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Essay on My Neighbour – Samples, 10 Lines to 1500 Words

Short Essay on My Neighbour

Essay on My Neighbour: Having good neighbors can make a huge difference in our lives. Whether it’s borrowing a cup of sugar or simply having someone to chat with, neighbors play an important role in our daily interactions. In this essay, we will explore the concept of a good neighbor and the impact they can have on our lives. From sharing meals to helping out in times of need, a good neighbor can truly make a neighborhood feel like home.

Table of Contents

My Neighbour Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: – Start your essay by introducing your neighbour and providing some background information about them. – Mention how long you have known your neighbour and what kind of relationship you have with them.

2. Describe your neighbour: – Describe your neighbour’s physical appearance, personality, and any other relevant details. – Talk about their occupation, hobbies, and interests. – Mention any unique or interesting qualities that make your neighbour stand out.

3. Discuss your interactions with your neighbour: – Share anecdotes or experiences you have had with your neighbour. – Talk about how your neighbour has helped you or been there for you in times of need. – Mention any activities or events you have participated in together.

4. Highlight the positive aspects of your neighbour: – Discuss the positive impact your neighbour has had on your life. – Talk about any valuable lessons you have learned from your neighbour. – Mention any acts of kindness or generosity your neighbour has shown towards you or others.

5. Address any challenges or conflicts: – Be honest about any disagreements or conflicts you have had with your neighbour. – Discuss how you have resolved these issues and maintained a positive relationship with your neighbour. – Talk about the importance of communication and understanding in maintaining good neighbourly relations.

6. Conclusion: – Summarize your essay by highlighting the key points you have discussed about your neighbour. – Reflect on the significance of having a good relationship with your neighbour and the impact it has had on your life. – End with a positive note, expressing gratitude for having such a wonderful neighbour.

By following these writing tips, you can create a well-rounded and engaging essay on your neighbour that showcases your relationship with them and highlights the importance of good neighbourly relations.

Essay on My Neighbour in 10 Lines – Examples

1. My neighbor is a friendly and approachable person. 2. They always greet me with a smile whenever we cross paths. 3. They have a beautiful garden that they take great pride in maintaining. 4. They are always willing to lend a helping hand whenever I need it. 5. My neighbor is a great listener and always offers sound advice. 6. They have a cute dog that they take for walks every evening. 7. My neighbor is a talented cook and often shares delicious meals with me. 8. They are environmentally conscious and always make an effort to recycle and reduce waste. 9. My neighbor is a hardworking individual who is dedicated to their job. 10. Overall, I am grateful to have such a wonderful neighbor who adds positivity to my life.

Sample Essay on My Neighbour in 100-180 Words

My neighbour is a kind and friendly person who always greets me with a smile. She is always willing to lend a helping hand whenever I need it, whether it’s borrowing some sugar or watching my pet while I’m away.

She is a great listener and always has a sympathetic ear when I need to talk about something. We often have small chats over the fence or when we bump into each other while taking out the trash.

I feel lucky to have such a wonderful neighbour who is not only considerate but also respectful of our privacy. She never intrudes but is always there when we need her.

I believe having a good relationship with your neighbour is important as they are the ones who are closest to you geographically. I am grateful for having such a great neighbour who has become a friend over the years.

Short Essay on My Neighbour in 200-500 Words

My neighbour is someone who lives next door to me and plays a significant role in my life. I am fortunate to have a wonderful neighbour who has become a close friend over the years. Our relationship goes beyond just being neighbours; we share a bond that is built on trust, respect, and mutual understanding.

One of the things I appreciate most about my neighbour is their kindness and generosity. They are always willing to lend a helping hand whenever I need it, whether it’s borrowing a cup of sugar or helping me with a household task. They have also been there for me during difficult times, offering words of comfort and support when I needed it most. I am grateful to have such a caring neighbour who is always looking out for me.

Another thing that I admire about my neighbour is their sense of community. They are actively involved in our neighbourhood, organizing events and gatherings that bring us all together. Whether it’s a block party, a community clean-up, or a fundraising event, my neighbour is always at the forefront, leading the way and bringing us all closer as a community. Their dedication to making our neighbourhood a better place is truly inspiring, and I am proud to call them my neighbour.

In addition to their kindness and community spirit, my neighbour is also a great friend. We often spend time together, whether it’s chatting over a cup of coffee, going for a walk in the park, or simply hanging out in each other’s backyard. We share many common interests and hobbies, and I always enjoy our conversations and the time we spend together. My neighbour has become more than just someone who lives next door; they have become a trusted confidante and a true friend.

Overall, I am grateful to have such a wonderful neighbour in my life. Their kindness, generosity, sense of community, and friendship have enriched my life in so many ways. I know that I can always count on them for support, advice, and companionship, and I am truly blessed to have them as my neighbour. I look forward to many more years of friendship and camaraderie with my neighbour, and I am thankful for the positive impact they have had on my life.

Essay on My Neighbour in 1000-1500 Words

Neighbours play a significant role in our lives. They are the people who live closest to us and often become like a second family. In my case, I am fortunate to have wonderful neighbours who have become like family to me. I have lived next to them for many years, and they have always been there for me in times of need. In this essay, I will describe my neighbours and the impact they have had on my life.

My neighbours are a middle-aged couple named Mr. and Mrs. Smith. They have two children, a daughter who is in college and a son who is in high school. The Smiths have lived in the neighbourhood for as long as I can remember, and they are well-known and respected by everyone in the community. They are friendly, kind, and always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.

One of the things I admire most about the Smiths is their strong sense of community. They are actively involved in various community events and always make an effort to get to know their neighbours. They host neighbourhood barbecues, organize block parties, and participate in local charity events. They are the kind of people who make an effort to build connections with those around them, and it has created a strong sense of unity in our neighbourhood.

I have had the pleasure of getting to know the Smiths over the years, and they have become like family to me. Whenever I need help with something, whether it’s borrowing a cup of sugar or fixing a leaky faucet, I know I can count on them to lend a hand. They are always there for me, and I am grateful to have such caring and supportive neighbours.

One of the things I appreciate most about the Smiths is their generosity. They are always willing to help others in any way they can, whether it’s offering a ride to someone in need or donating to a local charity. They have a big heart and are always looking for ways to give back to the community. I have seen them go out of their way to help those less fortunate, and it inspires me to do the same.

In addition to their generosity, the Smiths are also incredibly kind and compassionate. They are always willing to listen and offer support to those going through a difficult time. Whenever I have had a bad day or needed someone to talk to, I know I can count on them to lend a sympathetic ear. They are non-judgmental and always offer words of encouragement and wisdom.

Another thing that I admire about the Smiths is their work ethic. They are hardworking individuals who take pride in their jobs and always strive to do their best. Mr. Smith works as a mechanic at a local garage, while Mrs. Smith is a nurse at the nearby hospital. Despite their busy schedules, they always make time for their family and neighbours. They are the kind of people who lead by example and inspire others to work hard and pursue their goals.

Overall, I am grateful to have such wonderful neighbours like the Smiths. They have had a profound impact on my life and have taught me valuable lessons about kindness, generosity, and community. I am lucky to have them as part of my life, and I hope to continue building a strong relationship with them for many years to come.

In conclusion, neighbours play an important role in our lives. They are the people who live closest to us and often become like family. In my case, I am fortunate to have amazing neighbours like the Smiths who have had a positive impact on my life. They are kind, generous, and always willing to lend a helping hand. I am grateful for their presence in my life and hope to continue building a strong relationship with them in the future.

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Essay on My Neighbour in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on My Neighbour: Good neighbours are a blessing. They help each other in the hour of need and share joys and sorrows. Having a good neighbour makes life much more joyous and pleasant. It also makes us feel secure. This is especially true for people living away from their families.

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Long and Short Essay on My Neighbour in English

Here are essay on My Neighbour of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

We have given both long and short My Neighbour essay to help you with the topic in your exams as well as competitions.

All the essays are well worded by an experienced English content writer and able to fulfill your requirement; so, you can choose any one of them as per your need:

Short Essay on My Neighbour (200 Words) – Essay 1

It feels safe, secure and pleasant living in a neighbourhood surrounded by helpful and positive people. The family living in my neighbourhood is full of life. There are six members in their family – grandparents, parents, and two kids. Every member is cheerful and helpful. We have been living in the same neighbourhood for almost a decade and our neighbours have become an important part of our life.

There have been several incidents during these years where they have proved to be of great help and support. I remember the day I was alone at home with my grandmother. My grandmother was doing some household work when her ankle twisted and she fell on the floor. She was unable to get up on her own. I was just seven years old at that time and could not help her stand. I was almost in tears.

I called my neighbours and they immediately came for help. I was really thankful to them. This is just one incident. There have been numerous such incidents wherein they have helped us. Our family also supports them whenever they need any help. Last year, when their house was getting renovated, we invited them to stay with us for a few days.

We have seen various highs and lows in life together and hope our bond stays intact for years to come.

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Essay on My Neighbour (300 Words) – Essay 2

My neighbour is the best neighbour.


We live in a nuclear family. My father works in an IT firm and my mother is a teacher. I do not have any siblings nor do we have any relatives in the city. We visit my grandparents and cousins only during the summer vacation.

I felt quite lonely when we shifted here initially. However, I soon met Meera, my new neighbour. I was overjoyed to know that she was the same age as me. We were both eight at that time. I got along well with her from the very beginning. We connected very well and I started feeling really better. I was no longer lonely or sad.

Our Bond with our New Neighbour

Just like I became friends with Meera, my mother got along well with her mother. Meera’s mother is a housewife. My mother and she often have evening tea together. We look forward to such days as it allows us to play at each other’s place. We get a chance to play with different toys and games.

On other days, we go together to the park. We play different outdoor games, take swings and enjoy a lot. We also joined the same summer camp during our last vacation. The camp was for three hours daily during the weekdays. We indulged in many activities such as art and craft, dance, music and board games during this time.

Both of us enjoy art and craft work. We prepared many craft items together even after we returned from the summer camp. During the vacations every year, we also visit the malls together. It has been three years since we have been neighbours and it has been a lot of fun.

I am really thankful to God for giving me such a good neighbour. Meera is simply the best. Her family is also very friendly. I am glad that our mothers are also friends with each other.

Essay on My Neighbour (400 Words) – Essay 3

Importance of a good neighbour.

Our neighbours are one of the first people we can approach during an emergency situation. Those who have good neighbours live with a feeling of security. On the other hand, those who do not connect well with their neighbours can have a hard time during their hour of need.

We Need Good Neighbour

Here is why we need good neighbours:

  • Good neighbours support us during crisis. They are there to help us in case any kind of problem arises.
  • They are warm and friendly so we can confide in them in case anything bothers us. It is a good way to lower our stress and burden.
  • They fill the neighbourhood with positivity and make it a better place to live.
  • A neighbourhood surrounded by good neighbours is safe for the kids.
  • Elderly people are treated well and do not feel lonely if they have good neighbours.
  • Good neighbours are always there for each other. They are sensitive to the needs of one another.
  • Good neighbours celebrate festivals and other special occasions together. The joy doubles when people celebrate such special days together.
  • Children who grow in warm and friendly neighborhoods are likely to develop a pleasing personality. They also learn how to share and care.

Neighbours during Earlier Times

Even though it is important to know our neighbours well and maintain a cordial relationship with them, people living in the cities do not make an effort to do so. They usually blame their hectic lifestyle for this. This is quite unlike the people belonging to older generations.

In earlier times, people gave a lot of importance to their neighbours. They made an effort to bond with their neighbours. Their neighbours were an integral part of their lives. They often invited their neighbours to their place. They met regularly during the evening hours. The elderly men in the neighbourhood sat down together post lunch to chit chat. They enjoyed each other’s company until late evening and returned home only around dinner time.

The elderly women went together to the temple during morning or evening hours. They also sat down in the neighbourhood park to chat with each other. The kids, on the other hand, played together for hours. The women in the neighbourhood often went together to the market. They helped each other with household chores. They all lived as one big happy family. This tradition continues in the Indian villages even until today.

We must be good for those living in our neighbourhood if we want to be treated the same way. Our life becomes more enriching and wholesome in the company of good neighbours.

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Essay on My Neighbour (500 words) – Essay 4

My experiences with my neighbours.

We live in a society. There are eight families on each floor. There are several floors and many towers in society. This makes it a big neighbourhood. The residential welfare association of our society is very active. They make sure we all celebrate various festivals together. Big events are organized at different festivals. This brings all the neighbours close and helps them bond well. I have had some really good experience living in this neighbourhood but some incidents have not been so good.

Some Good Experiences with My Neighbours

We are on good terms with most of the families living on our floor. My parents understand the importance of maintaining a cordial relationship with the neighbours and thus make an effort to bond with them.

One of the lady living on our floor is very good friend with my grandmother. They both visit the temple during the evening hours. During winter afternoons they sit in the park and knit. My mother often invites her home so that the two elderly ladies can spend time together.

I also have two very good friends in my neighbour. I go with them to the park every evening. We play together as our mothers sit and chat with each other. We also visit each other’s place to play. I feel great to have good friends in my neighbourhood especially because it makes the vacation time a lot more fun. My parents are working. They both go to work in the morning and return only by evening. I stay with my grandparents during the day.

Since they are old they cannot play with me. But they do allow me to call my neighbourhood friends home or let me go there for a few hours after I study for some time. The company of my neighbourhood friends makes my vacations super fun and exciting. I go swimming and cycling with them during the evening hours. The mother of one of my neighbourhood friends accompanies us as we go for such activities.

We exchange gifts with our neighbours on the occasion of Diwali and New Year. We also have lunch or dinner together to celebrate these occasions.

Some Bad Experiences with My Neighbours

While some of our neighbours are really sweet and stand by us in our good and bad times, unfortunately, we also have some troublesome neighbours. We have had our share of bad experiences when it comes to neighbours. Three girls have rented an apartment on our floor. They often play loud music during the late evening hours. This disrupts our sleep. We also have a hard time studying during this time.

We have requested them to keep the volume low many times. But it seems like they do not bother about others. Another one of our neighbours is quite weird. It is a family of four – two kids and their parents. We have tried to approach them and be friends with them. However, it seems like their parents want them to maintain distance from us. They often behave rudely and do not bond well with anyone on the floor.

It is great to have good neighbours. However, not everyone has this privilege. I am glad to have some really nice people in my neighbourhood.

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Long Essay on My Neighbour (600 Words) – Essay 5

My memories with my neighbours.

We need to relocate to a new place every few years because of my father’s job. It is difficult to adjust to the new atmosphere. It takes time to adapt to new surroundings and people. However, we have been lucky so far when it comes to neighbours. We have always had good neighbours.

