• Open access
  • Published: 15 February 2023

Design models for small run-of-river hydropower plants: a review

  • David Tsuanyo   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7073-4980 1 ,
  • Boris Amougou 1 , 2 ,
  • Abdoul Aziz 1 ,
  • Bernadette Nka Nnomo 3 ,
  • Davide Fioriti 4 &
  • Joseph Kenfack 2  

Sustainable Energy Research volume  10 , Article number:  3 ( 2023 ) Cite this article

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Hydropower plants are among the most efficient and reliable renewable energy systems in the world as far as electricity production is concerned. Run-of-river hydropower plants seem more attractive than conventional hydroelectric plants since they can be a cheaper and environmentally friendly alternative. However, their expected energy production pattern heavily depends on several construction variables that need an appropriate design using specific models. This paper analyzes several existing models used for the calculation of the diameter and thickness of a penstock, the optimal selection and implantation (admissible suction head) of a turbine, to estimate the energy produced and expected cost of small hydropower projects for grid-connected and off-grid/micro-grid applications. This review particularly brings out the specificities of each of the models to suggest the most appropriate model according to the context of study and proposes methods to use them more efficiently. This review can be used as a guide in the design and simulation of run-of-river hydropower plants, thus helping in the assessment of the economic feasibility of projects that usually requires a high level of experience and expertise.

A critical review focused particularly on run-of-river hydropower plant design models was carried out.

Several calculation models including diameter and thickness of a penstock, admissible suction head of a turbine, and cost and energy production estimation for grid-connected applications are collected and analyzed.

Hydropower models for design and generation profile prediction presented can be used to optimally come against the variability problem of run-of river plants.

The paper can be used as a guide in the design and simulation of run-of-river hydropower plants with appropriate models.


Till date, more than 81% of the world's energy consumption comes from fossil sources despite the setbacks related, such as environmental impact and the gradual disappearance of the resource (Safarian et al., 2019 ). Global energy demand remains constantly growing, but the contribution of renewable energy sources is still estimated to be very low (13.7%) (Safarian et al., 2019 ; Yildiz & Vrugt, 2019 ). Renewable energy sources (wind, solar, geothermal, biomass and hydropower) are cleaner, sustainable and environmentally friendly sources, meaning they should be harnessed as much as possible.

Among all the renewable energy sources, hydropower, representing about 2.5% of the world energy resource and about 15.9% of the global electricity generation, is among the most efficient and reliable as far as electricity generation in the world is concerned (Bozorg Haddad et al., 2011 ; Hydropower status report, sector trends & insights, 2019 ; Jadoon et al., 2020 ; Safarian et al., 2019 ). A hydro-power plant harnesses the energy of moving water to drive a turbine, which in turn will run a generator for electricity production. This technology is well understood and has many advantages (Breeze, 2005 ), among which a relatively low-marginal-cost and low greenhouse gas emission (Stoll et al., 2017 ), with nearly constant prices over the years (Ghosh & Prelas, 2011 ; Sattouf, 2014 ).

Usually, a typical hydropower plant is made of a dam (which creates the reservoir), a trash rack (that prevents debris from entering the intake), a water tunnel, a penstock (to divert the water to the turbine), a speed governor (controlling wicket gates to permanently adapt water flow variations to the energy demand), a turbine and a generator (Fig.  1 a) (Acakpovi et al., 2014 ; Pagès et al., 2003 ; Singh & Chauhan, 2011 ). As for run-of-river hydropower plants, it is generally a weir which is responsible for diverting the water from the river toward the intake. The water usually gets to the turbine after crossing a desilting tank. Water can also be brought to a forebay by a canal, and then the penstock will convey it to the turbine (Vougioukli et al., 2017 ). Figure  1 b shows the components of run-of-river hydropower plants.

figure 1

a Typical hydropower plant with reservoir; b Run-of-river hydropower plant

The main particularity of run-of-river projects is that they do not need large reservoirs, which leads to several benefits. First, their construction time is shorter and their overall cost is lower compared to storage plants projects of this same capacity (Ibrahim et al., 2019 ). Second, they pose less problems of inundation and sedimentation, have a less harmful impact on fish migration, and decrease the problem of high rehabilitation, the disorder at the level of navigation and the problem of people moving, aspects that usually go with large-scale hydropower projects (Kumar & Katoch, 2014 ). Another advantage of run-of-river hydropower projects is the fact that they drive generators with small turbines that can be easily manufactured locally, thus promoting job creation and economic development through local industry (Goodland, 1994 ). Because of these advantages mentioned above, it is easier to get public and government’s acceptance for run-of-river hydropower projects as compared to storage plant projects, which need large submergence areas (Kumar & Katoch, 2014 ).

