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Free Task List Templates for Employees (Excel | Word)

Project managers and leaders must assign tasks to the right team members to ensure their teams are organised and productive. It is a comprehensive checklist that helps individuals or teams stay organised, track progress, and manage their workload effectively.  It is a tool that outlines all of the tasks required for a project from start to finish.

By using a task list, project managers can identify, categorise, and assign tasks to employees or team members in a systematic way. Its contents vary depending on the nature of the project. It typically includes details such as the name of the tasks, descriptions, due dates, assigned individuals or teams, and status updates, provides a clear overview of the work that needs to be accomplished, and helps ensure that nothing is overlooked or forgotten.

This article highlights the significance of task lists in ensuring efficient project management and provides practical guidance on customising an Excel template to create a tailored list that meets specific project needs.

What is a Template for a Task List? 

A template for a task list serves as a versatile document that enables efficient organisation, tracking, and management of project activities.

It provides a structured format with various categories of information essential for effective project management . These categories typically include activity descriptions, assigned employees, status updates, priorities, and deadlines. However, the template can be tailored to meet specific task specifications and project requirements by adding or removing relevant entries. 

Using a template is useful as it provides a standardised format for organising and managing the activities of the project. This ensures that consistent information is recorded for each assignment. It also allows managers to formulate their own convenient system of listing activities, assigning duties to team members, setting deadlines, and tracking progress. 

A popular tool for creating templates in Microsoft Excel. It is a convenient program because of its user-friendly interface, which makes it simple to use. You can easily navigate through its features and commands. This allows for easy and quick customization.

Also, it has features to simplify various uses of the template, such as calculating task completion times to track progress . It is also easily accessible and compatible with multiple devices. This allows easy collaboration with team members when utilising the template. 

Free Templates

Downloadable Task List Template for Excel Format

Benefits of Using a Task List

Project managers can benefit in many ways when using a task list to manage their teams. This is because they are an effective way to launch projects quickly and ensure activities are identified, prioritised, and assigned to the most suitable employees under each step. 

Here are different ways team leaders can benefit from one:

Increase productivity and efficiency

With this list, employee responsibilities can be clearly defined, ensuring the team remains focused as everyone knows what is expected. This increases productivity. Also, duties can be delegated so that capable members or teams can work on different tasks simultaneously. This ensures goals and deadlines are met due to reduced downtime. This results in faster delivery and the optimization of time and resources, thus completing projects efficiently.    

Prioritise tasks

Tasks can be listed in order of importance, priority, or urgency. Additionally, by displaying the dependencies between tasks in this order, the team is better able to prioritise its efforts and avoid bottlenecks. 

Tracks progress and recurring tasks

The document lists the activity’s status, which can be either completed, ongoing, or pending. This information is needed to track the team’s progress over time. It can also be shared with team members, stakeholders, and clients to ensure they are updated on the project’s progress. 

A list of repeating activities can be duplicated and reused for the corresponding period, whether daily, weekly, or monthly, using a premade template. 

Allows delegation

Listing activities simplifies the delegation of work among the team members. You can identify the strengths of each member and assign them to duties they are suitable for. Additionally, you can more effectively and fairly distribute the workload and responsibilities among the employees to prevent overworking some of them at the expense of others. 

Better time management

You can divide large tasks into smaller, manageable activities with a list. Listing activities allows you to manage them effectively and allocate realistic deadlines.   

Reduced stress

Task lists offer a valuable solution to alleviate the mental burden of remembering every task. By providing a clear structure and a sense of control, they effectively reduce stress and create more mental space for focusing on the current task.

Improved communication

A task list informs team members, stakeholders, and clients about activities, the assigned employee, and the completion timeline . This promotes alignment and fosters collaboration among all stakeholders, ensuring that everyone shares a common understanding and can work together efficiently to successfully meet project deadlines.

Greater accountability 

Task lists establish accountability by clearly assigning tasks to specific team members. Each individual knows their responsibilities and can track their progress against the tasks assigned to them.

How to Make a Task List for Your Team

Understanding how to create a functional and effective activity list for your project is important. This is because a well-prepared document is easy to use and eliminates the risk of any errors due to missed or forgotten tasks or steps. 

Below is the detailed process for making such lists for a project:

Consider the scope of the project

It is important to consider the scope of the project , which is determined by its size and nature. Define the specific deliverables, the number of tasks involved, and the expected final product. This information will guide you in identifying the necessary activities that need to be completed. Subsequently, based on that, you can determine the appropriate format and layout for your document, ensuring its effectiveness and organisation.

Determine the priority of each task based on its importance, urgency, and dependencies. Identify critical tasks that need to be completed first or those that may impact the overall project timeline .

Determine the project’s timeline

Then, determine the timeline by identifying when different activities should be completed and the order in which they should be prioritised. Use this information to set realistic and achievable deadlines for each activity. 

Divide the project into sections

The project should be divided into smaller, manageable tasks. Begin by identifying the significant milestones or phases and subsequently dividing them into more specific action items.

Assign responsibilities

Next, assign the activities to the appropriate employees. Assign tasks to specific team members or stakeholders responsible for their completion. Clearly communicate the assignments and ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities.

Organise and structure

Determine the most suitable format for your list. It could be a simple checklist, a spreadsheet , project management software, or any other tool that works best for you and your team.

