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Learn > How do I apply a template to an existing presentation in Free PowerPoint Templates?

Sometimes, you’ll want to apply a new template to an existing presentation to change its design fast and easy.

  • First, open the presentation whose design you want to use. On the File tab, click Save As . In the dialog box that opens, from the Save as type list, choose PowerPoint Template . Then select Save .
  • Now, open your existing presentation.
  • In the Design tab, expand the Themes gallery and click the Browse for Themes option at the bottom. Navigate to wherever the template is located, select it and click the Apply button.

All your slides will adopt the new look and formatting prescribed by the template.

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Suitable for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits.

Puedes descargar tu presentación como una plantilla de Powerpoint o usarla online como un tema de Google Presentaciones. Y si lo deseas también puedes exportarla a otros formatos: PDF, JPG, PNG, etc.

Templates para PowerPoint e Google Slides

Faça o download de sua apresentação como modelo PowerPoint ou usá-lo on-line como tema do Google Slides. 100% gratuito, sem registro e sem limites de download.


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How to Edit a PowerPoint Template

Last Updated: June 8, 2024

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Darlene Antonelli, MA . Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Darlene has experience teaching college courses, writing technology-related articles, and working hands-on in the technology field. She earned an MA in Writing from Rowan University in 2012 and wrote her thesis on online communities and the personalities curated in such communities. This article has been viewed 131,462 times. Learn more...

Templates can speed up the creation of projects, but they can also slow productivity down when they are slightly incorrect, out-of-date, or disorganized. This wikiHow article will show you how to control the look and feel of all of your slides by editing a template in PowerPoint on a computer.

Editing a PowerPoint Template

  • Open the PowerPoint template that you want to edit.
  • Click Slide Master to edit the slide themes, colors, fonts, and placeholders.
  • Choose "Save As" from the drop-down menu to save your changes as a template.

Step 1 Open your PowerPoint template.

  • If you don’t have a PowerPoint template, you can search the web for one or create your own .

Step 2 Click the View tab.

  • For example, if you change the font on a text-based slide, the entire group’s font will change. In Slide Master view, you will see a menu of formatting options, like adding or removing the slide title and footers, changing the background styles , hiding or showing the background graphics , and changing the theme.
  • You can add elements such as an image placeholder throughout your slideshow, like a logo. Use Insert Placeholder from the Slide Master menu to add an image or a text box that will appear in the same spot, with the same dimensions, throughout the slideshow.
  • Using the Themes drop-down, you can apply a pre-made consistent color scheme and font. Since not all themes will work with your customized template, you can use the colors and font styles as inspiration. Use the Colors and Fonts drop-downs to further customize your template.

Step 5 Click Close Master.

  • From the File tab, select Save As .
  • In the "Save as File Type" menu, choose PowerPoint template . It will save in your Custom Office Templates folder with a .potx extension. [2] X Research source
  • Click Save after you’ve given the template a name.

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  • ↑ https://support.office.com/en-us/article/customize-a-slide-master-036d317b-3251-4237-8ddc-22f4668e2b56#OfficeVersion=2010plus
  • ↑ https://designshack.net/articles/business-articles/how-to-edit-powerpoint-template/

About This Article

Darlene Antonelli, MA

1. Open a PowerPoint Template. 2. Click Slide Master from the View tab. 3. Edit the slide masters themes, colors, fonts, and placeholders. 4. Click Save as from the File tab. 5. Click PowerPoint Template from Save File Type... . 6. Click Save . Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Apply or Change the PowerPoint Template in 4 Easy Steps


Are you tired of using the same old and dull PowerPoint template on your presentation?

Learn everything you need to know on how to apply PowerPoint templates in just 4 easy steps. In addition, as you go through the process of changing a PowerPoint template, allow us to provide you with information on how to use the "Slide Master View" tab once you change the design of your PowerPoint templates.

In this article, we will walk through the following:

Quick start guide on how to apply a template to your PowerPoint slide .

How to edit a PowerPoint template: 6 quick and easy steps (with Pictures).

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Apply or Change the PowerPoint Template:

update powerpoint presentation with new template

Learn How to Apply or Change The PowerPoint Template

How to apply a template to your powerpoint slide.

Here are the guide steps in applying a PowerPoint template in your presentation;

Open your Microsoft PowerPoint .

