How to calculate percentage in Python

percentage in python assignment expert

In this tutorial, we are going to learn about finding the percentage in Python.

Example 1 :

A student got 91 marks in Math, 100 on the computer, 98 in Science, out of 100. Find the percentage of marks occupied by him.

x = 91 + 100 + 98 x = 289 x = (289/300)*100 x = 96.33%

Solving it using Python:

Example 2:-

Create a dictionary for subjects, take value from the user and gives the percentage of marks occupied by him.

We created a dictionary “subject” and marks will be stored as its value. Taking input from the user and calculating the percentage of marks occupied by him.

In this article, we learned about how to find percentage in Python by various method like normal method and by using a dictionary. If you have any queries please comment below.

Also read:  How to use numpy.percentile() in Python

2 responses to “How to calculate percentage in Python”

=(40000000*30%)/365*30 How to solve this sum in Python?Can I know the code?

THanks but please explain how to caculate inflation percentage ?

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Adventures in Machine Learning

Mastering percentage calculation and formatting in python, calculating percentages in python.

Python is a popular programming language used in various industries such as finance, software development, and data science. In this article, we will explore different ways to calculate percentages in Python.

Basic Calculation

To calculate a percentage in Python, we can use the division operator (/) and multiply the result by 100. For example, let’s calculate the percentage of 25 out of 50.

The output will be 50.0, which means 25 is 50% of 50.

Rounding Calculation

When we calculate percentages, we often want to round the result to make it more readable. We can use the round function for this purpose.

The round function takes two arguments, the first is the number we want to round, and the second is the number of digits we want to keep after the decimal point. For example, let’s round the percentage we calculated in the previous example.

The output will be 50.0. If we want to round the result to one decimal place, we can use ndigits=1 instead of ndigits=2. Sometimes, when we calculate percentages, we may encounter a ZeroDivisionError.

This error occurs when we divide a number by zero, which is mathematically impossible.

Percentage Increase/Decrease

In some scenarios, we may want to calculate the percentage increase or decrease between two numbers.

To calculate the percentage increase, we can use the following formula:

The output will be 50.0%, which means the sales have increased by 50% from last month to this month. To calculate the percentage decrease, we can use the same formula, but instead of subtracting the new number from the old number, we subtract the old number from the new number.

Calculating Percentage from User Input

In some cases, we will need to calculate percentages from user input. We can use the input() function to get user input, but we need to convert the input to a float datatype before performing any calculations.

Percentage Calculation

To calculate a percentage from user input, we can use the same formula we used earlier.

Percentage Increase/Decrease Calculation

To calculate the percentage increase or decrease from user input, we can use the same formula we used earlier.

In conclusion, calculating percentages in Python is a useful skill for various scenarios. We can use the division operator and multiplication by 100 to calculate basic percentages, the round function to round the result, and the percentage increase/decrease formula to calculate percentage changes.

When dealing with user input, we need to convert the input to a float datatype before performing any calculations.

Formatting Percentage Values

When we work with percentages in Python, we may need to format the output in a specific way to make it more readable. In this section, we will explore two ways to format percentage values in Python.

Formatting with Formatted String Literal

Formatted string literals (f-strings) are a convenient way to format strings in Python. We can use f-strings to format percentage values by enclosing the expression inside curly braces {} and using the percent sign % at the end of the expression.

For example, let’s say we want to format the percentage 0.25 as 25%.

The output will be 25%. We can also use f-strings to format percentage values with decimal places.

To do this, we need to include the number of decimal places we want after the colon : inside the curly braces {}. For example:

The output will be 25.00%.

Using Format Specification Mini-Language

The format specification mini-language is a powerful way to format strings in Python. We can use the format() method to format percentage values using the format specification mini-language.

To format a percentage value using the format specification mini-language, we need to use the percent sign % to indicate that we want to format the value as a percentage, and we can use the decimal places option to specify the number of decimal places we want. For example, let’s say we want to format 0.25 as a percentage with two decimal places.