Regularly review and update

Continuously review and update the list as the project progresses. Add new tasks, modify deadlines if needed, and ensure that completed tasks are checked off or marked as complete.

Communicate and collaborate

Share the list with the relevant team members and stakeholders. Encourage open communication and collaboration to address any questions, provide support, and ensure everyone is aligned.This infographic is about tips for using task list templates.

This infographic is about tips for using task list template.

How to Customise a Task List Template in Excel

A template is simply a pre-made outline to guide you on what information to include in your list and the appropriate format and layout to use. Therefore, templates will normally offer you a customization option that allows you to create a document that is specific to your project and fulfils your requirements.

Below is a complete procedure on how to create one using Excel:

Launch excel

Launch Microsoft Excel on your computer by clicking on the Excel icon or finding it in your applications folder. Once Excel is open, you will see a blank workbook. This is where you will create your list. If you have a specific project file, you can open it instead.

Select a task list template

Choose a pre-designed task list template from the available options. You can find templates by selecting “File” > “New” and searching for “task list” in the template search bar. Alternatively, you can also browse online for templates compatible with Excel and download them.

Review the template structure

Take a moment to review the structure and layout of the template. Familiarise yourself with the columns, headers, and data fields already included.

Create column headers 

Then, modify the headers and sections of the template in Excel to match the project steps or workflow. Determine the categories or information you want to have. Common column headers may include task name, description, assigned to, status, deadline, priority, and notes. Enter these column headers in the first row of your worksheet. 

Enter details of the tasks

Starting from the second row, enter the relevant details for each task in the corresponding columns. For example, under “Task Name,” enter the name or title of the task. Add appropriate information for each activity in the other columns, such as descriptions, assigned individuals, due dates, status updates, and any additional notes. 

Add or remove columns

Add or remove columns based on the information you want to track for your tasks. Right-click on the column header and select “Insert” or “Delete” to add or remove columns, respectively.

Adjust column widths

Resize the column widths to accommodate the content in each column. Hover your cursor between the column letters, click, and drag to expand or shrink the width as needed.

Format the cells

Apply formatting options such as font style, size, and colour to enhance the visual appeal and readability of the list. You can also add borders, shading, or cell highlighting to draw attention to important information.

Customise data validation

If your list template includes data validation, customise it to fit your specific needs. Data validation can help ensure that entered data meets certain criteria, such as selecting options from a drop-down list for task status or priority.

Add formulas or conditional formatting

Utilize Excel’s formulas and conditional formatting features to automate calculations and visually highlight specific data based on certain conditions. For example, you can create a formula to calculate task completion percentages or use conditional formatting to highlight overdue tasks.

Save and use the customized template

Once you have made the desired changes and customizations, save the file as a template for future use. Select “File” > “Save As” and choose the file format “.xltx” or “.xlsx” to save it as an Excel template.

By following these steps, you can effectively customise a task list template in Excel to align with your project or personal task management requirements. This flexibility allows you to create a task list that suits your specific needs and enhances your productivity and organisation.

Types of Task List Templates 

You can access different types of templates for listing your project tasks. Below are examples of common types of such templates. They vary in complexity and application:

Simple task list 

This blank template outlines tasks in a straightforward format. It has sections for recording a brief task description, due date, and status. It is meant for small projects with a few team members that do not require extensive planning. This template is simple in design and easy to use when creating lists and managing employees .

Project task list 

It is a generic template designed to organise, track, and manage activities in different projects. The template has sections to indicate the project tasks, deadlines, assignees, priority, and deliverables. It is more detailed and can be used for personal and business projects. This template can also outline potential issues and risks that ought to be mitigated throughout the project.

Daily task list 

The tasks that must be accomplished each day in order to advance the project toward its objectives are recorded on a daily task list. It indicates the starting time for each day and task interval and, as such, can be segmented into hours. It should be flexible to accommodate changes or unforeseen circumstances that may arise during the project. Regularly update and communicate the list with relevant team members to ensure everyone is aligned and working towards the project’s objectives.

Weekly task list 

It helps individuals or teams plan and organise their tasks for the entire week. It typically includes tasks that need to be accomplished within that specific week. It has sections for the day, date, task description, due date, status, and keynotes. It can be synced with the calendar to optimise scheduling. This document is an effective time management instrument that helps plan and prioritise weekly activities to ensure they are completed before the deadline at the end of the week.

In conclusion, task lists are indispensable tools for effective task management and productivity. Individuals and teams can stay organised, prioritise their work, and monitor progress toward their objectives by using them. To make task management even easier, there are various free templates available on this website that can be customised to fit specific needs and preferences. Thus, project managers and team leaders must use them to increase employee productivity and manage time and resources effectively. This leads to easier and faster delivery of project goals.  Templates can be significantly helpful in making effective and professional task lists. They record information such as activity description, deadline, and status to organise and manage project activities accurately. Also, they are reusable and can be customised using tools like Excel to ensure they align with your management style and specific project needs.     

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Joshua Wilson

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How to Give Assignments to Team Members

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Table of Contents

The project has been divided into milestones, goals and objectives broken into tasks, and now it’s time to assign them. But as you open the project management platform, you’re faced with the unflattering process of wording the tasks, and choosing whom to assign them to.

Well, in this article, we offer advice on how to make that jumbled first moment a little clearer. There are actionable tips, learning the difference between allocating and delegating tasks, and suggested criteria on how to choose the best person for the job.

