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Castle Sports

20 of the Best Indoor PE Games

Not every day is sunshine and rainbows. When it's too cold outside, or the rain is pouring down, having a list of fun indoor games can help the kids stay entertained, even when you need to fill an entire hour of physical education class.  

This article includes 20 of the best indoor PE games for all ages. From  9 Square  to throwing a dance party, this list of the best indoor games will keep every student looking forward to indoor gym class. 

1. 9 Square 

Indoor 9 square with strong metal frame and nets

9 Square is a fun combination of volleyball and four square (two beloved games). To play, you will need a 9 Square court .  

9 Square is the perfect indoor gym game because it encourages healthy competition, yet without the bite of a one-on-one battle. Nine people can play in a single 9 Square court simultaneously, ensuring that plenty of people participate. As the game goes on, players are always coming in and out of the game.   

The game is simple. Players stand in a three by three grid, and the middle square is the King or Queen square. The rest of the positions spiral out until the bottom corner is square nine, the starter square. If a player misses the ball, they have to move down to the last square, and all other players move up.  

The game's goal is to get to the King or Queen square and then stay in that position. All players have the same chance to move up, meaning that everyone is on an even playing field. If someone hits the ball out, they're out. If they drop the ball, they're out. 

9 Square is the perfect game for a tournament, as those who maintain their place as King or Queen move up and others move down. Because  9 Square is always changing, it will keep kids (even high schoolers) entertained for a full PE class. It's one of the best rainy day games. 

2. Zombie Tag


Zombie Tag is one of the most entertaining games for kids in PE. It's fun, exciting, suspenseful, and terrifying—every child will love it.  

To play Zombie Tag, you will need no extra equipment or items. All you need is a start line and a finish line. In most situations, you can have the start line be one wall of the gym, and the finish line be the other wall. This also means that the kids will be running back and forth across the gym, getting the most exercise possible.  

Start by selecting one person to be the zombie. The zombie will start in the middle of the gym and can't walk any closer until the gym teacher starts the game. Line up all the other kids on the starting wall. When the whistle blows, the kids will race towards the opposite wall, avoiding the zombie. If the zombie tags one of the players, that person stops running and is a zombie in the next round.  

When everyone has made it to the other wall (not including the new zombies), the game starts over. The new zombies line up on the middle line and try to tag the survivors. The game goes back and forth until there are only one or two players left. At that point, the survivors have lived through the zombie apocalypse and are the winners of the game. 

Zombie Tag is the perfect game for an active gym class. Kids will love the excitement of the game and the thrill of surviving the "zombie apocalypse."

3. Yoga and Pilates


For kids of any age, yoga and pilates are great indoor activities. Yoga and pilates use body weight to tone and stretch muscles. To hold a yoga or pilates class, you will need a yoga mat for each student.  

Once each student has a yoga mat, begin a simple yoga class. Yoga focuses on slow, meaningful movements and aims to lengthen and strengthen the body. Some benefits of yoga include: 

  • Improved strength and flexibility  
  • Eases chronic pains 
  • Helps to manage stress 
  • Encourages relaxation 
  • Benefits heart health 
  • Improves moods 

By introducing your students to yoga, you're teaching them to a new way to look at exercise and showing them an easy way to manage stress. Yoga is an easy way to introduce overweight kids to exercise. It's undaunting and relaxing—providing the perfect introduction to exercise without forcing the kids to run laps around a track. Best of all, yoga focuses on self-love and teaches you to love yourself no matter what you look like.  

Yoga, pilates, and meditation benefit students by providing them with an outlet for stress and an easy way to exercise. After hosting a yoga class, you'll find that many students continue their practice outside of school and will adopt yoga as a way to feel good and release pent up stress and frustration. 

4. Gaga Ball

indoor gaga ball froggy ball

Gaga Ball  works great as both an indoor and outdoor game. It's a game that is similar to dodgeball where you get out if the ball hits you below the knee or if you hit the ball out of the pit . If you're the last person standing then you've won the game.

5. Captain, Yes Captain 


Captain, Yes Captain is an active form of Simon Says. One person starts as the Captain and gives commands to the other players. Rather than telling the player word for word what to do, the Captain yells coded commands. At the beginning of the game, the Captain tells the other players what the codes mean. If someone can't figure out what the code means, they're out of the game and must "walk the plank."

Some ideas for Captain commands include: 

  • "Bow:" run to the front of the gym
  • "Stern:" run to the back of the gym 
  • "Row:" drop to the ground and begin rowing your arms
  • "Salute:" stand straight and salute the Captain 
  • "Starboard:" run to the side of the gym 
  • "Captain's Quarters:" run to the Captain 
  • "Shark!:" run to designated bases 

When the Captain yells, "Shark!" everyone has to run to a specific base to stay safe from the shark. The last person to arrive gets eaten by the shark and is out of the game. The Captain continues to call out orders until they eliminate nearly everyone from the game. The last person alive becomes the new Captain. 

6. Musical Chairs 


Musical Chairs is an easy game to play with students of all ages. The game is fun to watch and fun to play, making it a great game even if you're the first person eliminated. To play, all you need is a group of chairs. You will need a chair for every participant. Before you start, take away one of the chairs so that there's one person without a chair.  

When the music starts, encourage everyone to dance as they walk in the circle around the chairs. The moment the music stops, everyone has to find a chair. The person who doesn't get a chair is out of the game.  

Before starting the second round, make sure to take away another chair. The game continues until there's one person left sitting.  

7. Speedball 

red ball

Speedball is a great indoor activity to help kids learn each other's names. It's perfect for the first day of gym class. To play, you will need several red bouncy balls.  

Gather all the students in a circle and pass the ball to another player. As the ball leaves your hands, call out the name of the person you're passing the ball to. The person has to be paying attention to catch the ball. When they catch the ball, they pass it to another player.  

If someone drops the ball, they're out of the game. The game narrows until there are only a few players left. As the game continues, add more balls. This means that the players must keep their eyes on several balls flying at the same time. If two balls collide, the two students who threw the balls are out of the game. 

The game is fast-paced since no one can hold a ball for longer than a few seconds. If the teacher yells out, "Red Handed!" the person holding one of the red balls is out. In this way, the game is similar to Hot Potato.  

Speedball is an easy game for all ages. It encourages the students to learn names and form new bonds with other students in the class. 

8. Paper Airplanes 

paper airplane

No matter how old your students are, they will always love playing with paper airplanes. It's the perfect indoor activity for both kids in elementary school and kids in high school. Flying paper airplanes reminds older kids of simpler times—when homework was easy to complete, and their social lives were easy. In a way, flying paper airplanes can help older kids relax and relieve stress. Young kids will always enjoy the simplicity of creating a paper airplane and trying to make it fly.  

For your indoor gym class, give your students a break from the constant barrage of activities and let them throw paper airplanes. Host a paper airplane contest and see what the kids bring to the table. If it's going to rain for two days in a row, plan a tournament. 

On the first day, bring paper for the kids and show them a few designs that work. Have a mock competition. When the kids go home, task them with designing the ultimate paper airplane . When they return the next day, hold a tournament and have the kids compete with their airplanes. 

Start by grouping the kids into groups of ten. The top five from each group move onto the next round. The tournament continues until there are only two paper airplanes left competing. If you want to go the extra mile, bring a small golden paper airplane trophy for the tournament winner.  

This activity encourages kids to put their all into the activity and have fun in their gym class. 

9. Hula Hoop Tic Tac Toe 

tic tac toe

Hula Hoop Tic Tac Toe is an easy indoor game that encourages kids to master motor skills. To play, you will need nine hula hoops and several bean bags or stuffed animals to throw. Set up the hula hoops in a three by three grid, mimicking the grid of a tic tac toe game.  

Separate the students into teams of four (you can also have several games going simultaneously so that everyone can participate). The starting team throws one bean bag into the hula hoops. If the toy lands in a hula hoop, the team claims that position. If the bean bag lands outside of the hoops or lands in a previously taken hoop, the turn skips.  

Other than throwing the bean bags or stuffed animals into the hula hoops, the game is played just like tic tac toe. To make the games last longer, set up this game as a tournament so that one team walks away as the Hula Hoop Tic Tac Toe champion. 

10. Free Play Stations


Gym class doesn't always have to be structured. Sometimes, the best gym activity for your group of students is free play. Free play means that you set up several stations, and the kids can choose which game they want to play. 

Free play doesn't mean that the kids can choose to sit out of gym class. Instead, it means that they have an opportunity to choose between several activities that you introduced earlier in the school year.  

Easy free play activities include: 

  • Volleyball 
  • Basketball 

The purpose of free play is to let the kids decide which activities interest them most. Hopefully, the students will stay engaged in the activities. Before hosting the free play, make sure to ask your class which activities are their favorite and then try to incorporate those activities in the free play. 

11. Fitness Bingo  


Fitness Bingo is a great way to get the kids moving without forcing them to run lap after lap. Instead, make exercising a game. Fitness Bingo doubles as both an indoor game and an outdoor activity, making it a versatile option for any time of the year.  

To play Fitness Bingo, print out a bingo card for every kid. The bingo card should have different activities listed in the boxes. Throughout the gym, set up fitness stations. For example, in one corner of the gym, set up a balance beam. On the opposite corner, put up a sign that says, "Push-ups." 

The kids will have options on the bingo card and choose which option they want to participate in first. There's no rush or prize to win by finishing your card before the rest, which encourages a non-competitive atmosphere in the room. The students can also choose to work as a team to complete their cards or exercise alone. 

Fitness Bingo is a circuit of activities that allows students to exercise at their own pace. Some kids might complete their bingo cards within the first ten minutes, while others might take the entire class. The bingo card's purpose is to let the kids take the exercises at a speed that makes them feel comfortable. 

12. Roll the Dice


For this game, you will need two large homemade paper dice. On every side of the dice, write a physical activity. One by one, the students will come up to the front of the room and roll the dice. The whole class has to do the two chosen activities.  

This game is easy to participate in, and it includes the entire class. Rather than just doing exercises, it adds intrigue because the students never know what the dice are going to roll. Here are 12 ideas for your dice.  

  • 20 arm circles
  • 10 burpees 
  • 10 push-ups 
  • 20 calf raises 
  • 30-second plank 
  • 20 crunches 
  • 10 jumping jacks 
  • 30-second run in place 
  • 10 star jumps 
  • 5 triceps push-ups

This game is fun because the kids get a great workout while exercising as a group. The group might collectively groan when someone rolls a combo of "10 burpees" and "10 push-ups." Or the group might cheer when someone rolls "20 arm circles" and "10 jumping jacks." No matter what the kids roll, this is sure to tire out all the participants. 

13. Badminton  


Badminton is a great game for kids of all ages. It's simple to set up with easy-to-follow rules. For an indoor activity during a rainstorm or too-cold weather, set up the indoor badminton courts inside the gym. Create a tournament ranking where the best teams move one way, and the losing teams move the other direction.  

Badminton is a great indoor game for young kids and teenagers. No matter the age of your class, everyone will love this indoor activity. 

14. Twister 


Twister both stretches and strengthens your entire body. In a way, Twister is like a yoga class, but with added competition. To play Twister with your entire gym class, you will need a large Twister mat . Separate the group into teams so that each mat has the right amount of players. Then, start the game.  

