10 Examples Of Charle’s Law In Real Life

The experimental gas law , more commonly known as “Charle’s Law,” explains the relationship between the volume of a given mass of gas and temperature. Also known as the “Law of Volume,” this law states that volume and temperature are directly proportional to each other.

Charle’s Law describes the expansion of gases when they are heated. Keeping it simple, we can say that as the temperature of any particular gas increases, the molecules in that gas exhibit increased movement. As soon as the movement of the molecule increases, there is an increased number of collisions. What happens is that the molecules begin to hit the walls of the container more frequently, and, that too, with an increased amount of force. If the wall of the container is flexible, say, a balloon, the pressure will remain constant; thereby, allowing the volume to increase. However, if the container is inflexible, the more frequent collisions will result in increased pressure.

In this article, we will talk about the real-life examples of Charle’s Law.

1. Helium Balloon 

If you have had the chance to go out on a chilly day, you might have noticed that the balloon crumbles. However, if you take the balloon to a warm room, it regains its shape. Why does this happen? This happens because the temperature on a cold day is low, and, so, the volume decreases. Now, in accordance with the Charle’s Law, as soon as you enter a warm room, the temperature increases; with an increase in temperature, the volume also increases. Therefore, the balloon goes back to its original shape.

Charle’s Law finds its way into our kitchens as well. In case you have ever tried your hand at baking, you might be familiar with the substance most commonly used in cooking, i.e., the yeast. Yeast is often used in baking to make the bakery products fluffy. Yeast is responsible for releasing carbon dioxide bubbles. These carbon dioxide bubbles expand further with high temperature. The expansion of the carbon dioxide bubbles with an increase in temperature works as a leavening agent and cause the bakery products to become fluffy.

3. Hot Air Balloon

You might have wondered about the working of the hot air balloon. Charle’s Law describes that temperature and volume are directly proportional to each other. When a gas is heated, it expands. As the expansion of the gas takes place, it becomes less dense and the balloon is lifted in the air. The warm is less dense than the cold air, which means that it is lighter than the cold air. Also, the warm air has less mass per unit volume.

4. Turkey Timer

The working of the Pop-Up Turkey Timer (Thermometer) is also based on Charle’s law. Let’s see how! If you remember what the Charle’s law states, you might be familiar with the fact that gases expand when heated. The same principle applies to the Pop-Up Turkey Timer. The thermometer (or timer) is placed inside the turkey. As the temperature increases and the turkey cooks, the gas inside the thermometer also expands. As soon as the timer pops, it indicates that the turkey has been cooked.

5. Deodorant Spray Bottle

If you get a chance to read the instructions on a bottle of deodorant, you might have read the warning signs indicating the bottle to be kept away from the sunlight and high temperature. Ever wondered why? The answer lies in Charle’s Law. Under high temperatures, the air molecules inside the bottle will expand which can lead to the bursting of the deodorant bottle.

6. Ping Pong Ball

In case you play Ping Pong, chances are that you might have frequently come across a dented Ping Pong ball. How have you troubleshot such situation? You might have let your Ping Pong ball float on warm water for some time. Have you ever wondered why you do so? When you let your ball float on hot water, the temperature of the air inside the ball also increases; which, in turn, leads to an increase in the volume of the gas. Therefore, the shape of the ball is restored.

In cold weather, you might have regularly kept a check on the pressure of the tyres of your car. Driving increases the temperature of the tyres, and, therefore, the air inside the tyre warms and expands. When you measure the pressure of the tyres at the time when you have just driven the car, it will be high. However, in cold weather, the pressure of the tyres will be low. So, it is recommended that you should always measure the pressure of the tyres.

8. Basketball

Most of you might have observed that a basketball when left outside on a cold winter night shrinks in size. As the temperature decreases, so do the volume of the gas inside the basketball. This forms the example that at constant pressure, a decrease in pressure will lead to a decrease in volume. However, the basketball gains its volume back when the environment is changed, i.e., you bring it in a warm room.

9. Pool Float

The pool floats forms yet another real-life example of Charle’s Law. You might have observed that after you inflate a pool float and push it into the pool, it seems a bit under-inflated. This is not because of any leak in the float. However, this happens because the temperature of the water in the pool is low, which reduces the volume of the air inside.

10. Automotive Engine

The power strokes of spark-ignition and compression-ignition also work in accordance with Charle’s Law. In spark ignition, gases from the very process of combustion are exposed to high temperature. An increase in temperature will lead to an increase in the volume of the gases. As this process continues, the force against the cylinder and piston head is increased, which causes rotation of the crankshaft. In diesel engines involving the process of compression ignition, the air is compressed under high temperature. This heated air combines with diesel fuel which is injected into the cylinder. The aforesaid process is responsible for the ignition of the diesel fuel.

