Essay Danışmanlık Hizmeti - Essay Sepeti

  • Ücret Politikası

Cover Letter Örneği [10 Adımda Detaylı Anlatım]

Cover letter günümüzde özellikle yurt dışında işe girecekler kişiler için, ya da Türkiye’de saygın şirketlerde çalışmaya başlayacak yeni mezunlar için vazgeçilmez bir yazı parçasıdır.

Cover letter yazdırmak veya job interview simülasyonu yapmak isterseniz bize sağ aşağıda bulunan mesaj butonundan, iletişim bölümünden ya da [email protected] adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz. Niyet mektubu (intent letter) konusunda danışmanlık almak istiyorsanız tıklayabilirsiniz. Ya da cover letter (ön yazı) için Türkçe bir kaynak arıyorsanız, Türkçe cover letter örnekleri olarak ön yazı örnekleri sayfamıza göz atabilirsiniz. Cover letter yazınız için proofreading veya editing hizmetine ihtiyacınız varsa tıklayarak ulaşabilirsiniz. Hadi başlayalım : )


  • 1 Cover Letter Nedir?
  • 2 Cover Letter Formatı veya Yapısı
  • 3 Cover Letter Nasıl Yazılır?
  • 4.1 Cover Letter Örneği – Giriş Cümleleri
  • 4.2 Cover Letter Örneği – Son Paragraf Cümleleri
  • 4.3 Cover Letter Örnekleri – Kapanış Cümleleri 
  • 4.4 Cover letter Örneği
  • 5.1 Cover letter examples
  • 5.2 Cover Letter Examples

Cover Letter Nedir?

Cover letter, özgeçmişiniz ya da CV’niz ile bir işe başvururken başvurduğunuz iş yerine verdiğiniz, işe dair isteğinizi, yeteneklerinizi, kabiliyetlerinizi ve organizasyona katabileceklerinizi anlatan bir sayfalık bir yazıdır. Türkçe’de ön yazı olarak bilinir.

Cover letter, Türkiye’deki çoğu profesyonel organizasyonda ve yurt dışındaki şirketlerde istenen bir yazı türüdür. Sizin başvurduğunuz iş ile olan uyumunuzu, işe ve şirkete kabiliyetleriniz ve yetenekleriniz ile neler katabileceğinizi, vizyonunuzu, başarılarınızı ve kendinizi kısaca tanıtmaya yarayan yazıdır.

Cover letter yurtdışında bir işe başvururken ya da Türkiye’deki yabancı kökenli ve İngilizce konuşulan şirketlere başvururken olmazsa olmazdır. Cover letter konusunda danışmanlık almak için bize iletişim kısmında ulaşabilirsiniz.


Ön Yazı Yazdırma Hizmeti – Essay Sepeti

Cover Letter Formatı veya Yapısı

Cover letter format olarak profesyonel görünmeli ve akıcı olmalıdır. Paragraflardan oluşmalıdır. Temiz, düzenli, okunabilir ve tutarlı olmalıdır. Bunlar göz önüne alındığında uygulamanız gereken temel ipuçları şunlardır:

  • Arial, Calibri veya Times New Roman gibi basit, okunabilir bir yazı tipi kullanmalısınız. Yaratıcı bir iş için başvuruyor olsanız bile, farklı yazı tiplerini denememelisiniz.
  • 11 veya 12 yazı boyutunu kullanmalısınız. Küçük yazı boyutlarının okunması zordur, daha büyükler ise profesyonellikten uzaktır.
  • Yazınızı maksimum bir sayfa olmalıdır. Bunun için, kenar boşluklarını daraltabilirsiniz. Satır aralığıyla da oynayabilirsiniz; ancak, 0.9’un altına veya 1.5’in üzerine çıkmamalısınız.
  • Metin hizalamasında tutarlı olmalısınız. Tüm yazı sola hizalanmış şekilde olursa hem daha profesyonel gözükecek hem de okunması kolaylaşacaktır.
  • Adınızı, adresinizi, telefon numaranızı, e-posta adresinizi ve tarihi sayfanın sağ üst köşesine koymanız gerekmektedir. İşe alım yapacak kişilerin adlarını biliyorsanız “Dear [İsim] Mrs/Mr” veya “Dear [İsim Soyisim]” ile başlayıp “Kind Regards” kalıbı ile bitirebilirsiniz. İşe alım yapacak kişilerin adlarını bulamıyorsanız da başlangıçta “Dear Responsible” kalıbını kullanabilir ve tekrar benzer şekliyle “Kind Regards” yazarak yazınızı bitirebilirsiniz.
  • Bir e-mail’e CV ve cover letter ekliyorsanız, e-mail’inizin da iyi bir ilk izlenim bıraktığından emin olun. Topic satırına açık pozisyonun adını ekleyebilirsiniz. Böylece daha açık bir şekilde detaylara önem veren bir aday olduğunuz attığınız e-mail ile bile farkedilecektir. Aynı zamanda, eklediğiniz dosyalarınızın üstünde adınızın açıkça yazdığından emin olun, örneğin, Joe_Doe_Cover_Letter şeklinde bir düzenleme yapabilirsiniz. Yazım hatalarının önüne geçmek için göndereceğiniz e-mail’i iki kez kontrol edin ve en üstte doğru adı kullandığınızdan emin olun.

Cover Letter Nasıl Yazılır?

İşverenler, yalnızca açtıkları pozisyon için kalifiye değil, aynı zamanda iş konusunda hevesli birini işe almak ister. Cover letter yazınızda işverene tutkunuzu hissettirmeniz, her sabah işe gelmek isteyeceğinizi, elinizden gelenin en iyisini yapacağınızı ve şirketin hedeflerine tam anlamıyla katkıda bulunabileceğinizi gösterecektir.

Heyecan ve enerji eksikliği ise işle ve görevlerinizle gerçekten ilgilenmediğiniz hakkında bir mesaj verecektir.

İşverene tam olarak hangi işin sizi çektiğini veya şirketle ilgili hangi detayların ilginizi arttırdığını belirtin. İş tanımında belirtilen belirli anahtar kelimeleri kullanın.

Örnek vermek gerekirse:

  • “Bir ofis müdürü olarak sorumluluklarımın ofisteki operasyonları organize ederek özel raporları analiz etmeyi içerdiğini görmek beni mutlu etti.”

Ardından, bu görevleri yerine getirmede neden başka bir adaydan daha iyi olduğunuzu gösterin. İş tanımından, seçtiğiniz görevleri yerine getirme yeteneğinizi gösteren belirli becerilerden, iş deneyiminden ve başarılarınızdan bahsedin.

Yalnızca sizi özellikle ilgilendiren iş görevlerinden bahsettiğinizden emin olun ve zayıf yönlerinizi ortaya çıkaracak görevlerden bahsetmekten kaçının.

Umutsuz Görünmeyin

Bazen hayalinizdeki şirkete başvuruyor olabilirsiniz ya da uzun zamandır aradığınız bir pozisyon için can atıyor olabilirsiniz. Daha önce de belirtildiği gibi, cover letter yazınızda bu işe olan hevesinizi göstermeniz önemlidir – ancak çok ileri gitmemeli ve çaresiz görünmemelisiniz.

Cover letter yazınızı bitirirken ve bir geri arama veya görüşme talep ederken, aşırı istekli görünmeden iş için en iyi aday olduğunuzu gösterdiğinizden emin olun.

Kaçınmanız gereken bir örnek vermemiz gerekirse:

  • “Umarım en kısa zamanda benimle iletişime geçersiniz. Lütfen becerilerimin ve deneyimimin şirketinize nasıl faydalı olacağını daha fazla konuşmak için benimle iletişime geçin, sizden haber beklemekteyim.”

  Kendinizden emin olmadığınız izlenimi veren ‘lütfen’ veya ‘umarım’ gibi kelimelerden kaçının. Bu basit ifadeler, işverenin zihninde size dair şüphe uyandırmak için yeterlidir. Umutsuz görünmeyin, iddaalı olun.

Benmerkezli veya Çok Hırslı Görünmeyin

İşverenler, güvenilir olduklarına inandıkları kişileri işe almak isterler. Hem kendine hem de yeteneklerine güvenen bir kişi, çevresindeki insanlarla daha iyi bir iletişim kurabilir, sorumluluklarını bağımsız ve özverili bir şekilde yerine getirebilir.

Cover letter yazınızı bitirirken kibar olmayı ve bir mülakat talep etmeyi unutmayın, ancak bir mülakat talep ederken sadece işe alım müdürü ile kendiniz için bir görüşme planlamayı teklif etmeyin. Bu uygun gözükmemektedir. Diliniz daha resmi olmalıdır.

İsteğinizi göstermek, kesinlikle cover letter yazınızın kabul edilmesini sağlayacaktır ve hatta diğerlerinden farklı olarak öne çıkmasını sağlayacaktır, ancak yazınızı bitirirken asla benmerkezci ve egolu görünmemelisiniz.

Kaçınmanız gereken örnekler vermemiz gerekirse:  

  • “Pazartesi sabahı sizinle bir mülakat ayarlamak için sizinle iletişime geçeceğim, böylece becerilerimin ve uzmanlığımın şirketinize nasıl fayda sağlayacağı hakkında daha fazla konuşabilirim.”
  • “Yeteneklerimin emsalsiz olduğundan eminim ve sadece beklentilerinizi karşılamakla kalmayıp onları aşacağım ve şirket basamaklarını kısa sürede tırmanacağım. Lütfen görüşmemi en kısa zamanda planlayın.”
  • Klişelerden Kaçının

“Ben harika bir takım oyuncusuyum ve işime tutkuyla bağlıyım.”

Bu cümlede yanlış olan ne, siz ne düşünüyorsunuz?

İlk olarak, aslında bu cümle başka hiçbir adayın söyleyemeyeceği bir cümle değil. Yaratıcı değil ve klişe gözüküyor. İkinci olarak, işe alım uzmanı muhtemelen bugün aynı cümleyi birçok kez okudu. Üçüncü olarak ise, iddiaları destekleyecek hiçbir kanıt sunulmadı. Hangi örnekle takım oyuncusu olduğunu kanıtlayabilirsin ya da bu işe olan tutkunu gösterebilirsin? Somut örneklerle kendini desteklemelisin.

İddialarınızı yerinde örneklerle destekleyerek becerileriniz konusunda net olun ve bir işverenin daha önce defalarca duyduğu klişelerden kaçının.

  • Düzeltmeyi Unutmayın

Herkes arada bir yanlış tuşa basar ve hepimizin de asla doğru yazamadığı kelimeler vardır.

Ancak, zayıf bir dil bilgisi ve imla hataları sizi kötü yansıtacaktır. Bir işverene, belki de peşinde oldukları ayrıntılara tam olarak dikkat etmediğinizi gösterebilir. Eğer yazım hatalarını düzeltmek istiyorsanız Essay Sepeti’nden proofreading ve editing hizmeti alabilirsiniz.

Yazmayı bitirdikten sonra, kelimelerin doğal bir şekilde aktığından emin olmak için kapak mektubunuzu birkaç kez yüksek sesle okuyun. Bazen, kulağa nasıl geldiğini duyana kadar küçük hataları fark etmezsiniz. Mümkünse, yeni bir bakış açısı elde etmek için bir arkadaşınızın veya aile üyenizin sizin için okumasını sağlayın.

  • Profesyonel Olun

Cover letter ne kadar arkadaş canlısı, eğlenceli veya yaratıcı olduğunuzu göstermenin yeri değildir. Eldeki işi yapabilen ciddi, yetkin ve profesyonel bir kişi olduğunuzu göstermelisiniz.

Bu, katı ve aşırı resmi olmanız gerektiği anlamına gelmese de, tonunu, stilini ve biçimlendirmeyi profesyonel tutmanız gerektiği anlamına gelir. Daha önce belirttiğimiz kurallar çerçevesinde yazmalısınız.  

  • Somut Örnekler Kullanın

Herkes harika bir iletişim yeteneğine sahip olduğunu söyleyebilir. Somut örnekler ile bunu kanıtladığınızdan emin olun.

Kendiniz veya becerileriniz hakkında yaptığınız her şeyi somut bir örnekle takip ettiğinizden emin olun.

Başarılarınızı tanımlamak için genel nitel kelimeler kullanmayın. “Birçok” yeni müşteriyi şirkete üye yaptığınızı söylemek yerine, aylık müşteri edinme oranını %34 artırmayı başardığınızı söyleyin. Şirketin kar marjına “katkı sağladığınızı” söylemek yerine, kar marjını 12 ayda %8 artırdığınızı söyleyin. Daha açık ve profesyonel bir dil kullanın.  

  Söz konusu şirkette belirli bir pozisyona başvuran ve gerçekten istekli çok sayıda aday olacaktır. Öyleyse neden alelade birini işe alsınlar? Bu kişinin bu işi istediğinden tamamen eminler mi? Bunu hissettirebilir misiniz?

İşverene, size sundukları bu fırsattan heyecan duyduğunuzu ve onlara ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabileceğinizi gösterin. Cover letter yazınızı belirli bir pozisyona ve şirkete göre uyarlamak için zaman ayırırsanız, çok daha fazla şansınız olacaktır. Araştırmayı seven ve ilgili olan karakterinizi açıkça göstermiş olacaksınız.  

  • Kısa ve Öz Olun

  Mark Twain’in ünlü bir sözünde de söylediği gibi: “Kısa bir mektup yazacak zamanım yoktu, bu yüzden onun yerine uzun bir mektup yazdım.” Bir CV cover letter yazısını kısa ve öz tutmak, sunacak daha az şeyiniz olduğu anlamına gelmez.

Aslında, işverenler daha kısa cover letter yazılarını tercih etme eğilimindedir, bu nedenle asla gereğinden fazla kelime kullanmayın.

  • CV’nizi Tekrar Etmeyin

İşveren özgeçmişinizi zaten gördü. Muhtemelen cover letter okurken önlerine çıkarmış ve birlikte kontrol ediyorlardır. Aynı bilgiyi iki kez okumaktan hoşlanmazlar.

Özgeçmişiniz, sizinle, kariyer ve eğitim geçmişinizle ilgili önemli bilgilere genel bir bakış niteliğindedir. Cover letter ise işvereni en iyi aday olduğunuza ikna etmek için oradadır.  

  • Kendinizden Emin ve Aktif Olun

  Yazınızda çok pasifseniz, kendine güveni olmayan pasif biri olarak görülebilirsiniz.

Yeteneklerinize güvenin. Proaktif olabileceğinizi ve kendi işinizin sorumluluğunu üstlenebileceğinizi onlara gösterin.

  • Anahtar Terimleri Kullanın

Bunu yaparak bir taşla iki kuş vurmuş olursunuz. İlk olarak, şirketin BSTS’sinin cover letter yazısı ilgili doğru şeyleri fark ettiğinden emin olun. Pozisyonla ve geçmiş deneyimlerinizle ilgili anahtar kelimeleri harmanlayın. İkinci olarak, işverene iş tanımını okuyup anladığınızı ve şartları yerine getirdiğinizi bu anahtar kelimeleri kullanarak gösterin. Bilginizin olduğunu ve araştırdığınızı göstererek ilgi çeken bir aday olursunuz.

  • Çok Mütevazi Olmayın

Cover letter, yeteneklerinizi pazarlama ve işvereni şirketlerinde size neden ihtiyaç duyduklarını ikna etmenizi sağlayan bir fragmandır. Çok alçakgönüllü olmak ve becerilerinizi ve deneyiminizi küçümsemek size yardımcı olmaz.

Tabii ki, bu yaklaşımı kibirli görünmeden bir denge içinde yapmanız gerekiyor. Buradaki kilit nokta, becerilerinizi somut örneklerle desteklemek, aynı zamanda gelişme göstereceğinize ikna etmek, geri bildirimleri dinlemek ve yeni beceriler öğrenmek konusundaki istekliliğinizi vurgulamaktır.

Sizlerin başarılı olacağına inancımız tam, aklınıza takılan sorular olduğu sürece biz buradayız. Essay Sepeti ailesi olarak profesyonel bir destek için her zaman yanınızdayız.

Kısaca Etkili Bir Sonuca Nasıl Ulaşırsınız?

Eğer yapabiliyorsanız, bir çalışan olarak şirkete yaptığınız katkıların şirketin operasyonlarının nasıl daha verimli hale getireceğini, nasıl kâra katkıda bulunacağını veya nasıl para tasarrufu sağlayacağını göstermelisiniz.

