– Y (0.5 FCE)
(0.5 FCE) (0.5 FCE)
(0.5 FCE)
(1.5-2.5 FCE)
(0.5 FCE)
(0.5-1.0 FCE)
*NOTE: Students who started the DrPH degree program prior to Fall 2024 are required to complete a total of 6.5 FCE including the courses listed above and HAD5765H Case Studies in Health Policy, or an approved alternative.
Managing Pre-requisites
It is important to review all prerequisites when planning your course of study. When pre-requisites are listed, they normally indicate DLSPH courses (PHS or IHPME), but equivalent courses taken elsewhere would be considered since most DrPH students would not have completed PHS/IHPME courses during their master’s degree program, if completed elsewhere.
Prerequisites may also be ratified with work experience. For example, one DrPH student completed an MPH at University of Waterloo where it is likely that equivalent courses were completed. That, along with work experience, would be enough to satisfy the pre-requisites listed.
Any circumstances not directly satisfied by specific course completion should be reviewed and approved by the instructor, copying the DrPH Program Director.
Managing In-Person vs Remote Courses
All core courses are offered through a remote learning format with some elements incorporated in the on-campus “Burst Weeks”. Electives can be delivered in-person or remotely depending on the course so students should consider this when selecting their elective courses.
CHL4009H Methods and Approaches in Public Health Research CHL5115H Qualitative Analysis and Interpretation CHL5129H Introduction to Mixed Methods Research for Public Health CHL5130H Advanced Methods in Applied Indigenous Health Research CHL5133H Evaluating Quantitative Public Health Research CHL5150H Data Collection Methods for Research & Evaluation Projects CHL5203H Survey Design and Social Research Methods in Public Health CHL5424H Advanced Quantitative Methods in Epidemiology CHL5429H Advanced Analytic Methods for Bias in Epidemiologic Studies HAD5752H Introduction to Knowledge Translation & Implementation Science HAD5763H Advanced Methods in Health Services Research HAD6501H Introduction to Methods for Health Professions Education Research HSR1001H Introduction to Qualitative Methods
* Methods courses listed above may not all be offered in each academic year. Check current timetables for annual course offerings. Permission from instructor and submission of Add-Drop form is required for enrolment. Proof of permission and the completed form should be emailed to the PHS Graduate Office at grad.dlsph@utoronto.ca .
NOTE: Methods courses other than those listed above should be reviewed by the DrPH Program Director. Forward permission from the instructor and a course syllabus to ted.witek@utoronto.ca .
Click here to view the SGS Graduate Supervision: Guidelines for Students.
Program Director
Beginning prior to admission, and with the assistance of the Program Director, the applicant will explore supervisory possibilities: a faculty member with an appointment in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health who has a Full appointment in the School of Graduate Studies (SGS). The faculty supervisor may be confirmed prior to beginning the program, and generally will be in place by the end of the first year. Students are encouraged to explore broadly and have wide-ranging discussions with potential supervisors. The Program Director must approve the selection of the primary supervisor.
The Supervisor is responsible for providing mentorship to the student through all phases of the PhD program. Thus, to the extent possible, the Supervisor, in parallel with the Program Director, will guide the selection of courses, applied research project, supervisory committee membership, and supervisory committee meetings; will assist with applications for funding; and will provide references for the student on a timely basis. The Supervisor also will comment on the student’s plan for preparation for the comprehensive examination. The Supervisor will guide the development of the student’s applied research project, and the implementation and conduct of all aspects of the research; advise on writing the thesis; correct drafts and approve the final thesis; and attend the defense.
Advice on working with your supervisor
The DrPH program was designed with the understanding that many students will be in or approaching mid-career. It is crucial that time commitments be pre-discussed to insure a smooth balance. It is understood that detailed time requirements are needed for this discussion. Please refer to the course requirements as a basis for this commitment. For some individuals, the work setting may offer placement and dissertation opportunities. As academic commitments will evolve through program, periodic touchpoint with your work supervisor is encouraged.
Supervisory Committee
With the assistance of the Supervisor, and with the approval of the Program Director, the student will assemble a Supervisory Committee within the first year of study.
Role and Responsibilities
The Supervisory Committee, chaired by the Supervisor, will contribute advice regarding course selection; preparation for the comprehensive examination; selection of the thesis topic; and implementation of the research plan. The Supervisory Committee also will provide timely and constructive criticism and guidance regarding data analysis, writing the thesis, and preparing for its defense.