Open your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on your computer or laptop.

Look and select for "File" tab.

Go and click "File" tab.

Locate and click the "New" pane.

After you select "File" tab, click "New."

Select "New," and choose a PowerPoint template that suits your presentation.

Right after you click "New" pane, choose PowerPoint template that suits your need.

How to edit a PowerPoint template: 6 quick and easy steps (with pictures).

Suppose you have an existing PowerPoint template presentation on your computer and want to use it in your slides. To custom template, you need to;

Open the file that has the template using your Microsoft PowerPoint .

Select the "View" tab and navigate to "Slide Master."

Click the "View" tab and look for "Slide Master."

Click "Slide Master."

Select or click "Slide Master."

Edit or Change the existing words, elements, background styles, fonts, and color palette from the Slide Master.

in the "Slide Master" view, edit or make changes in the PowerPoint template in the "edit theme" section.

Select and Click "Close Master View."

Afterwards, you can click and select the "Close Master View."

Go to the "File" tab, select "Save As" in the file type list, navigate for "PowerPoint template, then rename your template and click "Save."

To save the edited template, Go to "File" tab then click "Save as", rename & change the file type to "PowerPoint Template" and click "Save."

Note: The slide master view will eventually slide to your PowerPoint presentation control panel window, where any editing and changes you make will be input into all slides. Anything you edit and change in the slide master will show throughout your PowerPoint template presentation.

update powerpoint presentation with new template

Final Thoughts on How to Apply or Change The PowerPoint Template.

Suppose you need a fresh and new template for your PowerPoint presentation.

Check out each way to see which method fits perfectly for your PowerPoint presentation in the future.

Explore the rest of our blogs in Simple Slide for quick and easy guides!

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Apply or Change The PowerPoint Template:

What is a powerpoint slide layout.

Microsoft PowerPoint calls each slide template a " slide layout " and the whole template a "Master slide layout."

All content on a slide is formatted, positioned, and placed in placeholder boxes using slide layouts.

What are the fundamental principles of a good PowerPoint design?

These are the three fundamental principles in building your PowerPoint presentation;

Use to build-in features in your Microsoft 365

Consistency is the key

Use innovative ways to be proficient.

How can I access an edited PowerPoint template?

To access an edited template, you need to;

Open their Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

Go to the "File" tab and click "New."

Click "Custom" and select "Custom office template.

Select the template name you use to save your file.

update powerpoint presentation with new template

Related Articles:

How to Use Slide Master in PowerPoint

Roadmap PowerPoint Templates

Change Management Communication Plan Template

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How can I apply a new version of a master layout to my existing slides with an older version of that master layout?

My company offers a PowerPoint template for business presentations that contains multiple slide masters (with multiple layouts). They recently updated this template. Now I need to update my existing presentations that still use an older version of that template.

What I tried:

I created a new presentation from the new template. I then copied all slides from my old presentation into that new presentation.

Result: All slides changed their layouts to the corresponding layout of the first slide master (in the list of all slide masters) instead of keeping their slide master with the same name.

I opened my old presentation. I copied all new slide masters from the template into the old presentation and then removed all old slide masters from it.

Result: Again, all slides changed their layouts to the corresponding layout of the first slide master (in the list of all slide masters) instead of keeping their slide master with the same name.

With my last try I effectively replaced the existing slide masters, but technically it was a copy and remove operation. So that's probably why the slides lost their reference to the correct slide masters.

Is their a way to technically replace a slide master, so that its new layout(s) apply to existing slides?

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stackprotector's user avatar

  • Have you opened the master slides of the old presentation and directly editing them? That is, removed the objects within the existing master slide and then creating the new layout within the same master slide. That is, do not ever delete the master slides. You can probably copy the objects from within the new master slide and paste them into the existing old master slide without deleting the slide itself.. Unless I misunderstood what you, you haven't tried this. –  Brian Commented Jul 19, 2023 at 15:29
  • I do not want to repeat the work that someone else already did, when updating the template. In other words, I do not want to apply every change (he/she did to the slide masters of the old template) to the slide masters of my presentation manually. This just does not scale well. I am looking for a way to take the new slide masters (with all their changes at once) and apply them to my old slides without knowing all the detailed changes. –  stackprotector Commented Jul 19, 2023 at 15:43
  • 1 Hopefully I'm wrong but I don't see any other way. "Normal" slides are linked to their respective master slide and only change when that slide changes. And I don't see how copying the objects in a new master slide and pasting them onto an old master slide is repeating the work. The purpose of the master slide is that all "normal" slides that are linked to it so that you do not need to be individually changed should there be a change to the template; only the template (i.e. master slide) needs to be edited. –  Brian Commented Jul 19, 2023 at 15:50