The output will be 25.00%. We can also use the format specification mini-language to format percentages with other symbols, such as currency symbols.

For example, let’s say we want to format the percentage 0.25 as $25.00%.

The output will be $25.00%.

Additional Resources

Python has a vast collection of libraries, functions, and modules that we can use to perform various tasks related to percentage calculation. Below are some additional resources that can help us explore the topic further.

  • NumPy – NumPy is a Python library used for scientific computing, including statistical analysis, linear algebra, and numerical operations. It includes various functions and methods that can be used for percentage calculation.
  • Pandas – Pandas is a Python library used for data manipulation and analysis. It includes various functions and methods that can be used for percentage calculation, data cleaning, and data transformation.
  • Matplotlib – Matplotlib is a Python library used for data visualization. It includes various functions and modules that can be used to create charts, graphs, and plots that represent percentage values.

In conclusion, percentage calculations are an integral part of various applications, and Python provides various tools to perform these calculations. We can use f-strings and the format specification mini-language to format percentage values in Python, and we can use various libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib to perform more complex percentage-related operations.

By leveraging these tools and resources, we can create accurate, readable, and informative Python programs that cater to our specific needs. In this article, we explored different ways to calculate and format percentages in Python.

We can use basic calculations, rounding, and percentage increase/decrease formulas to perform simple percentage calculations in Python. Additionally, we can use formatted string literals and the format specification mini-language to format percentages.

We also highlighted some additional resources, including NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. Accurately calculating and formatting percentages is important in various applications, and Python provides us with the tools and resources to perform such operations.

By using these techniques, we can create informative and readable Python programs that cater to our specific needs.

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How to calculate a Percentage in Python


Last updated: Apr 9, 2024 Reading time · 5 min


# Table of Contents

  • Calculate percentage in Python
  • Rounding to N digits after the decimal when calculating a percentage
  • Getting the percentage increase/decrease between two numbers
  • Calculate a Percentage from User Input in Python
  • Calculate a Percentage Increase/Decrease from User Input in Python
  • Formatting a Percentage Value

# Calculate percentage in Python

To calculate a percentage in Python:

  • Use the division / operator to divide one number by another.
  • Multiply the quotient by 100 to get the percentage.
  • The result shows what percent the first number is of the second.

calculate percentage in python

The function takes 2 numbers and returns what percent the first number is of the second.

For example, 25 / 50 * 100 shows that 25 is 50% of 50 .

# Rounding to N digits after the decimal when calculating a percentage

When calculating percentages, you might need to round to a specific number of digits after the decimal.

The round function takes the following 2 parameters:

the number to round to precision after the decimal
the number of digits after the decimal the number should have after the operation (optional)

If ndigits is omitted, the function returns the nearest integer.

Note that if you try to divide by 0 , you'd get a ZeroDivisionError .

# Handling a potential ZeroDivisionError exception

If you need to handle this in any way, use a try/except block to handle the error.

handle potential zerodivision error

If a ZeroDivisionException error is raised in the try block, the except block runs.

# Getting the percentage increase/decrease between two numbers

The following function shows how to get the percentage increase/decrease between two numbers.

get percentage increase

The first example shows that the percentage increase from 60 to 30 is 100 % .

And the second example shows that the percentage increase from 40 to 100 is -60% .

If you always need to get a positive number, use the abs() function.

get percentage decrease

The abs() function returns the absolute value of a number. In other words, if the number is positive, the number is returned, and if the number is negative, the negation of the number is returned.

You might also need to handle the division by zero case.

If we get a ZeroDivisionError error, we return Infinity, however, you can handle the error in any other way that suits your use case.

# Using the modulo % operator to calculate percentage

The third function in the code sample uses the modulo % operator.

calculate percentage using modulo operator

The modulo (%) operator returns the remainder from the division of the first value by the second.

If the value on the right-hand side is zero, the operator raises a ZeroDivisionError exception.

The left and right-hand side values may also be floating point numbers.

