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Simple Refraction of Light Science Experiment – Why Does the Straw Look Bent?

What do you think, can water bend a straw? What about other clear liquids? In this super simple science experiments, kids will learn about the refraction of light, and why a straw appears to be bent when submerged in a glass of liquid.

Find printable instructions, a video demonstration, and a helpful explanation of how this experiment works, below.

broken straw experiment

JUMP TO SECTION: Instructions | Video Tutorial | How it Works | Purchase Lab Kit

Supplies Needed

  • Empty Glass
  • Plastic Straw

Refraction of Light Science Lab Kit – Only $5

broken straw experiment

Use our easy Refraction of Light Science Lab Kit to grab your students’ attention without the stress of planning!

It’s everything you need to  make science easy for teachers and fun for students  — using inexpensive materials you probably already have in your storage closet!

Refraction of Light Science Experiment Instructions

broken straw experiment

Step 1 – Start with some observations about the straw. Is there anything unusual about the straw? Make sure the kids notice that is it perfectly straight. Next, place the straw in the empty glass. Make a few more observations and point out that the straw is still straight.

Helpful tip: Use a large plastic straw from a water bottle to see the results more clearly.

broken straw experiment

Step 2 –  Next, pour water into the glass until it is nearly full. Now make a few more observations. What is different about the straw? Make sure to look directly at the side of the glass at the straw. What do you see?

broken straw experiment

Step 3 –  You will notice that near the top of the water line the straw appears to bend. Remove the straw from the water. Is it still bent? Do you know what caused the straw to appear to be bent? Find out the answer in the how does this experiment work section below.

Video Tutorial

How Does the Science Experiment Work

When you add the water to the glass, the straw appears to bend, but once you remove the straw you see it isn’t really bent at all. This is because the straw is not bending, but the light around the straw is bending due to refraction . Light refracts as it passes from one medium to the next because it travels at different speeds through those mediums. Light travels fastest through air, a little slower through water, and even slower through glass.

WHAT IS REFRACTION OF LIGHT? Refraction is the bending of light and occurs when light travels from one medium to another. For example when the light moves from air to water, or from water to air. 

We need light in order to see. When we look at the straw outside of the glass of water, the light coming from the straw travels through the air straight to your eye. As you look at the straw in the glass of water, the light coming from the straw to your eye bends as it passes through three different mediums (water, glass, and air). As the light passes from one medium to the next, it changes speed and bends.

Other Ideas to Try

Try this experiment with liquids other than water. Liquids to try would be light corn syrup, rubbing alcohol, or clear Gatorade. Does the liquid you use affect how much the straw appears to bend?

More Experiments that Show The Refraction Of Light

Light Refraction Science Experiment – Watch in amazement as the arrow to changes direction.

Ruler Changes Size Science Experiment  – Observe how the size of an object changed when viewed through different liquids. 

I hope you enjoyed the experiment. Here are some printable instructions:

Water Bends Straw Experiment - Step 2

Can Water Bend a Straw Experiment


  • Observe the straw and notice that it is perfectly straight. Next, place the straw in the empty glass and take note that the straw is still straight. Helpful tip: Use a large plastic straw from a water bottle to see the results more clearly.
  • Pour water into the glass until it is nearly full. Look directly at the side of the glass at the straw. What do you see?
  • You will notice that near the top of the water line the straw appears to bent. Remove the straw from the water. Is it still bent?

Can Water Bend a Straw Experiment Steps

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September 14, 2017 at 2:36 am

Optical illusion

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Science Fun

Science Fun

Bending Straw Illusion Magic Science Experiment

In this fun and easy magic science experiment, we’re going to use an optical illusion to make it appear a straw is bending.


  • Fill the glass about halfway with water.
  • Now put the straw into the glass of water.
  • Observe the straw from the top, sides, and bottom of the glass.
  • When you observe the straw from the sides of the glass, it appears to be broken or bent.


How it Works:

Refraction causes the straw to look bent and sometimes it can even appears to be broken. Light usually travels in a straight line to our eyes, but when the light goes through the water, it slightly changes direction. So as we look at the straw in the glass, the light from the top part of the straw travels straight to our eyes whereas the part of the straw that’s underwater has light that is refracted since it travels through the water before it reaches our eyes. 

Make This A Science Project:

Try different sized glasses. Try writing messages and hold them behind the glass. Try putting different sized and shaped items in the glass. 



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Why does this straw look like it’s broken?

By Claire Maldarelli

Posted on Feb 21, 2017 7:00 PM EST

Place a straw in a glass of water, and behold: It looks broken. What’s tricking your brain?

Similar to this illusion, the light that reflects off the straw allows your visual system to process and identify its shape as it travels through mediums of varying densities. But as light passes from air into water, which is denser, it changes direction, or refracts.

Your brain can’t correct for these visual effects, so it decides on the location of the object (the straw) based solely on where the reflecting light is coming from. Above the water, the light reflects from the straw through the air and glass to your eyes. But below, when the light also travels through water, the refraction causes the image of the straw to be in a slightly different location. The water also acts as a type of magnifying lens, making the size of the straw seem larger than it actually is. To the brain, the straw appears broken (and bloated).

That’s why spearfishing is so hard to master. From far away, the fish you are eyeing always looks nearer to the surface of the water than it actually is. The key is to get as close to the fish as possible, without it seeing you. ­Otherwise, you go home empty-handed.

This article was originally published in the March/April 2017 issue of Popular Science .

rookie parenting science

Light Refraction Experiments

Refraction of light.

Have you ever noticed if you look through a glass of water , the image behind the glass sometimes looks funny or distorted?

It’s like the glass of water is playing tricks on your eyes.

The trick is actually created by the refraction of light.

Light travels at different speed through different materials.

As a result, the light “turns” when it passes from one medium to another.

There are so many good refraction of light experiments we want to do.

Let’s start with these 2 simples ones.

efraction Optical Illusion Broken Straw | Science experiment

Light Refraction Experiment

Here are a couple of our favorite optical illusion tricks using the light refraction property.