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thanls just the thing i need

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thanks so much for making me understand these laws and their examples in real life. it made my teaching well because i was able to tell and explain to my learners

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Thank you so Much. Very useful to Students and chemists.

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Thank you so much for providing real life examplof Charle’s law. It helps a lot in knowing the purpose & application of this in Chemistry.

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Its good and impressive.. Helpful for the students…

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How to Demonstrate Charles's Law

Last Updated: April 1, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Bess Ruff, MA . Bess Ruff is a Geography PhD student at Florida State University. She received her MA in Environmental Science and Management from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2016. She has conducted survey work for marine spatial planning projects in the Caribbean and provided research support as a graduate fellow for the Sustainable Fisheries Group. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 250,031 times.

Charles's Law states that the volume of an ideal gas changes proportionally to the temperature of that gas, given that pressure and amount of gas present are held constant. The equation for Charles's law can be expressed as V 1 /T 1 =V 2 /T 2 . In other words, if a balloon is filled with air, it will shrink if cooled and expand if heated. This happens because the air inside the balloon, which is a gas, takes up a smaller volume when it is cool, and takes up a larger volume when it is heated.

Demonstrating Charles’s Law with an Inflated Balloon

Step 1 Add boiling water to a beaker or other container.

  • Do not let the balloon expand too much, as this may cause it to pop.

Step 6 Move the balloon to the freezer.

Demonstrating Charles’s Law by Expanding and Contracting a Balloon

Step 1 Add a small amount of water to an Erlenmeyer flask.

  • It may be easier and safer to put the balloon on the flask before heating the water.

Step 4 Observe the expansion of the balloon.

Demonstrating Charles’s Law Mathematically

Step 1 Consider the relationships at play between ideal gas properties.

Expert Q&A

Bess Ruff, MA

  • Try heating a cold balloon in hot tap water and see if it expands. Thanks Helpful 7 Not Helpful 1
  • Use party balloons instead of water balloons. Water balloons are made to burst easier. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Note that, when using the method “Demonstrating Charles’s Law by Expanding and Contracting a Balloon,” accurate measurements of the balloon’s circumference are difficult to make. This method works best for a purely visual demonstration. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

example of charles law experiment

  • If you are using boiling water, exercise caution. You could easily be burned. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Be careful not to let the balloon expand too much. This will cause it to burst. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1

Things You’ll Need

  • Party Balloons
  • Heat Source
  • Erlenmeyer Flask
  • Party Balloon
  • Heat Resistant Gloves

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Charles’s Law – Definition, Formula, Examples

Charles's Law

Charles’s law or the law of volumes is an ideal gas law that states that the volume and temperature of a fixed amount of gas are proportional at constant pressure . Doubling the temperature of a gas doubles its volume. Halving the temperature of a gas halves its volume. The law takes its name from French scientist Jacques Charles, who formulated the law in the 1780s.

Charles’s law states that increasing the temperature of a gas at constant pressure increases its volume.

Charles’s Law Formula

There are a few ways to state Charles law as a formula:

V ∝ T V/T = k V = kT V 1 /T 1 = V 2 /T 2 V 2 /V 1 = T 2 /T 1 V 1 T 2 = V 2 T 1

Here, T is absolute temperature , V is volume, and k is a non-zero constant. Note that absolute temperature means Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature must be converted to Kelvin. The graph of volume versus pressure shows the linear relationship. Also, the line points toward the origin, although a gas could never reach it because it would change into a liquid or solid first.

Examples of Charles’s Law in Everyday Life

It’s easy to find examples of Charles’s law in everyday life.

  • Hot air balloons fly based on Charles’s law. Heating the air in the balloon increases the balloon’s volume. This decreases its density, so the balloon rises in the air. To come down, chilling the air (not-heating-it) allows the balloon to deflate. The gas becomes more dense and the balloon sinks.
  • If you take a filled balloon outside on a hot day, it expands (and may pop!). If you take it outdoors on a winter day, it deflates but returns to its normal volume when you take it indoors again. You can even use a balloon as a poor sort of thermometer, using Charles’s law.

Charles’s Law Example Calculation

A gas occupies 221 cm 3  at a temperature of 0 °C and pressure of 760 mm Hg. Find its volume at 100 °C.

First, don’t worry about the pressure. The number doesn’t enter into the calculation. All that matters is that it’s a constant.

Use the equation:

V 1 /T 1 = V 2 /T 2

Convert 0 °C and 100 °C to Kelvin:

V 1  = 221cm 3 ; T 1  = 273K (0 + 273); T 2  = 373K (100 + 273)

Plug the values into the equation and solve for V 2 :

V 1 /T 1  = V 2 /T 2 221cm 3  / 273K = V 2  / 373K V 2   = (221 cm 3 )(373K) / 273K V 2   = 302 cm 3

Find the final temperature of a sample of nitrogen gas at constant pressure if it starts at 27 °C and changes volume from 600 mL to 700 mL.