İşverenler, yeteneklerini şirketin başarısı için kullanmaya gönüllü adayları işe almak ister. Şirketler tarafından önemli olarak görülen beş temel prensibe sahip olan adaylar işe alım sürecinde bir adım öndedir. Bu temel faktörler sırasıyla – stratejik odaklanma, operasyonel yetenek, pazarlama yeteneği, etkili iletişim ve üst düzey finans bilgisi olarak gösterilebilir. Bu temel prensiplere sahip adaylar diğer adaylara kıyasla işe alım süreçlerinde öndedir.

Özgeçmişinizi analiz edin ve bu kategorilerden hangisine en çok katkıda bulunabileceğinizi dikkatlice belirleyin. Şirketin başarısına hangi noktada katkı sağlayacağınızı düşünürken göz önünde bulundurmanız gereken sorular şu şekildedir:

  • Stratejik Odaklanma: Önceki işinizde liderlik veya yönetim becerilerini göstermek için neler yaptınız?
  • Operasyonel Yetenek: Yeniliğe ve sistemlerin genel verimliliğine katkıda bulunan stratejileri daha önce geliştirdiniz mi ve bu işte bunu nasıl yapacaksınız?
  • Pazarlama Yeteneği:  Geliri artırmak ve potansiyel müşterileri çekmek için hangi pazarlama stratejilerini nasıl uyguladınız ve bu işte bunu nasıl yapmayı planlıyorsunuz?
  • Etkili İletişim:  Çalışanlara eğitim veya koçluk konusunda yardımcı oldunuz mu? Çalışanların moralini artırmak ve profesyonel iş ilişkileri kurmak için hangi ekip dinamiklerini geliştirdiniz?
  • Üst Düzey Finans Bilgisi:  Şirketinizin kar etmesini sağlayan müşteriler veya tedarikçilerle olan işlemleri nasıl yönettiniz, bu şirket için karlılık adına nasıl bir yol haritası çiziyorsunuz?

Bu bilgilerden cover letter içinde bahsettiğinizden emin olun. Cover letter 1 sayfalık bir yazı olduğu için ve içerisinde birçok şeyin aynı anda anlatılması gerektiği için cover letter yazmak stratejik bir planlama gerektirir. Bu konuda danışmanlık almak için bize ulaşabilirsiniz.


Cover Letter Örneği

Cover letter örneği – giriş cümleleri.

Bir cover letter için nasıl bir giriş yapabileceğiniz konusunda bir fikre ihtiyacınız varsa, birkaç cover letter giriş paragrafı örneği vererek aklınızdaki soru işaretlerini kaldıralım. Bunların her birinin farklı bir profesyonel sektör için uygun olduğunu belirtmeliyiz. Bu nedenle cover letter yazılarını kendinize, başvurulan pozisyona ve şirkete uygun şekilde özelleştirdiğinizden emin olun.

  • “Lise son sınıfta hisse senedi alım satımına başladım ve buradan sağladığım kazançlarla üniversite masraflarımı karşıladım. Üst düzey finans kurslarında %96’lık bir başarıya ulaşarak, finans sektöründe çalışmak istememin nedenini kanıtladım. Firmanızda genç bir analist olarak çalışma fırsatı verilirse, kârlılığınızı iyileştirmek için aynı tutku ve istekle şirketinize fayda sağlayacağıma inancım tam.”
  • “Firmanızın mevcut bir çalışanı olan, Ariana Lopez, departmanınızda heyecan verici yeni bir iş fırsatının olduğu konusunda beni bilgilendirdi. Bölge mahkemesi düzeyinde aldığım davaların %78’ini kazanan ve federal mahkemede de birkaç davada müşavirlik yapma deneyimine sahip bir avukat olarak, kıdemli bir üyesi olacağım şirketinizde hukuk alanında yeni başarılar elde etmenize katkıda bulunabileceğimden eminim.”
  • “[Şirketinizde] pazarlama müdürü pozisyonuna başvurmak için yazıyorum. Geçmişte ABC şirketi ve XYZ şirketi için pazarlamacı olarak birkaç büyük ölçekli TV kampanyası geliştirdim ve kampanyalarımdan ikisi ulusal kanallarda yayınlanarak şirketim adına büyük bir ses getirdi. Şirketiniz için ilgi çekici bir pazarlama içeriği oluşturma fırsatına sahip olmayı dört gözle bekliyorum.”

Cover Letter Örneği – Son Paragraf Cümleleri

Uygun bir örnek vermemiz gerekirse:

  • “Bilgiye dayalı yaklaşımımın, özellikle de İnsan Kaynakları Yüksek Lisans derecemin ve bir ekip lideri olarak üst düzey yöneticilik rolündeki önceki deneyimimin, şirketiniz için nasıl bir değer olabileceğini daha ayrıntılı görüşmek üzere sizinle bir araya geleceğim için heyecan duyuyorum.”

Kaçınmanız gereken bir örnek vermemiz gerekirse:  

  • “Organizasyon ve liderlik becerilerimin şirketiniz için nasıl faydalı olabileceğini tartışmak üzere sizinle tanıştığıma memnun oldum.”

Cover Letter Örnekleri – Kapanış Cümleleri  

  • Örnek: Web Geliştiricisi

“İlginiz için teşekkür ederim. Arkayüz (Back-end) teknolojilerine olan yaklaşımım hakkında uygulama testleri ve güvenlik konusundaki deneyimimin şirketinize şimdi ve gelecekteki girişimlerinde nasıl fayda sağlayabileceği hakkında sizinle daha fazla konuşma fırsatına sahip olacağım için çok memnunum.”

  • Örnek: Satış Yöneticisi

“Satış Yöneticisi olduğum önceki görevimde, siparişler için hedef marjın %10 artmasını sağlamak için birkaç ürünü piyasaya sürdüm ve dağıttım. Müşteriler ve tedarikçiler arasında etkin bir bağlantı kurdum. Önceki başarılarım, şirketinize değer katma konusunda, satışları artırarak daha fazla gelir elde etmek için sahip olduğum yeteneğimi kanıtlıyor. Bu pozisyon için en iyi aday olduğumdan eminim ve şirketinize nasıl daha fazla fayda sağlayabileceğimi görüşmek üzere sizinle bir araya gelmekten heyecan duyuyorum.”

  • Örnek: Ofis Yönetimi

“Proje yönetimi, planlanmış toplantı raporları ve sunumlar hazırlama konusunda 8 yılı aşkın süredir olan deneyimim sayesinde ofis yöneticisi rolünde başarılı olacağımdan eminim. Şirket hedeflerine ulaşmada size nasıl yardımcı olabileceğimi tartışmak için sizinle bir araya gelmekten heyecan duyarım.”

Cover letter Örneği

Bu kısımda size İngilizce iş başvurusu ön yazı örneği vereceğiz. Ön yazı, İngilizce’de cover letter olarak karşılık bulur. Örneğin PDF haline Academia sayfamızdan ulaşabilirsiniz: iş başvurusu ön yazı örneği


Cover Letter Ornekleri

Cover Letter Examples

Bu bölümde size İngilizce yazılmış cover letter examples vereceğiz.

Cover letter examples

Ahmet Yılmaz

(111) 789-3456

[email protected]

April 3, 2019

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am thrilled to apply for the position of Research Analyst at Ooze Financial Group. As a person who is highly analytical, I enjoy sifting through information to discover and extract what is most significant in a given set of material. Working in such a data-driven career aligns well with my natural aptitudes. I believe that for this reason, I will be a valuable addition to the team of analysts working at Centurion.

I hold two bachelor’s degrees from Hampton University – one in finance and one in mathematics. My education in finance engineering involved a detailed study of the principles of technical analysis and risk models. I learned to read chart patterns and determine likely infection points for securities. Fundamental analysis also played a key role in my financial education, and I am familiar with key indicators of a stock or other investment’s true value, such as P/E ratio. In studying mathematics, I learned many mathematical techniques not typically taught to undergraduate finance students and especially focused on probability statistics. I am able to apply these techniques to create and analyze more complex risk models.

As a financial Research Analyst for Sitto Research Group, I conducted research into various securities in order to make reasonable forecasts of those securities’ future price action using a combination of principles from both fundamental and technical analysis. I applied complex risk models to determine the best point at which to enter and exit a given market, increasing investor portfolio profitability by more than 15%.

Thank you for your time in considering me for the Research Analyst position. I believe that with my skills, I can contribute my efforts as a diligent researcher who can get to the bottom of the true financial state of any company. I look forward to examining and forecasting the markets as a member of your team.

Bu bölümde ise size IT technician pozisyonu için yazılmış bir cover letter examples vereceğiz.


Kariyer Danışmanlığı

Cover Letter Nedir? Cover Letter Nasıl Yazılır?

Herkese merhabalar. Bugün size Türkiye’de henüz hala o kadar da yaygın kullanılmayan ancak Avrupa’da iş bulmak için kritik olan bir belgeyi anlatacağız. Türkiye’de niyet mektubu veya motivasyon mektubu olarak da adlandırılan bu belge Avrupa’da Cover Letter veya Motivation Letter olarak bilinmektedir. İsminin üzerinde özellikle durmak isteriz, çünkü Avrupa’da iş bulmak için başvuru yapmak istiyorsanız ismini birçok yerde göreceksiniz. Şimdi gelin Cover Letter nedir , Cover Letter nasıl yazılır? Konuları üzerine konuşalım. 

Cover Letter Nedir?

Instagram gönderilerimizde genelde bahsediyoruz ancak bir daha belirtmekte fayda var. Avrupa iş ilanları sitelerinde eğer sizden bir ilanda CV’nin yanında Cover Letter da isteniyorsa bu, ilanı veren firmanın işe alım konusunda ciddi olduğunu ve sizin de ciddi bir şekilde hazırlanmanız ve başvurmanız gerektiğini gösterir. İlan sizden yalnızca CV’nizi istiyorsa, kısa bir süre içinde ret almanız çok da şaşırtıcı olmayacaktır. Çünkü bir adayı sadece CV üzerinden tanıyamazsınız, onun aynı zamanda kendi duygularını, şirket ve iş ilanı hakkında düşüncelerini de duymanız gerekir. İşte bunun da yeri Cover Letter dokümanıdır.

Cover Letter nedir sorusunun cevabını da en güzel şu şekilde verebiliriz: Cover Letter kâğıt üzerinde katılacağınız bir mülakattır. Bir mülakatta size sorulabilecek soruları düşünün: Neden bizim şirketimizi seçtin? Neden seni seçmeliyiz? Seni diğer adaylardan ayıran nedir? Cover Letter üzerinde bu soruları doğru şekilde cevaplayarak, şirketin size mülakat teklif etmesini ve sizi daha fazla tanımak istemesini sağlayabilirsiniz. Bunun yolu Cover Letter üzerinde, şirketin sizden mülakatta duymak isteyeceği doğru cevapları vermektir. Bu yüzden de Cover Letter ne demek bunu bilmek çok önemlidir ve Cover Letter sizin için bir mülakatın yolunu açan dokümandır.

Cover Letter Ne Demek?

Cover Letter, iş başvurularında sıklıkla karşılaşılan bir terimdir ve Türkçe'de genellikle "ön yazı" veya "motivasyon mektubu" olarak ifade edilir. Ancak, Cover Letter nedir sorusunun cevabı, sadece bir mektup olmasından çok daha fazlasını içerir. Cover Letter örnekleri incelendiğinde görüleceği üzere, bu doküman adayın kişisel ve profesyonel niteliklerini, işe ve şirkete özel motivasyonunu ve bu pozisyona neden en uygun aday olduğunu anlatan, detaylı ve kişiselleştirilmiş bir başvuru yazısıdır.

Bu bağlamda, Cover Letter nasıl yazılır sorusu, adayların kariyer yolculuklarında önemli bir yer tutar. Etkili bir Cover Letter, adayın sadece yeterliliklerini değil, aynı zamanda şirkete olan ilgisini ve pozisyona özel motivasyonunu da yansıtmalıdır. Özetle, Cover Letter ne demek sorusunun yanıtı, iş başvurularında adayın kendini bütünsel bir şekilde ifade etmesine olanak tanıyan kritik bir araçtır.

Cover Letter Ne İşe Yarar?

Cover Letter kendinizi en iyi ve özgür şekilde ifade edebileceğiniz yerdir. CV’de hem belli kurallar hem de kısıtlı alan olduğu için söyleyemediğiniz, ön plana çıkarabileceğiniz veya önemli olduğunu düşündüğünüz her şey Cover Letter’ınıza eklenebilir. Doğru noktalara değinebilirseniz, okuyan kişiyi etkileyebilir ve onu sizinle mülakat yapmaya ikna edebilirsiniz.

Bize ücretsiz ön değerlendirme talebi ileten adayların genelde bu söylediğimizi “Summary” bölümü dahilinde yapmaya çalıştığını tespit ettik. Ancak bu Avrupa CV kriterlerine uygun değildir ve tüm bu tarz anlatımlar Cover Letter içinde yapılmalıdır.

Cover Letter Nasıl Yazılır?

Öncelikle daha önceden de belirttiğimiz gibi bu belge Avrupa’da çok yaygın kullanılıyor olsa da, Türkiye’dekilerin biraz yabancı olduğu bir belge. Peki, genel hatlarıyla bir Cover Letter nasıl yazılır?

  • Cover Letter’ınızda da iletişim bilgileriniz bulunmalıdır
  • Sizden bahsedildiği kadar başvurduğunuz şirketten ve iş ilanından da bahsedilmelidir
  • Dokümanın biraz daha dilekçeye veya resmi yazı formatına benzer, profesyonel bir formatta yazılması gerekmektedir
  • Hiçbir şekilde İngilizce hatası yapılmadan yazılmalıdır

Bunlar temel olarak yapılması gerekenlerdir. Bunların dışında, Cover Letter’ınızı daha da ilgi çekici hale getirmek için yapılan profesyonel dokunuşlar ve yazı içerisinde tutturulması gereken oranlar ve limitler de bulunmaktadır. Tüm bunlar bizim kendi tecrübelerimize ait olmakla beraber Hollandalı ana partnerimiz olan işe alım ajansındaki Recruiter(Headhunter) ile beraber kararlaştırılmış bilgilerdir ve maksimum desteği sağlayabilmek için danışanlarımız ile paylaşılmaktadır. Siz de bizimle beraber çalışmak isterseniz sitemizdeki WhatsApp iletişim hattımız üzerinden bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.

Cover Letter’da Yapılan Hatalar

Bu bölümde bize iletilen ön değerlendirmeleri dikkate alarak en sık yapılan yanlışları sıralamak istiyoruz;

  • Cover Letter’ın CV’nin bir özeti olduğu düşünülmesi ve şunu yaptım, bu işlerde çalıştım gibi bir özetleme yapılması
  • Her başvuruya ayrı Cover Letter hazırlamak zor ve meşakkatli geldiği için genel bir Cover Letter taslağı kullanılması
  • Cover Letter veya resmi yazı formatı kullanılmaması
  • .txt veya .pages uzantılı dokümanlarda Cover Letter hazırlanılması
  • Cover Letter’da kendinizden ve yaptıklarınızdan gereğinden fazla bahsedilmesi
  • Şirketin sizi neden bu işe alması gerektiği ile ilgili soruların cevaplarının net bir şekilde verilememesi
  • Normalde mülakatta veya herhangi başka bir yerde de şirkete söylenmemesi gereken şeylerin Cover Letter’da yer alması

Yukarıda belirttiğimiz maddelerden bir tanesinin bile yanlış olarak yapılması, sizin mülakat alamamanızın sebebi olabilir. Yaptığınız her şeyin mükemmel veya mükemmele çok yakın olması sizin şansınızı arttıracaktır. Ama bu sizin tabii ki gözünüzü korkutmasın. Bu noktada eğer tüm bilgilere sahip olursanız, hedefinize ulaşmak o kadar da zor değildir. 

Cover Letter Neden Önemlidir?

Cover Letter nedir ve Cover Letter nasıl yazılır konularını konuştuk. Peki, cover letter neden önemlidir? Şimdi sizlere bunun sebebini daha iyi açıklayabileceğini düşündüğümüz, Hollanda’dan iki farklı olayı anlatacağız. 