The Old Lady in Our Neighbourhood

We shifted to Lucknow when I was five years old. I really loved that place. We stayed there for three years and I made some really fond memories of that place. I loved our single storey house with a small front lawn, I loved the delicious delicacies of the place, I loved our weekend excursions but most of all I loved my family’s bonding with the old lady in our neighbourhood. Her name was Mrs. Shukla who’s son was preparing for the JEE from best IIT coaching of Lucknow .

She stayed just next to our house and we connected with her very well. I have a faint memory of her coming to our house on the very first day we shifted. She prepared tea and snacks for us and welcomed us to the neighbourhood. We felt at home at once. She sat in her front lawn and knitted sweaters during winter afternoons. My mother often joined her to learn some knitting techniques. She once knitted a small blue sweater for my doll. I was overjoyed to receive it.

Many times when my parents went shopping, they left us at Mrs. Shukla’s place. She took very good care of us. Her grandchildren visited her during the summer vacations. We looked forward to that time as we got along really well with those kids. We often invited them to our place and played all day long. Many times, we also went to their place and it was great fun.

The Punjabi Family in Our Neighbourhood

When I was eight years old, we shifted to Chandigarh. It is a beautiful city. It is very well planned with lovely houses and surroundings. We rented an apartment in a good locality. The atmosphere of the place was quite pleasing and so were our neighbours. Our next door neighbours were a Punjabi family. It was a joint family. There were a total of seven members in the family. Their daughter was almost the same age as mine and I got along really well with her. She often came over to our place during the evening and we played for hours.

Sometimes, we went together to the park to take swings and play badminton. She had two brothers who were older than my brother but very friendly. They always called my brother to play cricket with them. My brother looked forward to playing with them. My mother also became very good friends with their mother. They both went shopping together. They often exchanged recipes and chatted for hours. The two years we spent in Chandigarh were really fun. It would not be wrong to say that the Punjabi family living in our neighbourhood made it even more fun.

The Gujrati Couple

I also cherish the one year we spent in Indore. I was eleven years old when we shifted to this city. It was quite different from the cities I had lived in earlier. A Gujarati couple lived in our neighbourhood. They had bought an apartment close to ours just a few days before we shifted.

So, even they were busy unpacking and decorating their place at the time we shifted. The place was as new to them as it was for us. So, the lady often went out to explore the nearby places with my mother. She cooked delicious curries and often gave us some portion. I loved her warm and friendly nature. Her husband was also very polite and helpful.

Good neighbours enrich our childhood experiences. I am glad we have had some really nice ones. I hope we continue to meet such beautiful and helpful people in the future as well.

Frequently Aksed Questions on Essay on My Neighbour

How can i write about my neighbour.

To write about your neighbour, mention specific qualities or incidents that stand out, like their kindness, helpful nature, or community involvement. Share personal experiences that highlight their character.

What makes a good Neighbour essay?

A good neighbour essay should discuss qualities like friendliness, respect, and helpfulness. It might include examples of supportive incidents, community participation, and ways neighbours contribute to a harmonious living environment.

Who are Neighbours in simple words?

Neighbours are people living near one another. They are often residents of the same area or community, sharing the neighbourhood and possibly local amenities.

What is the role of a neighbor?

The role of a neighbor is to contribute to a peaceful community. They offer help, support local activities, respect boundaries, and maintain friendly relations with others nearby, enhancing communal living.

Who is a true neighbor?

A true neighbor is someone who exhibits compassion and consideration, irrespective of the physical proximity. They extend help when needed, showing empathy, and actively contribute to creating a supportive environment.

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Essay on My Neighbour for Class 10 in English

This post has an example of an Essay on My Neighbour for Class 10 Students in English. This is an outstanding essay and a little bit lengthy. My neighbour Essay is very important for the students of class 10 with the point of view of exams. The essay has been taken from English Grammer Composition and translation by Kashmir Kitab Ghar. We have a waste collection of English Essays for 10th Class and higher classes. You can visit this list of essay to find one for you.

My Neighbour Essay in English for 10th Class – English Notes

I am a happy man to have a good neighbour. I have the best relations with my neighbour. Mr. Sadiq is my neighbour. He is a man with lovable habits. He has many good qualities of head and heart. He is full of sympathy for others. He has always been helpful to them. He is always ready to help people. He is very kind to the poor. He is religious minded. He has a great love for Islam. He says his prayers regularly. He is clean in habits and thoughts. He always helps the poor and needy.

His habits are very simple. He wears clean and neat clothes. He leads a simple life. His wife is a nice lady. She keeps the house clean and tidy. She is very sociable. She is kind to the children. My neighbour is a sincere friend of children. He is ever willing to meet them. He welcomes them with a smiling face. The children of our street find him a sincere and sympathetic friend. They forgot all their worries in his company.

My neighbour is a blessing of God for me. He helps me in every difficulty. He is polite and courteous. He never loses temper or abuses anybody. I have never found him exchanging harsh words with anybody. His children are well behaved and well mannered. They never tease others. They are not quarrelsome. They are respectful to the elders.

He is known for his honesty and sincerity. He is a real gentleman. He possesses many good qualities of head and heart. He is a good-natured and hospitable man. He always welcomes us with a warm smile. He invites his neighbours and entertains them very well. I have never seen a frown on his face in spite of a large number of visitors he receives. He is prepared to suffer inconvenience himself to save his neighbours from it. He is very sympathetic.

He is selfless and simple in his habits. He never thinks evil of anyone. He is bold and courageous. His ideas are plain and free from doubts. He is God-fearing and resolute. He is afraid of none except God. He is a man of deed not of word. He works wisely and tirelessly.

His treatment with his neighbours is praise-worthy. He shares their sorrows and joys. They find in him a sincere friend and real well-wisher. He is a man of great honesty. He never falls out with his neighbours over trifles. We always find him cool and collected even in the most trying circumstances. He is not in the habit of finding fault with others. Rather he exalts their good qualities. He never pulls the legs of people around him.

He is an optimist by nature. Odds never damp his courage. He is never glum or gloomy. He is always full of cheerfulness. He possesses a pleasant sense of humour. He has a smile on his face all the time.

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Essay on My Neighbour 500+ Words

In the tapestry of life, “my neighbor” is a thread of connection, support, and community. In this essay, we will explore the significance of “my neighbor,” highlighting their role in fostering a sense of belonging, cooperation, and the creation of strong communities.

Neighbors as a Support System

“My neighbor” is not just someone who lives nearby; they are a source of support. Whether it’s borrowing a cup of sugar or helping with a home repair, neighbors are there when we need them most. According to a study by Harvard University, strong neighborly relationships contribute to improved mental and emotional well-being.

A Sense of Belonging

Neighbors create a sense of belonging in our neighborhoods. Knowing that there are familiar faces next door or across the street helps us feel rooted in our community. This sense of belonging is essential for building strong, connected neighborhoods.

Sharing Moments of Joy

From celebrations to simple gatherings, “my neighbor” often shares moments of joy with us. Whether it’s a block party, a birthday, or a holiday, these shared experiences strengthen our bonds and create lasting memories.

Cooperation in Times of Need

In times of crisis, neighbors come together to support one another. Whether it’s during natural disasters or challenging personal circumstances, neighbors lend a helping hand, demonstrating the power of cooperation and unity within a community.

A Safer Community

Neighbors play a role in keeping our communities safe. When neighbors look out for each other and communicate effectively, it becomes easier to address security concerns and maintain a safe environment for all residents. A study by the National Neighborhood Watch Program highlights the positive impact of neighborly cooperation on crime prevention.

Building Relationships Across Generations

Neighbors often span different generations, providing opportunities for intergenerational connections. These relationships are valuable for sharing wisdom, fostering understanding, and bridging generational gaps.

Shared Resources and Support Networks

Neighbors can form resource-sharing networks, making it easier to access tools, knowledge, and assistance. These networks enhance self-sufficiency and promote a sense of interdependence within the community.

A Diverse Community

Neighbors bring diversity to our lives. Interacting with neighbors from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences broadens our perspectives and enriches our understanding of the world.

Community Events and Initiatives

Neighbors often organize and participate in community events and initiatives that strengthen the bonds within the neighborhood. These activities, such as neighborhood clean-up days or community gardens, foster a spirit of togetherness and pride in the community.

The Ripple Effect

The positive influence of “my neighbor” extends beyond the immediate neighborhood. Strong communities built on neighborly connections contribute to the overall well-being of society. A supportive, connected neighborhood can serve as a model for others, creating a ripple effect of unity and cooperation.

Conclusion of Essay on My Neighbour

In conclusion, “my neighbor” is more than just someone who lives next door. They are integral to the fabric of our communities, contributing to a sense of belonging, cooperation, and unity. Neighbors provide support, create shared experiences, and help build strong, connected neighborhoods. As we reflect on the value of “my neighbor,” we recognize that they play a vital role in shaping the communities we live in and the world we share. The bonds formed with our neighbors are a testament to the enduring power of human connection, and we must cherish and nurture these relationships for the betterment of our neighborhoods and society as a whole.

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My Neighbours Essay | Essay on My Neighbours for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

My Neighbours Essay – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on My Neighbours for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The My Neighbours essay 100, 150, 200, 250, 500 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on My Neighbours 500 Words for Kids and Students in English

Last Sunday, we shifted into a new government colony. This colony is inhabited by employees of the government. They belong to various departments and ministries. My next door neighbours are very nice. One of them is a police inspector. He has a small family. His son is a college student. He is a very intelligent boy. He often tells me very interesting stories. The police inspector is also very gentle. His habits and temperament are very fine. He considers himself to be the custodian of law and order. He never misuses his powers but always helps others. His wife has a religious bent of mind. She also extends great co-operation and help to all.

The house in front of ours belongs to the principal of a school. He is an old man, in his late 50’s and a thorough gentleman. Extremely well behaved, he is highly respected by the inhabitants of the locality. He helps the deserving students by admitting them in his school. He gives fee concessions to the needy and poor students. He has a medium-sized family of two sons and a daughter. They are of very helping nature. His daughter is my classmate. We go to school together. The principal loves me very much. Sometimes, he gives us very interesting lectures. I am proud to be in the company of such a well-educated family.

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The family that lives at the back of our house is a bad family. The members of this family need to learn a lot about good manners and polite behaviour. They do not possess the decorum of civilised people. The head of the family is an assistant with the central government. His behaviour is rude. He has quarrelled with many people over trivial things. His children are very naughty. They beat other younger children. Their mother is also a terrible lady. She often scolds her children.

She is an uneducated lady and always creates hell in her house. Everyone in the locality dislikes her. Most of the people are not on talking terms with this family. But a majority of my neighbours are my friends. They are social and of helping nature. I pass my time easily in their company. Sometimes neighbours are more helpful than relatives, often they are the first help available. We should always create an atmosphere of friendship among our neighbours. I am blessed to have such good neighbours.

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My Neighborhood Essay

500 words my neighborhood essay.

As humans , all of us live in a society are bound to a neighbourhood. It is an essential place which has a great impact on our lives. So much so that it does determine where we are in life and how we are doing. It is a fact that if we are not happy in our neighbourhood, we will not live peacefully. Through my neighborhood essay, I will explain about my neighbourhood and the reasons why I love it.

my neighborhood essay

All About My Neighbourhood

I live in a great neighbourhood. It is wonderful because it offers us a lot of facilities. The green park near my house makes the area much more beautiful. Similarly, the swings in the park ensure the kids get to play cheerfully all day long.

Moreover, my neighbourhood also has many other bonuses. A grocery store adjacent to the park makes sure people get all their needs fulfilled without having to go far. All my neighbours buy their things from that grocery store only.

The owner also lives in the same area so he is very cordial with everyone. The grocery store saves everyone a long trip to the market and also their time. The park in my neighbourhood remains clean at all times.

The maintenance team makes sure they clean and sanitize it from time to time. It allows my neighbours to sit and relax in the evenings and take walks in the morning. The clean and fresh air gives everyone a great experience.

Why I Love My Neighbourhood

Apart from the top-notch facilities available in my neighbourhood, we also have amazing neighbours who make our lives better. A good neighbourhood is not made of facilities only but good people as well.

I got lucky in this case because my neighbours are very sweet. They help in maintaining the peace of the area so everyone lives in harmony. I have seen very often that if there is an emergency at anyone’s place, everyone rushes to help.

Similarly, we also organize events from time to time so that the whole neighbourhood gathers and enjoy themselves. I have a lot of friends in my neighbourhood with whom I play.

Most of them are my age so we meet every evening to cycle together and play on swings. We also go to each other’s birthday parties and sing and dance. The most favourite thing about my neighbourhood is definitely the residents.

I always notice how we never let any poor person go back empty-handed. My neighbourhood also organizes a donation drive every year. In this, each family donates clothes, toys and other useful commodities for the needy.

Thus, we all live together as a large family. Even though we live in different houses, our hearts are bounded by the same love and respect for each other.

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Conclusion of My Neighbourhood Essay

All in all, a great neighbourhood is important to have a good life. In fact, our neighbours prove to be more helpful than our relatives sometimes. It is because they live nearby so they are most likely to offer help in emergency situations. Similarly, my neighbourhood is very clean and helpful, thereby making my life happy and content.

FAQ on My Neighborhood Essay

Question 1: What is the importance of a good neighbourhood?

Answer 1: A good neighbourhood is important because it helps in providing a safe and secure atmosphere . When people live in good neighbourhoods, they lead happy lives and spread joy around.

Question 2: Why must we keep our neighbourhood clean?

Answer 2: It is important to keep our neighbourhood clean because it will create a hygienic and serene environment. This way, everyone will be able to enjoy outdoors and it will also prevent any diseases.

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Essay on My Neighbour & Neighbourhood | 100, 150, 200, 300 & 400 + Words

Our friendly neighbours are an invaluable asset to our community. They offer a sense of security and belonging that cannot be found elsewhere. Here are short and long essays about my neighbour for all classes.

Write a paragraph on the topic in about 80 words: A Friendly Neighbour

Ans.                                                             A Friendly Neighbour

A friendly neighbour is a boon of God. He creates heaven in our surroundings. He makes our life blissful and enjoyable. Neighbourly charity is the most desirable quality of a neighbour. A friendly neighbour stands by us through thick and thin. He shares our weal and woe. He is sympathetic , tolerant, peace-loving, broadminded and disciplined. 1 feels that it is my good luck to have friendly neighbours. Their company ennobles us and teaches us to be good and friendly towards others. May our friendly neighbour live long!

Download the above Paragraph in PDF

Essay on my neighbour- 100 words.

Our neighbours are a source of incredible support and kindness. Whether it’s helping us with yard work or sharing their home-grown produce, they are always with us. We share joyous moments with them. They also stand with us during tough times. However, being a good neighbour goes beyond what they do for us. It’s about the inspiration they provide. Their acts of kindness motivate us to be better individuals, to care for people around us. They also strive to make a positive difference in our community. Let us raise an attitude to be wonderful neighbours. whose warmth and compassion continue to permeate throughout our neighbourhood.