First convert the temperature to Kelvin.

T 1 = 273 + 27 T 1 = 300 K

Next, plug in the numbers.

V 1 /T 1  = V 2 /T 2 600 mL/300 K = 700 mL/T 2 (T 2 )(600 mL/300 K) = 700 mL T 2 = (700 mL)/(600 mL/300 K) T 2 = (700 mL)/(2mL/K) T 2 = 350 K

Why Temperature Must Be in Kelvin

Charles’s law calculations require temperature on an absolute scale, such as the Kelvin scale. So, using the formula requires converting from Celsius or Fahrenheit to Kelvin. There are two reasons for this. First, the negative temperatures on the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales could lead to impossible negative volume calculations. Second, the energy doesn’t scale properly using relative scales. So, a gas at 20 K has twice the energy of a gas at 10K, but the same is not true of as gas at 20 °C compared to 10 °C or 20 °F compared to 10 °F.

What Happens at Absolute Zero?

Like the other ideal gas laws, Charles’s law doesn’t apply under extreme conditions. It doesn’t make sense at absolute zero. First, matter can’t have zero volume. Second, a gas at constant pressure eventually changes into a liquid or solid as temperature drops.

  • Fullick, P. (1994). Physics . Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-435-57078-1.
  • Gay-Lussac, J. L. (1802). “Recherches sur la dilatation des gaz et des vapeurs” [ Research on the expansion of gases and vapors ]. Annales de Chimie . 43: 137–75.
  • Krönig, A. (1856). “ Grundzüge einer Theorie der Gase “. Annalen der Physik . 99 (10): 315–22. doi:10.1002/andp.18561751008

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Charles’ Law

Explanation, equation [1-4], problems and solutions.

Charles’ law is an experimental gas law that describes how gases expand when heated. It gives a formal relationship between temperature and volume. Charles’ law states that the volume occupied by a gas at constant pressure is proportional to its temperature. In other words, if gas is heated by keeping pressure and mass constant, it will expand [1-4] .

example of charles law experiment

French physicist J.A.C. Charles first suggested an empirical relationship between temperature and pressure in 1787.

Increasing the temperature of a gas confined to a particular volume causes individual gas molecules to move faster. As they move faster, the molecules encounter the walls of the container more often and with greater force. As a result, the pressure is increased. However, if the container volume increases, the number of strikes with the walls decreases. The pressure returns to its initial value [1-4] .

Suppose V is the volume of the gas and T is its temperature. According to Charles’ law,

V : Volume of the gas in liters or m 3

T : Temperature of the gas in absolute scale or Kelvin

k : Proportionality constant

The above equation is shown in the graph below.

example of charles law experiment

From the above equation, it is evident that as the temperature increases, the volume also increases. Similarly, if the temperature decreases, the volume decreases.

Charles’ law can be used to compare two states or conditions of a gas. Suppose a gas at temperature T 1 has volume V 1 . It expands or contracts such that its final volume and temperature are V 1 and T 1 , respectively. Then,

V 1 = kT 1 and V 2 = kT 2

Dividing one by the other

V 1 /T 1 = V 2 /T 2

The above equation gives the relationship between the initial and final conditions of the gas.

example of charles law experiment

Here are some examples of Charles’ law in everyday life [5,6] .

  • A hot air balloon rises because burning propane heats the air. The air expands, thereby increasing the volume and decreasing the density. The envelope of air inside the balloon is lighter than the air outside, making it easier for the balloon to rise.
  • We breathe air and expand the lungs. In winter, due to cold air inside them, the lungs shrink. Hence, running and jogging become challenging to do in winter.
  • A pool tube can inflate or shrink. On a cold winter day, the water temperature is near freezing. Hence, the air temperature inside the tube is low, and the tube shrinks. The opposite happens on a hot summer day. The air inside the tube is heated, and its temperature rises. As a result, the tube inflates.
  • The dent in a ping pong ball can be repaired by immersing it in warm water. The high temperature of water raises the air temperature inside the ball. The air expands, and its pressure forces repair the dent.
  • The volume of air inside a tire is affected by the outside temperature. On a cold day, the low temperature outside reduces the air temperature inside. Hence, the tire is deflated. On a hot day, the reverse happens. The high temperature outside increases the air temperature inside. As a result, the tire inflates.
  • A helium balloon behaves similarly to a tire. It crumbles when the balloon is taken out of a house on a cold day. When brought back inside a warm room, the balloon gets back to its original shape.

Problem 1 : What change in volume results if 4 L of oxygen is cooled by 6.0 °C from 120 °C?