Birinci örneğimizde, Hollanda’ya geldiğimizde arkadaşımız olan bir kişi burada başladığı işin mülakatına girmiş ve departman müdürü ile görüşmüş. Konuşmanın bir noktasında arkadaşımıza en zayıf olduğunu düşündüğün özelliğin nedir diye sormuş ve arkadaşımız da bazen dikkatsiz olabiliyorum diye yanıtlamış. Bu cevabı duyduktan sonra müdürü, evet ben de fark ettim deyip Cover Letter’ının basılı halinde yuvarlak içine alınmış bir kısım göstermiş ve burada ben yazarken i harfini küçük yazmışsın diye arkadaşımızı uyarmış. İşte bu yüzden Cover Letter çok önemlidir, çünkü başvuru yaptığınız departman müdürünüz Cover Letter’ınızı bu kadar detaylı bir şekilde inceleyebilmektedir.

Bu arada not olarak belirtmek isteriz ki mülakatlarda en zayıf özelliğiniz nedir diye sorulduğu zaman dikkatsizim cevabı aslında verilmemelidir. Arkadaşımızın vermiş olduğu cevap şans eseri mülakat yapan kişinin tam da ona iletmeyi planladığı bir sorun olduğu için bu onun için negatif bir durum olmaktan çıkmış. Yoksa başka bir örnekte böyle bir söylem karşılık bulamaz ve bu durum sizin için negatif bir etki bırakır. Bu konu da bizim mülakat koçluğu hizmetimiz dahilinde değindiğimiz konulardan birisidir.

İkinci örneğimiz de yine Hollanda’da tanıştığımız bir arkadaşımızın örneği. Bu arkadaşımız ev arayışındaymış ve beğendiği bir eve teklif vermek istemiş. Evin birden çok talibi olduğu için, ev sahibi satın almak isteyen adaylardan bir Cover Letter almak istediğini belirtmiş. Arkadaşımız da Cover Letter’ını özenlice hazırlayıp ev sahiplerine sunmuş. Bir de Cover Letter’ını o kadar güzel yazmış ki daha az fiyat teklif etmesine rağmen ev sahipleri motivasyonunu çok beğendiği için evi ona vermek istemişler. Cover Letter’ın önemini bu kadar iyi bilmemize rağmen bu haberi duyduğumuzda biz bile biraz şaşırmıştık.

Cover Letter Kaç Sayfa Olmalı?

Cover Letter kaç sayfa olmalı konusunda internette birçok yorum ile karşılaşabilirsiniz, ancak doğrusu Cover Letter'ın bir sayfa olarak düzenlenmesidir. Çok uzun bir Cover Letter, işe alım yapan kişinin dikkatini dağıtabilir, çünkü işe alım yapan kişi yalnızca kısa ve öz bir şekilde adayın neden bu işe uygun olduğunu ve bu şirkette çalıştığını anlamak istemektedir. Dolayısıyla Cover Letter 1 sayfa olmalıdır. Bunun tek istisnası ise Akademik olarak Cover Letter'a denk gelen "Statement of Purpose" şeklinde de anılabilen doküman olmaktadır. Bu doküman akademik amaçlarla hazırlandığı için dokümanın 2 tam sayfa olması ve 3. sayfaya taşması da doğal karşılanmaktadır. Peki, kelime sayısı olarak Cover Letter ne kadar uzunlukta olmalı derseniz de, ideal bir Cover Letter genellikle 200 ila 300 kelime arasında olmalıdır. Bu, adayın kendini ifade etmesine ve temel noktaları vurgulamasına olanak tanırken, işverenin dikkatini sürdürmesini sağlar. Aşırı uzun bir Cover Letter, gereksiz ayrıntılara veya tekrarlara yol açabilir. 

Cover Letter Gerekli Mi?

Açıkçası Avrupa başvuruları yaptığınızda Cover Letter gereklidir. Hatta biz Cover Letter'sız yapacağınız birçok başvuru yerine, nitelikli olarak yapacağınız ve Cover Letter'ı olan bir tek başvuruyu yapmanızın daha faydalı olacağını belirtmekteyiz. Çünkü sadece CV ile yapılan başvurularda işe alım yapan kişiye ulaşmanız, Cover Letter ile yapılan başvurularda olduğu kadar kesin değildir. Dolayısıyla her durumda, bir Cover Letter göndermenin, sizin için bir avantaj olduğunu, size kendi duygularınızı yansıtmanız için bir fırsat tanıdığını ve bu doküman ile işe olan ilginizi ve motivasyonunuzu gösterebileceğinizi düşünebilirsiniz. Bu noktada ilanı ve şirketin sitesini dikkatlice inceledikten sonra Cover Letter'ınızı oluşturabilir ve başvurunuza ekleyebilirsiniz. Bu konuda eğer desteğe ihtiyacınız olduğunu düşünüyorsanız da bizden profesyonel destek alabilirsiniz.

Cover Letter Örnekleri

Şimdi Cover Letter örnekleri üzerinden, Cover Letter nedir biraz daha detaylı olarak işleyelim. 

En çok yapılan yanlışlardan birisi Cover Letter’ınızı CV’nizin bir özeti gibi yazmak ve kendinizden çok fazla bahsetmektir. Bu Cover Letter’ın okunabilirliğini düşürmektedir. Çünkü karşınızdaki HR görevlisi sizin zaten CV’nizi de okumaktadır. Siz de onun yerinde olsanız aynı şeyi ikinci kez okumak istemezdiniz değil mi?

Yine aynı şekilde, başvuruya özel Cover Letter hazırlanmalı ve şirketin sizi neden bu işe alması gerektiğinin cevabını net bir şekilde verilmelidir. Aksi halde şirkete ve ilana gerekli özeni göstermediğiniz imajı yaratılır.

Bu noktada Avrupa’nın nabzını iyi tutabilmek gerekir. Genelde hedeflenen Hollanda, Almanya, İngiltere ve benzeri ülkelerde adaylar bizim Avrupa’da iş bulmak isterken yaptığımız şekilde 50-100 başvuru yapmazlar. Dolayısıyla karşınızdaki şirket, sizin sadece ona başvurduğunuzu düşünerek size yaklaşacaktır. Bu konuya daha detaylı bir örnek ile aşağıda da değineceğiz.

Avrupa’da CV ve Cover Letter sıklıkla beraber kullanılan dokümanlardır. Bu sebeple, her adayın kendine özel bir Cover Letter taslağı elinde mevcut olur. Dolayısıyla sizden de profesyonel bir Cover Letter’a sahip olmanız ve onunla başvurmanız beklenir. Peki, profesyonel bir Cover Letter nedir? Profesyonel Cover Letter, resmi bir yazı formatı kullanan, İngilizce olarak yanlışlık bulunmayan ve istenen tüm sorulara cevap veren Cover Letter’dır. 

Cover Letter Nasıl Hazırlanır?

Eğer gerçekten profesyonel bir Cover Letter hazırlanmak isteniyorsa, öncelikle Cover Letter ne demek bu iyi anlaşılmalıdır ve başvuruya özel olarak hazırlandığı bilinmelidir. Çünkü hazırlamanız gereken Cover Letter her zaman şirkete, iş ilanına ve hatta ülkeye göre bile değişiklik gösterecektir.

Hepimizin bildiği gibi Türkiye’de şirketlerle yapılan mülakatlarda, konuşmalarda veya nadir de olsa ön yazı isteyen şirketlere başvuru yaparken hep kendimizi ve yeteneklerimizi tamamen ortaya dökme eğilimi vardır. Bunun sebebi Türkiye’de bizim işverene kendimizi kabul ettirme çabamızdır. Ancak Avrupa’nın hedeflediğimiz büyük ülkelerinde çok da işsizlik sorunu olmadığı için farklı bir yaklaşım izlenmelidir.

Avrupa’ya başvuru yaparken, Türkiye’deki gibi tüm yeteneklerimizi ortaya döken bir Cover Letter hazırlamamız, bizi karşı tarafı ikna etmeye çalışıyor imajına sokar. Bu da her zaman karşı tarafta sizin şirketin istediğinden daha alt seviyede olduğunuzu hissettiren negatif bir algı yaratır.

Yine işsizlik oranının az olmasından dolayı, Avrupa’daki bir ülkede çalışırken yaptığınız başvurulara daha çabuk bir şekilde geri dönüş alabilmektesiniz. Bu sebeple de, burada çalışan bir kişi iş değiştirmek istediğinde genelde en fazla kendine uygun bulduğu 4-5 ilana başvuru yapmaktadır.

Çünkü dönüş oranları çok yüksektir. Dolayısıyla adaylar, başvuru yaptığı her şirketi ve ilanı hatırlamakta ve her başvuruyu özenli bir şekilde hazırlamaktadır. Bir Cover Letter’ı hazırlamak 20 dakika kadar sürecek diye düşünürsek 5 başvuru için tutacak bir 100 dakika kolayca ayrılabilmektedir.

Türkiye’den başvuru yapan adayların da bu sebeple, yapacağı başvurularda aynı özeni göstermesi ve onlarla aynı şekilde hazırlık yapması beklenmektedir. Çünkü hem sizinle beraber başvuru yapan adaylar profesyonel başvurular yapmakta, hem de başvurduğunuz şirketler sizin sadece onlara başvurduğunuzu düşünmektedir.

Telefonla sizi arayan bir HR görevlisinin, merhaba ben X şirketinden sizi arıyorum, başvurduğunuz pozisyon ile alakalı görüşmek istemiştim şeklinde sizinle iletişime geçip, başvuru hakkında çok detay vermemesinin veya size hatırlatmaya çalışmamasının sebebi de budur. Sizin hali hazırda bunu hatırlıyor olduğunuzu düşüneceklerdir. Görebildiğimiz kadarıyla Cover Letter’da yaşanan en büyük problem, yukarıda da belirttiğimiz üzere özenli hazırlanan bir Cover Letter’ın 20 dakika kadar bir süre tutmasıdır.

BestinCV olarak bu konudaki çalışmamız ile beraber, bu süreyi başvuru başına 3-4 dakika seviyelerine indirmekteyiz. Tamamen size özel hazırlanan ve %85-90’ı tamamlanmış olan bu size özel taslak çalışma ile başvurularınızda hızlanabilirsiniz.


Cover Letter nedir, Cover Letter nasıl yazılır ve Cover Letter neden bu kadar önemlidir sorularının cevaplarını bulabileceğiniz bir yazı oluşturduğumuzu düşünüyoruz. Eğer Avrupa’da iş bulma yolunda doğru adımlarla ilerlemek isterseniz bize CVnizi ve varsa Cover Letter'ınızı iletebilir ve bizden  Ücretsiz Ön Değerlendirme  bölümümüz üzerinden CV incelemesi talep edebilirsiniz. Biz de size 1-3 gün içinde mailinize geri dönüş yapabilir ve inceleme sonrasında yurt dışı iş arayışına uygun bulunursanız 20 dk ücretsiz Google Meet toplantısı gerçekleştirerek sürecinizi beraber planlayabilir ve netleştirebiliriz.

Blog kısmımız üzerinden diğer yazılarımıza da ulaşabilirsiniz. Özellikle  Europass CV nedir?  ve Cover Letter Hazırlama yazılarımızı da okumanızı mutlaka tavsiye ederiz.

Son olarak, bizi  Instagram sayfamız  ve  LinkedIn sayfamız  üzerinden takip edebileceğinizi belirtmek isteriz.

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cover letter cv nedir

  • Yeni Üyelik
  • Yaşam Rehberiniz
  • Amerika’da İş Başvurusu İçin Profesyonel Özgeçmiş (Resume) ve Cover Letter Hazırlama Rehberi

Amerika’da İş Başvurusu İçin Profesyonel Özgeçmiş (Resume) ve Cover Letter Hazırlama Rehberi

Amerika'da iş başvurusu yapmak, özellikle yeni gelenler için başlı başına bir süreçtir. Başarılı bir kariyer adımı için profesyonel ve doğru bir şekilde hazırlanmış bir resume (özgeçmiş) oluşturmak, iş görüşmelerinde öne çıkmanıza yardımcı olabilir. Bu rehberde, Amerika'da iş başvurusu için etkili bir resume nasıl hazırlanır, neler eklenmeli ve aynı zamanda cover letter (ön yazı) gibi ek detaylar hakkında bilgilere ulaşabilirsiniz.

1. Amerikan Resume Formatı Nedir?

Amerikan resume formatı, Türkiye’de kullanılan CV formatından bazı farklılıklar içerir. Genelde bir sayfayı geçmeyen ve kısa, öz bilgiler içeren Amerikan resume’si, işverenin aday hakkında hızlıca fikir sahibi olmasını amaçlar. Önemli bölümleri şu şekilde özetleyebiliriz:

  • Kişisel Bilgiler: İsim, telefon numarası, e-posta adresi ve LinkedIn profili gibi bilgileri içermelidir. Ancak, doğum tarihi, medeni durum, cinsiyet gibi özel bilgiler Amerikan resume formatında yer almaz.
  • Öz Geçmiş/Özet: Kariyer hedeflerinizi kısa ve etkili bir şekilde belirtin. Bu bölüm genelde 3-4 cümleyi geçmez.
  • İş Deneyimi: Geçmişte çalıştığınız işlerin tarih sıralaması ile yazıldığı bu bölümde, en son işiniz ilk sırada yer almalıdır. İş tanımınız ve katkılarınız hakkında kısa ve net cümlelerle bilgi verin.
  • Eğitim Bilgileri: Eğitim seviyeniz, mezun olduğunuz okul ve mezuniyet tarihiniz bu bölümde yer alır. Yeni mezunlar için bu bölüm iş deneyiminin önüne geçebilir.
  • Beceriler (Skills): Teknik yetenekler, yazılım bilgisi, dil becerileri gibi işinizle alakalı yeteneklerinizi listeleyin.
  • Referanslar: Amerika'da referanslar genelde CV’de yer almaz, ancak mülakat sonrası işveren sizden bu bilgileri isteyebilir.

Örnek Resume Siteleri

  • Resume Genius
  • Canva Resume Templates

2. Cover Letter (Ön Yazı) Nasıl Hazırlanır?

Cover letter, resume’nizin yanında iş başvurunuzun bir parçası olarak sunulan bir ön yazıdır. Bu yazı, işverene neden bu pozisyona başvurduğunuzu, sizi neden seçmeleri gerektiğini ve şirkete nasıl katkıda bulunabileceğinizi anlatır. Cover letter’da dikkat etmeniz gereken önemli noktalar şunlardır:

  • Hitap: Cover letter’ınıza, başvurduğunuz pozisyonun sorumlusu olan kişinin ismiyle hitap edin. Eğer ismi bilmiyorsanız "Dear Hiring Manager" şeklinde genel bir hitap kullanabilirsiniz.
  • Giriş: Kısaca hangi pozisyona başvurduğunuzu belirtin ve kendinizi tanıtın.
  • Ana Metin: İş deneyimlerinizin ve becerilerinizin başvurduğunuz pozisyona nasıl uygun olduğunu açıklayın. Şirketin başarılarına veya hedeflerine nasıl katkıda bulunabileceğinizi anlatın.
  • Kapanış: Mülakat için görüşmeye istekli olduğunuzu belirten kibar bir kapanış cümlesi ekleyin.

3. Resume'nizi Nasıl Optimize Edersiniz?

Amerika’da iş başvuruları genellikle ATS (Applicant Tracking System) adı verilen bir yazılımla filtrelenir. Bu yazılım, anahtar kelimelere göre resume’nizi tarar ve iş tanımına ne kadar uygun olduğunu değerlendirir. Bu nedenle, resume’nizi iş ilanındaki anahtar kelimelere göre optimize etmeniz büyük önem taşır. İş ilanındaki önemli kelimeleri ve yetkinlikleri resume'nize doğal bir şekilde eklemeye çalışın.

  • Başlıklar ve Beceriler: İş ilanında özellikle belirtilen becerilere resume’nizde yer verin. Örneğin, bir yazılım geliştirici pozisyonu için Python veya Java gibi teknik beceriler iş ilanında geçiyorsa, bunları beceriler bölümüne ekleyin.
  • Sonuç Odaklı Deneyim Yazımı: İşverenler, işyerine nasıl bir katkı sağladığınızı bilmek ister. Bu nedenle iş deneyimlerinizi yazarken sayısal verilerle destekleyin. Örneğin, “%20 daha fazla satış gerçekleştirdim” gibi cümleler kullanabilirsiniz.