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Essay on My Neighbour- 150 Words

My neighbor is an elderly woman. She is a remarkable person who has taught me so much about life. She has lived in our community for over fifty years. She knows everyone by name. Her kindness and generosity are unparalleled . She always goes out of her way to help anyone in need. One thing that stands out about my neighbor is her love for gardening. Her yard is like a haven, with beautiful flowers blooming all year round. Whenever I visit her, we spend hours talking about the different types of plants and their unique characteristics. Another admirable quality about my neighbor is her resilience during tough times. Despite facing numerous challenges throughout her life, she never gave up and always found a way to overcome them. Overall, my neighbor serves as an inspiration to me every day. She reminds me of the importance of compassion, hard work, and perseverance even when things get tough.

Essay on my Friendly Neighbour

Essay on my Friendly Neighbour- 200 Words

I always enjoy getting to know my next-door neighbours. We share common interests and often get along great. They’re always so friendly and I really feel like we’re friends. One thing that I really appreciate about them is how they always take the time to chat with me. They’re always willing to have a conversation and it’s nice to know that I can go to them for support or just for a good laugh. I really feel like I have a lot of respect for them, and I would be lost without them around. I hope we can continue to stay good friends for years to come! Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down and have a conversation with my next-door neighbour. We got to talk about everything from the weather to their kids and we even spent some time discussing with me. It was great to get an inside look at what goes on in their lives and it was fascinating to hear about all of the different things that they enjoy doing. I think it’s important for us all to get out there and meet new people, especially if we want to stay healthy and happy. If you’re ever feeling lonely or bored, why not give talking to your neighbours a try? You might be surprised by how interesting they can be!

Paragraph on My Neighbourhood-

Paragraph on My Neighbourhood

My neighbourhood is like a small town within the city. It’s filled with a diverse group of people from all walks of life, and I love that about it. There’s always something happening, whether it’s a community event or just neighbours gathering on their front lawns to chat. I especially enjoy walking through the tree-lined streets during the fall when the leaves turn brilliant shades of orange and red. The air is cool, which makes for a perfect walk around the block. There are also plenty of local shops and restaurants in my neighbourhood, each with its unique character and charm. I often find myself getting lost in one-of-a-kind stores or trying out new eateries that have popped up since my last visit but what really sets my neighbourhood apart is its strong sense of community. Everyone knows everyone else here, which fosters an atmosphere where people look out for one another. Whether it’s lending someone a cup of sugar or helping shovel snow off driveways during winter storms, we’re all willing to lend a hand when needed. Overall, I feel incredibly fortunate to live in such a wonderful neighbourhood full of vibrant culture and warm-hearted individuals who truly care about their community.

Descriptive Paragraph on Our Friendly Neighbours 300 Words

Living in a community surrounded by friendly neighbours is a delightful experience. Their warm smiles, helpful gestures and comforting presence make us feel like we are part of something bigger than ourselves. Let’s discuss unique qualities that make our neighbourhood stand out. Neighbours are often regarded as the unsung heroes of our daily lives. They form an integral part of our community and contribute to making it a better place to live in. From sharing a cup of sugar to lending a listening ear, neighbours provide us with comfort and support that we cannot find anywhere else. Our friendly neighbours are always there for us when we need them, whether it’s helping us move furniture or looking after our pets while we’re away on vacation. Their kind gestures go beyond just being polite; they create a positive atmosphere that makes everyone feel welcome and appreciated. It is because of these individuals that neighbourhoods become more than just streets filled with houses. They become warm and welcoming communities where people can come together and build meaningful relationships with one another. In short, our friendly neighbours make life so much richer by showing us what kindness truly means daily. Our friendly neighbours have been an integral part of our life, providing us with a sense of security and comfort. We are thankful for the relationships we have built with them over the years and for their support in times of need. They care about our wellbeing and look after us when things get tough. Through their kindness, they remind us that no matter how different life can be at times, there is always someone nearby to help in times of need.

Paragraph on Our Friendly Neighbours

Descriptive Paragraph on Our Friendly Neighbours 500 + Words


We all know that having good neighbours can make a huge difference in our lives. They can lend us a cup of sugar, take care of our pets while we’re away, or just simply provide some great company when we need it the most. But being a good neighbour is not only about receiving help from others – it’s also about giving back and creating a sense of community around us. Let’s explore what makes someone a good neighbour and how you can become one too. Let’s talk about friendly neighbours!

Who are our friendly neighbours?

Our friendly neighbours be young families, retirees, single professionals, or anyone in between. What makes them friendly is their willingness to connect with others and build relationships within the community. A good neighbour is always there for you when you need help. Whether it’s lending a hand with moving furniture or simply checking on your house while you’re away on vacation, they are reliable and dependable. Friendly neighbours also show kindness and empathy towards others. They take the time to get to know their neighbours’ names, interests, and needs. This helps create a sense of connection that goes beyond just living next door. Moreover, our friendly neighbours contribute positively to the neighbourhood by looking out for each other’s safety and well-being. For example, they may report suspicious activity to local authorities or organize community events that bring people together. In short, our friendly neighbours are those who care about building strong relationships within their community through acts of kindness, reliability, and positivity. So, let’s all strive to be like these wonderful individuals!

How can we be good neighbours?

Being a good neighbour is not only about being friendly but also about respecting each other’s space and privacy. Here are some ways to be a good neighbour:

  • Introduce yourself: Take the initiative to introduce yourself to your new neighbours or someone who recently moved in next door.
  • Keep noise levels down: It’s essential to keep the volume low while playing music, watching TV, or having parties at home.
  • Offer help when needed: If you know that your neighbour is going through a tough time, offer them assistance if possible.
  • Respect their property: Never trespass on their property without permission and don’t let your pets roam free on their lawn.
  • Be mindful of shared spaces: Clean up after using shared spaces such as laundry rooms or hallways.
  • Communicate effectively: If there are any issues between neighbours, approach them directly and communicate effectively instead of escalating it into an argument.
  • Remember special occasions: Show appreciation by celebrating special occasions like birthdays and holidays with small gestures like baked goods or cards for your neighbours. Being a good neighbour requires effort from both sides but will lead to more harmonious living conditions for everyone involved

Being a Good Neighbour Benefits Everyone

Being a good neighbour is not only beneficial for you, but it also benefits everyone around you. When we talk about neighbours, we usually think of people who live next door to us or in the same building. However, being a good neighbour extends beyond just that. Firstly, being a good neighbour promotes harmony and creates positivity in your community. It builds trust among different households and helps foster relationships with people from various backgrounds. This results in safer communities where everyone looks out for one another. Secondly, helping your neighbours when they need it can create long-lasting friendships and strong bonds within the community. Small gestures like offering help with groceries or shoveling snow can go a long way towards creating goodwill. Thirdly, being a good neighbour provides an opportunity to learn new things from others. You may get to know someone who has experienced something like what you’re going through and get valuable advice. Promoting kindness towards our neighbours sets an excellent example for future generations on how important it is to care for each other as human beings sharing this planet together. Being a good neighbour benefits everyone by fostering positivity in our communities, creating lasting friendships and stronger bonds between people from diverse backgrounds while setting an excellent example of kindness toward others that will be passed down through generations.

Having friendly neighbours is a true blessing that can make our lives happier and easier. By being good neighbours ourselves, we not only contribute to a positive community but also benefit from it. Whether it’s lending a helping hand, sharing resources or simply being kind and respectful towards each other, small acts of kindness can go a long way in building strong relationships with those around us. So let’s take the time to get to know our neighbours and show them that they matter. After all, everyone wants to feel valued and appreciated! Let’s be the kind of neighbour we would like to have ourselves. By doing so, we can create a harmonious neighbourhood where people look out for each other and find joy in simple things like saying hello or sharing a smile.

What are 10 qualities of a good neighbour? 1.Friendliness: A good neighbour is approachable, kind, and welcoming, fostering a sense of community. 2.Respectful: They respect boundaries, privacy, and property, understanding the importance of personal space. 3.Considerate: A good neighbour is mindful of noise levels, especially during late hours, and takes care not to disturb others. 4.Helpful: They are willing to lend a hand when needed, whether it’s helping with chores, providing support during difficult times, or sharing resources. 5.Trustworthy: Being a reliable and trustworthy neighbour means respecting commitments and keeping promises. 6.Communication: A good neighbour maintains open lines of communication, fostering healthy relationships and addressing any concerns or conflicts that may arise. 7.Safety-conscious: They prioritize the safety of their neighbours, taking precautions to ensure a secure living environment. 8.Inclusive: A good neighbour embraces diversity, respects different backgrounds and cultures, and promotes inclusivity within the community. 9.Community-minded: They actively participate in community events, initiatives, and activities, contributing to the betterment of the neighborhood. 10.Positive attitude: A good neighbour exudes positivity, spreading goodwill and creating a harmonious atmosphere within the community.

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My Neighbour Essay

Good neighbours are a blessing. They help each other in the hour of need and share joys and sorrows. Having a good neighbour makes life much more joyous and pleasant. It also makes us feel secure. This is especially true for people living away from their families.

Long and Short Essay on My Neighbour in English

Here are essay on My Neighbour of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

We have given both long and short My Neighbour essay to help you with the topic in your exams as well as competitions.

All the essays are well worded by an experienced English content writer and able to fulfill your requirement; so, you can choose any one of them as per your need:

Short Essay on My Neighbour (200 Words) – Essay 1

It feels safe, secure and pleasant living in a neighbourhood surrounded by helpful and positive people. The family living in my neighbourhood is full of life. There are six members in their family – grandparents, parents, and two kids. Every member is cheerful and helpful. We have been living in the same neighbourhood for almost a decade and our neighbours have become an important part of our life.

There have been several incidents during these years where they have proved to be of great help and support. I remember the day I was alone at home with my grandmother. My grandmother was doing some household work when her ankle twisted and she fell on the floor. She was unable to get up on her own. I was just seven years old at that time and could not help her stand. I was almost in tears.

I called my neighbours and they immediately came for help. I was really thankful to them. This is just one incident. There have been numerous such incidents wherein they have helped us. Our family also supports them whenever they need any help. Last year, when their house was getting renovated, we invited them to stay with us for a few days.

We have seen various highs and lows in life together and hope our bond stays intact for years to come.

Essay on My Neighbour (300 Words) – Essay 2

My Neighbour is the Best Neighbour


We live in a nuclear family. My father works in an IT firm and my mother is a teacher. I do not have any siblings nor do we have any relatives in the city. We visit my grandparents and cousins only during the summer vacation.

I felt quite lonely when we shifted here initially. However, I soon met Meera, my new neighbour. I was overjoyed to know that she was the same age as me. We were both eight at that time. I got along well with her from the very beginning. We connected very well and I started feeling really better. I was no longer lonely or sad.

Our Bond with our New Neighbour

Just like I became friends with Meera, my mother got along well with her mother. Meera’s mother is a housewife. My mother and she often have evening tea together. We look forward to such days as it allows us to play at each other’s place. We get a chance to play with different toys and games.

On other days, we go together to the park. We play different outdoor games, take swings and enjoy a lot. We also joined the same summer camp during our last vacation. The camp was for three hours daily during the weekdays. We indulged in many activities such as art and craft, dance, music and board games during this time.

Both of us enjoy art and craft work. We prepared many craft items together even after we returned from the summer camp. During the vacations every year, we also visit the malls together. It has been three years since we have been neighbours and it has been a lot of fun.

I am really thankful to God for giving me such a good neighbour. Meera is simply the best. Her family is also very friendly. I am glad that our mothers are also friends with each other.

Essay on My Neighbour (400 Words) – Essay 3

Importance of a Good Neighbour

Our neighbours are one of the first people we can approach during an emergency situation. Those who have good neighbours live with a feeling of security. On the other hand, those who do not connect well with their neighbours can have a hard time during their hour of need.

We Need Good Neighbour

Here is why we need good neighbours:

  • Good neighbours support us during crisis. They are there to help us in case any kind of problem arises.
  • They are warm and friendly so we can confide in them in case anything bothers us. It is a good way to lower our stress and burden.
  • They fill the neighbourhood with positivity and make it a better place to live.
  • A neighbourhood surrounded by good neighbours is safe for the kids.
  • Elderly people are treated well and do not feel lonely if they have good neighbours.
  • Good neighbours are always there for each other. They are sensitive to the needs of one another.
  • Good neighbours celebrate festivals and other special occasions together. The joy doubles when people celebrate such special days together.
  • Children who grow in warm and friendly neighborhoods are likely to develop a pleasing personality. They also learn how to share and care.

Neighbours during Earlier Times

Even though it is important to know our neighbours well and maintain a cordial relationship with them, people living in the cities do not make an effort to do so. They usually blame their hectic lifestyle for this. This is quite unlike the people belonging to older generations.

In earlier times, people gave a lot of importance to their neighbours. They made an effort to bond with their neighbours. Their neighbours were an integral part of their lives. They often invited their neighbours to their place. They met regularly during the evening hours. The elderly men in the neighbourhood sat down together post lunch to chit chat. They enjoyed each other’s company until late evening and returned home only around dinner time.

The elderly women went together to the temple during morning or evening hours. They also sat down in the neighbourhood park to chat with each other. The kids, on the other hand, played together for hours. The women in the neighbourhood often went together to the market. They helped each other with household chores. They all lived as one big happy family. This tradition continues in the Indian villages even until today.

We must be good for those living in our neighbourhood if we want to be treated the same way. Our life becomes more enriching and wholesome in the company of good neighbours.

Essay on My Neighbour (500 words) – Essay 4

My Experiences with My Neighbours

We live in a society. There are eight families on each floor. There are several floors and many towers in society. This makes it a big neighbourhood. The residential welfare association of our society is very active. They make sure we all celebrate various festivals together. Big events are organized at different festivals. This brings all the neighbours close and helps them bond well. I have had some really good experience living in this neighbourhood but some incidents have not been so good.

Some Good Experiences with My Neighbours

We are on good terms with most of the families living on our floor. My parents understand the importance of maintaining a cordial relationship with the neighbours and thus make an effort to bond with them.

One of the lady living on our floor is very good friend with my grandmother. They both visit the temple during the evening hours. During winter afternoons they sit in the park and knit. My mother often invites her home so that the two elderly ladies can spend time together.

I also have two very good friends in my neighbour. I go with them to the park every evening. We play together as our mothers sit and chat with each other. We also visit each other’s place to play. I feel great to have good friends in my neighbourhood especially because it makes the vacation time a lot more fun. My parents are working. They both go to work in the morning and return only by evening. I stay with my grandparents during the day.

