, I was able to improve customer satisfaction rates by 25%. I'm excited to bring this customer-centric approach to a new company. I'm able to empathize with customers and use their feedback to improve products and services."

In conclusion, "Tell me about yourself" is an opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and personality to a potential employer. By using these ten different approaches to answering this question, you can provide a well-rounded and memorable response that sets you apart from other candidates. Remember to tailor your answer to the specific job and company you are interviewing for and practice your response before the interview to build confidence.\

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How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” with Examples

June 30, 2024

You’re sitting down for your interview and the interviewer says, “Tell me about yourself.”  What’s the first thing you think of when you hear those words? It’s a question about who you are, so it’s bound to be easy. Right? “Tell me about yourself” is often the very first thing you’ll hear during your interview. After all, you and the interviewer are both new to each other. What they do know about you so far consists of details on your resume, cover letter , or possibly, already, recommendations. They’re posing this question to get to know you as a person, and you’ll most likely be asked this for every new interviewer you have, from the first introductory screening up until the very last interview with the head of the department. Let’s dive into the very nature of this question and explore how to answer “Tell me about yourself” (examples below) successfully.

Why do they need to hear my answer when they already have my resume and cover letter?

Just as you’re figuring out who your interviewer is, your interviewer is doing the same. The interview will begin with friendly small talk to get you both situated. “Tell me about yourself” then becomes a way to ease into the rest of the interview. It can help inform the interviewer on how to steer the next questions.

What you say can catch enough of their interest to ask a relevant question. Or they’ll move on from it. The details and the story you choose to share will help them assess what types of questions they should ask you. Throughout the entire time, they are noticing what makes you different from other candidates.

Other ways they’ll ask “Tell me about yourself”

During the interview, you could hear those exact words, or the interviewer can say:

  • “Tell me a bit more about your background.”
  • “Could you summarize your most important achievements?”
  • “I’m going through your resume, but would love for you to walk us through it.”
  • “I already looked at your resume and cover letter, and it’d be great to know more about who you are.”
  • “Describe your journey so far.”
  • “Is there something unique you’d like to share about who you are?”

It’s challenging to decide how to answer “Tell me about yourself” because you need to be confident about the examples you’re choosing. Much like a personal statement, you’re giving them a snapshot into your life. You’re in control of what you choose to say.

Know how to answer “Tell me about yourself”

Choosing the right parts of your life to talk about can pave the way for a successful interview. Let’s dive into the key points you should cover:

1)Talk about the experiences, achievements and skills you have that are relevant to the job. This then leads into how you would be the best candidate for the position.

2) Explain the previous jobs you’ve held and how that led you to your current one. Then go into how your current job has brought you to this new role you are applying for. This can also be a good opportunity for you to mention what your goals are in the future.

3) Show your personality while you’re speaking, making sure you’re communicating clearly and positively, while giving examples of how you’ve connected with people throughout this time. Presenting this proactive side of you will only strengthen your profile.

4) Demonstrate what you’ve researched about the company by explaining how you see yourself in the job. Share about what you’re most looking forward to in the job and the company.

“Tell me about yourself” in the past, present and future

Finding the right flow in relaying your own narrative can be a tricky task. It’s helpful to have a general format of which times of your life you’re pulling your examples from.

Two recommended ways of how to “tell me about yourself” in an organized format are:

1) Present – Past – Future

  • You can begin by describing what your current job entails and what your responsibilities and accomplishments are. Then you can share how you got to where you are with your current job, which will lead you to describe more of your professional background. To conclude, you’ll then talk about what your goals are and why you’re so interested in this new position.

2) Past – Present – Future

This format would have you begin with how you arrived at your current job, giving you a chance to explain your professional history right away. You can also mention what has always inspired you to become who you are today. This leads right into what you do in your current role, what responsibilities you have and what achievements you’ve accomplished. Then you’ll finish off, just like the “tell me about yourself” format above, with why you’re the right person for this new job.

Tell me about Yourself Examples (Continued) 

There’s no “fixed” order for how to tell this to your interviewer, but it’s important to choose the examples that highlight your best skills and attributes relevant to the new job. What’s most crucial is to always tie it back to the new job and the new company you’re applying to. This means that if your past work experience ties more directly to the new job, then it makes sense to begin there. Similarly, if your most recent work experience is more related to the new role, then you can start with that example.

The interviewer is there to assess whether or not you’re the ultimate fit for their team. In that sense, it’s always helpful to end your “tell me about yourself” story with why you’re the right person for the job.

Key advice for “Tell me about yourself” answers

Now you’ve got a general timeline structure set in place. But before we dive into “tell me about yourself” examples, let’s look at some quick ways to strengthen your response:

1) Your first impression will make a difference.

