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König theorem

If the entries of a rectangular matrix are zeros and ones, then the minimum number of lines containing all ones is equal to the maximum number of ones that can be chosen so that no two of them lie on the same line. (Here the term "line" denotes either a row or a column in the matrix.) The theorem was formulated and proved by D. König [1] . It is one of the basic theorems in combinatorics and is the matrix analogue of Hall's criterion for the existence of a system of distinct representatives of a family of subsets of a finite set (see Selection theorems ). There is also a widespread statement of König's theorem in terms of graphs: In a bipartite graph (cf. Graph, bipartite ) the number of edges in a maximal matching is equal to the number of elements of a minimal vertex covering.

König's theorem is often used in various combinatorial questions relating to selection and extremal problems. A generalization to the case of infinite matrices is known [3] .

[1] D. König, "Graphs and matrices" , (1931) pp. 116–119 (In Hungarian)
[2] F. Harary, "Graph theory" , Addison-Wesley (1969) pp. Chapt. 9
[3] M. Lewin, "Essential coverings of a matrix" , (1970) pp. 263–267

A vertex covering or disconnecting set of a graph $G$ is a collection of vertices $C$ such that every edge $G$ is incident with a vertex from $C$ (i.e. the edges incident with a vertex from $C$ cover $G$). A minimal vertex covering is a cut set.

The term rank of a matrix of zeros and ones is defined as the largest number of ones such that no two lie in the same row or column. Thus, König's theorem, also known as the König–Egerváry theorem, can also be formulated as: The term rank of a $(0,1)$-matrix $A$ is equal to the minimum number of rows and columns which together cover all the 1's of $A$.

[a1] R.J. Wilson, "Introduction to graph theory" , Longman (1972) pp. §27
[a2] Hj. Walther, "Ten applications of graph theory" , Reidel (1984) pp. Sect. 6.1
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Some good characterization results relating to the Kőnig–Egerváry theorem

  • Original Paper
  • Published: 20 December 2009
  • Volume 18 , pages 37–45, ( 2010 )

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assignment problem konig 1916

  • Mihály Hujter 1  

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We survey some combinatorial results which are all related to some former results of ours, and, at the same time, they are all related to the famous Kőnig–Egerváry theorem from 1931.

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Hujter, M. Some good characterization results relating to the Kőnig–Egerváry theorem. Cent Eur J Oper Res 18 , 37–45 (2010).

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Published : 20 December 2009

Issue Date : March 2010


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Did Jacobi invent the Hungarian algorithm for the assignment problem over a century before Kőnig and Egerváry?

Wikipedia says:

In 2006, it was discovered that Carl Gustav Jacobi had solved the assignment problem in the 19th century, and the solution had been published posthumously in 1890 in Latin.

The provided reference gives no support to the statement. Do you know the story? Is it true? Who discovered it?

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  • 1 $\begingroup$ In that reference you click in the left top corner on "Presentation". I suppose it answers your question. Translations of Jacobi papers in question are also there. $\endgroup$ –  Alexandre Eremenko Commented Nov 7, 2019 at 22:56

It is true. Wikipedia links to the website of Ollivier, which hosts both the original posthumous publication in Latin, De investigando ordine systematis aequationum differentialum vulgarium cujuscunque , and its English translation, About the Research of the Order of a System of Arbitrary Ordinary Differential Equations, by Ollivier himself. Unfortunately, navigation within the site is not reflected in the urls, so you have to click on Translations on the top left to see them. Ollivier is the one who "found" it, and he describes the full story of the problem in Jacobi's bound. Transmission and oblivion of a mathematical notion :

