Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education

analysis problem solving in mathematical using theory newman

This article belongs to the special issue "Literature and the Arts in Mathematical Education".

In this context, several recent studies have focused on the ability to understand a problem and difficulties regarding the solving as a means of improve students’ mathematical problem-solving abilities. Design of research explores types and factors of mistakes students in solving mathematical problems. The instrument used is problem solving test. Data from Indonesia secondary school students (N = 147) who were about 15 years old were analyzed using theory Newman . Procedure Newman includes: reading errors, comprehension errors, transformation errors, process skill errors and enconding errors. The results indicate to reading errors of 4.35%, comprehension errors of 17.39%, transformation errors of 34.78%, process skill errors of 23.91%, and enconding errors 19.57%. Factors errors students’ is not to absorb information well, not understanding the transformation of the problem, not following the material thoroughly, and comprehension mathematical of weak concepts.

  • problem solving
  • Newman’s theory
  • types and factors of error

This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 14, Issue 2, February 2018, 671-681

Publication date: 19 Nov 2017

Article Views: 14678

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  • Webb, L. N. (1979). Process, Conceptual Knowledge, and Mathematical Problem Solving Ability. Journal For Research in Mathematics Education, 10, 83-93.

How to cite this article

Rohmah, M., & Sutiarso, S. (2018). Analysis Problem Solving in Mathematical Using Theory Newman . Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14 (2), 671-681.

Rohmah M, Sutiarso S. Analysis Problem Solving in Mathematical Using Theory Newman . EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed. 2018;14(2):671-81.

Rohmah M, Sutiarso S. Analysis Problem Solving in Mathematical Using Theory Newman . EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed . 2018;14(2), 671-681.

Rohmah, Mushlihah, and Sugeng Sutiarso. "Analysis Problem Solving in Mathematical Using Theory Newman ". Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 2018 14 no. 2 (2018): 671-681.

Rohmah, M., and Sutiarso, S. (2018). Analysis Problem Solving in Mathematical Using Theory Newman . Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education , 14(2), pp. 671-681.

Rohmah, Mushlihah et al. "Analysis Problem Solving in Mathematical Using Theory Newman ". Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education , vol. 14, no. 2, 2018, pp. 671-681.

Application of Newman Errors Analysis theory related to mathematical literacy problems: A case study of secondary students in class 11

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Tri A. Kusmayadi , Sani Sahara , Laila Fitriana; Application of Newman Errors Analysis theory related to mathematical literacy problems: A case study of secondary students in class 11. AIP Conf. Proc. 28 November 2022; 2566 (1): 020013.

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To improve students’ mathematical literacy, it is important to have an analysis of the causes of low students’ learning literacy. Error analysis in solving literacy problems is the first step to see students’ current mathematical literacy. In this qualitative study, the error analysis was based on Newman’s theory in working on mathematical literacy problems. This case study involved 30 students of Grade XI at one of the leading private schools in Solo City, Indonesia. The subject was selected using snowball sampling so that all types of errors could be described for each gender. It used a validated test instrument in which the researcher as the main instrument used think-aloud to obtain the necessary data. To obtain valid data, the researcher compared the results of the analysis between subjects. The data were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This study concludes that 1) reading errors occur in female students, but the steps taken did not affect the next type of error; 2) Comprehension errors occur because of the inability to identify what is being asked from the presented image and identify the location of the angle. Besides, female students misunderstood the information of angle statement; 3) transformation errors are indicated by the difficulty in determining the lengths of the sides of the triangles formed and unable to make the mathematical model of the problems; 4) process skill errors are showed by errors in applying the Pythagorean theorem, the variable calculation process, and determine the roots of the equation as well as the error in calculating the value of the square of the coefficients; and 5) encoding errors occur when the student does not write down the final answer correctly and not conclude what had been done previously so that he did not answer what was asked with another error of writing the results with positive or negative notation for distance values.

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Rohmah, Mushlihah and Sutiarso, Sugeng (2018) Analysis Problem Solving in Mathematical Using Theory Newman. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14 (2). pp. 671-681. ISSN 1305-8223

In this context, several recent studies have focused on the ability to understand a problem and difficulties regarding the solving as a means of improve students’ mathematical problem-solving abilities. Design of research explores types and factors of mistakes students in solving mathematical problems. The instrument used is problem solving test. Data from Indonesia secondary school students (N = 147) who were about 15 years old were analyzed using theory Newman. Procedure Newman includes: reading errors, comprehension errors, transformation errors, process skill errors and enconding errors. The results indicate to reading errors of 4.35%, comprehension errors of 17.39%, transformation errors of 34.78%, process skill errors of 23.91%, and enconding errors 19.57%. Factors errors students’ is not to absorb information well, not understanding the transformation of the problem, not following the material thoroughly, and comprehension mathematical of weak concepts. Keywords: problem solving, Newman’s theory, types and factors of error

Item Type: Article
Depositing User: SUGENG SUTIARSO
Date Deposited: 28 Jun 2018 08:17
Last Modified: 28 Jun 2018 08:17

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Analysis problem solving in mathematical using theory Newman

In this context, several recent studies have focused on the ability to understand a problem and difficulties regarding the solving as a means of improve students' mathematical problem-solving abilities. Design of research explores types and factors of mistakes students in solving mathematical problems. The instrument used is problem solving test. Data from Indonesia secondary school students (N = 147) who were about 15 years old were analyzed using theory Newman. Procedure Newman includes: reading errors, comprehension errors, transformation errors, process skill errors and enconding errors. The results indicate to reading errors of 4.35%, comprehension errors of 17.39%, transformation errors of 34.78%, process skill errors of 23.91%, and enconding errors 19.57%. Factors errors students' is not to absorb information well, not understanding the transformation of the problem, not following the material thoroughly, and comprehension mathematical of weak concepts.

