Sep 23, 2022 · Essay. In the context of blog posts, an essay presents the author’s argument or opinion. The writer uses research and evidence to back up their points. Media Strategies Aren’t as Crazy as They Seem from the Animalz blog features real-life examples that back up a unique perspective. News post. News posts share news from your community or ... ... Nov 9, 2021 · An easy way to write an outline for your blog post is to follow a similar structure to an essay. Your blog post starts with an introduction, which is then followed by body sections and then finally, the conclusion. But unlike an essay, a blog post’s conclusion includes a call to action. (We’ll talk more about that in a bit.) ... Oct 9, 2016 · The more often you write, the more natural it becomes, and you won’t even have to think twice about writing an excellent post or article that connects and communicates with your audience. How to write an essay in 8 steps (1) Pick the topic: Preferably, you are genuinely interested in writing about the topic. If you like the topic, others will ... ... When writing a blog post, whether you're guest posting for someone else or writing for your own blog, you’ll want to cover topics that bring value to your readers and fall in line with their interests, as well as your own. Rather than trying to find the perfect topic right away, start by jotting down different ideas that come to mind. ... Mar 9, 2024 · Writing Your Blog Essay: Step by Step Crafting a compelling Blog Post involves a systematic approach that captivates readers from the outset. By following a step-by-step process, you can effectively structure your blog essay to engage and inform your audience. ... Mar 9, 2024 · Understanding the Basics of a Blog Style Essay. When it comes to writing, a blog style essay is a unique form of expression that combines the structure of an essay with the conversational tone of a blog post. This type of writing allows for creativity and personal voice while still maintaining informative content. ... ">
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how to write blog essay

How to Write a Good Blog Post: A Complete Step-by-Step Process

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You pull up a blank document, ready to write a blog post, but the white emptiness stares back. How do you begin?

We’ve all been there, staring into that vast white space, wondering where to start. I’ve felt that subtle anxiety too. Yet, with the right approach, that daunting task can turn into a delightful journey. With an established process, writing becomes less about filling the space and more about connecting deeply with your readers.

Dive into the steps in this post and uncover the secrets to crafting a blog post that truly engages and resonates with your audience.

Table of Contents

How long does it take to write a great blog post?

Step 1: identify your topic, original research, topical research, competitive research, how-to guide, feature article, product review or comparison, link/article roundup, expert roundup, step 4: create an outline, introduction, body content, step 6: pen a headline, step 7: edit and proofread your content, step 8: add your meta data, step 9: publish your post, it’s all about practice.

As you get into writing blog posts, you might wonder how long you should take to write a good one. Are you taking too long? Should you spend more time?

Orbit Media Studios found that bloggers take an average of four hours and one minute to complete a blog post in their 2022 survey . For reference, these folks wrote an average of 1,416 words per blog post.

how to write blog essay

But think of this number as an estimate. It takes everyone a different amount of time to write a blog post based on factors like:

  • Personal writing speed: All bloggers write at a different pace, and they’re all valid.
  • Subject matter knowledge : It’s faster to write about a subject you know over one you don’t.
  • Topic complexity: Most people will need more time to write about piezoelectric ceramics than how to blow a bubble with gum.
  • Research requirements : It’ll take longer to put together a blog post that weaves together original interviews than one with a few online sources.

Plus, Orbit Media Studios discovered that bloggers who spend more time on their blog posts get more success. Thirty-three percent of respondents who spent six or more hours per blog post reported “strong results.” Compare that number to the 22% benchmark.

You’ll see that the first steps to writing a blog post involve careful preparation. Start by choosing a topic to write about.

Get as specific as possible when you pick your subject. Specificity lets you differentiate your content from blog posts on similar topics and helps you cover an idea in-depth. Let’s say you want to write about how to cook a steak — you could narrow that down to how to cook a T-bone steak on a grill.

After you decide on a topic, establish the angle you want to take. Going back to our example of how to cook a T-bone steak on a grill, you could come from a scientific angle. For your blog post, you could consult a scientist on why certain techniques make a better steak.

Step 2: Do your research

Now that you know what you want to write about, you can research your topic . Blog post research falls into three categories:

Original research comes from data you generate yourself by consulting other people. Not every blog post needs to have original research to have high-quality content, but it can contribute to truly unique writing.

Try these tactics to get one-of-a-kind sources for your post:

  • Surveys: Use a free tool like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms to ask people questions on a large scale. Find people who know about your topic at your organization, subscribed to your mailing list on the subject, or in an online community.
  • Polls: Polls work well for asking a broad audience a single question. Many social media and communication apps have built-in poll features, such as Twitter and Slack.
  • Interviews: Ask experts on your subject for an interview over email, on a video call, or in person. Reach out to your colleagues and network to see if they know anyone. You can also use a service like Help a Reporter Out to get expert quotes.

how to write blog essay

Topical research is the research you conduct around the internet. Use your preferred search engine to find online sources with these traits:

  • Authoritative: The author or website should have plenty of experience or credentials on the topic. When applicable, they should use solid research to back up their claims.
  • Recent: Aim for resources written three or fewer years ago when possible.
  • Helpful: When your reader clicks through to your source, they should get value out of it and understand how it connects to your article.

This type of research often flies under the radar for newer blog post writers. Competitive research involves evaluating other articles on your subject. By understanding the other content out there on your topic, you can find ways to improve upon it.

Don’t just look for what ideas the other blog posts include. Instead, think about what they’re missing. Maybe they don’t cover a point you feel is important, or you could format your content more clearly than them.

Step 3: Choose the type of blog post you’ll write

With knowledge of your topic on hand, it’s time to decide how you’ll present it. Some popular blog post genres include:

List blog posts organize information into a list with headings naming each item. They often come in the form of numbered lists with a title featuring the number of items, such as “5 Ways to Fold a Towel.”

how to write blog essay

When you write a list blog post, you don’t have to make your list the only content. HelpScout’s 13 Best Practices for Improving Online Customer Service introduces online customer service, then digs into its items.

A checklist blog post provides a checklist for readers to follow to perform a task.

how to write blog essay

These posts often provide a simplified checklist to follow and then provide more details for each item, like our blog post checklist .

A how-to guide walks the reader through the steps it takes to perform an action.

how to write blog essay

These blog posts rely heavily on lists and images to help readers understand each part of the process. Melly Sews’s how-to guide to sewing a flat-felled seam uses both.

