
Essay on England Country

Students are often asked to write an essay on England Country in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on England Country

Introduction to england.

England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It is located to the northwest of mainland Europe and is bordered by Scotland, Wales, the Irish Sea, and the North Sea.

Capital and Language

The capital city of England is London, a big city known for its history and culture. English is the main language spoken by the people here.

Places and Nature

England has many beautiful places, like the Lake District, known for its lakes and mountains. There are also many old castles and parks to see.

The weather in England can change quickly. It is often cloudy and rainy, but there can also be sunny days, especially in the summer.

Sports and Food

250 words essay on england country.

England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It is located on the island of Great Britain and shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. The Irish Sea lies northwest of England, while the Celtic Sea is to the southwest.

The Capital City

The capital of England is London, which is also the largest city. London is known for its rich history, famous landmarks like the Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the London Bridge. It is a city where old meets new and is a center for culture, business, and tourism.

English Countryside

Beyond the bustling cities, England has beautiful countryside filled with green fields, hills, and small towns. The Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales are two examples of the stunning natural beauty you can find. These areas are perfect for walking, cycling, and enjoying the outdoors.

Sport and Leisure

Sports are important in English culture, with football (soccer) being the most popular. England is home to the Premier League, one of the world’s most famous football leagues. Cricket and rugby are also popular sports enjoyed by many.

Culture and Traditions

England has a rich cultural heritage with traditions that go back hundreds of years. English tea time, the royal family, and festivals like Guy Fawkes Night are part of what makes England unique. The country has also given the world famous writers like William Shakespeare and J.K. Rowling.

500 Words Essay on England Country

England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares its borders with Scotland to the north, Wales to the west, the Irish Sea to the northwest, the Celtic Sea to the southwest, and the North Sea to the east. The English Channel separates it from continental Europe. England is also the most populous country in the UK.

The Land and Cities

The land of England has a mix of hills, plains, and large cities. The highest mountain is Scafell Pike, and the longest river is the River Severn. There are many big cities, like London, which is the capital and has famous sights like the Big Ben and the London Eye. Other cities include Manchester, known for its football and music, and Oxford and Cambridge, famous for their universities.

England has a long and rich history. It was once ruled by Romans, and later by Vikings and Normans. There were many famous English kings and queens, like Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. England also had a big empire in the past, and it affected many parts of the world.

English food might not be as famous as food from other countries, but it has some tasty dishes. Fish and chips are very popular, and so are pies and a roast dinner, which is usually eaten on Sundays. There is also afternoon tea, where people have tea with cakes and sandwiches.

Culture and Sports

England has some of the best schools and universities in the world. Children start school at the age of five and stay until they are at least 16. Many students go to university after school, with Oxford and Cambridge being the most famous.

England is a country with a lot of history, culture, and interesting places to see. From its green lands and busy cities to its old castles and modern sports stadiums, there is something for everyone. Even though the weather can be rainy, the people are friendly and there are many things to do and learn. It is a country that may be small in size but is big in its contributions to the world.

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United Kingdom

Located off the northwest coast of Europe, the United Kingdom includes England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

The biggest part of the United Kingdom (also called the U.K.) is the island of Great Britain, which is made up of England, Wales, and Scotland. The U.K. also includes Northern Ireland, which is on another island. (South of Northern Ireland is the separate country of Ireland , which gained its independence from the U.K. in 1937.) Northern Ireland is just 12 miles from the island of Great Britain, across the North Channel of the Irish Sea.

Scotland and Wales are the most mountainous parts of the U.K. and are covered in knife-edged mountain ridges separated by deep valleys. This terrain was shaped some 20,000 years ago during the last Ice Age, when thick glaciers covered the land. When the Ice Age glaciers melted in northwest Scotland, they left behind thousands of lakes, called lochs (pronounced LOCKS). Long and narrow, some of the lochs are very deep. (Legends say that a giant monster called Nessie lives in Loch Ness in this region, also called the Scottish Highlands.)

The largest freshwater lake by surface area in the U.K., Lough Neagh (pronounced LOCK NEE), is in Northern Ireland. It stretches 20 miles long and nine miles wide. Rolling hills and plains dot the countryside of both Northern Ireland and England.


Government and economy.

The U.K.’s system of government has developed over many centuries. As early as the ninth century, kings and queens ruled with advice from a council of religious leaders and nobles. 