4. Amerikan İş Piyasasına Uygun Profesyonel İpuçları

  • Network Kullanımı: Amerika’da network (ağ) çok önemlidir. LinkedIn gibi platformlarda aktif olun ve sektördeki profesyonellerle iletişime geçin.
  • LinkedIn Profilinizi Güncelleyin: İş başvurularında LinkedIn profilinizin güncel ve profesyonel görünmesi çok önemlidir. Ödüller, sertifikalar ve iş deneyimlerinizi burada sergileyin.
  • Profesyonel Yardım Alın: Eğer kendinizi yeterince profesyonel bir resume hazırlayacak kadar donanımlı hissetmiyorsanız, ücretli resume hazırlama hizmetlerinden faydalanabilirsiniz.

Resume Hazırlama Hizmeti Sunan Siteler

5. Başvuru Takibi

Resume ve cover letter’ınızı hazırladıktan sonra başvurunuzu göndermekle iş bitmiyor. Başvurduğunuz pozisyonları takip etmek, işverenlerle iletişimde kalmak ve mülakat davetlerini değerlendirmek önemlidir.

İş Başvurusu Takip Siteleri

Create your Europass Cover Letter

Europass helps you to develop a structured, consistent and professional cover letter guiding you through each step. You can create new cover letters or edit existing ones using the Europass tool to create and edit cover letters.

How does Europass help?

Europass will guide you step by step through the process to help you create a good cover letter with all the essential information. You can create, store and share cover letters in 31 languages , choose from different templates to customise your application and share them easily from your Europass Library . 

Create your Europass

How to write a good cover letter

A cover letter should highlight your motivation to apply for a specific job or opportunity, and demonstrate why you consider yourself to be the best candidate. Your cover letter should refer to particular examples in your CV and describe why these are relevant for the job vacancy you are applying for.

Read carefully

Read the vacancy notice carefully and highlight the skills that relate to the requirements of the position in your cover letter.

Use keywords

Use the keywords when you list your soft skills as mentioned on the vacancy notice (punctual, organised, team-player and so on).

Have short and clear paragraphs that show different aspects clearly.

Get to know the employer

Take time to research the employer to gain valuable insights into the culture of their organisation and make references in your cover letter to one or two key points.

Keep it short

You cover letter should not be longer than one page.

  • First paragraph - why you are motivated to apply for the position,
  • Second paragraph - how you are the most suitable candidate for the position, and
  • Third Paragraph - why the company is a good match for you.

Use formal tone

Use a formal, polite tone and make sure there are no spelling mistakes.

Use simple fonts

Use simple non-decorative font styles, normal font-sizes (11-12) and optimal spacing (1 or 1.5).

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Create your Europass CV

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StandOut CV

12 CV cover letter examples

Andrew Fennell photo

A  cover letter  for your CV, or covering note is an introductory message that accompanies your CV when applying for a job.

The purpose of the cover letter is simple… Persuade the reader to open your CV.

Learn how to write a cover letter properly, and you will hugely increase your chances of getting responses and landing job interviews.

This guide, with 12 annotated cover letter examples will show you everything you need to know about creating a winning cover note.

CV templates 

How to layout a cover letter for your CV

This annotated example of a cover letter shows you how you should structure your cover letters, and the type of information you should be including.

You should always write your CV in the body of your email (or j ob site messaging system) so that it can be read instantly. Never attach it as a separate document, or the recipient probably won’t open it.

How to write a cover letter

Example CV cover letters

These 11 example CV cover letters from a range of industries should give you some good inspiration for creating your own cover letter.

Admin CV cover letter

Administrator Cover Letter example

This cover letter is aimed at administrative roles , so it highlights the candidate’s abilities in efficiency, report writing and meeting deadlines, whilst demonstrating the types of environments they have worked in.

Learn how to write a cover letter step-by-step here.

Customer service CV cover letter

Customer service cover letter example

This customer service cover letter briefly explains the candidate’s length of experience in the field and highlights some of the more important customer service skills such as call handling, order taking and complaint resolution.

This gives the reader an excellent introduction to the candidate and should certainly encourage them to open the CV.

See our full customer service cover letter guide,  sales assistant cover letter example  and waiter/waitress cover letter example .

Finance CV cover letter

Finance cover letter example

As a finance professional, it’s important to highlight your specialisms within finance, the types of companies you’ve worked for, and high level functions you’ve carried out within your cover letter. This will give the hiring manager a good overall feel of your abilities, and if it’s well tailored to the role, should provide them with enough info to excite them about your CV.

Quick tip: Use our job application tracker spreadsheet to track your applications and follow up with employers who don’t respond.

CV builder

Build your CV now 

Events CV cover letter

Events manager cover letter example

This events manager candidate has done a great job of summarising the type and size of events they manage, along with details of core skills such as leadership, project delivery and stakeholder management.

This certainly provides enough info to create a buzz around the CV attached and encourage the recipient to open it.

Executive assistant CV cover letter

Executive assistant cover letter example

This executive assistant CV cover letter provides a good high level intro to the candidate showing the reader key business support knowledge in areas such as admin, diary management and document management. It also shows that the candidate is confident supporting senior business figures.

Graduate CV cover letter

Graduate cover letter example

As a graduate , your cover letter will need to be a little longer than an experienced candidates, to compensate for your lack of experience and really sell yourself.

This candidate speaks in lots of detail about their education, qualifications, and extra-curricular work which relates to the roles they are applying for.

IT CV cover letter

IT Support cover letter example

As an IT candidate, it’s important not only to highlight your technical skills, but also show how you apply those skills in the workplace to translate real benefits for your employer.

This candidate gives a good overview of the candidates technical abilities and the types of projects they apply them to, along with results they achieve.

Marketing CV cover letter

Marketing Cover Letter example

This marketing cover letter provides readers with a summary of the candidate’s core marketing abilities such as media planning, brand awareness and cost reduction. It also explains the types of marketing campaigns and companies they have experience with – a great high-level intro.

Cover letter examples

Warehouse Operative cover letter – Training Contract cover letter – Cleaning Job cover letter – Nursery Assistant cover letter – Recruitment Consultant cover letter – Dental Nurse cover letter –

Chef cover letter – Editorial Assistant cover letter – Aircraft Mechanic cover letter – Biomedical Science cover letter – Cabin Crew cover letter – Finance Assistant cover letter – Hotel Receptionist cover letter – Asset Management cover letter – Assistant Psychologist cover letter – Beauty Therapist cover letter – Cafe Worker cover letter – HR Administrator cover letter – NQT cover letter – Quantity Surveyor cover letter

More cover letter examples

  • Academic cover letter
  • Account Manager cover letter
  • Accountant cover letter
  • Accounting cover letter
  • Accounts Assistant cover letter
  • Acting cover letter
  • Admin Assistant cover letter
  • Administrator cover letter
  • Apprenticeship cover letter
  • Architecture cover letter
  • Assistant Manager cover letter
  • Banking cover letter
  • Bar Staff cover letter
  • Barclays cover letter
  • Barista cover letter
  • Bartender cover letter
  • Business Analyst cover letter
  • Business Development Manager cover letter
  • Car Sales Person cover letter
  • Care Assistant cover letter
  • Career Change cover letter
  • Catering Assistant cover letter
  • Civil Engineer cover letter
  • Computer Science cover letter
  • Consulting cover letter
  • Copywriter cover letter
  • Cyber Security cover letter
  • Data Entry Clerk cover letter
  • Data Scientist cover letter
  • Delivery Driver cover letter
  • Digital Marketing cover letter
  • Electrician cover letter
  • Engineering cover letter
  • Estate Agent cover letter
  • Event Manager cover letter
  • Exam Invigilator cover letter
  • Executive Assistant cover letter
  • Fashion Designer cover letter
  • Finance cover letter
  • Financial Analyst cover letter
  • Google cover letter
  • Graduate cover letter
  • Graduate Engineer cover letter
  • Graduate Scheme cover letter
  • Graphic Design cover letter
  • Health Care Assistant cover letter
  • Hospitality cover letter
  • HR Assistant cover letter
  • HR cover letter
  • Interior Designer cover letter
  • Internal Position cover letter
  • Internship cover letter
  • Investment Banking cover letter
  • Investment Manager cover letter
  • IT Support cover letter
  • Journalist cover letter
  • JP Morgan cover letter
  • Lawyer cover letter
  • Legal Assistant cover letter
  • Legal cover letter
  • Library Assistant cover letter
  • Manager cover letter
  • Marine Engineer cover letter
  • Marketing Assistant cover letter
  • Marketing cover letter
  • Marketing Intern cover letter
  • Marketing Manager cover letter
  • McKinsey cover letter
  • Mechanical Engineer cover letter
  • Medical Receptionist cover letter
  • Medical Writer cover letter
  • Model cover letter
  • Nanny cover letter
  • Nurse cover letter
  • Nursing cover letter
  • Office Assistant cover letter
  • Office Manager cover letter
  • Operations Manager cover letter
  • Optical Assistant cover letter
  • Paralegal cover letter
  • Part Time cover letter
  • PE Teacher cover letter
  • Personal Assistant cover letter
  • Personal Trainer cover letter
  • Pharmacist cover letter
  • Pharmacy Assistant cover letter
  • PHD Application cover letter
  • Photographer cover letter
  • Placement cover letter
  • Private Equity cover letter
  • Product Manager cover letter
  • Production Assistant cover letter
  • Production Operator cover letter
  • Project Coordinator cover letter
  • Promotion cover letter
  • PWC cover letter
  • Quantity Surveyor cover letter
  • Receptionist cover letter
  • Research Assistant cover letter
  • Researcher cover letter
  • Retail Assistant cover letter
  • Retail cover letter
  • Retail Manager cover letter
  • Sales Advisor cover letter
  • Sales Executive cover letter
  • Sales Manager cover letter
  • Scrum Master cover letter
  • Security Officer cover letter
  • Ski Season cover letter
  • Social Media Executive cover letter
  • Social Media Manager cover letter
  • Software Developer cover letter
  • Software Engineer cover letter
  • Speculative cover letter
  • Student cover letter
  • Support Worker cover letter
  • Teaching Assistant cover letter
  • Team Leader cover letter
  • Trainee Dental Nurse cover letter
  • University cover letter
  • UX Designer cover letter
  • Volunteer cover letter

Project manager CV cover letter

Project manager cover letter example

A project manager’ s cover letter needs to quickly explain to recipients the types of projects they lead and the technical expertise they bring to the projects. It’s also important to describe level of experience, seniority and background.

See full project manager cover letter example + writing guide

Operations manager cover letter

Operations manager cover letter example

This operations management CV provides a brief introduction to the types of operations the candidate manages and the firms they work for.

They also touch upon some core operations skills such as efficiency, logistics and ROI improvement.

Sales CV cover letter

Sales cover letter example

As a sales candidate, this cover letter shows the types of business this person can generate and the size and scale of the impact they create by highlighting some sales results.

It also mentions some core sales skills like business development, presenting, working under pressure and closing deals.

Cover letter templates

Teacher cover letter

Teacher cover letter example

This teacher cover letter does a great job of introducing the candidate, and showing the recipient the key facts they will be looking for, such as; the age group they teach, subject specialisms, and the results they have achieved.

The cover letter is brief and gets to the point quickly, so that readers will instantly look to open the attached CV .

How to write your CV cover letter

Now that you’ve seem good examples of cover letters to accompany your CV (or resume if you are in the USA) this guide will show exactly how to write your own, and the content that needs to be included .

Send your CV cover letter in email format (when possible)

When applying for jobs online you usually have 2 choices…

1) Send a message via the job website’s messaging system

2) Send the recruiter an email directly

If you can find an email address for the recruiter, then I would always recommend sending an email directly because it gives you more control.

When you send a message through a job website, it will transfer into an email with basic formatting and an auto-generated headline , which will look like this when the recruiter receives it.

Email Subject line

If you cannot find an email address for the recruiter on the job advert, then try searching LinkedIn or the company website to find the relevant contact.

You may not always be able to find an email address, but when you can – always send a job application by email .

Make your subject line appealing

As you can see in the picture above, a bad subject line can kill your chances of actually having your email read in the first place.

Your subject line should stand out and give the recruiter a reason to open your email.

When recruiters look into their inbox, they are looking for one thing; a candidate who can do the job they are advertising – so give that to them in your subject line.

Your subject line should be a short summary of your experience that relates directly to the job you are applying for.

The following are good subject line examples;

KS2 Teacher with 5 years experience

Front End Web developer with HTML, HTML & JavaScript experience

Junior Graphic designer with 1st BA Hons Graphic Design

If your subject line shows that you have one or two of the most important requirements for the job, your email should get opened every time.

Address the recruiter by name

Address by name

To get the relationship off on the right foot, you should try to address the recruiter by name if you can.

Often the recruiter’s details will appear on the job advert but sometimes you may have to check out the company website or do some digging around on LinkedIn.

If you really can’t find the name, then it’s not the end of the world – just start with a simple friendly opening like “ Hi ”

(If you applying to a more traditional organisation such as an academic post for a university, you may want to use something a bit more formal like “ Dear sir or madam ”)

Use a friendly yet professional tone

It’s important to sound professional when writing a cover letter but you also need to demonstrate your ability to communicate with other people and show some personality.

If your email is too casual and written in an over-familiar tone, then you will come across us un-professional.

But on the other hand, if your email is too formal and shows no signs of rapport building, you risk appearing as somebody who lacks social skills.

So when writing your cover letter, try to strike a nice balance of professionalism and friendliness.

Opening with a line such as “ hope you’re well ” is a nice way to breathe a bit of personality into your cover letter.

Ensure that your spelling and grammar is perfect throughout your cover letter because sloppy mistakes are a huge red flag for recruiters.

Quick tip:  If you struggle with spelling and grammar, try our quick-and-easy CV Builder

Keep it brief

Unless the job advert specifies otherwise; keep your cover letter short and sweet.

Recruiters and employers receive hundreds of job applications per week, so they don’t want to read a 2 page cover letter.

Depending on the role, around 2-4 sentences should be enough for the content of the cover letter.

You just need to write enough to persuade them to open your CV – It should roughly contain the same amount of information as your CV profile or personal statement.

Show how your skills match the job

Hard skills vs soft skills

To ensure that recruiters open your CV, you simply need to explain how your skills and experience match the job requirements from the advert.

Scan the job advert to discover what the most important candidate abilities are, and show how your previous experience has prepared you to cover these.

In particular, look out for any requirements that are essential to the job .

Focus on what you have to offer at this stage and not what you want.

At this stage, your covering letter is simply a means of getting the recruiter to open your CV, so it’s too early to talk about salary demands etc. Save that for your initial conversation with the recruiter.

Include a professional signature

cover letter signatures

End your cover letter with a friendly salutation such as “Regards” and a smart signature which includes your name and most direct contact method (usually mobile phone for most people)

A professional email signature will show recruiters that you understand business-email etiquette and ensure they have a means of contacting you – even if they can’t open your CV for any reason.

Writing a CV cover letter

Hopefully this guide has given you everything you need to create a winning cover letter that will ensure you CV gets opened every time you send it.

Just remember to keep it brief, be friendly, tailor it towards your target role, and give recruiters some good reasons to be interested in you.

Good luck with the job hunt!

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How to Write a Cover Letter for a CV (With Examples)

cover letter cv nedir

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter for a CV

Proofread before sending, cover letter template, cover letter sample, sending an email cover letter, more cover letter examples.

When you apply for a job with a curriculum vitae (CV), it's important to include a cover letter, also sometimes referred to as a covering letter. This letter allows you to make a favorable first impression, using narrative in your own tone of voice to catch the reader’s attention and encourage them to seriously review your attached CV.

Like a resume, a CV summarizes your skills and experience. The  difference between a CV and a resume  is length, the focus on credentials, and what the documents are used for. Typically, a CV is required to apply for roles in academia, scientific research, and medical fields. 

While your CV provides a detailed—and often lengthy—look at your experience and credentials, the cover letter is an opportunity to call out your most important qualifications and make a compelling case for your candidacy for the role at hand. Here's what you need to know to write a successful curriculum vitae cover letter. 

Tailor the Letter to Fit the Organization

The CV cover letter should be  tailored to respond to the unique and specific requirements  requested by each organization you are approaching. 

Do not use the same cover letter for every job you apply to—even though it may seem like a timesaver. 

Each letter needs to provide detailed information about why you are qualified for the specific job in question, and it should outline the reasons for your interest in the company or organization. Being specific is advantageous. Even if you're applying for two similar roles in two different hospitals, the two hospitals may serve different populations or require slightly different responsibilities for people in the role. Your letters to each hospital should reflect that. 