For a more precise overview, here’s a table of contents:

How do you assign employees tasks?

We normally think that assigning tasks is a time-consuming process that focuses on clearing out task lists to keep the project going. However, task assignment should actually be a more employee-oriented process that requires additional dedication and effort, which yields incredible results. But what do we mean by that?

Properly assigned tasks push your employees, projects, and the overall company forward. Here’s how.

  • They strengthen accountability and trust between managers and employees;
  • They help teach new skills and perfect old ones;
  • They allow employees to get familiar with other teams and avenues of work;
  • It becomes easier to make project estimates;
  • Makes for great bases for performance reviews, etc.

The list could go on, but we’ll stop there for now.

Of course, such long-term benefits don’t come without some proverbial blood and sweat in the planning stage. Let’s take a look at the general ideas on assigning employee tasks, and specific steps you can take.

Motivation comes from knowing the bigger picture

When we talk about the bigger picture in project management, we talk about each team member’s task affecting their peer’s down the line. Since all tasks are usually small pieces of the puzzle, it helps to remind employees how their work contributes. For example:

  • A high-quality draft can make a great foundation for the final version, and it can be completed more quickly.
  • A well-prepared presentation can shave time off unnecessary questions and additional email inquiries.

It comes as no surprise that people work better and are more productive, when they know that their work has an impact on the company level.

And so, when you assign tasks, try to emphasize how they fit in the bigger picture. Simply saying: “ You doing X will help with Y and Z ” and how it reflects on the project as a whole will let an employee know that the task they were assigned is important.

Get your employees excited to commit

Telling people about the bigger picture and showing them what’s possible can only get them so far. It’s enough to ignite the initial spark, but for them to fully commit to the task, you need to define what that task entails.

They should be able to picture how to go about the work, what skills to use, and how to reach the desired result. The clearer the instructions, the more motivated they will be to work.

Simply put, give directions on how the task should be done, and make sure they understand. You can’t read each other’s minds, so it’s important everyone is on the same page.

Ask for task transparency

One of the best practices a company can employ is transparency among coworkers.

This is achieved by having everyone input their tasks for the day in a timesheet. The purpose of timesheets is to get an accurate idea of what everyone is working on at any given time.

When people know who works on what tasks, it’s easier for them to know if a person is available or busy, how far along they are with a task, etc.

So, when you give assignments to employees, label them with deadlines. Alternatively, you can ask for employees’ assessments on how long the work would take them, and use those timeframes.

clocked-in activity screenshot in Team Dashboard

Source: Clockify team timesheet

Timesheets are a great way to keep an eye on tasks and the people doing them. You get to:

  • see who struggles with what (helps assess people’s skill sets);
  • who burns through their workload and is available for additional tasks;
  • whether your time estimates need correction;
  • identify any wasted time.

💡 If your employees are insecure about keeping public records of their tasks, here are a few resources that can help:

  • How to create order in your daily work tasks
  • How to be more efficient with your tasks

Keep a crystal clear timeframe

While we’re discussing timesheets and deadline transparency, it’s important to mention that the times you set for task completions need to be clear-cut.

As we’ve mentioned, the safest way to assign deadlines is to consult the employees. They are better at assessing how long it will take them due to the tasks’ difficulty, overall deadlines, the standards that need to be met, and the skill required to complete it.

When they get a say in how long they should be doing an assignment, people tend to feel more accountable for the whole process. They will do their best to finish in time, since they actively participated in setting the deadline.

Set very clear expectations

Assigning a task should always include your (the supervisor’s) expectations pointed out. For example:

  • Does a logo pitch need as many drafts as possible, or just a few finished pieces?

If you ask a designer to make some drafts for a logo pitch, you must specify the kind of quality you’re looking for. Explain whether you are looking for some sketches and drafts for a brainstorming meeting, or if you want clean, presentable pieces to show.


  • How many pieces should the designer do?
  • Is there a specific color palette they need to follow?
  • How important is the task? Is this the day they finally decide on a logo, or is it still in the brainstorming stage? (decides on the quality of the work itself)

Assigning the task using the above questions, you help the designer understand how much effort precisely they need to invest. They become more motivated with clear instructions, as they know what is expected of them. There’s no fear of having their work criticized for something that wasn’t communicated in the beginning. And on your end, it prevents breached deadlines or subpar results.

Avoid creating dependency by being less involved

It’s not unusual for employees to ask their supervisors for their opinion on a certain task, or their performance.

The problem arises when a supervisor makes themselves too involved with the process. When they feel like the project might fall apart if they don’t have their eyes on every moving part all of the time. And when you have, say, 20 people waiting for that person’s approval, advice, or consultation, the workflow runs into a gridlock.

And wait time is wasted time.

Plus, people lose motivation, patience, and grow frustrated, as they could be doing other things.

So, learn not to jump in every time people call for your aid. Assign reliable people who can address smaller issues, while you handle the big picture. Learn how to expend your own energy where it is needed more.

For example – making a pitch presentation for potential investors keeps getting put off because one person needs you to check a client email they want to send, another wants your signature on a form, and the third wants to ask something about employee feedback that’s coming up.