Since they are old they cannot play with me. But they do allow me to call my neighbourhood friends home or let me go there for a few hours after I study for some time. The company of my neighbourhood friends makes my vacations super fun and exciting. I go swimming and cycling with them during the evening hours. The mother of one of my neighbourhood friends accompanies us as we go for such activities.

We exchange gifts with our neighbours on the occasion of Diwali and New Year. We also have lunch or dinner together to celebrate these occasions.

Some Bad Experiences with My Neighbours

While some of our neighbours are really sweet and stand by us in our good and bad times, unfortunately, we also have some troublesome neighbours. We have had our share of bad experiences when it comes to neighbours. Three girls have rented an apartment on our floor. They often play loud music during the late evening hours. This disrupts our sleep. We also have a hard time studying during this time.

We have requested them to keep the volume low many times. But it seems like they do not bother about others. Another one of our neighbours is quite weird. It is a family of four – two kids and their parents. We have tried to approach them and be friends with them. However, it seems like their parents want them to maintain distance from us. They often behave rudely and do not bond well with anyone on the floor.

It is great to have good neighbours. However, not everyone has this privilege. I am glad to have some really nice people in my neighbourhood.

Long Essay on My Neighbour (600 Words) – Essay 5

My Memories with My Neighbours

We need to relocate to a new place every few years because of my father’s job. It is difficult to adjust to the new atmosphere. It takes time to adapt to new surroundings and people. However, we have been lucky so far when it comes to neighbours. We have always had good neighbours.

The Old Lady in Our Neighbourhood

We shifted to Lucknow when I was five years old. I really loved that place. We stayed there for three years and I made some really fond memories of that place. I loved our single storey house with a small front lawn, I loved the delicious delicacies of the place, I loved our weekend excursions but most of all I loved my family’s bonding with the old lady in our neighbourhood. Her name was Mrs. Shukla.

She stayed just next to our house and we connected with her very well. I have a faint memory of her coming to our house on the very first day we shifted. She prepared tea and snacks for us and welcomed us to the neighbourhood. We felt at home at once. She sat in her front lawn and knitted sweaters during winter afternoons. My mother often joined her to learn some knitting techniques. She once knitted a small blue sweater for my doll. I was overjoyed to receive it.

Many times when my parents went shopping, they left us at Mrs. Shukla’s place. She took very good care of us. Her grandchildren visited her during the summer vacations. We looked forward to that time as we got along really well with those kids. We often invited them to our place and played all day long. Many times, we also went to their place and it was great fun.

The Punjabi Family in Our Neighbourhood

When I was eight years old, we shifted to Chandigarh. It is a beautiful city. It is very well planned with lovely houses and surroundings. We rented an apartment in a good locality. The atmosphere of the place was quite pleasing and so were our neighbours. Our next door neighbours were a Punjabi family. It was a joint family. There were a total of seven members in the family. Their daughter was almost the same age as mine and I got along really well with her. She often came over to our place during the evening and we played for hours.

Sometimes, we went together to the park to take swings and play badminton. She had two brothers who were older than my brother but very friendly. They always called my brother to play cricket with them. My brother looked forward to playing with them. My mother also became very good friends with their mother. They both went shopping together. They often exchanged recipes and chatted for hours. The two years we spent in Chandigarh were really fun. It would not be wrong to say that the Punjabi family living in our neighbourhood made it even more fun.

The Gujrati Couple

I also cherish the one year we spent in Indore. I was eleven years old when we shifted to this city. It was quite different from the cities I had lived in earlier. A Gujarati couple lived in our neighbourhood. They had bought an apartment close to ours just a few days before we shifted.

So, even they were busy unpacking and decorating their place at the time we shifted. The place was as new to them as it was for us. So, the lady often went out to explore the nearby places with my mother. She cooked delicious curries and often gave us some portion. I loved her warm and friendly nature. Her husband was also very polite and helpful.

Good neighbours enrich our childhood experiences. I am glad we have had some really nice ones. I hope we continue to meet such beautiful and helpful people in the future as well.

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My Neighbour

Essay No. 01

Love your neighbour said Jesus Christ. Yet how many people do really love their neighbours ? Usually there prevails a great tension among the neighbours on some point of dispute or the other. Many people just tolerate neighbours because there is no other way to get rid of them. Here and there people change their houses, if they are tenants and cannot pull on with their neighbours. Some people even sell their houses because they find their neighbourhood is not congenial to their tastes.

There are very few neighbours among whom amity prevails. If there is love among the neighbours, it is like something out of paradise, because your neighbour is nearer to you than your kith and kin. He can always be helpful to you when other people cannot reach you. There is a romantic possibility of boys and girls playing together in their childhood getting married ultimately. Such a marriage is likely to be the happiest because its attachment goes back to infancy.

It is usually for boys and girls next door to peep into each other’s courtyards and admire each other, even if they are not on speaking terms. Neighbours are thrown together by God like two fellow travellers in a bus or a train and it is best to be tolerant of each other even though true love and admiration may be lacking. That is why Jesus said, “Love thy neighbour.” If you do not love even your neighbour how can you love rest of the world?

Women admire men in the neighbour and men admire the women in the vicinity if they have nothing unpleasantness about them. “My neighbour is a sort of husband my wife would like to have”, is a famous proverb. The same may also be said about the neighbouring wives. “My neighbour is a type of wife my husband would like to have.” After all the things work out both ways. What is true of men is equally true of women. What is goose for the one is gander for the other.

There is no doubt that the neighbours take keen interest in the affairs of each others even when they are not on speaking terms. They want to know all that is happening in their close neighbourhood. They peep through hole and even hear whispers to find out what is happening on the other side of the wall. They engage even maid servants and sweepers to inform them about all that is happening in the house of the neighbour next door. If the neighbours are rich and affluent they want to know what prestigious gadgets the other party possesses, how much money it spends, what kind of furniture it has in the house, what are the kind of people who come to meet them and what are the kinds of friends and foes they have. In case of any feud between them, they at once carry the tables to their friends and foes and try to alienate their neighbours from their friend and sow seeds of bitterness among foes. In any case of trouble, they align themselves, with the foes of the neighbour and make a common cause with them.

Your neighbour has claim upon privacy and your time. It is best not to deny such claims but willingly accept the exigencies of the solution. Why resent something which is inevitable ? Neighbours are people like fellow travellers life is nothing but a short journey. Let us live it as happily as we can. Why make it more miserable that it really is ?

Essay No. 02

Blessed are those who have good neighbours, I am lucky to have Mr. Ajay Gupta as my next door neighbour. He is young man of forty-two. He is every inch a gentleman. He is very helpful to all.

Mr. Ajay is a wealthy businessman. He is very intelligent. He has two pet dogs. In spite of being rich he is not arrogant. He speaks to everyone and is generous and kind.

Mr. Ajay has two children—one son and one daughter. His son is of my age and studies in a public school. His daughter is student of class nine.

Mr. Ajay is noble, polite and soft-spoken. He is the President of the welfare society of our colony. He always talks in sense. He is the well-wisher of one and all. He is ever ready to help all his neighbours in need. He follows the principle of ‘service before self.

All the members of his family are good. His father is very kind and religious. His children are good natured and have good manners. They are good at studies too. His wife is a simple house-wife.

We mix freely with them. Sometimes Mr. Ajay gives us a lift in his car. We exchange sweets and presents with them on festivals.

Mr. Ajay and the members of his family are very cooperative and helpful. They have forged a kind of family feeling among the neighbours.

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693 My Neighbor Class 10 Notes English (Handwritten Short & Revision Notes)

693. My Neighbor is one of the most important chapters in English which every student should study if they want to score good marks in their examination. Keeping in mind, has decided to solve this issue of the students. 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes not only help the students to understand the concepts better but also boosts their confidence. 

693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes are created as per the latest pattern of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to ensure that the student covers each and every topic and does not miss any important topic. Class 10 693. My Neighbor Notes are written in a well-detailed manner which clears every doubt of the students and helps them to score good marks in their examinations.

All the students are advised to study from 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes on a weekly basis to create a strong foundation of all the topics and memorise them in a way so that you remember them for a longer period of time. 

About 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes PDF

All the students can have access to Class 10 693. My Neighbor Notes at the official website of selfstudys i.e. 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes are created by the highly qualified subject matter experts who have their expertise in the field of education. 

Students can access 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes absolutely free of cost. These Notes are a success mantra for all the students who want to improve their marks and score well in their examinations. 

These Notes can be easily downloaded in the PDF Format and can be accessed 24×7. The Notes of Class 10 693. My Neighbor are also mobile-friendly. 

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Our highly qualified subject matter experts at selfstudys who have their expertise in the educational industry have created 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes. Also, they are familiar with the most common questions which often get repeated in the examinations. 

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  • After clicking on the option of ‘New Revision Notes’, you will be redirected on the page where you have to select the class and the subject for which you want to download the Notes.
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What are the Benefits of 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes? 

There are numerous benefits of 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes. Some of the most important of them includes:

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Revision Tips to Study from 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes 

There are various revision tips which students should follow to study from 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes. Some of them are:

  • Note down your mistakes: While studying from 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes, it is advisable for all the students to make a list of their mistakes and then work on them. Students can improve their preparation level by noting down their mistakes and working on them.
  • Practise Study Materials: All the students are advised to practise from the study materials for example: previous year question paper, Mock tests and more. By practising them regularly, a student gets to know about the pattern of the examination, weightage per question, marking scheme etc. 
  • Blurting: Another great way which students can choose to do is by the blurting method. In this technique, a student has to read 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes repeatedly to memorise them. After following the blurting method, make sure that you test yourself by writing down the topics which you remembered so far during the revision time. 
  • Take short breaks between your exam preparation: Students are always advised to take short breaks between their exam preparation as it will ensure effective learning. Taking short breaks while studying 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes also improves memory and recalling power. So, make sure to follow this revision tip while doing exam preparation. 
  • Pomodoro Technique: Another important revision tip which is advisable for all the students is to follow the pomodoro technique as it helps to reduce distractions and improves the concentration of the students. This technique can be used by all the students to increase their accuracy and concentration when they are using 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes. 

How to Prepare for Annual Exam from 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes?

There are various tips which students should follow to prepare from 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes. The tips are:

  • Start reading or rewriting your Notes: The first tip which students should follow is that they should start reading their 693. My Neighbor Notes repeatedly. After reading, they can write them to stick in their memory and remember them for a longer period of time. There are also various ways which you can use to rewrite them.
  • Start studying in advance: It is always advisable for all the students to start studying for their examinations in advance from 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes. If they study at the last moment, they will not be able to study effectively and chances of getting stressed and anxious will also increase. Studying in advance also helps to create a strong base of each and every concept. 
  • Always take food breaks in between your exam preparation: Students are advised to take short food breaks of 15-20 minutes in between their exam preparation to revive their energy levels and also to improve their memory. 
  • Get a good night’s sleep: All the students are advised to get a good night’s sleep as it will help the students to improve their brain function which will automatically improve the learning power of all the students. 

What are the Advantages of Having 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes? 

There are various Advantages of Class 10 693. My Neighbor Notes. Some of the most important of them are:

  • Boost in Confidence: By studying from 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes, a student can boost their confidence as they will find out that they are aware of the majority of the topics and will do well in the final examinations. This will not only enhance their self-confidence but will also motivate them to do better in exams. 
  • Forces the student to level up: 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes are written in a way which includes various HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) questions which will force the students to think at a higher level. 
  • Access to Detailed Explanations: The subject matter experts at selfstudys have created these Notes in a detailed way which will help the students to increase their conceptual knowledge and also build a strong foundation of all the concepts in their minds. 
  • As per the latest syllabus: 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes are created as per the latest syllabus to ensure that the student covers each and every topic and does not miss even a single topic. 
  • Diagrammatically Explained Resources: Apart from the easy theoretical language which is used in explaining the students through the Notes, various diagrams, tables etc. are also used to help the students understand all the concepts in a better way. 
  • Mobile Friendly: One of the biggest advantages of 693. My Neighbor English Essay Class 10 Notes is that they can be easily accessed on mobile phones. One does not need a laptop or PC to access them. 

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Essay On My Neighbour For Classes 1, 2 And 3

Shaili Contractor

Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on My Neighbour for Class 1, 2 and 3 Kids

10 lines on ‘my neighbour’ in english, short essay on ‘my neighbour’ in 200 words, long essay on my neighbour for kids, what will your child learn from an essay on neighbours.

A neighbourhood is where many families reside next to each other amicably. Living close to each other, it is one’s neighbours who are always around, be it for having fun together or when in need of help. Children of lower primary classes learn to express their feelings about their families, friends and close ones. It is important to instil values of brethren towards their neighbours too so that they learn to be friendly with them and understand how to be a good neighbour. To write an essay on their neighbours, children will have to demonstrate their language and grammar skills as they think about new ideas, express them in words and articulate their feelings in the composition. It might sound like a challenging assignment. Let us make it easy for your child with these ideas.

Describing their neighbours in an essay could leave children a little perplexed. They may know who their neighbours are; however, writing about them could be a little overwhelming. So if you are wondering how to help children, here are some tips on how to write an essay on neighbours, which may help:

  • Start the essay with an impressive opening paragraph to get the readers interested and keep reading. Every successive paragraph should build from the one preceding it and focus on the central theme.
  • Support the main idea with examples and anecdotes, which add some strength to the content.
  • Every paragraph must focus on a particular aspect. For example – one paragraph could talk about the number of members in the household, and the next could speak about how each one is a distinct personality.
  • A paragraph could be dedicated to how neighbours play an integral role in one’s life. The concluding paragraph could talk about how essential it is to have good relations with neighbours to live in a society.

An essay for Class 1 on neighbours needs to be crisp and precise. A Class 1 student cannot be expected to write volumes and must be guided to write in simple and short sentences. This sample of a few lines on the topic ‘My Neighbour’ will be a good start for Class 1 students to write an essay:

  • A neighbour is the closest person with whom we have regular social contact.
  • They are friends in times of need, joy and sorrow.
  • Having a good neighbour is a blessing.
  • We are blessed to have good neighbours like the Kumars.
  • They’re a small family – Mr Kumar, Mrs Kumar and their son Aakash are like a part of our family.
  • Friendly, smiling and caring, they always greet us happily.
  • They are helpful whenever we have a problem in our house, like a leakage or power cut.
  • Aakash is a little older than me but plays with me like a brother.
  • The Kumars always share food and sweets with us on special occasions.
  • We do not miss our family back home with a family like the Kumars as our neighbours.

A short essay on neighbours requires writing a detailed paragraph. Children can collect their thoughts, describe them in a few lines and try to connect the lines in a paragraph or two without missing any important point. Here is a sample essay for children of lower primary classes.