Currently, there does not seem to be a way to apply a newer version of a slide master conveniently. So you have to do it the hard way:

Copy and paste the new slide masters into your existing presentation.

Change every single slide to use a layout of the new slide masters.

Remove the old slide masters.

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update powerpoint presentation with new template

How-To Geek

How to set a custom template as the default in powerpoint.


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Create a custom template, set a custom template as the default.

Microsoft PowerPoint allows users to set a custom template as the default theme when creating a new presentation. This provides a way for users to immediately start building a slideshow using a template specially designed for them.

Creating a custom template in PowerPoint is quite easy. To get started, go ahead and open a blank PowerPoint presentation. You can do so by opening PowerPoint, selecting “New” in the left pane, and then selecting “Blank Presentation” from the template library.

Select Blank Presentation

Now, with your blank presentation ready, go ahead and select the slide orientation and size, which you can do by choosing the “Slide Size” option in the “Customize” group of the “Design” tab.

Slide size options

Once you’re finished with that, it’s time to open PowerPoint’s Slide Master, which is where the rest of the customization will take place. To access the slide master, click on the “View” tab and select “Slide Master” in the “Master Views” group.

Slide Master View

The Slide Master will appear in the left pane. Here, you can customize the fonts, headings, colors, text and image box placement, and more.

Related: How to Create a Custom Template in PowerPoint

Once you’re happy with your setup, save your template and exit out of PowerPoint. After that, it’s time to set it as the default template that PowerPoint opens with.

To set your custom theme as the default, open PowerPoint, select “New” in the left pane, and then click the “Custom” tab.

Custom template tab

Next, select the “Custom Office Templates” option.

Custom Office Templates

Your custom templates will appear. Select the one you want to make the default template.

HTG Template

A new window will appear, giving you a preview of the template and some basic information (if you input any). Click the  “Create" button.

Create presentation

Next, head over to the “Design” tab and select the “More” arrow in the “Themes” group.

Arrow to open window

A list of themes will appear. Right-click your custom theme and then select “Set as Default Theme” from the drop-down menu.

Set as Default Theme

Now, the next time you open PowerPoint, it will automatically begin with this theme.

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How to Apply a Template to an Existing PowerPoint Presentation

Learn how to apply a new template to your existing PowerPoint presentation with our easy step-by-step guide.

Understanding PowerPoint Templates

Step 1: choose the right template.

  • Relevance to Topic: Ensure the template matches the theme of your presentation. A formal template might be better for business presentations, while something more colorful could be suitable for educational content.
  • Audience Engagement: Pick a template that will keep your audience engaged. A visually appealing template can make your presentation more interesting.
  • Brand Consistency: If you’re presenting for your company or a personal brand, use a template that aligns with your brand’s colors and logos.

Step 2: Open Your Existing Presentation

notion image

Step 3: Apply the New Template

  • Go to the Design Tab: Once your presentation is open, navigate to the ‘Design’ tab in the PowerPoint toolbar.

notion image

  • Browse for Themes: Click on the ‘Themes’ dropdown. Here, you’ll see a variety of themes you can apply directly. Hover over them to preview how they would look on your slides.

notion image

  • Browse for More Templates: If you don’t see one you like, click on ‘Browse for Themes’ at the bottom of the menu to upload a template file you’ve downloaded or saved elsewhere.
  • Apply the Template: Once you find the right template, click to apply it. PowerPoint will update all your slides to the new template format.

Step 4: Adjust Layouts and Reformat

  • Check Slide Layouts: Go to the ‘Home’ tab, click on ‘Layout,’ and you’ll see various layout options that match your new template. Apply these to ensure all elements are correctly aligned.
  • Reformat Text and Images: You might need to adjust font sizes, image alignments, or reposition text boxes to fit well with the new template style.
  • Customize as Needed: Modify any colors or fonts if they do not exactly fit your needs or brand identity.