T 1 = 120 + 273 = 393 K

T 2 = 114 + 273 = 387 K

From Charles’ law,

Or, V 2 = V 1 x T 2 /T 1

Or, V 2 = 4 L x 387 K/393 K = 3.94 L

ΔV = V 2 – V 1 = 4 L – 3.94 L = 0.06 L

Problem 2 : A balloon is filled to a volume of 3.2 L at a temperature of 25 ˚C. The balloon is then heated to a temperature of 65 ˚C. Assuming the pressure remains constant throughout, find the new volume of the balloon.

V 1 = 3.2 L

T 1 = 25 ˚C = 273 + 25 = 298 K

T 2 = 65 ˚C = 273 + 65 = 338 K

From Charles law,

Or, V 2 = 3.2 L x 338 K/ 298 K = 3.63 L

  • Thoughtco.com
  • Chem.libretexts.org
  • Ch301.cm.utexas.edu
  • Cliffsnotes.com
  • Chemistrygod.com

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Charles' law.

This illustration explores the relationship between the temperature and volume * of an ideal gas * in a container that adjusts to allow pressure to remain constant.

The molecules that make up a gas move in straight lines until they encounter another molecule or the walls of a container. When a molecule encounters a wall, it bounces off and moves off in a different direction. When this happens, Newton's Third Law of motion says that both the molecule and the wall will experience a force. In a balloon, the force of individual molecules hitting the inside of the balloon keeps the balloon inflated. In a rigid, but adjustable container such as a sealed syringe, the collisions of the moving gas molecules with the syringe walls provide the force that resists efforts to move the syringe plunger, creating pressure inside of the syringe.

Increasing the temperature of a volume of gas causes individual gas molecules to move faster. As the molecules move faster, they encounter the walls of the container more often and with more force. In a rigid container, the more frequent and forceful collisions result in higher pressure. However, if the container volume is adjustable, the volume will increase, and the pressure will remain the same.

Charles' Law is the formal description of this relationship between temperature and volume at a fixed pressure.

This relationship allows changes in the volume of a fixed mass * of gas to be calculated given a change in temperature.

The equation describing Charles' Law is:

V 1 /T 1 = V 2 /T 2

Where V 1 is the volume of the gas at one temperature (T 1 ) and, V 2 is the volume after a change to a new temperature (T 2 ). For this relationship to hold, both the mass of the gas and its pressure are held constant, and the temperature must be reported in Kelvin.

The relationship is linear, if the temperature of a volume of gas doubles, the volume doubles.

While Charles' Law describes the behavior of ideal gases, not real ones, the law does have real-world applications. Real gas * es behave in accordance with Charles' Law at temperatures well above the gas' condensation point. Closer to the condensation point, the linear relationship does not hold up; volume decreases more rapidly than temperature.

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example of charles law experiment

Verification of Charles' law for an ideal gas

example of charles law experiment


a 0 - 100 o C thermometer a tall 1 litre beaker a glass capillary tube containing air sealed in with an oil and sulphuric acid plug and closed at one end 2 rubber bands a bunsen tripod gauze and mat

Fill your beaker with cold water. Fix the glass capillary tube to the thermometer with the rubber bands with the open end at the top. The bottom of the tube should be level with the -10 o C mark on the thermometer.

example of charles law experiment

Put the thermometer and tube in the water, the open end of the tube should be just above water level. Record the water temperature. Record the volume of the trapped air in the tube, you should record this as a number of thermometer divisions. (Remember it starts at -10 o ). Light the bunsen and heat the water to boiling slowly. Take readings of the volume of the air every 10 o C and record them. When the water boils turn off the bunsen.



(In the example shown the volume is about 24 units and the temperature 22 o C.) Plot a graph of volume against temperature starting at 0 o C. (A) Plot a further graph showing -350 o C to +100 o C. (B) Find where your line cuts the temperature axis - this is ABSOLUTE ZERO. Find out the increase in volume for a 10 o C rise in temperature from your graph and hence calculate the increase in volume per degree centigrade ?