Although the class will be divided into teams, they are not competing solely within their groups. Every student must try to be the last one standing (or crouching).  

This game will keep the class entertained while they're stuck inside. It's an easy game to set up and has few rules, making it ideal for classes of all ages. 

15. Dodgeball  


One of the best indoor games that maximize physical exercise is Dodgeball. Dodgeball encourages teamwork and helps kids work on their aim and coordination. To play, split the class into two teams. Line up a row of rubber balls along the centerline, the midpoint between the two teams. On a count of three, the two teams will race towards the centerline and try to grab the rubber balls. As soon as they get to the balls, the team will begin throwing them at the opposite team.  

If someone hits a member of the opposite team, that person is out. However, they can get back into the game. There are two different versions you can play. The first version has team members line up just outside the game. If someone from their team catches a ball from the opposite team before it hits the ground, the thrower is out, and someone from the catcher's team comes back into play. 

The second way to play is much more dynamic and ensures that you're still in the game even when you're out. Instead of lining up in order, players stand on the opposite players' side. When someone throws the ball out, the players run to get it and throw it at the opposite team. This means that teams must constantly be looking over their shoulders to watch out for the "backstabbers." 

If a backstabber gets a player out on the opposite team, they join their team again. This version is best for older kids since it requires everyone to be constantly on their guard.  

No matter what version of Dodgeball you choose to play, the students will love it. It's a great game for building teams and is the perfect indoor recess or indoor gym class activity. 

16. Spikeball 


One of the best indoor recess games is Spikeball. It's a great indoor game because you don't need a lot of space to play. The one drawback to Spikeball as a PE game is that only four people can play at a time. You will need multiple Spikeball games to allow more than four people a turn at the game. Because only a limited number can play, this game is best for free play or indoor recess.  

Spikeball comes with a small trampoline and a single ball. Players hit the ball on the trampoline, with alternating teams hitting the ball. If a team can't hit the ball back, the opposite team wins a point. The game is highly popular and is a great option for free play during gym class. 

17. Volleybound  


Volleybound is a variation of volleyball. The slight variation in the game makes the game more entertaining for the players. To play, each player will need a rubber ball. The players hold their ball pressed between their two hands. When the volleyball is hit over the net, they hit the ball using the ball in their hands.  

You can also purchase a Volleybound set (since playing with a red bouncy ball could send the balls flying halfway across the gym). Volleybound balls come with handholds to make it easier to keep a grip as the students hit the volleyball back and forth. 

18. Keep the Ball Up 

beach ball

This simple game focuses on leg work. By the end of the gym hour, the students will be exhausted, even though they'll be lying down for the entire game.  

To play, you will need a large beach ball. You may also want to lay mats down on the floor so that the kids aren't lying directly on the floor. Have the kids lay down side by side on the mats and then tell them to put their feet in the air.  

Throw the ball into the group of kids and tell them to keep the ball from touching the ground. They will have to kick and punch the ball into the air to keep it up. They will have fun laughing and screaming as they do their best to keep the ball from touching the ground. 

19. Obstacle Course 


To keep the young kids entertained during indoor gym class, create an obstacle course. Although this takes a lot of preparation, it's the perfect way to make sure that the students are having fun while exercising.  

An obstacle course requires the kids to finish tasks as they get from one side of the gym to the other. Tasks could include walking over a balance beam, jumping across a bean bag river, throwing a stuffed animal into a laundry basket, climbing over a training wall, and more.  

The genius of an obstacle course is that it lets the kids' imaginations shine. Throughout the obstacle course, the kids will create a narrative. For example, when crossing the balance beam, the kids will imagine crossing a river on a rickety old log. If they fall, they will tumble into a fast current that will carry them away—even when they're just crossing a wooden balance beam.  

Obstacle courses let the kids run wild with their imaginations. The various tasks of balancing, jumping, climbing, and crawling are great exercises for kids! 

20. Snowball Fight 


Indoor snowball fight? How is that possible? Buy several packs of clean socks and roll the socks into tight balls to create fun indoor snowballs. For this game, you can combine aspects of your obstacle course with a fun snowball fight.  

Set out a variety of supplies on the gym floor, including cardboard boxes, gymnastics training blocks, sheets, and other buildable materials. Separate the class into two teams and instruct the teams to build several fortresses on their half of the gym. 

Once the fortresses are ready, pass out the sock snowballs. Each team will try to knock out as many players as possible, reusing the snowballs as they fly from one side to the other. Essentially, this is a fun version of Dodgeball that helps the kids imagine that they're outside having a snowball fight. It's the perfect game for young kids and can be played at any time of the year since it's an indoor gym game. 

21. Dance Party 

dance party

One of the best PE activities to lift spirits on a rainy day is a dance party. Throwing a dance party is easy since all you need is music. The kids will get plenty of exercise as they dance and have fun in the gymnasium.  

If your class is more reserved or shy, teach them a choreographed song. At the end of the day, some of the kids might discover a love of dancing or even find that they have a new skill. This activity teaches new skills and encourages the kids to try new things. 

Indoor 9 Square Set with Nets

Ian Boggess

About the author.

Ian has been with Castle Sports for the last 4 years. He loves designing games for fitness and activity that get the whole group involved.

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31 Indoor PE Activities – One for Everyday of the Month

  • By Kerry Cordy
  • January 4, 2024

kids jumping in hoops laid on the ground

We know that keeping kids active and excited about physical education can be a challenge, especially in the winter. That’s why we’ve compiled a month’s worth of fun, energetic indoor PE activities. These PE activities are not just exercises – they’re adventures that will make every day a celebration of movement and joy. From creative games to fitness challenges, we’re here to help you transform your learning space into a hub of enthusiasm and physical exploration. These activities provide a variety of ways for kids to stay active indoors while having a blast. Adjust the difficulty level based on the age and fitness levels of the children participating.

Badges you may wish to earn while staying active may include badges like the Health and Fitness Badge , Obstacle Course Badge , Stretching Badge , Story Movement Badge or Yoga Badge .

31 Ideas for Indoor Active Play

  • Balloon Bop: Keep balloons in the air using only your knees, feet, elbows or any other body part besides your hands.
  • Animal Yoga: Pretend to be different animals while doing yoga poses. Examples include downward dog, cobra, and butterfly.
  • Balloon Volleyball: Pull a string across the room to act as a net and use a balloon for a volleyball.
  • Simon Says Fitness : Play a fitness-themed version of Simon Says, incorporating exercises like jumping jacks, squats, and lunges.
  • Indoor Bowling : Set up a bowling alley using soft balls or rolled up socks and empty plastic water bottles for pins.
  • Musical Statues: Dance when the music plays and freeze when it stops.
  • Hula Hoop Contest: See who can hula hoop the longest or learn fun tricks with the hoop.
  • Pillow Jumping : Place pillows on the floor and challenge kids to jump from one to another creating pathways through the house.
  • Obstacle Course: Create an indoor obstacle course using household items like cushions, chairs, and blankets.
  • Play Twister: If you don’t own this classic board game, make one of your own using colored paper
  • Indoor Hopscotch: Use tape or colored paper to create a hopscotch grid on the floor.
  • Fitness Bingo: Create bingo cards with different exercises. Call out exercises, and kids mark off the ones they complete.
  • Balloon Tennis: Play tennis using balloons and fly swatters as rackets.
  • Scavenger Hunt: Hide cards with fitness activities around the house. As the cards are found, the kids must do each activity such as 10 jumping jacks, 5 push ups, spin in circles, a forward roll, etc.
  • The Floor is Lava: Pretend the floor is hot lava and cannot be touched. Then give a simple task such as “Go get your bedroom pillow” and see how creative the kids can be in getting it without touching the ground.
  • Play Red Light Green Light: Make a starting line and finish line with masking tape. Have the caller stand just over the finish line with their back to the players. When “Green Light” is called, everyone can move from the starting line toward the finish line. On “Red Light” everyone must freeze and the caller turns around. If they see anyone moving, that person must go back to the starting line. The caller then puts their back to everyone again and continues calling. You can make it more interesting by requiring specific movements to get from one line to the next like a crab crawl or jumping jacks.
  • Mini Golf: Use items found around the house to create a mini golf course. A wrapping paper tube can be used as a golf club and a pingpong ball can make a good golf ball.
  • Fitness Dice: Create dice with different exercises on each side. Roll the dice and perform the exercise shown.
  • Indoor Soccer: Use soft balls to play a modified version of soccer indoors.
  • Indoor Basketball Shootout: Set up a small hoop and challenge kids to shoot soft balls into it or use a small waste basket and rolled up socks.
  • Bubble Wrap Stomp: Tape bubble wrap to the floor and have kids stomp on it.
  • Play Body Part Twister: Whatever body parts that are called out are the only body parts allowed to touch the floor. For example you might call out “Right Foot, Left Hand” and kids must stand on their right foot with their left hand touching the floor. Call out “Bum” and have them balance solely on their buttocks or get creative and make calls like “Left Knee, Rigth Elbow.”
  • Balancing Act: Set up a balance beam using a straight line on the floor, and challenge kids to walk across it in different ways.
  • Fitness ABCs: Assign an exercise to each letter of the alphabet and spell out words or names with exercises.
  • Animal Movement Relay: Act out different animal movements in a relay race, like hopping like a bunny or crawling like a crab.
  • DIY Olympics Day : Create fun competitions and award medals for things like the most jumping jacks, or the longest held plank.
  • Play Limbo: Grab a broomstick and see how low you can go!
  • Math Jump: Place cards with numbers on the floor. Call out math problems and have kids jump to the correct answer.
  • Marching Band: March around the room with homemade instruments, incorporating movements and exercises.
  • Story Movement: Act out a story through movement.
  • Not in My Backyard: Divide a room with a strip of masking tape. Put 20 balled up pieces of paper on each side. On “go!” each side tries to get rid of all their paper by throwing it to the other side. The first side with no paper wins.

two girls playing twister

As we wrap up our month-long excursion of indoor PE activities we hope your homeschool or classroom has been transformed into a dynamic hub of energy, laughter, and learning. These activities aren’t just about physical fitness; they’re about fostering a lifelong love for movement, creativity, and staying active. We encourage you to carry this enthusiasm forward, exploring new ways to keep kids engaged and excited about physical education. Whether it’s rainy days or sunny afternoons, let the spirit of active play continue to thrive.


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18 Fun PE Games Needing No Equipment

A collection of PE games needing no equipment.

Learning some fun PE games that don’t need equipment can be very useful for busy PE teachers, parents and child care professionals.  

They can help you provide the children you are caring for with fun activities that improve their fitness – without the need to pull out a cupboard full of equipment.  

PE games that don’t need equipment are also useful as impromptu activities at BBQs, parties, and trips away.   In this guide, I will be sharing 18 of the best PE games needing no equipment.

A collection of PE games for elementary students needing no equipment.

#1 –  Red Rover

This classic game is a lot of fun and easy to learn. In Red Rover, the participants are split into two teams of equal size that form two lines opposite each other. The members of each team will hold hands.

Each team will choose a player from the opposing team, saying “Red Rover Red Rover, send Peter over” to nominate Peter.  

Peter then has to let go of his team mates hands and attempt to run through the other team’s line, breaking their hold on each other.  

If he manages to do so, he will choose a player from the opposing team to join his team’s line.  

