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Top 10 Cloud Computing Research Topics of 2024

Home Blog Cloud Computing Top 10 Cloud Computing Research Topics of 2024

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Cloud computing is a fast-growing area in the technical landscape due to its recent developments. If we look ahead to 2024, there are new research topics in cloud computing that are getting more traction among researchers and practitioners. Cloud computing has ranged from new evolutions on security and privacy with the use of AI & ML usage in the Cloud computing for the new cloud-based applications for specific domains or industries. In this article, we will investigate some of the top cloud computing research topics for 2024 and explore what we get most out of it for researchers or cloud practitioners. To master a cloud computing field, we need to check these Cloud Computing online courses .

Why Cloud Computing is Important for Data-driven Business?

The Cloud computing is crucial for data-driven businesses because it provides scalable and cost-effective ways to store and process huge amounts of data. Cloud-based storage and analytical platform helps business to easily access their data whenever required irrespective of where it is located physically. This helps businesses to take good decisions about their products and marketing plans. 

Cloud computing could help businesses to improve their security in terms of data, Cloud providers offer various features such as data encryption and access control to their customers so that they can protect the data as well as from unauthorized access. 

Few benefits of Cloud computing are listed below: 

  • Scalability: With Cloud computing we get scalable applications which suits for large scale production systems for Businesses which store and process large sets of data.
  • Cost-effectiveness : It is evident that Cloud computing is cost effective solution compared to the traditional on-premises data storage and analytical solutions due to its scaling capacity which leads to saving more IT costs. 
  • Security : Cloud providers offer various security features which includes data encryption and access control, that can help businesses to protect their data from unauthorized access.
  • Reliability : Cloud providers ensure high reliability to their customers based on their SLA which is useful for the data-driven business to operate 24X7. 

Top 10 Cloud Computing Research Topics

1. neural network based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for dynamic workflow scheduling in cloud computing.

Cloud computing research topics are getting wider traction in the Cloud Computing field. These topics in the paper suggest a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (NN-MOEA) based on neural networks for dynamic workflow scheduling in cloud computing. Due to the dynamic nature of cloud resources and the numerous competing objectives that need to be optimized, scheduling workflows in cloud computing is difficult. The NN-MOEA algorithm utilizes neural networks to optimize multiple objectives, such as planning, cost, and resource utilization. This research focuses on cloud computing and its potential to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of businesses' cloud-based workflows.

The algorithm predicts workflow completion time using a feedforward neural network based on input and output data sizes and cloud resources. It generates a balanced schedule by taking into account conflicting objectives and projected execution time. It also includes an evolutionary algorithm for future improvement.

The proposed NN-MOEA algorithm has several benefits, such as the capacity to manage dynamic changes in cloud resources and the capacity to simultaneously optimize multiple objectives. The algorithm is also capable of handling a variety of workflows and is easily expandable to include additional goals. The algorithm's use of neural networks to forecast task execution times is a crucial component because it enables the algorithm to generate better schedules and more accurate predictions.

The paper concludes by presenting a novel multi-objective evolutionary algorithm-based neural network-based approach to dynamic workflow scheduling in cloud computing. In terms of optimizing multiple objectives, such as make span and cost, and achieving a better balance between them, these cloud computing dissertation topics on the proposed NN-MOEA algorithm exhibit encouraging results.

Key insights and Research Ideas:

Investigate the use of different neural network architectures for predicting the future positions of optimal solutions. Explore the use of different multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for solving dynamic workflow scheduling problems. Develop a cloud-based workflow scheduling platform that implements the proposed algorithm and makes it available to researchers and practitioners.

2. A systematic literature review on cloud computing security: threats and mitigation strategies 

This is one of cloud computing security research topics in the cloud computing paradigm. The authors then provide a systematic literature review of studies that address security threats to cloud computing and mitigation techniques and were published between 2010 and 2020. They list and classify the risks and defense mechanisms covered in the literature, as well as the frequency and distribution of these subjects over time.

The paper suggests the data breaches, Insider threats and DDoS attack are most discussed threats to the security of cloud computing. Identity and access management, encryption, and intrusion detection and prevention systems are the mitigation techniques that are most frequently discussed. Authors depict the future trends of machine learning and artificial intelligence might help cloud computing to mitigate its risks. 

The paper offers a thorough overview of security risks and mitigation techniques in cloud computing, and it emphasizes the need for more research and development in this field to address the constantly changing security issues with cloud computing. This research could help businesses to reduce the amount of spam that they receive in their cloud-based email systems.

Explore the use of blockchain technology to improve the security of cloud computing systems. Investigate the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence to detect and prevent cloud computing attacks. Develop new security tools and technologies for cloud computing environments. 

3. Spam Identification in Cloud Computing Based on Text Filtering System

A text filtering system is suggested in the paper "Spam Identification in Cloud Computing Based on Text Filtering System" to help identify spam emails in cloud computing environments. Spam emails are a significant issue in cloud computing because they can use up computing resources and jeopardize the system's security. 

To detect spam emails, the suggested system combines text filtering methods with machine learning algorithms. The email content is first pre-processed by the system, which eliminates stop words and stems the remaining words. The preprocessed text is then subjected to several filters, including a blacklist filter and a Bayesian filter, to identify spam emails.

In order to categorize emails as spam or non-spam based on their content, the system also employs machine learning algorithms like decision trees and random forests. The authors use a dataset of emails gathered from a cloud computing environment to train and test the system. They then assess its performance using metrics like precision, recall, and F1 score.

The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system in detecting spam emails, achieving high precision and recall rates. By contrasting their system with other spam identification systems, the authors also show how accurate and effective it is. 

The method presented in the paper for locating spam emails in cloud computing environments has the potential to improve the overall security and performance of cloud computing systems. This is one of the interesting clouds computing current research topics to explore and innovate. This is one of the good Cloud computing research topics to protect the Mail threats. 

Create a stronger spam filtering system that can recognize spam emails even when they are made to avoid detection by more common spam filters. examine the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning to the evaluation of spam filtering system accuracy. Create a more effective spam filtering system that can handle a lot of emails quickly and accurately.

4. Blockchain data-based cloud data integrity protection mechanism 

The "Blockchain data-based cloud data integrity protection mechanism" paper suggests a method for safeguarding the integrity of cloud data and which is one of the Cloud computing research topics. In order to store and process massive amounts of data, cloud computing has grown in popularity, but issues with data security and integrity still exist. For the proposed mechanism to guarantee the availability and integrity of cloud data, data redundancy and blockchain technology are combined.