In order to not be stretched thin, and have your time wasted on menial tasks, here’s where you can start:

How to mitigate the risk of being over-involved when assigning

  • Remember that you match tasks to people

Which means that, by matching the right people with the right tasks, your involvement will be minimal. Take time to carefully choose who gets to do what. What is the point of assigning tasks if they can’t be done without you?

  • Have a 10-point scale to judge the importance of items

How important are certain aspects of your leadership role? Are you absolutely necessary in every meeting, or during every call? Which tasks need your approval, and which ones can be approved by someone under you?

Rank these items on a scale of 0 to 10, based on their importance to you and the project. Top priority tasks should get your undivided attention. And what can be delegated, should be.

  • Analyze your schedule

Your energy and time are needed on a much broader scale. The best way to spot if you’re wasting time being too involved is to look at your schedule. Identify how much time you’ve spent on low-priority items, and assess which issues could’ve been solved without you.

  • Take into account priorities and deadlines

Step in only when absolutely necessary. You are in charge of things getting done on time, by people most qualified for assigned tasks. Determine what your priorities are for each project, and concern yourself only with those issues, unless there is a risk of breaching a deadline.

  • Formulate a list of dependable people

If you know your employees (or team members) well enough, then you should be able to single out those who are more dependable and ready to take on a little more responsibilities. Write out the reasons how they could help by getting involved on low-priority items instead of you. When the time comes, rally them and present them with the idea, keeping in mind that this solution helps push the project forward. When authority is delegated to several people, there’s fewer chances of a hold-up in the workflow.

This also falls into the realm of task delegation , which we’ll get into later.

How do you decide what tasks to assign to which employees?

1. assign based on priority.

Naturally, some tasks will be more important than others. When you break down a project into tasks , spend some time assessing their priority level.

High-priority tasks should be the first on your list to allocate. Whether it’s because they’re time-sensitive, or require more effort and dedication.

Low priority tasks can be allocated as fillers to the first available person.

2. Assign based on employee availability

Another factor to consider when assigning tasks is who is available at the moment.

As the project moves along, new tasks will be added. You will have to allocate new work, but odds are you won’t always be able to pick who you want. Especially if a deadline is approaching, the person with the smallest workload should be your first choice.

Overloading an already busy individual just because they’re more skilled or you have faith in them the most puts an unnecessary strain on them. It’s cause for frustration, poorer results, and decreased productivity.

And as we’ve mentioned, if you have a timesheet with an overview of all the tasks and employees working on them, it’ll be much easier to spot who is free and who isn’t.

3. Assign based on employee skill level

High-priority tasks should go to employees with more experience in a given field or skill. However, you should occasionally give such tasks to other employees as well, to help them grow and become just as dependable. Giving people challenging tasks that can boost their experience is essential to productivity and morale.

Not to mention you get to have multiple high-skilled employees.

Low-priority tasks can be assigned to anyone, despite their experience level. They’re a good opportunity to practice, pick up new skills, or get smaller tasks out of the way to make room for more important ones.

4. Assign based on preference

Last, but not the least, preference can also play a big part in how you assign tasks.

It’s a given that some employees will prefer certain tasks over others. So it could be good to assign tasks at a meeting with the team. As you discuss priorities, deadlines, and availability, ask them which tasks they would like to work on.

If someone shows interest in a specific type of work, they should (with some consideration), be allowed to take it. After all, people are more productive when they’re assigned to something they find new or exciting.

Note: Apply this rule with caution. Letting people do only the tasks they want can stunt their career growth. Getting out of our comfort zones and occasionally doing tasks that we don’t like is how we develop and learn. So, don’t forget to document assignments as you hand them out, to spot these potential issues early on.

Allocating vs delegating tasks

While semantically similar words, delegation and allocation in terms of tasks are two different things.

When you allocate tasks , you are assigning tasks without giving the employees much authority, challenge, or room to grow. It includes you keeping all of the responsibility – writing out the tasks, making deadlines, providing resources, tools, etc. These are usually recurring tasks that can become repetitive.

When you delegate tasks , you allow for some of that responsibility to fizzle out from your fingers. All you think about are the objectives, while letting the employees figure out the details and means to get there.

However, that doesn’t mean delegation is right and the allocation is wrong.

Task allocation has its own place. It is just as important, as a lot of tasks come down to repeated processes that are still vital to the project progress. Task delegation is just a good opportunity for employees to learn, challenge themselves, and assess their skills and performance.

When should you allocate tasks?

Management and BizDev consultant Artem Albul shared his concept on task assignment, which he dubbed an “algorithm”. He emphasized how these criteria are useful only and only when you wish that employees perform the tasks based on your guidelines and instructions (aka allocation).

Here is how Albul broke down the algorithm:

algorithm - assignments

Source: Artem Albul, TWA Consulting

As we can see, task allocation, while the more “controlling” of the two, also gives in-depth instructions and asks for confirmation on task clarity. A lot of it comes down to everyone being on the same page, leaving little to no room for misinterpretation (but also creative freedom).

How should you allocate tasks?

With all that we’ve mentioned in the previous section, here’s how your task allotment could look like, step by step.

  • Break down your project

Detail out the goals, objectives, and some individual tasks (not all, be careful not to start micromanaging). Place the most important deadlines.

  • Prioritize tasks and sort them

It’s important to know what tasks need to be done faster/better, to properly allocate your resources and manpower from the start.