The Supervisory Committee generally will comprise the Supervisor and at least two members. Supervisors must hold Full appointments in the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) and have a primary appointment in DLSPH. Committee members may hold either Full of Associate SGS appointments and may or may not hold a primary appointment in DLSPH. Between these individuals and the Supervisor, there should be expertise in all content and methodological areas relevant to the student’s applied research focus and thesis.
Supervisory Committee meetings will be held at least every twelve (12) months throughout the student’s DrPH program. Under certain circumstances (e.g., during times of very rapid progress), the student and the Supervisory Committee may decide there is a need for more frequent meetings.
At the end of every meeting of the Supervisory Committee, the student and the Committee will complete the Supervisory Committee Meeting Report . All present must sign the report, which will be delivered to the Program Director and filed in the student’s progress file in the Graduate Department of Public Health Sciences.
The DrPH Applied Research Project is regarded as a key applied learning experience aimed at supporting skills development and ideally leading to the DrPH Dissertation.
It will involve a 16 week practical experience over the summer between the first and second year of study. The project should be based in a relevant public health system organization, which will be endorsed by the DrPH Program Director and your supervisor, and will address a complex challenge for which the student will conduct a critical review of the literature, identify gaps and weaknesses in current knowledge, and aim to recommend appropriate solutions or strategies for resolution.
Some students may choose to address an issue in their current work organization. Others may choose from a variety of organizations available to students with the assistance of the faculty and community leaders.
All projects will establish objectives within the SMART evaluation framework which will be reviewed Week 4, Week 10, and at end of project. The student is responsible for scheduling these reviews with supervisor and Program Director.
Completion of the exam indicates the student’s preparedness and competency to successfully complete and defend their thesis by testing the student’s knowledge and understanding of relevant theories and methods as they apply to a field-oriented challenge. Students receive preparation for this comprehensive exam through coursework and their applied research project. Consequently, students will only take this examination when most of their course work is completed.
The comprehensive examination is a take-home written exam in the form of a major paper related to a field-oriented challenge. The comprehensive examination tests for depth and breadth of discipline specific knowledge, ability to apply knowledge to address a complex problem (via a field-oriented challenge), and the ability to implement appropriate actions/interventions. This culminating assessment helps assure that students have achieved all program learning outcomes and degree level expectations upon graduation.
The thesis is an independent piece of work on an applied research topic of significance to the practice of public health within or outside of Canada. It demonstrates the student’s ability to produce original applied research, or other advanced scholarship, of a quality to satisfy peer review, and to merit publication. It focuses on generating new translational knowledge and creating value for a public health change.
Students will engage with the literature and practice-based experiences to identify a problem and provide new learning on implementing public health change. In other words, the thesis should demonstrate the student’s mastery of the skills and knowledge to lead or create substantial change in programming or policy development or develop new methods or strategies to accomplish either of these two goals.
The thesis will consist of the following elements:
Visit the School for Graduate Studies Student Guidelines for the Doctoral Thesis for more information:
Arrangements for the Final Oral Defense and for the preparation of the final thesis are given at length in the SGS Calendar . The dissertation and the necessary documents must be submitted at least eight weeks prior to the oral exam. See the Graduate Department of Public Health Science academic policies for forms and information for thesis preparation.
Please note that this is a self-funded program. We encourage all our applicants to ensure financial readiness before applying. Tuition fees can be found on the U of T Tuition Fee Lookup Tool . In addition to annual tuition, admitted students will be assessed for non-academic incidental fees for each registered academic session. With the exception of approved leaves of absence, all doctoral students must register continuously until all degree requirements have been fulfilled. While the DrPH degree program is described as a 4-year program, students who must register beyond year 4 to complete program requirements continue to pay full-time fees for each academic session in which they are registered.
Students planning to continue their employment during their program are advised to consult with their employer regarding potential financial and non-financial supports as part of their financial preparations. DrPH students are registered as full-time students. In rare cases, and depending on their employment situation, a student may be eligible for funding from one of the Tri-Agency bodies (e.g., CIHR or SSHRC). DrPH students may also apply to the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS).
Award and funding opportunities are posted on the DLSPH website here . Many more are listed on the SGS website here . Please review award information, eligibility criteria and application deadlines carefully. Questions can be directed to the PHS Awards Officer at awards.dlsph@utoronto.ca .