If Peter fails to break through the line, he will be forced to join the opposition team’s line.

The teams will alternate turns with the winner being the team that ends up with all of the players. Because all players will end up on the winning team, there are no losers in this game.

#2 – Captain’s Orders

Captain’s Orders is the perfect choice for a competitive group of kids who want to outdo each other.  

It can really test your student’s endurance levels and improve their fitness.   The game begins with one person being nominated to be the “Captain”. They must give out commands to the crew (the rest of the PE class).  

The Captain is limited to a set of commands, which you can alter if you have specific fitness objectives for the class to reach.   You could use a mixture of fun commands and physically demanding ones, like:

  • Captain’s coming The crew must salute the captain and stand at attention
  • Run to starboard/port The crew must run to the left (port) or right (starboard) sides of the room and touch the wall.
  • Scrub the deck The crew must do 10 pushups
  • Man the lifeboats The crew will perform 10 sit-ups while moving their arms like oars

You could have the crew members stand at attention after completing each task, which will make the more competitive students attempt to beat each other.   After a few minutes, change captains so a few children get a chance to be in command.

#3 – Relay running races

Running relay races are one of the simplest PE games needing no equipment.   Take the class outside and divide them into groups of 3 or 4 people each.  

Have them run 100 to 200 metres each before moving on to the next person in the relay.  

The mix-it-up relay race is fun variation of a normal relay running race.   In a mix-it-up race, each person in a relay team will perform a different action.  

The first person may have to skip, the second may have to run backwards, the third can run normally, and the fourth can hop.   This makes the race more exciting and enjoyable to watch.

#4 – Cops and Robbers (Team tag game)

There are many fun variations of tag that are useful for PE classes.   In “ Cops and Robbers ”, the PE class is divided into two teams — the cop team and the robber team.   The cops will pursue the robbers to tag them.  

Once a robber is tagged, they must go to a section of the playing area that has been nominated as the “jail”.

Robbers who have not been tagged can release their team mates by sneaking into the jail and tagging them.  

The game is complete when the cops have managed to round up all of the robbers.   Playing this game in an outdoor area with plenty of places to hide can make it even more enjoyable.  

#5 – Wheelbarrow races

This activity is very challenging and a lot of fun.   It’s best suited for fit students with decent upper body strength.   Split the group up into teams of two people that will stand on one side of the gymnasium.  

Each team will have one person go into plank position while the other grabs them by the ankles.    

When you say “Go” the person in plank position will go into pushup position while the person holding their ankles lifts them — forming a wheelbarrow .  

They will attempt to walk the wheelbarrow to the other side of the room.   Once there, they will touch the wall and switch roles before racing back.   The first team back to the starting point wins.

#6 – Duck Duck Goose

Duck Dusk Goose is a wonderful PE game for younger children.   The rules are simple and they will get plenty of exercise. Start by having the children sit in a circle facing the middle.  

Nominate one person as “it”.   They will walk around the circle touching each person on the shoulder and saying if they are a duck or a goose. If the person is nominated as being a duck, they remain seated.  

However, when someone is nominated as being a Goose, they must get up and chase “it” around the circle and tag them before they make it to the empty spot where the Goose was sitting.

#7 – Headstand/handstand practice

There are many advantages to teaching basic gymnastic techniques in the classroom. Headstands and handstands are a particularly useful gymnastic skill that can be practiced indoors on carpet or outdoors on grass.

Begin by teaching students correct headstand form — from getting into a correct starting position to eventually lifting their legs and completing the move.  

Once they understand the basics and know how to perform a headstand safely, have them split into pairs for practice.  

One student in each pair should be a “spotter” who helps the other student with their form and holds their legs. After they they have performed a few headstands have them switch roles.  

Move onto the handstands next, with groups of three (one person practicing and two to hold their legs).   If you are performing this activity outdoors, use trees to prevent students from overbalancing.  

A collection of no equipment gym games for kids.

#8 – High Jump Competition

This simple game is a great way for kids to have some fun while testing their athleticism.  

Have the children split into groups of two and stand next to a brick wall.   Have them jump as high as they can, touching the highest brick they can reach with their hand.   Each child gets 3 jumps.  

The highest jumper in each pair gets to go through to the next group, were they are paired off again and will get another three jumps.  

Eventually, you will discover who the highest jumper in the group is. You could also have a standing long jump competition to see who can jump the furthest.

#9 – British Bulldogs

British Bulldogs is a classic version of tag and one of the most popular equipment-free PE games.This game is also commonly known as “Bullrush” and “Cats and Mice”.

The game starts with all of the players at one end of a playing area.   A basketball court works well for small groups, while half a soccer or football field is better for larger groups.  

One player is selected to be “it”.   They will wait in the middle of the playing area.

When you say go, the children will attempt to run from one side of the playing area to the other without being tagged. If they are tagged, they will join the “It’ player in the centre of the playing area.

#10 – Simon Says

This is another classic game that young children love. It is easy to incorporate it into a PE class and everyone will know the rules.  

Start by either choosing a player to be “Simon” or by nominating yourself to play this role (usually better as you can then choose appropriate PE activities).

The students must follow the directives given by “Simon” as long as he starts each one with “Simon says…”.  

If a student accidentally carries out a directive that does not start with “Simon says…” they are out of the game.

You could mix up fun directives like “Simon says bark like a dog” with “Simon says, do 5 pushups” to get the PE component into the game.

The winner of the game is the last person who has successfully followed all of Simon’s orders. They get to become the next “Simon”.

#11 – Gymnastic Talent Show

Have the students split into groups of 3-4 children each and ask them to devise a short gymnastic routine that shows off their skills.  

Encourage them to do their best, but remind them to only perform stunts they are comfortable with.  

During the next 10 minutes, walk between the groups and help them plan their routines, suggesting gymnastic feats appropriate for their skill levels.   Remind them that they can help each other perform their rolls, handstands, and jumps.  

After the 10 minutes has expired, have the groups perform their routines for each other.  

#12 – Leap Frog Race

This fun PE game can be enjoyed by children of all ages.   Have your students split into groups of 2 (ideally, about the same height). Each group must race over a course that is 50 yards in length.  

However, they will have to cover the course by leap frogging each other!   If some kids have trouble jumping over their partner, let to do a couple of jump squats next to their partner instead.

To make the race more challenging, you could include “exercise pit stops” along the way.  

At each exercise pit stop, the children will have to perform a certain number of exercises. This could be star jumps, pushups, burpees, or whatever exercise you think the children would benefit from.

#13 – Light The Dynamite

This is a very challenging fitness game shared by Games Fitness .   The class is split into any number of teams that are the same size, with a minimum of 4 players per team.  

If a team doesn’t have the same number of players, you may have to alter how many repetitions of exercise they perform to keep the game fair.

Have each team sit lengthwise in a straight line, about one arms length from the next person in their team. So, if you have 5 teams, you should have five lines of people.  

You will give players in specific positions a designation of “fuse” or “dynamite” for each round.   For example, you might say players 1 and 2 in each group are fuses, followed by one dynamite player, one more fuse player, and a final dynamite player.  

There can be any number of fuse and dynamite players in each row.

The game starts with all players in a plank position.   When you say   “Light the dynamite!“, the first player is activated.

If they are a fuse player, they will immediately flip over and do 10 sit-ups then tag the next player in the line to activate them. The fuse player will hold a V-hold position after doing their sit-ups – which means they are an activated fuse.  

If the next player is a fuse, they will do their sit-ups also. However, if the next player is a dynamite player, all of the dynamite players in the team must jump up and do 20 burpees.

The first team to finish their chain of fuses and dynamite is the winner.

You can alter the types of exercises used and the number of repetitions for each exercise to make the game harder or easier.

#14 – I Spy, Fitness Version

I, Spy is a favourite game of children everywhere. One person will identify a physical object that is visible nearby and everyone else will have to guess what it is, using a series of questions.  

This   game combines I, Spy with 20 Questions to provide the kids in your PE class with an excellent workout.

Start by spotting an object in the area, like a basketball ring.   Going around the class, each student can ask one question about the item you are thinking of, or guess what it is.

If the answer to their question is “No” or their object guess is incorrect, the entire class must perform an exercise.

The number of repetitions they must perform increases every time they get the answer wrong.   So, the game might go like this:

PE Teacher: I’ve identified an object, your turn to guess – starting with Pete.

Pete: Is it an animal?

PE Teacher: No!   Do 3 pushups everyone.   Next question please Sam.

Sam: Is it alive?

PE Teacher: No!   Do 5 pushups everyone. Next question please Rebecca.

Rebecca: Is it made of wood?

PE Teacher: Yes!   It is partially made from wood.   Next question please Mark.

Mark: Is it a basketball ring?

PE Teacher: Well done.

#15 – Plankerpillar

This is a challenging game that will test the fitness of students and force them to work as a team.  

Divide the class into teams of at least 5 people each.   Have each team line up alongside each other in separate rows and nominate a finish line for the race.

When you say “Go”, all players will go into plank position except for the player furthest away from the finish line.  

They will move to the front of their team (closest to the finish line) and enter into plank position. Once they have started to plank, they will yell “go!” and the next player will move from the rear to the front.  

This is repeated until the group reaches the finish line.   As the effects of being in plank position begin to kick in, the team’s players will be yelling at everyone to hurry up!

#16 – Funny Running

This is a super fun PE game that young children will love. The objective of funny running is to get from one side of the gymnasium to the other while running like an animal.  

You can choose a different animal for each pass, including monkeys, snakes, horses, and kangaroos.  

You can also have the kids run across the gymnasium while performing a funny dance like the Floss Dance or teach them some disco moves .   Put some catch music on and they will have the time of their lives as they exercise!

#17 – Jump!

Jump is another simple game that is ideal for young children’s PE classes.   Have the kids line up against one wall of the gymnasium or on a boundary line of the sporting field.  

Then, simply yell out “1 Jump” and the kids can take   the biggest jump forward they can do from a standing start.   You can vary this by change the number of jumps you allow each time and sometimes throwing in “Steps”.

#18 – Elimination Running  

This exhausting game will help you discover which kids are the fastest in the class.

Have your students line up against a wall of the gymnasium.   When you say “Ready, Go!”, they will run to the other wall.   If you say “Ready, Go!” again while they are running towards the wall, they must turn back and reach the wall that they came from.  

If you blow your whistle, any student who hasn’t reached the wall will be eliminated.   Eventually, you will only have a small number of children left in the group.

I hope you found 18 Fun PE Games Needing No Equipment . Bookmark our website for more fun PE activities for kids .

A collection of fun PE games needing no equipment. These games are a great combination of fun and exercise.

A father to three young boys with a passion of homeschooling. I am always seeking new ways to help them learn, grow, and have fun. I have a passion for traveling with the family and exposing our kids to new experiences and life lessons.

indoor physical education games for elementary students

50 Fun PE Games Your Students Will Love

by Sara Ipatenco

Kids naturally love PE because it’s a time to be active and play fun games. An essential part of the school day, PE teaches kids the life skill of getting regular exercise. While playing the same old games over and over again can get a bit boring, incorporating a wide variety of games into your lesson plans helps keep PE fun and engaging. With a few PE staples, such as foam balls, hula hoops, and bean bags, your students will be having fun in no time! Here are 50 PE games to get you started.