An interview blog post showcases an interview the author has with someone who has insights to share about the article topic.

how to write blog essay

You can go about one of these blog posts in two ways. Either list out your questions and answers in a Q&A format or use your interview answers to tell a story. Notion did the latter in Three-time YC founder and first-time mom finds flow in Notion .

A feature article brings together original research and interviews to explore a subject. Since features often involve interviews, they can overlap with interview blog posts.

how to write blog essay

Some blogs take a feature-first approach to posting, such as Microsoft’s Unlocked blog. One example of one of their features is Can an alphabet save a culture?

In the context of blog posts, an essay presents the author’s argument or opinion. The writer uses research and evidence to back up their points.

how to write blog essay

Media Strategies Aren’t as Crazy as They Seem from the Animalz blog features real-life examples that back up a unique perspective.

News posts share news from your community or company.

how to write blog essay

On business blogs, a lot of news posts relate to company and product updates, like SparkToro Now Has 50% More Podcasts from SparkToro.

A case study tells a success story about a product or service. It generally focuses on one event or customer.

how to write blog essay

This type of blog post requires original interviews with the customer involved so you can get their perspective on your work. With some products, you can share the results of how you helped the customer. Take Buffer, a social media scheduling tool, sharing posts from its customer in this case study as an example.

Product reviews and comparisons evaluate the usefulness of products for the reader. Reviews focus on a single product, while comparisons compare the features of multiple products.

how to write blog essay

Some of these product posts come in the form of a list ranking the best products in a category, like Zapier’s email newsletter software roundup .

Link and article roundups bring together links to online resources or articles on a specific subject.

how to write blog essay

Some of these roundups are more purchase-focused, such as Good On You’s roundup of eco-friendly fashion deals .

Expert roundup blog posts present opinions on a topic from multiple subject matter experts.

how to write blog essay

This format can overlap with other formats, like in Databox’s blog posts that synthesize expert opinions into lists. The Heroes of Business Transparency is one example.

Many people skip or rush through this step even though it’s just as important as the actual writing. A detailed blog post outline gives your article structure and lets you evaluate your overall argument before you write out the full post.

It also helps combat writer’s block. At the outline stage, you only have to get a basic idea down, taking off the pressure of writing a complete idea. Then, when you get to the writing stage, you’ll have your outline to reference when you don’t know what sentence to write next.

Follow these steps to write an outline:

  • List each section and subsection of your blog post. Each section could cover a list item, a point in your argument, a step in a process, etc.
  • Add up to three main points per section. Here’s where you’ll start forming the ideas you’ll cover. As you practice making outlines, you might find it helpful to get even more detailed at this stage.
  • Include any links and examples you want to include for your points. Place your sources where you plan to reference them so you can add them easily in the writing stage.

Here’s a hypothetical outline for a blog post by my cat on why I should feed her a second dinner:

how to write blog essay

You can go more in-depth with your points in your outline, but here’s how the formatting should look.

I recommend writing your outline in a separate document and copying any headers and links over to your draft document. It can be tempting to write your outline and fill out your draft from there, but your document will get disorganized quickly with this approach.

Step 5: Write your post

Onto the writing itself!

Make sure to follow web writing best practices when you write your content.

People read 25% slower onscreen, and they skim rather than read. Web text should be short, scannable, and structured as linked, topical pages. Nielsen Norman Group

Shortening or “chunking” your content helps readers skim, so try to keep your sentences to 25 words or fewer and paragraphs to three sentences or fewer. Make sure to follow the style guide for your blog if you have one as well.

A blog post consists of three main sections that require different approaches:

Integrate your blog post’s angle and an emotional hook into your introduction. This technique establishes what makes your post unique from the start and draws in the reader.

how to write blog essay

For example, in this blog post, I’m trying to provide a comprehensive process so you never feel lost when writing. I explained that angle in the second paragraph of my intro.

As for the emotional hook, try putting yourself in the reader’s shoes or telling a story. I used the example of staring at a blank page wondering what to do next because I’ve been there and know others have, too.

You could also use the Animalz technique of using an unexpected hook and referencing it throughout your blog post. This method takes practice and careful thought, but that hard work really pays off.

Whichever hook you use, keep your introduction concise — about three paragraphs or fewer. An intro that goes on too long can lose the reader’s interest.

A quick side note: You don’t have to write your introduction first if it comes easier to you after you write the rest of your post. Mark it for later and revisit it when you have more context to work with.

Your body content consists of all the words between the introduction and conclusion.

As you write this part of your post, try to cover all the information important for your reader to know. If you have a word limit to stay within, consider linking out to resources on complicated sub-topics.

Speaking of linking, include links to other posts on your blog and trusted sources throughout your body content. Search engines prioritize websites that link relevant pages to each other. Plus, it works as a way to cite your sources when you use outside information.

Just make sure that any site you link to is relevant to your post. Adding links for linking’s sake will make it harder to establish authority and search engine performance.

Lastly, make sure your writing is crisp, clear, and concise by keeping paragraphs three sentences or less, and each sentence 25 words or less .

Here’s an example of a well-structured post’s body content.

how to write blog essay

Time for the grand finale. You have multiple ways to go about writing a conclusion, such as:

  • A summary: Summarize the key points you covered in your post.
  • A takeaway: Provide a takeaway from the ideas you presented in your post. You could go back to the angle you established at the beginning, for example.
  • A redirection: Connect your blog post to another post on your blog and direct your reader there for further reading.
  • A bonus tip: Offer one final tip for the reader to use as they apply the knowledge in your post.

When it feels appropriate, you can also add a call to action to subscribe to your newsletter, try your product, or perform another transactional action. Connect your call to action back to the rest of your conclusion so it doesn’t feel pigeonholed.

After you finish writing your first draft, give it a headline. You can write the headline before your post if you like — there’s no hard and fast rule. For this blog post, we’re writing the headline after the content so you have your draft on hand to inspire your headline.

Follow these steps to craft a top-notch headline for your article:

  • If you write blog posts with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind, grab the top keyword for your article. This keyword should have a direct relation to your subject.
  • Write down 25 versions of your headline to give yourself plenty of choices to consider. Make sure your keyword feels like a natural part of each headline if you include it.
  • Narrow those 25 options to your five favorites.
  • Choose a “winner” from your five finalists.

CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer Studio can help you identify what headlines will hook readers and work for SEO. It has a Google Chrome extension and WordPress plugin. If you don’t have a plan that supports plugins, the extension provides a prompt alongside your WordPress headline.

how to write blog essay

Every blog post needs editing to shine, no matter how talented the writer is. Give your content plenty of this TLC to create quality results.