__ Organize a work-school schedule (if applicable) __ Confirm acceptance and commitment with employer (if applicable) __ Review course timetable for class enrolment which opens in late summer __ Search Faculty for parallel interest and potential selection of supervisor __ Outline potential applied research projects for discussion with Program director/Supervisor __ Apply for any financial aid per program guidelines (while program is self-funded, limited options for aid may be pursued).
It is important to review all prerequisites when planning your course of study. For example,
HAD5778H required in Year 2 has prerequisites of HAD5011H or CHL5300H HAD5765H required in Year 3 or 4 requires HAD5011H or equivalent
When pre-requisites are listed, they normally indicate DLSPH courses (PHS or IHPME), but equivalent courses taken elsewhere would be considered since most DrPH students would not have completed PHS/IHPME courses during their Master Degree program, if completed elsewhere. Also, prerequisites may also be ratified with work experience.
Example: One DrPH student completed an MPH at University of Waterloo where it is likely that equivalent courses were completed. That, along with work experience, would be enough to satisfy the pre-requisites listed.
Information about all the Ph.D Programs offered in the School of Public Health
The Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health (PhD) is the first Public Health PhD program offered in the Province of Saskatchewan. Through this degree, students will experience learning and research opportunities relevant to current public health topics at the local, provincial, national, and international levels.
Program information.
Students in this program will be trained in accordance with the public health competencies outlined by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and will apply these competencies during research on current public health topics, providing new insight into, and possibly creating real-world solutions relevant to, these topics. Students graduating from this program will have skill sets that can be readily applied to a variety of public health areas and will have the capacity to be future leaders in Public Health.
The specific objectives of the program are to:
With the recommendation of the Ph.D. in Public Health Advisory Committee, Ph.D. admission is available to students who show outstanding promise and potential for academic research. To apply for direct entry applicants must have:
*If PUBH 804.3 Foundations of Public Health has previously been completed, the student’s advisory committee will approve a substitute course.
For further information on the The Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health (PhD) program, please contact:
In addition to the information on this page, please review the College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Biostatistics Program page before you apply to the program.
The program prepares PhD graduates to assume faculty or other research-oriented positions in academic institutions or to take leadership positions in organizations that conduct health-related research.
After completing the program, graduates will be able to:
PhD students enrolled in the collaborative Biostatistics Program must complete a minimum of 15 credit units of coursework (12 required credit units and 3 elective credit units); participate in a non-credit research ethics course and a non-credit seminar course; and complete a thesis.
Required Courses
(Choose 4 from the following list)
Elective Courses
PhD students are required to complete a minimum of three credit units of elective courses. These courses will be determined in discussion with your supervisor and/or advisory committee.
Admission requirements
(Applicants without these courses may be admitted as probationary students and will be required to complete these courses with a minimum 80% grade point average before being considered fully qualified for the program)
Graduate students in a thesis program pay tuition three times a year for as long as they are enrolled in their program.
Contact us
For further information on the Biostatistics program, please contact:
Epidemiology is the quantitative study of the distribution and determinants of disease and injuries in human and animal populations.
In addition to the information on this page, please review the College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Epidemiology Program page before you apply to the program.
The PhD program in Epidemiology is designed to produce highly qualified epidemiologists capable of investigating complex population and public health issues, and independently designing and conducting quantitative research to address the biological and environmental determinants of health. Through classroom instruction, hands-on experience in the research programs of faculty of the School of Public Health, and their own dissertation research, students will develop expertise in one or more of the following areas of specialization:
PhD students enrolled in the Epidemiology Program must complete a minimum of 15 credit units of coursework (six required credit units and nine elective credit units); participate in a non-credit research ethics course and a non-credit seminar course; and complete a thesis.
PhD students are required to complete a minimum of nine credit units of elective courses. Six credit units of electives must be from the list below. The other three credit units of electives can be decided in consultation with your supervisor/advisory committee.
Restricted Elective Options
For further information on the Epidemiology program, please contact:
The vaccinology and immunotherapeutics program provides students with opportunities to study cutting-edge advances in the field vaccinology and infectious diseases.
In addition to the information on this page, please review the College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Vaccinology and Immunotherapeutics Program page before you apply to the program.
This multidisciplinary program offers students the following three streams:
Students have access to a diverse group of faculty and world-class research centres. These facilities include the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM), the Canadian Light Source (CLS), the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) and the International Vaccine Centre (InterVac). In addition, students can learn from the wealth of industry knowledge available at Innovation Place – one of the most successful university-related research parks in North America.