1. Blob tag

Choose one child to be “it.” As that child tags other children, they link arms or hold hands to create a “blob.” The game continues until the blob has tagged everyone in the game.

2. Chain tag

This is kind of like blob tag, but instead of forming a blob, students must link arms to form a chain.

3. Bean bag balance

Give each student a bean bag. Ask the students to balance their bean bags on various parts of their body, such as their foot or knee. See how long the students can balance before they move off their bean bag falls. Give increasingly hard challenges as you go, such as on the shoulder or the thumb.

4. Clap and catch

Arrange your class into a large circle. Give one player the ball and have them get ready to toss it. Players must clap before they catch the ball. If a student doesn’t clap or drop the ball, they are out.

5. Animal races

Line your PE class up at one end of the gym or playing field for this game. Call out an animal, such as a cheetah or a frog, and students have to race to the other end, running like that animal.

This is another racing game that starts with lining your students up on one end of the playing field. Every time you yell, “jump,” students jump as far as they can. Repeat until the winning player reaches the end of the field or until the whole class finishes.

7. Bridge tag

This game starts as regular tag, but each time a student is tagged he must kneel and form a bridge. Players can rejoin the game when another player crawls under their bridge, which frees them.

8. Crab soccer

This game follows the rules of traditional soccer, but players crab walk instead of regular running.

9. Step back

Put your class into teams of two. Have them stand about three feet apart and roll a hula hoop to each other. Once the other person catches the hula hoop, they must take a large step backward and continue playing. As they get further apart, the game gets more challenging.

10. Freeze tag

This is another tag game that starts out like traditional tag. However, once a student is tagged, they are “frozen” until another player tags them. They can then rejoin the game. The last player to be frozen gets to be “it” on the next round.

11. Parachute change

Arrange your students around a large parachute. Call out things like colors the students are wearing or birthday months. Any player who fits the category you call out has to run under the parachute and switch places with someone else.

12. Parachute volleyball

Have your students arrange themselves around a parachute. One half of the parachute is team A while the other half is team B. Put a beach ball in the middle of the parachute. The objective is to launch the ball off the parachute and over the heads of the opposing team, which scores one point.

13. Banana tag

Spread your students around the play area and choose two kids to be “it.” They are the monkeys. When they tag another student, he turns into a banana and must put both arms straight up above his head. Other players can free the “bananas” by peeling them, which means they pull down one arm and then the other arm.

14. Teacher island

This PE game includes the teacher! Stand on a stool and have a bunch of cones or balls handy. Start throwing them toward the students, who are spread out around you. If a student fails to make a catch, he is out. Play continues until only one student is left.

15. Throw archery

Set up five jump ropes at various distances from where your students will stand. Give them bean bags and have them try to get them past the different jump ropes. The further away the jump rope, the more points the student gets. For example, getting the bean bag past the first jump rope is worth ten points while getting it past the last jump rope is worth fifty points.

16. Crazy moves

Set out several mats around the play area. Start calling out numbers and that number of kids need to find a mat and stand on it together as fast as they can. Any student who doesn’t find a mat is out.

17. Rob the nest

Set up the game by putting a hula hoop (nest) in each corner of the play area and ten or more basketballs in the middle of the play area. Divide the class into 4 teams, one at each hula hoop. Students take turns getting a basketball and dribbling it to their hoop. Any time you blow the whistle, students can steal basketballs from other nests. The winner of each round is the one with the most basketballs when you blow the whistle a second time.

18. Tic-Tac-Throw

Set up nine hula hoops in a 3×3 grid, like a tic-tac-toe board. Make enough grids so you can divide your class into teams of two. Give the teams two different colors of bean bags. The students will throw the bean bags into the hula hoops trying to get three in a row.

19. Bounce into buckets

Set up enough buckets in the middle of the play area that there is one for each group of two kids. At each bucket, have one student on each side. The kids take turns trying to bounce balls into the buckets. Make it more challenging by having the students back up further from the bucket as they go.

20. Backward soccer

Play this game just like you would regular soccer but turn the soccer goals around backward.

21. Speed ball

This PE game combines basketball and soccer. Divide your students into two teams and give them a rubber ball to play with. Play starts with students passing the ball to other players on their team. There is no bounce passing in this game. If the ball hits the floor, the game switches to soccer.

22. Pool noodle archery

Have one student hold up a hula hoop while another child tries to launch pool noodles through the hoop. Once a student gets a noodle through, the players switch places.

23. Kangaroos and Crocs

Divide your class into two teams – one team will be kangaroos and the other team will be crocs. Have the teams line up back-to-back in the middle of the play area. Call out one of the animals. That team will try to make it to the end of the play area without getting tagged by the other team. Anyone tagged sits down and is out. Play continues with additional rounds.

24. Noodle hockey

Play a traditional PE game of court hockey but use pool noodles and a small plastic ball instead of hockey sticks and a puck.

25. Continuity ball

Have your students spread out in the play area. Give them one beach ball and challenge them to keep it from hitting the ground. Gradually add more beach balls until you have several going at the same time.

26. Birds on a branch

Set up two balance beams and split the class into two teams. Have the teams line up on the balance beams and call out directions, such as “stand on one foot” or “put your arms above your head.” If a student falls off the beam, he is out. The winning team is the one who keeps the most “birds” on their branch.

27. Shark zone

Set up mats, hula hoops, and other PE equipment around the gym. Use items that students can stand on or inside of. These are shark-free zones. Identify one or two students as sharks. When you say go, players will run around the gym standing on mats or inside hula hoops to stay away from the sharks. If a student fails to get to a safe area before being tagged, they are out.

28. Cats and mice

Give each student a scarf – one color for cats and one color for mice. Have them tuck the scarves into their back pockets or waistband as tails. Cats will chase mice and mice will chase cats. If the opposite team catches a tail, they keep it. The winning team is the one who steals all the tails first.

29. Tunnels and trains

Choose two students to start out as trains. The rest of the students put their hands and feet on the floor creating a tunnel with their bodies. The trains must crawl through the tunnels. When a train goes through the tunnel, that student joins the tunnel at the front and the next student at the back of the tunnel turns into a train. Play continues until all students have become trains.

30. Noisy running

Explain to students that you will be playing music and the louder the music gets the faster they need to run around the play area. As you turn down the volume, they will slow their running.

31. Freeze dance

Play some upbeat dance music and encourage students to free dance. When you stop the music, they must freeze. Any student who doesn’t freeze is out.

32. Eight dance

Choose one student to start the game. Turn on some upbeat music and have the student demonstrate any move they want, such as jumping or spinning in circles. The rest of the students must copy the move eight times. Let all the children have a turn to be the instructor.

33. British bulldogs

Choose one student to be the bulldog. He stands in the middle of the play area. The rest of the players try to get past the bulldog without getting tagged.

34. Body part tag

This game is played like traditional tag except that whatever body part gets tagged cannot be used anymore. If a student gets tagged on the arm, they cannot use their arm anymore. If he gets tagged on the leg, he has to hop on the other leg.

35. Crab Kickball

This game is played just like traditional kickball except that students must walk and play in the crab walk position.

36. Broom hockey

This is a PE game played like regular hockey except students use brooms instead of hockey sticks.

37. Hop in a hoop

Lay out several hula hoops in the play area. Have students run around the hoops while you play music. When you stop the music, students must hop into a hula hoop – one student per hoop. Students who don’t have a hoop are out.

38. Hot potato

Arrange your students in a circle and give them a small ball. They will pass the ball around the circle until you blow the whistle. The student holding the ball when the whistle blows is out.

39. Scooter tag

This PE game is played just like traditional tag except students must play by sitting on and moving around on scooters.

40. Bucketball

This game is played just like regular basketball except students use a bucket instead of the usual basketball hoop.

Break your class into small teams of 5 or 6 players. Give one student from each group a jump rope. That student will spin the jump rope on the ground while the other members of the group jump over it. If the “snake” touches a student, they are out.

42. Shipwreck or Captain Says

This is a game that puts a twist on the traditional “Simon Says.” Line your students up and start calling out commands that have to do with ships and pirates, such as “swab the deck” or “walk the plank.” Instead of saying “Simon says,” you’ll say, “Captain says.”

43. Hula hoop tag

This is another version of traditional tag. Students follow the same rules as regular tag, but they must spin a hula hoop while they run around.

44. Museum guard

This game is like freeze tag. Students will tiptoe silently around the play area pretending to sneak around a museum. When you call out “museum guard” they must freeze. Students who don’t freeze are out.

45. Mirror, Mirror

Divide your class into teams of two. Have them stand facing each other. One person does a move, and the other students must copy the move. Continue playing, encouraging students to make the movements harder and more complicated.

46. Backward tag

Play this game just like regular tag except students can only walk or run backward during play.

47. Alligators in the swamp

Choose several students to be alligators and have them lay on their stomachs in the middle of the play area. Spread them out so there are several feet between each alligator. The rest of the class starts on one end of the play area and has to try to get past the alligators. If an alligator tags them, they are out.

48. Sleeping baby

Students run around the play area until they hear the teacher yell, “sleeping baby.” At this point, all the kids drop to the floor and pretend to be sleeping. The last student to “fall asleep” is out.

49. Garbage tag

Wad up a bunch of pieces of paper to be the garbage. Choose one student to be “it.” That person starts to throw the garbage at the other players. Any player hit with a piece of garbage is out.

50. Lighthouse and ships

Place several obstacles around the gym, such as cones or mats. Students will close their eyes and pretend to be ships trying to get to the lighthouse. If they run into one of the obstacles, their ship is sunk and they are out.

PE class is about to get so much more fun for your students! Any of these games are sure to make PE their favorite class of the day.

50 Fun PE Games Your Students Will Love


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Elementary PE Games

Full Length PE Games

These full-length games are all designed to be played during a 45-60 minute period, and work best when coupled with some of our fantastic warm-up games. These games are all designed to keep the most kids active for the most amount of time possible, and really focus on ensuring that everyone has a role to fill (so that there is very little potential for any kids to be simply standing around). All of these games have been played (oftentimes over and over again!), by large groups of kids, and all of these games help to ensure constant fun, participation and activity. Feel free to change or modify any elements of the games so that they better suit your specific group, and please be sure to comment and vote on your favorites!

Hot-Dog Switch

Hot-Dog Switch

Equipment: 2-4 evil red balls. Description: Have students lie down in groups of 2 or 3, one beside the other, on their tummies, propped up by their elbows. Give at least one student an evil red ball (they are it), and have at least one other student remain standing...

Steal the Bacon

Steal the Bacon

Equipment: 2 large hula hoops. Pinnies to distinguish teams. Bacon (i.e. Rubber Chicken, Mat,pool noodle......etc.). Description: Split the students into 2 even teams. Set the bacon in the middle of the gym. Line the two teams up shoulder to shoulder, facing each...

Ring Soccer

Ring Soccer

Equipment: 1 ring for each group of 2 people (ringette rings work great!). Description: To start, have all of the students find a partner. Give each group of 2 a single ring. The object of the game is to get more points than your partner by kicking the ring, using...

Circle Run

Equipment: At least 4 Hula Hoops. Description: Have each student find a partner and stand with their partner. Have the students decide between them who is partner 1 and who is partner 2. Bring all of the partner 1s to the middle of the gym, and have them hold hands...

Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars

Equipment: As many rings (ringette rings work great), or balls, bean bags...etc. as you feel are necessary (at least 20). Description: Create a rectangular playing area using either the lines in the gym or cones if you are outside. The playing area should be almost as...

Racket Whack-It

Racket Whack-It

Equipment: 1 racket per student (ping-pong paddles, squash or racket ball rackets or tennis rackets). As many dodgeballs as you want! Description: Give each student a racket or paddle. Remind them not to hit other students with their rackets, or swing their rackets in...

Cops and Robbers

Cops and Robbers

Equipment: 7-9 hula hoops. A whole bunch of bean bags. Cones to mark center safe zone (if playing outside). Description: Scatter the hula hoops around the gym. Put as many bean bags into each hoop as you can. Split the class into 2 even teams, placing one team in the...

Crazy Moves

Crazy Moves

Equipment: Enough mats so that you can fit groups of 2-4 students on them comfortably. Description: Scatter the gymnastic mats throughout the gym. Tell the students that you are going to call out a number and that they must try and get that number of people onto a...

Can Ball

Equipment: Pinnies to separate teams. 1 dodgeball. Cones (if outside). 2 garbage cans (the lighter the better), with the bottoms cut out. Description: Split kids into 2 teams of 6-10 players. Have 1 student from each team stand up on a chair inside the basketball key...

Catch Ball

Equipment: 3 benches. 2-5 evil red balls. As many other dodgeballs as you deem necessary. Description: Scatter the benches around the playing area. 2 - 5 students are it and are given evil red balls. Everyone else can start anywhere else in the playing area (except...

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30 Best Energetic PE and Gym Games for Kids

A group of kids jumping rope

1.  Bean Bag Balance

2.  bean bag toss, 3.  balloon drop, 4.  animal jumping tracks , 5.  animal yoga , 6.  drop, catch, throw and tag, 7.  simon says, 8.  hopscotch , 9.  move it or lose it, 10.  red rover rollover.

Phone screens shrinks your kids’ daily physical activity requirements, which may hurt their physical motor skill development. However, recess and gym games for kids are a great stimulus to develop their motor ability. A great idea would be to engage them with age-appropriate yet fun games. If you are looking for such exciting games for your gym class, here are 30 games that will make your job easier.

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List of 30 Best Gym Games for Kids

With different types of games available in the market, we have classified our list in categories to help you to find the best PE games for kids:

Exciting Gym Games For Kindergartners

Little boy in a field holding rugby ball

Preschoolers are full of energy and excitement, and physical activity boosts this trait. Physical exercises also improve their balance, reflex, flexibility and other motor skills crucial for their holistic development. Here are some amazing gym activities and workouts for kids to boost their fitness as well as their overall well-being:

A good game to start with, it’s all about challenging the little ones to balance the bean bag on different parts of their body. Ask kids to walk or crawl with balancing bean bags on the shoulders, between the knees, on the back, etc.

This game will enhance their fine motor development as it involves walking, running, hopping, and maintaining momentary stillness- all by striking the right balance.  

  Tip : Get creative! Engage with them by visualizing funny scenarios, like asking them to imagine the bean bag as an egg that will fall and crack if the balance goes off.

This is another game where bean bag just serves the purpose. Bean bags are easy to grip and cause no injury even in accidental hits. To play the game, you can draw the targets on the floor and have kids throw the bean bags into targets. This will develop their accuracy, throwing and coordination skills. 

Tip: To make the game livelier, you can put down hula hoops or baskets instead of drawing targets manually. 

Volleying the balloon up high for as long and not letting it drop is the essence of the game. Allow kids to use their hands to keep the balloon off the ground, as this will enhance their flexibility and striking abilities.

Tip: As an add-on in the game, a teacher can ask students to call out a fellow student’s name while volleying up the balloon. This way, students can learn each other’s names and coordinate.

For little ones, this outdoor game can prove to be engaging. The idea is to draw different colored tracks and ask the kids to jump by chanting the color names. This game will foster color recognition and gross motor skills in kids. 

Tips: Do not use more than four colors for preschool kids otherwise they will feel burnout switching colors and will /eventually lose interest.

It’s time to get some yoga poses for kids to get them moving. For this game, you can use cards with animal yoga poses on them. Simply ask the kids to pull out a card from the deck and imitate the yoga pose shown on the card. Playing such games regularly can improve their overall flexibility. 

Tip: You can make the game more interesting by playing it in groups with half the class strength. Make a group of four students each and assign a card to them. Let the other half of the class decide on the best performers!

Preschool years are the best when it comes to firming the hand grip of kids. You can play this Drop and Catch game in groups but with a twist. Ask the kid in the middle to tag another kid and throw the ball to him while the latter will have to catch the ball before it bounces twice. This is a fun ball game for kids .

Tip: If the ball is too challenging to catch for kids, use a balloon.

Wanna know how to get your students hooked to giggles on Wednesdays? Well, Simone says ‘play’! Simon Says is one of the best games to achieve fun and physical movement at the same time. You can use all the exercises to get the kids moving such as touching toes, side bends to touch the ground, hopping forward and backward, flamingo legs, jumping in one place, etc.

Tip : To add a more exciting touch to the game, you can incorporate dance songs for kids and get them grooving.

Gym Class Games for Lower Elementary Kids

Little boys and girls playing with colorful balls

Gym games for kids are a fun way to make your classroom fun along with encouraging kids to stay fit. Here are some of the most exciting gym class activities for lower elementary kids:

Hopscotch is a classic, loved game among children and adults alike. It not only contributes to developing gross motor skills, but also coordination and numeracy skills. Draw numbers from 1 to 10 with some boxes and you are good to go! 

Tip: Bring a fun twist in the game by making new rules such as ‘low feet jump to 10’, ‘hope like a frog as you count’, etc.   

Incorporating movement in the classroom routine using visual cues card can do wonders for the overall development of kids. You can make a set of visual cue cards and mention different actions on them such as jumping high, marching around, running in place, etc. Have your kids pull out a card and mimic the action. This will help improve their gross motor skills, receptive language, and motor imitations.

Tip : Attach the visual cards to popsicle sticks to make them easy to carry and increase their mean life.

Every so often, schools have either limited budgets or are unable to get supplies when needed. In such cases, gym games for kids that can be played without any equipment come to the rescue and RRRO is one of them. Teachers should challenge the students to roll sideways from their position until they reach the finish line and touch one member of another team. It’s a great game for pleasant weather days and gives good exercise to little ones. 

Tip: The bigger the team, the better the game.

11.  Shark and Minnows

This one is another great game that doesn’t require any equipment or setup but will surely bring up some cute giggles. It’s a tag game where one student i.e., the shark chases the rest of the students i.e., minnows. Consequently, every tagged student becomes a shark until there is a single minnow left- the winner of the game. 

Tip: Don’t forget to set some ground rules else the kids may run hither and thither, eventually increasing the risk of getting hurt.

12.  Beach Ball Blanket Toss

Make groups of four and ask kids to hold all four corners each of a big cloth or bedsheet. Throw a beach ball on the blanket and watch the excitement of the other kids as they try to catch the bouncing ball. In all, a good game to build grip and patience.

Tip: Instead of using a big cotton cloth piece, you can use a quilt as it will give a good bounce, adding more thrill to the game.

13.  See if You Can

Activity card games are a brilliant educational resource to teach kids, be it academics or movement skills. You can use such cards conveniently to teach kids about body composition and get them on a moving spree. The cards have instructions that go around movements like jumping, skipping, sprinting, balancing, leaping, etc. 

Tip: Challenge kids to attempt 3 activities each within a set time.

14.  Make an 8

This game will prove to be an excellent physical activity for teachers, let alone students. All you have to do is arrange for two tall cones and place them 3-4 meters apart. Now ask your students to face forward and move side-to-side in and out of the cone making a figure 8.

Tip: Once the students form an 8, ask them to repeat the activity while holding a basketball.

15.  Catch the Cones 

Teachers can stand on a box with 10 colored cones in her hand while the students stand all around the box. The game begins when the teacher throws the cones in the air all around and the students will have to catch the cones before they hit the ground. The student with a maximum number of cones at the end will be the winner. Playing this game repeatedly will enhance the catching and coordination skills of the students.

Tip: You can add a fun element to the game by giving points for different colored cones. 

16.  Obstacle Course 

This is a fun indoor game for kids , Obstacle Course improves agility, balance, and coordination in young kids. Place obstacles such as hula hoops, chairs, or ropes on the floor and ask kids to move swiftly as they dodge them.

Fun PE Games for Upper Elementary Kids  

Group of kids playing with a ball

Physical activity games for kids are crucial for their growth. Let’s have a look at some fun PE activities for upper elementary kids!

17.  Egg and Spoon 

You cannot deny playing this ultimate hand-eye coordination game in your childhood. Simply give your students a spoon and ask them to balance the egg as they move from one point to another. The one who reaches the finishing line first wins the game. 

Tip: Dancing or singing while balancing the egg on the spoon will make it all the more challenging and fun. 

18.  Follow the Pattern 

Get set for an energetic and entertaining game that encompasses balancing activities with moving in patterns. The teacher will give calls throughout the game that will have instructions about the movement such as jumping and landing on two feet, galloping, hopping on one foot, etc. The students who follow all the patterns without fail will win the game.

Tip: You can level up the game by giving out calls every 20 seconds.

19.  Tail Tag

Students aged 9-12 years can be taught skills such as teamwork, healthy competition, strategy, and other physical skills through such games. As the name suggests, Tail Tag is all about grabbing as many tails as possible. Here tails are nothing but a piece of cloth that will be tied to a belt. Students have to grab and collect these tails as they chase each other.

Tip: Do not tuck or tie the cloth too tightly for kids as unmindful grabbing might lead to subtle hurt.

20.  Bounce the Bucket 

Another game that will surely make a PE class exciting! You will require 8 cones, 3 buckets, and 4 balls. Arrange the cones on the sidelines and buckets in the middle, and Tada! your setup is ready. The students will have to bounce the ball on the ground once and then throw it into the bucket from a distance. Bounce the Bucket will help motor skill-building in upper elementary kids. 

Tip: Use a basketball for a great bounce!

21.  Jump the Noodle 

In this game of two, you will just need a foam noodle. The idea is to jump over the noodle without touching it as the other player swipes it left, right and center. A pair that can finish 10 jumps each without any interruption receives the prize.

Tip: Allow the students to pair up themselves with their choice as it will help them coordinate and play.

22.  Rob the Nest

All the basketball lovers, assemble! The students will love the thrill and competition that this game offers. A large square is to be made using 4 hoops with many basketballs in the middle. Each team member will come forth and dribble the basketballs from the middle to their team’s spot. Once no ball remains in the ball, know that it’s time to run around and steal the balls from each other.

Tip: Make 4 teams with no more than 2 players to avoid complexity and confusion.

23.  Cat’s Corner 

Similar to dodgeball, the throwers in the game are cats who try to hit the runners i.e., mice using the ball. If the mouse gets hit by the ball before landing in the corner safe space, he is considered out.

Tip: To keep the game interesting, there must be an equal number of cats and mice.

24.  Shadow Tag

Tag games are a great way to engage the students . They aid in the development of skills like gross motor, endurance, and social and cognitive skills. Unlike other tag games, here students have to tag a runner’s shadow. A perfect time to play this game is during mid-day.