Step 5: Review and Finalize

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1. Find the perfect PowerPoint template

update powerpoint presentation with new template

2. Customize your creation

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3. Show it off

Let's create a powerpoint design, frequently asked questions, where can i find slide templates and themes that i can customize.

To find customizable slide templates and themes, you can explore the business presentations templates or search by PowerPoint templates . Once you find a template that resonates with you, customize it by changing its color scheme, add in your own photos, and swap out the font.

How do I use pre-made PowerPoint templates?

After you've chosen a PowerPoint template to use, customize it. Explore [design tips] on how to customize a deck that resonates with your brand while putting emphasis on the topic at hand. Play with other design elements, like photo shapes, to make each slide unique.

How can I make or edit my own custom PowerPoint templates?

Start from scratch by creating your own PowerPoint template . Follow tips for designs and business presentations so that your unique template is cohesive and relevant to your brand. Incorporate your brand's color scheme and graphics so that all your slides aren't text only.

What kinds templates can I get online for PowerPoint?

You can get PowerPoint templates that have modern designs, animated ones, or even hand-drawn art in each slide. The color schemes range from bold to subtle. Each template's slides are also organized based on what you may want to include in your presentation . You can use the template as a starting point and customize its specific details from theme.

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  • How to convert your PowerPoint Presentation to a new template

In case you are have issues converting existing PowerPoints to the updated templates. Please try the instructions below. How to convert your PowerPoint Presentation to a new template 1. Select and download the correct PowerPoint template. Be sure to save the PowerPoint template file to your computer. 2. Open that template by double clicking on it. Once open, DON’T click on the “New Slide” icon! Instead, click below the button on the small arrow next to the text label reading “New Slide.” 3. You will then see a thumbnail image of all of the slide masters available in the template; at the very bottom, select “Reuse Slides.” 4. A Reuse Slides box will open on the right of your main PowerPoint screen. 5. In the Reuse Slides box, click the “Browse” button and then select "Browse File." 6. Locate the older PowerPoint presentation to be converted and click the "Open" button. A thumbnail image of all of your original slides will appear in the Reuse Slides box. 7. Use the right click of your mouse on any one of the original slide thumbnails and select “Insert All Slides.” 8. Your original slides will be updated appearing as new slide pages in the new PowerPoint presentation template. 9. Most standard text slides will convert automatically to the new format. More complex slides may need minor adjustments to follow the new format. Use the “Layout” button to select a different slide master for individual slides. 10. Save and name your new PowerPoint presentation.

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update powerpoint presentation with new template

Create a template from a presentation

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

Create a reusable template by saving a PowerPoint file as a PowerPoint template (.potx) .

Provide instructions for users of your template

If you create templates for others to use, you can overwrite the text in the default placeholders by adding ‘custom placeholder text’, which describes or specifies the types of information that you want the users of your template to enter.

Click View > Slide Master .

In the pane that contains the slide master and layouts, click the layout that you want to add a text placeholder to.

Click Slide Master > Insert Placeholder > Text .

Use the mouse pointer to drag and draw the size of your text placeholder.

Highlight the default text in the placeholder and replace it with your own instructional text. If an unwanted bullet appears before your instructional text, click the Home tab, and in the Paragraph group, click the down arrow next to Bullets , and then click None .

Click Slide Master > Close Master View . If you edit a layout in Slide Master View, for example by adding instructional text, or some other layout-altering action, you must reapply the layout to the slides in your presentation when you return to Normal view. This ensures that the slides in your presentation will contain your most recent updates to the layout.

Save your presentation as a PowerPoint template (.potx)

To save your template, click File > Save As .

Under Save , click Browse . Save your templates to the Templates folder at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\ to make them easier to locate.

In the Save As dialog box, in the File name box, type a file name, or do nothing to accept the suggested file name.

In the Save as type list, click PowerPoint Template (.potx) , and click Save .

Create and save a template

Use slide masters to customize a presentation

Apply and change a theme

Coho Winery has a presentation that showcases its premium wines, and every year they need to update it.

In the presentation updates, the wine details always change.

But certain other things in the presentation stay the same, such as these section headers, used for the wine categories.