A data redundancy layer, a blockchain layer, and a verification and recovery layer make up the mechanism. For availability in the event of server failure, the data redundancy layer replicates the cloud data across multiple cloud servers. The blockchain layer stores the metadata (such as access rights) and hash values of the cloud data and access control information

Using a dataset of cloud data, the authors assess the performance of the suggested mechanism and compare it to other cloud data protection mechanisms. The findings demonstrate that the suggested mechanism offers high levels of data availability and integrity and is superior to other mechanisms in terms of processing speed and storage space.

Overall, the paper offers a promising strategy for using blockchain technology to guarantee the availability and integrity of cloud data. The suggested mechanism may assist in addressing cloud computing's security issues and enhancing the dependability of cloud data processing and storage. This research could help businesses to protect the integrity of their cloud-based data from unauthorized access and manipulation.

Create a data integrity protection system based on blockchain that is capable of detecting and preventing data tampering in cloud computing environments. For enhancing the functionality and scalability of blockchain-based data integrity protection mechanisms, look into the use of various blockchain consensus algorithms. Create a data integrity protection system based on blockchain that is compatible with current cloud computing platforms. Create a safe and private data integrity protection system based on blockchain technology.

5. A survey on internet of things and cloud computing for healthcare

This article suggests how recent tech trends like the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing could transform the healthcare industry. It is one of the Cloud computing research topics. These emerging technologies open exciting possibilities by enabling remote patient monitoring, personalized care, and efficient data management. This topic is one of the IoT and cloud computing research papers which aims to share a wider range of information. 

The authors categorize the research into IoT-based systems, cloud-based systems, and integrated systems using both IoT and the cloud. They discussed the pros of real-time data collection, improved care coordination, automated diagnosis and treatment.

However, the authors also acknowledge concerns around data security, privacy, and the need for standardized protocols and platforms. Widespread adoption of these technologies faces challenges in ensuring they are implemented responsibly and ethically. To begin the journey KnowledgeHut’s Cloud Computing online course s are good starter for beginners so that they can cope with Cloud computing with IOT. 

Overall, the paper provides a comprehensive overview of this rapidly developing field, highlighting opportunities to revolutionize how healthcare is delivered. New devices, systems and data analytics powered by IoT, and cloud computing could enable more proactive, preventative and affordable care in the future. But careful planning and governance will be crucial to maximize the value of these technologies while mitigating risks to patient safety, trust and autonomy. This research could help businesses to explore the potential of IoT and cloud computing to improve healthcare delivery.

Examine how IoT and cloud computing are affecting patient outcomes in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and home care. Analyze how well various IoT devices and cloud computing platforms perform in-the-moment patient data collection, archival, and analysis. assessing the security and privacy risks connected to IoT devices and cloud computing in the healthcare industry and developing mitigation strategies.

6. Targeted influence maximization based on cloud computing over big data in social networks

Big data in cloud computing research papers are having huge visibility in the industry. The paper "Targeted Influence Maximization based on Cloud Computing over Big Data in Social Networks" proposes a targeted influence maximization algorithm to identify the most influential users in a social network. Influence maximization is the process of identifying a group of users in a social network who can have a significant impact or spread information. 

A targeted influence maximization algorithm is suggested in the paper "Targeted Influence maximization based on Cloud Computing over Big Data in Social Networks" to find the most influential users in a social network. The process of finding a group of users in a social network who can make a significant impact or spread information is known as influence maximization.

Four steps make up the suggested algorithm: feature extraction, classification, influence maximization, and data preprocessing. The authors gather and preprocess social network data, such as user profiles and interaction data, during the data preprocessing stage. Using machine learning methods like text mining and sentiment analysis, they extract features from the data during the feature extraction stage. Overall, the paper offers a promising strategy for maximizing targeted influence using big data and Cloud computing research topics to look into. The suggested algorithm could assist companies and organizations in pinpointing their marketing or communication strategies to reach the most influential members of a social network.

Key insights and Research Ideas: 

Develop a cloud-based targeted influence maximization algorithm that can effectively identify and influence a small number of users in a social network to achieve a desired outcome. Investigate the use of different cloud computing platforms to improve the performance and scalability of cloud-based targeted influence maximization algorithms. Develop a cloud-based targeted influence maximization algorithm that is compatible with existing social network platforms. Design a cloud-based targeted influence maximization algorithm that is secure and privacy-preserving.

7. Security and privacy protection in cloud computing: Discussions and challenges

Cloud computing current research topics are getting traction, this is of such topic which provides an overview of the challenges and discussions surrounding security and privacy protection in cloud computing. The authors highlight the importance of protecting sensitive data in the cloud, with the potential risks and threats to data privacy and security. The article explores various security and privacy issues that arise in cloud computing, including data breaches, insider threats, and regulatory compliance.

The article explores challenges associated with implementing these security measures and highlights the need for effective risk management strategies. Azure Solution Architect Certification course is suitable for a person who needs to work on Azure cloud as an architect who will do system design with keep security in mind. 

Final take away of cloud computing thesis paper by an author points out by discussing some of the emerging trends in cloud security and privacy, including the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance security, and the emergence of new regulatory frameworks designed to protect data in the cloud and is one of the Cloud computing research topics to keep an eye in the security domain. 

Develop a more comprehensive security and privacy framework for cloud computing. Explore the options with machine learning and artificial intelligence to enhance the security and privacy of cloud computing. Develop more robust security and privacy mechanisms for cloud computing. Design security and privacy policies for cloud computing that are fair and transparent. Educate cloud users about security and privacy risks and best practices.

8. Intelligent task prediction and computation offloading based on mobile-edge cloud computing

This Cloud Computing thesis paper "Intelligent Task Prediction and Computation Offloading Based on Mobile-Edge Cloud Computing" proposes a task prediction and computation offloading mechanism to improve the performance of mobile applications under the umbrella of cloud computing research ideas.

An algorithm for offloading computations and a task prediction model makes up the two main parts of the suggested mechanism. Based on the mobile application's usage patterns, the task prediction model employs machine learning techniques to forecast its upcoming tasks. This prediction is to decide whether to execute a specific task locally on the mobile device or offload the computation of it to the cloud.