  • a drinking straw or a pen
  • clear water or glass of water
  • a long clear glass or glass with water
  • adult supervision


Experiment 1.

  • The levels of water in the glass is more than a half of glass.
  • Put a straw into the glass with water vertically and watch from the side.

efraction Optical Illusion Broken Straw | Science experiment

Experiment 2

  • Raise the glass or lower your eyes to look at the straw from under the water surface. The straw appears to be bent instead of broken.

broken straw in water viewed from below the water surface

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Red straws in glasses with water. Straws seem broken at the interface between water and air - Refraction of light SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS

Why: Experiment 1

Light bends when it passes from one medium (air) into another medium of a different density (water). This bending of light, called refraction , causes the straw to look broken ​1​ . The portion of the straw that is submerged in water also appears to be wider than the portion of the straw above the water.

Refraction - the bending of light

Since the glass is relatively thin, we can assume not much refraction takes place there. So the optical illusions&nbsp ;are mainly caused by the water inside.

However, even though the light bends at the water/air interface, our brain does not know that or account for that. Our brains believe that light always travels in a straight line and extend the light rays backward to a location different from the original straw. That is why the submerged part of the straw appears to be shifted in water.

When I was doing this experiment with my 4 year old daughter, she kept saying that the straw must be broken. But I kept pulling it out of the water to show her that it wasn’t broken at all. She was fascinated.

Illustration of refraction of light after passing through a glass of water - makes the straw look broken

Why: Experiment 2

Light bends when it passes from water into the air . When the light comes from a location close enough to the surface (or the angle of incidence is larger than water’s critical angle ) the light bends so much that instead of passing out into the air, all of it reflects back into the water as if the water surface were a mirror. This is called  total internal reflection .

Diagram below: When there is total internal reflection, your brain thinks that the underwater fish is at above the water (and upside down).

Illustratio no refraction. When total internal reflection happens, a fish can appear to be at a different place.

This is what happened when you looked at the straw from below the water surface. The reflected straw seems to be connecting between the above-water portion and the under-water distortion. That is why the straw looked crooked.

Refraction: total internal reflection of the straw when viewed from below the water level.

What did you see when you moved your head to different positions? Can you think of some fun experiments to do using this refraction property of light?

  • 1. Jiang W, Chen RT, Lu X. Theory of light refraction at the surface of a photonic crystal. Phys Rev B . June 2005. doi: 10.1103/physrevb.71.245115

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Light Science Experiment – Refraction: Bending Straws

Light Science Experiment - Refraction: Bending straws

Can you bend a straw without touching it? A simple but interesting light science experiment to help you to see how light travels through water.

What you will need:

  • A clear plastic cup half filled with water
  • A straight straw or similar

What you will do:

  • Carefully fill the cup with water and place it on a flat surface.
  • Have a good look at your straw.  Is it nice and straight?
  • Now, place the straw into the glass.
  • Move around and look at the straw from different angles.  Look from different sides, up high and down low.
  • Can you see the way the straw looks like it is bent in the middle?  Where can you see it best?
  • Take the straw out and check it.  Is it still straight?

What is going on?

We know that the straw doesn’t really bend, so why does it look bent?

We see things because light travels from them to our eyes.  The light that is coming from the straw to our eyes can move quite quickly, but the light moving through the cup and the water moves much more slowly.

So our eyes see the light from the top half of the straw quicker than the light from the bottom half, and our brain thinks that it is seeing a bent straw.

  Monster Challenges: 

  • Can you find other things around the classroom that you could use instead of the straw?  Ask your teacher first!
  • What if there is more or less water in the glass?  Does it change what you see?

Teaching Notes: 

Key concepts:.

Water slows the speed at which light travels

  • Investigation Record IR01– one copy per student
  • Experiment Description Light L02– one copy per student
  • Clear cup half filled with water, straw

Lesson Notes:

Begin the lesson by discussing how light travels in straight lines, and that it travels through clear or transparent objects.  You might like to use these vocabulary words:

  • Transparent:  clear or see through eg window
  • Translucent:  light comes through, but images aren’t clear eg tissue paper
  • Opaque: light does not come through, eg wood.

It is not essential that students learn these words at this stage, but using them increases their familiarity with the terms.

Remind students to listen carefully to instructions, and to OBSERVE their experiment.

As this activity is brief, I suggest that you encourage students to look for other waterproof objects that they could observe through the water.  This kind of student lead investigation is very important for developing their thinking skills and their understanding of scientific processes.

As a class discuss the experiment prior to undertaking it, and students should complete the sections of their Investigation Report IR01 from ”Title to “Hypothesis”.

What should happen in this experiment, and why?

The straw should appear bent at the point that it passes through the surface of the water, as should anything else that is put into the glass that protrudes above the water.

Objects that can be fully submerged will appear larger in the water than out of it, but only marginally.

Remember that the best way for students to learn is to try things for themselves, so pose the challenges and let them experiment.  They may surprise you with their answers and observations!

Follow up discussion questions:

How does the speed of light travelling through water affect what we see when we look into a pond or pool.  Have you ever seen a person in a pool look bendy like the straw?

  • What would happen if your eyes were above the water and you tried to catch a ball thrown under water?
  • When light hits the surface of water, some light passes through and some is reflected back.  That is why you can still get sunburnt when you are swimming.

Get this experiment here or as part of a bundle of Light Experiments here .

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Enjoy our range of fun science experiments for kids that feature awesome hands-on projects and activities that help bring the exciting world of science to life.

Using the power of your eyes, bend a straw sitting in half a glass of water without even touching it! It sounds like magic but it's really another amazing scientific principle at work.




Our eyes are using light to see various objects all the time, but when this light travels through different mediums (such as water & air) it changes direction slightly. Light refracts (or bends) when it passes from water to air. The straw looks bent because you are seeing the bottom part through the water and air but the top part through the air only. Air has a refractive index of around 1.0003 while water has a refractive index of about 1.33.