For the wine descriptions, the subheadings don’t change, and neither does the basic layout.

To update the slides, it would be tempting to click File , Save As , save the presentation as a new one, and type over the old content.

But having to delete old content adds an extra step to the work.

Also, over time, inconsistencies creep in as various authors work in the file and incorrect formatting gets introduced.

A better solution for the Coho staff would be to turn this presentation into a template and use that as a master for presentation updates.

For the content in the template, you’d keep the formatting and text you always want in the presentation.

Where new content needs to be added, you could leave the area blank or use placeholder text as a guideline for authors.

You could include formatting, too, such as the frame style on a picture placeholder, to save an author time and help ensure consistency.

For the template, you’d want global design elements in place, such as a theme from the Themes gallery, or a background design.

And you’d open Slide Master view (click View , Slide Master ) to make style changes to the master and to customize master layouts so they’re right for your content.

With all the design details and content in place, you would click File , Save As , and choose PowerPoint Template (*.potx) as the file type. Then click Save .

And here’s the beauty of a template: When you click to open the template file, it opens a fresh presentation that is based on the template.

So, to update the Coho Premium Selections presentation, you’d be starting in a new presentation file, not the template itself.

Yet, you’d have everything that’s in the template—and benefit from all the work that’s been done.

If you put the template on a shared site, your team can always find a current copy there and download it for their use, too.

Up next: To prepare the template, customize a presentation’s design and layouts.


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Weekly Project Update PowerPoint Template

Do you have a weekly project meeting, and does your presentation still need to be prepared? Don’t panic; we have the solution. Grab our ready-to-use Weekly Project Update PowerPoint Template to craft your comprehensive project report quickly. Regular project updates keep everyone on the team up to date with the progress and problems of the project. This can help project managers sort out the issues promptly and remove the issue-causing items to make the project continue seamlessly. We have crafted this weekly project update PPT template to help professionals display the weekly progress reports in their business meetings. The template has various diagrams and infographics to enhance the presentation visually. The engaging PPT elements capture the audience’s attention and help presenters communicate their ideas effectively. 

The Weekly Project Update PowerPoint Template has a professional color scheme and is compatible with all PowerPoint versions. The first slide shows the weekly project report title with a start now button and arrow indicating the beginning of the project update presentation. Next, we have a welcome slide with descriptive placeholder text on which to write the project details. The following slide is for a project overview with three text sections. In the following slide, with two colorful sections, users can display the milestones achieved to date. Further, we have a linear diagram with circular infographic shapes to present the current project status. The risk management slide has four ascending-sized arrow diagrams to showcase various risk types and their potency. Also, they can discuss the details of resource allocation and project timelines. 

Our template has editable features which users can adjust to fit their needs. Download our interactive business presentation template for weekly project updates and customize it now! Also, check our collection of business PowerPoint templates and timeline templates .

Editable Weekly Project Update Template for PowerPoint

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Top 10 Technology Update PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

Introducing our comprehensive Technology Update PowerPoint presentation, designed to keep your audience informed and engaged with the latest advancements in the tech world. This fully editable and customizable PPT is perfect for professionals, educators, and students alike, providing a versatile platform to showcase cutting-edge innovations, emerging trends, and critical insights in technology. With a sleek design and intuitive layout, you can easily tailor the content to suit your specific needs, whether you're presenting at a corporate meeting, academic conference, or a workshop.Use cases for the Technology Update presentation are endless. Corporate leaders can utilize it to inform stakeholders about recent technological developments impacting their industry, while educators can adapt it to teach students about the significance of technology in everyday life. Startups can leverage the presentation to attract investors by highlighting their innovative solutions and market potential. Additionally, tech enthusiasts can share their knowledge at community events or webinars, sparking discussions on the future of technology. With this powerful tool at your fingertips, you can effortlessly convey complex information in an engaging manner, ensuring your audience stays informed and inspired by the ever-evolving landscape of technology.

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System expert updating information technology policy

Introducing our premium set of slides with System Expert Updating Information Technology Policy. Elucidate the three stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like System Expert Updating Information Technology Policy. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Our System Expert Updating Information Technology Policy are topically designed to provide an attractive backdrop to any subject. Use them to look like a presentation pro.