example of charles law experiment

SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: The capillary tube contains a plug of sulphuric acid sealed in with oil. Do not open the lower end of the tube. Wear eye protection. Only heat the capillary tube when it is immersed in the water
1) If the volume of a container is increased, the temperature increases. 2) If the volume of a container is decreased, the temperature decreases.
1) Suppose the temperature is increased. This means gas molecules will move faster and they will impact the container walls more often. This means the gas pressure inside the container will increase (but only for an instant. Think of a short span of time. The span of time the ChemTeam is referring to here is much, much shorter than that. So there.). The greater pressure on the inside of the container walls will push them outward, thus increasing the volume. When this happens, the gas molecules will now have farther to go, thereby lowering the number of impacts and dropping the pressure back to its constant value. It is important to note that this momentary increase in pressure lasts for only a very, very small fraction of a second. You would need a very fast, accurate pressure sensing device to measure this momentary change. 2) Consider another case. Suppose the volume is suddenly increased. This will reduce the pressure, since molecules now have farther to go to impact the walls. However, this does not follow the law; the pressure must remain constant. Therefore, the temperature must go up, in order to get the moecules to the wals faster, thereby overcoming the longer distance and keeping the pressure constant.
V   ––– = k T  
V 1   ––– = k T 1  
V 2   ––– = k T 2  
V 1   V 2 ––– = ––– T 1   T 2
V 1 / T 1 = V 2 / T 2
V 1 T 2 = V 2 T 1
°C ---> the symbol for temperature in degrees Celsius K ---> the symbol for temperature in Kelvin There is no such symbol as °K or name such as 'degrees Kelvin.'
2.85 L   x ––––– = –––– 298 K   273 K Remember that you have to plug into the equation in a very specific way. The temperatures and volumes come in connected pairs and you must put them in the proper place.
4.40 L   x ––––– = ––––– 323 K   298 K
5.00 L   20.0 L ––––– = ––––– 100. K   x x = 400. K
400. minus 273 = 127 °C
We know the gas starts at standard temperature, zero degrees Celsius. In Kelvins, this is 273 K. Now, note the ending temperature, 273 °C. In Kelvins, that is 546 K. The absolute temperature has doubled! Since Charles' Law is a direct relationship, the volume also doubles, to 5.0 L and that is the answer. Setting it up mathematically gives this: 5.00 L / 273 K = x / 546 K
5.00 L   x ––––– = ––––– 273 K   546
(4.00 L) / (283.0 K) = (x) / (293.0 K) This is the classic type of problem a student gets wrong. They see that the Celsius temperature doubled, therefore the volume should also double to 8.00 L. The problem, of course, is that the Kelvin temperature must double for a doubling of the volume. Not the Celsius temperature. x = 4.14 L
V 1 / T 1 = V 2 / T 2 V 2 = V 1 T 2 / T 1 V 2 = (5.0 L x 4T 1 ) / T 1 2 equals 4T 1 V 2 = 20. L
V 1 / T 1 = V 2 / T 2 V 2 = V 1 T 2 / T 1 V 2 = (5.0 L x 277 K) / 274 K V 2 = 5.0547 L As you can see, the change is small. So much so, that the properly-rounded off answer is 5.0 L. A 4x increase in the Kelvin value is the usual way the question is understood, if there is any ambiguity.
V 2 = (V 1 T 2 ) / T 1
V 2 = [(2.50 L) (373 K)] / 173 K V 2 = 5.39 L Note the conversion from Celsius to Kelvin. Make sure the the proper temperature (the 173 K, for example) is associated with the proper volume (the 2.50 L goes with the 173 K).
V 1 (2 K) = V 2 (1 K)
(1 L) (2 K) = V 2 (1 K) V 2 = 2 L The volume doubles.
The answer is 204.8 K. We know that Charles' Law is a direct relationship when the temperature is expressed in Kelvins. To double the volume (at constant pressure), the Kelvin temperature would have to double. You can solve this problem using V 1 T 2 = V 2 T 1 if you so desire. Use 1 and 2 for the volumes and 102.4 for T 1 . Solve for T 2 .
102.4 + 273.15 = 375.55 K 375.55 K doubles to 751.10 K 751.10 K − 273.15 = 477.95 C Rounded off, the answer is 478.0 °C Notice that I used 273.15 rather than the usual 273. I did that so as to preserve four digits in the final answer. Using 273 results in an answer of 478 °C, so my choice amounted to not making much of a difference, except in number of significant figures in the answer.
7.00 °C = 280.0 K 88.0 °C = 361.0 K
V 1 / T 1 = V 2 / T 2 [( 4 ⁄ 3 ) (3.14159) (1.18) 3 ] / 280 = [( 4 ⁄ 3 ) (3.14159) (x 3 )] / 361 (1.18) 3 / 280 = x 3 / 361 x = 1.28 cm
V = ( 4 ⁄ 3 ) (3.14159) (1.28) 3


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Charles’ Law – Real Life Applications

Nov 10,2016 by Edulab

Charles’ Law is an experimental gas law that describes how gases tend to expand when heated.

The law states that if a quantity of gas is held at a constant pressure, there is a direct relationship between its volume and the temperature, as measured in degrees Kelvin.

Think of it this way. As the temperature increases, the molecules within any given gas begin to move around more quickly. As the molecules move faster, they collide with each other and the walls of their container more frequently and with more force. If the gas container is inflexible, these more frequent and forceful collisions will result in increased pressure. However, if the container is flexible, like a balloon, the pressure will remain the same, while allowing the volume of the gas to increase.

Charles’ Law apparatus can be used to demonstrate this thermal expansion of gases. While a classroom experiment will prove the formal theory, there are numerous examples of the law in action in everyday life, which can help to embed students’ understanding.

Make sense of the science by considering some of these real life applications of Charles’ Law.