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broken straw experiment

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  • If I Were an Archer Fish

In Unit 13 of The Physics Classroom Tutorial , it was emphasized that we are able to see because light from an object can travel to our eyes. Every object that can be seen is seen only because light from that object travels to our eyes. As you look at Mary in class, you are able to see Mary because she is illuminated with light and that light reflects off of her and travels to your eye. In the process of viewing Mary, you are directing your sight along a line in the direction of Mary. If you wish to view the top of Mary's head, then you direct your sight along a line towards the top of her head. If you wish to view Mary's feet, then you direct your sight along a line towards Mary's feet. And if you wish to view the image of Mary in a mirror, then you must direct your sight along a line towards the location of Mary's image. This directing of our sight in a specific direction is sometimes referred to as the line of sight .  

The Broken Pencil

As light travels through a given medium, it travels in a straight line. However, when light passes from one medium into a second medium, the light path bends. Refraction takes place. The refraction occurs only at the boundary. Once the light has crossed the boundary between the two media, it continues to travel in a straight line. Only now, the direction of that line is different than it was in the former medium. If when sighting at an object, light from that object changes media on the way to your eye, a visual distortion is likely to occur. This visual distortion is witnessed if you look at a pencil submerged in a glass half-filled with water. As you sight through the side of the glass at the portion of the pencil located above the water's surface, light travels directly from the pencil to your eye. Since this light does not change medium, it will not refract. (Actually, there is a change of medium from air to glass and back into air. Because the glass is so thin and because the light starts and finished in air, the refraction into and out of the glass causes little deviation in the light's original direction.) As you sight at the portion of the pencil that was submerged in the water, light travels from water to air (or from water to glass to air). This light ray changes medium and subsequently undergoes refraction. As a result, the image of the pencil appears to be broken. Furthermore, the portion of the pencil that is submerged in water appears to be wider than the portion of the pencil that is not submerged. These visual distortions are explained by the refraction of light.

Flickr Physics Photo

The broken pencil phenomenon occurs during your everyday spearfishing outing. Fortunately for the fish, light refracts as it travels from the fish in the water to the eyes of the hunter. The refraction occurs at the water-air boundary. Due to this bending of the path of light, a fish appears to be at a location where it isn't. A visual distortion occurs. Subsequently, the hunter launches the spear at the location where the fish is thought to be and misses the fish. Of course, the fish are never concerned about such hunters; they know that light refracts at the boundary and that the location where the hunter is sighting is not the same location as the actual fish. How did the fish get so smart and learn all this? They live in schools.

Now any fish that has done his/her physics homework knows that the amount of refraction that occurs is dependent upon the angle at which the light approaches the boundary. We will investigate this aspect of refraction in great detail in Lesson 2 . For now, it is sufficient to say that as the hunter with the spear sights more perpendicular to the water, the amount of refraction decreases. The most successful hunters are those who sight perpendicular to the water. And the smartest fish are those who head for the deep when they spot hunters who sight in this direction.

Since refraction of light occurs when it crosses the boundary, visual distortions often occur. These distortions occur when light changes medium as it travels from the object to our eyes.

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Refraction of Light Experiment

Ever looked at a straw in a cup of water and wonder why it looks bigger and appears to be bent? Or look at something underwater and wondered why it looks so big? These are all a result of the bending of light or refraction. In today’s science experiment on the refraction of light, we’re going to take a closer look at how light bends.

Try this simple light refraction experiment  perfect for Valentine's Day. Help kids see how light bending or refracting helps them read a secret Valentine message. Perfect for an easy science experiment!

What is refraction?

Refraction is the bending of light. This occurs when light travels through one material to another (ex: air, water, etc…) Unlike objects that reflect, objects that refract light look different. For example, when looking at a glass of water with a straw in it, the straw may appear to be broken. This happens because light moves more slowly in water than in air. As a result, the light bends as it passes from air to water, making the straw appear to be bent.

Materials for light refraction experiment:

Try this simple light refraction experiment  perfect for Valentine's Day. Help kids see how light bending or refracting helps them read a secret Valentine message. Perfect for an easy science experiment!

  • glass jar, container, or vase
  • paper (or use the FREE printable Valentine message from down below)
  • marker (to write your message if you’re using paper)

Experiment Instructions:

STEP 1: Fill the glass jar almost to the top with water.

STEP 2: If creating your own “secret message” fold the paper in half. Then write your message on one side of the paper. Make sure to write the message backward from right to left. You can create a second message on the back of the folded paper. To make things even easier, you can always download the Free Valentine printable from down below. It’s already done for you!

Try this simple light refraction experiment  perfect for Valentine's Day. Help kids see how light bending or refracting helps them read a secret Valentine message. Perfect for an easy science experiment!

STEP 3: Next, place the glass jar on a flat surface. Place the folded paper about 3-4 inches behind the jar filled with water.

Try this simple light refraction experiment  perfect for Valentine's Day. Help kids see how light bending or refracting helps them read a secret Valentine message. Perfect for an easy science experiment!

STEP 4: Looking through the front side of the glass of water, look at your secret message. What do you see?… Your message is not much of a secret anymore!

Try this simple light refraction experiment  perfect for Valentine's Day. Help kids see how light bending or refracting helps them read a secret Valentine message. Perfect for an easy science experiment!

How does this refraction experiment work?

During the experiment, light travels from the secret message, through the air, through the glass, through the water, then through the glass again, and through the air one more time before finally reaching your eyes.

When light travels through different materials such as the glass jar, air, or water, it travels at different speeds. This causes the light to refract.

Light waves travel faster through the air than they do through water or glass because the air is less dense. It then slows down a little when traveling through the water and is at its slowest, when passing through the glass jar. This is what causes the light to refract or bend and make the secret message change direction. As a result, the message is no longer a “secret” and can be read.

Try this simple light refraction experiment  perfect for Valentine's Day. Help kids see how light bending or refracting helps them read a secret Valentine message. Perfect for an easy science experiment!

The light that is refracted through the glass of water also acts as a magnifying glass. It makes the image appear larger than it really is. Try moving the image closer to the glass jar and see what happens.

Helpful Resources

If you like kid-friendly science resources and want to learn more about light energy & the other forms of energy, check out my complete energy unit perfect created with kids in mind.