  • System Expert Updating Information Technology Policy

update powerpoint presentation with new template

Project updates ppt ideas

Presenting this set of slides with name - Project Updates Ppt Ideas. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are Business, Success, Marketing, Planning, Management.

Increase the flow of brilliant ideas with our Project Updates Ppt Ideas. It will enhance their intake.

update powerpoint presentation with new template

Quarterly technology update investment roadmap

Presenting Quarterly Technology Update Investment Roadmap PowerPoint slide. This PPT slide is available at 4,3 and 16,9 aspect ratios. You can download this PPT theme in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. This PowerPoint template is completely editable and you can modify the font size, font type, and shapes as per your requirements. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides.

The success rate of business plans is hugely dependent on the plan of action, and this editable Quarterly Technology Update Investment Roadmap rightly serves the purpose. Encapsulate all the information related to the project in a well structured manner to obtain maximum efficiency by incorporating our stunning PowerPoint theme. State the critical deliverable, steps involved, time frame, workforce allocation, and lots more in an easy to understand manner by utilizing this pre designed roadmap PowerPoint layout. You can also prioritize your tasks and discuss the problem areas with your colleagues by incorporating this tailor made PPT layout. Empower your work plan by employing this professionally designed PPT theme. Entrepreneurs can download Quarterly Technology Update Investment Roadmap as a beneficial communication tool that facilitates in collaborating with different tasks and achieve targets.

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Download icon for laptop software update

Presenting this set of slides with name Download Icon For Laptop Software Update. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are Download Icon For Laptop Software Update. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Our Download Icon For Laptop Software Update are topically designed to provide an attractive backdrop to any subject. Use them to look like a presentation pro.

  • Download Icon For Laptop Software Update

update powerpoint presentation with new template

Marketing and technology update report icon

Presenting our set of slides with name Marketing And Technology Update Report Icon. This exhibits information on three stages of the process. This is an easy-to-edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Marketing And Technology Update Report Icon.

Our Marketing And Technology Update Report Icon are topically designed to provide an attractive backdrop to any subject. Use them to look like a presentation pro.

  • Marketing And Technology Update Report Icon

update powerpoint presentation with new template

Half yearly technology update investment roadmap

Presenting Half Yearly Technology Update Investment Roadmap PowerPoint slide. This PPT slide is available at 4,3 and 16,9 aspect ratios. You can download this PPT theme in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. This PowerPoint template is completely editable and you can modify the font size, font type, and shapes as per your requirements. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides.

The success rate of business plans is hugely dependent on the plan of action, and this editable Half Yearly Technology Update Investment Roadmap rightly serves the purpose. Encapsulate all the information related to the project in a well structured manner to obtain maximum efficiency by incorporating our stunning PowerPoint theme. State the critical deliverable, steps involved, time frame, workforce allocation, and lots more in an easy to understand manner by utilizing this pre designed roadmap PowerPoint layout. You can also prioritize your tasks and discuss the problem areas with your colleagues by incorporating this tailor made PPT layout. Empower your work plan by employing this professionally designed PPT theme. Entrepreneurs can download Half Yearly Technology Update Investment Roadmap as a beneficial communication tool that facilitates in collaborating with different tasks and achieve targets.

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3 months technology update investment roadmap

Presenting 3 Months Technology Update Investment Roadmap PowerPoint slide. This PPT slide is available at 4,3 and 16,9 aspect ratios. You can download this PPT theme in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. This PowerPoint template is completely editable and you can modify the font size, font type, and shapes as per your requirements. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides.

The success rate of business plans is hugely dependent on the plan of action, and this editable 3 Months Technology Update Investment Roadmap rightly serves the purpose. Encapsulate all the information related to the project in a well structured manner to obtain maximum efficiency by incorporating our stunning PowerPoint theme. State the critical deliverable, steps involved, time frame, workforce allocation, and lots more in an easy to understand manner by utilizing this pre designed roadmap PowerPoint layout. You can also prioritize your tasks and discuss the problem areas with your colleagues by incorporating this tailor made PPT layout. Empower your work plan by employing this professionally designed PPT theme. Entrepreneurs can download 3 Months Technology Update Investment Roadmap as a beneficial communication tool that facilitates in collaborating with different tasks and achieve targets.

update powerpoint presentation with new template

5 year technology update investment roadmap

Presenting 5 Year Technology Update Investment Roadmap PowerPoint slide. This PPT slide is available at 4,3 and 16,9 aspect ratios. You can download this PPT theme in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. This PowerPoint template is completely editable and you can modify the font size, font type, and shapes as per your requirements. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides.