Using a dataset of mobile application usage patterns, the authors assess the performance of the suggested mechanism and compare it to other computation offloading mechanisms. The findings demonstrate that the suggested mechanism performs better in terms of energy usage, response time, and network usage.

The authors also go over the difficulties in putting the suggested mechanism into practice, including the need for real-time task prediction and the trade-off between offloading computation and network usage. Additionally, they outline future research directions for mobile-edge cloud computing applications, including the use of edge caching and the integration of blockchain technology for security and privacy. 

Overall, the paper offers a promising strategy for enhancing mobile application performance through mobile-edge cloud computing. The suggested mechanism might improve the user experience for mobile users while lowering the energy consumption and response time of mobile applications. These Cloud computing dissertation topic leads to many innovation ideas. 

Develop an accurate task prediction model considering mobile device and cloud dynamics. Explore machine learning and AI for efficient computation offloading. Create a robust framework for diverse tasks and scenarios. Design a secure, privacy-preserving computation offloading mechanism. Assess computation offloading effectiveness in real-world mobile apps.

9. Cloud Computing and Security: The Security Mechanism and Pillars of ERPs on Cloud Technology

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are one of the Cloud computing research topics in particular face security challenges with cloud computing, and the paper "Cloud Computing and Security: The Security Mechanism and Pillars of ERPs on Cloud Technology" discusses these challenges and suggests a security mechanism and pillars for protecting ERP systems on cloud technology.

The authors begin by going over the benefits of ERP systems and cloud computing as well as the security issues with cloud computing, like data breaches and insider threats. They then go on to present a security framework for cloud-based ERP systems that is built around four pillars: access control, data encryption, data backup and recovery, and security monitoring. The access control pillar restricts user access, while the data encryption pillar secures sensitive data. Data backup and recovery involve backing up lost or failed data. Security monitoring continuously monitors the ERP system for threats. The authors also discuss interoperability challenges and the need for standardization in securing ERP systems on the cloud. They propose future research directions, such as applying machine learning and artificial intelligence to security analytics.

Overall, the paper outlines a thorough strategy for safeguarding ERP systems using cloud computing and emphasizes the significance of addressing security issues related to this technology. Organizations can protect their ERP systems and make sure the Security as well as privacy of their data by implementing these security pillars and mechanisms. 

Investigate the application of blockchain technology to enhance the security of cloud-based ERP systems. Look into the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence to identify and stop security threats in cloud-based ERP systems. Create fresh security measures that are intended only for cloud-based ERP systems. By more effectively managing access control and data encryption, cloud-based ERP systems can be made more secure. Inform ERP users about the security dangers that come with cloud-based ERP systems and how to avoid them.

10. Optimized data storage algorithm of IoT based on cloud computing in distributed system

The article proposes an optimized data storage algorithm for Internet of Things (IoT) devices which runs on cloud computing in a distributed system. In IoT apps, which normally generate huge amounts of data by various devices, the algorithm tries to increase the data storage and faster retrials of the same. 

The algorithm proposed includes three main components: Data Processing, Data Storage, and Data Retrieval. The Data Processing module preprocesses IoT device data by filtering or compressing it. The Data Storage module distributes the preprocessed data across cloud servers using partitioning and stores it in a distributed database. The Data Retrieval module efficiently retrieves stored data in response to user queries, minimizing data transmission and enhancing query efficiency. The authors evaluated the algorithm's performance using an IoT dataset and compared it to other storage and retrieval algorithms. Results show that the proposed algorithm surpasses others in terms of storage effectiveness, query response time, and network usage. 

They suggest future directions such as leveraging edge computing and blockchain technology for optimizing data storage and retrieval in IoT applications. In conclusion, the paper introduces a promising method to improve data archival and retrieval in distributed cloud based IoT applications, enhancing the effectiveness and scalability of IoT applications.

Create a data storage algorithm capable of storing and managing large amounts of IoT data efficiently. Examine the use of cloud computing to improve the performance and scalability of data storage algorithms for IoT. Create a secure and privacy-preserving data storage algorithm. Assess the performance and effectiveness of data storage algorithms for IoT in real-world applications.

How to Write a Perfect Research Paper?

  • Choose a topic: Select the topic which is interesting to you so that you can share things with the viewer seamlessly with good content. 
  • Do your research: Read books, articles, and websites on your topic. Take notes and gather evidence to support your arguments.
  • Write an outline: This will help you organize your thoughts and make sure your paper flows smoothly.
  • Start your paper: Start with an introduction that grabs the reader's attention. Then, state your thesis statement and support it with evidence from your research. Finally, write a conclusion that summarizes your main points.
  • Edit and proofread your paper. Make sure you check the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. 

Cloud computing is a rapidly evolving area with more interesting research topics being getting traction by researchers and practitioners. Cloud providers have their research to make sure their customer data is secured and take care of their security which includes encryption algorithms, improved access control and mitigating DDoS – Deniel of Service attack etc., 

With the improvements in AI & ML, a few features developed to improve the performance, efficiency, and security of cloud computing systems. Some of the research topics in this area include developing new algorithms for resource allocation, optimizing cloud workflows, and detecting and mitigating cyberattacks.

Cloud computing is being used in industries such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. Some of the research topics in this area include developing new cloud-based medical imaging applications, building cloud-based financial trading platforms, and designing cloud-based manufacturing systems.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Data security and privacy problems, vendor lock-in, complex cloud management, a lack of standardization, and the risk of service provider disruptions are all current issues in cloud computing. Because data is housed on third-party servers, data security and privacy are key considerations. Vendor lock-in makes transferring providers harder and increases reliance on a single one. Managing many cloud services complicates things. Lack of standardization causes interoperability problems and restricts workload mobility between providers. 

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) are the cloud computing scenarios where industries focusing right now. 

The six major components of cloud infrastructure are compute, storage, networking, security, management and monitoring, and database. These components enable cloud-based processing and execution, data storage and retrieval, communication between components, security measures, management and monitoring of the infrastructure, and database services.  


Vinoth Kumar P

Vinoth Kumar P is a Cloud DevOps Engineer at Amadeus Labs. He has over 7 years of experience in the IT industry, and is specialized in DevOps, GitOps, DevSecOps, MLOps, Chaos Engineering, Cloud and Cloud Native landscapes. He has published articles and blogs on recent tech trends and best practices on GitHub, Medium, and LinkedIn, and has delivered a DevSecOps 101 talk to Developers community , GitOps with Argo CD Webinar for DevOps Community. He has helped multiple enterprises with their cloud migration, cloud native design, CICD pipeline setup, and containerization journey.