Author supplied keywords

  • Newman's theory
  • Problem solving
  • Types and factors of error

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Rohmah, M., & Sutiarso, S. (2018). Analysis problem solving in mathematical using theory Newman. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education , 14 (2), 671–681.

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  • DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1315/1/012069
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    Errors often occurred when students solve mathematical problems solving, exceedingly when students are faced with contextual story problems. ... Processing Skill errors, and Transformation Errors. Keywords: Interest in Learning, Newman's theory, Gender, Problem-solving, Solving Errors How to Cite: Annizar, A. M., & Kumala, D. F. (2022 ...

  10. Analysis Problem Solving in Mathematical Using Theory Newman

    DOI: 10.12973/EJMSTE/80630 Corpus ID: 125095269; Analysis Problem Solving in Mathematical Using Theory Newman @article{Rohmah2017AnalysisPS, title={Analysis Problem Solving in Mathematical Using Theory Newman}, author={Mushlihah 'Ainur Rohmah and Sugeng Sutiarso}, journal={Eurasia journal of mathematics, science and technology education}, year={2017}, volume={14}, pages={671-681}, url={https ...

  11. Analysis problem solving in mathematical using theory newman 5293

    Rohmah & Sutiarso / Analysis Problem Solving in Mathematical Using Theory Newman. Question number 4, the subject cannot meet indicators to comprehension errors, determine what is known in full but determine what is asked is not complete, this happens because of the negligence and carelessness of the subject.

  12. Analysis Problem Solving in Mathematical Using Theory Newman

    In this case, the authors re-check whether the temporary 675 Rohmah & Sutiarso / Analysis Problem Solving in Mathematical Using Theory Newman findings are appropriate and describe the specific research context, whether the findings have fully described what is the student's mistake in solving the math problem.

  13. PDF Newman Mathematical Using Theory Analysis Problem Solving in

    Rohmah & Sutiarso/Analysis Problem Solving in Mathematical using Theory Newman Contri bution Of this paper to the literature This study aimed at determine the type Of errors and factor errors that the student did in solving the student's mathematical problem. In this context, stages students in the problem solving was investigated.

  14. An Analysis of Students' Difficulties in Solving PISA-like Mathematical

    Indonesia has joined this program since 2000 but the result said the mathematical literacy of Indonesian students is lower than that of in other country. This study aims to explore students' difficulties in solving PISA-like mathematical problems, so the results of this study can be used as a consideration in the teaching and learning process.

  15. Analysis of student problem-solving errors based on Newman's theory in

    DOI: 10.35316/alifmatika.2023.v5i1.40-56 Corpus ID: 259725441; Analysis of student problem-solving errors based on Newman's theory in terms of learning interest and gender @article{Annizar2023AnalysisOS, title={Analysis of student problem-solving errors based on Newman's theory in terms of learning interest and gender}, author={Anas Ma'ruf Annizar and Dewi Fatma Kumala}, journal={Alifmatika ...

  16. University of Lampung

    Design of research explores types and factors of mistakes students in solving mathematical problems. The instrument used is problem solving test. Data from Indonesia secondary school students (N = 147) who were about 15 years old were analyzed using theory Newman.

  17. PDF Analysis of errors in solving mathematical literacy analysis problems

    revealing that mathematical literacy is an ability that must be possessed in solving problems using logical, realistic, and good reasoning ways so that they can communicate and explain problems.

  18. Analysis problem solving in mathematical using theory Newman

    In this context, several recent studies have focused on the ability to understand a problem and difficulties regarding the solving as a means of improve students' mathematical problem-solving abilities. Design of research explores types and factors of mistakes students in solving mathematical problems. The instrument used is problem solving test.

  19. Errors analysis of problem solving using the Newman stage after

    Problem solving is the basis of mathematics learning. Problem solving teaches us to clarify an issue coherently in order to avoid misunderstanding information. Sometimes there may be mistakes in problem solving due to misunderstanding the issue, choosing a wrong concept or misapplied concept. The problem-solving test was carried out after students were given treatment on learning by using ...

  20. Analysis of students' error in solving math problem-solving problem

    (2) High student problem-solving ability provide better mathematics learning outcomes than medium or low student problem solving ability, moderate student problem solving ability are better than ...

  21. (PDF) Newman's Error Analysis on Students' Solving Numerical Problems

    Newman's Errors Analysis (NEA) is one of the effective methods in revealing how the students' achievement in understanding the concept of numbers. Therefore, this research was conducted to see mathematical abilities when students solve numerical problems based on Newman's Errors Analysis (NEA).

  22. Analysis of problem-solving strategies for the development of geometric

    Through an analysis of eye movements, participants were categorized into three distinct groups based on their problem-solving strategies. This categorization facilitated an exploration of the correlation between the chosen strategy and the success rate in solving geometry problems without computational aids.

  23. An analysis to student error of algebraic problem solving based on

    This study aims to reveal student algebraic problem-solving errors based on Polya and Newman hierarchical indicator. The subject was a study of 30 students of grade VII in one of the junior high school located in the Timor Tengah Utara, NTT, Indonesian, 2018/2019 period. Process of collecting data used tests and interviews. The result of the student problem-solving ability test was grouped ...