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Student Opinion
Have You Ever Lost Someone as a Friend?
A Times Opinion writer laments the loss of treasured friendships from his life. Can you relate to this regret?
By Jeremy Engle
Have you ever lost touch with a good friend? If so, how did it happen? Did you move to a new neighborhood, change schools, find a new social circle — or did the two of you just drift apart?
Do you ever wonder what happened, or wish that you were still friends?
In “ The Friends Who Got Away ,” Frank Bruni laments the puzzling loss of friendships in his life:
Where did J. go? For a while there, he was such a treasured part of my life, someone I thought about frequently, someone I yearned to see, someone whose dinner company I relished, someone whose emails made me smile. I can’t remember how we met — a mutual acquaintance, I think — but after we did, I never traveled to his city without contacting him in advance and making plans to see him. And he regularly checked in on me. Until he stopped. Was that five years ago? More? And did he stop, or did I? I’m not sure. I just know that I was busy, he was busy, my travel decreased and one day I suddenly realized that we’d lost touch with each other. I also felt strangely timid about reaching out: If he wanted to hear from me, wouldn’t I have heard more recently from him? Or was he thinking the exact same thing? I wondered and wondered. Then some pressing obligation or competing anxiety tugged my attention elsewhere. Then more time went by. And here J. and I are — or, rather, aren’t. We’re onetime confidants who never had a falling out, never said a proper goodbye, simply evaporated from each other’s lives like dew from a blade of grass. I’m haunted by how many times, and with how many friends, that has happened. By how the bustle of our lives and the bustle in our heads take people away from us, though we never intended to let them go. By how unintentional, unavoidable and subtly but stubbornly sad that is. There are friends in our pasts who are there for obvious reasons. We disappointed or hurt them. They disappointed or hurt us. The relationship wasn’t healthy or ceased to be happy, and while that was unfortunate and perhaps painful, it was also clear. It demanded a change. Those friends don’t exit our thoughts, but they also don’t hover there like question marks. We understand what happened, even if we mourn it. But there are at least as many friends in our pasts for no specific reason, and the older I grow, the more that nags at me.
Students, read the entire essay and then tell us:
How important is friendship to you? Do you have many friends or just a few close ones? What does it take to make — and keep — a good friend?
Does the essay resonate with your experiences of friendship? Like Mr. Bruni, have you ever lost a friend who was a treasured part of your life? If so, what made your friendship special and why did you lose touch? Does the loss nag at you, or “hover there like question marks”?
Mr. Bruni writes, “Affection and attachment battle basic arithmetic, and arithmetic wins.” Do you agree that there are not enough “hours in a day and days in a year to tend adequately to” all the people who have meant something to you? Do you find it difficult to maintain friendships over time?
Are there people you wish you could revive friendships with? Who? Why? What are the best ways to rekindle lost friendships?
Students 13 and older in the United States and Britain, and 16 and older elsewhere, are invited to comment. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff, but please keep in mind that once your comment is accepted, it will be made public and may appear in print.
Find more Student Opinion questions here. Teachers, check out this guide to learn how you can incorporate these prompts into your classroom.
Jeremy Engle joined The Learning Network as a staff editor in 2018 after spending more than 20 years as a classroom humanities and documentary-making teacher, professional developer and curriculum designer working with students and teachers across the country. More about Jeremy Engle
Narrative Essay About Losing A Friend
Show More Losing a friend or a loved one can be hard for anyone, especially when losing a best friend at the age of thirteen. Losing a friend at that age can be heartbreaking. I understood what had happened, but trying to comprehend the “why,” was something that I could not figure out. Daniel was one of those friends who would always be on your side no matter the situation. He was a caring and genuine person. I cannot remember a time where I did not see a smile on his face. That is one part of him that I will never forget. Daniel and I had met in the fourth grade. The first day of football practice we had been messing around and joking with each other, when our coach had told us to run to a tree and back. As we were running, we kept laughing …show more content… It was a beautiful Monday morning in March, there was a slight breeze. It was the day that my life changed forever. As I walked into class and sat down, a friend of mine came up to me asked, “Did you hear?” “Hear about what?” I asked. “About Daniel, he killed himself.” I will never forget those words. I sat there just wondering and trying to grasp what was going on. I do not think I said one word to anyone that day. Walking down the halls I had seen some kids crying and others giving each other hugs. I was one of those kids who shut down when this happened. Even the teachers were quieter than usual. Daniel had committed suicide on Sunday, March 13 2011. He had shot himself with a rifle. As I arrived home, I just shut down and started crying, I could not stop, all I wanted was for my best friend to come back. At the age of thirteen, I did not understand why or how. I understood what suicide was, but could not comprehend why this was all happening. Nobody knew why he had done this. There were many different theories that I heard as a child, but all I knew was that Daniel was gone. There were days where I would cry and other where I would not say a thing. Grieving for a loss was hard as a kid because I did not know why and what grieving was at the …show more content… My whole outlook on life was shifted. It made me question many things, one of them being God. I questioned why He would do this; why He would take away someone who I know would have done so much good to this world. As life went on and I got older, it became easier to deal with this loss of a friend. It became easier to cope and be able to accept that he was gone. I truly wish that he could be back. There is not a day that goes by where I do not think about him and the incredible influence he had on my life. He was one of my best friends and it’s hard not to think about someone who you grew up
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2. Narrating How I Met My Best Friend
3. A Tale of Two Friends: A Compare and Contrast Analysis
4. Missing My Best Friend: Coping with Loss and Cherishing Memories
5. Beach Vacation with Friends in Italy: Sun, Sand and La Dolce Vita
6. Treasuring Best Friend: A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
7. Being A True Friend: A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
8. The Difference Between Family And Friends In The Organizational Culture
9. The Portrayal Of Family And Friendship Roles In Television
10. Analysis of Bruno and Shmuel’s Friendship in The Boy in The Striped Pajamas
11. The Magic of Genuine Friendship
12. Having a Few Close Friends Is Better
13. Envy And Jealously Between Woman In Roman Fever
14. Survival Of The Fittest
15. You Can Choose Your Friends But Not Your Neighbors
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An Open Letter To The Friend I Lost
There’s no easy way to deal with friendship loss. I think we have all experienced this in our lifetime.
