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autobiography noun

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Earlier version

  • autobiography in OED Second Edition (1989)

What does the noun autobiography mean?

There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun autobiography . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definition, usage, and quotation evidence.

How common is the noun autobiography ?

How is the noun autobiography pronounced, british english, u.s. english, where does the noun autobiography come from.

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the noun autobiography is in the late 1700s.

OED's earliest evidence for autobiography is from 1797, in the writing of William Taylor, reviewer and translator.

autobiography is formed within English, by compounding; perhaps modelled on a German lexical item.

Etymons: auto- comb. form 1 , biography n.

Nearby entries

  • autobasidium, n. 1895–
  • autobio, n. 1856–
  • autobiog, n. 1829–
  • autobiographal, adj. 1845–
  • autobiographer, n. 1807–
  • autobiographic, adj. 1818–
  • autobiographical, adj. 1807–
  • autobiographically, adv. 1822–
  • autobiographical novel, n. 1832–
  • autobiographist, n. 1820–
  • autobiography, n. 1797–
  • autobiopic, n. 1977–
  • auto body, n. 1904–
  • auto-boot, n. 1981–
  • auto-boot, v. 1984–
  • auto-booting, adj. 1983–
  • autobox, n. 1977–
  • autobracketing, n. 1985–
  • auto-burglar, n. 1884
  • autocade, n. 1924–
  • auto camp, n. 1904–

Meaning & use

The next dissertation concerns Diaries, and Self-biography . We are doubtful whether the latter word be legitimate: it is not very usual in English to employ hybrid words partly Saxon and partly Greek: yet autobiography would have seemed pedantic.
This very amusing and unique specimen of autobiography .
Geology (as Sir C. Lyell has so happily expressed it) is ‘the autobiography of the earth’.
We live in an age when men treat art as if it were meant to be a form of autobiography .
The autobiography in your letter..has pleased me a good deal.
Dent's will be pleased to hear that my Welsh book, a sort of provincial autobiography , is coming on well.
An autobiography is a book a person writes about his own life and it is usually full of all sorts of boring details.
The Cockney beauty's autobiography ..has become a surprise hit, debuting at number four in the best-seller lists.
  • story 1533– With possessive adjective or genitive. A person's account of the events of his or her life or a part of it. Cf. life story , n. , and also sense 8.
  • autography 1661– = autobiography , n. rare .
  • memoirs 1676– In plural . Autobiographical observations; reminiscences. Frequently modified by a possessive.
  • idiography a1734 Autobiography; writing about oneself. Obsolete . rare .
  • self-biography 1796– An account of the life of an individual written by himself or herself; an autobiography. Also: the genre comprising such work.
  • autobiography 1797– An account of a person's life given by himself or herself, esp. one published in book form. Also: the process of writing such an account; these…
  • reminiscence 1797– Chiefly in plural . A recollection or memory of a past fact or experience recounted to others; spec. (usually in plural ) a person's collective…
  • autobiog 1829– = autobiography , n.
  • autobio 1856– = autobiography , n.
  • auto 1881– = autobiography , n.
  • curriculum vitae 1902– A course; spec. a regular course of study or training, as at a school or university. (The recognized term in the Scottish Universities.) curriculum …
  • autohagiography 1929– An autobiography by a (self-styled) saint; (hence chiefly disparaging ) an idealized or flattering autobiography; (also) writing of this type as a…
  • biodata 1947– ( plural ) biographical details, esp. summarizing a person's educational and employment history, academic career, etc.; (with singular agreement) =…
  • vita 1949– A biography, the history of a life; spec. = curriculum vitae n. at curriculum , n.
  • c.v. 1971– = curriculum vitae n. at curriculum , n.
  • autofiction 1976– A genre of fiction based on (a part of) the author's life, often presented as a first-person narrative in the style of a novel; fictionalized…


  • ð th ee
  • ɬ rhingy ll

Some consonants can take the function of the vowel in unstressed syllables. Where necessary, a syllabic marker diacritic is used, hence <petal> /ˈpɛtl/ but <petally> /ˈpɛtl̩i/.