Neighbours play a very important role in one’s life. They are the people who help us all the time. We are lucky to have neighbours who make life simple. Our neighbours, the Joshis are a joint family, living with their two daughters and parents. Senior Mr and Mrs Joshi are very loving. They shower a lot of affection on my family. The Joshi daughters, Shruti and Smriti, are my friends. Smriti and I go to the same school and are classmates. Mr and Mrs Joshi both work. They always invite my family to their home for any special occasion. They love celebrating festivals. They always make sure we are invited to celebrate with them and send us sweets and delicious dishes. They stood by us when we lost our pet dog and helped us during that time of sorrow. I love spending time with the Joshis as they always look after us and treat us well. We are lucky to have such friendly and welcoming neighbours who live with us like a family.

As children progress to Class 3, they would be nearly 7 years old. By now, they are expected to be more expressive and use clear language to articulate their ideas when engaging in essay writing. Here is a sample composition on ‘My Neighbour’ that may help them:

Neighbours are an extended family. They can be a backbone for a family as they reside nearby. In today’s time, neighbours have become very important to communal living as people no longer live with their extended families. Most of us live in nuclear families, and we rely on people who live next door to us for any help and to be with us during times of joy and sorrow.

Our neighbours, the Nairs, are one such family. Like a close-knit family, the Nairs and us live right next to each other, and it is just one common wall that separates our homes. But through these walls and doors, we share a lot in common and are best friends.

The Nairs are a nuclear family like ours with their extended family in Kerala. Both Mr and Mrs Nair work in Infosys and are busy with their work. They have a son, Nirav, who is 6 years old and goes to the same school as me. My mother is a housewife and drops me off at the bus stop to school. My mother often drops Nirav along with me too. Mrs Nair is always grateful for this and makes sure that she thanks my mother every day.

Whenever there is a function or special occasion – be it a birthday, anniversary or festival, Mr and Mrs Nair personally come home to invite us and extend their greetings. Mrs Nair is a good cook and often sends some delicious food over the weekends. Mr Nair is also very skilled at fixing things. From fixing the broken bulb to plugging the leak in the kitchen sink, he has always been a great help to my father. My mother learns many new recipes from Mrs Nair, and they are best friends.

Nirav is a year older than me and is just like an older brother to me. He is respectful, well-mannered and friendly, and I have learnt a lot from him. He is very good at art and helps me with my art projects. It is indeed a pleasure and blessing to have neighbours like the Nairs, and we are always glad to know them as friends and call them our extended family away from home.

Writing an essay on neighbours will be beneficial for your child to develop their vocabulary. It will allow them to voice their feelings for someone who lives close to them. Your child may find it challenging to write about a neighbour who they don’t know as closely as a family member. But this template could help them organise their ideas and present them in a form that will engage the reader.

An essay on ‘My Neighbour’ will also help children understand the importance of neighbours in their lives. Neighbours can be a great source of joy, support and inspiration. With the help of the guidelines provided, your children of classes 1, 2 and 3 will be able to write an excellent essay on the given topic.

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My Neighbours: English essay for Students and Children

admin July 21, 2019 Essays in English 45,717 Views

Good neighbours can make life really pleasant, while bad neighbours can do the opposite. I am lucky to have two good families for neighbours. We all get along quite well and we rarely quarrel over anything. The reason may be the fact that we all live in a colony provided by a large computer company . Our fathers work in the same office and are thus friends .

The family living on our left is a small one. The husband and wife have just one daughter who is in school with me. The family on the right has two sons, one of whom is studying for his degree in another town and the other one who is a schoolboy like me.

We all share our joys and sorrows like true friends. We children play together in the evenings while our parents discuss the events of the day. Sometimes there are misunderstandings, but we soon sort them out. We are all always ready to help each other.

I feel very lucky to have such good neighbours. It has mad life more peaceful and happier. I wish everyone would be fortunate enough to get good nature neighbors like me.

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The easy is really amazing and helpful for children as it has good vocabulary words and lot more to explore…

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Hello Fatima,

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Five stars for this educational and good

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My Neighbour Essay for Kids

Provided here for your reference is My Neighbour Essay for kids. Neighbours are the people who live near our house. They are the ones whom we interact with almost every day. Nothing is better than having a helpful neighbour. Here today, let’s see how we can draft a simple essay on my neighbour.   

The essence of neighbours is understood in tough times. Given below are 10 lines on my neighbour essay that will aid students in understanding what points they can include while they draft an essay on the neighbour. You can also download this ‘my neighbour paragraph’ in a colourful PDF format for free through the link provided below.

Download “My Neighbour Essay 10 Lines” PDF for Free

My neighbour essay in english.

My Neighbour Essay

  • My neighbour’s name is Preeti Garhewal. She is around 25 years old.
  • She stays with her mother in my neighbourhood. Her mother is a very generous lady.
  • I address her as ‘didi’ which means elder sister.
  • She is an extremely cheerful and polite person.
  • She gets me chocolates and gifts whenever she visits our home.
  • She takes very good care of her mother.
  • She accompanies her mother in evening walks and to the market.
  • I have always seen her smiling and energetic.
  • We invite each other on every occasion and celebrate festivals together.
  • We help each other in tough times and feel fortunate to have each other as neighbours.

The above essay on my neighbour has been drafted in a simple language and short lines so that kids find it easy to understand and replicate. Students of Class 1 to 3 will be able to frame my neighbour essay 10 lines in English taking into consideration the above points. They can also include other aspects and characteristics of their neighbours. This is a sample essay to give an idea to the kids on how they can write an impressive essay on neighbour in English in simple words.

After our family members, neighbours are the next set of people whom we can contact in times of emergency. Their homes are near to ours. So, they can help us in bad times at the earliest. Sometimes, people get such great neighbours that they become like a family. They share their good and bad days. They celebrate functions together. They rejoice in each other’s successes and share sadness during failures.

Writing essays builds up a better linguistic understanding. It enhances students’ imagination power and boosts their confidence. My Neighbour Essay is a common topic for essay in primary classes. We have several other interesting English essays that might interest you. Young minds can learn and practice essay writing on the most frequently asked topics.

You can check other fascinating learning resources such as worksheets, stories, essays, GK questions, poems, NCERT Solutions, easy trivia questions, etc. for your kids in our Kids Learning section.

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My Neighbour Essay

My Neighbour Essay | Essay on My Neighbour for Students and Children in English

My Neighbour Essay: I live in New Delhi, where we own a house. My next- door neighbours, Mr. Hamid Ali and his wife Mrs. Naseem Ali, are very nice and helpful people. Mr. Ali has his own business while his wife is a homemaker.

Students can find more English  Essay Writing  Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

Short Essay on My Neighbour 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short Essay on My Neighbour is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

They have a small family which, besides themselves, consists of their two children, Zeenat and Javed. Zeenat is of my age and a good friend. We are classmates. Javed is younger than us and hasn’t started going to school yet.

My Neighbour Essay

They are all good, gentle people and get along very well with us. Everyone in the neighbourhood likes them. On festivals and other special occasions, we exchange sweets and presents with them. Last summer, when Mr. Ali returned from a business trip to Singapore, he brought gifts for all of us.

Whenever Mr. Ali is away on work, we go over to their house to keep his wife and children company. I really like having them for neighbours.

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Essay on “Essay on “My Neighbor” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation.

My Neighbor

One day I was coming home from school when I noticed smile coming from my neighbor’s window

Last Friday when I was coming home from my school, I saw a dense smoke coming out of a window of my neighbor’s house. At first I thought it to be some oven. But when I reached nearer, I found it was fire which had broken out in the house. The inmates of the house were rushing out of it. The male members of the family were out and only the ladies and children were there. They were crying for help and people were running up to help them.

I immediately rang up the Fire Brigade Station. In a few minutes, the bells of the fire brigade were heard ringing in. One after a number of water tankards arrived on the spot. The fighters cordoned off the house on fire and started spraying it with water. Some of the fire fighters look out of now ablaze.

Some policemen also arrived and tried to disperse the crowd which had gathered there. There was a great hue and cry. The belongings of the family were lying on the road. The fire fighters were doing their best to save as much as was possible. The families living on first and second floors were hit the hardest.

But fortunately enough there was no loss of life. Some bad character wanted to fish in the troubled water. But for the timely and prompt vigilance of the police, the thieves would have done their job very well.

Some men could be seen with their note books and pencils. They were the news reporters collecting material for their papers. They would ask everybody about the fire. The next day they gave out the news and estimated the loss at five lakhs of rupees.

The persona whom were rendered homeless were taken in a municipal van to a place of shelter. The fire brigades look about five hours to put out the fire. The cause of the fire was not known, but it was suspected to be due to short circuit in electric writing of the house.

The whole scene was a shocking that I cannot forget it for life. The palatial building, which was a stately abode of the family, was razed to the ground and only a few charred walls were left to be seen.

Essay No. 2

My Neighbour

Love they neighbour, said Jesus Christ. Yet how many people do really love their neighbours? Usually there prevails a great tension among the neighbours on some point of dispute or the other. Many people just tolerate neighbours because there is no other way to get rid of them. Here and there people change their houses, if they are tenants and cannot pull  on with their neighbours. Some people even sell their houses because they find their neighbourhood is not congenial to their tastes.

There are very few neighbours among whom amity prevails. If there is love among the neighbours, it is like something out of paradise, because your neighbour is nearer to you than your kith and kin. He can always be helpful to you when other people cannot reach you. There is a romantic possibility of boys and girls playing together in their childhood getting married ultimately. Such a marriage is likely to be the happiest because it attachment goes back to infancy.  

It is usually for boys and girls next door to peep into each other’s courtyards and admire each other, even if they are not on speaking terms. Neighbours are thrown together by God like two fellow travelers in a bus or a train and it is best to be tolerant of each other, even though true love and admiration may be lacking. That is why Jesus said, “ Love thy neighbour.” If you do not love even your neighbour how can you love rest of the world?

Women admire men in the neighbour and men admire the women in the vicinity if they have nothing unpleasantness about them. “My neighbour is a sort of husband my wife would like to have”, is a famous proverb. The same may also be said about the neighbouring wives. “My neighbour is a type of wife my husband would like to have.” After all the things work out both ways. What is true of men is equally true of women. What is goose for the one is gander for the other.

There is no doubt that the neighbours take keen interest in the affairs of each other’s even when they are not on speaking terms. They want to know all that is happening in their close neighbourhood. They peep through hole and even hear whispers to find out what is happening on the other side of the wall. They engage even maid servants and sweepers to inform them about all that is happening in the house of the neighbour next door. If the neighbours are rich and affluent they want to know what prestigious gadgets the other party possesses, how much money it spends, what kind of furniture it has in the house, what are the kind of people who come to meet them and what are the kinds of friends and foes they have. In case of any feud between them they at once carry the tables to their friends and foes and try to alienate their neighbours from their friend and sow seeds of bitterness among foes. In any case of trouble, they align themselves, with the foes of the neighbour and make a common cause with them.     

Your neighbour has claim upon privacy and your time. It is best not to deny such claims but willingly accept the exigencies of the solution. Why resent something which is inevitable? Neighbours are people like fellow travelers. Life is nothing but a short journey. Let us live it as happily as we can. Why make it more miserable that it really is?

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my neighbour essay in english for class 10

Class 10 English Previous Year Question Paper (2020) with Solutions

by Meenu Saini | Sep 16, 2024 | General | 0 comments

CBSE Class 10 English Chapter-wise Previous Years Questions (2020) with Solution

Class 10 English Question Paper (2020) – Solved Question papers from previous years are very important for preparing for the CBSE Board Exams. It works as a treasure trove. It helps to prepare for the exam precisely. One of key benefits of solving question papers from past board exams is their ability to help identify commonly asked questions. These papers are highly beneficial study resources for students preparing for the upcoming class 10th board examinations. Here we have compiled chapter-wise questions asked in all the sets of CBSE Class 10 English question paper (2020).

First Flight Book 

Chapter 1 – a letter to god.

Q1. What were Lencho’s feelings when the hail stopped? [30-40 words]

Ans. When the hail stopped, Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness: He was very much troubled. His crop was totally destroyed. He said, “The hail has left nothing. This year we will have no com. We will all go hungry.”

Q2. Why did Lencho’s happy mood change into concern? [30-40 words]

Ans. Lencho had been happy on the arrival of rain, as it would help his crops to grow and eventually he would get money from them. However, suddenly strong wind began to blow and brought hailstones with them. This hailstorm destroyed his crops. Thus, his happy mood changed to concern about losing his crops.

Q3. Did the letter reach God? Why did the postmaster send a reply to Lencho? [30-40 words]

Ans. The letter did not reach God, it is not possible. The postmaster got it. On reading the letter, the postmaster decided to retain the farmer’s faith in God. The postmaster was a kind, generous, helpful, and God-fearing man. Thus, he replied to Lencho’s letter by sending him money under the name of God.

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Chapter 2 – Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom

Q1. What did Nelson Mandela remember on the day of the inaugural ceremony? [30-40 words]

Ans. On the day of the inaugural ceremony, Nelson Mandela remembered the first decade of the twentieth century, when white-skinned people of South Africa resolved their mutual differences and created a system of racial domination against the dark-skinned people of the same land. This system of discrimination called ‘Apartheid’ lasted until the last decade of the same century.

Q2. What does Mandela refer to as ‘an extraordinary human disaster’? [30-40 words]

Ans. At the beginning of his speech, Mandela refers to the practice of apartheid in South Africa as ‘an extraordinary human disaster’. This practice created a deep and lasting wound on his country and led to the oppression of one group of people (the blacks) by another (the whites).

Q3. Why was Nelson Mandela overwhelmed with a sense of history? How did he succeed in ending the apartheid regime in South Africa? [100-150 words]

Ans. Nelson Mandela felt overwhelmed with a sense of history at his inauguration as it marked a significant turn in South Africa’s journey from a nation marked by racial discrimination to a democratic, non-racial government. This moment was not just a personal triumph but a historic milestone for the entire nation, symbolizing the end of a harsh system of racial segregation that had long oppressed the majority of its people.

Mandela’s role in ending apartheid was rooted in his deep conviction for freedom and equality, which drove him to join the African National Congress and become a central figure in the anti-apartheid movement. His leadership was characterized by a remarkable balance of resilience and a willingness to engage in dialogue and reconciliation. Mandela understood that true freedom for black South Africans also meant liberating white South Africans from the chains of prejudice. His approach of not only fighting against the regime but also advocating for a peaceful transition and national unity was pivotal in the successful dismantling of the apartheid system. 

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Chapter 3 – Two Stories About Flying (Part 1 – His First Flight)

Q1. “The sight of the food maddened him.” What does this suggest? [30-40 words]

Ans. The young seagull had been hungry for 24 hours. He was impatient and desperate to eat. When he saw his mother carrying some fish in the beak, he screamed at her. This shows that he eventually took his first flight out of his hunger.  

