aqa media a level coursework

AQA Media Studies


Media Studies provides a great opportunity to explore and evaluate why we engage with a wide range of media texts. Representation and media form are other important aspects of the course. AQA’s course also requires you to develop the practical skills needed to create your own exciting products.

Close Study Products

To demonstrate your understanding of the key concepts in media studies, you need to analyse various media texts from a broad range of media forms, such as television, newspapers, magazines, digital media and computer games. The following guides apply the relevant theoretical frameworks to AQA's list of A-Level Close Study Products.

download the specification

  • AQA A-Level

Media One - Advertising and Marketing

screenshot of the beauty parlour

Sephora – Black Beauty is Beauty Campaign

the Score advertisement

Score Hair Cream

Media one - music videos.

aqa media a level coursework

Old Town Road

Media one - newspapers.

woman reading the Daily Mail newspaper

The Daily Mail

young man reading the Guardian newspaper

The Guardian Newspaper

Media one - media industries and audience.

aqa media a level coursework

The War of the Worlds

collection of radios

BBC Radio 1’s Newsbeat

blinded by the light artwork

Blinded by the Light

Taylor Swift pictured on a mobile phone and beside her album cover

Taylor Swift and Social Media

Scarlett Johansson in The Gentlewoman magazine

The Gentlewoman Magazine

Robert Pattinson photoshoot for GQ magazine.

Analysis of GQ Magazine

afro-Caribbean girls with a union jack

BBC’s Capital

promotional material from Deutschland 83

Deutschland 83

Media two - video games.

group of SIMS characters

The Sims FreePlay

Aloy with her bow and arrow

Horizon Forbidden West and Genre

Aloy walking through the grass

Representation in Horizon Forbidden West

Unseen questions.

girl studying in school

Past Papers and Mark Schemes

You can access various materials from the dedicated AQA assessment resources page .

Non-exam Assessment

You need to create a cross-media production which demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework. You also need to produce a Statement of Intent - a 500 word commentary on your chosen brief and how you intend to fulfill its demands.

aqa media a level coursework

Research and Preparation

girl doing homework

  • Statement of Intent

camera pointing at two students

  • Indicative Content

woman walking in a foggy street

Assessment Objectives

AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media and contexts of media and their influence on media products and processes.

AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to:

(a) analyse media products, including in relation to their contexts and through the use of academic theories; (b) evaluate academic theories; and (c) make judgements and draw conclusions.

AO3: Create media products for an intended audience, by applying knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to communicate meaning.

Recently Added

Woody looking up and seeing the divine intervention

Deus Ex Machina

Taylor Swift pictured on a mobile phone and beside her album cover

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

Key concepts.

aqa media a level coursework

Ideology and the Media

a prosumer selling makeup

Prosumers and the Media

kid smiling on beach


Media studies.

  • The Study of Signs
  • Ferdinand de Saussure and Signs
  • Roland Barthes
  • Charles Peirce’s Sign Categories
  • Jean Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulation
  • Binary Opposition
  • Vladimir Propp
  • Tzvetan Todorov
  • Quest Plots
  • Barthes’ 5 Narrative Codes
  • Key Concepts in Genre
  • David Gauntlett and Identity
  • Paul Gilroy
  • Liesbet van Zoonen
  • The Male Gaze
  • Judith Butler and Performativity
  • bell hooks and Intersectionality
  • The Cultural Industries
  • Hypodermic Needle Theory
  • Two-Step Flow Theory
  • Cultivation Theory
  • Stuart Hall’s Reception Theory
  • Abraham Maslow
  • Uses and Gratifications
  • Moral Panic
  • Camera Shots

A-Level Media Studies

  • Wider reading
  • Media Focus
  • Film studies

Week one induction

Suspense sequence project brief, component 3 brief, coursework brief for submission in 2025, aims and intentions, aims and intentions guidelines, project brief and exemplars (2024/5), examples of how to write about industry context, music video production, how to dump/upload footage from an sd card new and better guide, dates and deadlines 2024 (for submission in 2025), initial tasks , thinking about the music industry: major labels, how to dump/upload footage from a camera with an sd card, how to create a visually striking music video, narrative and music videos - types of narrative, how to export a rough cut or a final cut in premiere pro, print media production, adobe lightroom classic basics (video), introduction to newspaper magazines and examples of newspaper magazine double page spreads, ten magazine challenge examples, making a flat plan, talking still images with a dslr, examples of specialist music magazine covers, examples of gig and tour posters, examples of double page spread articles, examples of student magazines, how to make an excellent magazine cover in just twenty minutes.

aqa media a level coursework


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>   Case Studies

​>   Media Theorists

​>   Essay Structure

​>   Feedback - what you said

​>   Legacy Specification

​>   Coursework woes

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​>   Media in the news

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  more to follow soon.   