In the work of Korkovelos et al. ( 2018 ), it was found that the small-scale (1–10 MW) hydropower potential in Sub-Saharan Africa is estimated at 21,800 MW, and run-of-river hydropower plants are generally categorized as small hydropower plants (Bozorg Haddad et al., 2011 ; Safdar et al., 2020 ; Vougioukli et al., 2017 ). An overview of the small hydropower potential of each of the 44 Sub-Saharan African countries can be seen in Appendix 1 (Korkovelos, et al., 2018 ). In view of this great potential, it emerges that the small-scale hydropower and consequently run-of-river systems can be a very suitable option for rural electrification in Africa (Okedu et al., 2020 ). Indeed, they have made a significant contribution to the sustainable development of rural and remote areas in various developing countries these last years (Malhan & Mittal, 2021 ). There is no internationally agreed definition of small hydropower plants. The level of development of a country makes it possible to classify hydropower plants as shown in the Appendix 2 (Bhat & Prakash, 2014 ; Elbatran et al., 2015 ; Mishra et al., 2012 ; Ohunakin et al., 2011 ).

Despite the fact that the use of run-of-river hydropower plants goes with many advantages (Casila et al., 2019 ; Yildiz & Vrugt, 2019 ), the intense variability of their resource can have a significant impact on the quality of electricity and on the balance of the grid. Many hydropower models for design and generation profile prediction are used to come against this variability problem. Each of the models has its singularity. It is for this reason that this review regroups them to present their particularities and to orientate their choices for more efficient use. Moreover, the prefeasibility study of small hydropower projects generally represents a significant proportion of overall project costs and requires a high level of experience and expertise (Punys et al., 2011 ). Hence, it is important to analyze existing models to provide the elements, which can facilitate optimal design and operation of run-of-river hydropower plants from the least possible data (average daily flow and gross head), and less expertise possible in a single document.

However, the recent literature is lacking extensive literature reviews on modeling run-of-river projects. In Kuriqi et al., ( 2021 ), the major ecological impacts of run-of-river projects were reviewed, yet modeling factors were not on major focus. The review in Sasthav and Oladosu ( 2022 ) focused on only low-head run-of-rivers in the United States with some yet limited modeling perspectives. Finally, the authors in Singh and Singal ( 2017 ) reviewed the system operation of several hydro plants, yet the specific detailed models were not in the focus. Therefore, it turns out that reviewing design methodologies for run-of-river projects is not only timely but also needed.

This paper aims at examining numerical models for the optimal design of run-of-river hydropower plants without pondage. This is done with a particular focus on the optimal design of a penstock (calculation of the diameter and thickness), the optimal selection and implantation (admissible suction head) of a turbine, the estimation of energy production for central-grid applications and the estimation of the cost of small hydropower projects. More in detail, the main novelties of this study lay in (a) identifying and reviewing all major technical and economic parameters needed for the optimal design of run-of-river project, based on relevant literature and in-field experience, and (b) proposing a classification of the reviewed models to be possibly used as a reference by scholars and practitioners in the field.

Overview of run-of-river hydropower plants

Run-of-river hydropower plants are characterized by the fact that they do not have a water reserve allowing a seasonal regulation (Bozorg Haddad et al., 2011 ; Goodland, 1994 ; Pagès et al., 2003 ; Yildiz & Vrugt, 2019 ). They use the natural flow on river of water from upstream. Therefore, these plants are less flexible than hydropower plants with large reservoirs because their electricity output depends on the availability of water in the river. This particularity makes the energy generated proportional to water inflow, which is why the amount of power produced by run-of-river hydropower plants varies considerably throughout the year. Multiple hydraulic turbines can be set up to have a better control on these flow variations (Bozorg Haddad et al., 2011 ) and vary depending on the run-of-river hydropower plant configurations.