Watch what happens to a helium balloon on a cold day.

Step outside with a helium balloon on a chilly day and chances are, the balloon will crumble. Once you get back into the warm, however, the balloon will return to its original shape. In accordance with Charles’ Law, this is because, a gas, in this case, helium, takes up more space when it is warm.

How about a hot air balloon?

A torch is used to heat the air molecules inside the balloon. The molecules move faster and disperse within the space. The gas inside the balloon takes up more space, becoming less dense than the air surrounding it. As such, the hot air inside the balloon rises because of its decreased density and causes the balloon to float.

Try out a turkey timer.

Pop-up turkey thermometers work by applying Charles’ Law. The thermometer is placed in the turkey. As the temperature rises and the turkey cooks, the air in the thermometer expands to pop the plunger. The thermometer is calibrated so that when the correct internal temperature is reached, the thermometer cap pops off, providing a clear indication that the turkey is done.

Pump up your ping pong ball.

If you play ping pong, chances are you’ve come across the occasionally dented ball. Restore its roundness by popping it in a pan of water. Warm the water gently while stirring and the air inside the ball will expand as it heats up. The expanding air will push out the dent and restore the ball’s roundness.

Take a look at your tyre pressure.

Take a tip from your manual and measure the pressure of your car’s tyres when they are cold. Driving heats up the tyres and consequently causes the air within them to expand. As such, if you measure the air when the tyres are warm, the pressure will be higher. You can double-check that you haven’t overfilled your tyres by checking them when they’ve cooled down.

For a wide range of lab equipment and supplies to help make sense of the laws of science, contact Edulab’s friendly team today.


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Charles' Law Example Problem

Real-life applications for the ideal gas law at constant pressure

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  • Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
  • B.A., Physics and Mathematics, Hastings College

Charles' law is a special case of the ideal gas law in which the pressure of a gas is constant. Charles' law states that volume is proportional to the absolute temperature of a gas at constant pressure. Doubling the temperature of gas doubles its volume, so long as the pressure and quantity of the gas are unchanged. 

This example problem shows how to use Charles' law to solve a gas law problem: A 600 mL sample of nitrogen is heated from 27 °C to 77 °C at constant pressure. What is the final volume?

The first step to solving gas law problems should be converting all temperatures to absolute temperatures . In other words, if the temperature is given in Celsius or Fahrenheit, convert it to Kelvin. (This is where the most commonplace mistakes are made in this type of homework problem.)

T K = 273 + °C T i = initial temperature = 27 °C T i K = 273 + 27 T i K = 300 K T f = final temperature = 77 °C T f K = 273 + 77 T f K = 350 K

The next step is to use Charles' law to find the final volume. Charles' law is expressed as:

V i /T i = V f /T f where V i and T i is the initial volume and temperature V f and T f is the final volume and temperature Solve the equation for V f : V f = V i T f /T i Enter the known values and solve for V f . V f = (600 mL)(350 K)/(300 K) V f = 700 mL Answer: The final volume after heating will be 700 mL.

More Examples of Charles' Law

If you think Charles' Law seems irrelevant to real-life situations, think again! By understanding the basics of the law, you'll know what to expect in a variety of real-world situations and once you know how to solve a problem using Charles' Law, you can make predictions and even start to plan new inventions. Here are several examples of situations in which Charles' Law is at play:

  • If you take a basketball outside on a cold day, the ball shrinks a bit as the temperature is decreased. This is also the case with any inflated object and explains why it's a good idea to check your car's tire pressure when the temperature drops.
  • If you over-inflate a pool float on a hot day, it can swell in the sun and burst.
  • Pop-up turkey thermometers work based on Charles' law. As the turkey cooks, the gas inside the thermometer expands until it can "pop" the plunger.

Examples of Other Gas Laws

Charles' law is only one of the special cases of the ideal gas law that you may encounter. Each of the laws is named for the person who formulated it . It's good to know how to tell the gas laws apart and be able to cite examples of each one.

  • Amonton's Law: Doubling temperature doubles pressure at constant volume and mass. Example: As automobile tires heat up when you drive, their pressure increases.
  • Boyle's Law: Doubling pressure halves volume, at constant temperature and mass. Example: When you blow bubbles underwater, they expand as they rise to the surface.
  • Avogadro's Law: Doubling the mass or number of moles of a gas doubles the volume at constant temperature and pressure. Example: Inhaling fills the lungs with air, expanding their volume.
  • The Combined Gas Law in Chemistry
  • What Is the Formula for Charles' Law?
  • What Is Avogadro's Law? Definition and Example
  • The Formula for Boyle's Law
  • Avogadro's Law Example Problem
  • Gases - General Properties of Gases
  • Ideal Gas Law Example Problem
  • Boyle's Law Explained With Example Problem
  • Charles's Law Definition in Chemistry
  • Gay-Lussac's Gas Law Examples
  • The Formula for the Combined Gas Law
  • Law of Definite Proportions Definition
  • Graham's Law Example: Gas Diffusion-Effusion
  • Chemistry Definitions: What are Electrostatic Forces?
  • Law of Constant Composition in Chemistry
  • Gases Study Guide

November 16, 1998

What is Charles' law?

example of charles law experiment

Balloon ascent by Charles, Prairie de Nesles, France, December 1783.