PhD students enrolled in the Vaccinology and Immunotherapeutics program must complete a minimum of 3 credit units of coursework; participate in a non-credit research ethics course and a non-credit seminar course; and complete a thesis.
Phd students entering directly from a Bachelor’s degree and enrolled in the Vaccinology and Immunotherapeutics program must complete a minimum of 12 credit units of coursework; participate in a non-credit research ethics course and a non-credit seminar course; and complete a thesis.
PhD students are required to complete a minimum of nine credit units of elective courses. These courses will be determined in discussion with your supervisor and/or advisory committee.
Non-direct Entry PhD
Direct Entry PhD
For further information on the Vaccinology and Immunotherapeutics program, please contact:
Cranfield university.
Qualification Type: | PhD |
Location: | Bedford |
Funding for: | UK Students, EU Students, International Students |
Funding amount: | £18,000 |
Hours: | Full Time |
Placed On: | 18th September 2024 |
Closes: | 9th October 2024 |
Reference: | SWEE0264 |
Start date : 27/01/2025
Eligibility & Related Project Details
Fee status of eligible applicants: Any Fee Status (Uk/EU & RoW)
Duration of Award: 3 years
1 st Supervisor: Prof Zhugen Yang
5-year Leverhulme Trust Leadership Award, this will provide a bursary up to £18,000 (tax free) plus tuition fees for three years for UK students (The total funds can be converted to cover oversee students’ tuition and stipends subjective to discuss with the supervisor for excellent oversea candidate or attracting extra funding for top-up).
Introductory Paragraph
The PhD opportunity funded by 5-year Leverhulme Trust Leadership Award, which aims on sensing wastewater for real-time public health, particularly on the development of novel low-cost and rapid sensors for rapid and on-site wastewater surveillance. We are offering fully funded national PhD studentship covering tuition fees, competitive stipend, research and consumables, and travel for international conference. The candidate will be working with a highly interdisciplinary and international team to develop the advanced sensors technology for wastewater surveillance (wastewater-based epidemiology) to provide new understanding for real-time public health by monitoring of chemical and biological biomarkers in wastewater and advancing sample preparation method for complex matrix.
Type of opportunity
Fully-funded studentship - Opportunities which are fully funded (e.g. covers all fees and stipend)
The candidate will conduct research project and be trained with skills sets including biosensing, microfluidic, wastewater surveillance, signal amplification strategy, CRISPR/Cas assay, and biocomputing experiments using state-of-the-art facilities in the UKCRIC-funded advanced sensors laboratory at Cranfield and national and international collaborators from academics, industry and governmental sectors.
The student will be widely engaging with a multidisciplinary team to learn advanced sensor technology and interact with stakeholders (e.g., UKHSA, Water utilities etc) to disseminate the research output. The funding supports travel throughout the project to meet with the collaborators, along with opportunities to attend and present results at international conferences (e.g., Biosensors Congress). Cranfield University are leading a UK water and wastewater network, as well as involved water sensors network, involving academic, industrial and public sector organisations; It is expected that the PhD researcher will become involved in this network, enabling the researcher to develop their profile in the sector and engage with experts in related areas.
This PhD opportunity provides the researcher with exposure to working in a large multi-national and multi-disciplinary project as part of a wider team. The area of research is a rapidly growing area of national importance, and the candidate will have opportunity to engage with both world-class academic and industry; therefore, it is anticipated that this PhD would allow the successful candidate to pursue an exciting career upon completion.
Entry requirements
Applicants should have a first- or second-class UK honours degree or equivalent in a related discipline. This project would suit students with a background biosensor, microfluidics, synthetic biology, analytical chemistry, molecular biology, microbiology or engineering background.
To be eligible for funding, applicants can be a UK citizenship or elsewhere. for oversea applicants, it will need an extra fund to top up the international tuition fees on the top of the UK tuition fees.