Try this simple light refraction experiment  perfect for Valentine's Day. Help kids see how light bending or refracting helps them read a secret Valentine message. Perfect for an easy science experiment!

… and if you’d like to use the “secret” messages I used above for the refraction lab, you can download it for free here.

(If you liked these tips, feel free to use this image to save this post to your Pinterest board. )

Try this simple light refraction experiment  perfect for Valentine's Day. Help kids see how light bending or refracting helps them read a secret Valentine message. Perfect for an easy science experiment!

A third-grade teacher with a passion for creating time-saving classroom resources. She enjoys sharing her attempt to juggle it all... grading papers, lesson planning, student referrals, parent communication, test prep, and so much more all while managing a busy home life with two active teens.

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broken straw experiment

Physics > See the Light > Refraction

the straw above the water line doesn't match up visually with the straw below the water line and therefore appears broken

The speed of light isn't always the same. It actually slows down when it moves through some transparent materials, like glass or water. When light slows down, it changes direction. This "refraction" of light  is the reason a straw in water looks bent or broken and why objects viewed through a glass bottle appear distorted.

magnifying glass making things flowers larger than they are

In the same way light reflects differently off different surfaces, it also refracts differently depending on the shape of the material. This can make refraction very useful. For example, the curve of eyeglasses directs light rays into the eyes more effectively. Magnifying lenses also use refraction: the convex lens bends the light rays so the image appears larger.

Try this experiment to see how different objects refract light.

What You'll Need

mirror, comb, flashlight, various bottles of liquids needed

  • 1 flashlight
  • 1 wide-toothed comb
  • 2 clear bottles or glasses
  • Cooking oil
  • Construction paper (optional)


Place the flashlight on the table and lean the comb against it.

a flashlight with a comb placed in front

Turn the flashlight on and turn off the lights in the room. Notice the light beams that are shinning through the comb's teeth.  (NOTE: If you cannot see distinct, individual light beams, try wrapping a piece of construction paper around the end of the flashlight to extend its lens a little. This will help direct and focus the light beam.)

flashlight turned on in the dark with light beams coming through gaps between teeth of comb

Fill the small glass bottle or glass halfway with water and place it in front of the beams of light shining through the comb's teeth.

  • What happens to the beams of light?
  • Do the beams of light change direction?
  • A focal point is where beams of light meet. Where is the focal point?

a glass jar of oil in front of the light beams coming through the gaps between the teeth of the comb

Now fill your glass bottle or glass with cooking oil instead of water and try the experiment again. Are the results the same? Do the light beams refract differently through the cooking oil than in water? Is the focal point the same?

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Image Credits:

Magnifying glass by Jade87 from Pixabay; all other images, courtesy of AMNH

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Science Projects With Straws

Straws can be used in a number of science experiments.

Egg in Bottle Science Projects

Regular plastic drinking straws can provide endless tutorials in the principles of physics. While most projects with straws somehow involve water or balloons, the lessons illustrate the power and properties of air. While supervision over the straw-in-the-potato project is recommended, most science experiments with straws can be carried out worry-free by grade school kids.

The Force of Air

Demonstrate the force of air by stabbing a plastic drinking straw through a raw potato. Make an airtight seal with your thumb on one end of the straw. Be careful to hold one end of the potato and impale it at the other end to so the straw won’t hit your hand. With the airtight seal under your thumb, the air molecules inside the straw condense and give the stabbing straw enough sturdiness to go through the raw potato, removing a cylindrical skewer of potato in the process. This can be a risky experiment for those with poor aim, according to Steve Spangler Science, as a plunging, sealed straw could potentially break the skin.

Straws and Balloons

There are numerous science projects involving balloons and straws, most of which are lessons in air’s propulsion ability. One such project requires a balloon, a flexible drinking straw, cut off an inch below (not above) the bendy portion, and a rubber band. Insert the one-inch portion of straw below the bend into the balloon, and securely fasten them together with a rubber band, without crushing the straw. The bendable portion should be outside of the balloon. Inflate it through the straw. Place a finger over the end of the straw to prevent air from escaping, and then set on the floor, keeping the bendable portion of the straw straight. Let it go and watch the direction of the balloon’s movement. Bernie Zubrowski, author of “Balloons—Building and Experimenting with Inflatable Toys” writes that if you bend the straw in a different direction each time, the balloon will also go in different directions. Try it with larger balloons, or balloons with different shapes to see how the experiment changes.

Air Pressure and Water

Take a clean, lidded jar and make a hole in the lid just large enough to put a straw through. Fill the jar with water, and screw the lid onto the jar. Put a straw through the hole you made in the lid, and make sure the hole is airtight by putting plasticine or modeling clay over the hole surrounding the straw. As long as there’s no air escaping, you shouldn’t be able to suck any water through the straw, according to the child science experiments written on by Place another drinking straw in a regular, open glass of water and see another version of the same idea: make an airtight seal over the open end of the straw with your thumb and lift the straw out of the glass of water. Notice that the straw holds water to the same height on the straw as the height of the water in the glass. It’s the air pressure in the top of the straw that holds the water in from the bottom of the straw. Once the thumb seal is broken, the water spills out.

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  • Parenting Toddlers: Child Science Experiments.
  • “Balloons—Building and Experimenting with Inflatable Toys”; Bernie Zubrowski; 1990

About the Author

Based just outside Chicago, Meg Campbell has worked in the fitness industry since 1997. She’s been writing health-related articles since 2010, focusing primarily on diet and nutrition. Campbell divides her time between her hometown and Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Photo Credits

straw image by Henryk Olszewski from

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Broken Pencil Illusion

Seeing isn’t always believing, especially when refraction is involved! See how water bends light, “breaking” a pencil right before your eyes.

What you need

  • Clear, round drinking glass
  • Fill the drinking glass about two thirds of the way with water.
  • Place the pencil inside the glass on an angle, so it’s resting on the rim.

Bend down until you are looking in line with the top of the water. It should look as though the pencil is broken in two!