Tip: Set a rule where the player has to call out ‘SHADOW’ as soon as they hit a runner’s shadow, else they’ll be out of the game.

Top Gym Games for Middle Schoolers

Group of boys playing tug of war

PE games that incorporate empathy and teamwork are very important for middle schoolers ranging between fifth grade and eighth grade. Here are some of our favorites: 

25.  Backward Soccer 

Where are all the soccer lovers? This game is soccer but with a backward twist. Players are not allowed to use their feet to advance the ball; their hands are the action weapons now. They must use only their hands to shoot, pass or dribble. Even goalies will only be allowed to use their hands in defense. 

Tip:   Keep a guide ready in case the students get all mixed up with the rules.

26.  Yoga Cards

Yoga is a good option for middle schoolers. Keep some yoga cards ready for your next PE class and ask them to hold each yoga pose for not less than 10 seconds.

Tip: If some students repel the idea of yoga, don’t worry. They will surely appreciate how relaxed they feel after some meditation treat. You can also show them some meditation videos for added engagement.

27.  Noodle Archery 

This is a classic archery game but with some fun modifications. Hang one hula hoop or have someone hold for you at some distance. Set up three lines at a different distance from the hula hoop which will act as the shooting positions. Ask each student to throw the pool into the hoop once from each line. 

Tip: Assign points to each line- highest to the farthest line and lowest to the closest one. This will make the game more competitive. 

28.  Relay Race 

Relays are the real ‘old is gold’. This game has been there for ages and never fails to excite the players and spectators. Relay Race not only enhances the natural competitive side of children but also encourages the development of gross motor, teamwork, and empathy skills. One high-five between players and you know it’s time to take over the race.

Tip: The tip here is that there is no need for any tip. The game in itself is sufficient to keep you on your toes.

29.  Pole Weave 

This is a great exercise to do twice or thrice a week. Place three straight poles and three crossed poles diagonally on the ground. To win the game, students will have to jump over the cross poles and sprint to weave in and out of the straight poles without touching any of them. 

Tip : You can make the game more challenging by asking students to jump over the crossed poles and back at least 3 times.

30.  Speed Ball

A mix of basketball and soccer, this is a challenging brain game for kids . It is played in two groups where both teams have access to a basketball net and goals each on their side. A team player passes the ball in the air like a basketball, but if it falls on the ground, the game switches to soccer. It’s all hands now!

Tip: Keep negative marking when the ball falls on the ground to make the game competitive.

Let’s Make Fitness Fun for Kids!

PE classes can be very fulfilling if the games are both exciting and physically challenging at the same time. Instead of forcing them for boring squats and push-ups, you can engage them in such games. Motivation is necessary but how it is conveyed also plays a central role. And, it’s all up to PE teachers to how tactfully they face this challenge. Moreover, the list of the gym games for kids is not exhaustive. There’s always room for tailoring a game to your student’s needs and skill requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can i motivate students to be physically active.

It’s a challenging task, but you do not need to worry! Apart from engaging them in group gym games for kids, you can allow them to groove to some dance and music, with activities like Zumba and Dance Aerobics. However, you must be vigilant about the kind of music being played on the speakers. A smart move would be to decide student-friendly music playlist well in advance. Secondly, you must highlight the difference between being a fitness freak and being physically active.

How often can I let students play these games?

It depends on the schedule of PE classes provided by the school authorities. For preschool kids, the gym games for kids could be played once every day. However, for upper elementary and middle schoolers, twice or thrice a week would be enough.

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PE Games for Small Groups: 6 Gym Games Tailored for Active Learning and Engagement

There are many options for physical educators to teach their PE curriculum and address district, state and/or national standards. This gives physical education teachers a lot of flexibility in how they present material to their students. Small group games in PE offer many benefits over full-class, large group activities. A small group game in a gym class is any game or activity that may be played by a small collection of students, usually three to eight people. Because the numbers are low, they get more movement opportunities and chances to put a learned skill into practice.

indoor physical education games for elementary students

Small group physical education games can be used to teach a wide variety of PE concepts and skills such as hand-eye coordination, footwork, and spatial awareness. They are also an excellent way to promote teamwork, social skills, and leadership. In order to teach children most effectively, PE teachers can separate them into groups based on their skill level and developmental stage. This gives the teacher more time to focus on each group. To keep every student engaged in learning, several small group or class games can be going on at the same time inside the designated learning space.

Small Group PE Games

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Paddle 4 Square

Final Thoughts

Free Resources

Small-group gym games provide a supportive environment that allows for more player-to-player interactions than traditional games. They also give players more opportunities to be successful and feel like valuable members of the group. These games challenge students but tend to be less competitive and therefore can reduce stress levels and create a more positive social atmosphere in the class. When students feel less anxious about their performance (as they might in larger groups), they are more likely to be engaged in fun game and better able to perform the desired skills in a game-like scenario.

In addition, the highlighted PE games in this blog article can directly correlate with SHAPE America Standard 2 which states: Applies knowledge related to movement and fitness concepts . Small group games in PE assist students meet these expectations as well as others that may be determined by a district or state.

SHAPE America Standard 3 Visual

National Physical Education Standards are used under license from SHAPE America.

I Can Statements for Physical Education- Standard 1

Determine the skills or movement patterns you want your students to practice

Select small group games that allow for practicing these skills and movements in a game-like scenario. They can involve equipment or be equipment-free games

Make sure to utilize engaging games that are developmentally appropriate for your students

I Can Statements for Physical Education- Standard 2

Playing area safety is key- make sure students have the space to move around freely and without hazard

Before playing, ensure that everyone is on the same page in terms of rules, regulations and boundaries

Have select students demonstrate the game

Encourage students to be active, play fair, and have fun

Keep the gym class game fun and not overly competitive

Stop the game from time to time to redirect behavior or provide rest periods

Have a wrap-up discussion to celebrate accomplishments

indoor physical education games for elementary students

Need some small group games for your PE class? Cap'n Pete's PE Small Group Games- 25 Dynamic, Breakout Activities are perfect for bringing your class to the next level? You can find the game set here on Cap'n Pete's website or on TPT

Let's take a look at six different small group games you may use in your program now that we know how and why they work for physical education.

1. Catch Ball

Team's work together to make a playground ball bounce 2 times inside another team’s court Skills Used: throwing and catching

1 playground ball per small group of students (8 to 12 students)

Indoor- Gym lines or small cones for court boundaries

Outdoor-Playground chalk for court boundaries

Two square or rectangle courts are set across from each other.

A serving line is set at back right

Small Group PE Game: Catch Ball

Game Instructions and Rules

Students spread out inside their side of the court.

This team game begins with a serve from the back right corner into the other teams court- The ball must pass the mid-line on the serve

The object is to get the ball to bounce two times in the other team members court. If the ball bounces once or a player drops it and it bounces once and then they catch it, it is still in play

If the ball is thrown to the other side and it bounces once and then out of bounds, the other team gets the point

If the ball bounces twice (in your own court) at any time before it crosses over to the other side, the other team gets the point. The serve changes after each point and rotates through the entire team

Players can pass it to any other player on their team (while it is live) before it crosses to the other side but if it is dropped and it bounces two times, the other team receives the point. The ball may bounce one time at any time during live play

Teachers should count “ONE” when it bounces the first time to remind students

2. Flash Ball - Game created by Dave Senecal. Find Dave (PEPALOOZA) on TPT here

Players attempt to eliminate other players (playing 1 vs. 1) by throwing a ball into their opponent’s rectangular court without them being able to catch it cleanly.

Skills Used: throwing, catching and tapping

One oversized Wal-Mart plastic ball, Slo-Mo ball, or beach ball per playing group (around 16- 20” ball)

Construct lines to make up the rectangular courts) using chalk, tape or Velcro

The courts should measure around 18' L x 3’ W divided with a midline

Multiple games can take place around the gym/field/blacktop at one time

Small Group PE Game: Flash Ball

One player starts on each side of the rectangular court. A student ref stands off to the side and will rotate into the game

One player starts a rally by serving the ball into the other person’s rectangle with a relatively easy serve that can be cleanly received and then thrown back

The ball must bounce on the other player’s side inside their rectangle

After the bounce, the ball must be caught before it is thrown back to the other side

Players can not throw inside their rectangle. They must play to the side or behind the rectangular-shaped court

“Tap ups” can be used when the ball cannot be cleanly caught- the player can tap the ball up into the air but must catch it before it hits the ground

If the receiving player misses the ball (doesn’t catch it), they are out of the game and join the end of the line waiting to come back in

The ball can hit any outside line and needs to be played by the person that is in that particular rectangle. The mid-line however, cannot be hit. This results as an out

If knocked out of the game, a player joins the line to rotate back into the next open side

Use the next person rotating in as the referee to make the call

3. Paddle 4 Square

An active game where players strike a ball with their paddle or racket in an attempt to eliminate other players and advance to the highest square, becoming the King/Queen.

Skills Used: striking

At least 4 paddles or rackets per small group

1 small bouncy foam ball per small group

Court lines constructed with chalk or tape

Numbers 1 – 4 written in each square

Small Group PE Game: Paddle 4 Square

One player stands in each of the 4 squares. A line is formed at Square #1 to rotate in.

A server in Square #4 (sometimes known as King/Queen square) drops the ball and then hits it underhand with the paddle into another square

The person receiving the serve hits the ball with the paddle back into any other person’s square and the “rally” continues until someone gets knocked out of the game by 1. Hitting any of the “inside” lines, 2. Hitting the ball out of bounds, 3. Hitting the ball before letting it bounce at least once inside their square, 4. Touching the ball with anything other than the paddle or 5. Hitting the ball after it landed in someone else’s square without letting them hit it first

The ball can hit any outside line and needs to be played by the person that is in that particular square. The inside lines however, cannot be hit- hitting an inside line results in an out

If knocked out of the game, a player joins the line to rotate back into Square #1

Use the next person rotating in as the referee to make the call in the next rally

Video courtesy of Andrew Wymer. Find Andrew on Twitter: @AndrewWyner10s

Two teams play against each other as each team of players work together to toss a foam ball or flying disc at the other team's bowling pin at the end of their court in an attempt to knock it down. Skills Used: throwing, catching

1 ball per small group (yarn ball, foam ball or Frisbee)

4 cones or gym lines to mark off a playing area/court

2 hula hoops at each end of the Court

2 Bowling pins or empty 2 Liter’s (placed inside the hula hoop)

Small Group PE Game: Pin Ball

Students spread out inside their side of the court to start. (3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4 works well).

One team begins with the ball and attempts to pass the ball down the court and shoot the ball to knock over the pin set inside the other team’s hoop

A player with possession of the ball cannot travel with it. They can pivot and make 1 step toward their target (a teammate or the pin) but cannot advance themselves up the court

“Complete” passes must be made to keep possession. If the ball drops to the floor, possession goes to the other team at that exact point

There is no contact whatsoever in the game on defense

If a team makes connecting passes down the court and is able to get an accurate shot that knocks down the other team’s pin, they are awarded 1 point

Games go for a set time or until a team scores “10 points” first

5. Intercept (Indoor and Outdoor Game)

A simple game where one team of players pass a soccer ball around a field or gym while another team attempt to throw a separate ball to hit it while it is rolling. Skills Used: kicking, throwing, fielding

1 soccer ball per small group

1 gator skin ball per small group

Small Group PE Game: Intercept

Students spread out in small teams on a grassy field or large gym (2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 work best)

One team starts with the soccer ball and they pass it back and forth to each other on the ground in a specified area, using only their feet

The other team tries to hit the soccer ball with their ball, using a Nerf or gator skin.