# Calculate a Percentage from User Input in Python

To calculate percentage from user input:

  • Convert the input values to floats.

Make sure to use the float() class to convert the input strings to floating-point numbers.

Use the round() function if you need to round the result to N decimal places.

# Calculate a Percentage Increase/Decrease from User Input in Python

If you need to get the percentage increase from one number to another, use the following function.

The example shows that the percentage increase from 60 to 30 is 100 % .

If you calculate the percentage increase from 40 to 100 you'd get -60% back.

The abs function returns the absolute value of a number.

In other words, if the number is positive, the number is returned, and if the number is negative, the negation of the number is returned.

# Formatting a Percentage value

You can use a formatted string literal if you need to format a percentage value.

The example uses a formatted string literal to format an input value to 1 or more decimal places.

Make sure to wrap expressions in curly braces - {expression} .

We are also able to use the format specification mini-language in expressions in f-strings.

The digit after the period determines how many decimal places the value should have.

The percent % sign after the digit is used to format the value as a percentage.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

  • Round a Float to 1, 2 or 3 Decimal places in Python
  • Round a number to the nearest 5, 10, 100, 1000 in Python
  • Format a Number to a fixed Width in Python
  • Format number with comma as thousands separator in Python

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Borislav Hadzhiev

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How to Calculate a Percentage in Python

In this post, we will learn how to calculate a percentage in Python by taking input from the user with a very simple explanation but before we jump into the programming part let’s see the formula to find a Percentage.

Formula to find a Percentage

percentage in python assignment expert

Here the term ‘ Obtain ‘ refers to the amount you have acquired, while ‘ Total ‘ represents the overall sum of amounts.

Steps to Calculate a Percentage in Python

1.Ask the user for input of and the amount.
2.Calculate the percentage using the formula:
3.print the result ( )

Now we know the steps to calculate a percentage in Python but before writing a program few programming concepts you have to know:

  • How to take input from the user &
  • Python arithmetic Operator

Source Code

Now let’s modify this program and write it using function.

Calculate a Percentage in Python Using Function

Few programming concepts you have to know before writing this program:

  • How to take input from the user
  • Python arithmetic Operator &
  • Python Functions

' src=

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How to Calculate Percentage in Python

How to Calculate Percentage in Python. Calculating percentages is a fundamental mathematical operation, frequently used in various fields such as finance, data analysis, and general statistics. With its simplicity and flexibility, Python is an excellent tool for performing these calculations. In this article, we will explore different ways to calculate percentages using Python, providing clear examples for practical understanding.

Table of Contents

Basic percentage calculation in python.

Let’s start with the simplest case: Calculating what percent a part is of a whole. This is useful in situations like what percentage of a class passed an exam or what fraction of a budget has been spent.

Example: Calculating the pass percentage of students –

Calculating the pass percentage of students

In the above Python code, the function takes two arguments (part and whole), calculates the percentage, and returns it. The '.2f' in the print function for making the percentage to two decimal places.

Calculating Percentage Increase or Decrease in Python

To determine how much a value has increased or decreased in percentage terms from an original value, use the following formula-

Percentage Change = ((New Value – Original Value) / Original Value)*100

Example: Calculate Salary Increase

percentage in python assignment expert

The function calculates the percentage change in the above Python code, which can be either positive (percentage increase) or negative (percentage decrease).

Calculating percentages in Python is straightforward thanks to its powerful arithmetic capabilities. Whether it is determining what fraction of a total a particular number represents, or calculating percentage increase or decrease, Python provides an efficient and clear approach.

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How To Print A Percentage Value In Python?

How To Print A Percentage Value In Python

Different fields like Machine learning , Data science, and Deep learning make use of ‘data’ to build different models. We perform different tasks on the ‘data’; some numbers/results are in the form of ‘ Percentage values ‘. Let’s understand how to print a percentage value in Python.

The domains like Machine learning and Data science build models using Python language. Sometimes, these models perform mathematical calculations, and results are printed in the form of percentage values. For example, The accuracy of every model is printed in the form of percentages, like 99.7%, or 98.5%. These percentage values are very important in this model for analysis.