Use your cover letter to identify the skills or experiences most specific to the job, rather than copying directly the information in your CV.

What to Include

As a candidate, it's tempting to feel like the cover letter is unnecessary since it is likely that all the pertinent information is included in your CV. Still, as you can see, the cover letter is a helpful tool in your application. Here's what to keep in mind as you write a cover letter. 

Format Matters

The content of your cover letter should be brief and structured. Aim for three to five paragraphs in your letter. Start with a salutation. Your letter should address the relevant contact, whose name often appears in the job advertisement. Avoid “Sir” or “Madam” if possible.

If the letter recipient's name isn't provided, try these  tips to determine the correct contact person . 

Start With an Introduction

Typically, the first paragraph will be an introduction—if you are applying to a job ad, mention it here. Mention the job title, any reference number, and where and when you saw it. The first paragraph is also where you should mention if someone referred you to the position. 

The Body of the Cover Letter

The body of the letter—the second and third paragraphs—should highlight your relevant skills and experience. Highlight your  transferable skills , achievements, and versatility. Explain what you can contribute and what makes you stand out from your competition. Include mention of your current or last job, qualifications, and professional and academic training, tailoring your information to make it as relevant as possible to the organization or job applied for.

In the body of the cover letter, you can mention personality traits relevant to the role at hand. You can also use this space to call out why you're interested in this specific role, at this specific company. Potential employers and hiring managers will appreciate it if you can show you've read the job ad and researched the company. 

Avoid lengthy repetition of information covered in your CV. Unlike a CV, it is acceptable to write a cover letter in the first person.

Conclude the letter by succinctly summarizing why an employer may want to meet and employ you. Include a polite expression of interest in further dialogue with the recruiter. Do mention that you would like the opportunity to discuss your suitability further in a personal interview and that you await a response in due course.

Follow Instructions 

In some cases, an advertisement will indicate that a more substantial letter is required. 

Always follow specific instructions and include any information if it is specifically requested. For instance, some employers may ask you to include your current salary or your desired salary range. 

Make Sure the Letter Reads Well 

Ensure that your CV cover letter flows freely. You do not need to precisely match every point on the job description. The reader should be left with an overall impression that you are a potentially valuable addition to the workforce.

The letter should be readable and engaging. 

Negative information of any sort should be avoided in your cover letter, as well as on your CV.

You'll want to be sure your letter is free from grammar or spelling errors. It should also be clearly presented—that means using standard formatting, and common  readable fonts  (such as Times New Roman or Verdana) in an appropriate size. 

This is a cover letter example. Download the cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or see below for more examples.

Depending on the employer's submission requirements, cover letters can be submitted online with your CV, uploaded online, or mailed. Be sure to follow the application instructions and follow the directions on how to apply. Consider this template for how to structure your letter: 

Belinda Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555

October 25, 2024

Clark Lee, PhD Biology Department Chair Northwestern University 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Dr, Lee:

I am writing to apply for the position of assistant professor in the Biology department, as described on the Northern University website. The opportunity to teach biology appeals to me, and I believe I can be an asset to the department due to my experience as a field biologist, as well as my work as an adjunct professor at Southern State University. In accordance with your job description, I have the following skills:

• Experience lecturing to large audiences

• Experience with learning management systems and course design

• Ability to assist with labs for other professors

• Experience with grant writing and research

I have enclosed my curriculum vitae so you may examine my work and research experience, the papers I’ve published, and my educational background.

I can be reached anytime by email at or my cell phone, 555-555-5555. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this position.

Signature (hard copy letter)

Belinda Applicant

When you are sending your cover letter by email, list your contact information in your signature rather than at the top of the letter. List your name and the job title in the subject line of the message. 

Here are more examples of cover letters that you can use as a starting point for your own correspondence.

How to Write a Cover Letter: Your Full Guide (With Tips and Examples)

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It’s a familiar cycle: You sit down to write a cover letter, open a blank document, check your email, browse cover letter examples , do some chores, watch that cursor blink a few more times, and finally Google something like “how to write a cover letter”—which hopefully brought you here. But you still might be thinking, does anyone really read cover letters? Why do they even exist?

First: Yes, we can assure you that cover letters do, in fact, get read. To some hiring managers, they’re the most important part of your job application. And regardless, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to tell prospective employers who you are, showcase why they should hire you, and stand out above all the other candidates.

To ensure your letter is in amazing shape (and crafting it is as painless as possible), we’ve got easy-to-follow steps plus examples, a few bonus tips, and answers to frequently asked questions.

Get that cover letter out there! Browse open jobs on The Muse and find your dream job »

What is a cover letter and why is it important?

A cover letter is a brief (one page or less) note that you write to a hiring manager or recruiter to go along with your resume and other application materials.

Done well, a cover letter gives you the chance to speak directly to how your skills and experience line up with the specific job you’re pursuing. It also affords you an opportunity to hint to the reviewer that you’re likable, original, and likely to be a great addition to the team.

Instead of using cover letters to their strategic advantage, most job applicants blabber on and on about what they want, toss out bland, cliché-filled paragraphs that essentially just regurgitate their resume, or go off on some strange tangent in an effort to be unique. Given this reality, imagine the leg up you’ll have once you learn how to do cover letters right.

How long should a cover letter be?

An ideal cover letter typically ranges from a half page to one full page. Aim to structure it into four paragraphs, totaling around 250 to 400 words, unless the job posting states otherwise. Some employers may have specific guidelines like word or character limits, writing prompt, or questions to address. In such cases, be sure to follow these instructions from the job posting.

How to write a cover letter hiring managers will love

Now that you’re sold on how important cover letters are, here are eight steps to writing one that screams, “I’m a great hire!”

Step 1: Write a fresh cover letter for each job (but yes, you can use a template)

Sure, it’s way faster and easier to take the cover letter you wrote for your last application, change the name of the company, and send it off. But most employers want to see that you’re truly excited about the specific position and organization—which means creating a custom letter for each position.

While it’s OK to recycle a few strong sentences and phrases from one cover letter to the next, don’t even think about sending out a 100% generic letter. “Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to apply to the open position at your company” is an immediate signal to recruiters and hiring managers that you’re mass-applying to every job listing that pops up on LinkedIn.

At the same time, there’s nothing that says you can’t get a little help: Try out one of our free cover letter templates to make the process a bit easier.

Step 2: Add your contact info

At the top of your cover letter, you should list out your basic info. You can even copy the same heading from your resume if you’d like. Some contact info you might include (and the order to include it in):

  • Your pronouns (optional)
  • Your location (optional)
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number (optional)
  • Your Linkedin, portfolio, or personal website URL (optional)

Note that only name and email are mandatory, and you don’t need to put a full address on a cover letter or resume anymore. A city and state (or metro area) are more than enough. So your header might look like this:

Inigo Montoya he/him Florin Metropolitan Area [email protected] 555-999-2222

If the job posting tells you to submit your cover letter in the body of an email, you can add your contact info at the end, after your name (and if you’d like to forgo the email address here, you can—they have it already). So your sign off could look like this:

Violet Baudelaire she/her [email protected] 123-123-1234

Step 3: Address your cover letter to the hiring manager—preferably by name

The most traditional way to address a cover letter is to use the person’s first and last name, including “Mr.” or “Ms.” (for example, “Dear Ms. Jane Smith” or just “Dear Ms. Smith”). But to avoid accidentally using the wrong title—or worse, inadvertently misgendering someone—first and last name also work just fine.

If “Dear” feels a bit too stiff, try “Hello.” But never use generic salutations like “ To Whom it May Concern ” or “Dear Sir or Madam.”

For more help, read these rules for addressing your cover letter and a few tips for how to find the hiring manager .

Step 4: Craft an opening paragraph that’ll hook your reader

Your opening sets the stage for the whole cover letter. So you want it to be memorable, friendly, conversational, and hyper-relevant to the job you’re pursuing.

No need to lead with your name—the hiring manager can see it already. But it’s good to mention the job you’re applying for (they may be combing through candidates for half a dozen different jobs).

You could go with something simple like, “I am excited to apply for [job] with [Company].” But consider introducing yourself with a snappy first paragraph that highlights your excitement about the company you’re applying to, your passion for the work you do, and/or your past accomplishments.

This is a prime spot to include the “why” for your application. Make it very clear why you want this job at this company. Are you a longtime user of their products? Do you have experience solving a problem they’re working on? Do you love their brand voice or approach to product development? Do your research on the company (and check out their Muse profile if they have one) to find out.

Read this next: 30 Genius Cover Letter Openers Recruiters Will LOVE

Step 5: Convey why you’d be a great hire for this job

A common cover letter mistake is only talking about how great the position would be for you. Frankly, hiring managers are aware of that—what they really want to know is what you’re going to bring to the position and company.

So once you’ve got the opening under wraps, you should pull out a few key ideas that will make up the backbone of your cover letter. They should show that you understand what the organization is looking for and spell out how your background lines up with the position.

Study the job description for hints . What problems is the company looking to solve with this hire? What skills or experiences are mentioned high up, or more than once? These will likely be the most important qualifications.

If you tend to have a hard time singing your own praises and can’t nail down your strengths , here’s a quick trick: What would your favorite boss, your best friend, or your mentor say about you? How would they sing your praises? Use the answers to inform how you write about yourself. You can even weave in feedback you’ve received to strengthen your case (occasionally, don’t overuse this!). For example:

“When I oversaw our last office move, my color-coded spreadsheets covering every minute detail of the logistics were legendary; my manager said I was so organized, she’d trust me to plan an expedition to Mars.”

Step 6: Back up your qualifications with examples and numbers

Look at your list of qualifications from the previous step, and think of examples from your past that prove you have them. Go beyond your resume. Don’t just regurgitate what the hiring manager can read elsewhere.

Simply put, you want to paint a fuller picture of what experiences and accomplishments make you a great hire and show off what you can sashay through their doors with and deliver once you land the job.

For example, what tells a hiring manager more about your ability to win back former clients? This: “I was in charge of identifying and re-engaging former clients.” Or this: “By analyzing past client surveys, NPS scores, and KPIs, as well as simply picking up the phone, I was able to bring both a data-driven approach and a human touch to the task of re-engaging former clients.”

If you're having trouble figuring out how to do this, try asking yourself these questions and finding answers that line up with the qualifications you’ve chosen to focus on:

  • What approach did you take to tackling one of the responsibilities you’ve mentioned on your resume?
  • What details would you include if you were telling someone a (very short!) story about how you accomplished one of your resume bullet points?
  • What about your personality, passion, or work ethic made you especially good at getting the job done?

Come up with your examples, then throw in a few numbers. Hiring managers love to see stats—they show you’ve had a measurable impact on an organization you’ve worked for. Did you bring in more clients than any of your peers? Put together an impressive number of events? Make a process at work 30% more efficient? Work it into your cover letter!

This might help: How to Quantify Your Resume Bullets (When You Don't Work With Numbers)

Step 7: Finish with a strong conclusion

It’s tempting to treat the final lines of your cover letter as a throwaway: “I look forward to hearing from you.” But your closing paragraph is your last chance to emphasize your enthusiasm for the company or how you’d be a great fit for the position. You can also use the end of your letter to add important details—like, say, the fact that you’re willing to relocate for the job.

Try something like this:

“I believe my energy, desire to innovate, and experience as a sales leader will serve OrangePurple Co. very well. I would love to meet to discuss the value I could add as your next West Coast Sales Director. I appreciate your consideration and hope to meet with you soon.”

Then be sure to sign off professionally , with an appropriate closing and your first and last name. (Need help? Here are three cover letter closing lines that make hiring managers grimace, plus some better options .)

Step 8: Reread and revise

We shouldn’t have to tell you to run your cover letter through spell-check, but remember that having your computer scan for typos isn’t the same as editing . Set your letter aside for a day or even just a few hours, and then read through it again with fresh eyes—you’ll probably notice some changes you want to make.

You might even want to ask a friend or family member to give it a look. In addition to asking them if they spot any errors, you should ask them two questions:

  • Does this sell me as the best person for the job?
  • Does it get you excited?

If the answer to either is “no,” or even slight hesitation, go back for another pass.

Cover letter examples

Here are four example cover letters that follow the advice given above. Keep in mind that different situations may require adjustments in your approach. For instance, experienced job seekers can emphasize accomplishments from previous roles, while those with less experience might highlight volunteer work, personal projects, or skills gained through education.

Example #1: Cover letter for a job application

Alia Farhat San Francisco Bay Area [email protected] 444-000-1111

Hello Danny Tanaka,

If I’m being honest, I still haven’t fully gotten over the death of my first Tamagotchi pet when I was six years old. (His name was Tommy, and I’ve gotten far more creative since then, I promise.) When I was older, I discovered NeoPets and I was hooked for years—not just on the site, but on the community that surrounded it. So when I heard about FantasyPets last year, I immediately started following news about your development process, and that’s how I saw your post looking for a marketing strategist. Not only do I have eight years of experience in digital marketing, but as a lifelong gamer with a passion for pet-focused titles who’s spent years in online communities with like-minded people, I also know exactly what kind of messaging resonates with your target audience.

You’re looking for someone to help you craft a social media marketing campaign to go along with your game launch, and I’ve been a part of three launch-day marketing campaigns for mobile and web-based games. In my current role as social media manager at Phun Inc., I proposed a campaign across Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok based on competitor research and analysis of our social campaigns for similar games to go along with the launch of the mobile game FarmWorld. Using my strategy of featuring both kids and adults in ads, we ended up driving over one million impressions and 80k downloads in the first three months.

I’ve always believed that the best way to find the right messaging for a game is to understand the audience and immerse myself in it as much as possible. I spend some of my research time on gaming forums and watching Twitch streams and Let’s Plays to see what really matters to the audience and how they talk about it. Of course, I always back my strategies up with data—I’m even responsible for training new members of the marketing team at Phun Inc. in Google AdWords and data visualization.

I believe that my passion for games exactly like yours, my digital marketing and market research experience, and my flair for turning data into actionable insights will help put FantasyPets on the map. I see so much promise in this game, and as a future player, I want to see its user base grow as much as you do. I appreciate your consideration for the marketing strategist role and hope to speak with you soon.

Alia Farhat

Example #2: Cover letter for an internship

Mariah Johnson

New York, NY [email protected] 555-000-1234

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to submit my application for the software development internship at Big Tech. As a student at New York University majoring in computer science with a keen interest in social studies, I believe I would be a good fit for the role. Big Tech's mission to promote equality and a more sustainable world is deeply inspiring, and I would be thrilled to contribute to this mission.

In a recent hackathon, I demonstrated my ability to lead a team in designing and developing an app that directs members of a small community to nearby electronics recycling centers. My team successfully developed a working prototype and presented it to a panel of industry experts who awarded us second place.

I’ve also been an active volunteer at my local library for over four years. During this time, I organized book donation drives, led book fairs, and conducted reading sessions with children. This experience strengthened my presentation and communication skills and confirmed my motivation stems from supporting a good cause. I would be more than happy to bring my passion and dedication to an organization whose mission resonates with me..

Through these experiences, along with my coursework in software engineering, I am confident I am able to navigate the challenges of the Big Tech internship program. I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you about my qualifications. Thank you for your consideration.

Example #3: Cover letter with no experience

Sarah Bergman

Philadelphia, PA [email protected] 1234-555-6789

Dear Chloe West,

I’m excited to apply for the entry-level copywriting position at Idea Agency. As a recent graduate from State University with a major in mass communications, I’m eager to delve deeper into copywriting for brands, marketing strategies, and their roles in the business world.

Over the past two years, I’ve completed courses in creative writing, copywriting, and essentials of digital marketing. I’ve also been actively involved in extracurricular activities, creating content and promoting student events across multiple online platforms. These experiences expanded my creativity, enhanced my teamwork skills, and strengthened my communication abilities.

As an admirer of your visionary marketing campaigns and Idea Agency’s commitment to sustainability, I’m enthusiastic about the prospect of joining your team. I'm confident that I can contribute to your future projects with inventive thinking and creative energy.

I welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further. Thank you for considering my application.

Best regards,

Example #4: Career change cover letter

Leslie Smith

Chicago, IL [email protected] 111-222-3344

Dear Paul Jones,

Over the past year, I’ve volunteered to represent my company at a local fair and there I discovered how much fun working face to face with clients would be. Everytime I sold a product for The Solar Company, I often wished it was my full-time job. Now, I'm excited to submit my application for the sales coordinator position with Bloom Sales.