" Jacobi himself is possibly the first to have forgotten his own work. According to Koenigsberger ([13]), his manuscripts on this subject were written around 1836 and were intended to be a part of a forsaken project of long paper on differential equations. Part of this work was incorporated in his great paper on the last multiplier, but the bound himself was never published in his lifetime. [...] Jacobi's widow gave the manuscripts he left to Dirichlet who began to work for their publication with his friends Borchardt and Joachimsthal. Very few documents remain from that work and the best source seems to be Koenigsberger ([13]). It seems that the paper were in great disorder... Borchardt entrusted Sigismund Cohn, who worked on the publication of some others manuscripts of Jacobi, with the documents related to the bound... After his death, the work was continued by Borchardt who published the 1st paper [8] in his journal in 1865. The second [9] was published by Clebsch in the volume Vorlesungen uber Dynamik ([FD]) in 1866. This one was quoted by Sofya Kovalevskaya in one of her most famous papers ([16]) in 1875. "

For details on the assignment problem itself and the "Hungarian" algortihm for solving it, known already to Jacobi, see Jeno Egervary: from the origins of the Hungarian algorithm to satellite communication :

" Jacobi introduces a bound on the order of a system of $m$ ordinary differential equations in $m$ unknowns, and observes that its computation can be reduced to the following problem... in which however the assignment problem is easily recognized: Arrange $nn$ arbitrary numbers $h^{(i)}_k$ in a square table so that there are n horizontal series and n vertical series, each having n numbers. Among these numbers, we want to select $n$ transversals, i.e., all placed in different horizontal and vertical series, which may be done in $1\cdot2\cdots n$ ways; among all these ways, we want to find one that gives the maximum sum of the $n$ selected numbers.)

Not only Jacobi defined the AP, but, more importantly, he gave a polynomial- time algorithm to solve it. Although a thorough analysis of this method has not been provided yet, Ollivier and Sadik [29] recently observed that it is essentially identical to the Hungarian algorithm, thus anticipating by many decades the results we have examined in the previous sections. As wittily observed by Kuhn [24], this makes another application of Stigler's law of eponymy": No scientific discovery is named after its original discoverer (Stigler [34], see also Kuhn [23]). "

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assignment problem konig 1916

  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-68279-0_2
  • Corpus ID: 9426884

The Hungarian method for the assignment problem

  • Published in 50 Years of Integer… 1 March 1955


  • Naval Research Logistics (NRL)

11,819 Citations

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TRO - Masalah Penugasan (Metode Hungarian)

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    '('The Hungarian method for the assignment problem, Naval Res. Q. 2 (1955), 83-97. DES KONIG (1884-1944) 201 Chronologically [31] was preceded by a short article [30] of 1932, which discussed the following finiteness theorem and two of its applications: Let ai, bi be nonnegative integers, and define the relation (al, . . . , a < (bl, .. . , b ...

  8. Jenő Egerváry: from the origins of the Hungarian algorithm to satellite

    We start with a quite well-known historical fact: the first modern polynomial-time algorithm for the assignment problem, invented by Harold W. Kuhn half a century ago, was christened the "Hungarian method" to highlight that it derives from two older results, by Kőnig (Math Ann 77:453-465, 1916) and Egerváry (Mat Fiz Lapok 38:16-28 ...

  9. König theorem

    The theorem was formulated and proved by D. König [1]. It is one of the basic theorems in combinatorics and is the matrix analogue of Hall's criterion for the existence of a system of distinct representatives of a family of subsets of a finite set (see Selection theorems). There is also a widespread statement of König's theorem in terms of ...

  10. The Hungarian method for the assignment problem

    Assuming that numerical scores are available for the performance of each of n persons on each of n jobs, the "assignment problem" is the quest for an assignment of persons to jobs so that the sum of the n scores so obtained is as large as possible.

  11. PDF 1. Lecture notes on bipartite matching

    Minimum weight perfect matching problem: Given a cost cij for all ( i;j) 2 E , nd a perfect matching of minimum cost where the cost of a matchingP M is given by c(M ) = (i;j )2 M cij. This problem is also called the assignment problem . Similar problems (but more complicated) can be de ned on non-bipartite graphs.