In some models, we need to use mathematical formulas to evaluate the results. For example, very basic operations like 1.0/3.0 = 0.333, can be converted into the percentage value i.e. 33%. These operations may be a small part of the big calculations. Let’s see the percentage values in detail.

What is Percentage Value?

The percentage value is a result of dividing two numbers and multiplying the result by 100. The percentage value is always represented with the ‘%’ suffix. Let’s see some simple examples to understand the percentage values.

How to Convert the 4/5 in Percentage Value?

The result of 4/5 is 0.8. After multiplication, the value becomes 80%. The final result is ‘80%’. In this way, we can calculate the percentage values.

It is very simple when we perform these calculations manually or using a calculator. There are many methods in Python language to print percentage values. Let’s see the examples.

How to Print a Percentage Value in Python?

There are different methods in Python to print the percentage value. All methods are easy and understandable. Let’s see the examples one by one.

Example 1: Print Percentage Value Using Format Function in Python

The format function in Python is used to replace something in the string. The format function is used to replace every data type like integer, float, string, character, etc. So, it becomes easy when we use the format method to print the percentage value in Python.

In example 1, The Number holds the float value ‘0.75’ which is used in the .format() function. The second line of code consists of syntax “{:.0%}” , which is used to print the % sign and percentage calculation without any precision. This value will be replaced by the ‘Number’ and printed in the next line.

Percentage Value Using Format Function

The output of example 1 is 75% which is correct!

Example 2: Print Percentage Value Using Format Function in Python (With Precision)

Format function can be used to print the percentage values with precision. Let’s implement the example to see the result.

In this code, “{:.2%}” denotes the precision of two numbers in the output.

Percentage Value Using Format Function (With Precision)

The output of example 2 is 88.89% which is correct!

Example 3: Print Percentage Value Using F-string in Python

The f-string in Python works similarly as a format function. The f-string is used with curly braces, and ‘f’ is used as a prefix. This f-string will replace the things from the curly braces with the given string. Here, we’ll replace the original value with the percentage value.

In this example 3, we use f-string instead of the format function but the working is the same. The Number contains the value and the ‘ :.0% ‘ syntax will help to convert an original value into a percentage value. Let’s see the result.

Percentage Value Using F String

Example 4: Print Percentage Value Using F-string in Python (With Precision)

Here, let’s print the percentage value using f-string in Python.

Here, in this example 4, the percentage value is printed with the 2 precision places, ‘.2%’ denotes the 2-precision points.

Percentage Value Using F String With Precision

The output of example 4 is ‘53.73%’ which is correct!

Example 5: Print Percentage Value Using Formula

There is simple technique/ formula to print the percentage value in Python, which is very simple but for knowledge, we can implement it.

Here, in this example 5, the formula to get the percentage value is directly used. The simple string is printed with a ‘%’ sign. After comparing all the examples, this one is the easiest technique to print percentage values in Python.

Percentage Value Using Formula

This article covers the topic of how to print percentage values in detail. Some basic topics like, what is percentage value? how to get the percentage value? printing the percentage value using different functions like format and f-string, examples with precision is also given. Hope you will enjoy this article.

Do read the official documentation on format and f-string for details.

How to Calculate Percentages of a Numbers List in Python?

Problem formulation and solution overview.

In this article, you’ll learn how to calculate percentages of a numbers list (float or integer) in Python. Given:

  • A Python list of numerical elements (float or integer), and
  • A percentage value.

Apply the percentage value to each list element and print the result to the Python shell.

  • 15% to [100, 1000, 10000] yields [15, 150, 1500]
  • 50% of [10.0, 20.0, 30.0] yields [5.0, 10.0, 15.0]

In the following article, we round to the full integer number for clarity of presentation—in practice, you can skip the rounding step if needed.

