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FirstCry Intelli Education

Save Water (Water Conservation) Essay – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Children


  • Key Points To Remember When Writing Essay On Save Water
  • 10 Lines On Save Water
  • A 100 Word Paragraph On Save Water
  • Short Essay On Save Wate in 200 Words
  • Long Essay On Save Water
  • What Will Your Child Learn From Save Water?

Water water everywhere, not a drop to drink! The essay on ‘save water’ for classes 1, 2 and 3 is explained in detail. Clean water scarcity is a big problem in the country and affects the lives of many. Water is required for all humans, animals and plants to survive. Out of the 71 per cent covered with water, approximately 3.5 per cent is available for drinking purposes, known as freshwater. Therefore, if we do not save these freshwater resources, we will face problems in the future. Polluting rivers by disposing of waste and washing clothes causes water problems. The Save Water essay in English will help to understand its importance and the necessary actions to be taken. Essay writing helps develop critical thinking and creativity in kids, and it also helps to gather information on a lot of topics, including when writing an essay about conserving water  

Key Points To Remember When Writing Essay On Save Water  

Wondering how to write an essay on saving water? Here are a few points to remember when crafting your composition on saving water:  

  • Explain the importance of water as a natural resource and its uses in our daily lives.
  • Write the examples of water pollution and wastage.
  • Keep the essay simple and short.
  • Make use of pictures or tables wherever necessary.
  • Once the basics are done, encourage your child to write an essay in their own words.

10 Lines On Save Water  

Kids enjoy straightforward content to read and write. Hence, these few lines about saving water will help while writing an essay for classes 1 and 2 kids:  

  • Water is vital for all living beings to maintain life on earth.
  • It is used for cooking, washing, cleaning, bathing, irrigation, etc.
  • Conserving water is important because we cannot survive without it.
  • Water helps humans to stay hydrated and help fight diseases.
  • Water is used in industries like mining, steel, electricity, food, etc., in large quantities.
  • Lack or shortage of water causes diseases and conditions like drought, hunger, etc.
  • Throwing waste into water causes water pollution and harms fish and other aquatic life.
  • Do not leave the taps open while brushing, shaving, etc.
  • Use water in buckets to conserve water than choosing a shower for bathing.
  • Rainwater harvesting is a good method of preserving water.

A 100 Word Paragraph On Save Water  

A short paragraph on saving water can help children learn the importance and use of water and how important it is to use it carefully. Here’s an example of a save water paragraph in 100 words:  

Water is a natural resource that is essential for living on earth. Without water, the earth would be dry, and plants, animals, and humans would not be able to survive. Additional uses include irrigation, washing clothes, cooking, cleaning, etc. We all know that water is not an unlimited resource, and it is important we do not waste it. Daily practices like leaving the taps open while brushing, shaving, etc., cause water wastage. We should not throw garbage in water bodies because polluted water bodies affect marine life and human health when we consume seafood. Shortage of water causes diseases and damages agriculture too.

Short Essay On Save Wate in 200 Words  

A short essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 will help young ones understand the use of water and the importance of conserving it. It will also enhance their writing skills. Here’s an example of the Importance of Water Conservation essay in 200 words:  

Our planet earth is covered with around 71 per cent water. When seen from outer space, it appears blue and is also called the blue planet. Air and water are what make life possible on earth. Plants, animals, and humans need water to survive. Water is necessary for bathing, cooking, irrigation, washing, etc. Industries like mining, petrochemical, electricity, food, etc., rely on large quantities of water for their activities. However, in recent times we use water as it is an unlimited resource. No care is taken to use it judiciously. Discharging industrial and domestic waste in water bodies causes pollution. It affects marine life too. Water scarcity leads to drought and poverty and impacts the nation’s economy badly. Therefore, steps must be taken to conserve water. Rainwater harvesting, reusing water, awareness programs in schools, closing taps after using them, and disposing of wastes in bins are a few steps we can take as responsible citizens to save water. Storing running water in dams, using water cans instead of hosepipes, installing canals on rooftops, and adopting bucket baths instead of showers are small initiatives that significantly save water. Acting responsibly in this matter will benefit the present generations and the generations to come. So, saving water, saving nature, and saving our future generations should be our motto.