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We've got everything you need for starting Media Studies in Year 12 to finishing off in Year 13 and beyond (and VERY soon, everything for GCSE Media Studies and Film Studies).


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A-level Media Studies 7572

A-level Media Studies Specification Specification for first teaching in 2017

PDF | 878.51 KB

3.0 Subject content

  • media language
  • media representation
  • media industries
  • media audiences.
  • advertising and marketing
  • online, social and participatory media
  • video games
  • music video

Film is an inextricable part of the wider media landscape, which is intimately connected with other media, such as television, video games and online media. However, to avoid overlap with GCE AS and A-level film studies, film should not be a primary object of study in this context. Students may study individual feature films, but this must only occur in the context of cross-media study, which explores the convergence of media platforms and technologies, or in the context of the study of media industries. For the purposes of this specification, film will only be studied in the context of the study of media industries.

  • • 3.1 Close study products (CSPs)
  • • 3.2 Contexts of the media
  • • 3.3 Extended response and synopticity
  • • 3.4 Media language
  • • 3.5 Media representation
  • • 3.6 Media industries
  • • 3.7 Media audiences
  • • 3.8 Non-exam assessment


  1. A Level Media Studies Factsheets

    aqa media a level coursework

  2. A Level Media Studies

    aqa media a level coursework

  3. Aqa media studies a level coursework examples of irony

    aqa media a level coursework

  4. Aqa media studies coursework mark scheme

    aqa media a level coursework

  5. AQA

    aqa media a level coursework

  6. Media A Level AQA coursework

    aqa media a level coursework


  1. The Shortcut

  2. The Hoodie A level Trailer

  3. Directors Commentary A Level Media Coursework

  4. the unpaid dept final

  5. S#!T

  6. MM5


  1. Media Studies

    You can find out about all our Media Studies qualifications at 1.2 . Support and resources to help you teachWe've worked with experienced teachers to provide you with a range of resources that will help you confidently plan, teach and prepare for exams. Teaching resources. Visit to see all our ...

  2. AQA Media Studies A-Level

    To demonstrate your understanding of the key concepts in media studies, you need to analyse various media texts from a broad range of media forms, such as television, newspapers, magazines, digital media and computer games. The following guides apply the relevant theoretical frameworks to AQA's list of A-Level Close Study Products.

  3. Media Studies

    NEA, coursework and controlled assessment. Deadlines for non-exam assessment. Record forms. Submit marks. Exams. Entries. ... A-level Media Studies 7572. ... AQA Education has obtained an injunction preventing interference with public examinations. This notice is to alert you to the injunction, so that you are aware of it and can make ...

  4. A Level Media Studies Revision Resources

    All the course specific revision resources you need to ace your A Level Media Studies exams. Discover revision notes, exam questions, past papers, flashcards and more. ... (Coursework) Past Papers; English Language B. Past Papers; English as a Second Language. Past Papers; ... Past Papers AQA A Level Media Studies-Course Overview. OCR A Level ...

  5. A-Level Media Studies: Coursework

    A-Level Media Studies Pages. Resources; Industries; Coursework; Wider reading; Media Focus; Links; Film studies; Coursework Week one induction. Suspense sequence project brief. Component 3 brief. Coursework brief for submission in 2025. Brand identity - how do artists keep continuity across different modes of advertising? Aims and intentions ...

  6. Media Studies

    Constructed for Media Studies students and teachers, by experienced A level practitioners to help you with coursework, essays, exam revision, advice & guidance. Follow us on Twitter @alevelmedia for the latest news and media literacy articles.

  7. PDF MEDIA × ±c,¾,c STUDIES

    AQA A-level Media Studies 7572. A-level exams June 2019 onwards. Version 1.3 7 August 2023 Visit for the most up-to-date specication, resources, support and administration 3. 1 Introduction5. 1.1 Why choose AQA for A-level Media Studies5. 1.2 Support and resources to help you teach5. 2 Specification at a glance7. 2.1 Subject content7. 2.2 ...

  8. PDF AQA A Level media studies The Course at a glance

    AQA A Level media studies - The Course at a glance Subject content 1. Media Language 2. Media Representations 3. Media Industries 4. Media Audiences Assessment Media One What is assessed: Section A will focus on media language and media representations. Questions in this section will test the following forms:

  9. Media Studies

    online, social and participatory media; video games; music video; Film is an inextricable part of the wider media landscape, which is intimately connected with other media, such as television, video games and online media. However, to avoid overlap with GCE AS and A-level film studies, film should not be a primary object of study in this context.

  10. PDF A-level Example Media Responses Studies

    media language is used to construct meaning in the album launch poster • Excellent and judicious use of the theoretical framework (media language) to analyse how meanings are generated • Consistent highly appropriate use of subject specific terminology throughout. 3 ; 5-6 • Good analysis of the product that is clear and