  • Make a list of teams and team members

Assign team leaders (if you don’t have them), and alternatively, ask for their input on individual employees skills, for a more informed decision on who gets what.

  • Schedule a meeting

Make a meeting with the team leads and go through the points above. Assign tasks according to each team’s availability, interest, and skill required to successfully push the project forward.

  • As team leads – assign tasks further down the pipeline
  • Track task completion and make necessary changes along the way

Whether it’s pushing deadlines, reassigning tasks, or shifting around resources. This is perfectly fine and expected, so long as it doesn’t happen on every task you’ve assigned. Then, it is an indicator of poor pre-planning.

  • Offer feedback and write performances

Don’t forget to track the progress and make notes of important details that might help the next task allocation/delegation process. It’s also a useful piece of information for the employees on what they need to improve on.

Allocating tasks is somewhat more complicated than we want it to be. But, this kind of thorough research and preparation will make projects run more smoothly. Employees will also be more satisfied with their work, and there will be less hurdles as deadlines approach.

When should you delegate tasks?

Delegation is a great practice in trust for both the employer/supervisor and the employee. The employer learns how to give away some of their control over the process, while the employee learns how to take more accountability for their work.

This lets you focus on big-picture aspects of your job, since you deal less with assignments that are low-priority for you. You save time and energy, while helping others move up in their careers.

How do you effectively delegate tasks as a leader?

As we’ve mentioned, delegating includes more employee independence. There are some additional components which make this type of task assignment more appealing than allocation, with great opportunities for growth.

Focus on delegating objectives instead of actual tasks

When you delegate, you focus on the objective that needs to be done. You shouldn’t give employees a “color by numbers” instruction on how to complete a task.

Communicate clearly what the end result should be and what expectations you (or the higher-ups) have. Leave the means for reaching that end goal to the employees themselves. Because how you solve a task may be completely different to how they will. And that is perfectly fine, so long as the result is the one you are looking for.

Keep the objectives challenging

When the objectives you’re delegating are too easy, chances are the person will either procrastinate, or feel like you don’t trust them enough. And if they’re too difficult, they get frustrated, anxious, and begin to panic.

It’s a good idea to be aware of an employee’s skill level, so you can gauge how much challenge and responsibility they can take on. For them to be the most productive and achieve great results, they need to enter “the state of Flow”.

Graph - in flow

Source: Optimal Experience , M. Csikszentmihalyi

💡 We’ve discussed the state of Flow in more detail in an article on time organization.

Encourage discussion and feedback

Let employees voice their opinions on the topic.

They should ask anything about the task, the goals, or the overall impact their work will have on the later stages or others’ workflow. It means they are interested in the task, and getting involved.

And if they aren’t asking questions themselves, you can always nudge them into proactivity.

  • Is there something you’d like me to clarify?
  • Do you already have any ideas on how to go about the task?
  • Is the time we agreed upon enough for you?
  • Will you need other resources, tools, or support?
  • Do you see any problems or risks?

Questions like these help them feel valued, their efforts acknowledged, and let them know you care about the task and how well they perform. Just be careful not to overdo it, or you’ll start to look like a micromanager.

Give employees free rein, but offer support

Speaking of micromanaging, delegation means you let people problem-solve their way out on their own. There should be no reason for a manager to step in and control or supervise any step of the process, unless absolutely necessary.

However, what you should do is let them know you’re available for any advice should they feel stuck. Just because employees get authority on a certain task, and are left to their own devices, doesn’t mean the project has to suffer until they pull themselves up.

From time to time, ask them if they need anything from you, and make sure they know you’re there for any kind of support, consultation, or mediation. ANother good practice is to also give them additional learning opportunities – such as training, conferences, courses, etc.

Delegate objectives that move people forward

Choose assignments that boost the skills and employ all of their experiences, instead of something that simply needs to be done. For example:

  • Tasks that require they brush up on their team communication skills;
  • Learning how to allocate smaller tasks;
  • Supervising others’ work and doing quality control;
  • Learning to work with a new tool;
  • Holding a meeting (or more), etc.

Find out which skills your employees may want or need to develop, and then plan your delegations accordingly. You want them to complete the task while having learned something new at the same time.

How to choose who to delegate to

Paul Beesley, senior director and consultant at Beyond Theory proposed a nifty checklist for when you’re choosing an employee to delegate to. It’s meant to simplify and speed up the process.

To successfully complete the delegated task, your chosen employee needs:

S – the skill to perform and complete a task

T – the time to complete the task, and if needed, learn the required skill

A – the authority to handle everything concerning the task

R – the necessary level of responsibility

R – the recognition for successfully completing the task

This list is a set of important criteria that should be covered when you consider who to assign to a specific task. However, depending on your niche, type of service, company size and the project at hand, the criteria are likely to change. And it should accommodate your needs, not the other way around.

Common task delegation mistakes to avoid

With all being said, there are some common mistakes managers and employers make, sometimes without even realizing it.