Q2. How did the young seagull overcome his fear and make his first flight? [100-150 words]

Ans. The young seagull was afraid of flying. He felt certain that his wings would never support him and could not get himself to fly like his siblings. His parents, brother and sister decided to leave him alone but soon, he became mad with hunger. He saw his mother with a piece of fish in her beak, reaching to him at a little distance. The sight of the fish maddened him, so he dived at the fish without thinking about the result. He fell downwards, and the next moment, he suddenly felt his wings spread outward and he started flying. He was soaring gradually downwards and upwards. He was then no longer afraid and in this way, he made his first flight.

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Chapter 3 – Two Stories About Flying (Part 2 – The Black Aeroplane)

Q1. Why was the pilot of Dakota aeroplane frightened again? [30-40 words]

Ans. While flying his Dakota aeroplane the narrator saw that the sky was full of dark clouds and he could not see anything. There was not enough fuel to go back to Paris and his compass and radio stopped working. He was feeling afraid and helpless when he suddenly saw another aeroplane outside. The pilot of that aeroplane asked the narrator to follow him and began to guide him through the clouds. However, after some time, the narrator realized that there was very little fuel left in the Dakota’s tank and this is when he was frightened again.

Q2. Why and when did the narrator say that ‘everything’ was going well, it was an easy flight.’? [100-150 words]

Ans. The pilot was happy when he was alone high up above the sleeping countryside. He was dreaming of his holiday and looking forward to being with his family. He called the Paris Control Room to enquire about the location of the plane and the route to be followed. He thought he would be in time for breakfast and a good big English breakfast would be ready for him. At this point, he thought that everything was going well and that it was an easy flight.

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Chapter 4 – From the Diary of Anne Frank

Q1. What do you think about Anne’s talent for writing essays which she wrote convincingly when punished by the teacher? [100-150 words]

Ans. Anne was an intelligent but talkative girl. The teacher, Mr Keesing was irritated by the disturbance caused by her talking in the class. She had to write assignments as a punishment. However, she presented logical arguments for her habit and successfully convinced her teacher. She even wrote a poem in the third task. This shows that she was talented and intelligent. Anne wrote a poem also indicates that she was a prolific writer too. 

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Chapter 5 – Glimpses of India (Part 1 – A Baker from Goa)

Q1. Why were the children fascinated by the baker? How did they show their eagerness to see him? [100-150 words]

Ans. The children were fascinated by the jhang-jhang sound of the baker’s bamboo which they would hear every morning. It would announce the arrival of the baker. They would hunt the basket for their favourite items like bread bangles and would eat them without washing the faces or brushing their teeth. The baker was like a friend and companion to them. The bakery was an essential part of the Goan households. All the children, including the author were close to the baker of the village.

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Chapter 5 – Glimpses of India (Part 2 – Coorg)

Q1. Why is Coorg called the land of rolling hills? [30-40 words]

Ans. Coorg is called the land of rolling hills because it has a lot of hills and itself is a hill station. The hills seems to roll down, giving a panoramic view. A rolling hill is a hill which has a gentle slope. The climb is gradual and the inclination of the slope of the hill is not too high.

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Chapter 5 – Glimpses of India (Part 3 – Tea from Assam)

Q1. Rajvir was very fond of reading detective stories. Why did he not like to read them during his journey? [30-40 words]

Ans. Rajvir liked reading detective stories. However, on the train journey to Assam, he was excited to see the scenery outside. Thus, he did not read the stories and enjoyed the scenic beauty.

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Chapter 6 – Mijbil the Otter

Q1. What things does Mij do which tell you that he is an intelligent, friendly and fun-loving animal who needs love? [100-150 words]

Ans. Mij was an active pet. He loved playing with water, marbles, ping pong and even a broken suitcase. His innovative games show his intelligence. When Mij was put in a new environment, it remained aloof and indifferent. It took time to mix up with the author. Mij was active, opened the tap by itself and played in it. In was intelligent as it invented several games with ping pong ball, marbles and the author’s broken suitcase. When out for a walk with the author, it would jump and gallop along the entire length of the wall of a school. When the author was travelling with Mij on a flight, Mij was allowed to be out of the box. He disappeared for sometime and later returned to its master. This shows that Mijbil was an intelligent, fun-loving and friendly animal.  

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Chapter 7 – Madam Rides the Bus

Q1. How did Valli fulfil her desire to ride a bus to the town and back? [100-150 words]

Ans. Valli was a meticulous planner. She fulfilled her desire in a responsible and mature way. She collected information about the bus ride like the fare, duration and timing by overhearing the talks of the passengers. She even asked discreet questions. The next step was to save enough money for the bus fare. She resisted temptations to buy balloons, toys and candies. She planned the timing of the ride during the mother’s afternoon nap time to avoid being caught. After this detailed planning, she finally went on the bus ride. Valli had an amazing experience and enjoyed it.

Q2. Describe Valli’s interaction with people while she was riding the bus to the town. What does this tell you about Valli’s character? [100-150 words]

Ans. On the ride, Valli interacted with the bus conductor. She did not seek help from the conductor which shows her confidence and independent nature. The conductor realized that she was way too mature for her age and he addressed her as ‘Madam’. An elderly woman was travelling beside Valli. She seemed to be concerned over the fact that a small child was in the bus all by herself. However, her appearance of big ear lobes and mouth full of betel nut paste made Valli detest her. Valli did not like being asked soo many questions by her. When Valli stood in the bus to see the sights outside, an old man directed her to sit lest she should fall. Valli did not appreciate the old man’s advice and retorted that she could take care of herself. She added that she too had paid the full fare like other passengers. This shows that Valli was self-confident and had the courage to take risks.

Q3. Whenever we want to achieve something, difficulties always come in our way. What did Valli have to do to go and ride in a bus? [100 -150 words]

Ans. It is true that obstacles do present themselves whenever we seek anything out. Nonetheless, ambition in life is necessary. Perseverance is necessary to achieve goals. Valli wanted to take the bus, but she lacked the funds to do so. The task at hand was to come up with the necessary sum of money, so Valli had diligently saved whatever spare change that came her way while restraining herself from splurging on things like peppermints, toys, balloons, and the like. At the end, she had thirty pence. She also paid close attention to the bus’ timetable and routine. She also listened in on chats regarding people’s travels. Nonetheless, her efforts allowed her to fulfil her goal in the end.

Q4. “Valli was a mature girl and ahead of her age.” Justify the statement with instances from the text. [100-150 words]

Ans. Valli was eight year-old but she was far mature and responsible. She fulfilled her deep desire of going on a bus ride all by herself. She collected the money required for the bus fare by avoiding buying other articles like candies, toys and joy rides. She gather information by overhearing talks of passengers. She decided on the timing which co-incided with her mother’s afternoon nap time. On the bus, she avoided the over-friendly conductor and did not accept his offer of buying her a drink. She did not get off at the bus stand in the town because she only wanted a ride in the bus. She got angry on fellow passengers who tried to command her to sit and showed concern over her solo travel. She did not like being called ‘child’ or ‘madam’. Valli was self-dependent and confident girl.

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  • Madam Rides the Bus Character Sketches 

Chapter 8 – The Sermon at Benares

Q1. Describe the journey of Sidhartha Gautama becoming the Buddha. [100-150 words]

Ans. Buddha was born as Prince Sidhartha and lived the royal life till the age of twenty-five. On seeing painful sights, he left the comfort of princely life, his wife and son, and went in search of knowledge. After wandering for several years, he meditated under a peepal tree in Bodh Gaya, Bihar where he got enlightenment. This gave him the name of ‘Buddha’ or the enlighted one. Then he went to Sarnath and taught people. For the rest of his life, he travelled and preached. He spoke of ‘Tanha’, ‘Karma’ etc and died at Kushinagar.

Q2. What lesson did Kisa Gotami learn the second time that she had failed to learn the first time? [100-150 words] OR How did the Buddha make Kisa Gotami realise the reality of death? [100 – 150 words]

Ans. Kisa Gotami carried her lifeless son and went from door to door seeking a remedy to bring him back to life. Someone directed her to Sakyamuni who asked her to get a handful of mustard seeds from a house that had not lost a beloved to death. Kisa failed to procure the seeds because there was no such household that had not suffered the pain and grief of losing a kin. Thus, it dawned upon Kisa that she had been selfish in her love for her son. She understood that life was like a flickering light, we all are mortals and that death is the ultimate truth. This was the lesson that she could not understand the first time and Buddha wanted to teach her.

Q3. What lesson on death and suffering did the Buddha teach Kisa Gotami in the chapter, ‘The Sermon At Benares’? [100 – 150 words]

Ans. The lesson on death and suffering that Buddha taught Kisa Gotami through an activity is that death and suffering are common to all. He said that there was no way by which one could avoid death or suffering. He taught her that the life of mortals i.e., humans is troubled, brief and full of pain; the only way to obtain peace of mind is by giving up sorrow, complaints and grief. Surrendering all selfishness is the way by which one could attend immortality in this world. He taught her to look beyond her own grief and instead of directly telling it to her, he made her realise it herself.

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Chapter 9 – The Proposal

Q1. The proposal of the marriage was forgotten amidst the arguments over petty things. Which right approach should have been followed by Lomov and Natalya? [100-150 words]

Ans. Lomov and Natalya behaved immaturely when they argued over petty things like ownership of Oxen Meadows and superiority of their respective dog. They overlooked the fact that they were there to enter into matrimony which was more important than the trivial issues. However, if they would have been sensible, they would have focused on the proposed marriage. They should have shown compassion and patience and focused on the positive outcome of the meeting.

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Deleted Chapter

Chapter – the hundred dresses part 1.

Q1. Why did Peggy and Maddie not wait for Wanda? [30-40 words]

Ans. Peggy and Maddie did not wait for Wanda because it was drizzling. Peggy and Maddie hurried to school as Miss Mason would announce the results of the drawing contest and they were eager to know the winner of the drawing contest.

Q2. Describe the scene in which Wanda’s dress drawings are displayed. Who won the drawing contest for the girls? [100-150 words]

Ans. There were hundreds of designs of dresses displayed in the room. Miss Mason announced the names of the winners. Jack Beagles had won for the boys. She said that all the hundred designs of dresses had been made by one girl and she had won the Medal. Her name was Wanda Petronski. But Wanda was absent. The children clapped their hands in joy. Maddie asked Peggy to look at the blue dress about which Wanda had told them earlier. They appreciated the drawings made by Wanda.

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Chapter – The Hundred Dresses Part 2

Q1. How did Miss Mason try to teach her students a lesson in code of conduct while dealing with other students? [100-150 words]

Ans. Mr Petronski wrote a letter to the school teacher Miss Mason because the students of her class always made fun of Wanda’s name and dress. After reading the letter Miss Mason was very unhappy and upset. Miss Mason categorically said that the students in her class would not knowingly hurt anyone’s feelings because of their funny name and shabby dress. By doing this, she showed her students that she had faith in them. She said that such an incident had probably happened in the class due to thoughtlessness, which was really sad and unfortunate. She also expressed her belief that her students would agree with her in disapproving of the incident. Finally, she asked all the students to reflect on their actions and in this way, she tried to teach her students a lesson in code of conduct.

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First Flight Poems

Poem 3 – a tiger in the zoo.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: 

He hears the last voice at night,

The patrolling cars,

And stares with his brilliant eyes

At the brilliant stars.

Questions :

(a) The poet who wrote these lines was

(i) Leslie Norris (ii) Robert Frost

(iii) Walt Whitman (iv) Robin Klein

(b) ‘The animal referred to in the extract is in______.

(i) the forest (ii) a zoo

(iii) a circus (iv) a wildlife sanctuary

(c) To go around an area at regular times to check that it is safe is called _____.

Ans. patrolling

(d) The word in the extract opposite in meaning to the word, ‘dull’ is ___.

Ans. brilliant

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  • A Tiger in the Zoo Character Sketches  

Poem 4 – How to Tell Wild Animals

Q1. Why does the poet use the term ‘noble’ and ‘wild’ for the tiger? [30-40 words]

Ans. The poet uses the terms ‘noble’ and ‘wild’ to show that the tiger like other wild animals, kills its prey. But the difference is that the tiger is noble for he kills only for hunger and not pleasure like the other wild beasts.

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Poem 5 – The Ball Poem

Q1. Why does the poet not offer the boy money to buy another ball? [30-40 words]

Ans. The poet does not offer him money to buy another ball because according to him, money or another ball is worthless. The boy was trying to understand his first responsibility as he had lost something, which could not be brought back.

Q2. Why does the poet not offer money to the boy to buy another ball? [100-150 words]

Ans. The poet does not offer money to the boy to buy him another ball because he knows the value of the ball which was lost by the boy. This ball contained the sentiments of the boy’s youth. The boy’s memories and feelings from his younger days attached to the ball will not come back. As a result, the boy now has to learn to take responsibilities. The poet wants the boy to grow up and give up his love for materialistic things in life. He wants the boy to learn that money cannot buy everything in life. Even if you try to buy happiness with money, you will never get the feelings of belongingness. The ball here is personified as the belongings of the boy that he must learn to live without. During the course of life, a lot of our belongings will be lost.

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  • The Ball Poem Character Sketches 

Poem 6 – Amanda

Q1. Amanda wants to be Rapunzel, a beautiful princess living in a tranquil tower. Write a character sketch of Amanda in the light of this remark. [100-150 words]

Ans. Amanda is a little school-going girl. She is constantly nagged by her mother who keeps asking Amanda to do this or that. She is a daydreamer and inventive girl who loves freedom and wants to live alone. She wants no restrictions and instructions from her mother. She escapes into the world of dreams imagining herself a mermaid, an orphan or a fairy. This is her mode of escaping reality. She lives between illusions and reality. She is a child who wishes to relish her existence rather than go through the motions of daily living. She prefers to do activities when she chooses to, rather than when she is instructed to.

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  • Amanda Summary, Explanation 
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  • Amanda Character Sketches 

Poem 7 – The Trees

(A) ….Winds rush to meet them. 

‘The moon is broken like a mirror,

Its pieces flash now in the crown

of the tallest oak.

(a) The above lines were written by

(i) Robert Frost (ii) John Berryman

(iii) Robin Klein (iv) Adrienne Rich

(b) The crown of the oak lies in its,

(i) top most branch (ii) roots

(iii) rich and tasty fruit (iv) broad leaves

(c) The winds are rushing to meet the___.

(d) Find the word from the extract which means the same as “shine.”

(B) The trees inside are moving out into the forest,

the forest that was empty all these days

where no bird could sit

no insect hide

no sun bury its feet in shadow

the forest that was empty all these nights

will be full of trees by morning.

(a) What are the trees trying to do?

Ans. The trees are trying to return back to the forests where they belong.

(b) Why was the forest empty?

Ans. The forests were empty because the trees were held captive inside the houses. People were cutting down and uprooting the trees in order to fulfill their needs of beautifying their houses and creating artificial environments for the trees to live in.