2) You are your own curator.

3) Understand who your interviewer is.

4) Remember this is a professional interview.

5) Tone can influence the entire conversation.

6) Stay focused: everything should point towards the new job.

7) Be authentic but prepared.

8) Speak with positivity and enthusiasm, but don’t overdo it.

“Tell me about yourself” examples

Every “tell me about yourself” answer will be different depending on the person, but having some examples on hand can help. Take a look at these examples below that make for a strong answer.

1) You are applying to a completely new industry:

For over seven years, I’ve worked in business development and have focused on building longstanding relationships with clients. My most recent role was as the senior manager for a startup tech company that ran a database platform for journalists around the world. I helped connect the right partners to our company and promoted our mission on global trips across Africa, Asia and Europe. Now I’m interested in branching outside of business development and stepping into fundraising to broaden my scope. Fundraising is a field I’ve worked very closely alongside throughout my career and have always found fascinating. I’ve been wanting to join a team where I could apply my business development skills into a fundraising leadership position, and this is why I’m so interested in this role at your company.

How to Answer “Tell me about Yourself” Examples (Continued)

2) If you are searching for a similar job to the one you have now:

Since I was in college at the University of Michigan, I’ve been absolutely passionate about journalism and media . As you can see on my resume, I was the editor-in-chief of our student newspaper and I helped to create an incubator on campus for students who wished to become investigative journalists. This only spurred my love for journalism, and upon graduating, I began working as an intern at the Los Angeles Times, assisting some of the lead journalists covering politics across the Southern Californian region and eventually being able to help write and edit copy for newsletters.

I worked my way up to become an assistant editor, which made me fall in love with the editorial process and editing for a large newspaper. After working as an assistant editor for the past three years, I knew I wanted to start finding work as an editor. With what I’ve learned as an intern and assistant editor at the Los Angeles Times over the past several years, I always imagined myself covering news back home in Michigan. When I saw this opening for the editor position, I knew I had to apply because it’s been a dream of mine to work with your company.

 3) Maybe you are going from an agency to an in-house position:

I’ve been an account manager at Paris Parties for five years now, and I’ve been responsible for overseeing our top client accounts. I’ve established long-lasting relationships with each of Paris Parties’ biggest clients, as going above and beyond for our client has always been my first priority. Prior to Paris Parties, I worked at Hollywood Events, where I managed over 50 of their largest clients across the creative sector. I always loved the work I did as an account manager at both agencies. But I’ve been looking for a new challenge, to step into more of a leadership role, so as soon as I saw the opening at your company, I knew I had to go for it.

4) You’ve just graduated and you’re applying to your first job

I graduated from New York University in May, and I majored in English and American literature and minored in Spanish. I always knew that I wanted to work in a nonprofit organization that helped promote literature around the world. Throughout my time at NYU, I volunteered and interned at several nonprofits such as UNICEF, where I helped organize events for donors in New York City to help raise funding for girls’ education. One of the greatest experiences I had while interning was when my team and I were able to increase our donations from last year by 35%, compared to the 12% the previous year.

We were able to send more books and educational materials to girls around the world who otherwise would have not had access to these resources. It made me wonder what else I could do with my English literature degree, my foreign language skills and my passion for education. I wanted to truly make a difference. Since then, I became passionate about fundraising for children’s rights and access to education, which is what led me to apply for the associate fundraiser role at your organization.

 5) Searching for a new role in the healthcare sector:

My work experience in customer service had unexpectedly led me to pursue a career in the healthcare sector . Working as a waitress for three years made me understand how to listen to the needs of people. When I was serving a table of pediatric nurses one day, I heard them talk about their work and I knew I had to explore this field. I’ve always been someone interested in improving the lives of others, whether it’s through providing perfect customer service. After three years at the restaurant, I was promoted to restaurant manager because my supervisor noted my dedication and passion for serving others.

Every night after work, I studied on my own to see how I could enter the healthcare industry as an administrator. And that’s how I went back to school. Upon graduating, I began to build my career in health administration, working my way up to get to where I am today at Mountainview Hospital. I’ve been overseeing the office and managing staff and patient relations for nine years now.

This past April, I worked with the interns and senior management to create a “career day” to bring our office closer together. It has been an immense pleasure to hold our weekly meetings and regularly involve the IT team to ensure our computer systems are all up to date. As it’s now the end of my ninth year at Mountainview Hospital, I’ve been searching for new ways to branch out, grow and contribute. And I was incredibly interested when I learned about this position at your hospital.