To make it more fun, we have the following running scenario:

Gil , the owner of GatorXpress, has four employees. Their food/bar sales are totaled each week, and a 15% gratuity is issued. Gil has asked you to write code to calculate these percentages rounded to the nearest dollar.

💬 Question : How would we write Python code to calculate the gratuities?

We can accomplish this task by one of the following options:

  • Method 1 : Use List Comprehension
  • Method 2 : Use Lambda and map()
  • Method 3 : Use zip()
  • Method 4 : Use a Custom Function

Method 1: Use List Comprehension

This example uses List Comprehension and the round() function to calculate the percentages.

This code declares two (2) lists containing employee names and their total food/bar sales for the current week. Then, each element of totals is accessed using List Comprehension to calculate the percentage owed to the employee rounded to the nearest dollar. The result saves to tips .

A for loop is instantiated using zip() to combine the lists. Finally, the formatted output containing the employee names and gratuities owed is sent to the terminal.


Method 2: Use Lambda and map()

In this example, a Lambda is used in conjunction with the map() function to calculate the percentages.

This code declares two (2) lists containing employee names and their total food/bar sales for the current week. Then, the map() function creates an iterable object that the Lambda accesses and performs the appropriate calculations on. Finally, the result is converted to a list and saved to tips .

Method 3: Use zip()

In this example, zip() is used to navigate the lists and calculate the percentages. This is an excellent alternative if the calculations do not need to be saved.

This code declares two (2) lists containing employee names and their total food/bar sales for the current week. Then a for loop is instantiated using zip() to combine the lists . Finally, each element is accessed, the percentage calculated, formatted , and sent to the terminal.

Method 4: Use a Custom Function

This example creates a new function that takes each employee, calculates, and returns the formatted percentages. A good solution if you need to re-use the code.

This code declares two (2) lists containing employee names and their total food/bar sales for the current week. Then, a function is created and is passed one element from the emp list and one element from the totals list.

Then a for loop is instantiated using zip() to combine the lists. Finally, each element is accessed, and the function calc_amt is called. Finally, the formatted output is sent to the terminal.

These four (4) methods to calculate percentages should give you enough information to select the best one for your coding requirements.

Good Luck & Happy Coding!

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Practice Python Exercises and Challenges with Solutions

Free Coding Exercises for Python Developers. Exercises cover Python Basics , Data structure , to Data analytics . As of now, this page contains 18 Exercises.

What included in these Python Exercises?

Each exercise contains specific Python topic questions you need to practice and solve. These free exercises are nothing but Python assignments for the practice where you need to solve different programs and challenges.

  • All exercises are tested on Python 3.
  • Each exercise has 10-20 Questions.
  • The solution is provided for every question.
  • Practice each Exercise in Online Code Editor

These Python programming exercises are suitable for all Python developers. If you are a beginner, you will have a better understanding of Python after solving these exercises. Below is the list of exercises.

Select the exercise you want to solve .

Basic Exercise for Beginners

Practice and Quickly learn Python’s necessary skills by solving simple questions and problems.

Topics : Variables, Operators, Loops, String, Numbers, List

Python Input and Output Exercise

Solve input and output operations in Python. Also, we practice file handling.

Topics : print() and input() , File I/O

Python Loop Exercise

This Python loop exercise aims to help developers to practice branching and Looping techniques in Python.

Topics : If-else statements, loop, and while loop.

Python Functions Exercise

Practice how to create a function, nested functions, and use the function arguments effectively in Python by solving different questions.

Topics : Functions arguments, built-in functions.

Python String Exercise

Solve Python String exercise to learn and practice String operations and manipulations.

Python Data Structure Exercise

Practice widely used Python types such as List, Set, Dictionary, and Tuple operations in Python

Python List Exercise

This Python list exercise aims to help Python developers to learn and practice list operations.

Python Dictionary Exercise

This Python dictionary exercise aims to help Python developers to learn and practice dictionary operations.

Python Set Exercise

This exercise aims to help Python developers to learn and practice set operations.

Python Tuple Exercise

This exercise aims to help Python developers to learn and practice tuple operations.