Today, the country is a constitutional monarchy, which means the reigning king or queen is the head of state but doesn’t have any real political power.

The old council of advisers eventually expanded into a government body called Parliament. That’s why today, the United Kingdom’s system of governing is called a parliamentary democracy.

Members of Parliament now pass all the country's laws from two chambers: the House of Commons, made up of officials elected by the people, and the House of Lords, in which members are appointed, usually by the reigning king or queen based on recommendations by an independent group called the House of Lords Appointments Commission.

The head of the government is the prime minister, who is usually the leader of the political party in charge of Parliament.

Oil, iron, and steel products are some of the United Kingdom’s main exports, or goods sold to other countries. The country also exports electrical equipment, and parts for automobiles and aircrafts. Its main crops produced include barley, wheat, and potatoes.

Over the centuries, the United Kingdom has accumulated wealth from foreign lands the country colonized, or took control over. Some estimates say the U.K. earned as much as $45 trillion in today’s dollars just from its former colony of India, when trade from goods that India produced went to the U.K’s economy. Other former colonies include Australia , Canada , and South Africa .

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Queen Elizabeth II on her Coronation Day (June 2, 1953) holding the Sovereign's Sceptre with Cross in her right hand the Orb in her left, in an embroidered and beaded dress by Norman Hartnell, a crimson velvet mantle edged with ermine fur, with the Coronation ring, the Coronation necklace, and the Imperial State Crown. The backdrop depicts the interior of Westminster Abbey; photograph by Cecil Beaton. (British royals)

Cultural life

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  • England - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11)
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  • Table Of Contents

England’s contribution to both British and world culture is too vast for anything but a cursory survey here. Historically, England was a very homogeneous country and developed coherent traditions, but, especially as the British Empire expanded and the country absorbed peoples from throughout the globe, English culture has been accented with diverse contributions from Afro-Caribbeans, Asians, Muslims, and other immigrant groups. Other parts of the United Kingdom have experienced the same social and cultural diversification, with the result that England is not always distinguishable from Wales and Scotland or even Northern Ireland . The former insularity of English life has been replaced by a cosmopolitan familiarity with all things exotic: fish and chips have given way to Indian, Chinese, and Italian cuisine, guitar-based rock blends with South Asian rap and Afro-Caribbean salsa, and the English language itself abounds in neologisms drawn from nearly every one of the world’s tongues.


Recent News

Even as England has become ever more diverse culturally, it continues to exert a strong cultural influence on the rest of the world. English music, film, and literature enjoy wide audiences overseas, and the English language has gained ever-increasing currency as the preferred international medium of cultural and economic exchange.

Historically, English daily life and customs were markedly different in urban and rural areas. Indeed, much of English literature and popular culture has explored the tension between town and country and between farm and factory. Today, even though the English are among the world’s most cosmopolitan and well-traveled people, ties to the rural past remain strong. Urbanites, for example, commonly retire to villages and country cottages, and even the smallest urban dwelling is likely to have a garden.

Another divide, though one that is fast disappearing, is the rigid class system that long made it difficult for nonaristocratic individuals to rise to positions of prominence in commerce, government, and education. Significant changes have accompanied the decline of the class system, which also had reinforced distinctions between town and country and between the less affluent north of England and the country’s wealthy south. For example, whereas in decades past English radio was renowned for its “proper” language, the country’s airwaves now carry accents from every corner of the country and its former empire, and the wealthy are likely to enjoy the same elements of popular culture as the less advantaged.

Many holidays in England, such as Christmas, are celebrated throughout the world, though the traditional English Christmas is less a commercial event than an opportunity for singing and feasting. Remembrance Day (November 11) honours British soldiers who died in World War I . Other remembrances are unique to England and are nearly inexplicable to outsiders. For example, Guy Fawkes Night (November 5) commemorates a Roman Catholic conspiracy to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605, and Saint George ’s Day (April 23) honours England’s patron saint—though the holiday is barely celebrated at all in England, in marked contrast to the celebrations in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland for their respective patron saints. Indeed, the lack of official celebration for Saint George contributes to the ambiguity of “Englishness” and whether it can now be distinguished from “Britishness.” The monarch’s official birthday is also observed nationally and commemorated in the summer by a military parade called Trooping the Colour , which has been celebrated since the 18th century.