  12. Some good characterization results relating to the Kőnig-Egerváry

    König D (1916) Über graphen und iher anwendung auf determinantentheorie und mengenlehre. Math Ann 77: 453-465. ... Kuhn HW (1955) The Hungarian method for the assignment problem. Naval Res Logistic Q 2: 83-97. Article Google Scholar Lubell D (1966) A short proof of Sperner theorem. J Combin Theory 1: 299. Article ...

  13. PDF European Journal of Operational Research

    These four mathematicians are connected by an algorithm, called the Hungarian Method which solves the mathematical problem that is known in Operations Research as the (Linear) Assignment Problem. We shall describe the role of each in the history of the Assignment Problem, while explaining the underlying mathematics. 2.

  14. A New Technique for Finding the Optimal Solution to Assignment Problems

    mathematicians D. Konig and E. Egervary [3, 4]. Although the name "Assignment Problem" appeared in 1952 in a paper of Votaw and Orden [1, 5, 6], that is the beginning of the development of practical solution methods and differences for the classic assignment problem. Assignment problems are concerned

  15. Assignment problems: A golden anniversary survey

    Abstract. Having reached the 50th (golden) anniversary of the publication of Kuhn's seminal article on the solution of the classic assignment problem, it seems useful to take a look at the variety of models to which it has given birth. This paper is a limited survey of what appear to be the most useful of the variations of the assignment ...

  16. The Hungarian Algorithm for the Assignment Problem

    The Hungarian method is a combinatorial optimization algorithm which solves the assignment problem in polynomial time . Later it was discovered that it was a primal-dual Simplex method.. It was developed and published by Harold Kuhn in 1955, who gave the name "Hungarian method" because the algorithm was largely based on the earlier works of two Hungarian mathematicians: Denes Konig and Jeno ...

  17. Did Jacobi invent the Hungarian algorithm for the assignment problem

    In 2006, it was discovered that Carl Gustav Jacobi had solved the assignment problem in the 19th century, and the solution had been published posthumously in 1890 in Latin. The provided reference gives no support to the statement.

  18. The Hungarian method for the assignment problem

    A note on Hungarian method for solving assignment problem. Jayanta Dutta Subhas Chandra Pal. Computer Science, Mathematics. 2015. TLDR. Hungarian method is modified to find out the optimal solution of an assignment problem which reduces the computational cost of the method. Expand.

  19. (PDF) Program for Solving Assignment Problems and Its Application in

    Assignment problem is one of the most famous problems in linear... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate ... D. Konig, then Kuhn ... Konig D 1916 Uber Gaphen und ihre ...


    THE KONIG GRAPH PROCESS} NINA KAMCEV, MICHAEL KRIVELEVICH, NATASHA MORRISON, AND BENNY SUDAKOV Abstract. Say that a graph G has property Kif the size of its maximum matching is equal to the order of a minimal vertex cover. We study the following process. Set N := n 2 and let e 1;e 2;:::e N be a uniformly random ordering of the edges of K

  21. Mathematical recreations of Dénes König and his work on graph theory

    As shown in Table 1, no problem in the first book of mathematical recreations (König, 1902) was treated in the book of graph theory (König, 1936).These recreational problems were not related to graph theory in König's treatise of 1936. It is to be noted that König's first book on mathematical recreations was published in 1902, which means that this publication preceded his studying abroad ...

  22. TRO

    Assignment problem is related to the allocation of workers for available jobs. ... Metode Hungarian dikembangkan oleh seorang ahli matematika berkebangsaan Hungaria yang bernama D Konig pada tahun 1916. B. Permasalahan Dalam masalah penugasan, kita akan mendelegasikan sejumlah tugas (assignment) kepada sejumlah penerima tugas (assignee) dalam ...

  23. Materi 4

    Metode ini mula-mula dikembangkan oleh seorang ahli matematika berkebangsaan Hungaria yang bernama D. Konig pada tahun 1916. ... (ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM) Perumusan Masalah Masalah penugasan merupakan suatu kasus khusus dari masalah linear programming pada umumnya. Dalam dunia usaha (bisnis) dan industri, manajemen sering menghadapi masalah-masalah ...