essay about what you do in your free time

Free time essay 7 models

  • English essay
  • March 8, 2018

Free time essay

Free time essay  contains many important information about how to use leisure time and the importance of time and things that we can accomplish in leisure time to get the most out of it. All that information you’ll find here in free time essay.

  • Free time essay

There is no doubt that everyone has a free time daily, weekly or monthly, but we must use this time to develop ourselves and do not waste it in vain. All this will be found here in free time essay .

Leisure time

D uring life, man needs to spend many times in carrying out the necessary tasks required of him to implement them. After completing these works, he has leisure time, ranging from one person to another depending on the different situations and actions that people do in their day and night.

Leisure is a real blessing for those who use it well.  It is a vengeance for those who live in a messy life, filled with illiteracy, a life that destroys the man and makes him live into misery.

The first step in investing leisure time in the right way is to define a goal or a set of clearly defined goals that a person seeks to achieve during his life.

These goals are the main motive that drives the person to set priorities to build his character, organize his time, exploit his abilities, and so on, Which ultimately makes it possible to view leisure as a blessing, not just a time to be filled with any activity.

Man must also use his free time to practice his hobbies and set a schedule for these hobbies at this time. The hobbies keep people away from bad companions, and the different kinds of deviations that may destroy the human, and hinder him from completing his life, and wasting his time in vain.

Taking care of the spiritual aspects, and trying to use leisure time to develop these aspects is the best way to exploit leisure time.

Attention to these aspects helps the human to rise and achieve the highest human grades. It is also necessary to pay attention in leisure time to the social aspects that need to be followed, especially that man is a social being by nature.

Free Time Essay in English

I like to use my spare time to do the work and the planned goals. I always use the method of writing, whether for my future desires, or the goals I expect to achieve. This helps me a lot in progressing and getting good results, whether in personal life or in studies.

When I set plans and goals, I cannot be easily distracted, and all that is required is to see my goals and strive to achieve them, according to the time period required to achieve this goal. I can say that I plan my free time in three stages.

The first stage

Setting quick goals, such as cleaning my room, buying clothes, going to the library, in the first stage I put everything that is simple and requires a short time such as hours or only one day.

The second stage

In the second stage, I set goals that require me more time, such as participating in a competition that requires work for a week or a month, or participating in a social activity that requires a long time.

The third stage

In the third stage I set my big goals such as saving money to buy a car, working to save money first, looking for opportunities for self-development and self-improvement such as learning a new foreign language, participating in hobbies that require continuous work such as theater art, or playing an instrument.

Therefore, I always spend my free time as planned and rarely improvise and deviate from the system that I love to live through.

My free time essay

Of course, my free time at this age has become more important, and I am organizing my time, setting goals and plans, and making a short, medium and long study of how to spend my free time, so that I can enjoy beside learning some new things.

So that I can return to study stronger and more experienced. I have an ambition to become a doctor, and in order to achieve this dream, I must strive and struggle and organize my spare time, whether to learn some new lessons or to learn some manual skills that may benefit me in the future.

So I put in my short goals to visit relatives, go out for a walk and do some sports to release negative energy. And in the medium goals I put going to the library at the end of the week to retrieve a book and get a new book, participate in a one-month educational course, learn a new language or focus on learning some quick skills

In long missions, I put training in the use of sensitive and precise tools, such as sharp tools used in surgeries. I like to practice using the scalpel in slicing the thin layer on the grapes. This helps me a lot in practicing the accuracy of my hand.

Of course, this dream did not come true, and I will not become a doctor now, but any dream begins with believing in it. So I devote my free time to benefit from it and learn useful things that may benefit me in the future.

Essay about free time

Leisure time is a favorite of many people, and it can be said that each person has his own nature to spend free time as he likes.

There are those who like to go out and celebrate or share some activities with their friends, or sit at home and sleep or do some quiet and simple things.

After long days of effort in studying, each person needs some requirements that make him regain his energy and feel better.

Activities I do in my spare time

1- Take a little walk alone in the early morning, jog a little, sit in the garden and watch the birds and the life that goes by and walks around me.

2- Touring the shops and seeing some new goods that I might want to buy.

3- Walking around in the evening with my friends, eating meals and soft drinks, talking and having a little fun.

In the event that any volunteer work appears in the area, I would very much like to participate in it and get to know some new people and talk to them, such as simple work cleaning gardens, cleaning the neighborhood in which we live, going to a nursing home for the elderly, going to the children’s hospital.

Such activities I like to do very much beside my normal life that I live so that I can appreciate life and know the blessings that I have and appreciate them and thank God for them.