Python Date and Time Exercise

This exercise aims to help Python developers to learn and practice DateTime and timestamp questions and problems.

Topics : Date, time, DateTime, Calendar.

Python OOP Exercise

This Python Object-oriented programming (OOP) exercise aims to help Python developers to learn and practice OOP concepts.

Topics : Object, Classes, Inheritance

Python JSON Exercise

Practice and Learn JSON creation, manipulation, Encoding, Decoding, and parsing using Python

Python NumPy Exercise

Practice NumPy questions such as Array manipulations, numeric ranges, Slicing, indexing, Searching, Sorting, and splitting, and more.

Python Pandas Exercise

Practice Data Analysis using Python Pandas. Practice Data-frame, Data selection, group-by, Series, sorting, searching, and statistics.

Python Matplotlib Exercise

Practice Data visualization using Python Matplotlib. Line plot, Style properties, multi-line plot, scatter plot, bar chart, histogram, Pie chart, Subplot, stack plot.

Random Data Generation Exercise

Practice and Learn the various techniques to generate random data in Python.

Topics : random module, secrets module, UUID module

Python Database Exercise

Practice Python database programming skills by solving the questions step by step.

Use any of the MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite to solve the exercise

Exercises for Intermediate developers

The following practice questions are for intermediate Python developers.

If you have not solved the above exercises, please complete them to understand and practice each topic in detail. After that, you can solve the below questions quickly.

Exercise 1: Reverse each word of a string

Expected Output

  • Use the split() method to split a string into a list of words.
  • Reverse each word from a list
  • finally, use the join() function to convert a list into a string

Steps to solve this question :

  • Split the given string into a list of words using the split() method
  • Use a list comprehension to create a new list by reversing each word from a list.
  • Use the join() function to convert the new list into a string
  • Display the resultant string

Exercise 2: Read text file into a variable and replace all newlines with space

Given : Assume you have a following text file (sample.txt).

Expected Output :

  • First, read a text file.
  • Next, use string replace() function to replace all newlines ( \n ) with space ( ' ' ).

Steps to solve this question : -

  • First, open the file in a read mode
  • Next, read all content from a file using the read() function and assign it to a variable.
  • Display final string

Exercise 3: Remove items from a list while iterating

Description :

In this question, You need to remove items from a list while iterating but without creating a different copy of a list.

Remove numbers greater than 50

Expected Output : -

  • Get the list's size
  • Iterate list using while loop
  • Check if the number is greater than 50
  • If yes, delete the item using a del keyword
  • Reduce the list size

Solution 1: Using while loop

Solution 2: Using for loop and range()

Exercise 4: Reverse Dictionary mapping

Exercise 5: display all duplicate items from a list.

  • Use the counter() method of the collection module.
  • Create a dictionary that will maintain the count of each item of a list. Next, Fetch all keys whose value is greater than 2

Solution 1 : - Using collections.Counter()

Solution 2 : -

Exercise 6: Filter dictionary to contain keys present in the given list

Exercise 7: print the following number pattern.

Refer to Print patterns in Python to solve this question.

  • Use two for loops
  • The outer loop is reverse for loop from 5 to 0
  • Increment value of x by 1 in each iteration of an outer loop
  • The inner loop will iterate from 0 to the value of i of the outer loop
  • Print value of x in each iteration of an inner loop
  • Print newline at the end of each outer loop

Exercise 8: Create an inner function

Question description : -

  • Create an outer function that will accept two strings, x and y . ( x= 'Emma' and y = 'Kelly' .
  • Create an inner function inside an outer function that will concatenate x and y.
  • At last, an outer function will join the word 'developer' to it.

Exercise 9: Modify the element of a nested list inside the following list

Change the element 35 to 3500

Exercise 10: Access the nested key increment from the following dictionary

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Answer to Question #226125 in Python for Reclimet

In this python program it has three test cases, in this three test cases two test cases was getting expected output and third test case are not getting expected output. Please give me expexted output for three test cases. Thank you !