  • a trap, bath
  • ɑː start, palm, bath
  • ɔː thought, force
  • ᵻ (/ɪ/-/ə/)
  • ᵿ (/ʊ/-/ə/)

Other symbols

  • The symbol ˈ at the beginning of a syllable indicates that that syllable is pronounced with primary stress.
  • The symbol ˌ at the beginning of a syllable indicates that that syllable is pronounced with secondary stress.
  • Round brackets ( ) in a transcription indicate that the symbol within the brackets is optional.

View the pronunciation model here .

* /d/ also represents a 'tapped' /t/ as in <bitter>

Some consonants can take the function of the vowel in unstressed syllables. Where necessary, a syllabic marker diacritic is used, hence <petal> /ˈpɛd(ə)l/ but <petally> /ˈpɛdl̩i/.

  • i fleece, happ y
  • æ trap, bath
  • ɑ lot, palm, cloth, thought
  • ɔ cloth, thought
  • ɔr north, force
  • ə strut, comm a
  • ər nurse, lett er
  • ɛ(ə)r square
  • æ̃ sal on

Simple Text Respell

Simple text respell breaks words into syllables, separated by a hyphen. The syllable which carries the primary stress is written in capital letters. This key covers both British and U.S. English Simple Text Respell.

b, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w and z have their standard English values

  • arr carry (British only)
  • a(ng) gratin
  • o lot (British only)
  • orr sorry (British only)
  • o(ng) salon

autobiography typically occurs about six times per million words in modern written English.

autobiography is in frequency band 5, which contains words occurring between 1 and 10 times per million words in modern written English. More about OED's frequency bands

Frequency of autobiography, n. , 1790–2010

* Occurrences per million words in written English

Historical frequency series are derived from Google Books Ngrams (version 2), a data set based on the Google Books corpus of several million books printed in English between 1500 and 2010.

The overall frequency for a given word is calculated by summing frequencies for the main form of the word, any plural or inflected forms, and any major spelling variations.

For sets of homographs (distinct entries that share the same word-form, e.g. mole , n.¹, mole , n.², mole , n.³, etc.), we have estimated the frequency of each homograph entry as a fraction of the total Ngrams frequency for the word-form. This may result in inaccuracies.

Smoothing has been applied to series for lower-frequency words, using a moving-average algorithm. This reduces short-term fluctuations, which may be produced by variability in the content of the Google Books corpus.

Frequency of autobiography, n. , 2017–2024

Modern frequency series are derived from a corpus of 20 billion words, covering the period from 2017 to the present. The corpus is mainly compiled from online news sources, and covers all major varieties of World English.

Smoothing has been applied to series for lower-frequency words, using a moving-average algorithm. This reduces short-term fluctuations, which may be produced by variability in the content of the corpus.

Compounds & derived words

  • autobiog , n. 1829– = autobiography, n.
  • autobiographal , adj. 1845– = autobiographical, adj.
  • autobio , n. 1856– = autobiography, n.
  • auto , n.³ 1881– = autobiography, n.

Entry history for autobiography, n.

autobiography, n. was revised in June 2011.

autobiography, n. was last modified in June 2024.

oed.com is a living text, updated every three months. Modifications may include:

  • further revisions to definitions, pronunciation, etymology, headwords, variant spellings, quotations, and dates;
  • new senses, phrases, and quotations.

Revisions and additions of this kind were last incorporated into autobiography, n. in June 2024.

Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

OED First Edition (1885)

  • Find out more

OED Second Edition (1989)

  • View autobiography in OED Second Edition

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Citation details

Factsheet for autobiography, n., browse entry.

Definition of 'autobiography'

  • autobiography

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autobiography in British English

Autobiography in american english, examples of 'autobiography' in a sentence autobiography, cobuild collocations autobiography, trends of autobiography.

View usage for: All Years Last 10 years Last 50 years Last 100 years Last 300 years

Browse alphabetically autobiography

  • autobiographical writing
  • autobiographically
  • autobiographies
  • Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, The
  • All ENGLISH words that begin with 'A'

Related terms of autobiography

  • celebrity autobiography
  • read an autobiography
  • write an autobiography


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