Start with a basic spelling and grammar check using your word processor’s tools. Then, you can use a tool like Grammarly or Hemingway for more in-depth fixes. While Grammarly performs an advanced spelling and grammar scan, Hemingway checks sentence structure, like so:

how to write blog essay

After you perform these checks, you should still read through your writing manually. Your human eyes will catch mistakes the computer misses. Plus, your editing should focus as much on the quality of your ideas as it does on your spelling and grammar.

We provided some tips to make the manual editing and proofreading process easier in an earlier WordPress blog post. I also suggest asking yourself these questions as you go through your content:

  • Do my logic and arguments make sense?
  • Did I use my SEO keywords? Did I insert them naturally?
  • Do I notice any words being used frequently that I can mix up with adjectives?
  • Did I vary my sentence structure for more dynamic reading?
  • Will my blog post be readable for my average reader?
  • Did I follow my blog’s style throughout the post?

Your blog post’s title tag, meta description, and URL all influence how people find and understand it.

The title tag and meta description are the title and description you see for a page in search results. By default, WordPress uses your headline as the title tag and your excerpt as the meta description. But, if they aren’t the proper length for search results, they can get cut off.

It’s best practice to write a separate title tag and meta description so you know they’ll look good. In WordPress, you can edit this data by changing your post’s code or using a plugin .

Yoast and All in One SEO are two popular plugin options. These plugins add a box below your content in the WordPress editor where you can manage your title tag and meta description. They also guide you through writing those search specs well.

how to write blog essay

Your URL slug is the unique string of words that appears at the end of your URL.

For example, this blog post’s URL is:

how to write blog essay

Its slug is:

how to write blog essay

That’s the part of the URL that’s different for each blog post.

WordPress pulls your URL slug from your headline, but that slug usually isn’t optimized for search results. According to Ahrefs , a good slug follows keywords and summarizes the essence of the blog post.

No need for a plugin or fancy coding to edit your URL slug. Go to the Block tab in the right-hand menu, then edit your URL using the URL option. Save your draft or update your blog post to save your new slug.

how to write blog essay

Now that you have your meta data set up, you can finalize your content for publishing. Copy and paste your blog post from your word processor to your WordPress post. The formatting will carry over to the block editor.

Or, you may have written your blog post within the blog post editor. I generally don’t recommend this approach in case you accidentally click “Publish,” but I know some writers get by just fine doing it. You do you.

If you paste your content from a Google Doc or another online text editor, go through your post and re-upload your images from your computer. The images you paste from another source are kept on your editor’s website, and you’ll want them on your WordPress site for safekeeping.

Once you establish a solid process for writing your blog posts, the next step to mastery is practice. As you adjust your system to your workflow, you’ll know what to do next instead of hoping words will magically appear on your blank page. And we’ll be with you as you practice. Just use this guide to help keep you on track.

how to write blog essay

Pair your airtight writing process with a good topic generation system , and you’ll become an unstoppable blogger. We can’t wait to see what you write!

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About the author, melissa king.

Melissa King writes actionable blog posts about content, marketing, and productivity for tech companies. Find more of her work at

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How To Write An Essay Style Blog Post

As the Virtual Marketing Officer predicted in an  early 2009 post , social and digital content marketing  has become a very important—even critical—marketing investment for you and your law firm marketing team.

Publishing to the web is easy, writing well is not.

It’s easy to publish to the web. All you need is a blog or social media account. It is not, however, easy to write well. Writing well means not only avoiding spelling and grammar mistakes, it includes not BORING readers to death. Luckily there is a fairly straightforward fix for boring content: learn to write a basic essay. (Or, refresh your memory…)

If you work these 8 steps below you will have a better chance of producing something people will read. And, you’ll get better in the process. The more often you write, the more natural it becomes, and you won’t even have to think twice about writing an excellent post or article that connects and communicates with your audience.

How to write an essay in 8 steps

(1) Pick the topic: Preferably, you are genuinely interested in writing about the topic. If you like the topic, others will “feel” your interest and be interested. The topic should also have a human angle. Even if you are writing on a piece of legislation, ruling, or other dry topic, you must conjure up the human side. For example, a cyber security topic could include a story about a business owner or IT director. A new employment law might allow you to fictionalize a workplace scenario. Or, a television show episode might illustrate a pertinent topic related to your practice.

(2) Be the expert: If you’re not an expert on the topic, do the research and become familiar with the issues. Think about the common problems or objections people have with this topic. Then, ask yourself a dozen questions about the topic and answer them in writing. This activity will lead you to exactly what is important and what is humanly relatable.

(3) Pin down the main point: Your thesis, hook, or main idea captures the essence of why readers should care and why they should read your content. You must write this in one sentence, summing up concisely where you’re going to go with your essay and why. It’s practically impossible to write a good blog post or article without this type of anchor. The sentence you write does not necessarily make it into the article; rather, it serves you, the writer, as you develop your article. When you feel yourself getting sidetracked, e.g., introducing a B or C plot line, you go back to the thesis statement. Does the extra plot line help readers understand your main point? Probably not. I’m an experienced writer, and I do it all the time. As I write, I think of one or two other things to “add.” Yet, they rarely aid understanding. In most cases they would confuse the reader. But, if it’s something really good, I make a note and use it for another day, another topic.

(4) Build your outline: Make a list of facts, ideas, and examples that support your main point. Don’t worry about writing paragraphs; write a simple statement on each in a series of single ideas that support your thesis. Then, play with their order. Move them around: What is most important or least important? You’ll fill in the details later.

(5) Write the introduction: Now that you have the key pieces in place, it’s time to write. Start with the opening paragraph or lead. The opening is where the reader will decide whether or not your article or post is worth their time. Is there a story that illustrates what you are writing about? That will be your best lead. It can be a personal anecdote—a short account of a particular incident or event, especially of an interesting or amusing nature—that illustrates your main point. Or, for a legal topic, you could use a case study, a current news story, a business example (it can be fictitious), or the results of a recent survey to illustrate your opening. The idea here is to create human drama, something the reader might relate to. Avoid simply reporting details in the first paragraph. In cases where the topic is current, the media has already reported on it. Don’t waste your time rehashing. But, if you must get the details front-loaded, try describing the situation in conversational terms. Honestly, there is nothing less inviting than an opening paragraph that reads like this:

On January 7, 2016, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, the court held that (add more legal jargon here), which reverses the U.S. Circuit Court’s ruling in the case that applies the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act (FSIA) (case site here), on behalf of (full name of company) (full name of state where incorporated) (Date/Year).