(c) All these days, the forest referred to here was ______.

(i) filled (ii) empty

(ii) hidden (iv) separated

(d) The figure of speech used in these lines is _____ :

(i) Simile (ii) Alliteration

(iii) Personification (iv) Metonymy

Question Answers

Q1. What message does Adrienne Rich want to convey through the poem, ‘The Trees’? [100-150 words]

Ans. The poem “The Trees” by Adrienne Rich is a metaphor which compares the trees to women. The poet is a feminist and highlights the desire of women to be free and go out in the open. The trees want to free themselves from the floor of the house and go in the open forest. They are cramped in the houses and their feelings can be felt and heard by the poet.The roots are shuffling, branches are moving towards the window. The trees move into the open and are greeted by the wind. The moon gets broken by the oak tree’s shadow which looks different and highlights the power of the trees.

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Poem 9 – The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Q1. How did Custard accept his cowardice and others’ bravery? [30-40 words]

Ans. Custard accepted his cowardice by crying for a nice safe cage. However, he showed bravery by attacking the pirate when everyone else ran away. After defeating the pirate, Mustard said he would be twice as brave and Ink and Blink said they would be thrice as brave. To this, Custard agreed that everyone was braver than him, even though he had shown bravery by defeating the pirate.

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Poem 10 – For Anne Gregory

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :

“Never shall a young man,

Thrown into despair

By those great honey-coloured

Ramparts at your ear,

Love you for yourself alone

And not your yellow hair.”

(a) The lady’s hair is compared to ________.

(i) ramparts (ii) ears

(iii) honey (iv) despair

(b) The young man has fallen in love with the lady for her ______.

(i) wealth (ii) social position

(iii) looks (iv) mind

(c) Name the poem and the poet.

Ans. The given lines are from the poem ‘For Anne Gregory’ by William Butler Yeats.

(d) According to the poet, the lady wants the young man to love her for _____.

Ans. herself alone

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Deleted Poem

Poem – animals.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

I stand and look at them long and long.

They do not sweat and whine about their condition.

(a) The poet who has written these lines is …………….

  • Robert Frost
  • Carolyn Wells

iii. Walt Whitman

(b) Who are ‘they’ referred to here?

iii. Ananda’s friends

  • Wanda’s dresses

(c) The poet looks at them long and long because he ……….

Ans. admires the behaviour of animals and wants to stay with them.

(d) Which word in the extract means ‘complain’?

Questions Answers

Q1. What vices in human beings does Whitman notice? [30-40 words]

Ans. The vices that human beings have as noticed by Whitman are greed, desire, whining and complaining about their conditions, dissatisfaction, hypocrisy and self-centeredness. Humans have turned away from being placid and self-contained.

Q2. What is the central idea of the poem, ‘Animals’? [30-40 words]

Ans. The central idea of the poem ‘Animals’ is that humans have lost their “tokens” or good qualities, which have now been retained by animals. Somewhere along the years human have forgotten to be kind, sympathetic, compassionate, grateful, placid and self-contained.

Q3. Which qualities of animals has the poet lost and now wants to regain? Answer with reference to the poem, ‘Animals’. [100-150 words]

Ans. The poet has lost several qualities which he feels he had negligently dropped a long time ago. The poet has lost the quality of being humble and grateful. Instead, humans spend their time whining about their conditions and weeping for their sins while confessing their evil deeds to God. He has lost the quality of being satisfied with what he has and has turned into a manic for the materialistic items that he does not possess. He has also lost his happiness and peace in this world. Now, he bows down to other creatures of his kind as well as to his ancestors. Unlike the past, he is now deceitful and unjust. At one time he was honest, truthful and fair in all respect.

Q4. How does Carolyn Wells use humour to tell or identify ‘Wild Animals’? [100-150 words]

Ans. Carolyn Wells uses humour to identify ‘Wild Animals’ throughout the poem. She uses a comical effect when she tells us the ways of recognizing each creature while they are attacking us. She gives us a vivid imagery of the animals. At first, she introduces us to the large lion who roams in the east jungle. She says that if we chance upon roaring as we are dying, it is the Asian lion. Next, she talks about the tiger and the leopard. The noble tiger can be recognized as the Bengal Tiger if he eats you as he is hungry. Thus, to be watchful. The leopard on the other hand will be realized once it continuously “leps” on you. She then tells us to be sure that the creature who hugs us strongly is none other than the bear. And in case we are doubtful, we can wait for another caress. The poet lets us know that the trick to distinguish the hyena from the crocodile is that a hyena laughs whereas a crocodile cries. Lastly, the chameleon can only be spotted on the tree if we see the tree bare as it camouflages.

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Footprints without Feet Book 

Chapter 1 – a triumph of surgery.

Q1. Why is Mrs. Pumphrey responsible for Tricki’s condition? [30-40 words]

How did Mrs. Pumphrey spoil Tricki? [30-40 words]

Ans. She is Tricki’s owner and is responsible for the dog’s ill-health which is due to overeating and excessive pampering. Mrs Pumphrey is rich and gives excessively nutritious food to the pet. Exercising is also very little which makes Tricki dull, swollen and lethargic. All this negligence on Mrs Pumphrey’s behalf makes Tricki ill. 

Q2. What was the major flaw in Tricki? [30-40 words]

Ans. Tricki’s flaw was his greed for food. He never refused anything offered which resulted in it being swollen and dull.

Q3. Mrs. Pumphrey, the overindulgent and caring mistress of Tricki, pampers her pet dog like a spoiled child, Comment. [100-150 words]

Ans. Mrs Pumphrey was quite a rich and resourceful lady with a large number of servants and maids. She was passionately attached to her little pet dog, Tricki. She was much worried about Tricki’s miserable condition. Tricki had become hugely fat and listless. She thought he was suffering from malnutrition. So, she started giving Tricki malt, cod-liver oil and a bowl of Horlicks at night. Being overindulgent, Mrs Pumphrey even ignored Dr Herriot’s advice. The doctor knew that Tricki’s only fault was his greed for food. He had advised Mrs Pumphrey to cut down food and sweets for Tricki. He also advised her to give him plenty of exercise. The dog was to be kept on a very strict diet. For Mrs Pumphrey, it was very difficult for her because she pampered Tricki like a spoiled child. This only compounded Tricki.s misery. His condition worsened. He lost appetite and started vomiting. Mrs Pumphrey was impractical but very compassionate and caring. She and her staff arranged all comforts, beds, cushions and toys for Tricki. She constantly enquired about his health from Dr Herriot. She gratefully thanked Dr Herriot for saving Tricki’s life and called it “a triumph of surgery”. Had she been a little more practical and disciplined, things might have not gone that far.

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Chapter 2 – The Thief’s Story 

Q1. What made Hari Singh come back to Anil? [30-40 words]

Ans. Hari Singh returned to Anil because he felt guilty about robbing him. He thought that people have different responses to being robbed. Some people show fear, some show anger, and some show acceptance. But, Hari knew that Anil would be sad, not for the loss of money but for the loss of trust. Hari could not have the inner peace by robbing Anil. So, he returned back to him along with the money.

Q2. In which queer way did Anil make a living? [30-40 words]

Ans. Anil made a living in a queer way by borrowing money but repaid the loan whenever he earned money through his writings for magazines. He lived life according to the flow of money. When he got money, he enjoyed out with his friends. When he had less money, he reduced his expenses.

Q3. Why does Anil not hand Hari Singh over to the police? [30-40 words]

Ans. Anil did not hand Hari Singh over to the police because he knew that Hari Singh had started becoming a better person and that’s why he had even returned the stolen money. Anil wanted to improve Hari further. He wanted him to become successful, independent and good at heart.

Q4. Education, love and sympathy can transform even a thief. How is it true in the case of Hari Singh? [100-150 words]

Ans. In the story titled ‘The Thief’s Story’ we see that Anil Singh’s positive attitude and careless outlook towards money transform Hari Singh, the thief. Anil teaches Hari and overlooks the petty theft of one or two rupee done by Hari on a daily basis. When he observes a change in Hari’s nature, he does not acknowledge the attempted theft done by Hari Singh. He does not hand over Hari to the police because he can foresee a reform in him. Anil’s careless attitude towards money takes away the temptation to rob it and Hari finds robbing such a person to be useless. Thus, Anil gradually reforms the hardened thief.  

Q5. Why did Hari Singh decide to return the stolen money? What light does it throw on his character? [100-150 words]

Ans. Hari decided to return the money he had stolen because Anil would be sad at the loss of trust that he had in Hari rather than the monetary loss. Hari did not want to lose the trust that Anil had bestowed on him. Hari pondered that Anil had taught him to read and write. Those skills were more valuable than the money he had stolen. Hari did not want to lose the trust and company of a master like Anil. Thus, he wanted to return to Anil and decided to return the stolen money.

Q6. Having stolen Anil’s money what did Hari Singh do? [100-150 words]

Ans. Hari stole the money and went to the railway station. He had planned to board the train and leave the city but he was unable to cheat Anil. He was reminded of Anil’s kindness and the trust that Anil had shown in Hari. Hari became humane and his heart forced him to return the money. Hari knew that Anil would be sad due to the loss of trust that he had done on Hari. Anil had taught Hari to read and write which would enable him to do better in life. Hari could not cheat such a man. Hari decided that he would not betray Anil and returned the money.

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Chapter 3 – The Midnight Visitor

(A) And as the light came on, Fowler had his first authentic thrill of the day. For halfway across the room, a small automatic pistol in his hand, stood a man.

Ausable blinked a few times.

(a) Who was standing in the room with a pistol in his hand?

(b) Ausable blinked because he:

  • was getting adjusted to the light.
  • got afraid of the man with a pistol.

iii. was thrilled to have reached his room.

  • started thinking of how to get rid of the man.

(c) Fowler was thrilled because what he saw looked like a ……….

Ans. looked like a real thriller scene finally. The kind of action and scene he had been expecting while he was on his way.

(d) Which word in the extract means the same as ‘genuine/real’?

Ans. authentic

(B) Max bit his lip nervously. The knocking was repeated.

“What will you do now, Max?” Ausable asked. “If I do not answer the door, they will enter anyway. The door is unlocked. And they will not hesitate to shoot”.

(a) Who is Max?

(i) a spy (i) a tourist

(iii) a businessman (iv) a waiter

(b) Max became nervous because :

(i) he got scared of Ausable.

(ii) he thought the police had come.

(iii) the door was unlocked.

(iv) Ausable did not get up to open the door.

(c) Actually the door was knocked at by the____.

Ans. Actually the door was knocked at by the waiter . Ausabel had ordered a drink when he returned back to the hotel and the waiter had come to deliver it.

(d) Which word in the extract is opposite in meaning to the word ‘confidently’?

Ans. The word ‘nervously’ is opposite in meaning to the word ‘confidently’.

(C) Ausable was, for one thing, fat. Very fat. And then there was his accent. ‘Though he spoke French and German passably, he had never altogether lost the American accent he had brought to Paris from Boston twenty years ago.

“You are disappointed,” Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder.

(a) Who is ‘you’ here?

(i) Fowler (ii) Ausable

(iii) Waiter (iv) Max

(b) Ausable was a native of ______ :

(i) France (ii) Germany

(iii) the U.S. (iv) Sweden

(c) ‘You’ believed that Ausable was a ______.

Ans. ‘You’ believed that Ausable was a secret agent or a spy dealing in espionage and danger.

(d) He spoke French like an _____.

Ans. American

(D) Ausable moved to an armchair and sat down heavily. “I’m going to raise the devil with the management this time, and you can bet on it,” he said grimly. “This is the second time in a month that somebody has got into my room through that nuisance of a balcony !”

(a) Who is Ausable?

(i) A secret agent (i) A tourist in a hotel

(iii) A reporter (iv) A businessman

(b) Why was Ausable angry with the management?

(i) His room was unsafe.

(ii) The food was not good.

(iii) The balcony was a nuisance

(iv) The armchair was not soft.

(c) Was there a balcony with the room? Yes/No.

Ans. No, there was no balcony with the room.

(d) Ausable was playing a ______ on his visitor.

Ans. Ausable was playing a prank on his visitor.

Q1. How is Ausable different from other secret agents? [30-40 words]

Ans. Ausable is different from other secret agents because he was very fat, lived in a room on the top floor of a gloomy French hotel and could only speak French possibly although he had been living in Paris for over 20 years. His voice still had an American touch to it. He used to receive messages via telephone instead of dark eyed beauties getting him his messages. So he was very different from the way other secret agents are.

Q2. What purpose did the ‘balcony’ serve in the story, ‘The Midnight Visitor’? [30-40 words]

Ans. The balcony is an imagination of the secret agent Ausable. This shows the power of his mind. He befools Max with his false story and makes him believe that police is at the door and that there is a balcony outside the window. 

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Chapter 4 – A Question of Trust

Q1. Horace Danby was good but not completely honest. How was he deceived by ‘the lady’? [100-150 words]

Ans. Horace Danby was a good man because he robbed a safe a year, to buy rare, expensive books which he would read throughout the year. However, he wasn’t honest because after all, he committed thefts which are equivalent to cheating. 

He helped the lady when he thought that she was the owner of the house. As Sherry, the pet dog at Shotover Grange was rubbing against her, Horace was confirmed that she was the owner.  He had not expected one of the family to be there. However, he accepted her presence, helped her open the safe and believed her reason that she had forgotten the code of the safe. The lady was smart and Horace did not suspect her even once. She took his finger prints all over the place which landed him in the jail. On her part, she was also a thief and she escaped with all the jewels kept in the safe.  

Q2. Horace Danby was a meticulous planner but still he faltered. Where did he go wrong and why? [100-150 words]

Ans. The place where he went wrong was that he did not gather enough information about the real occupants of the house. He gathered all the information about the tracks, wirings, gardens, servants and even the dog’s name but he still forgot to overlook the identities of the house owners. He even took out the information of the valuables inside the safe. Once he got into a problem, he could not even think properly and carelessly opened the safe and touched many things in the room without wearing his gloves.

Q3. What were Horace Danby’s plans for his latest robbery? [100-150 words]

Ans. Horace was sure that the robbery he was planning for that year was going to be as successful as all the others so far. He had been observing and studying the house at Shotover Grange for two weeks. He had observed everything minutely. That afternoon, when he planned to rob the house, he had seen the two servants, who remained in the Grange, going to the movies. He came out from behind the garden wall. He had packed his tools carefully in a bag on his back. Horace knew that there were about fifteen thousand pounds worth of jewels in the Grange safe and if he sold them one by one, he was sure to get enough money to last him for another year.