  • Being too vague concerning deadlines (using: as soon as possible, when you get to it, I need it by yesterday). It creates unnecessary pressure.
  • Being unavailable for questions and concerns. While you shouldn’t micromanage, you should still be present for support if an employee feels stuck. Ignoring them or handing them over to someone else could cause distrust. However, if you are usually swamped with work, set consultation hours each day or week.
  • Having unclear directions. Specifying the allotted time for task completion and expectations should be the bare minimum when delegating tasks.
  • Not providing feedback. No feedback is worse than bad feedback. Employees need to be aware when they’re doing good work, as well. In one company I worked for, the mantra was: “If no one is complaining about your work, that means you’re doing good”. And while it sounds like sound logic, it actually caused a lot of frustration. We were left directionless, and simply “floating” from task to task, never knowing if any of them had a positive impact on our performance.
  • Not listening to employees. Take into account how they feel about a task or the objective. Let them give you feedback and if there are potential problems from the get-go.
  • Assigning other people to the same task. If you notice a person struggling, the first instinct should be to ask them how they’re faring, and if they need any help. Some managers tend to assign other employees to help them without consultation, which leaves a sore taste. The employee will feel even more incompetent and will be less likely to take on a similar task in the future.
  • Assuming people will know what you mean. This is one of the biggest problems. When you’re formulating a task, be as clear as possible about the goals and expectations. Oftentimes managers think that these things are implied, but the truth is – no one is a mind reader. To avoid having information misconstrued or misunderstood, communicate clearly and directly.

There could be more mistakes, especially for every different field and industry. If at all possible, identify the most common ones, made either by you or your peers. Note down all the instances where certain tasks weren’t up to par, and see what you could have changed in your assignment process to fix it. Maybe there wasn’t enough time or resources, you were unclear, or the employee wasn’t ready for such responsibility. Use the same procedure in all future task delegations. It’s the only way to learn and make the process quicker.

Use Clockify to assign tasks with ease

Now you’re a master of task delegation — congrats!

But there’s more to it than meets the eye.

In fact, what if you used a digital tool like Clockify to increase the likelihood that each job would be completed on time and on point?

In Clockify, you can easily create highly descriptive assignments that contain information like:

  • Start time,
  • Billability status,
  • Name of the employee,
  • Period for getting the assignment done,
  • Hours per day to spend on the assignment, and more.

Create an assignment in Clockify

That way, you can plan who works on what, how long, and when.

Similarly, Clockify allows you to create project milestones to achieve results faster.

Milestones in Clockify

With the Milestones option, you can select dates for deadlines, allowing you to pin down important events in your projects.

For example, if your client expects you to keep them in the loop about developments, you can inform them promptly on whether your team has reached the agreed-upon milestones.

Refocus on your company’s big picture with a project and time tracking tool.


Marijana Stojanovic is a writer and researcher who specializes in the topics of productivity and time management.

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11 Free Task List Templates in Excel & ClickUp

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

July 18, 2024

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If you often struggle to stay on top of work tasks , personal responsibilities, and the never-ending to-do lists life keeps throwing at you, don’t worry—you’re not alone. While excelling at work while maintaining a fulfilling personal life is a major puzzle for many professionals, it can be pieced together if you equip yourself with the right tools.

The humble task list is a simple yet remarkably useful tool to boost productivity and regain control of your personal and professional commitments. It provides a clear roadmap of what and when needs to be accomplished, helping you manage time wisely and prioritize tasks effectively. 📑

To be practical, a task list needs a well-structured format, but making one from scratch can be yet another responsibility.

Fortunately, there’s a wealth of outstanding blueprints available for free. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 11 of the finest task list templates to revolutionize how you manage your daily responsibilities.

What Is a Task List Template?

What makes a good task list template, 1. clickup daily task list template, 2. clickup calendar to do list template, 3. clickup work to do template, 4. clickup task management template, 5. clickup simple to-dos template, 6. clickup simple task management template, 7. clickup activity list template, 8. excel prioritized to do list template by vertex42, 9. excel task list template by teamgantt, 10. excel daily task tracker template, 11. google sheets task list template by goodocs, task list templates: overview, checkmate your tasks with the best task and to do list templates.

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A task list template is a pre-designed framework for efficiently listing, prioritizing, organizing, and tracking tasks or activities. It comes in various forms, from simple to complex, and can be used for professional and personal purposes.

These templates typically include essential components such as task names, descriptions, due dates, and status indicators. Some may offer additional attributes like priority levels , task dependencies, and categories to further improve task management and prioritization.

ClickUp 3.0 List view bundle with Gantt and AI

Task list templates provide a systematic approach to managing your daily schedule , coordinating complex projects, or organizing team assignments. They help you track responsibilities and ensure crucial tasks are completed on time, promoting accountability and transparency.

What makes them even more valuable is their flexibility —they can be tailored to fit your specific requirements, whether you’re managing a client project or throwing a birthday party. ⏳

When it comes to task organization, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, you should ensure that your task list template has the following qualities:

  • Clarity : Task names and descriptions should be concise and unambiguous, ensuring that users can quickly understand what needs to be done
  • Organization : The template provides a logical structure for listing tasks, often in a sequential or prioritized manner
  • Flexibility : Users should be able to customize it to suit their specific personal or professional requirements 
  • Due date management : It allows for setting due dates or deadlines, helping users track time-sensitive responsibilities and prioritize work accordingly
  • Status tracking : Good templates include status indicators or checkboxes that allow users to mark tasks as incomplete, in progress, or completed
  • Reminders and notifications : To help users stay on top of upcoming tasks or overdue items

11 Free Task List Templates to Track Assignments in 2024

In this curated collection, we’ve handpicked the top 11 task and to-do list templates in Excel and ClickUp .