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Top 15 Cloud Computing Research Topics in 2024

Cloud computing has suddenly seen a spike in employment opportunities around the globe with tech giants like Amazon , Google , and Microsoft hiring people for their cloud infrastructure . Before the onset of cloud computing , companies and businesses had to set up their own data centers , and allocate resources and other IT professionals thereby increasing the cost. The rapid development of the cloud has led to more flexibility , cost-cutting , and scalability .


The Cloud Computing market is at an all-time high with the current market size at USD 371.4 billion and is expected to grow up to USD 832.1 billion by 2025 ! It’s quickly evolving and gradually realizing its business value along with attracting more and more researchers , scholars , computer scientists , and practitioners. Cloud computing is not a single topic but a composition of various techniques which together constitute the cloud . Below are 10 of the most demanded research topics in the field of cloud computing .

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the practice of storing and accessing data and applications on remote servers hosted over the internet, as opposed to local servers or the computer’s hard drive. Cloud computing, often known as Internet-based computing, is a technique in which the user receives a resource as a service via the Internet. Files, photos, documents, and other storable documents can all be considered types of data that are stored.

Let us look at the latest in cloud computing research for 2024! We’ve compiled 15 important cloud computing research topics that are changing how cloud computing is used.

1. Big Data

Big data refers to the large amounts of data produced by various programs in a very short duration of time. It is quite cumbersome to store such huge and voluminous amounts of data in company-run data centers . Also, gaining insights from this data becomes a tedious task and takes a lot of time to run and provide results, therefore cloud is the best option. All the data can be pushed onto the cloud without the need for physical storage devices that are to be managed and secured. Also, some popular public clouds provide comprehensive big data platforms to turn data into actionable insights.

DevOps is an amalgamation of two terms, Development and Operations . It has led to Continuous Delivery , Integration, and Deployment therefore reducing boundaries between the development team and the operations team . Heavy applications and software need elaborate and complex tech stacks that demand extensive labor to develop and configure which can easily be eliminated by cloud computing . It offers a wide range of tools and technologies to build , test , and deploy applications within a few minutes and a single click. They can be customized as per the client’s requirements and can be discarded when not in use hence making the process seamless and cost-efficient for development teams .

3. Cloud Cryptography

Data in the cloud needs to be protected and secured from foreign attacks and breaches . To accomplish this, cryptography in the cloud is a widely used technique to secure data present in the cloud . It allows users and clients to easily and reliably access the shared cloud services since all the data is secured using either encryption techniques or by using the concept of the private key . It can make the plain text unreadable and limit the view of the data being transferred. Best cloud cryptographic security techniques are the ones that do not compromise the speed of data transfer and provide security without delaying the exchange of sensitive data.

4. Cloud Load Balancing

It refers to splitting and distributing the incoming load to the server from various sources. It permits companies and organizations to govern and supervise workload demands or application demands by redistributing, reallocating, and administering resources between different computers, networks, or servers. Cloud load balancing encompasses holding the circulation of traffic and demands that exist over the Internet. This reduces the problem of sudden outages, results in an improvement in overall performance, has rare chances of server crashes and also provides an advanced level of security. Cloud-based server farms can accomplish more precise scalability and accessibility using the server load balancing mechanism . Due to this, the workload demands can be easily distributed and controlled.

5. Mobile Cloud Computing

It is a mixture of cloud computing , mobile computing , and wireless network to provide services such as seamless and abundant computational resources to mobile users, network operators, and cloud computing professionals. The handheld device is the console and all the processing and data storage takes place outside the physical mobile device. Some advantages of using mobile cloud computing are that there is no need for costly hardware, battery life is longer, extended data storage capacity and processing power, improved synchronization of data, and high availability due to “store in one place, accessible from anywhere”. The integration and security aspects are taken care of by the backend that enables support to an abundance of access methods.

6. Green Cloud Computing

The major challenge in the cloud is the utilization of energy-efficient and hence develop economically friendly cloud computing solutions. Data centers that include servers , cables , air conditioners , networks , etc. in large numbers consume a lot of power and release enormous quantities of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. Green Cloud Computing focuses on making virtual data centers and servers to be more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. Cloud resources often consume so much power and energy leading to a shortage of energy and affecting the global climate. Green cloud computing provides solutions to make such resources more energy efficient and to reduce operational costs. This pivots on power management , virtualization of servers and data centers, recycling vast e-waste , and environmental sustainability .

7. Edge Computing

It is the advancement and a much more efficient form of Cloud computing with the idea that the data is processed nearer to the source. Edge Computing states that all of the computation will be carried out at the edge of the network itself rather than on a centrally managed platform or data warehouse. Edge computing distributes various data processing techniques and mechanisms across different positions. This makes the data deliverable to the nearest node and the processing at the edge . This also increases the security of the data since it is closer to the source and eliminates late response time and latency without affecting productivity

8. Containerization

Containerization in cloud computing is a procedure to obtain operating system virtualization . The user can work with a program and its dependencies utilizing remote resource procedures . The container in cloud computing is used to construct blocks, which aid in producing operational effectiveness , version control , developer productivity , and environmental stability . The infrastructure is upgraded since it provides additional control over the granular activities of the resources. The usage of containers in online services assists storage with cloud computing data security, elasticity, and availability. Containers provide certain advantages such as a steady runtime environment , the ability to run virtually anywhere, and the low overhead compared to virtual machines .

9. Cloud Deployment Model

There are four main cloud deployment models namely public cloud , private cloud , hybrid cloud , and community cloud . Each deployment model is defined as per the location of the infrastructure. The public cloud allows systems and services to be easily accessible to the general public . The public cloud could also be less reliable since it is open to everyone e.g. Email. A private cloud allows systems and services to be accessible inside an organization with no access to outsiders. It offers better security due to its access restrictions. A hybrid cloud is a mixture of private and public clouds with critical activities being performed using the private cloud and non-critical activities being performed using the public cloud. Community cloud allows systems and services to be accessible by a group of organizations.

10. Cloud Security

Since the number of companies and organizations using cloud computing is increasing at a rapid rate, the security of the cloud is a major concern. Cloud computing security detects and addresses every physical and logical security issue that comes across all the varied service models of code, platform, and infrastructure. It collectively addresses these services, however, these services are delivered in units, that is, the public, private, or hybrid delivery model. Security in the cloud protects the data from any leakage or outflow, theft, calamity, and removal. With the help of tokenization, Virtual Private Networks , and firewalls , data can be secured.