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Chapter 5 – Footprints without Feet

Q1. Describe the curious episode which took place in a clergyman’s study. [30-40 words]

Ans. A clergyman and his wife were awakened very early in the morning by noises coming from the study. They crept downstairs and heard the chink of money being taken from the clergyman’s desk. With a poker grasped firmly in his hand, the clergyman hoped to surprise the thief. However, it was he who was surprised when he found the room to be empty. He and his wife looked under the desk, behind the curtains, and even up the chimney. There was nobody there. Yet the desk had been opened and the housekeeping money was missing. It was a curious episode, and the clergyman kept saying the words “extraordinary affair” for the rest of the day.

Q2. Why does Mrs. Hall find the scientist (the new guest) eccentric? [30-40 words]

Ans. Mrs Hall found the scientist eccentric because of his strange appearance and also, when she tried to be friendly with him, he rebuffed her by saying that he had come there for solitude and did not wish to be disturbed in his work.

Q3. What made the boys follow Griffin? [30-40 words]

Ans. The boys saw freshly made muddy footprints on the path but there was no one to be seen who would be leaving those footprints. This intrigued the boys and hence, they decided to follow those footprints without feet which were actually left by the invisible scientist, Griffin.

Q4. How did Griffin’s invisibility come to his help whenever he found himself in trouble? [100-150 words]

Ans. Griffin’s invisibility helped him every time he found himself in trouble. For example, when he went to rob the Innkeeper, he could not be spotted by him. Another instance was when he stole some clothes from the big store in London to cover himself in the cold but after being spotted by people he ran for his life and was forced to undress once again and become invisible. Griffin even scared the Innkeeper by revealing his invisible self and thus, found an escape every time. Thus, Griffin’s invisibility can be said to be his savior in disguise as it helped him escape miseries during various situations in the story.

Q5. How would you assess Griffin as a scientist? [100-150 words]

Ans. Griffin was a brilliant scientist, as he discovered the scientific formula to make a human body invisible. This was indeed a big achievement in science but he seemed to enjoy the feeling of power when he became invisible. He misused his discovery to satisfy his personal needs and got sadistic pleasure by hurting others. Although he was brilliant in his job, but he was not a noble scientist who made contribution to the larger benefit of society. His discovery of invisibility was therefore, done just for his own benefit.

Q6. A brilliant scientist though he was, Griffin misused his scientific discovery. Illustrate this point by giving any two examples from the story. [100 – 150 words]

Ans. Griffin was brilliant as a scientist. He had found a way by which a human could become invisible. He himself became invisible a number of times and his experiment was a huge hit. His invention could have been used for the welfare of science as well as mankind if he used it in a proper way but he chose to use his invention for his own selfish needs.

When he ran out of money, he decided to steal money from the house of a clergyman and to do so he misused his own invention. When everyone suspected him and called the police, he even tried to escape from the chase of the police.

One more crime that he committed after misusing his invention was burning the house of his landlord when the landlord asked him to empty his house.

Q7. Discoveries of science can be used for the welfare of mankind as well as for its destruction. How is this applicable to Griffin’s scientific discovery? Explain giving examples from the text. [100 – 150 words]

Ans. Discoveries of science can be used for the welfare of mankind as well as for its destruction. This is completely applicable to griffin’s scientific discovery. Griffin as a scientist was brilliant. He had found a way by which a human can become invisible. He himself became invisible a number of times and his experiment was a huge hit. His invention could have been used for the welfare of science as well as mankind if he used it in a proper way but he chose to use his invention for his own selfish needs.

When he ran out of money, he decided to steal money from the house of a clergyman and when police chased him he escaped. One more crime that he committed after misusing his invention was burning the house of his landlord when the landlord asked him to empty his house.

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Chapter 6 – The Making of a Scientist

Q1. How did Richard Ebright’s mother help him? [30-40 words]

Ans. Richard Ebright was curious as well as bright. His mother played a pivotal role in encouraging his interest to learn. She took him on trips. She also brought him telescopes, microscopes, cameras, mounting materials as well as other equipment. She pushed him to learn more and explore the environment around him.

Q2. Why did Ebright lose interest in tagging butterflies? [30-40 words]

Ans. Ebright lost interest in tagging butterflies because it was a tedious work that did not provide much feedback. He had already recaptured only two butterflies that he had tagged, not more than seventy-five miles from his residence.

Q3. Give a brief character sketch of Ebright’s mother. [100-150 words]

Ans. Richard H Ebright’s mother was a gentle and kind lady who encouraged and inspired Ebright’s interest in learning. It was she who laid the foundation of his success as a scientist. After her husband’s death, her son, who was studying in the third grade, became her life. She encouraged her son’s keen interest in learning. She understood that her son had a curious and bright mind. She recognised his son’s scientific temper, so she made sure that her son had everything that he needed. She took him on trips and bought him telescopes, microscopes, cameras, mounting material and all other equipment. She was his only companion before Richard started going to school. When Richard’s school started it was she who encouraged him to make friends. She would invite his friends to their house. She would sit with him at night. Even when Richard did not have any work to do, his mother made sure that she found something to engage her son. It was she who got him the book “The Travels of Monarch X” and opened the world of science for him. She knew that her son had a passion and did all things possible to fulfil them. This support, guidance, care and concern of Ebright’s mother made him into the prodigal and successful scientist.

Q4. What other interests, besides Science, did Richard Ebright pursue? What did Mr. Weiherer, his Social Studies teacher, tell us about Ebright? [100-150 words]

Ans. Richard Ebright was interested in science since childhood and had won many competitions but he also had many other interests. He was a passionate public speaker and was an important part of Debating Society and Model United Nations Club. He was an enthusiastic photographer, especially interested in nature and  scientific exhibits. He was also a canoeist and enjoyed the outdoors. Mr. Weiherer said that Ebright would always put extra effort. Not only did he put in three or four hours at night engaging himself in debate research but would also do all his research with butterflies and deal with his other areas of interest. Mr. Weiherer was of the opinion that Ebright was competitive in a true sense. He didn’t want to win just for the sake of winning but to accomplish his ambition and contribute the best that he could in this field. In fact, Mr. Weiherer always said, “For the right reasons, he wants to be the best.”

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Chapter 7 – The Necklace

Instead of being delighted, as her husband had hoped, she threw the invitation spitefully upon the table murmuring, “What do you suppose I want with that”?

(a) The invitation was

(i) to attend a wedding ceremony (ii) to attend an opera

(iii) to watch a horse race (iv) to attend an official dance party

(b) The husband had hoped for his wife’s happy reaction because :

(i) she rarely got a chance to attend a function.

(ii) most employees used to get invited.

(iii) both (i) and (ii) are correct.

(iv) both (i) and (ii) are incorrect.

(c) The lady was frustrated because__.

Ans. The lady was frustrated because she had nothing special to wear at such a grand party.

(d) Which word in the passage means the same as whispering?

Ans. The word ‘murmuring’ means the same as whispering.

Q1. Why was Matilda unhappy in her early married life? [30-40 words]

Why is Mme Loisel always unhappy? [30-40 words]

Ans. Matilda Loisel was very pretty. She considered herself to be born for a luxurious life but the reality differed from her dreams. In reality, she was married to a petty clerk and had to lead a very simple life. Her fantasy over ambitiousness made her unhappy.

Q2. We should be happy with what we have and should not crave for what we don’t have. Matilda suffered in her life because she was not contented. Comment. [100 – 150 words]

Ans. Matilda was married to a clerk in the office of the Board of Examinations. She was dissatisfied with the middle-class life. She constantly compared her life to that of aristocrats and felt she was born to have all the luxuries. This covetousness led to her downfall. After being invited to an occasion, she got into a fit as she had nothing to wear. Her husband gave her his saved money to buy a dress. After getting the dress made, she realized that she has no jewelry to adorn her neck. Therefore, she borrowed a necklace from a friend. As she was not careful with the necklace, she lost it at the party. From then onwards Matilda and her husband had to borrow money from usurers, change their lodgings and rent an attic. Matilda was compelled to do all the housework herself and M. Loisel had to work overtime to pay for the real diamond necklace that they presumed was lost.

Q3. Mme Forestier proved to be a true friend of the Loisels. Elaborate. [100 – 150 words]

Ans. Mme Forestier proved to be a true friend of the Loisels. When Mme Loisel had no one, it was Mme Forestier who helped her. She let her try all her jewels and asked her to borrow whichever she liked the most. Matilda tried each and every piece of jewel and lastly found a superb necklace of diamonds packed in a black satin box. Mme Forestier agreed to let Matilda borrow that without hesitating even once. Later, in the end, when Matilda told Mme Forestier how much trouble she had to go through because of the diamond necklace, Mme Forestier felt very sorry and told her the truth that the necklace was fake. She could have said that the necklace was real but she chose to tell her a truth. All these things show that she was a really nice person.

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Chapter 8 – Bholi

Q1. Why did Bholi dislike Bishamber? [30-40 words]

Ans. Bholi disliked Bishamber because he humiliated her for her pock-marked face and demanded five thousand rupees from her father to marry her in spite of already being old, married and having children. He was greedy, mean and a contemptible coward for a husband.

Q2. Why did Bholi not marry Bishamber? [30-40 words]

Ans. Bholi refused to marry Bishamber because after seeing her pock-marked face, he demanded five thousand rupees from her father to marry her. Bholi did not want to marry a greedy, mean and contemptible coward and therefore calls off the wedding.

Q3. How did education change Bholi’s personality? [100-150 words]

Ans. Education changed Bholi’s personality drastically and for good. Before joining school, she was a simpleton, neglected girl, considered a burden by the family. She was not cared for, she stammered and lacked confidence. The teacher at the school gave her love and affection which transformed Bholi. Bholi became fit for her formal name Sulekha. She attained education and became self dependent. When at the wedding, she saw the groom demanded money for marrying her and insulted her father, Bholi stood for herself, spoke up and refused to marry such a man. Thus, education had brought about a tremendous change in her. 

Q4. What do you know about Bishamber Nath? Why did Bholi refuse to marry him? [100-150 words]

Ans. Bishamber Nath was a rich man who had a big shop, his own house and several thousand rupees in the bank. Bholi’s parents agreed to marry her to him because of these reasons. He did not even ask for dowry. Her mother thought that Bholi was lucky to get such a well-to-do bridegroom.

Bholi refused to marry Bishamber because after seeing her pock-marked face, he demanded five thousand from her father to marry her. Bholi did not want to marry a greedy, mean and contemptible coward for a husband and therefore calls off the wedding

Q5. How did Bholi’s teacher help her to overcome her fear of school and become a confident girl? [100-150 words]

Ans. Bholi’s teacher was very different from all the other people she had met. Even her parents did not expect much to come of her. But her teacher encouraged her and gave her hope. She was kind to her and advised her that if she came to school regularly, in a month’s time she would be able to read books. In this way she would be more learned than anyone else in the village and no one would be able to laugh at her. She told her that people would listen to her with respect and Bholi would be able to speak without the slightest stammer. She then just followed her teacher religiously and hence, overcame her fear and became a confident girl.

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Chapter 9 – The Book that Saved the Earth

Q1. How did the people on the earth help the Martian people? How did this effort help the people on both the planets? [100-150 words]

Ans. The people on earth taught the Martians how to read. They taught them the difference between a sandwich and a book. They helped them set up a model library. It helped people on both the planets as they became friends and did not consider invasion as an option. The people of the earth taught the Martians the value of peaceful coexistence and that it is fundamental to the survival of every race. Peaceful coexistence leads to development and fruitful life.

Q2. Compare and contrast the characters of Great and Mighty Think Tank and Noodles. [100-150 words]

Ans. Mighty Think-Tank was haughty and loved being praised and respected. He did not have much knowledge yet he acted scholarly. Throughout the text, we see how he steals thoughts and ideas from Noodles and makes them his own. At first, Mighty Think-Tank calls the book a sandwich and orders the crew of Probe One to eat them. When Noodles says he recalls the book to be some sort of communicative device, the ruler of Mars tells the crew to listen intently for information and read it. Then he plagiarises Noodle’s idea of swallowing vitamins in order to decipher the code. Several times we see how Mighty Think-Tank discredits Noodle’s words and calls them trifling. His name contradicts his nature. Noodles on the other hand was smart and knowledgeable. He was not gullible as Mighty Think-Tank but reasoned with logic. He was even respectful to Mighty Think-Tank.

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  • The Book That Saved The Earth Summary, Explanation  
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  • The Book That Saved The Earth Character Sketches  

Chapter – The Hack Driver

Q1. Write a character sketch of the hack driver. [100-150 words]

Ans. Oliver Lutkins is a sly and cunning character from the short story “The Hack Driver”. He is a young man who looks more like a college boy than a professional, and he has an easygoing, affable manner that seems to put people at ease. He is a smooth talker who is adept at getting what he wants from people. He is charming and persuasive, and he has a way of making people believe that he is on their side. However, his appearance and personality are a facade, and underneath lies a devious and manipulative personality. Despite his apparent charm, Lutkins is not well-liked by most of the people he meets. He has a reputation for being a “shyster” or a “grafter,” and many people are wary of him. However, he is skilled at playing on people’s weaknesses and insecurities, and he is often able to get them to do what he wants.

Q2. What did the hack driver tell the narrator about Lutkin’s mother? How did she treat the narrator? [100-150 words]

Ans. The hack driver said that Lutkins’ mother was a terror. He once took a trunk out for her and she almost took off his skin because he didn’t treat it like a box of eggs. She was about nine feet tall and four feet thick and as quick as a cat. She could talk for hours. He also mentioned that Lutkins played a lot of poker and was good at deceiving people. He admired Lutkins’ talent for dishonesty. She treated the narrator badly. She didn’t tell him anything about Lutkins. Later, when she got to know that about the narrator’s visit, she came to attack him with an iron road.

  • The Hack Driver Important Questions, NCERT Solutions, Extra Questions 
  • The Hack Driver Summary, Explanation 
  • The Hack Driver MCQs 
  • The Hack Driver Character Sketches

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    About 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes PDF. All the students can have access to Class 10 693. My Neighbor Notes at the official website of selfstudys i.e. 693. My Neighbor Class 10 Notes are created by the highly qualified subject matter experts who have their expertise in the field of education. Students can access 693.

  16. My Neighbour Essay in English

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  21. My Neighbour Essay for Kids

    NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science; NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 1; ... Students of Class 1 to 3 will be able to frame my neighbour essay 10 lines in English taking into consideration the above points. They can also include other aspects and characteristics of their neighbours.

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    This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below. They have a small family which, besides themselves, consists of their two children, Zeenat and Javed. Zeenat is of my age and a good friend. We are classmates. Javed is younger than us and hasn't started going to school yet.

  23. Essay on "Essay on "My Neighbor" Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12

    August 11, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygour English (Sr. Secondary), Languages No Comment English 10, English 12, English Essay Class 10 & 12, English Essay Graduation About evirtualguru_ajaygour The main objective of this website is to provide quality study material to all students (from 1st to 12th class of any board) irrespective of their ...

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