Obviously, if your only audience is the legal profession, then go for it. But don’t expect a client to read it.

(6) Fill in the details: Each of the points in your outline (step 4) is a paragraph or two. Use subheadings that tell the reader in one or two words the main point of each section.

(7)  Cut: Remove  non-essential words . There are dozens of books and educational videos on how to do this. I’m not suggesting that you take out your personal voice, which for lawyers can involve legalese or flowery language; rather, look at every word and decide if it adds or detracts from the understanding and clarity of what you are attempting to communicate.

(8) Review your work: The best way to ensure you’ve written something worth reading is to read it aloud. Does it flow? Have you made your point? Is it free of spelling and grammar errors? Don’t depend on spell check. After you’ve done that, ask someone else with a fresh set of eyes to review it for you.

You may also want to read this post: Content Ideas for Lawyers 

Signing off for now…

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The part “How to write an essay style blog post in 15 steps” is very interesting and helpful. Please, don’t get offended, but in such a bulky article you didn’t mentioned different types of essays. As we know different types of essays and essay-like blogs have their own definite features that differentiate them out of all the other genres. In this article describes almost all the types of essays and given tips as to their writing. For me it was very helpful, I hope you will like it also))

My students always have an assignment to do a blog post. They usually search for examples of past students, but i will always think that it is the best to be original

I appreciate the extensive information you provided and the blog excellent fit with the “How to write an essay style blog post in 15 steps” . If you’re interested in sharing your work, I urge you to go on the link below. Link:

Master the art of essay-style blog posts with this enlightening guide! Learn how to structure and write engaging content that captivates readers. Whether you’re a blogger or a content creator, these tips will enhance your essay writing prowess significantly. Happy writing!”

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How to write a blog post: a step-by-step guide

Ready to share your ideas with the world? Start your blog →  

How to write a blog post

When you create a blog , you have the opportunity to dive deep into your favorite topics, highlight your expertise and build a community of readers interested in your work. Whether you want to learn how to make a website and blog from scratch, or make blogging part of your business strategy, publishing content online is an effective way to share your knowledge and ideas with the world.

That said, composing a winning entry takes practice. In this A-to-Z guide, you’ll learn how to write the perfect blog post—from choosing the right blog topics and picking the proper format for your articles, to selecting strategic images that generate interest and engagement. By the time you’re done reading this, you’ll have a clear idea of how to create strong blog content that effectively communicates your ideas and stands out from other articles on the web, other types of websites and within the blogosphere .

As bloggers ourselves, we've learn a thing or two about writing blog posts over the years. Sharing the knowledge and experience to other bloggers is important to us. Blogging can be a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, both for an individual and a business. We know how impactful it can be and it all starts with the blog post or posts that you write. Every blogger writes their posts differently and has a different process for planning and writing them. But there are some tips we have in mind, that can help everyone delving into the world of blogging.

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Starting a blog should feel exciting, not overwhelming, right? With the Wix Blog Maker, you get everything you need to create, design and grow your blog from scratch–without needing a tech degree. Use Wix’s intuitive tools to share your ideas with the world. 

What is a blog post?

A blog post is a piece of content published on a blog, typically consisting of text, images, videos or other multimedia elements. Blog posts cover a wide range of topics and can vary in length and format. They are often informal, conversational and engaging, providing information, insights, opinions or entertainment to the blog's audience. Blog posts can serve various purposes, including educating, entertaining, inspiring or promoting discussion.

Ready to get blogging? Get started with Wix  today.

How to write a blog post in 13 steps

Brainstorm blog topics

Refine your topic with keyword research

Define your audience

Create an organized outline

Write engaging content

Craft an irresistible headline

Choose a blog template

Select a blog domain name

Pick relevant images

Implement calls-to-action

Optimize for SEO

Edit and publish your blog post

Promote the final article

01. Brainstorm blog topics

When writing a blog post, whether you're guest posting for someone else or writing for your own blog, you’ll want to cover topics that bring value to your readers and fall in line with their interests, as well as your own. Rather than trying to find the perfect topic right away, start by jotting down different ideas that come to mind.

There are several places you can look to spark new topic ideas:

Browse other blogs within your niche with competitor analysis . If you’re starting a travel blog , for example, simply Google “travel blog” to see what your competitors are writing about.

Use AI tools at your disposal to generate topic ideas

Use Google Trends to find out which topics are trending.

Look for current events and recent news stories related to your field.

Find out what people enjoy learning about by browsing online courses on Udemy , Skillshare and LinkedIn Learning .

Once you find some interesting ideas online, think about the unique ways you can approach those topics. Consider the various ways you can play around with topic ideas to come up with something that isn’t only trendy and relevant, but that’s also original and fresh. You'll also need to consider making sure your blog post is up to date and this will mean including relevant data and statistics related to the topic.

Let’s say, for instance, that you want to write about chocolate chip cookies. There are a few different angles you might consider taking here based on your target audience and potential for website traffic :

A how-to post that instructs readers how to do something with clearly ordered steps (e.g., “How to Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies from Scratch”)

A curated list that offers a set of recommendations for your readers (e.g., “The Top Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipes”)

A tips and advice post that provides expert guidance and resources. (e.g., “Tips for Making Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies Extra Gooey”)

A definition-based blog post that helps explain the meaning of a term or topic (e.g., “What Are No-Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies?”)

A top trends article that highlights what’s currently popular (e.g., “The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipes From This Year”)

A personal or business update that lets you unveil something fresh or recently unknown (e.g., “My New Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Revealed”)

Get brainstorming with these best blog ideas , and check out our professional guide on how to make a blog for more helpful tips. You can also consider those close to you for feedback on your ideas, or branch out to a wider audience and get their thoughts.

an example of a story written on a fashion brand's blog

02. Refine your topic with keyword research

Part of writing a blog post involves keyword research. This crucial SEO practice is used as a marker to see which terms you can potentially rank high for in certain online searches.

Once you’ve chosen a direction for your blog post, and before you get started with the writing process, you’ll need to figure out the chances of its success on search engine result pages—which ultimately means getting more eyes on your content. In order to succeed, conduct keyword research to find the most relevant queries for your topic.

You can find keywords for your own articles by using various keyword research tools. If you’re new to blogging, you’ll probably want to start with free tools such as Ubersuggest and Google Keyword Planner . Afterwards, you may want to upgrade to more advanced tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs .

While conducting keyword research, keep in mind that the more specific the phrase, the more closely it will match your audience’s intent. On the other hand, broader keywords tend to have higher search volumes—meaning more people are searching for them each month.