Light travels through different materials, or mediums, at different speeds. In this experiment, light first travels through the air – which is easy to move through – and then through the water, where it slows down. This change in speed causes the light to bend, or refract, meaning that the part of the pencil that is in the water will appear shifted.

Many birds hunt by flying over the surface of water, then diving in once they see a fish. Like in this experiment, the image a bird sees of a fish isn’t where it really is; the image can actually be quite far from the real fish. The bird has to adjust where it dives in order to catch the fish. This effect is also caused by the refraction of light once it hits the water.

Draw an arrow on a piece of paper and hold it up behind the glass of water, about 30 cm from your eyes. What do you observe?


As if by magic, the arrow flips around!

The round outside of the glass forces the water into a rounded shape, which acts as a  convex lens . This lens bends the incoming light towards the middle. Here, the light rays meet at what is called the focal point. Past the  focal point , the image is inverted because the light rays overlap.

refraction diagram

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Refraction: Bent Spoon Experiment with Stephanie Guzman

Learn about the refraction of light in this experiment with Stephanie Guzman, Optical Engineer at Edmund Optics! Refraction is the bending of light as it travels from one medium to another, and it causes some strange things to happen when a spoon or straw is lowered into a round glass of water.

To learn more about light, please visit and follow our educational TikTok channel @edmundoptics.

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Straw Rockets icon

Straw Rockets

Experimenting with gravity.

How does the bounce height of a ball change with the height from which it’s dropped?

This resource was originally published in PhysicsQuest 2018: Force.

  • Bouncy Ball
  • Meter stick
  • Large sheet of paper
  • Pen or pencil

Bouncy balls are awesome. If you drop them, they come most of the way back. If you throw them down really hard, they can bounce all the way up to the ceiling. They can do this because of the fact that energy is conserved. That means the amount of energy in a system will stay the same — it just might come in different forms. This activity is going to involve bouncy balls and shooting straws to demonstrate different types of energy.

  • What would bounce higher, a ball dropped from 10 feet or a ball dropped from 100 ft? Why?

Jam the wire in the bouncy ball so that it’s sticking straight up.

Place the straw over the wire (like a sleeve) and cut the straw so it is a bit shorter than the wire sticking out of the ball.

There should be enough of the wire above the straw that you can hold onto the wire without touching the straw.

Tape a giant piece of paper to the bottom of the wall.

Place the straw over the wire. Then hold the bouncy ball by the tip of the wire, without touching the straw, a few feet above the ground.

Drop the ball, making sure that it hits the ground with the straw at the top and as perpendicular to the floor as possible. Don’t slam the ball down - just let it drop out of your hand. Make sure the floor is hard (wood, tile, stone, etc.), not carpeted.

  • What happened?

Now drop the ball in the same way, only from a lower height.

Drop the ball from a higher height than you did initially.

How do the height of the drop and the height of the rebounding rocket compare?

Hold a meter stick next to the piece of paper taped on the wall. Make sure the floor is hard (wood, tile, stone, etc.), not carpeted.

Hold the ball/straw combo just as you did in the qualitative experiment. Start with the combo 15 cm above the floor.

Drop the ball and have another team member make a mark at the highest point of the straw’s trajectory as it flies upward.

Repeat five more times and average the five trials. Be aware that some of your tests might not work, but that’s okay.

Increase the height to 20 cm and repeat steps 1-4.

Continue in 5 cm increments until you can no longer reach the top of the straw’s trajectory to measure it.

Qualitatively, how did the height of the straw’s flight compare to the height at which it started?

What type of energy do the ball and straw have right before they drop?

  • What about when they hit the ground?
  • When do they rebound?
  • At the top of the straw’s trajectory?

On the next page, graph the height the straw reached (in cm) versus the height from which it was dropped (in cm).

  • What does the graph look like?
  • How high do you think the straw might go if the ball was dropped from 5 m?

Why do you think the straw could go as high as it did?

  • Draw a diagram of the experiment and label what forces are present.

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Science Projects > Life Science Projects > Skeletons and Bones Science Projects  

Skeletons and Bones Science Projects

Why do you need bones? Bones give your body support. Without them, you wouldn’t even be able to walk! Keep reading to find out how your bones and joints work together to allow your body to move.

broken straw experiment

Skeleton Projects & Bone Science

What makes bones strong.

Even though bones are very light, they are also very strong.

However, how strong they are depends on how much of the mineral calcium carbonate they contain.

Do this experiment to find out how calcium carbonate affects bone strength. Make sure you get an adult to help you!

What You Need:

  • Dried, clean chicken bone (a leg or wing bone)
  • White vinegar

What You Do:

1. Without breaking the bone, hold the bone and try to bend it – don’t force it to bend; or it will break! Notice how stiff the bone is.

2. Place the chicken bone in the glass and fill it with vinegar.

3. Let the bone soak for 2-3 days, then pour out the vinegar.

4. Add fresh vinegar and let it soak for about 2 more days.

5. After the 4th or 5th day of soaking, take the bone out and dry it off. Now try bending the bone without breaking it. What do you notice? How does it feel different from before you soaked it in vinegar?

What Happened:

Bones are made of calcium carbonate and a soft material called collagen. When the chicken bone was placed in the glass of vinegar, the acid in the vinegar dissolved the calcium carbonate so that only collagen was left.

Calcium (the mineral in calcium carbonate) is needed to make our bones strong. When there isn’t enough calcium, our bones become soft and are more likely to break.

The soft collagen simply isn’t strong enough to support our bodies on its own. But don’t worry, the acid found in some food and drinks won’t destroy your bones. Just make sure you eat plenty of foods that have calcium in them!

A few foods that contain a lot of calcium are milk, cheese, soy products, beans, almonds, and orange juice.

Back Bone

What Makes Your Back Flexible?

What gives you the ability to bend, twist, run, or skip? Does having a lot of bones or just a few bones in your body make you more flexible? Try this experiment and find out! Make sure you have an adult help you.

  • Drinking straw
  • Pipe cleaner

1. Thread the pipe cleaner through the straw. Then gently try to bend the pipe cleaner where it is covered in the straw. Does the pipe cleaner bend much?