 6) If you’re looking to change careers:

For over a decade, I’ve worked in marketing as a marketing director, leading campaigns and amplifying my current company’s messaging through high-level engagement. Throughout the past five years, I’ve been leading a team of fifty in our marketing department to reach and surpass our monthly, quarterly and yearly goals in ROI. It has been one of my greatest joys to watch the employees under my care grow into the professionals they are today, and it’s always fulfilling to see such professional and personal development. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching my team work across departments to ensure that we meet our goals, and especially, working closely with the public relations department.

Since I first came to my company as a marketing associate, I learned quickly how intertwined the marketing and public relations teams are, and I’m incredibly grateful to have had the career in marketing that I’ve managed to build. The more I worked with our public relations director, the more I also realized that I’ve gravitated towards developing more creative, media-facing solutions to campaigns for the company. Together, we were able to create significant events and turnarounds for our entire team, and I found myself eager to focus on media strategies and improving our company’s public image. After much consideration, and with our public relations director’s recommendation, I know that making this switch into public relations is the path I’m now meant to pursue. And I can’t think of a better place to work for than your company, which combines the best of both worlds.

Show them who you are

So where do you even start? How much should you actually say about yourself in an interview? Prepping for the inevitable “Tell me about yourself” can be a stress-inducer, especially for a job with a heavy workload. But it doesn’t have to be, even if you’re applying for one of the happiest jobs in America . Hopefully, with the information shared above, you’ll now have a better idea of where to begin.

Remember, you don’t want to share with the interviewer every single detail from your professional life. However, you do want them to know about certain experiences that have shaped you to be the professional you are today. Striking the right balance is key.

How to Answer “Tell me about Yourself” Additional Career-Related Resources

  •   Sample Resignation Letter 
  • How to Reschedule an Interview
  • Condolence Messages for a Coworker – 60 Samples 

Joanna Hong

With a BA from Pitzer College and an MA from University College London, Joanna has worked in London, Berlin, and Los Angeles covering many cultural and political issues with organizations such as Byline Media, NK News, and Free Turkey Media. A freelancer for The New York Times, her work has also appeared in Newsweek, Dazed and Confused Magazine, and The Guardian, among others. In addition, Joanna was the recipient of the 2021 PEN America Emerging Voices Fellowship in Fiction and is currently completing her first novel.

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  1. Write A "Tell Us About Yourself" Scholarship Essay (3 Examples)

    Medium scholarship essay example: Tell us about yourself (250 Words) With a mid-length scholarship essay, you have more space to explain how your past has influenced your present and future goals. You should have rom for an intro paragraph, a few body paragraphs, and a conclusion (maybe incorporated into the last body paragraph).

  2. Guide to Writing a Compelling Essay About Yourself

    Here are some essential tips to help you create an engaging and authentic essay: 1. Know Your Audience. Understand who will be reading your essay and tailor your content to resonate with them. Consider their interests, values, and expectations. 2. Be Authentic. Avoid embellishments or exaggerations.

  3. 27 Outstanding College Essay Examples From Top Universities 2024

    This college essay tip is by Abigail McFee, Admissions Counselor for Tufts University and Tufts '17 graduate. 2. Write like a journalist. "Don't bury the lede!" The first few sentences must capture the reader's attention, provide a gist of the story, and give a sense of where the essay is heading.

  4. How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay

    Focus on a specific moment, and describe the scene using your five senses. Mention objects that have special significance to you. Instead of following a common story arc, include a surprising twist or insight. Your unique voice can shed new perspective on a common human experience while also revealing your personality.

  5. Tell Us About Yourself Essay Examples?

    Sure, I can provide some guidance on structuring a "tell us about yourself" essay and provide tips on making it engaging and effective without sounding cliché or braggy. 1. Start with an attention-grabbing hook: Open your essay with a brief anecdote, piece of dialogue, or thought-provoking statement that reveals something interesting about you.

  6. "Tell Me About Yourself" Examples for College Students

    These unique "tell me about yourself" examples will help you demonstrate your motivations and background at college and internship interviews. ... Essays "Tell Me About Yourself" Examples for College Students By Kate Miller-Wilson, B.A. , ... Follow Us LinkedIn; Facebook; Instagram; TikTok ...

  7. 15 Tips for Writing a College Essay About Yourself

    We don't get the same depth with the first example. 6. Don't be afraid to show off…. You should always put your best foot forward—the whole point of your essay is to market yourself to colleges. This isn't the time to be shy about your accomplishments, skills, or qualities. 7. …. While also maintaining humility.

  8. How to Write a College Essay About Yourself

    Step 4: How to Start an Essay About Yourself. As with all scholarship essays, your essay about yourself should captivate readers from the very beginning. Start your essay with a creative introduction that will make the readers want to continue reading your essay. You may choose to start with a personal story or experience.