11. Serverless Computing

Serverless computing is a way of running computer programs without having to manage the underlying infrastructure. Instead of worrying about servers, networking, and scaling, you can focus solely on writing code to solve your problem. In serverless computing, you write small pieces of code called functions. These functions are designed to do specific tasks, like processing data, handling user requests, or performing calculations. When something triggers your function, like a user making a request to your website or a timer reaching a certain time, the cloud provider automatically runs your function for you. You don’t have to worry about setting up servers or managing resources.

12. Cloud-Native Applications

Modern applications built for the cloud , also known as cloud-native applications , are made so to take full advantage of cloud computing environments . Instead of bulky programs like monolithic systems , they’re built to prioritize flexibility , easy scaling , reliability , and constant updates . This modular approach allows them to adapt to changing needs by growing or shrinking on demand, making them perfect for the ever-shifting world of cloud environments. Deployed in various cloud environments like public, private, or hybrid clouds, they’re optimized to make the most of cloud-native technologies and methodologies . Instead of one big chunk, they’re made up of lots of smaller pieces called microservices .

13. Multi-Cloud Management

Multi-cloud management means handling and controlling your stuff (like software, data, and services) when they’re spread out across different cloud companies, like Amazon, Google, or Microsoft. It’s like having a central command center for your cloud resources spread out across different cloud services. Multi-cloud gives you the freedom to use the strengths of different cloud providers. You can choose the best service for each specific workload, based on factors like cost, performance, or features. This flexibility allows you to easily scale your applications up or down as required by you. Managing a complex environment with resources spread across multiple cloud providers can be a challenge. Multi-cloud management tools simplify this process by providing a unified view and standardized management interface.

14. Blockchain in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing provides flexible storage and processing power that can grow or shrink as needed. Blockchain keeps data secure by spreading it across many computers. When we use them together, blockchain apps can use the cloud’s power for big tasks while keeping data safe and transparent. This combo boosts cloud data security and makes it easy to track data. It also lets people manage their identities without a central authority. However, there are challenges like making sure different blockchain and cloud systems work well together and can handle large amounts of data.

15. Cloud-Based Internet of Things (IoT)

Cloud-based Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the integration of cloud computing with IoT devices and systems. This integration allows IoT devices to leverage the computational power, storage, and analytics capabilities of cloud platforms to manage, process, and analyze the vast amounts of data they generate. The cloud serves as a central hub for connecting and managing multiple IoT devices, regardless of their geographical location. This connectivity is crucial for monitoring and controlling devices remotely.

Also Read Cloud computing Research challenges 7 Privacy Challenges in Cloud Computing Difference Between Cloud Computing and Fog Computing

Cloud computing has helped businesses grow by offering greater scalability , flexibility , and saving money by charging less money for the same job. As cloud computing is having a great growth period right now, it has created lots of employment opportunities and research work is done is different areas which is changing the future of this technology. We have discussed about the top 15 cloud computing research topics . You can try to explore and research in these areas to contribute to the growth of cloud computing technology .


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Latest Research Topics on Cloud Computing (2022 Updated)

research topic

Cloud computing is now a vital online technology that is used worldwide. The market size of cloud computing is expected to reach $832.1 billion by 2025 . Its demand will always increase in the future, and there are many major reasons behind it. It has acquired popularity because it is less expensive for companies rather than setting up their on-site server implementations.

In this article, we’ve covered the top 14 in-demand research topics on cloud computing that you need to know.

📌 These cloud Computing research topics are:

  • Green cloud computing
  • Edge computing
  • Cloud cryptography
  • Load balancing
  • Cloud analytics
  • Cloud scalability
  • Mobile cloud computing
  • Cloud deployment model
  • Cloud security
  • Cloud computing platforms
  • Cloud service model
  • Containerization

Top 14 Cloud Computing Research Topics For 2022

1. green cloud computing.

Due to rapid growth and demand for cloud, the energy consumption in data centers is increasing. Green Cloud Computing is used to minimize energy consumption and helps to achieve efficient processing and reduce the generation of E-waste.

 It is also called GREEN IT. The goal is to go paperless and decrease the carbon footprint in the environment due to remote working.

Power management, virtualization, sustainability, and environmental recycling will all be handled by green cloud computing. 

2. Edge Computing

A rapidly growing field where the data is processed at the network’s edge instead of being processed in a data warehouse is known as edge computing. The real-time computing capacity is driving the development of edge-computing platforms. The data is processed from the device itself to the point of origin without relying on a central location which also helps to increase the system’s security. It gives certain benefits such as cost-effectiveness, powerful performance, and new functionality which wasn’t previously available.

Some innovations are made with the help of cloud computing by increasing the ability of network edge capabilities and expanding wireless connections.

3. Cloud Cryptography

Cloud Cryptography is a strong layer of protection through codes that helps to give security to the cloud storage and breach of the data. It saves sensitive data content without delaying the transmission of information. It can turn plain text into unreadable code with the help of computers and algorithms and restrict the view of data being delivered.

The clients can use the cryptographic keys only to access this data. The user’s information is kept private, which results in fewer chances of cybercrime from the hackers. 

4. Load Balancing

The workload distribution over the server for soft computing is called load balancing. It helps distribute resources over multiple PCs, networks, and servers and allows businesses to manage workloads and application needs. Due to the rapid increase in traffic over the Internet, the server gets overloaded—two ways to solve the problem of overload of the servers: single-server and multiple-server solutions.

Keeping the system stable, boosting the system’s efficiency, and avoiding system failures are some reasons to use load balancing. It can be balanced by using software-based and hardware-based load balancers.

5. Cloud Analytics

Cloud analytics is a set of societal and analytical tools that analyze data on a private or public cloud to reduce data storage costs and management. It is specially designed to help clients get information from massive data. It is widely used in industrial applications such as genomics research, oil and gas exploration, business intelligence, security, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

It can help any industry improve its organizational performance and drive new value from its data. It is delivered through various models: public, private, hybrid, and community models. 

6. Cloud Scalability

Cloud scalability refers to the capacity to scale up or down IT resources as per the need for change in computing. Scalability is usually used to fulfill the static needs where the workload is handled linearly when resource deployment is persistent.