When the soccer ball is struck, the teams exchange roles and execute the opposite activity.

The team with the Nerf or gator skin ball cannot run with the ball but must advance it by throwing it a teammate in an attempt to get closer to the soccer ball

6. Rescue Me

A creative game where one team of players pass footballs (or other type of balls) past another team to the opposing end zone. where teammates wait to catch and throw the ball and are ultimately rescued. Skills Used: throwing, catching

Equipment and Playing Zone

Several balls (footballs, Nerf balls, Frisbees, etc.) per playing group

Cones or lines to mark playing areas and end zones

The game is played in small groups of 12 – 16 (6 – 8 per team)

Several balls are dispersed on each side of the playing area

The playing area is divided with a mid-line and 2 end-zone lines approximately 30 to 50 feet apart

Small Group PE Game: Rescue Me

Teams put half of their players in their side of the playing area and the other half go behind the other teams end-zone.

Each team attempts to save their teammates from the other team’s end zone by throwing them a ball

The players in the opposing end zone must make a “complete’ catch in the air that is thrown from one of their teammates

If they catch it they must throw the same ball back to any one of their teammates in their “home playing area”, back across the mid-line

If a player makes a successful catch and then throws the ball from the end zone line back across the mid-line to their home playing area and it is caught, they are RESCUED

They then join their teammates in their “home playing field” and attempt to save the remaining players on the other team's side of the end zone

If a ball is not caught, it is thrown back to either playing area and the process is repeated again

A team wins when everyone on their squad has been rescued!

Now that you know about these six small group PE games, it's time to put them into action with your class. Not only are these games fun, but they also aid in developing students' throwing, catching, foot dribbling and striking skills. Before beginning any game, it is essential that students have the right equipment and are familiar with the rules. Correct and encourage your students as they work together in their class teams. Make sure to rotate the games on a regular basis so that students don't get bored. Most importantly, have fun! With a little preparation, you can easily add these games to your physical education class and provide a beneficial learning experience for your students.

indoor physical education games for elementary students

Do you need some large group PE games for your program. Here is an article on Cap'n Pete's blog with 6 action packed games! PE Games for Large Groups: 6 Ways to Energize and Transform Physical Education Classes

Need some FREE physical education games?

Do you need some FUN games for your physical education program that include detailed instructions and play diagrams? Cap'n Pete's Power PE has you covered!

indoor physical education games for elementary students

Fill in the form below to download the FREE Physical Education Games Packet- 18 Game Set to use in your PE program! Inside this package are 18 fun and exciting PE games for students, designed for a wide range of ages.

This set is a PDF digital download that includes selected games (3 from each) from the following sets from Cap’n Pete’s PE Games Super Bundle.

1. PE Base Games, 2. PE Basketball Games, 3. PE Soccer Games, 4. PE Volleyball/Net Games, 5. PE Disc Games, and 6. PE Small Group Multi-skill Games

150 PE Games

If you're looking for a ton of PE Games that are ideal for large, medium or small-sized groups, check out Cap'n Pete's PE Games: Super Bundle- Basketball, Soccer, Net, Disc, Base & Small Group Games.

PE Games: Super Bundle- Basketball, Soccer, Net, Disc, Base & Small Group Games.

This Super Bundle includes 150 games from 6 PE game sets that originate from the following resources: PE Base Games , PE Basketball Games, PE Soccer Games, PE Volleyball and Net Games, PE Disc Games, and PE Small Group Multi-Skill Games. Each set has 25 top-rated games that can be used by PE and classroom teachers to teach skills and keep students HAPPY and ACTIVE!!!

You can download them from either of the following platforms: Cap'n Pete's Power PE Website or Teachers Pay Teachers- Cap'n Pete's TPT Store

indoor physical education games for elementary students

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28 Best PE Games With Absolutely No Equipment

P.E. lessons can be a bit daunting at times. All that equipment to organize and worry about. Yuck!

Then there are the safety aspects to consider. Eek!

The good news is, there are plenty of simple P.E. games that you can use with no equipment!

The Ultimate List of PE Games With No Equipment

Whether you need ideas for Kindergarten PE games, or PE games for preschool this list will spark the creativity you need for gym class or at home!

I’ve been teaching in early education for the best part of 20 years now, and in that time I’ve come up with a full armory of the very best PE games WITH NO EQUIPMENT! Woop!

Table of Contents

That’s right! Just a group of children are enough to create many games and have plenty of fun.

All you need are a good space and plenty of energy, so let’s go!

PE class with no equipment

1. Stop And Go Bubbles

Practice drawing a great big pretend bubble with your finger in the air.

Reach up as high as you can and reach down as low as you can. Really reach all the way around you.

If you can reach and touch anyone else with our moving your feet you are too close to move away and make sure you are in your own space.

Stretch out in your bubble to make sure you can’t touch anyone else’s just in case you should burst their bubble.

Ask the children to move like a bubble and float around the space. How freeing and mindful this bit is!

When you tell them to stop, make sure their bubble is in a good space so that no one can burst it.

2.Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)

This is a brilliant pairs game, that is good as a warm-up or as a fun game on it’s own!.

What you do is invent three movements and demonstrate them to the group.

Once you’ve played it a couple of times, the kids can come up with their own ideas.

Three examples of moves could be:

  • Doing star jumps
  • Doing Jazz hands
  • Jumping a 360 spin on the spot

Then everyone gets a partner.

The true challenge now is to activate your ESP, which (as pretty much all kids seem to know), is your Extra-Sensory Perception. Simply put, this is the ability to read your partner’s mind (which is very exciting).

Everyone displays one of the three moves at the same time. You want to do the move that you think your partner will do.

Do the same move? Woo woo! You activated your ESP.

Different move? Just try again.

Keep going for a few goes, before changing partners to see if your ESP works better or worse on other people.

As well as being a great PE activity, I often use this as a circle time game in class. This is one of the favorite games from my book 101 Circle Time Games…That Actually Work!

indoor physical education games for elementary students

This book contains all the very best mindfulness circle games, active circle games, math games, literacy circle games, and so much more! You can check out the book here.

3. Foxes And Hares

Once the children have got a good understanding of space, and they can stop and start on your command, there are lots of fun PE games you can introduce.

Foxes and hares is a classic chase game .

Aim of the game: To catch all the hares of course!

About a fifth of the children should be foxes. So if you are playing with 10 children, 2 children can be foxes. 

The hares move around the space by hopping. To hop, they should move both feet together and then put two hands together on the floor, just like a rabbit or a hare moves in bunny hops.

The foxes also move on four legs (hands and feet) but they should be quicker as they are less restricted.

To catch a hare, simply touch them (gently, please! No fox attacks).

When all the Hares are caught by the foxes, the game is over and you start a new game with a new group of foxes.

4. Trains and Tunnels

This is a similar version to the game above. There are always loads of train enthusiasts among pretty much any age of children, so this game is always a winner.

Choose a few children to be the trains. 

Explain that the rest of the children are tunnels. They should make a tunnel by putting both their hands and feet on the floor and arching their back as high as they can to make a high tunnel with their body. 

The trains should run around the space until you shout Whoo Whoo.

At the sound of the train whistle, they should crawl through as many of the tunnels as they can. 

When a train has been through a tunnel, the tunnel is released and becomes a train. 

Keep playing until all the tunnels are trains. 

This is a fun game for pairs.

One child is the leader, the other is their shadow.

Explain how your shadow does exactly what you do. It follows you everywhere, and your movements are identical.

As the leaders move around the space, the shadow follows and copies exactly what they do.

Encourage the children to use different levels of movement.

  • Roll on the floor
  • Move on your hands and knees
  • Move on one or two feet

Encourage them to use different speeds of movement

  • Move slowly and gracefully
  • Move quickly and craftily

Encourage them to use different balances

  • Balance on one foot
  • Balance on all fours
  • Balance on two feet and one hand

Remember to swap over so that both children have a chance to be the leader. 

6. Good Toes Naughty Toes

This is another simple listening game requiring no equipment and it can be played as an indoor and outdoor game.

There are two instructions that the children are going to listen out for. Those are:

Good toes – They should stand completely still with their feet together

Naughty toes – They should dance around wildly using the space and not bumping into anyone else. (Music can be used if you want to)

This game is all about freedom and expression!

Good toes naughty toes game

7. Noisy Running!

This is possibly my all-time favorite mindful PE game.

This is best done outside in a large space.

The idea is that the children are going to move and make noises at the same time. The volume of the sound they make will be directly linked to how fast they move.

Start by all humming very faintly, and walking really slowly.

Then try a fast walk, and raise the volume of the sound coming out of everyone’s mouth.

Then try light jogging, with a medium noise – aaaaahh – coming from everyone’s mouth, about the volume of talking.

Keep getting faster and increasing the volume! When you are running at full pelt, you will also be yelling as loud as possible – AHHHHH!

I like to do this activity in a structured way to introduce it and mix up the speeds/volumes for a while.

But then, for a couple of minutes, let the children ‘freestyle’. They choose their speeds and volumes and race around.

This activity is all about mindfulness , and experiencing a sense of freedom and liberation from inhibitions!

8. Floating!

Another mindful PE activity here.

Get the children to stand in a space and close their eyes. Then you are going to help them to visualize that they are transforming into something that floats or flies!

It could be:

Let’s imagine we start with the balloon.

Tell the children to visualize they are slowly changing into a balloon. Their skin is becoming colored rubber. And now someone is blowing them up, and they are getting lighter and lighter, and larger and larger.

Then, tell them they are fully inflated.

The children open their eyes, and now they are going to imagine they are floating like balloons around the space!

Off they go – billowing and wafting in the breeze.

After a couple of minutes, you can try transforming into feathers or eagles.

9.  Be The Teacher

This is a good way for children to start to think about the quality of their movements in PE class.

Work in pairs again. One child should be the teacher. 

Explain that as the teacher, they have to help their pupil make the best quality moves and shapes that they possibly can.

It depends on what kind of moves you are working on, but I like to do this with gym moves.

Try moves like:

  • Forward roll
  • 360 jump rotation

Ask one child to demonstrate the move, and the other child should help them to make it perfect.

Encourage the children to be kind and helpful. For example, they might say things like:

Tuck your head in a bit more.

Can you straighten your legs even more?

Can you reach up taller?

Ask them to use lots of praise if they spot some good quality movements and make sure they tell their partner what they are doing well.

Don’t forget to swap so that everyone has a go at being the teacher.

10. Make A Shape

Put the children in groups of 4 or 5 and give them the challenge of working as a team to make a shape.

Explain that they can work on the floor, lying down or standing up, as long as the shape is clear.

Begin with the basic shapes of:

circle, triangle, square rectangle

Build up to more difficult shapes like:

stars, hexagons, ovals, rhombus, or octagon

11. Body Letters And Numbers

You can extend this from shapes to letters of the alphabet or numbers.

Simply ask the children to make a letter by working together to get into the shape. This is a good activity for team building as they will have to work together and everybody is needed. 