Free time and hobbies essay

Free time is one of the favorite times for all students and they love to spend happy times and do some hobbies, whether sports or entertainment. Where the free time in the holidays comes after a long semester, it requires them to focus and diligence, prepare a lot of homework, and undergo many tests that stress and make them anxious for a long time.

Therefore, the student’s free time represents the opportunity to rejuvenate his activity, charge his body with energy, and release all the negative energy inside him. It is a good opportunity to relax and spend some time practicing hobbies.

Personally, I like to jog and play soccer. All the games that require long-distance running and the release of great energy. This helps me release the negative energy inside me and renews my activity and vitality.

I also like to go out in the evening, take a walk, and play electronic games with my friends, in order to relieve myself a little and feel a little relaxation that takes me away from stress and tension.

This is how I spend my free time and this helps me a lot. There may be other people who prefer different types of mathematics, but this is my favorite and I like to practice it a lot.

Free time paragraph in English

It is wonderful that there is free time away from study and constant mental effort. I often feel that the holidays and the free time I spend playing sports, or playing some electronic games have come in their time, and that I need to relax and stop thinking, even for a little bit.

It also allows us to return to society, mingle and learn some things away from constant study, go out for a walk and smell some fresh air, make friends, and live normally for some time before returning to study and strive for self-realization in this aspect.

So I enjoy a lot when my free time comes, whether in sports or outing and making new friends, or just playing electronic games, that’s how I spend my free time.

What do you do in your free time essay

In my spare time, I like to organize my day from morning to evening. In the morning, after waking up and having breakfast with my family members, I like to sit a little in the living room with my family members and watch any series or morning program, and talk to each other a little bit until the afternoon period comes.

Then, I get ready to go out to play football, I like to play this sport a lot with my team and friends, we keep playing and training until the early evening.

After that I go home and sit for a little while until 8 in the evening and then I go out for a walk with my friends. I am very happy with that because I learn from them many things that help me increase my confidence in myself, and I also learn things that help define my identity.

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How I Spend My Free Time (Essay Sample) 2023

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What do you do in your free time? Some people produce beautiful flowers, some watch soap operas, and others play computer games.

This custom essay on how you spend your free time focuses on painting as a hobby. Read on and find out how the author discovered her love for painting and what her creative process looks like.

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What Do You Do In Your Free Time Essay Example

I remember my father painting landscapes when I was a kid. We used to go out for walks with him when he needed inspiration. He once gave me a beautiful portrait that I found meaningful, and to this day I still have it. Because of my dad, I enjoy painting as a hobby.

As a student, I am always busy with my school work on weekdays. Thankfully, I have plenty of free time on weekends, so I get to paint then. I’ve tried a variety of painting formats. But right now, I love doing my friends’ portraits. Sometimes, they even ask me to go and paint their bedrooms with a design of my choosing.

I love painting indoors because sometimes the weather gets too chilly. Painting is a great way to portray my perception of reality or even showcase a figment of my imagination. I get to imagine all kinds of things and paint them. I’ve done astonishing houses in heaven, hills, clouds, and peoples’ faces. Sometimes I even visit exhibitions in our town and check out other artists’ works for inspiration and for pure pleasure. Even though I am still young, I still get a lot of compliments about my art, and this motivates me a lot.

Essay Writing

Memorable Paintings I’ve Done in My Leisure Time

I have one particular portrait of my mother, which I painted during the last summer holiday. I think it’s the best piece I’ve ever done. It’s also meaningful as my mother has been my greatest inspiration, and she encourages me to keep honing my craft.

Another favorite piece of art that I made was when my art teacher told me to draw a landscape of our school at the end of term. This experience was so special because the end result was attractive and unique.

I have many other memorable artworks, and each one of them has a significant memory attached to it. I hope that one day I can put up my own exhibit and show people some of the paintings that I’ve done over the years.

My Creative Process

My painting work is primarily done at home. I have an art room where I keep my brushes, paintings, and other materials.

Before I start, I try to visualize in my mind the vision I have for the piece. For instance, I did an elephant portrait once. It took me an entire day just to finish the sketch as I had to spend time visualizing the outlines on its head. Getting a technical grasp of the object of my study is so important, and it should never be skipped.

After attaining clarity on my vision, I identify the specific hues that I will need to get started. Sometimes I build on this, as the vision can sometimes evolve when I start painting. I then focus all my time filling in the outline and perfecting all the details. I don’t stop until I have a piece of art that I am proud to call my own.