The types of scalability are vertical, horizontal, and diagonal. Horizontal scaling is regarded as a long-term advantage; on the other hand, vertical scaling is considered a short-term advantage. The benefits of cloud scalability are reliability, cost-effectiveness, ease, and speed. It is critical to understand how much those changes will cost and how they will benefit the company.

It can be applied to Disk I/O, Memory, Network I/O, and CPU. 

7. Mobile Cloud Computing

Mobile cloud computing helps to deliver applications to mobile devices through cloud computing. It allows different devices with different operating systems to have operating systems, computing tasks, and data storage. Mobile cloud helps speed and flexibility, resource sharing, and integrated data. Mobile Cloud Computing advantages are:

  • Increased battery life
  • Improvement in reliability and scalability
  • Simple Integration
  • Low cost and data storage capacity
  • Processing power improvement

The only drawback is that the bandwidth and variability are limited. It has been chosen due to productivity and demand, increasing connectivity.

8. Big Data

Big data is a technology generated by large network-based systems with massive amounts of data produced by different sources. The data get classified through structured (organized data) and unstructured (unorganized data), and semi-structured forms. The data are analyzed through algorithms which may vary depending upon the data means. Its characteristics are Volume, Variety, Velocity, and Variability.

Organizations can make better decisions with the help of external intelligence, which includes improvements in customer service, evaluation of consumer feedback, and identification of any risks to the product/services.

9. Cloud Deployment Model

The way people use the cloud has evolved based on ownership, scalability, access, and the cloud’s nature and purpose. A cloud deployment model identifies a particular sort of cloud environment that determines the cloud infrastructure’s appearance.

Cloud computing deployment models are classified according to their geographical location. Deployment methods are available in public, private, hybrid, community, and multi-cloud models.

It depends on the firms to choose as per their requirements as each model has its unique value and contribution.

10. Cloud Security

Cloud security brings the revolution to the current business model through shifts in information technology. With the rapid increase in the number of cloud computing, the organization needs the security of the cloud, which has become a significant concern.

Cloud Security protects the data from any leakage or outflow, with the removal of theft and catastrophe. The cloud has public, private, and hybrid clouds for security purposes.

Cloud security is needed to secure clients’ data, such as secret design documents and financial records. Its benefits are lower costs, reduced ongoing operational and administrative expenses, increased data reliability and availability, and reduced administration.

11. Cloud Computing Platforms

In an Internet-based data center, a server’s operating system and hardware are referred to as a cloud platform. Cloud platforms work when a firm rents to access computer services, such as servers, databases, storage, analytics, networking, software, and intelligence. So the companies don’t have to set up their data centers or computing infrastructure; they need to pay for what they use. It is a very vast platform where we can do many types of research.

12. Cloud Service Model

The use of networks hosted on the Internet to store from remote servers used in managing and processing data, rather than from a local server or a personal computer. It has three models namely Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS),and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).Each type of cloud computing service provides different control, flexibility, and management levels to choose the right services for your requirements.

The ability to deliver applications and services increases an organization’s ability to evolve and improve products faster. This model helps the firms have their benefits more quickly and better than traditional software. In the DevOps approach, development and operations teams are integrated into a single unit, enabling them to develop diverse skills that aren’t limited to a particular task. The benefits of DevOps are rapidity, increase in frequency, reliability, scale, improved collaboration, and security.

It provides a wide range of tools and technologies to meet clients’ needs.

14. Containerization

Containerization is a popular software development technique that is rapidly evolving and can be used in addition to virtualization. It includes packaging software code and all of its components so that it may run consistently and uniformly across any infrastructure. The developers and operational teams see its benefit as it helps create and locate applications quickly and more securely. It benefits developers and development groups as it provides flexibility/ portability, the ability to move swiftly and efficiently, speed, fault isolation, efficiency, easily manageable, and security. 

Final Words

Hence, all the above are new technologies of cloud computing developed to benefit users worldwide. But there are some challenges that need to be overcome. People nowadays have become skeptical about whether their data is private, secure, or not. This research can make this security more advanced and help to provide innovations in cloud computing.

We hope this article helps you to know some best research topics on cloud computing and how they’re changing the world.

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Cloud Computing Thesis Topics

Cloud computing is means giving access for users to utilize on-demand services and applications based on their desires. In information technology, the cloud computing paradigm initiates to grasp everything behind its enormous computing services and support for data storage access . This emerging trend is exercised to deploy as well as to maintain software. Get to know how cloud computing is applied to solve problems in many domains of information technology. This page is about the recent research updates and exciting current Cloud Computing Thesis Topics .

Cloud computing: An Introduction

To put it in general terms, Cloud computing involves delivering hosted services . It ranges from application to storage as well as processing power. Its model is structured on pay on a per-use basis. The virtualization of the resources is the chief concept of cloud computing . Its advanced automation meets the requirements of the customers in a great manner. Cloud computing is best known for its agility as well.

Hope, you get a clear idea about Cloud Computing and its purpose from the above narration. Now, let’s see about the few main objectives of cloud computing. As a matter of fact, nowadays the scholars are keen to handpick Cloud Computing Thesis Topics which attain the followings,

Cloud Computing Goals

  • Accomplishing High Energy Efficiency
  • Minimizing the Operational Costs
  • Achieving Greater Computing Power
  • Planning of Backup and Failure Recovery
  • Increasing the Usage of Collaborative Tools
  • Upholding and Cooperating to Service Level Agreement (SLA)

  In addition, we have suggested some current and future expected research issues of cloud computing . Following research, ideas are considered to be very significant areas in the latest cloud computing research projects .

Cloud Computing Challenges

  • Trust Issues
  • Quality Assurance Risk
  • Delay and Bandwidth Ambiguity
  • Cloud Interoperability Implication
  • SLA Maintenance and Violation
  • Cost based Heterogeneous Model
  • Cloud Performance Uncertainty
  • New Privacy and Security Threats

What is Optimization in Cloud Computing?

In general, cloud optimization is the process that works with the intention to enhance system performance by reducing resource wastage. For this purpose, it manages and analyzes how the cloud resources are provisioned for users utilizing infrastructure, workloads, and power.

 How to Optimize Cloud?