Getty Images

Theodore G. Lindeman, professor and chair of the chemistry department of Colorado College in Colorado Springs, offers this explanation:

The physical principle known as Charles' law states that the volume of a gas equals a constant value multiplied by its temperature as measured on the Kelvin scale (zero Kelvin corresponds to -273.15 degrees Celsius).

The law's name honors the pioneer balloonist Jacques Charles, who in 1787 did experiments on how the volume of gases depended on temperature. The irony is that Charles never published the work for which he is remembered, nor was he the first or last to make this discovery. In fact, Guillaume Amontons had done the same sorts of experiments 100 years earlier, and it was Joseph Gay-Lussac in 1808 who made definitive measurements and published results showing that every gas he tested obeyed this generalization.

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It is pretty surprising that dozens of different substances should behave exactly alike, as these scientists found that various gases did. The accepted explanation, which James Clerk Maxwell put forward around 1860, is that the amount of space a gas occupies depends purely on the motion of the gas molecules. Under typical conditions, gas molecules are very far from their neighbors, and they are so small that their own bulk is negligible. They push outward on flasks or pistons or balloons simply by bouncing off those surfaces at high speed. Inside a helium balloon, about 10 24 (a million million million million) helium atoms smack into each square centimeter of rubber every second, at speeds of about a mile per second!

Both the speed and frequency with which the gas molecules ricochet off container walls depend on the temperature, which is why hotter gases either push harder against the walls (higher pressure) or occupy larger volumes (a few fast molecules can occupy the space of many slow molecules). Specifically, if we double the Kelvin temperature of a rigidly contained gas sample, the number of collisions per unit area per second increases by the square root of 2, and on average the momentum of those collisions increases by the square root of 2. So the net effect is that the pressure doubles if the container doesn't stretch, or the volume doubles if the container enlarges to keep the pressure from rising.

So we could say that Charles' Law describes how hot air balloons get light enough to lift off, and why a temperature inversion prevents convection currents in the atmosphere, and how a sample of gas can work as an absolute thermometer.

example of charles law experiment

Charles’ Law

jacques charles of charles' law

Core Concepts

In this article, you will learn how temperature relates to volume, and how to use Charles’ law formula to solve problems regarding the change in temperature and volume of a system.

Topics Covered in Other Articles

  • What is Pressure
  • Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure
  • Avogadro’s Law
  • Boyle’s Law
  • Combined Gas Law
  • The Ideal Gas Law
  • Van der Waal’s Equation of State
  • Kinetic Molecular Theory
  • Henry’s Law
  • Graham’s Law of Effusion

Important Things to Consider

The gas law described in this article only applies to ideal gases, which you can read about on our article, The Ideal Gas Law . Non-ideal gases, under conditions of high pressures or low temperatures, do not follow Charles’ Law due to the effects of attractive and repulsive forces between gas particles.

Increasing Temperature

Consider a piston containing 1 liter of gas. Because the piston is free to change volume, the pressure remains constant.

Now, consider what happens when we increase the temperature of the gas. From Kinetic Molecular Theory, we know that the temperature of a sample of gas is directly related to its velocity.

F=m\cdot 2v sin(\theta)

Charles discovered this relationship between temperature and volume through experiments involving balloons. Specifically, he filled five balloons with equal volumes of different gases. Then, he raised the temperature of the balloons and observed that each increased in volume the same amount. For this, Charles is creditted with first suggesting empirically that volume and temperature have a direct proportional relationship in 1787. However, this relationship would not be dubbed “Charles’ Law” until 1802, when another French physicist, Joseph-Louis Guy-Lussac produced more convincing evidence for the law.


Because of this proportionality, we can use Charles’ law to see how a system would react to a change in temperature, or how a system would react to a change in volume (both with constant pressure). As temperature increases, volume increases, and vice versa.

Charles’ Law Worked Examples

Here’s how you would solve an example Charles’ law problem.

2.00 \text{L}

Here’s another Charles’ law problem.

5.00 \text{L}

Charles’ Law Practice Problems


Charles’ Law Practice Problem Solutions



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  2. Lesson Video: Charles’ Law

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  3. Charles's Law

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  4. Charles Law experiment

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  5. Charles's Law

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  6. Vetor de Charles Law Infographic Diagram Example helium balloon when

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  1. 10 Examples Of Charle's Law In Real Life

    However, the basketball gains its volume back when the environment is changed, i.e., you bring it in a warm room. 9. Pool Float. The pool floats forms yet another real-life example of Charle's Law. You might have observed that after you inflate a pool float and push it into the pool, it seems a bit under-inflated.