After completing a degree in business administration, I decided to put my outgoing personality and strong communication skills to work as a sales specialist at The Solar Company. I’ve sharpened my presentation and critical thinking skills in client meetings and sourced more than $20,000 in new partnerships. This experience has given me an invaluable foundation, and now I’m confident it's the time to move business administration to sales coordination.

I’m comfortable seeking out new business opportunities, making cold calls, and selling potential clients on the advantages of Bloom Sales products. I attend an average of 10 in-person meetings a week, and interacting with a lot of different personalities is what excites me the most. As a detail-oriented, tech-savvy professional, I have advanced knowledge of Excel and data analysis.

I would love to learn more about your sales strategy for the second semester and discuss how my experience in business administration and client-facing sales exposure would help Bloom Sales achieve its goals. Thank you for your consideration.

Extra cover letter examples

  • Pain point cover letter example
  • Recent graduate cover letter example
  • Stay-at-home parent returning to work cover letter example
  • Sales cover letter example
  • Email marketing manager cover letter example
  • No job description or position cover letter example (a.k.a., a letter of intent or interest)
  • Buzzfeed-style cover letter example
  • Creative cover letter example (from the point-of-view of a dog)

Bonus cover letter tips to give you an edge over the competition

As you write your cover letter, here are a few more tips to consider to help you stand out from the stack of applicants:

  • Keep it short and sweet: There are always exceptions to the rule, but in general, for resumes and cover letters alike, don’t go over a page. (Check out these tips for cutting down your cover letter .)
  • Never apologize for your missing experience: When you don’t meet all of the job requirements, it’s tempting to use lines like, “Despite my limited experience as a manager…” or “While I may not have direct experience in marketing…” But why apologize ? Instead of drawing attention to your weaknesses, emphasize the strengths and transferable skills you do have.
  • Strike the right tone: You want to find a balance between being excessively formal in your writing—which can make you come off as stiff or insincere—and being too conversational. Let your personality shine through, for sure, but also keep in mind that a cover letter shouldn’t sound like a text to an old friend.
  • Consider writing in the company’s “voice:” Cover letters are a great way to show that you understand the environment and culture of the company and industry. Spending some time reading over the company website or stalking their social media before you get started can be a great way to get in the right mindset—you’ll get a sense for the company’s tone, language, and culture, which are all things you’ll want to mirror—especially if writing skills are a core part of the job.
  • Go easy on the enthusiasm: We can’t tell you how many cover letters we’ve seen from people who are “absolutely thrilled for the opportunity” or “very excitedly applying!” Yes, you want to show personality, creativity, and excitement. But downplay the adverbs a bit, and keep the level of enthusiasm for the opportunity genuine and believable.

The bottom line with cover letters is this: They matter, much more than the naysayers will have you believe. If you nail yours, you could easily go from the “maybe” pile straight to “Oh, hell yes.”

Cover letter FAQs (a.k.a., everything else you need to know about cover letters)

  • Are cover letters still necessary?
  • Do I have to write a cover letter if it’s optional?
  • Can I skip the cover letter for a tech job?
  • What does it mean to write a cover letter for a resume?
  • How can I write a simple cover letter in 30 minutes?
  • How can I show personality in my cover letter?
  • What should I name my cover letter file?
  • Is a letter of intent different from a cover letter?
  • Is a letter of interest different from a cover letter?

Regina Borsellino , Jenny Foss , and Amanda Cardoso contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

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50 Essential Cover Letter Example Phrases

By Editorial Team on September 17, 2024 — 10 minutes to read

A well-crafted cover letter can set you apart from other candidates and show your enthusiasm for the job. In this article, we are sharing 100 carefully curated cover letter phrase examples to elevate your job application. Organized by category, these phrases will provide you with the inspiration and guidance needed to create a compelling cover letter from start to finish.

Difference Between Cover Letter and Resume

Your resume and cover letter serve different purposes in your job application.

  • A resume is a summary of your work experience, skills, and education. It is factual and lists your qualifications.
  • A cover letter introduces you to the employer. It explains why you are interested in the job and how your skills match the position.

Format Differences:

  • A resume uses bullet points to list your experiences.
  • A cover letter is written in paragraphs like a regular letter.

Content Differences:

  • Resumes include sections like “Work Experience” and “Education”.
  • Cover letters focus on your motivation and how you can benefit the company.
  • Resumes are usually formal and straightforward.
  • Cover letters have a personal tone and can show some of your personality.
  • Resumes are one to two pages long.
  • Cover letters are usually just one page.

Importance of Tailoring Your Cover Letter

When you tailor your cover letter, you show the employer that you have done your homework.

  • Mention the company’s name and discuss why you want to work there: this makes you stand out from those who use generic cover letters.
  • Address your cover letter to a specific person if you can.
  • Detail specific skills and experiences that match the job requirements. For instance, if the job requires teamwork skills, mention a project where you worked well in a team.
  • Use keywords from the job listing. For example, if the listing mentions “problem-solving” and “communication,” make sure to include these terms in your cover letter. This can help you pass through automated screening tools.
  • Explain why you are passionate about the role. Share a brief personal story or interest that relates to the job. This can make your cover letter more engaging.

Crafting Your Cover Letter: Example Phrases

Examples for effective opening paragraph.

  • “I am excited to apply for the Project Manager position at […] Company, which I found through your website.”
  • “With five years of experience in marketing, I am eager to join your dynamic team at […] Company.”
  • “I was thrilled to see the job posting for the […] role at […] Corp on LinkedIn and knew I had to apply.”
  • “I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], which I discovered through [Source]. With my background in [Your Field or Expertise], I am motivated to bring my skills and enthusiasm to your team.”
  • “With [Number] years of experience in [Your Field or Expertise], I am applying for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I believe my skills in [Specific Skills or Competencies] will be a valuable addition to your team.”
  • “I found the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] on [Source] and am very interested in applying. My experience in [Your Field or Expertise] and passion for [Specific Aspect of the Job] make me a strong candidate for this role.”
  • “As a professional with a background in [Your Field or Expertise], I am interested in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I am particularly drawn to this role because of [Specific Reason Related to the Company or Position].”
  • “Having recently completed my [Degree or Certification] in [Your Field], I am eager to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I am confident that my training in [Specific Skills or Knowledge] will enable me to contribute effectively to your team.”
  • “I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Source]. With my expertise in [Your Field or Expertise] and a passion for [Related Aspect], I am excited about the opportunity to join your team.”
  • “With a strong background in [Your Field or Expertise] and a passion for [Related Aspect], I am applying for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I believe my skills in [Specific Skills or Competencies] will be a valuable asset to your team.”
  • “I am enthusiastic about leveraging my expertise in [Your Field or Expertise] to contribute to the projects at [Company Name] as a [Job Title]. I am excited about the opportunity to be part of your team.”

Examples for Highlighting Your Achievements

  • “In my previous role, I increased sales by 20% in six months through targeted marketing campaigns.”
  • “I successfully managed a project that reduced production costs by 15%.”
  • “I developed a […] program that improved satisfaction rates by 30%.”
  • “I was named Employee of the Year for my dedication and innovative approach to problem-solving.”
  • “I received the […] Excellence Award for my contributions to team projects.”
  • “Led a cross-functional team to complete a critical project ahead of schedule.”
  • “Implemented a new […] system that streamlined operations by 25%.”
  • “Certified as a Professional in Human Resources, enhancing my understanding of HR policies.”
  • “Having led a team of […] for over three years, I believe I can bring valuable project management skills to your organization.”
  • “My recent internship at […] Company honed my […] skills, making me a perfect fit for your team.”
  • “I admire […] Company’s dedication to sustainability and would love to contribute to your innovative projects.”

Examples for Showing Industry Knowledge

  • “I have followed […]’s market strategies and was impressed by your latest product launch.”
  • “With a deep understanding of the […] industry, I am aware of the challenges your company faces.”
  • “Your recent expansion into international markets aligns with my experience in global project management.”
  • “The growing emphasis on […] is something I specialize in, and I am eager to apply my skills at your company.”
  • “Experienced in using [software tool] to drive sales performance.”
  • “Proficient in […], crucial for […].”
  • “I admire your commitment to […] solutions and want to be a part of your journey.”

Examples for Demonstrating Relevant Skills

  • “My proficiency in […] and […] makes me well-suited for your […] role.”
  • “Skilled in […], I can enhance your […].”
  • “Experienced in […], I can provide valuable insights for your […] team.”
  • “As a team leader, I have honed my communication and organizational abilities.”
  • “My problem-solving skills are reflected in my ability to tackle complex challenges.”
  • “Expert in […] and possess strong attention to detail.”
  • “Adept at conflict resolution and maintaining positive client relationships.”

Examples for Conveying Enthusiasm

Show your individuality and passion for the role. It’s important to come across as sincere and enthusiastic.

  • “I am genuinely excited about this opportunity to bring my creativity to your […] team.”
  • “My passion for […] aligns with your company’s values.”
  • “I thrive in collaborative environments and would love to contribute to your team’s success.”
  • “Ever since I attended your keynote at the […] Conference, I’ve been inspired by your innovative approach.”
  • “I look forward to the possibility of working at such a forward-thinking company.”
  • “I am excited about the opportunity to drive results and grow with your company.”
  • “Your company’s commitment to excellence resonates with my career goals.”

Examples for a Persuasive Closing Paragraph

  • “I am eager to bring my skills in project management to […] Company and look forward to discussing this opportunity further.”
  • “Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the possibility of contributing to your team.”
  • “I am confident that my background in digital marketing makes me a perfect candidate, and I hope to hear from you soon.”
  • “You can reach me at 123-456-7890 or via email at [email protected].”
  • “I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and would love to provide more details on my background.”
  • “Thank you again for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to […] Company.”

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter With No Professional Experience

1. Focus on your transferable skills. Learn more: 150 Example Phrases: Top Transferable Skills Every Company Wants

2. Mention volunteer work, school projects, or other non-job experiences that relate to the job. You can show a willingness to learn and grow by using phrases like:

  • “I am motivated to apply the skills I developed through my volunteer work with [Organization] to the [Job Title] position at [Company Name].”
  • “My experience leading a team project in my [Course/Program] has equipped me with strong organizational and communication skills that I am excited to bring to [Company Name].”
  • “Volunteering at [Organization] has given me hands-on experience in [Relevant Skill], which I am enthusiastic about applying in the [Job Title] role at [Company Name].”
  • “I have developed a solid foundation in [Relevant Skill] through my coursework in [Subject], and I am excited about the opportunity to further develop these skills at [Company Name].”
  • “Participating in [Extracurricular Activity] has taught me the importance of teamwork and perseverance, qualities I am eager to contribute to the [Job Title] position at [Company Name].”
  • “My involvement in [School Project/Club] has provided me with valuable experience in [Relevant Skill], which I am excited to leverage in the [Job Title] role at [Company Name].”
  • “I am passionate about [Field/Industry] and have taken the initiative to gain experience through [Relevant Activity], which I am enthusiastic about applying at [Company Name].”

3. Highlight your educational achievements: mention any relevant coursework, projects, or academic awards that demonstrate your knowledge and dedication to the field. Examples:

  • “My coursework in [Subject] has provided me with a strong foundation in [Relevant Skill], which I am eager to apply in the [Job Title] role at [Company Name].”
  • “I am proud of my academic achievements in [Subject], and I am excited about the opportunity to bring this knowledge to [Company Name].”
  • “Completing my [Degree/Program] has equipped me with the skills and knowledge necessary for the [Job Title] position, and I am eager to contribute to [Company Name].”

4. Express enthusiasm for the role and the company:

  • “I am particularly impressed by [Specific Aspect of the Company], and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team.”
  • “I am passionate about [Field/Industry] and am enthusiastic about the opportunity to join [Company Name] and contribute to your innovative projects.”

5. Be confident in your abilities. (Even if you lack professional experience, your skills and enthusiasm can still make you a strong candidate!) Examples:

  • “I am confident that my skills in [Relevant Skill] and my dedication to [Field/Industry] will make me a valuable addition to your team.”
  • “I believe my background in [Relevant Activity] has prepared me well for the [Job Title] position, and I am excited to bring my unique perspective to [Company Name].”

Tips and Best Practices

Leveraging strong adjectives and verbs.

Try to use powerful adjectives and verbs whenever possible. These words can make your skills stand out, especially your soft skills. For example, instead of saying “helped,” you can use “facilitated” or “implemented.” Instead of “good,” you can say “excellent” or “high-quality.” Or, if you managed a project, you can describe it as a “successful project” or “high-impact project.” Simple changes like this make your experience seem more impressive.

Following Up After Submission

After submitting your cover letter and resume, wait about a week to follow up. This shows you’re serious about the job. Keep the email short and polite, and mention that you’re checking on the status of your application.

Be specific (reference the job you applied for and the date you submitted your application). Reiterate your interest in the position: this reminds the employer who you are and shows your continued dedication to the role.

Related: 5 Examples: Follow Up on Job Applications (Get More Interviews)

Conclusion and Q & A

How can i write an effective cover letter for a job application.

  • Start with a strong opening that grabs attention.
  • Mention the job title and where you found the listing.
  • Show enthusiasm for the role.
  • Highlight your skills and experiences that match the job requirements.
  • End with a call to action, like asking for an interview or expressing eagerness to discuss further.

Are there any concise strategies for composing a short cover letter?

  • Keep your letter to one page.
  • Focus only on the most important points.
  • Avoid unnecessary details.
  • Stick to three main parts: an introduction, a section that connects your skills to the job, and a closing that thanks the reader and asks for a next step.

When drafting a cover letter, should I opt for a PDF format or a Word format, and why?

A PDF format is usually better. PDFs keep your formatting intact, no matter what device or software the employer uses. This helps your letter look polished and professional. Only use a Word format if the job listing specifically asks for it.

  • 5 Compelling Examples of Cover Letter for Warehouse Job
  • 3 Inspiring Nonprofit Cover Letter Examples
  • Cover Letter vs. Letter of Interest vs. Letter of Intent
  • How to Send an Email Cover Letter (Examples)
  • 50 Example Phrases: How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview
  • 6 Examples: How To Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

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Free cover letter template for your next job application

4 min read · Updated on September 25, 2024

Laura Slingo

Write a strong cover letter with our template and example

Crafting a compelling cover letter can be challenging without a clear reference point. Good thing our free cover letter template and example are here to guide you. Get started with a well-structured sample cover letter below, put together to inspire and help you create your own standout job application.

Traditional cover letter template

Your address

Your phone number

Your email address

Hiring manager or recruiter's name

Hiring manager or recruiter's job title

Company or organisation name

The job you're applying for or the job ad ID 

Dear hiring manager (or recruiter's name),

Paragraph 1 : Introduce yourself by stating the position you're applying for and how you found the job. Express enthusiasm for the role and genuine interest in the company. Aim for 50 words.

Paragraph 2 : Outline why you're a strong candidate for the role by summarising your relevant qualifications and experience, supported by specific achievements that show how you can contribute to the company's success. Aim for 60 words.

Paragraph 3 : Highlight your alignment with the company by referencing its mission, values, or achievements and explaining how your skills or experiences support its goals. Connect this to the value you can bring to the organisation. Aim for 60 words.

Paragraph 4 (optional): If space allows, accentuate additional qualifications or experiences not fully covered in your CV. Emphasise unique skills or accomplishments that set you apart and connect them to the company's needs or role requirements. Aim for 40 words.

Paragraph 5 : In the closing paragraph, thank the hiring manager or recruiter, reaffirm your interest in the position, and express your eagerness to discuss your qualifications. Mention your availability for an interview. Aim for 40 words.

Yours sincerely,

Traditional cover letter example

07700 900123

[email protected]

12 September 2024

Sarah Williams

Head of Talent Acquisition

Tech Innovators Ltd

10 Silicon Avenue

London, SW1A 1AA

RE: Software Developer position

Dear Sarah Williams,

I am excited to apply for the Software Developer position at Tech Innovators Ltd, which I discovered through your recent LinkedIn post. With a background in developing high-performance web applications and a deep enthusiasm for AI technologies, I am eager to bring my skills to your innovative team.

In my previous role at NexGen Solutions, I led the development of a customer-facing app that utilised machine learning algorithms to personalise user experiences, resulting in a 30% increase in user engagement. My hands-on experience with technologies like React, Node.js, and AWS has equipped me with the technical proficiency needed to tackle the complex challenges at Tech Innovators.