Think about the benefits of opting for a broader phrase, like “chocolate chip cookies,” over a more precise phrase, like “how to make chocolate chip cookies.” Choosing the right keywords means striking a balance between high search volume and high intent.

Once you’ve selected your keywords, you can use them to shape the structure of your content. Google those phrases to find out which articles have successfully targeted those same keywords, and spend some time browsing their content. This will give you inspiration for your own article in terms of what to include and how to structure it. Don't forget to also tap into your own experience as an entrepreneur or writer, when choosing what to write about.

google query on how to make a chocolate chip cookie

03. Define your audience

Now that you know what you’ll be writing about , you need to find out who you’re writing for . Anticipating the kinds of people who will be reading your posts will help you create content that is interesting, engaging, full of relevance and shareable.

Of course, your audience largely depends on your type of blog . If you run a baking blog, you’ll probably be writing for an audience of people who love baking and are seeking recipe inspiration. Even more specifically, if you run a healthy baking blog, you’ll be writing for people who similarly love baking but who want to make their culinary creations healthier. It’s important to keep these nuances in mind when crafting your content, since your goal is to write articles that resonate strongly with readers.

So, how do you figure out your audience in the first place? Start by taking another look at the other blogs in your field. Consider who they seem to be writing for, and the kinds of assumptions they’re making about their readers’ interests and lifestyles. For example, you might find that most of the blogs address a particular gender or age group.

You can also use online forums to find the main questions asked by your audience, or visit Facebook groups to read what topics they like or talk about. This will help you create content that piques their interest, sparks their curiosity and answers their questions.

Whether you're starting a book blog , a fashion blog, travel blog or something else—defining your audience should come first.

04. Create an organized outline

The key to learning how to write a blog post is doing thorough research and planning before you create the article itself. After deciding on the topic and blog format , you’ll need to build the mold for your content. Creating an outline is critical, as it ensures your article will have a strong foundation that you can build on as you write your blog post.

Start by creating subheadings, which are the backbone of an organized outline, under which your paragraphs of text will sit. These small but mighty pieces of content help you break down your article into bite-sized sections, making it easier for you to write and more digestible for people to read.

If it’s a step-by-step guide or a list of tips, start building your outline by listing out all the main points clearly, as in the example below:

Outline: How to Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies from Scratch

1. Gather your ingredients

2. Mix and knead the dough

3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper

4. Scoop mounds of dough onto baking sheet

5. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit

Add bulleted notes within your introduction and under each of your subheadings. This will help you formulate your main points.

If you find yourself getting stuck, use one of these blog post templates to guide you through the outline process.

05. Write engaging content

Turning something you love and know a lot about into blog posts is a great strategy to attract readers: they’ll come for the knowledge, but they’ll stay for your authentic outlook and first-hand experiences.
Hanna Kimelblat , Blogger and Growth Marketing Expert at Wix

Now that you’ve sketched out the blog post, you can begin typing away (or, use AI to write your blog posts ). Keep in mind that blog posts, like many other types of writing, typically include three main elements: an introduction, the body text and a conclusion.

Let’s start with the introduction. In the first few sentences of your article, you should already grab your readers’ attention. Begin with a relevant quote or statistic, tell a short story, or share an interesting fact. Then, set the tone for the article by sharing a brief summary of what you’re going to talk about in the body text. This gives your readers a reason to keep going.

Next, fill in the body text. In your outline, these are the bullet points beneath each subheading. This is the meat of your blog post, so it should be clear and compelling. Avoid fluff and repetition, and instead offer deep value by sharing your knowledge, research, and insights.

A concluding section isn’t always necessary—in fact, our blog rarely uses one—but it can be useful in the case of storytelling or when wrapping up a very extensive article. You can tie your main points together using a short bulleted list, or by sharing some closing thoughts in a few sentences. No matter the case, you’ll want to end on an engaging note.

At this stage you'll also want to consider your writing style, this is usually determined by your blog audience. If you're targeting a professional business crowd so you might want to consider adopting a more formal writing style; if you're writing for bakers, something more light and fun might be the best style. Within this consider your tone too, blogs, even formal business ones, are meant to open up communication and inspire conversation. Make sure your tone is relevant to your writing style and audience, but also use welcoming and inspiring language where possible.

Other important concepts to consider in your content creation process are:

Viscosity : essentially the ease with which a reader can understand and flow through a piece of text. It is akin to the "fluidity" of the writing and how smoothly the ideas and information are conveyed to the reader. High viscosity in writing implies that the text is dense, complicated, and difficult to read, while low viscosity indicates that the writing is clear, concise, and easy to comprehend.

Rhythm: the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables, sentence structures, and the flow of words that create a musical or harmonious quality in the text. It's the cadence and beat that give the writing a sense of movement and can make the language more engaging and memorable.

Creativity : the ability to express oneself imaginatively and inventively through the written word. It involves using one's unique perspective, original ideas, emotion, pathos and artistic flair to craft compelling stories, poems, essays, or any form of written content. Creative writing allows writers to explore their thoughts, emotions, and observations in an innovative and expressive manner. Storytelling is a huge part of writing a blog post and shouldn't be neglected.

Sentence and clause structure: fundamental elements of grammar that govern how sentences are constructed in the English language. They determine the arrangement of words (verbs, adjectives), phrases, and clauses to convey meaning and ensure clarity in communication. Understanding sentence and clause structure is crucial for effective writing and communication.

06. Craft an irresistible headline

When writing a blog post, you don’t only need strong content; you’ll also want a powerful headline . A great headline entices readers and enhances your blog design , ensuring that they actually click on your article in the first place.

Learning how to write a catchy blog title doesn’t have to be hard. All you need to do is keep the following points in mind: clarity, specificity and offering an answer or solution.

Writing a good headline also depends on how well you put yourself in the shoes of your audience. Use the title to promise readers that your blog post will provide valuable insight that will benefit them in some way, whether by satisfying their intellectual curiosity, teaching them something new or helping them solve a problem. This will increase the chances that they’ll click on your article and read it. Just don't go over board and remember to avoid clickbait, which is writing a hyperbole headline just to get clicks through to an article.

Here are some examples of headlines that we are quite proud of, to give you a general idea for your own content:

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If you're looking for inspiration to get started, try out this blog post title generator .

07. Choose a blog template

Writing your blog post may be your first priority, but you’ll also want to package it in an appealing way. Having an article with strong visual appeal is crucial for striking the right chord with your readers. The best way to customize your blog's design is by starting with a free blog template .