2. Take the pipe cleaner out of the straw and cut the straw into pieces that are about one inch long. Thread the pieces of the straw onto the pipe cleaner so that they are touching each other.

3. Now gently bend the pipe cleaner again. How easily does it bend?

The pipe cleaner and straw are representing how joints allow our bodies to move.

When the straw was in just one long piece, it was representing one long bone, such as our thigh bone or upper arm bone.

These bones can’t bend because there is no joint there to allow that to happen. Instead, these solid bones give our bodies stability. But when the straw was cut in pieces and then placed on the pipe cleaner, it was very easy to bend because of the “joints” created by the cuts in the straw.

A joint is where two or more bones meet.

The small pieces of straw stacked on top of each other are very similar to how our bodies’ backbone is structured.

Your spine is made up of small bones stacked on top of each other with the spinal cord threaded through them.

Like the pipe cleaner, you can bend your back forward and backward, side to side, and even rotate in a circle. The stacked bones are not very stable though, so your back has strong muscles to help keep your spine straight.

Your body has a lot of other joints too – bend your arms and legs, wiggle your fingers and toes, sit down, reach up high, and look from side to side.

It is possible for you to move your body in all of these ways because of joints in your fingers, ankles, knees, hips, elbows, neck, and everywhere else that bones connect inside of your body!

Skeletons & Bones Science Lesson 

Have you ever seen a house or a building while it is being built? If so, you may have noticed long wooden or steel beams being constructed before the outside walls are added.

These beams make up the framework of the building, very much like the way that your bones form your skeleton.

Both frames provide shape, strength, and protection – your bones for your body and the beams for the building. However, unlike the framework in a house, bones are alive!

Your bones will continue to grow inside your body until you are around 25 years old!

Bones can also repair themselves. Small cracks form in bones all the time from bumping into objects and doing strenuous activities like running and jumping.

But these cracks are rarely noticed by us because they are repaired quickly by special bone cells called osteoclasts ( say OS-TEE-O-CLASTS) and osteoblasts ( say OS-TEE-O-BLASTS).

These cells also repair major breaks in the bone. A doctor may need to help set the broken bone in place, but the bone will usually heal itself in about 6-8 weeks.

Bones are very strong, but are also amazingly lightweight!

Bones are wrapped in a thin covering called the periosteum ( say PER-EE-OS-TEE-UM). The periosteum supplies nutrients to the bones to keep them strong and healthy. Beneath this is a hard layer called compact bone. It provides most of the strength for the bone.

Inside the bone is a “spongy” material. It has lots of holes and gaps in it to make your bones lightweight and also allow for the production of red blood cells.

Based on their shape, bones can be classified as long, short, flat, or irregular.

(FYI: bone fossils give us clues about animals that may have lived long ago.)

Long bones are easy to spot because they are longer than they are wide. Finger bones, arm bones, and leg bones are all good examples of long bones.

Short bones tend to look like a cube. The bones in your wrists and ankles are short bones.

Flat bones are thin and look flattened. Examples include the sternum (the bone down the middle of your chest that your ribs are connected to), shoulder blades, and the pelvic (hip) bones. Irregular bones have weird shapes and can be found all over the body. The bones in the spinal column are irregularly shaped.

Since bones cannot bend without breaking, something else is needed to allow your body to move – joints.

A joint is where two or more bones meet and allows movement between those bones. How much movement can occur depends on the type of joint. Here are some different joints that exist in your body:

Hand X-Ray

  • Hinge joint: To demonstrate a hinge joint, open a door and then close it. Notice where the door is attached to the wall and the movement is occurring. This is called a hinge and is very similar to how the joints in your fingers move (not the joints attaching your fingers to your palm though). Bend your fingers. Notice how the knuckles only allow the sections of your fingers to move inward towards your palm – not side-to-side or backwards. Your knees are another example of hinge joints.
  • Saddle joint : This joint works like a hinge joint but has slightly more flexibility. A prime example of a saddle joint is where your thumb meets your palm. It can move forward and backward and side to side, allowing you to grasp objects between your thumb and fingers.
  • Pivot joint: This joint allows rotating movement. The two bones in your forearm connected to your elbow form a pivot joint. To see how this works, open a door using a door knob. Notice how not just your hand, but the whole lower part of your arm rotates to twist the knob.
  • Ball and socket joint:  To demonstrate how this joint works, make a fist with one hand, and then cover it with the other. Notice how the fist can move freely in a full circle. A ball and socket joint works the same way – it allows the part that fits into the joint to move without restraint. Ball and socket joints are in your shoulders and your hips and have the most flexibility of any type of joint. On a side note, most animals that walk on four legs, like dogs and cats, don’t have shoulders with ball and socket joints. This is because the flexibility of ball and socket joints makes the shoulder and arm bones less stable. These animals have shoulder joints that are more similar to hinge joints to increase their stability and allow them to run very fast on all four legs.

Skeleton Projects Printable Worksheet

Use the skeleton projects worksheet to help children learn the major bones in the skeletal system.

They can match each bone to the correct name and then make a paper skeleton model by cutting out each bone and putting the pieces together.

Click Here to Download

More Anatomy Projects

  •   Muscles Coloring Page
  •   Anatomy of a Cell
  •   Eye & Vision

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Andrea Knight

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Light Experiments

broken straw experiment

Nothing in the universe travels faster than light. (Rumors born in faculty meetings might be a close second, but light wins.) It’s easy to get kids engaged in the study of light. There are loads of light experiments that spark anticipation and wonder … some even feel like magic to young scientists. Like, 👆 Why does that  perfectly good straw look broken? 

And,  How can we pop a balloon without even touching it?👇

broken straw experiment

You can also DIY a little laser light show in your classroom with a can of Lysol and a cat toy! (Any aerosol spray will work, but why not kill a few germs at the same time, right?)

For this light experiment, darken the room and spray the Lysol for a few seconds. You should basically see nothing. Now do it again, but this time aim the laser light into the path of the spray. As the beam of light reflects off the moisture in the Lysol, you’ll probably hear,  “Cool!” and  “Can WE try it now?”

broken straw experiment

TIP: The darker the space, the better the results.