I am particularly drawn to Tech Innovators Ltd due to your impressive work on the AI-powered predictive analytics platform. Your commitment to transforming data into actionable insights aligns perfectly with my own passion for using technology to drive business success. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to projects that push the boundaries of what's possible in tech.

Moreover, my background in agile development and team leadership has allowed me to effectively coordinate with cross-functional teams and deliver projects that exceed expectations. My proactive approach to problem-solving and continuous improvement will help me add value to your team from day one.

Thank you for considering my application. I am keen to discuss how my experience and skills align with the goals of Tech Innovators Ltd. I am available for an interview at your convenience and can be reached at 07700 900123 or [email protected].

What is a good format for a cover letter?

The example we've provided follows a strong and good cover letter format. Thus, we recommend using this cover letter template when submitting your job application through online portals, job boards , or LinkedIn . 

Emailing your CV directly to a recruiter or hiring manager? Below are our top tips:

Include your cover letter in the body of the email instead of sending it as an attachment. In this case, you can omit the addresses and the date at the top of the cover letter template. 

Try to get the name of the hiring manager and address them in your cover letter appropriately .

Include the job ID in your subject line, such as “Job application for Software Developer.” 

You can also swap “yours sincerely” for something less formal, such as “kind regards.”

If you're looking for a professionally written cover letter, TopCV offers a range of packages that include expert cover letter writing as part of the service. Explore our services today!

Recommended reading:

How long should a cover letter be and what should I include?

The difference between CVs & cover letters

How to address a cover letter: make the best impression

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See how your CV stacks up.

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60+ Cover Letter Examples in 2024 [For All Professions]

Background Image

No matter where you are in your career, or what job you’re applying for, submitting a cover letter with your resume is a must . 

Done right, a cover letter will effectively complement your resume and explain to the hiring manager in more detail why you’re the right person for the job.

Writing a cover letter, however, is easier said than done. 

You have to effectively demonstrate that you’ll be able to perform the responsibilities listed in the job description and that you’d be a better fit for the company compared to other candidates. 

And unless you’re a professional writer, this can be a very hard task.

Fortunately, we created these cover letter examples to inspire you and help you get started with your own cover letter!

Let’s dive in!

21 Cover Letter Examples 

#1. career change cover letter example .

cover letter example for career change

Here’s what this cover letter does right:

  • Has an ideal length. This cover letter includes all the relevant information for the hiring manager without getting into too much detail.
  • Relevant introduction. The candidate explains that they’re changing careers and why they want to work in this new field from the get-go.
  • Explains their related experience. The candidate explains how their previous experience in retail sales can help them succeed in PR.

Check out our guide video guide to learn how to write a Cover Letter that gets you HIRED!

#2. Recent Graduate Cover Letter Example 

cover letter example for a recent graduate

  • Personally greets the hiring manager. The candidate has taken the time to find the hiring manager’s name and address them by it, which makes the opening of the cover letter much more personal.
  • Wraps up with a call to action. The candidate wraps up the cover letter by suggesting a meeting with the hiring manager, which makes them more memorable.
  • Explains why the candidate is the right person for the internship. In this cover letter for an internship , the candidate explains how they’ve previously interned in a different firm, which gives them the experience to succeed in this role.

Have you just graduated from college? Make sure to check out our guide on writing an entry-level cover letter from start to finish! 

#3. Middle Management Cover Letter Example

Cover Letter Example for Middle Management

  • Use of bullet points. The candidate presents the information in a concise and reader-friendly way, making it easy for the hiring manager to find their key achievements. 
  • Formal closing. The candidate has used a formal and polite tone to conclude their cover letter, which combined with a call to action makes them look professional and passionate about getting the job. 
  • Explains how the company would benefit from hiring them. The candidate outlines exactly what they could do for the company, which not only highlights their skills but also shows they’ve done their research on the company’s needs. 

#4. Business Manager Cover Letter Example

cover letter example for business manager

  • Detailed header. In addition to the must-have contact details, this candidate has also included their professional Twitter and LinkedIn profiles, making it easy for the hiring manager to look more closely into their career. 
  • Concise and to the point. This candidate has used short paragraphs and bullet points to make the cover letter easy to skim through. 
  • Wraps up with a call to action. By letting the hiring manager know they’ll be contacting them soon, they’re more likely to make an impression.

Check out this article for a complete writing guide and an inspiring business manager resume sample. 

#5. Ph.D. Cover Letter Example

cover letter example for phd

Here’s what this cover letter does right: 

  • Attention-grabbing introduction. In the opening paragraph, this candidate explains why they’re passionate about pursuing a Ph.D. in great detail. 
  • Explains the candidate’s qualifications in detail. The candidate builds on their passion by explaining how they’re also qualified for the degree because of their education history and academic achievements. 

#6. Senior Executive Cover Letter Example

cover letter example for senior executive

  • Professional and minimalistic template. This senior executive has used a professional but minimalistic template that lets their work experience do the talking. 
  • Achievement-oriented opening paragraph. Right from the get-go, this candidate explains what makes them so good at their job, effectively grabbing the hiring manager’s attention.  
  • Wraps up with a call to action. By suggesting to have a meeting and discussing how they can help the company meet its goals, the candidate stands more chance to make a positive lasting impression. 

#7. Architect Cover Letter Example 

Cover Letter Example

  • Modern resume template. This architect has picked a template that perfectly matches his industry, as it is professional and modern at the same time. 
  • A personal greeting to the HR. They address the hiring manager by their first name, which helps make a better first impression. 
  • Measurable achievements. By quantifying their achievements, the candidate proves their achievements instead of just claiming them.

Struggling with your architect resume ? Check out our full guide!

#8. Business Analyst Cover Letter Example 

cover letter examples

  • Detailed contact information. The candidate has listed both their LinkedIn and Twitter profiles, providing the HR manager an opportunity to learn more about the candidate.  
  • Mentions what the candidate can do for the company. This cover letter doesn’t just explain why the job would be great for the candidate, but also how the candidate would benefit the company. Win-win, right? 
  • Error-free and reader-friendly. It’s super important for the cover letter to have no spelling or grammatical errors and be reader-friendly. This candidate made sure they did both.

Need a resume alongside your cover letter? Check out our guide on how to write a business analyst resume . 

#9. Consultant Cover Letter Example 

best cover letter example

  • Professional cover letter template. Being an experienced consultant, this candidate has picked a professional template that doesn’t steal the spotlight from their achievements. 
  • Experience and achievement-oriented. The candidate has effectively elaborated on their top achievements relevant to the job. 
  • Highlights the candidate’s passion. To show they want the job, this candidate has also explained how passionate they are about their profession.

For more advice on landing a job as a consultant, check out our guide to writing a consultant resume .

#10. Digital Marketing Cover Letter Example

Cover Letter Example for Digital Marketing

  • Creative cover letter template. This digital marketer highlights their originality by picking a creative cover letter template. 
  • Lists the candidate’s awards. The candidate has taken advantage of the cover letter to list their most noteworthy awards in the industry. 
  • Concludes with a call to action. As they used a call to action to conclude their cover letter, the HR manager will be more likely to remember them.

Want to take your digital marketing resume to the next level? Check out our guide!

#11. Graphic Designer Cover Letter Example 

Cover Letter Example for Graphic Designer

  • Detailed contact information. The candidate has included additional contact information such as their website link, as well as their LinkedIn and Twitter profiles.  
  • Ideal length. This cover letter is concise, which means that the HR manager is more likely to read it from start to finish.  
  • Draws attention to the candidate’s strong points. Although this candidate is a recent college graduate, they’ve managed to effectively show that they have enough knowledge and experience to do the job right.

Read this guide to write a graphic designer resume that’s just as good as your cover letter!

#12. Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example

Cover Letter Example for Administrative Assistant

  • Minimalistic cover letter template. The candidate picked a well-designed but minimalistic template for their cover letter. 
  • Focused on skills and achievements. This cover letter is packed with the candidate’s skills and achievements, proving he can be an excellent employee. 
  • Formal closing. Politeness can go a long way and the candidate has used this to their advantage to make an impression. 

Our article on how to write an administrative assistant resume can help you take your job application to the next level.

#13. Front Desk Cover Letter Example

Cover Letter Example for Front Desk

  • Modern cover letter template. This template incorporates memorable colors and clear lines, which make the cover letter very visually appealing. 
  • Attention-grabbing introduction. Using an attention-grabbing intro, the candidate is more likely to make an impression. 
  • Calls the HR to action. By including a call to action, the candidate is reminding the HR of their immediate availability. 

#14. Human Resources Cover Letter Example

Cover Letter Example for Human Resources

  • It is concise and to the point. The candidate doesn’t dwell on unimportant details the HR won’t be interested in. 
  • Uses a traditional cover letter template. The cover letter design is more on the conventional side, which fits the industry better. 
  • Highlights the candidate’s strong points. The candidate has rich work experience and they use the cover letter to elaborate on it. 

This HR resume guide can help you get your resume just right.

#15. Sales Agent Cover Letter Example 

Cover Letter Example  for Sales Agent

  • Attention-grabbing cover letter template. As a salesperson, this candidate knows how important first impressions are, so they’ve picked a catchy cover letter template. 
  • Has an ideal length. At the same time, they’ve also made sure to keep their cover letter at just the right length. 
  • Lists the candidate’s career highlights. The candidate has made perfect use of the space by mentioning their most impressive professional achievements. 

Check out this sales agent resume guide to create an attention-grabbing sales resume .

#16. Receptionist Cover Letter Example

Cover Letter Example for Receptionist

  • Modern but minimalistic cover letter template. The template’s design hints the candidate is creative but professional at the same time. 
  • Uses a catchy introduction. The candidate has used an attention-grabbing opening paragraph to catch HR’s attention. 
  • Concludes the cover letter formally. The candidate proves that they’re polite and well-spoken, a quality very much important for the role they’re applying for. 

Take your receptionist resume to the next level with this receptionist resume guide .

#17. Information Technology Cover Letter Example

Cover Letter Example for Information Technology

  • Mentions measurable achievements. Numbers make an impact, which is why this candidate has included measurable achievements. 
  • Lists both soft and hard skills. The candidate has mentioned a great mix of soft and hard skills, showing how well-rounded they are. 
  • Contains relevant contact information. The candidate’s GitHub, website name, LinkedIn, and Twitter profiles are all great additions to the resume. 

Looking for tips to help you write a great IT resume ? Check out our guide!

#18. Real Estate Cover Letter Example

Cover Letter Example for Real Estate Agent

  • Ideal length. Short and to the point, this cover letter is bound to get noticed by the HR manager. 
  • Wraps up with a call to action. This candidate reinforces the HR to call them back through a final call to action. 
  • Mentions the right skills. On top of their sales accomplishments, the candidate touch upon important soft skills such as customer service and communication . 

This real estate resume guide will help you take your resume from good to great.

#19. Teacher Cover Letter Example

Cover Letter Example for Teacher

  • Mentions relevant contact information details. This candidate has included optional (but relevant) contact information details, such as their LinkedIn, Quora, and Medium profiles. 
  • Achievement-oriented. The candidate has elaborated on their achievements in more detail throughout their cover letter. 
  • Highlights the candidate’s passion. For some jobs, being passionate is much more important than for others. Teaching is one of these jobs, which is why this candidate explains their passion for the job. 

Our guide on how to write a teacher resume has all the tips you need to land the job.

#20. Project Manager Cover Letter Example

Cover Letter Example for Project Manager

  • Leverages a catchy introduction. Through a catchy introductory paragraph, this candidate is sure to grab the HR’s attention and get them to read the rest of their cover letter.
  • Lists measurable accomplishments. This candidate explains exactly what they’ve achieved using numbers and hard data. 
  • Personally greets the HR. A personal greeting sounds much better than “Dear Sir/Madam,” and the candidate knows this. 

This guide on how to write a project manager resume can help you perfect your appication.

#21. Paralegal Cover Letter Example

Cover Letter Example for Paralegal

  • Minimalistic cover letter template. This cover letter design looks good but doesn’t steal the show from the candidate’s abilities.
  • Mentions the candidate’s academic achievements and extracurricular activities. Although the candidate is a recent graduate, they’ve used the cover letter to explain they have enough skills and achievements to do the job.
  • Lists measurable achievements. The candidate proves they did well in their internship by mentioning quantifiable achievements.

Check out this paralegal resume guide to perfect yours.

40+ More Cover Letter Examples and Guides 

Couldn’t find a cover letter example for your field? Do not worry.

Below you can find a number of other cover letter examples for different fields and industries:

  • Acting Cover Letter Examples
  • Accounting Cover Letter Examples
  • Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Examples
  • Architecture Cover Letter Examples
  • Attorney Cover Letter Examples
  • Barista Cover Letter Examples
  • Bartender Cover Letter Examples
  • Business Cover Letter Examples
  • Business Analyst Cover Letter Examples
  • College Student Cover Letter Examples
  • Computer Science Cover Letter Examples
  • Construction Cover Letter Examples
  • Consultant Cover Letter Examples
  • Customer Service Cover Letter Examples
  • Data Analyst Cover Letter Examples
  • Data Entry Cover Letter Examples
  • Dental Assistant Cover Letter Examples
  • Digital Marketing Cover Letter Examples
  • Elementary Teacher Cover Letter Examples
  • Engineering Cover Letter Examples
  • Executive Assistant Cover Letter Examples
  • Finance Cover Letter Examples
  • Graphic Design Cover Letter Examples
  • Healthcare Cover Letter Examples
  • Human Resources Cover Letter Examples
  • IT Cover Letter Examples
  • Law Cover Letter Examples
  • Management Cover Letter Examples
  • Marketing Cover Letter Examples
  • Mechanical Engineering Cover Letter Examples
  • Medical Assistant Cover Letter Examples
  • Nurse Practitioner Cover Letter Examples
  • Physician Cover Letter Examples
  • Project Manager Cover Letter Examples
  • Receptionist Cover Letter Examples
  • Retail Cover Letter Examples
  • Sales Cover Letter Examples
  • Social Work Cover Letter Examples
  • Software Engineer Cover Letter Examples
  • Substitute Teacher Cover Letter Examples
  • Teacher Assistant Cover Letter Examples
  • Team Leader Cover Letter Example

What is a Cover Letter? 

A cover letter is a one-page document that you submit as part of your job application, alongside your resume . 

Its purpose is to introduce you and briefly summarize your professional background. On average, your cover letter should be from 250 to 400 words long .

A good cover letter can give the hiring manager more insight into what makes you a good candidate and help them make up their mind about whether they should invite you for an interview. A bad cover letter, though, will get ignored (at best) and lose you the job (at worst).

So, to make sure this doesn’t happen, it’s essential to know how to write a convincing cover letter.

The first thing to remember is that a cover letter is a supplement to your resume, not a replacement. Meaning, you shouldn’t just repeat whatever is mentioned in your resume and call it a day. 

Optimally, you should use your cover letter to shed more light on your skills and qualifications, as well as explain anything you didn’t have space for in your resume (e.g. a career gap or why you’re changing careers).

If you’re writing a cover letter for the first time, though, putting all this together might seem pretty tough. 

Fortunately, you can follow our tried-and-tested format to make the experience much easier:

  • Header - Input your contact information.
  • Greeting the hiring manager - Open the cover letter with a “Dear Sir or Madam,” or use the hiring manager’s name if you know what that is.
  • Opening paragraph - Grab the hiring manager’s attention by getting straight to the point. Mention what your professional experiences are, and what role you’re applying for.
  • The second paragraph - Explain why you’re the perfect candidate for the job. Mention your top 2-3 achievements, your top skills, why you want to work in that specific industry, and whatever else is relevant.
  • The third paragraph - End your cover letter with a call to action. E.g. “I would love to meet personally and discuss how I can help Company X.”
  • Formal closing - Something like this: “Thank you for your consideration. Best, John Doe.”

Here’s what this looks like in practice:

cover letter structure

9 Tips to Write a Cover Letter (the Right Way)

Now that we've covered the basics, let's talk about cover letter tips . Below, we'll give you all the knowledge you need to take your cover letter from "OK" to "great."

#1. Pick the right template

A good cover letter is all about leaving the right first impression.

And what’s a better way to leave a good impression than through a professional, well-formatted, and visual template?

You can simply pick one of our tried-and-tested cover letter templates and you’ll be all set!

cover letter examples templates

#2. Add your contact details on the header

The best way to start your cover letter is through a header. 