  2. 3 Ways to Demonstrate Charles's Law

    Demonstrating Charles's Law with an Inflated Balloon. Add boiling water to a beaker or other container. You should leave room to put a balloon in the container as well. Adding about 100 mL of water to a 1000 mL (1 L) beaker will work in most cases. Avoid spilling the water on yourself or anyone else to avoid injury.

  3. Proving Charles' Law: Volume vs. Temperature of a Gas at Constant

    Abstract. This is a modern version of a classic experiment by Jacques Charles on the volume of a gas at different temperatures. Charles discovered the relationship between volume and temperature of gases that now bears his name. This project shows you a simple method for re-creating this famous experiment.

  4. Charles's Law

    Halving the temperature of a gas halves its volume. The law takes its name from French scientist Jacques Charles, who formulated the law in the 1780s. Charles's law states that increasing the temperature of a gas at constant pressure increases its volume. Charles's Law Formula. There are a few ways to state Charles law as a formula: V ∝ T ...

  5. Charles' Law: Statement, Formula, Examples, and Graph

    Examples. Here are some examples of Charles' law in everyday life [5,6]. A hot air balloon rises because burning propane heats the air. The air expands, thereby increasing the volume and decreasing the density. The envelope of air inside the balloon is lighter than the air outside, making it easier for the balloon to rise.

  6. Charles' Law

    Charles' Law is the formal description of this relationship between temperature and volume at a fixed pressure. This relationship allows changes in the volume of a fixed mass * of gas to be calculated given a change in temperature. The equation describing Charles' Law is: V 1 /T 1 = V 2 /T 2. Where V 1 is the volume of the gas at one ...

  7. PDF Experiment 4 ∙ Charles' Law

    Experiment 4 ∙ Charles' Law 4‐2 Experiment 4 Charles' Law The most common statement of Charles' Law is "The volume of a fixed quantity of gas at constant pressure varies linearly with its absolute (Kelvin) temperature." Mathematically, Charles' Law can

  8. Charles's law

    Continuum mechanics. Charles's law (also known as the law of volumes) is an experimental gas law that describes how gases tend to expand when heated. A modern statement of Charles's law is: When the pressure on a sample of a dry gas is held constant, the Kelvin temperature and the volume will be in direct proportion.

  9. Verification of Charles' law for an ideal gas

    Verification of Charles' law for an ideal gas AIM The aim of this experiment shows how a gas behaves when it is heated at constant pressure. The law it obeys is called CHARLES' LAW. ... (In the example shown the volume is about 24 units and the temperature 22 o C.) Plot a graph of volume against temperature starting at 0 o C. (A)

  10. Charles' Law

    Charles' Law gives the relationship between volume and temperature if pressure and amount are held constant. In other words, Gay-Lussac found these to be true: 1) If the volume of a container is increased, the temperature increases. 2) If the volume of a container is decreased, the temperature decreases.

  11. Charles' Law

    Charles' Law apparatus can be used to demonstrate this thermal expansion of gases. While a classroom experiment will prove the formal theory, there are numerous examples of the law in action in everyday life, which can help to embed students' understanding.

  12. Charles' Law Example Problem

    Here are several examples of situations in which Charles' Law is at play: If you take a basketball outside on a cold day, the ball shrinks a bit as the temperature is decreased. This is also the case with any inflated object and explains why it's a good idea to check your car's tire pressure when the temperature drops.

  13. What is Charles' law?

    The physical principle known as Charles' law states that the volume of a gas equals a constant value multiplied by its temperature as measured on the Kelvin scale (zero Kelvin corresponds to -273. ...

  14. PDF Gases & Gas Laws Charles' Law Teacher's Guide

    The expression of this relationship, known as Charles' Law, states "At a con-stant pressure, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas.". Mathematically, it may be written as. V = kT where V represents the volume of the gas, T represents the temperature (in Kelvin) and. k is a proportionality ...

  15. Charles' Law

    This is what is known as Charles' law or Charles' law formula, and can be written as: . It can also be expressed as , where variables marked are the initial conditions, and variables marked are the final ones. Jacques Charles (1746-1823). Source. Charles discovered this relationship between temperature and volume through experiments ...

  16. Required Practical: Investigating Gas Laws

    Spanish Language & Literature. Past Papers. Revision notes on 6.5.6 Required Practical: Investigating Gas Laws for the AQA A Level Physics syllabus, written by the Physics experts at Save My Exams.


    This time we are going to talk about "Charles' Law".In a gas, its physical behavior is described by these four variables namely: Pressure, Volume, Temperatur...