Fish and Chips

English cuisine has traditionally been based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken, and fish, all cooked with the minimum of embellishment and generally served with potatoes and one other vegetable—or, in the case of fish (most commonly cod or haddock) deep-fried in batter and served with deep-fried potato slices (chips). Fish and chips , traditionally wrapped in old newspapers to keep warm on the journey home, has long been one of England’s most popular carryout dishes. By convention , at least for middle-income households, the main family meal of the week was the “Sunday joint,” when a substantial piece of beef, lamb, or pork was roasted in the oven during the morning and served around midday. In the 1950s and ’60s, however, these traditions started to change. Immigrants from India and Hong Kong arrived with their own distinctive cuisine, and Indian and Chinese restaurants became a familiar sight in every part of England. By the 1980s, American-style fast-food restaurants dotted the landscape, and the rapid post-World War II growth of holiday travel to Europe , particularly to France, Spain, Greece, and Italy, exposed the English to new foods, flavours, and ingredients, many of which found their way into a new generation of recipe books that filled the shelves of the typical English kitchen.

Cornish clotted cream

Other traditional English dishes include scones , kippers , bangers and mash , pie and mash , bubble and squeak , Blood pudding , the Scotch egg , Yorkshire pudding , shepherd’s pie , steak and kidney pie , the Chelsea bun , Welsh rarebit , the ploughman’s lunch , Cornish clotted cream , and sticky toffee pudding . Strawberries and cream and the Pimm’s Cup are the signature dish and drink, respectively, at England’s annual Wimbledon tennis tournament .

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Essays on England

The importance of writing an essay on england.

Writing an essay on England is important for several reasons. Firstly, England has a rich history and a significant impact on the world, making it a fascinating topic to explore. By researching and writing about England, students can gain a deeper understanding of its culture, politics, and society.

Furthermore, writing an essay on England provides an opportunity for students to develop their critical thinking and analytical skills. They can analyze historical events, political movements, and cultural developments to form well-supported arguments and s.

Additionally, writing about England allows students to practice their writing skills, including structuring an essay, using evidence to support their points, and presenting their ideas clearly and coherently.

Writing Tips for an Essay on England

  • Choose a specific topic: England has a vast and diverse history, so it's essential to narrow down your focus to a specific aspect of English culture, history, or society.
  • Research thoroughly: Use reliable sources to gather information and evidence to support your arguments. This may include books, academic journals, historical documents, and reputable websites.
  • Organize your thoughts: Create an outline to structure your essay and ensure that your arguments flow logically and coherently.
  • Use critical analysis: When discussing historical events or cultural phenomena, critically evaluate the information and provide your interpretation and analysis.
  • Cite your sources: Properly cite any sources you use in your essay to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original authors.
  • Revise and edit: After writing your essay, revise and edit it to ensure that it is well-written, coherent, and free of grammatical and spelling errors.

By writing an essay on England and following these tips, students can develop a deeper understanding of English history and culture, while also honing their writing and critical thinking skills.

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small essay about england

Subject Material

Easy Text - An Introduction to England

English Country House

England is the largest country in the UK and the one with the most inhabitants (51 million). London is the capital city and the government for the United Kingdom is there. England has a mild climate and is suitable for farming. It is also an industrial country with a variety of industries like tourism, chemicals, electronics and finance. Much of the country is quite flat. The north has some hills and the south has beautiful villages and beaches. There are also many big cities like Manchester and Liverpool. England has had many famous writers, artists and musicians. You have probably heard of Shakespeare, J.R.R Tolkien and of course the Beatles.

Tasks and Activities

English architecture. Photo.

  • Which famous English person would you have been if you were going to a masquerade? (Search online for famous British if you need help.)

You are arranging an 'English Evening' at school. Write an invitation to the students. Include:

  • where to meet
  • when to meet
  • what to bring
  • ask people to dress in an English manner

Remember to be polite in your invitation.

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  1. England | LearnEnglish Teens

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    United Kingdom, island country located off the northwestern coast of mainland Europe. It comprises the whole of the island of Great Britain—which contains England, Wales, and Scotland—as well as the northern portion of the island of Ireland. Its capital is London.

  7. England - Culture, Traditions, Heritage | Britannica

    Historically, England was a very homogeneous country and developed coherent traditions, but, especially as the British Empire expanded and the country absorbed peoples from throughout the globe, English culture has been accented with diverse contributions from Afro-Caribbeans, Asians, Muslims, and other immigrant groups.

  8. ≡Essays on England - Get Ahead in Your Studies with

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