Here’s what you want to include there:

  • Phone Number
  • Name of the hiring manager / their professional title
  • Name of the company you’re applying to

Optionally, you can also include the following:

  • Social Media Profiles - Any type of profile that’s relevant to your field. Social Profiles on websites like LinkedIn, GitHub (for developers), Medium (for writers), etc.
  • Personal Website - If you have a personal website that somehow adds value to your application, you can mention it. Let’s say you’re a professional writer. In that case, you’d want to link to your content portfolio site or blog.

#3. Greet the hiring manager the right way

Once you’ve listed all your relevant contact information, it’s time to address the hiring manager reading your cover letter. 

A good practice here is to find the hiring manager’s name and address them directly instead of using the traditional “dear sir or madam.” This shows that you’re really invested in the company and that you took your time to do some research about the job.

So, how can you find out the hiring manager’s name?

One way to do this is by looking up the head of the company’s relevant department on LinkedIn. Let’s say you’re applying for the position of Communication Specialist at Novoresume. The hiring manager is probably the Head of Communications or the Chief Communications Office.

Or let’s say you’re applying for the position of server at a restaurant. In that case, you’d be looking to find out who the restaurant manager is.

If this doesn’t work, you can also check out the “Team” page on the company website; there’s a good chance you’ll at least find the right person there.

If you still can’t find out the hiring manager’s name, here are several other greetings you can use:

  • Dear [Department] Hiring Manager
  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • To whom it may concern
  • Dear [Department] Team

#4. Create an attention-grabbing introduction

Recruiters get hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of applications. Chances are, they’re not going to be reading every single cover letter end-to-end.

So, it’s essential to catch their attention from the very first paragraph.

The problem with most cover letter opening paragraphs, though, is that they’re usually extremely generic, often looking something like this: 

Hey, my name is Jonathan and I’d like to work as a Sales Manager at XYZ Inc. I’ve worked as a sales manager at MadeUpCompany Inc. for 5+ years, so I believe that I’d be a good fit for the position.

As you can probably tell, this opening paragraph doesn’t tell the hiring manager anything other than that you’ve worked the job before - and that’s not really helpful in setting you apart from other candidates. 

What you want to do, instead, is start off with 2-3 of your top achievements to really grab the reader’s attention. Preferably, the achievements should be as relevant as possible to the position. 

For example:

My name’s Michael and I’d like to help XYZ Inc. hit and exceed its sales goals as a Sales Manager. I’ve worked with Company X, a fin-tech company, for 3+ years. As a Sales Representative, I generated an average of $30,000+ in sales per month (beating the KPIs by around 40%). I believe that my previous industry experience, as well as my excellence in sales, makes me the right candidate for the role of X at Company Y.

The second example shows how the candidate is a top performer. The first just shows that they’ve worked a sales job before.

Which one are YOU more likely to invite for an interview?

#5. Show you’re the perfect person for the job

One great thing about cover letters is that they allow you to expand more on the top achievements from your resume and really show the hiring manager that you’re the right person for the job. 

A good way to do that is to first read the job ad and really understand what skills/experiences are required, and then to ensure that your cover letter touches upon the said skills or experiences.

In my previous role as a Facebook Marketing Expert at XYZ Inc. I handled customer acquisition through ads, managing a monthly Facebook ad budget of $20,000+. As the sole digital marketer at the company, I managed the ad creation and management process end-to-end. This means I created the ad copy and images, as well as picked the targeting, ran optimization trials, and so on.

Other than Facebook advertising, I’ve also delved into other online PPC channels, including:

  • Google Search

#6. Explain why you’re a great company fit

The HR manager doesn’t only look at whether you’ll be good at the job or not. They’re looking for someone that’s also a good fit for the company culture.

After all, employees that don’t fit in are bound to quit, sooner or later. This ends up costing the company a ton of money, up to 50% of the employee’s annual salary . 

To convince the hiring manager that you’re a great company fit, do some research on the company and find out what it is you like about them, or about working there. You want to know things like:

  • What’s the company’s business model?
  • What’s the company's product or service? Have you used it?
  • What’s the culture like? Will someone micro-manage your work, or will you have autonomy on how you get things done?

Then, turn your top reasons for liking to work there into text and add them to your cover letter! 

#7. Wrap up with a call to action

To make the end of your cover letter as memorable as possible, you want to:

  • Wrap up any points you couldn't in the previous paragraphs. Mention anything you’ve left out that you think could help the hiring manager make up your mind.
  • Thank the hiring manager for their time. After all, it never hurts to be polite. 
  • Finish the cover letter with a call to action. A call to action is a great way to make your cover letter ending as memorable as possible. 

#8. Write a formal closing

Once you’re done with the final paragraph, all you have to do is write down a formal “goodbye” and you’re good to go.

Feel free to use one of the most popular conclusions in a cover letter:

  • Best Regards,
  • Kind Regards,

#9. Proofread your cover letter

Last but not least, make sure to always proofread each and every document that you’ll be including in your job application - cover letter included. 

The last thing you want is to be claiming you’re a great candidate for the job with a cover letter full of typos! 

For an even more comprehensive guide on how to write an impactful cover letter , check out our article ! 

Cover Letter Writing Checklist 

Cover Letter Writing Checklist

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you still have some questions about cover letters? Check out the answers below:

1. How do I write a simple cover letter? 

To write a cover letter that’s simple but also professional, make sure to include a header with your personal information, a formal greeting to the hiring manager, an attention-grabbing opening paragraph, a second paragraph explaining why you’re a good candidate for the job, and a formal closing (preferably with a call to action). 

2. What are the 3 parts of a cover letter? 

The three parts of a cover letter are: 

  • The introduction , namely the header, the greeting to the hiring manager, and the opening paragraph. 
  • The sales pitch is usually the body of the cover letter. 
  • The conclusion involves a formal closing and a signature line.

3. What makes a great cover letter?

A great cover letter should be personalized for each job you’re applying for, instead of being overly generic. It’s also preferable to address the hiring manager by their name and not use the overly-used “Dear Sir/Madam.”

To make a great first impression, you should mention 1-2 of your top achievements in your opening paragraph - the more job-specific they are, the better. Also, don’t stop at showing the hiring manager why you’re a great candidate for the job. Make sure to also talk about how you’re a good culture fit for the company.

Last but not least, wrap up your closing paragraph with a call to action to give the hiring manager a little extra something to remember you by. 

4. When is a cover letter necessary?

Unless the job ad specifically states otherwise, you should always include a cover letter with your job application .

Even if the hiring manager doesn’t read it, you will look more professional simply by including one.

And that’s a wrap! We hope our cover letter examples and writing tips will inspire you to write a cover letter that will land you your next job.

If you’re looking for more invaluable career advice and articles, make sure to check out our career blog , or any of these related articles: 

  • How to Write a Resume
  • Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs
  • Cover Letter Format (w/ Examples & Free Templates)

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  6. The original CV and cover letter that got me admission into a PhD in Chemical & Process Engineering


  1. Cover Letter Örneği [10 Adımda Detaylı Anlatım]

    Cover Letter Nedir? Cover letter, özgeçmişiniz ya da CV'niz ile bir işe başvururken başvurduğunuz iş yerine verdiğiniz, işe dair isteğinizi, yeteneklerinizi, kabiliyetlerinizi ve organizasyona katabileceklerinizi anlatan bir sayfalık bir yazıdır. Türkçe'de ön yazı olarak bilinir.

  2. Cover letter nedir ve ne işe yarar? Cover Letter nasıl yazılır ve

    Cover Letter Nedir? Bir kurum veya şirkette çalışmak istemeniz durumunda, kendiniz hakkında bir takım bilgilerin bulunduğu CV sizden işveren tarafından istenir. Bu şekilde işveren sizin daha önceden nerelerde çalıştığınızı, kaç dil bildiğinizi, eğitim geçmişinizi ve daha birçok bilgiyi öğrenebilir.

  3. Cover Letter Nedir? Cover Letter Nasıl Yazılır?

    Cover Letter veya resmi yazı formatı kullanılmaması. .txt veya .pages uzantılı dokümanlarda Cover Letter hazırlanılması. Cover Letter'da kendinizden ve yaptıklarınızdan gereğinden fazla bahsedilmesi. Şirketin sizi neden bu işe alması gerektiği ile ilgili soruların cevaplarının net bir şekilde verilememesi.

  4. Amerika'da İş Başvurusu İçin Profesyonel Özgeçmiş (Resume) ve Cover

    Bu rehberde, Amerika'da iş başvurusu için etkili bir resume nasıl hazırlanır, neler eklenmeli ve aynı zamanda cover letter (ön yazı) gibi ek detaylar hakkında bilgilere ulaşabilirsiniz. 1. Amerikan Resume Formatı Nedir? Amerikan resume formatı, Türkiye'de kullanılan CV formatından bazı farklılıklar içerir.

  5. The CV Cover Letter: What It Is and How to Write It Well

    How to write a CV cover letter. You can use the following process to write an effective CV cover letter: 1. Identify the requirements for the position. Read the job description well and identify employer expectations in relation to academic achievements, education, skills, and experience. Make a list of these expectations.

  6. Cover Letter Nedir

    Cover Letter Nedir. Şimdi kısaca Cover Letter nedir üzerinden geçelim ve CV ile karşılaştıralım. Cover Letter, CV'de bahsettiğiniz başarıların ve tecrübelerin size bir profesyonel olarak neler kattığını anlattığınız, genelde 3-4 paragraflık bir formatı olan resmi bir yazıdır.

  7. What is a Cover Letter? Definition & Examples

    A cover letter is a one-page document included in your job application (along with your resume). When written well, your cover letter provides employers with important context that isn't covered in your resume. Build My Cover Letter Now. Written By Ida Pettersson Career Coach and Resume Expert. Reviewed By Conrad Benz Content Manager.

  8. Create your Europass Cover Letter

    Europass will guide you step by step through the process to help you create a good cover letter with all the essential information. You can create, store and share cover letters in 31 languages, choose from different templates to customise your application and share them easily from your Europass Library. Create your Europass.

  9. How to write a cover letter [one that gets you interviews]

    Sign off professionally. Finish your cover letter with a friendly term such as, "kind regards" followed by your name. Then add a professional signature to the bottom, like the one below; This makes the cover letter look professional and ensures that recruiters have; Your full name. Phone number. Email address.

  10. How to Write a Cover Letter (Writing Guide with Examples)

    Cover letter greetings. Dear Jane Smith, Dear Ms. Smith, Dear [Department] Team, Dear [Company Name] Recruiter, Dear [Company Name] Hiring Team, 3. Write an opening paragraph that hooks the reader. Your opening paragraph is your chance to capture the reader's attention and make them want to continue reading.

  11. What Is a Cover Letter & How to Make It Stand Out [10+ Tips]

    A cover letter is a type of letter you include in your job application. Its main role is to let the reader know what motivated you to apply, and what you can offer. A cover letter is not synonymous with a resume or CV. Typically, a cover letter's main body consists of three paragraphs, each for a different purpose.

  12. How to Write a Cover Letter [Full Guide & Examples for 2024]

    How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter #1. Choose the Right Cover Letter Template #2. Put Contact Information in the Header #3. Address the Hiring Manager #4. Write an Eye-Catching Introduction #5. Use the Cover Letter Body for Details #6. Wrap It Up and Sign It Cover Letter Writing Checklist 15 Cover Letter Tips 15+ Cover Letter Examples 5 ...

  13. 12 CV cover letter examples

    Marketing CV cover letter. This marketing cover letter provides readers with a summary of the candidate's core marketing abilities such as media planning, brand awareness and cost reduction. It also explains the types of marketing campaigns and companies they have experience with - a great high-level intro.

  14. How to Write a Cover Letter for a CV (With Examples)

    When you apply for a job with a curriculum vitae (CV), it's important to include a cover letter, also sometimes referred to as a covering letter. This letter allows you to make a favorable first impression, using narrative in your own tone of voice to catch the reader's attention and encourage them to seriously review your attached CV.

  15. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

  16. How to Write a Cover Letter (Examples and Tips)

    Step 2: Add your contact info. At the top of your cover letter, you should list out your basic info. You can even copy the same heading from your resume if you'd like. Some contact info you might include (and the order to include it in): Your name. Your pronouns (optional) Your location (optional) Your email address.

  17. Cover Letter vs. CV: Definitions, Differences and Tips

    A cover letter comprises one page. Writing a short cover allows a candidate to remain direct and precise in their wording choices. A hiring manager may appreciate this as they scan a document for relevant qualifications. A CV may have two or three pages. This longer CV may indicate that a candidate has multiple professional experiences and ...

  18. Cover Letter nasıl yazılır? Örnek Cover letter üzerinden anlatım

    Arkadaşlar selam,Önceki videolarımda bir makalenin yazım ve dergiye gönderim süreçlerini sizlere paylaşmıştım. Makalenin dergiye yüklenmesi sırasında istenin...

  19. CV vs. Cover Letter: Differences & Similarities

    A cover letter is brief while a CV is quite detailed and long. A CV includes detailed information about your work experience and academic background while a cover letter is a condensed document that explains why you're applying for the given job. But let's park that for a minute and break it down.

  20. Cover letter

    Résumé cover letters may also serve as marketing devices for prospective job seekers. Cover letters are used in connection with many business documents such as loan applications (mortgage loan), contract drafts and proposals, and executed documents.While the resume outlines the professional journey, a cover letter allows the applicant convey their personality, passion, and potential ...

  21. 50 Essential Cover Letter Example Phrases

    Resumes are one to two pages long. Cover letters are usually just one page. Importance of Tailoring Your Cover Letter. When you tailor your cover letter, you show the employer that you have done your homework. Mention the company's name and discuss why you want to work there: this makes you stand out from those who use generic cover letters.

  22. Cover Letter 101: Everything You Need To Know

    A cover letter is a professional document that candidates provide to employers in combination with their resume and other details for a job application. Cover letters act as an extension of your resume and provide employers or hiring managers with more in-depth information about how your qualifications align with the job in question.

  23. Free cover letter template for your next job application

    Crafting a compelling cover letter can be challenging without a clear reference point. Good thing our free cover letter template and example are here to guide you. Get started with a well-structured sample cover letter below, put together to inspire and help you create your own standout job application. Traditional cover letter template. Your name

  24. 60+ Cover Letter Examples in 2024 [For All Professions]

    Consultant Cover Letter Example #10. Digital Marketing Cover Letter Example #11. Graphic Designer Cover Letter Example #12. Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example #13. Front Desk Cover Letter Example #14. Human Resources Cover Letter Example #15. Sales Agent Cover Letter Example #16.

  25. How to write the perfect cover letter (With examples)

    To start your cover letter, introduce yourself. This means including your full name, your specific interest in the position and the reasons you've chosen to apply. If you got a referral to the job from another party, ensure to mention this in the first paragraph. 2. Mention your skills and qualifications.

  26. 6 Great Social Work Intern Resume Examples

    Otherwise, use our cover letter examples if you're still brainstorming what to write. They can inspire you! For design help, check out our cover letter templates library. We've got 15+ preformatted cover letter designs you can use for your document! To create a great document from scratch, we also feature a complete guide on How to Write a ...

  27. Quality Assurance Manager Resume Examples

    Otherwise, use our cover letter examples if you're still brainstorming what to write. They can inspire you! For design help, check out our cover letter templates library. We've got 15+ preformatted cover letter designs you can use for your document! To create a great document from scratch, we also feature a complete guide on How to Write a ...

  28. 6 Great Senior Sales Associate Resume Examples

    Communication is a foundational skill for any good Senior Sales Associate, and one excellent way to demonstrate it is with a cover letter. A cover letter allows you to tell the story of how you've developed valuable skills and learned to overcome obstacles. And you don't even have to spend too much time writing a cover letter when you use ...

  29. What Is a Cover Letter? (And What To Include in One)

    A cover letter is a short introduction to you that concisely communicates your interest in a job opportunity along with your top skills and relevant experience. It's important to customize your cover letter for each role to demonstrate that you've researched the organization's mission and values. — Genevieve Northup, MBA, SHRM-CP, HCI-SPTD.

  30. 6 Great Seller Resume Examples

    Your cover letter is a better place to show your enthusiasm and personality than your resume alone. A cover letter gives you an entire page to explain a little about yourself and what motivates you to want to be a Seller. Writing a cover letter is much easier with our Cover Letter Builder! It features personalized phrases and text that you can ...