The success rate of business plans is hugely dependent on the plan of action, and this editable 5 Year Technology Update Investment Roadmap rightly serves the purpose. Encapsulate all the information related to the project in a well structured manner to obtain maximum efficiency by incorporating our stunning PowerPoint theme. State the critical deliverable, steps involved, time frame, workforce allocation, and lots more in an easy to understand manner by utilizing this pre designed roadmap PowerPoint layout. You can also prioritize your tasks and discuss the problem areas with your colleagues by incorporating this tailor made PPT layout. Empower your work plan by employing this professionally designed PPT theme. Entrepreneurs can download 5 Year Technology Update Investment Roadmap as a beneficial communication tool that facilitates in collaborating with different tasks and achieve targets.

update powerpoint presentation with new template

6 months technology update investment roadmap

Presenting 6 Months Technology Update Investment Roadmap PowerPoint slide. This PPT slide is available at 4,3 and 16,9 aspect ratios. You can download this PPT theme in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. This PowerPoint template is completely editable and you can modify the font size, font type, and shapes as per your requirements. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides.

The success rate of business plans is hugely dependent on the plan of action, and this editable 6 Months Technology Update Investment Roadmap rightly serves the purpose. Encapsulate all the information related to the project in a well structured manner to obtain maximum efficiency by incorporating our stunning PowerPoint theme. State the critical deliverable, steps involved, time frame, workforce allocation, and lots more in an easy to understand manner by utilizing this pre designed roadmap PowerPoint layout. You can also prioritize your tasks and discuss the problem areas with your colleagues by incorporating this tailor made PPT layout. Empower your work plan by employing this professionally designed PPT theme. Entrepreneurs can download 6 Months Technology Update Investment Roadmap as a beneficial communication tool that facilitates in collaborating with different tasks and achieve targets.

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Customer engagement strategies with technology update and customer retention

Presenting this set of slides with name Customer Engagement Strategies With Technology Update And Customer Retention. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are Engagement Strategies, Communication, Social Media. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Our Customer Engagement Strategies With Technology Update And Customer Retention ensure you are never hard put. They are created to facilitate your efforts.

  • Engagement Strategies
  • communication
  • social media

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  4. Powerpoint Update Template

    update powerpoint presentation with new template

  5. Update Powerpoint Template

    update powerpoint presentation with new template

  6. Powerpoint Update Template

    update powerpoint presentation with new template


  1. Happy New year 2024 presentation in Powerpoint # powerpoint

  2. How To Add a New Slide in Powerpoint

  3. Merry Christmas PowerPoint presentation

  4. How to check for PowerPoint updates

  5. McDull Office Tutorial: Remove Photo Background with PowerPoint 2010

  6. Update Your PowerPoint Master Slide in 1 MINUTE With This PRO HACK


  1. Apply a template to an existing presentation

    Apply the template to existing slides, if any. If you have existing slides, import them into the new file you created above: Open the file that contains the existing slides. Copy the selected slides (Ctrl+C). All the copied slides are inserted in the new presentation.

  2. How to Apply a Template to an Existing PowerPoint Presentation

    Learn how to apply a template to an existing PowerPoint presentation with our easy step-by-step guide. Boost your presentation game today!

  3. Edit and re-apply a slide layout

    If you apply a slide layout to one or more slides in your presentation, and then go back and edit that layout by adding a placeholder, custom prompt text, or completing some other layout-altering action, you must reapply the layout to the slides so that the slides adhere to the updated layout.

  4. How to Edit a PowerPoint Template: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

    Editing a PowerPoint Template Open the PowerPoint template that you want to edit. Click Slide Master to edit the slide themes, colors, fonts, and placeholders. Choose "Save As" from the drop-down menu to save your changes as a template.

  5. Apply a New Template to an Existing PowerPoint

    Learn to Apply a New Template to an Existing PowerPoint. Here is the problem: You've created a Powerpoint presentation with your own branding, but you have...