Professional designers have created all these blog layouts, and they're fully customizable to reflect your blog's messaging and tone. For inspiration, check out these blog examples to see how others have transformed these templates into beautiful, content-rich powerhouses.

If you’re writing a blog about organic ingredients, for instance, using a natural color palette on your site will set the right tone for the type of topics you’ll be writing about. This same color palette should also be used for your blog logo , as well as on your social media platforms.

example of a travel blog that uses a modern blog template

08. Select a blog domain name

You should host your well-crafted blog on your domain site address in order for readers to discover it. When it comes to naming your blog , you can gather ideas from a blog name generator and see if the domain name is available.

Spend time thinking about how your blog and domain name fit in with the blog post topics you will cover. Make sure that your name reflects your blog’s persona, topic and niche.

Once you have finalized your name, choose your domain name (also referred to as a URL, for example, Typically, your domain name will be the same as, or at least similar to the name of your blog.

09. Pick relevant images

Likewise, you should also enhance your blog post with a few great images that illustrate your main points. It’s important that your pictures add value to the subject, rather than serving as placeholders. Pay extra attention to your featured image—this will be the main visual below your blog’s title, and it’s what readers will see when they browse your articles from your blog’s homepage. Infographics are also great to insert within blog posts to reinforce key points or ket stats.

Also consider inserting videos into your blog posts, the best ones are those you've created to match the topic and intent of the video, but you can also use those from third parties, to improve the user experience and engagement rates on your articles.

With Wix, you can add a professional photo gallery to individual posts and embed your own pictures within your articles. You can also choose from an array of media content from Wix, Shutterstock and Unsplash directly within your site’s editor.

10. Implement calls-to-action

In the same way a blog is meant to inform people about specific topics, it can also be used as an important tool that motivates readers to take a certain action. This includes everything from subscribing to your blog to making a purchase.

This element is referred to as CTA, or call-to-action, and is presented as an embedded link or button that states your objective in an alluring manner. Some of the most common call-to-action examples for blogs include “Subscribe,” “Download our e-book” or “Sign up.”

Using CTAs can help you transform your website traffic into engagement and, eventually, profit. While your immediate goal is to get more readers, you may eventually want to monetize your blog further down the road.

11. Optimize for SEO

When it comes to SEO for bloggers , a strong SEO plan involves optimizing your content both before and after writing the blog post. Not only does this include doing keyword research prior to the outline phase (mentioned in step 3), but it also includes using those keywords to polish your final piece.

This begins with sprinkling relevant keywords throughout your article. Let’s say you’ve chosen to target the keyword “business strategies.” Use this exact phrase in your headline, throughout the body text and one to two subheadings if it’s a natural fit.

Next, include this keyword in your metadata. This is the preview text you’ll see for every article on Google, and it includes a title (known as the meta title) and short description (the meta description). You’ll also want to add the keywords to the URL of your article, as well as in the alt text of your blog post’s images. Use these SEO features to give your blog an overall performance boost. Lastly, and make sure you know exactly how long a blog post should be to best rank your post.

12. Edit and publish your blog post

With so many common blogging mistakes out there, you’ll need to thoroughly check your article for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, repetition and any other unprofessional content. Furthermore, make sure your ideas flow coherently throughout each section, signaling a clear and purposeful message to readers. You can read about other essential aspects of blogging in this comprehensive blog post checklist .

We recommend asking a friend or colleague to give your blog article a once over before it goes live, as part of your proofreading and fact checking process prior to publishing. Direct them to look for any discrepancies or ambiguity. It’s also important to emphasize quality over quantity in order to keep your readers interested and to establish your credibility. Then, once you’re happy with your written work, it’s time to hit publish.

13. Promote the final article

Once you’ve written and published the blog post, take the necessary steps to make sure it gets read. Two of the most effective ways to promote your blog post and get readers are email marketing and social media marketing.

Email remains one of the most reliable platforms for marketing, as it allows for a direct communication channel between you and your audience. This highly effective digital marketing strategy involves sending out customized emails to prospective users with the aim of converting them into loyal fans. If you’re interested in getting started, this powerful email marketing service can help you send custom newsletters for your blog.

Beyond emails, sharing your article on social media can also go a long way. For example, if you want to accrue a wide audience, promote your blog on Facebook or Instagram, which have one of the largest and most diverse user bases.

Whichever channels you choose, make sure to actively engage with followers on a day-to-day basis. This will ensure that you not only write a great blog post, but that you get people reading your article, too.

Looking to really get your blog off the ground? Take a look at our Build Your Own Blog online course to get you started.

Example of a book blog that's promoting a newsletter

How to structure a blog post checklist

Headline: clear, catchy and relevant, includes keywords where relevant for SEO

Introduction: hooks the reader, answers search intent where relevant, outline's the blogs purpose and main point

Subheadings: organizes content into digestible and readable sections, follows a logical flow

Body: provides valuable information while supporting points with examples, stats and other evidence, conversational tone

Visuals: includes relevant images, infographics or videos that enhance understanding and reader engagement

Engagement: encourages reader interaction (comments, shares)

Editing: checks for grammar and spelling errors, edited for coherence and style, fact checked

SEO: includes relevant keywords naturally, answers search intent

Readability: uses consistent font and formatting, short sentences

Links: includes internal and external links for additional context

Social sharing: includes social sharing buttons and shareable snippets of information

Review: read through the post one last time before publishing and after published

Using AI tools for blogging

AI features are changing the way bloggers approach content creation, making the process smoother and more efficient. These tools can take on some of the heavy lifting, from generating a list of potential topics to pulling together research and creating outlines, saving you valuable time during the initial stages of writing.

That said, blogging is about more than efficiency. Readers aren’t just looking for information; they come to blogs for the personality, insights and authenticity they find in each writer’s unique voice. While AI is great at drafting and refining text or even offering SEO tips, it’s up to you to make your content feel genuine and relatable. Your stories, humor and perspectives are what resonate with your audience in ways no algorithm can replicate.

Use AI as a helpful assistant, not a replacement. It can handle the technical aspects, but the heart of your blog—the personal touch that makes it stand out—will always come from you. When the two work together, you end up with content that’s not just optimized but also authentically yours.

Get started with the Wix AI website creator .

How to write a blog post FAQ

How to write my first blog post.

Writing your first blog post can be an exciting but daunting task. To make it easier follow these basic steps - choose a compelling topic, plan out your post, hook readers with a killer introduction, provide meaningful content, hone your conversational style and include visuals where you can.