Room for Growth in My Free Time

To be honest, I have so much room for improvement. Thankfully, I have a lot of free windows on weekends to keep working on my weaknesses.

One thing that I have realized is that painting is different from writing, though both are creative endeavors. I love how the end result of painting is a primarily visual experience. It’s so fun and exciting. It’s a good way to cheer me up after a long week of studies. Painting is also a relatively affordable hobby and a good outlet for creative people like myself, even if it requires a lot of practice and dedication. There’s never a dull moment.

I would love to spend more time painting. Another reason why it is so important to me is because of the connection it has to my father. He was my first inspiration. While I am self-taught, I diligently apply all the things I have learned from art books. More than just getting better at my technique, I have found a good outlet for expressing myself emotionally without having to say it in words.

How Do I Spend My Free Time Essay

What activities do you pursue in your spare time? There are “academic” hobbyists who try to learn a foreign language, and other more kinaesthetic learners who engage themselves in various sports activities.

I personally like to paint portraits in my free moments, whether I’m on summer vacation or just taking a break for the weekend. It all started when I was young, when I watched my father paint and get inspiration from the most random things in nature. Since then, I’ve been trying to deepen my technical knowledge of this type of art. I’m a self-taught painter, so I rely on art books, artist interviews, and painting workshops to get better at my craft.

While I appreciate different kinds of painting, I am especially captivated by portraits. As such, this is the style of painting I prefer doing. I have done pieces for my friends over the years and I would volunteer as a portrait artist for different types of social activities.

When it comes to leisure, it’s important to know how to spend your free time wisely. Make those moments count, as you may never get them back again.

What are popular free time activities you enjoy?

You may opt to write about a variety of different hobbies or pursuits, such as collecting stamps, finding and filling little treasure chests, watching plants grow, trying physical activities, playing games, cultivating a garden, reading novels, and other exciting things. As you write about these activities, keep in mind to write about the things that get you excited.

What are the ways to spend your free time wisely?

In this very busy and fast-paced world, free time can be very hard to come by, so it’s important to maximize the free moments you have. Use your spare time investing in yourself. It doesn’t mean that you have to do something expensive or difficult, especially if it will only cause you even more stress. Do especially exciting things that personally matter to you. You know it’s worth doing if you feel refreshed and recharged at the end of the day. It may still require some physical exertion, but the satisfaction you get from doing it should weigh more heavily.

You don’t even have to stick to just one thing. If your free time comes in a regular series of time bursts, you can actually make a bucket list of the things you want to do. It could be pursuing hobbies that you’re already familiar with, or it could be finding a new interest and learning how to do it well. Whatever it is, it should be something that will enrich your life.

essay about what you do in your free time

What Do You Enjoy Doing in Your Spare Time? (With 10 Sample Interview Answers)

What a person chooses to do in his/her free time tells a lot about the person and their hobbies. That is why an employer asks this question to get to know the candidate well. Different candidates have different ways of using their spare time. Some of them schedule their free times, some of them go with the flow. Things that a person can do to enjoy in their spare time have a wider scope from hanging out with friends to reading a book or even volunteering for a charity or a project.

What Do You Enjoy Doing in Your Spare Time 1

How to Answer “What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?”

Well, a candidate could never give a wrong answer to such a question, below listed are some points that one can know to give a smart answer to this question.

Relate your answer to the job requirements

Your answer could give the employer an insight into what kind of person you would be like to work with and whether or not you are a perfect fit for the company’s work environment. Therefore, as per the job requirements, you should put a little thought into your answer.

Showcase your personality

This is your chance you show what you are apart from your work life. Are you a fun person who likes hanging out with friends? Or are you a nerd who likes to read in their spare time? Your answer to this question will determine how you will be with your co-workers; will you be a person who will take time to get along with the fellow workers? Or will you be a team person from the start? The employer will get a clear picture of your personality.

Do not lie and Do not overshare

Do not forget that you are still a part of an interview and the answer to this question can increase your chances of being hired. Sharing your whole life story and history is strictly prohibited for answering such questions. Give the answer in brief, avoid going into many details. Be extremely honest with your answers and the interviewers are experts in spotting lies and made-up answers because they are sitting on the other side of the table for a reason.

Things to emphasize

  • Your hobbies throw a positive light on your personality, so emphasize the good ones.
  • Explain why you enjoy spending your spare time doing those activities and what changes does that make to your life.
  • Share your favorite past-time activities that you enjoy and show enthusiasm in your answer. The employer should get optimistic energy from your answer.
  • Mention some of the productive past-times that are related to your work like attending seminars, webinars, work exhibitions, etc.
  • If you write blogs or have a writing hobby like maintaining a journal, mention that as well because reading and writing skills appeal to most potential employers.