I contemplated sharing this for so many reasons, but I felt that some of you could relate and may need to hear this too.
Losing a friend….ouch.
Not just losing a friend, but a best friend, someone you thought would be there for you through thick and thin. This is your compadre and bestie for life. Someone you thought would be in your life until you were both old and gray.
My heart still hurts when I think about the best friend I lost.
It’s a wound that will never heal because this person will always have a special place in my heart no matter where our friendship stands.
At one point we were invested in each other’s every day lives. I knew what my friend was doing each day and I knew that no matter what, this person was always going to be in my life as I would be in hers.
In my heart and mind, our friendship was unbreakable.
I’d describe losing a friend of this level to experiencing a close death. You go through the mourning phase where all you do is cry when you think about that person and you question everything.
You sit there and you rethink every move, every step and word wondering how you got to this point.
It hurts. It’s painful. As I’m typing this, tears are welling up in my eyes.
You go through the stage of anger where you point the finger, but it’s truly all a front. Anger is just the emotion used to cover up the pain you are feeling.
I lost my friend suddenly. I felt blindsided when things escalated so quickly and spiraled into what felt like an unexplainable bad dream.
Am I to blame? Absolutely. I could have communicated better. The phone rings both ways. I should have felt confident enough in our friendship to be vocal, but my humanness got the best of me.
The ultimate price was paid, our friendship, for choosing to be silent.
I spent months, yes months, replaying and questioning everything. I spent a few meals crying into my food and I have no shame in saying that.
Kleenex? Pass em this way.
I remember the months I prayed to hear from my friend. It didn’t happen, but I kept praying her name would light up on my phone, but it didn’t happen.
I’m not going to lie, pulling away was easier than facing what I was feeling. Pulling away was actually running away from the problem and we all know that isn’t effective and it wasn’t.
I don’t take friendships lightly. I don’t take losing a friend, any friend, lightly.
When you come into my life, it’s forever. Our friendship is forever.
My friends have become my family and the people I turn to daily. I love my people and I love them hard. The thought of losing any member of my team is nearly unthinkable because I keep my circle small for reasons of my own.
I’m sorry to share that this story doesn’t end the way you probably wished. There was no magical Mary-Kate and Ashley moment where we talked it out, gave each other a hug and became best buds again.
We still live separate lives, but I know there is no ill will between the two of us.
I wish her the best. I pray for her daily and I trust God’s plan for the direction he steered our friendship.
In the meantime, I thank God for the life lessons she taught me, because there were many- too many to count. I thank God for giving me the strength I needed on the days when I didn’t feel I would ever get over this.
The truth is, I won’t ever truly be over it, but I’m able to find peace with the present and find contentment with the “now” and that is all I can ask for.
If you have experienced friendship loss, you know this feeling. I may have picked at a wound that was on the verge of healing.
My advice to you on how to deal with this type of loss:
Never forget the good times. Always speak well of the other person and never point the finger. You owe yourself a peaceful mind and heart.