What are 5 easy steps to writing a blog post?

How to write a blog post with ai, how to write a blog post as a beginner, what is a blog post example, what is the format of blog writing, what are some tools that can help with writer's block when planning blog posts, how do i make sure my blog post resonates with my audience, related posts.

How to write catchy blog titles: 12 tips and examples

The ultimate blog post checklist

Blogging for beginners: 20+ tips to jumpstart your blog

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How to Write a Compelling Blog Style Essay with Engaging Content


Understanding the Basics of a Blog Style Essay

When it comes to writing, a blog style essay is a unique form of expression that combines the structure of an essay with the conversational tone of a blog post. This type of writing allows for creativity and personal voice while still maintaining informative content.

What is a Blog Style Essay?

A blog style essay is a piece of writing that blends the characteristics of a traditional essay with the engaging nature of a blog post. It typically follows a structured format with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, similar to an academic essay. However, what sets it apart is the informal and conversational tone that resonates with readers on a personal level.

Why blog style essays are popular

Blog style essays have gained popularity due to their ability to connect with readers in a more relatable manner. Unlike formal essays, blog style essays allow writers to infuse their personality and experiences into their writing, making it more engaging for the audience. Additionally, they provide an avenue for individuals to share their thoughts and insights on various topics in an accessible format.

The Importance of Choosing a Captivating Topic

Selecting an intriguing topic is crucial when crafting a blog style essay as it directly impacts reader engagement and interest. A captivating topic not only piques the curiosity of the audience but also provides ample opportunities for writers to express their unique perspectives.

How to brainstorm blog style essay topics

Survey Results : According to recent surveys, 77% of marketers agree that blogging gets results. This indicates that choosing compelling topics can significantly impact the success of your blog style essays.

When brainstorming topics, consider areas you are passionate about or have expertise in. Reflect on your experiences and interests as they often serve as excellent sources for captivating ideas.

Engage in conversations with friends or family members about potential topics. Their input can offer fresh perspectives and inspire new ideas.

Examples of engaging topics for your first blog post

Personal Experiences : Sharing personal anecdotes about overcoming challenges or achieving milestones can be inspiring for readers.

Trending Issues : Discussing current events or trending topics within your community or globally can attract attention from diverse audiences.

How-to Guides : Providing step-by-step instructions on accomplishing tasks or mastering skills offers practical value to readers.

By selecting captivating topics that resonate with your audience, you can create compelling blog style essays that leave a lasting impression.

How to Find Your Unique Voice

Finding and refining your blog style essay voice is essential for creating compelling and engaging content. Your voice sets the tone for your writing and allows you to connect with your audience on a personal level.

Why Your Voice Matters in a Blog Post

The role of personal voice in blog style essays cannot be overstated. It adds authenticity and relatability to your writing, making it more appealing to readers. When you infuse your unique perspective and experiences into your blog posts, it creates a genuine connection with your audience. Additionally, your voice sets you apart from other writers, allowing you to stand out in the crowded blogosphere .

Mack Collier: Developing a solid blogging voice requires practice .
A writing voice on your blog will strengthen your brand and give you focus. Your voice might be sincere, passionate, and vulnerable.

Tips to Discover and Develop Your Blogging Voice

Writing exercises to find your voice.

Engage in writing exercises that encourage self-expression and creativity. Write about topics that resonate with you personally , allowing your natural voice to shine through. Experiment with different styles of writing, such as narrative storytelling or reflective pieces, to discover what feels most authentic to you.

Learning from your favorite blog style essays

Take inspiration from successful bloggers who have found and refined their unique voices. Analyze their writing styles and identify elements that resonate with you. By studying diverse voices within the blogging community, you can gain valuable insights into how different approaches can effectively engage readers.

Sharing your experiences, mistakes, and learnings makes your content more authentic and relatable . It shows you’ve been in your readers’ shoes.

By actively exploring various writing exercises and drawing inspiration from established bloggers, you can cultivate a distinctive blogging voice that resonates with both yourself and your audience.

Crafting Your Blog Post

Now that you have a captivating topic and a refined voice, it's time to craft your blog post. Writing a compelling blog style essay involves creating an engaging structure, keeping your readers captivated, and polishing your content for clarity and impact.

How to Start Writing Your Blog Style Essay

Creating an outline for your blog post.

Before diving into the actual writing process, it's beneficial to create an outline for your blog post. An outline serves as a roadmap, guiding you through the key points you want to cover in your essay. It helps maintain a logical flow of ideas and ensures that all essential aspects are included.

When crafting your outline, consider the main sections of your blog style essay: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Within each section, jot down the key points or arguments you intend to present. This will provide a clear structure for your writing process and prevent you from veering off-topic.

Writing an engaging introduction

The introduction is the gateway to your blog style essay. It sets the tone for the entire piece and entices readers to continue exploring your content. To write an engaging introduction:

Pose a Thought-Provoking Question : Encourage curiosity by starting with a question that relates to your topic.

Share an Intriguing Fact : Capture attention by presenting a surprising or little-known fact about your subject matter.

Tell a Compelling Story : Draw readers in with a brief anecdote or personal experience related to the theme of your essay.

By incorporating these strategies into your introduction, you can hook readers from the outset and compel them to delve deeper into your blog style essay.

Keeping Your Readers Engaged

How to write captivating headings and subheadings.

Engaging headings and subheadings play a crucial role in maintaining reader interest throughout your blog style essay. They act as signposts, guiding readers through different sections of your content while also piquing their curiosity.

When crafting headings and subheadings:

Be Descriptive : Use clear and descriptive language that accurately reflects the content within each section.

Incorporate Keywords : Integrate relevant keywords naturally into headings to enhance search engine visibility without compromising readability.

Maintain Consistency : Ensure consistency in formatting and styling across all headings and subheadings for visual coherence.

By following these guidelines, you can create headings and subheadings that not only keep readers engaged but also optimize the overall readability of your blog style essay.

Using stories and examples to illustrate points

Incorporating stories and examples is an effective way to elucidate key points within your blog style essay. Personal anecdotes or real-life scenarios can make abstract concepts more relatable for readers while adding depth to your content.

Consider integrating stories or examples by:

Relating Personal Experiences : Share relevant personal experiences that align with the theme of each section.

Citing Case Studies : Reference specific case studies or real-world examples that support or exemplify the ideas presented in your essay.

Utilizing Visual Aids : Incorporate images or infographics where applicable to visually reinforce key points.