Let us now read some examples of the answers to the question, “What Do You Enjoy Doing in Your Spare Time?”

Sample Interview Answers

Sample answer 1.

“In my spare time, I like to spend time with my family as I hardly get time to spend with them in this 9-5 routine. I am very particular about my health as well, so if I have 1 to 2 hours of spare time left after spending time with my family, I try to hit the gym or exercise at home for an hour or two. In the spare time I have in the morning I read newspapers and magazines as I feel it is really important to be aware of the current affairs around the globe.

Sample Answer 2

“I am a nature-lover, so I go hiking or some green place for fun in the free time I get from my work. Nature is like an escape to me, so mostly on weekends, I like to go for a mini-vacation anywhere near town. I also volunteer for some nature-related programs such as with organizations working for sustainable development or farmer welfare committees. I also am active on social media, mostly my posts are pictures of the places I go in the spare time and spreading awareness to save mother nature.”

This answer will show the employer that you have a voice. You like directing people and you have a sense of awareness which will surely add up to the benefit of the company that you have applied for.

Sample answer 3

“I like to spend most of my spare time writing. I have my own blogging website and I write on niche self-help and lifestyle. Whenever I face writer’s block, I switch to reading travelogues, or blogs by other famous lifestyle influencers. I also am part of a bloggers group where we share out ideas and stories that helps us become a better writer; my goal is to write 50 blog posts in a year. Through my blogs, I aim at spreading knowledge and positivity among people about how they can transform their lifestyle into a healthy one.”

This answer will show the employer that you like networking and you have writing skills that can help the company in some other ways.

Sample Answer 4

“Most of my free time I like writing poems. I have been writing them since I was in 10 th grade. Writing poems helps me be more innovative and creative. I also spend some of my spare time hanging out with my friends and I enjoy this part the most. I like listening to podcasts as well, currently, I am listening to podcasts by Michelle Obama and Jay Shetty.”

Sample Answer 5

“I am a social person. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family in the spare time. I also like interacting with new people apart from the people from work. I and my friends always try to plan a day or two out once every two months as we all love traveling. Going on a long vacation is quite not possible as I am at my foundational career stage, so I try to devote most of my time building the career by doing work.

Sample Answer 6

“Most of my spare time is spent listening to songs from different artists and playing guitar. I am not really good at it but I am learning. One of my friends is himself a musician, so whenever our free schedule matches, he comes to teach me how to play different instruments. Music really does gives me positive energy to work better.”

Sample Answer 7

“I like scheduling my spare time. I start my spare time by journaling everything that I have on my mind, then after I do some yoga and practice meditation to maintain my calm. I cook really well, so I spend my spare time making new dishes as I really enjoy cooking. I am planning to start my own food blog really soon as well.”

Sample Answer 8

“I do a lot of work that involves physical efforts. Being on the field all day stresses me out. So, to be honest I enjoy spending my spare time lying on the couch, watching some documentaries on Netflix or other platforms. I also try to spend my weekends with my parents as I moved out from the home due to the long travel time to my previous workplace.”

Sample Answer 9

“My job involves staring at the screen for hours without moving from a sitting position. I try to stay away from my cell phone as much as possible, I try to receive only important calls. Considering how much time I spend sitting at my work, I like to go for a run in my spare time. I spend at least half-hour running or doing cardio exercises. I enjoy spending my time working on my health and fitness.”

Sample Answer 10

“I am working on a book. So, in my spare time, I try to write as many pages as I could as my goal is to get that book published before the year ends. So, I hardly get time to do any other activities but writing is like therapy for me, so I enjoy writing in most of my spare time. The book I am working on self-help genre and also includes a bit of knowledge about personal finance. After finishing it, I will surely get you a copy of it, I would really appreciate the feedback.”

These were examples of 10 answers for the question.

However, your answer will surely differ from these answers up to an extent but these answers will give you a fair idea of how you can answer such a question. Remember to be honest with your answer as there is nothing to lie about in this question. I hope you enjoyed reading this article. Comment below your views on this article and share them with your friends and co-workers.


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Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari is the founder of website.

I am a full-time professional blogger, a digital marketer, and a trainer. I love anything related to the Web, and I try to learn new technologies every day.

All the team management, content creation, and monetization tasks are handled by me. Together with the team at PrepMyCareer, the aim is to provide useful and engaging content to our readers.

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