How to apply
For further information please contact: Zhugen Yang Name: Zhugen Yang Email: [email protected] T: (0)1234 758 310
Academic profile: https://www.cranfield.ac.uk/people/professor-zhugen-yang-23276478
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Optimise and Automate Pre-production for Wire Based Directed Energy Deposition (w-DEDAM) Production PhD
PhD Studentship: Design and Implementation of a Self-sealing Specimen Chamber to Allow Shock Loading of Hazardous Materials
PhD Studentship: Developing Ontologies for Digital Engineering and Manufacturing - Sponsored by BAE Systems
Research PhD Studentship: Gene Editing to Improve Salt Tolerance in Legumes
PhD Studentship: Aero-Engine Experimental Aerodynamics
PhD Studentship: Multi-body Hypersonic Aerodynamics
Show all PhDs for this organisation …
PhD Studentship: Towards Ultra-Sensitive Ion Detection: Molecular Electronic Devices as Metal Cation Sensors
PhD Studentship: Improved Understanding of Transonic Flutter for Highspeed Aircraft
PhD Studentship Title: KennelNet - A machine learning approach to postural estimation and behavioural monitoring in kennelled dogs. In partnership with Dogs Trust – The UK’s largest Dog Welfare Charity
PhD Studentship: The Role of Neurovascular Potassium Channels in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease
PhD Studentship: Multifunctional Chemical Probes for Molecular Mapping of Cellular and Subcellular Protein Networks
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From: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Canada has a long and proud history of welcoming newcomers from around the world who support our economy and enrich our country. In response to labour shortages and the aftershocks of the pandemic, the federal government took steps to meet the urgent needs of businesses and support our economic recovery. Since then, Canada’s economy has evolved, and we must continue to adapt our immigration system to respond to new pressures, including a softening labour market.
September 18, 2024—Ottawa— Canada has a long and proud history of welcoming newcomers from around the world who support our economy and enrich our country. In response to labour shortages and the aftershocks of the pandemic, the federal government took steps to meet the urgent needs of businesses and support our economic recovery. Since then, Canada’s economy has evolved, and we must continue to adapt our immigration system to respond to new pressures, including a softening labour market.
Earlier this year, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada announced a decrease in the number of temporary residents—from 6.5% of Canada’s total population down to 5% by 2026. To achieve this goal, the federal government is taking action to manage the increase of temporary residents and hold employers misusing the system accountable. We are reforming the International Student Program, tightening eligibility requirements for temporary foreign workers, enforcing employer compliance more strictly, and making labour market impact assessments more rigorous to mitigate fraud, and more.
To ensure the temporary residents we welcome to Canada can be supported adequately, the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, today announced additional measures to manage the volume of temporary resident arrivals, uphold the integrity of our immigration system and protect vulnerable people.
Like many countries, Canada is experiencing more asylum claims as the number of displaced people worldwide continues to grow, and that contributes to growing temporary resident volumes. To align with our humanitarian responsibilities, the government has been working on several measures to address integrity issues and strengthen the in-Canada asylum system, including:
Actions we have taken, as well as the additional steps announced today, will strengthen our immigration system and help address the changing needs of our country. We have listened to Canadians, including our provincial, territorial and municipal partners, and other community leaders. We will continue to seek to protect the integrity of our system and responsibly grow our country.
“The reality is that not everyone who wants to come to Canada will be able to—just like not everyone who wants to stay in Canada will be able to. We are taking action to strengthen our temporary residence programs and roll out a more comprehensive immigration plan to meet the demands of today’s changing landscape. Our immigration system must preserve its integrity, and be well managed and sustainable. And as we look forward, we will do everything it takes to achieve that goal and set newcomers up for success.” – The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
“The Temporary Foreign Worker Program was designed to address labour market shortages when qualified Canadians were not able to fill those roles. Right now, we know that there are more Canadians qualified to fill open positions. The changes we are making today will prioritize Canadian workers and ensures Canadians can trust the program is meeting the needs of our economy.” – The Honourable Randy Boissonnault, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages
The proposed reduction of temporary residents from 6.5% of Canada’s total population to 5% will be reflected in the 2025–2027 Immigration Levels Plan, which will be released by November 1, 2024.
Graduates from programs at public colleges will remain eligible for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) of up to three years if they graduate from a field of study linked to occupations in long-term shortage.
As part of changes to the PGWP Program, all applicants will be required to demonstrate a minimum language proficiency in French or English. This will increase their ability to transition to permanent residence and adapt to changing economic conditions. A Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 7 for university graduates and CLB 5 for college graduates will be required for anyone applying for a post-graduation work permit on or after November 1, 2024.
The 2025–2026 study permit intake cap will include master’s and doctoral students who will now have to submit a provincial or territorial attestation letter. We will be reserving approximately 12% of allocation spaces for these students in recognition of the benefits they bring to the Canadian labour market.
On January 1, 2024, the cost-of-living requirement for study permit applicants was updated to better reflect the true cost of living in Canada and help prevent student vulnerability and exploitation.