  • Agile Security Methodologies
  • Low Data Interchange
  • Efficient Function Calls
  • Minimal Migration Overhead
  • Minimum Dependency Over Non-collocated Cloud Components
  • Low Bandwidth Consumption
  • Distance Reduction for Resource Accessibility
  • Reducing Execution Time
  • Minimizing Pre-Execution Latency
  • Increasing Cache Hit Ratio

3 Effective Cloud Computing Features

We have selected and listed three well known characteristics of cloud computing which are as follows,

  • Flexibility
  • Pricing Only for Service
  • Large-Scale Network Access

Its greatest advancement is virtualization. It supports the ability to dynamically scale up and quickly scale down, which results in offering cloud consumers high reliability, quick response times, and flexibility to handle traffic fluctuations.

What Needs For Thesis?

To develop the best thesis ideas, first, go through the recent research works of your interested area. Then does a complete literature survey to analyze the research gaps and problems which not yet solved or still looking for advancements. Next, make a note of it and short-listed cloud computing thesis topics .

From that list, pick the best one which appropriately matches your research objective. Make sure that your cherry-picked research topic is clear to address the research problem with suitable solving solutions. Also, it should create a big respectable contribution in the field of cloud computing . All this information is more specific and well-organized in standard thesis format. We have native writers to support you to write the best master thesis .

When it comes to the topic selection for your research work, we offer a great number of astonishing cloud computing thesis topics that are worth impressing. Some topics are listed below,

Top 7 Latest Cloud Computing Thesis Topics

What are the Latest Cloud Computing Thesis topics? 

We offer numerous possibilities for you to work it out. Yours is to choose and get the best out of it. What interests you is our major concern. Our experts will provide many astonishing topics to satisfy your needs. Further, we have listed out few important Cloud Computing Thesis Topics for your reference. These are the areas that scholars are  

  • Secure Live Virtual Machine Migration
  • Cloud Data Traffic Offloading and Management
  • Security Auditing, Fault Tolerance and Availability
  • Efficient Resource Provisioning and Energy management
  • Server Virtualization and Consolidation in Cloud Architecture
  • Cloud Data Storage and Management Technologies
  • Assurance of Data Security using Segregation, Recovery and Backup Solutions

Classifications in Cloud Computing

Considering its services, the common way of categorizing cloud computing is divided into three layers. They include,

  • Software as a service (SaaS)
  • Platform as a service (PaaS)
  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

Cloud integratiCloud integration aids to connect numerous systems and applications for the real-time exchange of data and processes. The advancement of cloud integration is considered to be a game-changer that offers flexibility and scalability. Let’s take a look at some integrated cloud infrastructures,

What are the Research Fields in Cloud Computing?

  • Content-Centric Mobile Edge Cloud
  • Integration of IoT with Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Resources Virtualization
  • Blockchain based Cloud Forensics
  • Vehicular Cloud Computing (VCC)
  • Green Cloud: Energy Aware Cloud Services
  • Ad-hoc Cloud Computing and Networking
  • Software Defined Cloud Computing (SDCC)
  • Cloud – RAN (C-RAN) for 5G, LTE-Advanced
  • LTE Networks

Performance Analysis in Cloud Computing

  • ElasticSim – Support Workflow Applications and Services
  • WorkflowSim – Manage and Control the Workflow
  • CloudAnalyst – Cloud Applications and Environment Analysis
  • Dynamic Cloudsim – Distributed and Computing Cloud Infrastructure
  • Cloudsim – Cloud Entities Design, VM Assignment Interface and Resource Distribution
  • Network Cloudsim – Cloud Infrastructure Optimization (includes Hardware and Software)

Let’s get into the experimental study based on the cloud with Hadoop integrated systems along with its description . Once combined the data and integrated cloud services can then be accessed by multiple devices over a network.

Simulation Parameters for Cloud Computing

  • Hadoop platform – Hadoop HDFS and YARN (included MR2)
  • No. of. name nodes – 1 name nodes (4 cores)
  • Network bandwidth – 2000 Mbps (16 cores / node)
  • No. of. data nodes – 16 Data nodes (2,4,8,16 cores / node)
  • Hadoop framework – Cloudera (CDH and Manager)
  • Cloud Computing platform – Amazon EC2 (AWS)

Let’s take a look at some performance metrics,

  • CPU Usage (%)
  • Processing Time
  • RAM Speed Rate
  • Data Transmission Time
  • Link Error Rate
  • Reply / Response Time (ms)
  • Latency of MPI Transfer
  • MPI Transfer bit/ byte Speed
  • FLOP (Benchmark OP) Rate
  • Mean Hitting Time (S)
  • Packet Loss Rate (PLR)
  • Instance Efficiency (% CPU Utilization at peak)
  • Memory bit/byte Speed (MB/s, GB/s)

Cloud QoS Metrics

  • Energy Efficiency
  • Computing Power Usage
  • Utilization of Energy
  • Effective Power Consumption
  • Average Datacenter Efficacy
  • Resource Consumption
  • Energy Expenditure Cost
  • Storage / IO Throughput
  • Cost of Virtual Machine Co-location
  • Network Power Utilization
  • Running Time
  • Network Bandwidth Capacity
  • Efficiency of Datacenter Cooling System
  • Index of Recirculation
  • Utilization Factor  of Waterside Economizer
  • Memory Consumption
  • Storage Space Utilization
  • Return on Investment (RoI)
  • Capital Expense (CapEx)
  • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • Cloud Provider – Cost, Energy Utilization, Throughput, Makespan, Ratio of Application Transaction, Energy Efficiency and Security
  • Cloud User – Correctness, Dependability, Accessibility, User Satisfaction, Privacy and Reply Time

To learn more about the strategic advantages of moving any infrastructure to the cloud is subject to approaching your research work, we support you to all extents. We offer awe-inspiring research guidance starting from cloud computing thesis topics selection until your viva voce. Nothing is there to worry about code implementation, metrics, parameters, experimental study , and so on because we meticulously work for the betterment of your research work. 

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cloud computing Recently Published Documents

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Simulation and performance assessment of a modified throttled load balancing algorithm in cloud computing environment

<span lang="EN-US">Load balancing is crucial to ensure scalability, reliability, minimize response time, and processing time and maximize resource utilization in cloud computing. However, the load fluctuation accompanied with the distribution of a huge number of requests among a set of virtual machines (VMs) is challenging and needs effective and practical load balancers. In this work, a two listed throttled load balancer (TLT-LB) algorithm is proposed and further simulated using the CloudAnalyst simulator. The TLT-LB algorithm is based on the modification of the conventional TLB algorithm to improve the distribution of the tasks between different VMs. The performance of the TLT-LB algorithm compared to the TLB, round robin (RR), and active monitoring load balancer (AMLB) algorithms has been evaluated using two different configurations. Interestingly, the TLT-LB significantly balances the load between the VMs by reducing the loading gap between the heaviest loaded and the lightest loaded VMs to be 6.45% compared to 68.55% for the TLB and AMLB algorithms. Furthermore, the TLT-LB algorithm considerably reduces the average response time and processing time compared to the TLB, RR, and AMLB algorithms.</span>

An improved forensic-by-design framework for cloud computing with systems engineering standard compliance

Reliability of trust management systems in cloud computing.