  6. How do you apply a template to an existing presentation in PowerPoint

    Sometimes, you'll want to apply a new template to an existing presentation to change its design.First, open the presentation whose design you want to use. On...

  7. How to Change PowerPoint Template

    Step 2: Apply the Template to PowerPoint. When applying a template to your existing PowerPoint file, go to the Design tab and select Browse for Themes. Example on how to change theme in PowerPoint presentations. Browse to the location where the source file is saved and select the template or theme to apply to your current PowerPoint presentation.

  8. How to Apply or Change the PowerPoint Template in 4 Easy Steps

    Read and Learn from this blog how to apply or change the PowerPoint template for your presentation with your potential audiences and clients!

  9. microsoft powerpoint

    1 My company offers a PowerPoint template for business presentations that contains multiple slide masters (with multiple layouts). They recently updated this template. Now I need to update my existing presentations that still use an older version of that template.

  10. How to Set a Custom Template as the Default in PowerPoint

    Microsoft PowerPoint allows users to set a custom template as the default theme when creating a new presentation. This provides a way for users to immediately start building a slideshow using a template specially designed for them.

  11. How to Apply a Template to an Existing PowerPoint Presentation

    Learn how to apply a new template to your existing PowerPoint presentation with our easy step-by-step guide.

  12. PowerPoint design templates

    Bring presentations to life with customizable PowerPoint design templates. Whether you're wowing with stats or putting your latest ideas on display, find a PowerPoint template that pops.

  13. Use a personal template to create a new PowerPoint presentation

    On the File tab, click New. Select Personal or Custom. (The name varies, depending on circumstance.) Tip: If you don't see Personal or Custom then you probably don't have any templates stored in your templates folder. Create and save one, or use the steps in the next section to copy a template to that folder. Double-click your template and a new presentation will open with your template ...

  14. How to convert your PowerPoint Presentation to a new template

    How to convert your PowerPoint Presentation to a new template In case you are have issues converting existing PowerPoints to the updated templates. Please try the instructions below. How to convert your PowerPoint Presentation to a new template

  15. Top 10 Project Status Update Free PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

    SlideTeam has published a new blog titled "Top 10 Short-Term Marketing Plan Examples with Samples and Examples". 13 hours ago. ... Top 10 Project Status Update Free PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024. Introducing our "Project Status Update Free" PowerPoint template, designed to streamline your project management communications with ease ...

  16. Top 10 Program Status Update PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

    The Program Status Update PowerPoint template is a versatile tool designed to effectively communicate the progress and current status of a project or program within an organization. This template features a clean and professional layout with various customizable slides, including sections for project milestones, key accomplishments, upcoming ...

  17. Top 10 Portfolio Update PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

    The table also covers phases , responsible person, due date and completion percentage. Introducing our Product Development Status Update With Due Date set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Product, Development Status, Update With Due Date. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently ...

  18. Video: Create a template from a presentation

    Training: Create a reusable template by saving a PowerPoint file as a PowerPoint template (.potx).

  19. Weekly Project Update PowerPoint Template

    The Weekly Project Update PowerPoint Template has a professional color scheme and is compatible with all PowerPoint versions. The first slide shows the weekly project report title with a start now button and arrow indicating the beginning of the project update presentation.

  20. Top 10 Objective Update PowerPoint Presentation Templates ...

    Objective update powerpoint ppt template bundles. If you require a professional template with great design, then this Objective Update Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles is an ideal fit for you. Deploy it to enthrall your audience and increase your presentation threshold with the right graphics, images, and structure.

  21. Top 10 Performance Update PowerPoint Presentation Templates ...

    SlideTeam has published a new blog titled "Top 10 Training Communication Plan Templates with Samples and Examples". 13 hours ago. ... Introducing our Performance Update PowerPoint presentation template, designed to streamline the communication of key performance metrics and insights within your organization. This fully editable and customizable ...

  22. Top 10 Technology Update PowerPoint Presentation Templates ...

    Introducing our comprehensive Technology Update PowerPoint presentation, designed to keep your audience informed and engaged with the latest advancements in the tech world. This fully editable and customizable PPT is perfect for professionals, educators, and students alike, providing a versatile platform to showcase cutting-edge innovations ...