12. Dance Like No-One’s Watching

Dancing is good for you for so many reasons. It’s a workout for the whole body, it encourages you to keep a beat and keep in time with music, and most of all, it’s fun.

It’s good for the soul, so put some happy upbeat music on and encourage some free dancing.

Clap your hands, wiggle your hips, wave your arms. Have fun!!

13.  Heart Monitors

It’s important for children to know that exercising makes changes to our bodies so that they aren’t frightened by the changes and they understand what is happening to them. 

This is a nice activity to explain those changes so that the children understand that it is perfectly normal.

Count down one minute of any kind of high-intensity exercise, for example:

  • Fast running on the spot with high knees 
  • Tuck jumps with both feet together
  • Pretending to skip on the spot as fast as you can
  • Burpees (lay down then jump up)

Really encourage the children to put lots of effort in here.

When the minute is up, encourage the children to put their hands on their hearts and feel it beating.

If they’ve put enough effort in, it should be pounding. Ask them to feel their forehead – it should be at least warm, if not hot and sweaty. 

Notice how fast their breathing is when they stop. They should be out of puff.

With older children, you could ask them to take their own pulse before and after exercising and see how much their pulse rate has increased. 

14. Eight Dance!

This is a great dancing game for kids of all ages.

Put some pumping music on to get everyone going!

Then pick some kind of action or dance move, and everyone does it eight times to the music while also counting at the same time – ‘1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8!’

So, you might do eight star-jumps while counting. Or eight big marches on the spot.

Then shout out a new action, and start that, keeping the counting going throughout.

Some other good dances/actions could be:

  • Arms up arms down
  • Punch the air with one arm, then the other
  • Arms wide, arms across your body
  • Walking in place

For the older ones, the emphasis is on the movement. But for younger kids, this is also a great rote counting activity.

15. Animal Copy Cat

One child will be the leader in this game. This is the ‘cat’ that the others will try to copy.

The leader is going to pretend to move like an animal. Everyone else will copy!

For example, they might move like a monkey. They will stoop low, and swing their arms like a monkey. Everyone copies!

After a while, the leader will change the animal. They might pretend to be an elephant!

The trick is for everyone to watch for the transition and try to copy.

The leader can mix things up as quickly or slowly as they like.

16. Animal Freeze!

This is a variation of the animal copycat game above with a bit of music added.

Once again, have a leader that is going to pretend to be different animals that the others copy.

Put on some music, and the kids move around like the animal that the leader is demonstrating.

The adult will pause the music at any given moment. The children must then freeze in their best animal pose! It’s a bit like musical statues at this point. Anyone that moves could be out! (Or you can just play the non-competitive version where everyone gets to carry on each time).

17. Transformers

Wow – transformers are one of the most exciting things on the planet for many kids.

And this game really taps into this enthusiasm.

The kids are all now shape-shifting transformers. They can transform in the blink of an eye into many different types of vehicles, and move around the space like them.

Some good vehicles to try include:

  • Train – with ‘chugging’ arms and lots of tooting!
  • Helicopter – arms as rotas spinning over your head
  • Racing cars – running around as fast as possible!
  • Plane – Lots of swooping and soaring
  • Monster trucks – Be as big and wide as you can

18. Mr Men/Little Miss Game

The idea of this is that the kids pretend to be some of the characters out of the Mr. Men and Little Miss books.

Some good ones to try include:

Mr. Grumpy – stamp around the room with your angriest face

Mr. Tall – Stretch up and walk as tall as you can

Mr. Bump – Go round bumping into walls and imaginary objects (though not other people)

Little Miss Tiny – Curl up like a tiny weeny ball

Lots of modeling of movements work well for this game – both from the adult and skillful children.

19. Child-Friendly Yoga

I find yoga is most effective with children when they can readily understand that the pose they are doing is mimicking something.

Some great poses that mimic things that children know are:

Household Yoga

In this, the kids mimic everyday actions in the house. It could be sweeping the floor, or washing the pots.

Lie on your front, with your hands flat on the floor next to your face.

Push upwards until your arms are straight, your chest is off the floor, and your back is arched.

This stretches the back and abdomen.

A young girl doing a seal yoga pose

Giraffe Pose

Stand with one foot in front of the other.

Reach up high with both hands (this being the giraffe’s neck.) Then slowly bend down, and touch your leading foot with both hands.

Then slowly return to the original position.

Young girl doing a giraffe yoga pose

Turtle Pose

Lie on your back. Pull your knees into your chest so that you form a ball shape. Slowly rock backward and forwards.

Your curved back forms the turtle’s ‘shell’.

20. Bean Game

This is one of those all-time classics that I thought I should include on this list.

The children pretend to be types of beans, each of which has its own separate movement.

Model two or three bean movements to start off with, have a practice, and then all play the game. Add more bean movements when the children get more confident.

The adult simply calls out a bean name, and the children move in that way.

The beans and associate movements are:

Sprouting bean  – Walk around on your tip-toes, with your arms stretched as high above you as possible

Baked bean  – Sit down on the floor

Broad bean  – Try to be as wide as possible! Walk around like this

Beans on toast  – Lie down on the floor

Chilli bean  – Shiver! This is a ‘pun’ on the word ‘chilli/chilly’ (obviously!)

Jelly bean  – Wibble and wobble!

Runner bean  – Run around like crazy

French bean  – Say, ‘Bonjour!

When you’ve played a few times, a child could potentially become the leader of this game.

21. Action Stories

This is a really good way of combining storytelling, listening, and action!

The adult makes up a story, and the children act it out.

After you’ve done it a few times, a confident child might well be able to lead this.

You want to have lots of active characters in the story, such as stamping giants, witches on broomsticks, unicorns galloping, and all that kind of thing.

As well as that, it’s good to have lots of action, such as terrible storms blowing, landslides, sinking sand, and all the rest of it.

The kids act all of these things out.

A sample start of a story might go:

‘One day the giant went stamping off through the forest. A terrible wind began to blow. The trees were swaying from side to side. Suddenly a unicorn came galloping into the forest to save the giant…’

I’m sure you get the picture!

22. Traffic Lights

Here’s another absolute classic of the repertoire!

In this, the children will pretend to be cars, and the adult gives different verbal instructions that the cars respond to.

The easiest way to play the game is to have three simple instructions that correspond to the colors of a traffic light:

Green  – Go! Jog around the space

Red  – Stop still

Yellow  – Walk on the spot, ready to go

Start easy, but you can always add more elements to the game when they are ready. Some other verbal cues include:

Honk the horn  – A noisy one, this! Go round tooting!

Roundabout  – Jog around in a narrow circle

Parking Lot (or car-park)  – Lie down on the floor

Freeway  – Run as fast as you can

23. Fox and Chickens

This is a variation of a basic tag game .

The idea is to mix up the game by incorporating a theme that the children are interested in.

So, you could have a fox catching chicken by tagging them. Or one of the following:

  • A shark catching fishes
  • A bird catching worms
  • Or a witch catching children

Anything you think the children will respond to is fine.

24. HIIT Session

Here is a simple idea, that is great for fitness for all ages.

You have a structured sequence of activities that you perform together. Spend about thirty seconds on each movement, with a fifteen-second break.

Some simple moves include:

  • Reach up, reach down
  • Jumping like a frog
  • Jumping in place
  • Reach to one side, reach to other

For older or more skillful children, you can try some of these:

You can do one round of the activities or even two or three reps!

25. Simon Says Active Version

Of course, you all know the basic idea of Simon Says .

But it works really well in PE sessions if you make the moves super-active!

So, rather than ‘Simon says touch your nose’ kind of instructions, you want to think more along the lines of ‘Simon says crawl like snakes across the floor!’

Some other good examples might be:

‘Simon says wade through the muddy swamp.’

‘Simon says climb the rope ladder.’

‘Simon says run like a cheetah on all fours!’

26. Captain’s Coming

This is another game that is donkey’s old, but children love it generation after generation.

All the kids pretend to be on a boat. The adult gives orders to the ‘crew’.

These include:

Scrub the deck  – Get on hands and knees and start scrubbing the floor!

Swim to shore  – Use a powerful front crawl to move around the space

Into the hammock  – Lie down on the floor

Lift the cannonballs  – Lift up those super heavy cannonballs, and load them into the cannon!

Row the boat  – Row!

Captain’s coming  – Salute!

27.Melting Moments

This is a visualization and mindfulness game that is great as a warm-down.

The children are going to be imagining that they are something that melts. For example, they could be:

-A chocolate bar

-An ice-cube

Let’s imagine we go for ‘snowman’. Tell the children to stand in a space and then close their eyes.

Tell them to imagine that they are transforming into a snowman. They can feel their freezing cold body, their carrot nose, and coal for their eyes.

But now the hot sun has come out. You can feel the warmth on your face!

Feel how the snow is melting your body. Water is starting to drip down the snowman.

Imagine you are shrinking! You are getting lower to the ground! And finally, you are a steaming puddle lying on the floor.

(Ask the children to lie down and imagine this!)

28. Figures Of Eight

This is a good game to use as a warm-down.

The basic idea is that the kids stand in a space, and they are going to form a large figure 8 in the air with different parts of their bodies.

Start with their finger, but then move on to using their:

Warming Up And Cooling Down

To warm-up before PE Class or a fun activity at home, I like to play some music with a good steady beat and perform some repetitive actions for the children to copy. I make sure I warm up my arms, shoulders, feet, legs, hips, and neck. 

To cool down after PE games, try some nice long stretches for all the different body parts. I always like to finish a cool-down with some big deep breaths. Scoop up some air, stretch up and hold it above your head and then blow it away as you release your arms back down to your sides. 

Not Just Good For Physical Learning

One of the biggest benefits of daily physical activity is that children’s behavior improves as well as their overall confidence and independence. Check out this study on tracking of physical activity into into adulhood for more information on the benefits of PE Games .

Now that’s something worth trying for.

Good luck if you try out any of these fun PE games!

Brooks - Richmond - Salem-66-crop

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Healthy Running for Kids

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Indoor and Outdoor PE Games

⚬  Best Safe Distance Indoor Games ⚬  Best Indoor PE Games ⚬  8 Great Outdoor PE Games for Kids ⚬  Best Indoor Recess Games

⚬  PE Running Games ⚬  6 Agility Games

PE Games for Middle School

⚬ 6 PE Games for Middle School Students ⚬ Cool Down Activities for Middle School Students ⚬ Warm-Up Activities for Middle School Students ⚬ Indoor PE Games for Middle School Students

PE Games for Elementary Students

⚬ PE Games for Small Groups ⚬ Best Adapted and Inclusive PE Games ⚬ Top Ten Twists on Tag! ⚬ 5 Team Building Games for Kids

Motivation for Kids

⚬ Healthy Eating Fuel Logs ⚬ Motivational Tips

Themed PE Activities

⚬ Five Spooky PE Games for Halloween! ⚬ Five Festive Holiday PE Games ⚬ Valentine's Heart-Pumping PE Games BINGO Card

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  20. Free PE Curriculum and Resources for PE Teachers

    Run with us—it's free! Marathon Kids programming is now FREE and includes access to Marathon Kids Connect, an award-winning physical activity and distance tracking mobile scanning app + cloud-based web platform! In addition to our free PE program, we're happy to offer a host of free pe curriculum, resources, and fun pe activities to make this ...