Cloud computing is an innovation that conveys administrations like programming, stage, and framework over the web. This computing structure is wide spread and dynamic, which chips away at the compensation per-utilize model and supports virtualization. Distributed computing is expanding quickly among purchasers and has many organizations that offer types of assistance through the web. It gives an adaptable and on-request administration yet at the same time has different security dangers. Its dynamic nature makes it tweaked according to client and supplier’s necessities, subsequently making it an outstanding benefit of distributed computing. However, then again, this additionally makes trust issues and or issues like security, protection, personality, and legitimacy. In this way, the huge test in the cloud climate is selecting a perfect organization. For this, the trust component assumes a critical part, in view of the assessment of QoS and Feedback rating. Nonetheless, different difficulties are as yet present in the trust the board framework for observing and assessing the QoS. This paper talks about the current obstructions present in the trust framework. The objective of this paper is to audit the available trust models. The issues like insufficient trust between the supplier and client have made issues in information sharing likewise tended to here. Besides, it lays the limits and their enhancements to help specialists who mean to investigate this point.

Cloud Computing Adoption in the Construction Industry of Singapore: Drivers, Challenges, and Strategies

An extensive review of web-based multi granularity service composition.

The paper reviews the efforts to compose SOAP, non-SOAP and non-web services. Traditionally efforts were made for composite SOAP services, however, these efforts did not include the RESTful and non-web services. A SOAP service uses structured exchange methodology for dealing with web services while a non-SOAP follows different approach. The research paper reviews the invoking and composing a combination of SOAP, non-SOAP, and non-web services into a composite process to execute complex tasks on various devices. It also shows the systematic integration of the SOAP, non-SOAP and non-web services describing the composition of heterogeneous services than the ones conventionally used from the perspective of resource consumption. The paper further compares and reviews different layout model for the discovery of services, selection of services and composition of services in Cloud computing. Recent research trends in service composition are identified and then research about microservices are evaluated and shown in the form of table and graphs.

Integrated Blockchain and Cloud Computing Systems: A Systematic Survey, Solutions, and Challenges

Cloud computing is a network model of on-demand access for sharing configurable computing resource pools. Compared with conventional service architectures, cloud computing introduces new security challenges in secure service management and control, privacy protection, data integrity protection in distributed databases, data backup, and synchronization. Blockchain can be leveraged to address these challenges, partly due to the underlying characteristics such as transparency, traceability, decentralization, security, immutability, and automation. We present a comprehensive survey of how blockchain is applied to provide security services in the cloud computing model and we analyze the research trends of blockchain-related techniques in current cloud computing models. During the reviewing, we also briefly investigate how cloud computing can affect blockchain, especially about the performance improvements that cloud computing can provide for the blockchain. Our contributions include the following: (i) summarizing the possible architectures and models of the integration of blockchain and cloud computing and the roles of cloud computing in blockchain; (ii) classifying and discussing recent, relevant works based on different blockchain-based security services in the cloud computing model; (iii) simply investigating what improvements cloud computing can provide for the blockchain; (iv) introducing the current development status of the industry/major cloud providers in the direction of combining cloud and blockchain; (v) analyzing the main barriers and challenges of integrated blockchain and cloud computing systems; and (vi) providing recommendations for future research and improvement on the integration of blockchain and cloud systems.

Cloud Computing and Undergraduate Researches in Universities in Enugu State: Implication for Skills Demand

Cloud building block chip for creating fpga and asic clouds.

Hardware-accelerated cloud computing systems based on FPGA chips (FPGA cloud) or ASIC chips (ASIC cloud) have emerged as a new technology trend for power-efficient acceleration of various software applications. However, the operating systems and hypervisors currently used in cloud computing will lead to power, performance, and scalability problems in an exascale cloud computing environment. Consequently, the present study proposes a parallel hardware hypervisor system that is implemented entirely in special-purpose hardware, and that virtualizes application-specific multi-chip supercomputers, to enable virtual supercomputers to share available FPGA and ASIC resources in a cloud system. In addition to the virtualization of multi-chip supercomputers, the system’s other unique features include simultaneous migration of multiple communicating hardware tasks, and on-demand increase or decrease of hardware resources allocated to a virtual supercomputer. Partitioning the flat hardware design of the proposed hypervisor system into multiple partitions and applying the chip unioning technique to its partitions, the present study introduces a cloud building block chip that can be used to create FPGA or ASIC clouds as well. Single-chip and multi-chip verification studies have been done to verify the functional correctness of the hypervisor system, which consumes only a fraction of (10%) hardware resources.

Study On Social Network Recommendation Service Method Based On Mobile Cloud Computing

Cloud-based network virtualization in iot with openstack.

In Cloud computing deployments, specifically in the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) model, networking is one of the core enabling facilities provided for the users. The IaaS approach ensures significant flexibility and manageability, since the networking resources and topologies are entirely under users’ control. In this context, considerable efforts have been devoted to promoting the Cloud paradigm as a suitable solution for managing IoT environments. Deep and genuine integration between the two ecosystems, Cloud and IoT, may only be attainable at the IaaS level. In light of extending the IoT domain capabilities’ with Cloud-based mechanisms akin to the IaaS Cloud model, network virtualization is a fundamental enabler of infrastructure-oriented IoT deployments. Indeed, an IoT deployment without networking resilience and adaptability makes it unsuitable to meet user-level demands and services’ requirements. Such a limitation makes the IoT-based services adopted in very specific and statically defined scenarios, thus leading to limited plurality and diversity of use cases. This article presents a Cloud-based approach for network virtualization in an IoT context using the de-facto standard IaaS middleware, OpenStack, and its networking subsystem, Neutron. OpenStack is being extended to enable the instantiation of virtual/overlay networks between Cloud-based instances (e.g., virtual machines, containers, and bare metal servers) and/or geographically distributed IoT nodes deployed at the network edge.

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