  9. How to Write a 'Tell Us About Yourself' Essay?

    Writing an essay about yourself can indeed be a bit challenging. I can give you some pointers to help you get started on crafting a compelling essay. 1. Brainstorm your standout qualities or experiences: Start by thinking about what sets you apart from others. It could be your interests, your background, your achievements, or your unique ...

  10. 9 Tips for Writing an Essay About Yourself

    5. Write in the First Person. You're telling your story, so write from your perspective! You can narrate your story. You can provide an overview of what you learned from your experiences. However you choose to answer the prompt, we recommend writing in an active tone, and using "I" and "me" throughout your essay. 6.

  11. 14 Scholarship Essay Examples That Won Thousands 2024

    Scholarship Essay Example #5. Questbridge Finalist essay earning $3,000 in application waivers plus $3000 in local scholarships by Jordan Sanchez. Prompt: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it.

  12. How To Write an Essay About Yourself

    You either love to talk about yourself or hate it, but one thing is for sure: Writing about yourself in essay form is hard for anyone. Learn how to write the perfect essay about yourself here.

  13. Tell Me About Yourself Interview Question (+ Example Answers)

    4) The 10-Minute Monologue. Don't go off on a ten-minute monologue all about you when you're asked, "Tell me a little about yourself.". Instead, keep it short. For most interview questions, responses between 30 seconds to four minutes are ideal. With this one, something in the 60 to 90-second range is likely best.

  14. How to Answer 'Tell Me About Yourself' + Examples

    Variations of 'Tell Me About Yourself'. Sometimes the "tell me about yourself" question will be asked other ways, such as: "Tell me about your background.". "Walk me through your resume.". "Describe yourself.". "I'd love to hear more about your journey/career.". "Tell me something about you that's not on your ...

  15. Tell Us About Yourself College Essay?

    Hey! The 'Tell us about yourself' prompt can seem a bit vague, but it's actually a great opportunity to showcase your unique qualities, interests, and experiences. Instead of a broad overview of your entire life, focus on a specific experience or aspect of your personality that you want to highlight. Remember to be genuine and show your true self, not what you think colleges want to see.

  16. How to answer 'tell us about yourself' (& sample responses)

    Interviewers don't want you to feel like it's an interrogation. "Tell us about yourself" is an icebreaker. It's a segue to the Q&A about qualifications, experience, and hypothetical scenarios. Orienting themselves for the interview: The hiring team should have a plan for your interview. But your response to "tell us about yourself ...

  17. 12 Outstanding Personal Statement Examples

    Example #3 - 12. Example #4 - Flying. Example #5 - Arab Spring in Bahrain. Example #6 - Poop, Animals and the Environment. Example #7 - Entoptic Phenomena. Example #8 - The Builder & Problem Solver. Example #10 - The Little Porch and a Dog (With Spanish Translation) Example #10 - Life As an Undocumented Student.

  18. Tips for Writing an Essay About Myself

    Think about your passions, strengths, and weaknesses. Understanding yourself will help you create a more authentic and compelling essay. Don't be afraid to dig deep and explore your innermost thoughts and feelings. This self-reflection process will provide a solid foundation for your essay. Show, don't tell.

  19. How to Answer "Tell Us About Yourself"? (5 Sample Responses)

    Here's how to structure your answer to "tell me about yourself" in 4 steps: Discuss your current role and qualifications. Begin by discussing your current role, explaining why you are a great match for the job, and highlighting your top three qualifications. Example: "I'm a data analyst with seven years of experience, now part of the team at ...

  20. Tell Me About Yourself Essay

    100 Words Essay on Tell Me About Yourself. As a 15-year-old girl, I would describe myself as a curious and creative individual. I have a passion for learning and exploring new things, especially in the fields of art and music. In my free time, I enjoy drawing, painting, and playing on the piano. I am also a keen reader and enjoy getting lost in ...

  21. All About Me: A Personal Journey: [Essay Example], 842 words

    Just as this essay provides a comprehensive glimpse into my life, each day offers new opportunities for growth, connection, and discovery. I look forward to the chapters yet to be written in my personal journey, with a deep appreciation for the complexities and beauty of life. This essay was reviewed by. Dr. Oliver Johnson.

  22. "Tell me about yourself" Interview question: 26 Answers

    In conclusion, "Tell me about yourself" is an opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and personality to a potential employer. By using these ten different approaches to answering this question, you can provide a well-rounded and memorable response that sets you apart from other candidates. Remember to tailor your answer to the ...

  23. How to Answer "Tell Me About Yourself" with Examples

    But before we dive into "tell me about yourself" examples, let's look at some quick ways to strengthen your response: 1) Your first impression will make a difference. 2) You are your own curator. 3) Understand who your interviewer is. 4) Remember this is a professional interview.