By weaving compelling narratives and concrete examples throughout your blog style essay, you can enrich the reading experience for your audience while reinforcing the significance of each discussed concept.

Polishing Your Blog Post

Simple editing tips for clarity and flow.

After completing the initial draft of your blog style essay, it's essential to refine it through thorough editing. Simple editing tips include:

Reviewing Sentence Structure : Ensure varied sentence structures are used throughout the essay for enhanced readability.

Checking Grammar & Punctuation : Pay close attention to grammar rules and punctuation marks to maintain coherence.

Eliminating Redundancies : Remove repetitive phrases or redundant information that may dilute the impact of your message.

By diligently applying these editing tips, you can elevate the clarity and flow of your blog style essay, ensuring that it resonates effectively with readers.

Asking for feedback before publishing

Before finalizing and publishing your blog post, seek feedback from trusted peers or mentors. Constructive criticism can offer valuable insights into areas needing improvement while affirming elements that resonate well with readers. Additionally, external perspectives can help identify blind spots or ambiguities within the content that may have been overlooked during self-editing.

By actively seeking feedback from others before publishing, you demonstrate openness to refinement while enhancing the overall quality of your blog style essay.

Free Blog Post Templates to Get You Started

As a budding blogger, leveraging Free Blog Post Templates can significantly streamline your writing process and enhance the overall quality of your content. These templates serve as valuable frameworks that provide structure and guidance, allowing you to focus on crafting engaging and informative blog style essays.

Why Use Blog Post Templates?

The benefits of using free blog post templates.

Utilizing Free Blog Post Templates offers several advantages for novice writers. These templates are designed by experienced professionals, ensuring that they adhere to best practices in formatting, organization, and content flow. By leveraging these pre-designed structures, you can save time while maintaining a cohesive and polished presentation of your ideas.

How templates can save you time

Time efficiency is a crucial aspect of blogging, especially for individuals juggling multiple responsibilities. Free Blog Post Templates expedite the initial drafting phase by providing a clear roadmap for your content. This allows you to focus on the creative aspects of writing, such as refining your voice and incorporating engaging narratives, without getting bogged down by structural considerations.

Where to Find Free Blog Post Templates

Online resources for free blog post templates.

Numerous online platforms offer a diverse array of Free Blog Post Templates , catering to various writing styles and topics. Websites like Canva , HubSpot, and WordPress provide access to an extensive library of customizable templates tailored specifically for bloggers. These resources empower you to select templates that align with your preferred aesthetic and content requirements.

How to customize templates for your blog style essay

Upon selecting a suitable template, customization options allow you to tailor the design elements to reflect your unique branding and personality. From adjusting color schemes and typography to incorporating personalized graphics or logos, these customization features enable you to infuse the template with your distinct flair while maintaining professional presentation standards.

How to Use Blog Post Templates Effectively

Tips for adapting templates to your voice.

While utilizing Free Blog Post Templates , it's essential to adapt them in a manner that reflects your individual voice and storytelling style. Customize the template's language and tone to resonate authentically with your audience while aligning with the established persona of your blog. This ensures that despite using a template as a foundation, your content remains genuine and relatable.

Examples of successful blog posts using templates

Studying successful blog posts that have utilized templates can provide valuable insights into effective adaptation strategies. Analyze how renowned bloggers have integrated Free Blog Post Templates into their writing processes while preserving their distinctive voices. By observing these examples, you can glean inspiration on effectively infusing personal narratives within structured frameworks.

Recap of Key Points

Writing a compelling blog style essay involves blending the structure of an academic essay with the engaging tone of a blog post. It allows for personal expression while delivering informative content to the audience. The key points to remember when crafting a blog style essay are:

1. Choosing Captivating Topics:

Select topics that resonate with your audience, drawing from personal experiences, current events, or practical guides.

2. Discovering Your Unique Voice:

Developing a distinct voice that reflects your personality and experiences is essential for creating relatable and engaging content.

3. Crafting Engaging Content:

Starting with a well-structured outline, writing an enticing introduction, using captivating headings and subheadings, incorporating stories and examples, and polishing the content through thorough editing are crucial steps in crafting compelling blog style essays.

4. Leveraging Free Blog Post Templates:

Utilizing free templates can streamline the writing process, save time, and provide professional frameworks for structuring your content effectively.

Encouragement to Start Writing

For young and beginner bloggers, embarking on this writing journey can be both exciting and rewarding. Remember that every successful blogger started from humble beginnings but achieved remarkable growth through dedication and perseverance.

Testimonials :

Expert Blogger : Attracted a lot of subscribers, but it also helped us build trust and establish ourselves as experts in the blogging industry. We also focused on providing valuable and actionable content on our blog and social media platforms, which helped us attract and retain customers who were looking for guidance and support in starting their own successful blogs.

** Elite Blog Academy® Member**: “I was making $18/month from my small blog in September 2014 when I joined Elite Blog Academy®. By following the framework, I drastically increased every month and am now making more than $30,000 a month from my blog, and I understand how to sustain that income.”

As you embark on your blogging journey, remember that persistence pays off. Stay true to your unique voice, seek inspiration from successful bloggers, engage with your audience authentically, and continue refining your craft. Your dedication will pave the way for growth and success in the dynamic world of blogging!

About the Author : Quthor, powered by Quick Creator , is an AI writer that excels in creating high-quality articles from just a keyword or an idea. Leveraging Quick Creator 's cutting-edge writing engine, Quthor efficiently gathers up-to-date facts and data to produce engaging and informative content. The article you're reading? Crafted by Quthor, demonstrating its capability to produce compelling content. Experience the power of AI writing. Try Quick Creator for free at and start creating with Quthor today!

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    When writing a blog post, whether you're guest posting for someone else or writing for your own blog, you’ll want to cover topics that bring value to your readers and fall in line with their interests, as well as your own. Rather than trying to find the perfect topic right away, start by jotting down different ideas that come to mind.

  5. How to Write a Blog Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide for Crafting ...

    Mar 9, 2024 · Writing Your Blog Essay: Step by Step Crafting a compelling Blog Post involves a systematic approach that captivates readers from the outset. By following a step-by-step process, you can effectively structure your blog essay to engage and inform your audience.

  6. How to Write a Compelling Blog Style Essay with Free Blog ...

    Mar 9, 2024 · Understanding the Basics of a Blog Style Essay. When it comes to writing, a blog style essay is a unique form of expression that combines the structure of an essay with the conversational tone of a blog post. This type of writing allows for creativity and personal voice while still maintaining informative content.