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Test Case 1

Test Case 2

Test Case 3

Your code compares str values, not int. Code shall be as follows:

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Show a Percentage (Solution)

Bartosz Zaczyński

00:00 When you divide 2 by 10 , you get a floating-point number with one decimal digit. You can format this as a percentage by using the percent sign as the format specification.

00:15 If you’ve been following along, then you can guess how to request zero decimal places. That’s right, you prepend a dot and a zero to the percent sign. You can use the same syntax in an f-string literal for a more compact syntax.

00:35 Okay, while this exercise wasn’t too difficult, it’s time to move on to another section of this course, in which you’ll interact with the user.

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How to create a grading system in Python? [closed]

I have an assignment for school and one of the tasks is to display the grades that the students will be receiving. The grades are:

  • B: 80% - 89%
  • C: 70% - 79%
  • D: 60% - 69%
  • E: 50% - 59%

Here is some of the file, it's a comma-separated CSV file:

I would like to know/get some guidance so I have a better understanding how to create the grade calculator. I have spent ages trying to work it out but have had no hope. My code:

Georgy's user avatar

  • 5 if scores >= 90 and <= 100: is syntactically incorrect. Use if scores >= 90 and scores <= 100: or if 90 <= scores <= 100: –  Selcuk Commented Apr 19, 2016 at 11:09
  • 4 A solution for later times when you have more experience. If you import bisect you could do return 'FEDCBA'[bisect.bisect([50, 60, 70, 80, 90], score)] . That's all. –  Matthias Commented Apr 19, 2016 at 11:48

9 Answers 9

You can use bisect from Python's standard library for this purpose.

Volkan Vardar's user avatar

  • 6 Try to improve your answer with some explanation. Especially that you are using an outside library that some people might not be familiar with. In this case, a link would also be very useful for example for further reference –  Tomerikoo Commented Aug 1, 2019 at 10:58
  • 3 This is basically a verbatim for one of the examples in bisect (built in library, not an outside library as you put it. - note that this solution is much better when we have non-trivial dataset, eg if we have 5.000 different grades then if-else will simply not do. –  emihir0 Commented Oct 21, 2019 at 13:53

You can use pandas and numpy to do it. Similar to this:

Ray's user avatar

in every if u have to compare scores with values this is why if scores >= 90 and <= 100: is incorrect, but after short editing it works

János Farkas's user avatar

For scores >= 90 and <= 100 you can write 90 <= scores <= 100

i don't know, if the score is a float or integer number. If the score is a float, your comparison isn't enough.

What happen if the score is 89.99?

This is my solution. There are a GRADES_PATTERN. So you must not change your function, if something is changed.

qvpham's user avatar

  • The scores are integer numbers, but thank you for your reply, I will check that out later. –  Lepmos Commented Apr 19, 2016 at 11:53

Another option...

If you didn't want an integer, you could change this for a float.

grade = int(input("What was your score?")) if grade >=90 and grade <=100: print("A*") elif grade >=80 and grade <=89: print("A") elif grade >=70 and grade <=79: print("B") else: print("Unknown grade")

Neos Nokia's user avatar

You may just do this, noting the order of the if comparison.

yoonghm's user avatar

I try to solve it referenced by this great site:

yufy's user avatar

You could use this for the grading system but it doesn't put it into a nice array. Instead, it gives you a percentage and a grade letter.

ronyg figueroa's user avatar

  • 2 You shoulder refactor your answer, and use the correct syntax for code. Try to explain your answer as well instead of just posint raw code. –  TanguyB Commented Nov 28, 2017 at 13:03

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percentage in python assignment expert


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  21. How to create a grading system in Python?

    I have an assignment for school and one of the tasks is to display the grades that the students will be receiving. The grades are: A: 90% + B: 80% - 89% ; C: 70% - 79%; D: 60% - 69%; E: 50% - 59%; Here is some of the file, it's a comma-separated CSV file: StudentName Score Harrison 64 Jake 68 Jake 61 Hayley 86