Budget 2024 proposes $743.5 million over 5 years, starting in 2024–2025, and $159.5 million ongoing to support the stability and integrity of Canada’s asylum system.
Further information on the measures announced today will be available on our website in the near future.
Contacts for media only:
Aïssa Diop Director of Communications Minister’s Office Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada [email protected]
Media Relations Communications Sector Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada 613-952-1650 [email protected]
Postdoctoral Fellow in Public Health. University of Alberta. Hybrid work in Edmonton, AB. From $39,763.80 a year. Full-time. PhD in public health, epidemiology, environmental studies, Indigenous research, or related field. Examine current climate-food-health nexus in policies related…. Posted 30+ days ago ·.
Postdoctoral Fellow in Public Health. University of Alberta. Hybrid work in Edmonton, AB. From $39,763.80 a year. Full-time. PhD in public health, epidemiology, environmental studies, Indigenous research, or related field. Examine current climate-food-health nexus in policies related…. Posted 30+ days ago ·.
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A Master's degree or a PhD in Epidemiology, Public Health, or a related discipline. Five (5) years of related experience in a health care setting and/or Public Health. Or an equivalent combination of education, training, and experience. Completion of the Canadian Field Epidemiology Program, or equivalent, would be an asset. Skills and Abilities
The Ubiquitous Health Technology Lab (UbiLab) is looking for passionate individuals interested in pursuing their MSc or PhD in Public Health and Health Systems with a focus in Applied Health Informatics, Digital Health, Big Data in Healthcare, and AI for Health.. At the School of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Health, University of Waterloo, the successful candidates will be working with ...
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Dr. Amrita Roy is a family physician and MD-PhD clinician-scientist in the Departments of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences at Queen's. A settler ally with a research focus in Indigenous health, Dr. Roy works in close collaboration with Indigenous peoples in community-engaged research centred on the principles of Ownership, Control ...
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PhD students in the School of Public Health Sciences can pursue a designated field to exemplify an area of expertise within their broader program. Fields include epidemiology and biostatistics, health evaluation, health informatics, health and environment, global health, aging and health and work and health. The University of Waterloo's unique ...
Theodore Witek. The Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH) at the University of Toronto is pleased to announce the implementation of a Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) program - the first ever offered by a Canadian university. The program is aligned with the School's Academic Plan 2019-2024 and will serve to bolster and strengthen public ...
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PhD Specializations. Choose from four specializations to increase your ability to generate new knowledge in the field of public health: PhD in Epidemiology. PhD in Health Promotion and Socio-behavioural Sciences. PhD in Health Services and Policy Research. PhD in Public Health.
Apply for jobs at Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada. Browse government job listings for a career with the federal government.
Apply for a job at Health Canada or the Public Health Agency of Canada. Email the Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada's Student Office at [email protected]. Federal public service jobs. Date modified:
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The Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health (PhD) is the first Public Health PhD program offered in the Province of Saskatchewan. Through this degree, students will experience learning and research opportunities relevant to current public health topics at the local, provincial, national, and international levels. Apply.
Search 77 PhD Public Health jobs now available in Ontario on Indeed.com, the world's largest job site. Skip to main content. Home. Company reviews. Salary guide. Sign in. ... 2025 Health Consulting - Internship - Canada - job post. EY. 3.9 3.9 out of 5 stars. EY Tower, 100 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, ON.
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Here are examples of organizations employing our recent graduates: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. Alberta Council of Women's Shelters. Alberta Health Services. Analysis Group. BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS. Cancer Care Ontario. Institute of Health Economics. McMaster University.
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A number of universities have established Master of Public Health programs or offer degrees related to public health, including Master of Nursing Science, Master of Public Administration and Master of Health Administration programs. There are three types of master's programs: Research-oriented. These programs prepare students for careers in ...
At jobs.ac.uk, you can apply for a PhD Studentship: Sensing Wastewater for Real-time Public Health. Explore our diverse range of PhD opportunities today. Find a Job; Find PhDs; ... The PhD opportunity funded by 5-year Leverhulme Trust Leadership Award, which aims on sensing wastewater for real-time public health, particularly on the development ...
Graduates from programs at public colleges will remain eligible for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) of up to three years if they graduate from a field of study linked to occupations in long-term shortage. As part of changes to the PGWP Program, all applicants will be required to demonstrate a minimum language proficiency in French or English.