Each is expertly designed to address specific needs and elevate your task management experience. They’re also easy to use, customizable, and completely free. 🆓 

ClickUp Daily Task Template is perfect for managing daily tasks and keeping track of your entire day

The ClickUp Daily Task List Template is your partner in organizing everyday tasks , from the most routine to critical. It empowers you to take charge of your day by setting goals, assigning deadlines, categorizing tasks, setting up reminders, and prioritizing work.

The best part? It’s highly customizable , allowing you to tailor it to your needs and preferences. 

With this template, you have the power to take your task organization to the next level through Custom Fields. You can organize tasks according to particular categories such as type, location, or any other relevant criteria, which makes it simpler to visualize and arrange your workload.

Easily track and maintain streaks with customizable attributes for effective daily task management. ✅

Use the template’s List view for a detailed display of your to-do items, switch to the Kanban view to easily manage task statuses, or pick the Table view if you prefer a spreadsheet-like format. You can also integrate this template with your existing task management tools , ensuring it harmonizes effortlessly with your daily workflow.

Combine your daily checklist and your daily calendar with the ClickUp Calendar To-Do List Template

If you’re looking to master your work hours, expectations, and goals with precision, the ClickUp Calendar To Do List Template has your back. It’s not just a calendar; it’s a powerful organizational tool offering a holistic view of your weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly duties.

Use it as a clear roadmap to plan and prioritize all your tasks based on your role and responsibilities or as your go-to weekly task list template for multiple projects. 🗓️

What makes this template extra convenient and functional are its custom views. Imagine having an entire week ahead filled with meetings. The Meeting Request view gives you a quick overview of all your upcoming appointments, the associated tasks, and their deadlines. This ensures you’re always well-prepared and firmly in control of your commitments.

Now, picture working in a team where tasks are assigned based on roles. The By Role view helps you sort tasks according to who’s responsible for them. It makes task delegation a breeze and promotes accountability by ensuring everyone knows what they need to do and when.

Lastly, there’s the Schedules view . It’s like a visual map of your day or week, laying out tasks chronologically. This helps you plan your time effectively by allocating slots for tasks, meetings, and even short breaks. It’s all about staying on top of things and making the most of your precious time.

You can also track task progress with Custom Statuses like Open and Complete and categorize tasks using Custom Fields such as Category, Resources, Productivity Level, and Role.

Successfully tackle all upcoming obligations with the ClickUp Work To Do Template

With the ClickUp Work To Do Template , you can effortlessly prioritize tasks by importance, effort, or urgency, ensuring you stay focused on what matters most. Organize projects into lists, complete with their related tasks, subtasks, and associated due dates, so you’re always on top of deadlines. Plus, you can visually track your progress through intuitive Kanban boards or Gantt charts. 

This template offers three distinct views tailored to your needs:

  • Weekly To Do List Calendar
  • Monthly Calendar

In the Task List view, you’ll find a comprehensive list of activities organized by their completion status, be it daily, weekly, or monthly. You can track additional details on the right side of the template, such as task status, due dates, and priority. Plus, the Task Type field allows you to specify the department responsible, adding a touch of accountability to your task management. 💼

The Calendar views are where the magic happens. Use the simple drag-and-drop editor to schedule or reschedule tasks , creating a visual roadmap for your work.

Easily manage tasks across the team and use custom views like Board view to delegate work more efficiently

The ClickUp Task Management Template is your ultimate solution for staying organized and efficiently tackling tasks, no matter the project’s goals. This template takes the information you enter and automatically groups it by priority, department, or task status. With pre-built Custom Fields , you’ll have a quick snapshot of task ownership and expected completion dates, ensuring transparency and clarity. 🌞

Your team can use the template’s List view to meticulously organize task details, such as ownership and deadlines, akin to an advanced to-do list . Project tasks are sorted into three main Lists — Action Items , Ideas, and Backlog—allowing you to find the information you need effortlessly. 

Meanwhile, the Board view empowers you to plan and prioritize the most important tasks by arranging sticky notes on a Kanban board. The Box view offers insights into work distribution, aiding intelligent task assignment, while the Calendar view simplifies scheduling with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.

ClickUp Simple To-Dos Template facilitates task management and increases productivity

Introducing the ClickUp Simple To-Dos Template , where effectiveness meets simplicity. This template offers a straightforward approach to task management without unnecessary complications or distractions. 🎯

Start with the List view as your master task list, where columns display essential details like assignees, due dates, priority tags, and comments. The status column provides a dropdown menu with customizable categories, such as Blocked, Complete, In Progress, and To Do.

Want an overview of all your tasks? Turn to the All Tasks view.

Need to prioritize? The Prioritized Tasks view has you covered.

Make your tasks more informative by including subtasks, checklists, and attachments. Experiment with various views like Board and Gantt, and refine your task display using filters to find the best fit for your workflow.

View only the next action of a task for a cleaner to-do list template in ClickUp

Tired of struggling to remember your daily tasks and appointments? The ClickUp Simple Task Management Template is designed to simplify not only work-related activities but also everyday responsibilities like cleaning, vacuuming, or going to the gym.

The to-do list template includes a basic list format for visualizing personal or professional tasks categorized as To Do or Complete. 

This task management template provides a clear structure for adding your daily tasks , complete with labels for due dates, priorities, and task statuses. It’s your key to structuring your day and staying on top of tasks, no matter their size or significance.