And, if you can get enough laser/aerosol donations, students can work in small teams of 2-4 and all together you can create quite a show!


If you’re a first grade teacher and you’re planning a science unit on the study of light and sound, check out this Pinterest board:  Light and Sound Science . You’ll find so many great ways to support your science instruction with videos, books, integrated projects, and more.


These SCIENCE LESSONS  give children the opportunity to learn how light behaves while learning key vocabulary words like energy , refract , transparent , translucent , and opaque . Each experiment comes with printable recording sheets, picture support, and a science page explaining what they observed.

  • Can you flip the fish without flipping the card?
  • How can you change the amount of light that can be seen?
  • I bet we can pop a balloon without even touching it!
  • Whoa … why does that paintbrush look broken?

👉A Fish Out of Water: Refracted light can reverse an image.

broken straw experiment

👉Let the Light Shine: Is it transparent, translucent, or opaque?

broken straw experiment

👉Ready, Aim, Pop! A light source can create heat energy.

broken straw experiment

👉The Broken Straw: Refracted light can split an image.

broken straw experiment


This SCIENCE BOOK ,  What Is Light? , introduces children to the concept of light and how it behaves. They’ll learn about sources of light, how light travels, and how light impacts our daily lives. Key terms such as energy , source , and waves are emphasized in the text.

broken straw experiment


Ready to print and use, these worksheets👇 help build a foundation for understanding key science concepts about light and provide a connection to other subject areas, such as phonics.

broken straw experiment


There are some pretty BIG words for some pretty little learners in this science unit, so I put together FULL-COLOR POSTERS  to help children learn, understand, and remember them. Each poster features the key word, a simple graphic, and a kid-friendly definition of the term. The set includes 8 posters for the following key science terms:

  • transparent
  • translucent

broken straw experiment

You can preview more about this science unit👉  HERE . It includes materials for teaching first graders the science behind light and sound, as well as how we use both to communicate with others.

broken straw experiment


broken straw experiment



Check your school or local library for titles to support your science instruction. These are some of the ones I’ve used for read-alouds and to help build my own knowledge base so I could plan richer lessons and activities.

  • Shadows by Sharon Coan
  • Day Light, Night Light: Where Light Comes From by Franklyn Brantley
  • Sending Messages with Light and Sound by Jennifer Boothroyd
  • Light Is All Around Us by Wendy Pfeffer

Happy teaching!


broken straw experiment

In the Loop

Light and Shadows - Reflection/Refraction Experiment

Show preview image 1

  • Google Docs™

Also included in

broken straw experiment


This is a set of notes to use when teaching about reflection and refraction of light . Includes notes with broken straw experiment for home or school, as well as a brief assessment of the concept (labeling examples as reflection or refraction). The assessment can be used as either formative to guide your teaching or provide student practice, or summative to assess understanding. It works very well as a distance learning resource!

Since it is in Google Doc format , you could even assign it to students on Google Classroom and have them complete it online. Completely editable to suit your needs!


More Great Resources for Science:

Waste and Our World

  • Waste in Our World Unit Bundle
  • Waste Cycle of Plants and Animals
  • Classifying and Reducing Waste Activity
  • The 3 Rs Notes and Research Project
  • Hazardous Household Waste Activity
  • Waste and Our World Product Research Project
  • Waste and Our World Vocabulary
  • Waste and Our World Study Guide
  • Waste and Our World Unit Test

Wheels and Levers/Building Devices That Move

  • Simple Machines Starter Notes + KWL
  • Wheels and Rollers
  • Rollers Activity
  • Rube Goldberg Project
  • Types of Levers
  • All About Pulleys
  • Wedges, Screws, and Inclined Planes + Riddles
  • Wheels and Levers/Building Devices Crossword
  • Wheels and Levers Study Guide
  • Building Devices That Move Study Guide
  • Wheels and Levers/Building Devices Unit Test

Light and Shadows

  • Rainbow Research Project
  • Transparent/Translucent/Opaque Sorting Activity
  • Reflection/Refraction Experiment
  • Sources of Light
  • Optical Devices Notes + Matching Activity
  • Shadows Notes and Activity
  • Light and Shadows Crossword
  • Light and Shadows Study Guide
  • Light and Shadows Unit Test

Plant Growth and Change

  • Plant Growth and Change Unit Bundle
  • Plant Pollination Quiz
  • Plant Pollination
  • Plant Requirements
  • Plant Adaptations
  • Plants Without Seeds
  • Seed Dispersal
  • Plants in My Community
  • Plant Research Projec t
  • Plant Growth and Change Study Guide
  • Plant Growth and Change Unit Test

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  1. Refraction

    broken straw experiment

  2. Simple Refraction of Light Science Experiment

    broken straw experiment

  3. Simple Refraction of Light Science Experiment

    broken straw experiment

  4. 2 Light Refraction Experiments

    broken straw experiment

  5. Simple Refraction of Light Science Experiment

    broken straw experiment

  6. Light refraction in a glass of water makes a straw appear to be broken

    broken straw experiment


  1. Straw experiment 😂 #shorts

  2. straw hack#experiment #trending #viral #science

  3. The Straw Siphon Liquid Experiment! 🤯🥤

  4. he Siphon Straw Experiment🤯

  5. magic 🪄 How to restore a broken straw #magic #魔術 #shorts

  6. Experiment 8º


  1. Simple Refraction of Light Science Experiment

    Observe the straw and notice that it is perfectly straight. Next, place the straw in the empty glass and take note that the straw is still straight. Helpful tip: Use a large plastic straw from a water bottle to see the results more clearly. Pour water into the glass until it is nearly full. Look directly at the side of the glass at the straw.

  2. Bending Straw Illusion Magic Science Experiment

    In this fun and easy magic science experiment, we're going to use an optical illusion to make it appear a straw is bending. Materials: Water Glass Straw Instructions: Fill the glass about halfway with water. Now put the straw into the glass of water. Observe the straw from the top, sides, and bottom of the glass. When you observe the straw from the sides of the glass, it appears to be broken ...