Long Essay On Save Water  

The save water essay for class 3 kids seeks to explain the importance of water in our daily lives, why water is essential for the planet and the activities that cause water pollution in recent times. The importance of a water conservation essay is such that children learn about the problems our planet faces and can act towards making the situation better.

What Is Water Conservation?

Water conservation means the practice of using water efficiently wherever possible, thereby minimising its wastage. It includes all steps taken to preserve water bodies, freshwater sources, and our daily requirements without polluting or wasting them.

Necessity And Importance Of Saving Water

Water, as we all know, is a vital resource for the existence of life on earth. Though its supply seems abundant, the percentage of available freshwater is even less. Global warming and constant climate change have led to delayed rains, causing water scarcity. An increase in population, the rapid development of industries and polluted water bodies have further worsened the issue. Without proper conservation efforts, the chances are that we might exhaust it. Saving water has economic and social benefits. Besides, protecting water resources for future efficient use reduces wastage and contributes to energy-efficient operations.

What Are The Different Uses Of Water?

Water is used for a variety of needs, and the major ones are listed below:

  • For daily activities:  Bathing, cleaning, washing, and cooking require water on a daily basis.
  • Industrial uses:  Water is needed in large quantities in mining, food, chemicals, and several other industries.
  • Agricultural needs:  Watering is essential for the survival and growth of plants.
  • Ecosystem balance:  The water cycle is important for rains and the balance of the ecosystem.

Causes And Effects Of Water Shortage

1. Causes of water shortage:  Around 70 per cent of the earth is covered with water, but only 3 per cent of it is available for use. Therefore the availability is limited, and hence careless usage causes a shortage. An increase in population, rapid industrialisation, and climatic changes are major causes of water shortage.

2. Reasons for freshwater storage and how to store it:  The need to keep freshwater stored arises due to careless use in daily activities, pollution of water bodies by dumping sewage, pesticides, chemicals, etc. Rainwater harvesting, installation of canals on rooftops, and utmost care not to waste water during brushing, shaving, and similar activities are a few methods to store it.

3. Effects of water shortage:  Water scarcity causes drought and severely affects agriculture, plants, animals, and human beings. Industrial activities will come to a stop without water and, in the long run, affect the economy as a whole.

What Are The Best Ways To Save Water?

  • Use rainwater for watering plants, laundry, etc.
  • Turn off taps when not in use.
  • Participate in save water save nature programmes.
  • Water plants in the evening to reduce evaporation.
  • Prefer a bucket bath instead of a shower.
  • Check for any leaks in taps.
  • Use washing machines in full loads.
  • Invest in low flush toilets.
  • Be cautious while washing cars.
  • Don’t wash parking areas or garages daily.

What Will Your Child Learn From Save Water?  

The need to save water is at an all-time high, and educating children about its importance is crucial. Through this essay, your child will learn how important water is for lives on Earth and the problems water shortage can cause. It also introduces them to water conservation and various steps that can be followed to achieve the same. They will learn how to participate in the idea of saving water by taking small steps to conserve water and thereby help preserve the Earth. The gravity of the situation will be clear, and they will understand the importance of their role in water conservation.  

1. How can I save water at home?

Here are some simple ways to save water at home:  

  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or washing your hands. This can save up to 6 litres of water a minute.  
  • Take shorter showers instead of baths. Try to keep showers to 4 minutes or less.  
  • Fix leaks in taps and toilets promptly. A dripping tap can waste a lot of water over time.  
  • Use a watering can instead of a hose for your garden, and only water plants in the early morning or late evening to reduce evaporation.  

2. What are some fun activities to learn about water conservation?

You can engage in various fun activities, such as:  

  • Creating a water usage chart to track how much water your family uses daily and find ways to reduce it.  
  • Making a DIY rain gauge to measure rainfall and understand how rainwater can be collected for gardening.  
  • Playing online games that focus on saving water in different scenarios, making learning interactive and enjoyable.  

3. What can I do at school to promote water conservation?

You can encourage your classmates to save water by:  

  • Creating posters with tips on how to conserve water.  
  • Organising a school project focused on reducing water usage, such as a “Water Hero” campaign where everyone tracks their savings.  

Water makes the Earth habitable; therefore, we must use it judiciously. We should also start sensitising our kids about it – these essays serve as the starting point!  

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The Importance of Saving Water

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  • Topic: Water Conservation , Water Scarcity

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