You’ll find a range of views, including List , Board, and Doc , allowing you to approach your tasks in a way that best suits your workflow. Its powerful customization options set this template apart—add fields, prioritize tasks, and easily set up reminders .

Origanize and plan all your activities in one place with the ClickUp Activity List Template

The ClickUp Activity List Template can transform the chaos of your to-dos into a well-organized and efficient system. It’s a versatile template that covers everything from creating to-do lists and checklists to managing project timelines and sprints. With this template, you can organize all your activities in one place, making it easy to prioritize and plan them with precision. 🙌

Use the template’s Custom Fields to: 

  • Specify project name
  • Assign tasks to a project manager
  • Track completion progress

What’s even more convenient is that this template structures activities and secondary tasks as subtasks , allowing you to provide in-depth details for each one, including dependencies between activities. It’s a comprehensive solution for effective activity management and project planning , simplifying complex tasks and ensuring your projects run smoothly.

Excel Prioritized To Do List Template  by Vertex42

Excel enthusiasts, here’s a handy tool for your task management needs: the Excel Prioritized To Do List Template by Vertex42. This template simplifies the collection, evaluation, and tracking of your day-to-day tasks. It features a printable , hand-fillable design with a dedicated space for your top three priorities. 🖨️

In the first column, list your tasks or projects. Use the subsequent columns to set due dates, update statuses, specify priorities, and add notes. You have the flexibility to prioritize tasks using various methods, like symbols, numbers, or formatting.

Excel Task List Template by TeamGantt

The Excel Task List Template by TeamGantt is your ticket to task management success. This template simplifies scheduling, assignment, and tracking of tasks for various projects, making it a valuable addition to your task list template Excel collection. It offers adaptability, whether you’re handling critical work tasks or personal projects.

The template simplifies task management by allowing you to create a comprehensive to-do list . You can easily add tasks, assign owners, set due dates, and track task status. Its clear status options make progress monitoring a visual breeze, and you can prioritize tasks effortlessly by assigning due dates.

You can track your progress on work assignments, ensuring you never miss a deadline or manage your household projects more efficiently, keeping costs in check and tasks on schedule.

Excel Daily Task Tracker Template

The Excel Daily Task Tracker Template is a versatile tool for efficiently managing multiple tasks . Its user-friendly, visually attractive design incorporates built-in filtering controls , allowing you to sort and filter projects based on their due dates, priority, and status. Whether you prefer a digital or hard copy, this template suits both options.

With complete customization options , you have the freedom to adjust text, images, and other elements to suit your unique requirements. You can tap into a world of creativity with access to a diverse range of photos, graphics, fonts, and dynamic features like animations, transitions, and videos. 🎨

This template offers a straightforward and efficient solution for task tracking, helping you prevent oversights and boosting your productivity.

Google Sheets Task List Template

Ideal for tracking weekly tasks, the Google Sheets Task List Template presents an accessible and organized approach to task supervision.

This checklist template lets you manage your weekly tasks in a simple and visually shared workspace that can be accessed and coordinated seamlessly across different platforms. It’s specially designed to help you lay a robust foundation for your tasks while ensuring all crucial details are visualized and easily accessible.

With the Google Sheets Task List Template, you can encompass your tasks in a neatly planned sheet layout featuring essential task parameters such as task names, completion status, due dates, assigned roles, priority levels, and accompanying notes. 🗓️

You can manage your task flow in a glanceable format with color coding to highlight pending tasks, accomplished tasks, and tasks in progress. Its drag-and-drop feature allows you to reorganize tasks as per priorities, making it simpler to focus on urgent tasks first.

Here’s a brief overview of what you can expect from each template:

ClickUp Daily Task List TemplateManaging daily tasks and prioritizing them to achieve maximum productivity
ClickUp Calendar To Do List TemplateTake full advantage of the calendar to manage work hours, expectations, and objectives
ClickUp Work To Do TemplatePrioritizing tasks, organizing them into lists, and visualizing progress with ease
ClickUp Task Management TemplateCustomizing and streamlining task management with multiple views, including lists, boards, and calendar
ClickUp Simple To-Dos TemplateMaintaining a clear structure for daily tasks, including due dates, priority, and status
ClickUp Simple Task Management TemplateEasily with customizable statuses and fields, prioritization options, and various views
ClickUp Activity List TemplateOrganizing, prioritizing, and collaborating on various project activities in one centralized location
Excel Prioritizes To Do List Template by Vertex42Collecting, evaluating, and tracking tasks with flexibility, using a spreadsheet-style approach
Excel Task List Template by TeamGanttUtilizing its user-friendly interface to list, prioritize, and track tasks while having the flexibility to customize task details and statuses
Excel Daily Task Tracker TemplateEasily adding, assigning, and monitoring tasks, complete with due dates, priorities, and status updates

If tasks were your soldiers, task list templates would be the strategies and tactics you apply to take control of them and lead them to victory. So, don’t just try to manage tasks—command them with the right template! 💂

From simple to-do lists to detailed project tracking tools, these 11 templates combine simplicity, flexibility, and effectiveness to match your specific needs. If you need more ready-made frameworks to streamline all kinds of professional and personal activities, we encourage you to check out  ClickUp’s extensive library of templates and supercharge your productivity.

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