  3. Why does this straw look like it's broken?

    But below, when the light also travels through water, the refraction causes the image of the straw to be in a slightly different location. The water also acts as a type of magnifying lens, making ...

  4. Light Refraction Experiments

    Experiment 1. The levels of water in the glass is more than a half of glass. Put a straw into the glass with water vertically and watch from the side. Slowly tilt the straw and watch how the straw appears to be broken at the water surface. Experiment 2. Raise the glass or lower your eyes to look at the straw from under the water surface.

  5. Light Science Experiment

    What should happen in this experiment, and why? The straw should appear bent at the point that it passes through the surface of the water, as should anything else that is put into the glass that protrudes above the water. Objects that can be fully submerged will appear larger in the water than out of it, but only marginally.

  6. Bend a Straw with Your Eyes

    It sounds like magic but it's really another amazing scientific principle at work. Sponsored Links. What you'll need: A glass half filled with water. A straw. 2 eyes (preferably yours) Instructions: Look at the straw from the top and bottom of the glass. Look at the straw from the side of the glass, focus on the point where the straw enters the ...

  7. Physics Tutorial: Refraction and Sight

    The Broken Pencil. As light travels through a given medium, it travels in a straight line. However, when light passes from one medium into a second medium, the light path bends. Refraction takes place. The refraction occurs only at the boundary. Once the light has crossed the boundary between the two media, it continues to travel in a straight ...

  8. Refraction of Light Experiment

    Unlike objects that reflect, objects that refract light look different. For example, when looking at a glass of water with a straw in it, the straw may appear to be broken. This happens because light moves more slowly in water than in air. As a result, the light bends as it passes from air to water, making the straw appear to be bent.

  9. Refraction

    This "refraction" of light is the reason a straw in water looks bent or broken and why objects viewed through a glass bottle appear distorted. In the same way light reflects differently off different surfaces, it also refracts differently depending on the shape of the material. This can make refraction very useful.

  10. Science Projects With Straws

    This can be a risky experiment for those with poor aim, according to Steve Spangler Science, as a plunging, sealed straw could potentially break the skin. ... It's the air pressure in the top of the straw that holds the water in from the bottom of the straw. Once the thumb seal is broken, the water spills out. Related Articles. Egg in Bottle ...

  11. A Really Long Straw

    Prep Work. Have an adult help to cut two half-inch slits, across from one another, lengthwise in one end of a straw. These cuts will help you slip the end of one straw over another one. Image Credit: Sabine De Brabandere, Science Buddies / Science Buddies. Prepare 10 more straws in a similar way until you have enough for a super long mega-straw ...

  12. Broken Pencil Illusion

    This lens bends the incoming light towards the middle. Here, the light rays meet at what is called the focal point. Past the focal point, the image is inverted because the light rays overlap. Seeing isn't always believing, especially when refraction is involved! See how water bends light, "breaking" a pencil right before your eyes.

  13. Refraction: Bent Spoon Experiment with Stephanie Guzman

    Learn about the refraction of light in this experiment with Stephanie Guzman, Optical Engineer at Edmund Optics! Refraction is the bending of light as it travels from one medium to another, and it causes some strange things to happen when a spoon or straw is lowered into a round glass of water. To learn more about light, please visit www ...

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    Spies and Jedis are the backdrop for testing how to bend light as a gadget, just like the basic "broken straw" experiment with an object in water as shown above. Note, some pictures were taken pre-Covid, as we encourage our students to wear masks. Tagged: Spy Camp, Periscope STEAM.

  15. Straw Rockets

    Tape a giant piece of paper to the bottom of the wall. Place the straw over the wire. Then hold the bouncy ball by the tip of the wire, without touching the straw, a few feet above the ground. Drop the ball, making sure that it hits the ground with the straw at the top and as perpendicular to the floor as possible.

  16. Simple Science Experiments

    Make your very own rainbow! Your kids will love this simple science experiment that demonstrates the density of different fluids. Find more science experimen...

  17. Skeleton Projects, Bone Experiments

    2. Place the chicken bone in the glass and fill it with vinegar. 3. Let the bone soak for 2-3 days, then pour out the vinegar. 4. Add fresh vinegar and let it soak for about 2 more days. 5. After the 4th or 5th day of soaking, take the bone out and dry it off. Now try bending the bone without breaking it.

  18. Light Experiments

    (Rumors born in faculty meetings might be a close second, but light wins.) It's easy to get kids engaged in the study of light. There are loads of light experiments that spark anticipation and wonder … some even feel like magic to young scientists. Like, 👆Why does that perfectly good straw look broken?

  19. Grade 4 Science Alberta

    This is a set of notes to use when teaching about reflection and refraction of light.Includes notes with broken straw experiment for home or school, as well as a brief assessment of the concept (labeling examples as reflection or refraction).The assessment can be used as either formative to guide your teaching or provide student practice, or summative to assess understanding.


    experiment. NEVER eat or drink anything when performing any experiment. REMEMBER experiments may require marbles, small balls, balloons, and other small parts. Those objects could become a CHOKING HAZARD. Adults are to perform those experiments using these objects. Any child can choke or suffocate on uninflated or broken balloons. Keep uninflated

  21. #science Light Refraction || Flipping Arrow

    This week I learned about Refraction. I did cool experiment with straw and pencil. Another magic was flipping arrow and rainbow lines. It's an easy kids scie...


    perform those experiments using these objects. Any child can choke or suffocate on uninflated or broken balloons. Keep uninflated or broken balloons away from children. INGREDIENTS • Straw with Paper Wrapper • Water INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1: Using your fingers, completely scrunch the wrapper to the end of the straw.

  23. 21 grams experiment

    The 21 grams experiment refers to a study published in 1907 by Duncan MacDougall, a physician from Haverhill, Massachusetts.MacDougall hypothesized that souls have physical weight, and attempted to measure the mass lost by a human when the soul departed the body. MacDougall attempted to measure the mass change of six patients at the moment of death. One of the six subjects lost three-quarters ...