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4 thoughts on “ an open letter to the friend i lost ”.
it’s really sad and i can understand what you’re going through. thank you for sharing this with us. you’re strong. u gave me the courage to write about what i lost. thank you again. i’ve lived the same story, not exactly the same but closed. i’ve lost two best friends ( boys) during two years( 2017-2019). still thinking about the reasons why, still blaming myself, asking and hoping that one day i’ll have some answers. the first friend was a boy, he just get married and turn his back, i think because i ve blamed him why or because of my new job which obliged me to be far. the second one he just said that he has some problems and that he ll come to meet me and discuss that but he never called again.during the first five months it was like that close to death, smoking weed, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, and wish that one day i won’t get up. one day i decided to stop . no smock, no alcohol, no drugs i stopped killing myself for nothing. they are living their lives. they forgot me. they never asked about me. for many months if someone asked me about them i answered that they are fine, doing well. one day i stopped lying . i just answered that we are not friends anymore. still blame myself for being such a bad friend.i think i didn’t act wisely. i ve just reacted so quickly maybe i am responsible for what had happened. but, i’m really thankful for what happened. yeah i m alone, scared of having new friends, new relationship. trying to enjoy my time alone, with strangers, and books. just found the pace. wish them all the best and the good luck.
We are still my favourite pair every time I see things for two.
We all have lost. Good stuff.
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Home — Application Essay — Liberal Arts Schools — About Losing a Friend: Overcoming the Loss of My Best Friend
About Losing a Friend: Overcoming The Loss of My Best Friend
- University: North Carolina State University
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Published: Dec 27, 2022
Words: 534 | Pages: 1 | 3 min read
When my best friend broke the devastating news to me that she had a brain tumor, she was the one comforting me instead of the other way around. For the longest time, I was in denial, unable to fathom the thought of losing a friend I trusted with my life. Once the reality finally hit me, I was overwhelmed with anger and frustration, directing it at everything and everyone, even questioning God. I withdrew from everyone, unable to cope with the looming possibility of losing my dearest friend in the entire world.
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'About Losing a Friend: Overcoming The Loss of My Best Friend'
I will admit I was a little selfish and self-center in the beginning; instead of being there for her I was wallowing in self-pity. Try as I might, I will never be able to comprehend the pain and fear she must have felt. The concept of death at such a young age is hard to grasp, even for someone as mature as her; she struggled to put on a brave face for her family and friends.
At least with me, she could drop her brave façade and be vulnerable. The whole entire situation brought us even closer than before if that was even possible. The six months before she passed away felt like a gigantic, never-ending roller coaster ride. I spent every waking minute I had left with her, doing all the things we normally do and beyond. I would sleep over at her house, and we would stay up late quietly conversing about everything and nothing; it usually ends with the both of us bawling our eyes out, a cathartic experience.
When she finally passed away, I was devastated, to say the least; it did not feel right not having her by my side. I reverted to be the bitter, spiteful, and angry teen; I had no tears left so I resorted to the one thing I had in abundance: anger. Consequently, my middle school year was a rough period for me, I was in in school and in life in general.
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People always say that time heals all wounds, I did not understand what they were saying until now. As I spend more time reflecting on my past, I can see how much I have changed since she passed away. I am not the same angry little teenager anymore: I realized that the best way to honor her is to make something out of my life and be successful. When I transition to high school, I vowed to stop mourning and instead find a way to make her proud. She always loved learning so whenever I feel like giving up, I would think of her and I would have power through. She was my main motivator, always encouraging me to be the best and even now I strive to be better for her. Not only am I living for me, I must live for her too. To succeed in life, I feel like college is an important step to take. Moreover, I will do everything in my power to be a success story, just so that when I can see her again I can tell her that I lived my life to the fullest and found success.
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Jan 28, 2021 · Friendship in The Outsiders Essay. Friendship is a central theme in S.E. Hinton's novel "The Outsiders". The story revolves around a group of young boys who are part ...
A Tale of Two Friends: A Compare and Contrast Analysis. 4. Missing My Best Friend: Coping with Loss and Cherishing Memories. 5. Beach Vacation with Friends in Italy: Sun, Sand and La Dolce Vita. 6. Treasuring Best Friend: A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed. 7. Being A True Friend: A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed. 8.
Sep 19, 2019 · Losing a friend….ouch. Not just losing a friend, but a best friend, someone you thought would be there for you through thick and thin. This is your compadre and bestie for life. Someone you thought would be in your life until you were both old and gray. My heart still hurts when I think about the best friend I lost.
Dec 27, 2022 · Free essay sample - About Losing a Friend: Overcoming the Loss of My Best Friend, with 534 words 👉 Get ideas for your college admission essay Learn how to craft a standout admission paper with expert guidance and examples
Missing someone that we’re close to – because they’ve had to go to another country, or are up in the north on a course, or went on a hiking trip with their friends – is such an unpleasant emotion, it feels peculiar to suggest that it is also, at a profound level, an extraordinary achievement and an important marker of emotional maturity.
Mar 15, 2020 · My dear friend, I had never expected you to come into my life. I had never expected you to have changed my life in such a fundamental way., but you did come into my life and you have changed my life. Having changed it, you've gone and left me feeling the empty space where you were like a wound in my heart that will never totally heal.