These configurations, regrouped into the diversion type plants without dams, the weir type plants and the river current systems type plants (using kinetic energy devices), can involve penstock pipes, open channels, barrages and other diversion methods.

In the diversion type plants without dams, a portion of the water diverted from fast flowing rivers can be used directly to feed a penstock. This will move the water down to the turbine (Fig.  2 a), whereas in other cases, the intake system instead feeds a diversion channel first before reaching the penstock passing through a forebay tank (Fig.  2 b) (Aquaret, 2012 ; Publishers, 2015 ).

figure 2

Run-of-river in diversion type plants a without forebay tank and b with forebay tank

In the weir type plants (Fig.  3 a, c), the capacity of the system is directly linked to the existing flow of water through the dam which maintains the river flow (Penche, 2004 ; Publishers, 2015 ). There is also a weir type plant where the water of the river damned with a weir is allowed to flow through low-head turbines housed in the weir to generate electricity (Fig.  3 b) (Aquaret, 2012 ; Publishers, 2015 ).

figure 3

Run-of-river in weir type plants a directly linked to the existing flow of water with floating intake b with flow through low-head turbines housed and c directly linked to the existing flow of water with protected intake

The river current systems type plants are using kinetic energy devices (reaction turbines, small bulb turbines, underwater turbines, oscillating hydrofoils, and venturi devices) installed directly into flowing water to harness the kinetic energy of the water of the river; hence, these systems are generally small. This type can make use of existing structures such as bridges (Aquaret, 2012 ; Publishers, 2015 ) (Fig.  4 ).

figure 4

Run-of-river in river current systems type

Generally, run-of-river hydropower projects deal with two main activities. One main activity includes civil works, such as diversion weir and intake, desilting chamber, power channel including headrace channel, forebay and spillway, penstock, powerhouse building, or tailrace channel. The other main activity includes electromechanical equipment, namely turbines with governing systems and generators with excitation systems, switch gears, control and protection equipment, among others, which are all sheltered by the powerhouse (Mishra et al., 2012 ; Vougioukli et al., 2017 ; Yildiz & Vrugt, 2019 ).

As introduced, there are several configurations and components to take into consideration while dealing with run-of-river hydropower projects, of which the penstock and the turbine turn out to be the most relevant, hence heavily discussed in this study. After discussing the models for the design of a penstock (diameter and thickness), then the choice of the appropriate selection and implementation of the turbine (admissible suction head) for a given run-of-river without pondage project will be detailed.

The models presented in this review are appropriate for the design of a run-of-river hydropower plant that has a penstock and no reservoir, independently of the configuration chosen. Changes can occur if there is a reservoir because its presence will make sure that the flow reaching the turbine is not always the direct flow of the stream available for the plant, but this case will not be discussed in this paper.

Penstock models

To make the right choice of a penstock for a project, materials, diameter, wall thickness, type of joint and relative cost must be taken into account (Fraenkel et al., 1999 ; Penche, 2004 ).

Several methods used to determine the diameter and the wall thickness of the penstock of a small hydropower plant are presented in this subsection (Fig.  5 ).

figure 5

Calculation models of the penstock diameter

To calculate the diameter of a penstock, one of the equations presented in the Table 1 can be used considering its limits.

Selecting a diameter can also be an iterative process. It is even the best way of selecting the appropriate diameter of a penstock since all the formulae have their limits. This method involves starting with a first estimate of what might be a suitable diameter obtained via one of the formulae of Table 1 and then adjusting that estimate according to the calculated head losses and the price (Fraenkel et al., 1999 ).

For example, the objective can be the restriction of the total head loss between 2 and 10%. Usually, the head loss is less than 4% according to the ESHA standard (Obinna Ajala Chinyere & Emmanuel Osiewundo Ojo, 2017 ). While using this method, one of the formulae of the Table 1 can be used for a first estimation of the diameter, which will serve as a guide diameter; the first value for the iteration process to get the best penstock. Obinna et al. ( 2017 ) proceeded like that using the first empirical Eq. (5) of the Table 1 to calculate the first estimate of a diameter to design a penstock for Kuchigoro Small Hydro Project.

Calculation models of the penstock thickness

The thickness of the penstock must be able to guarantee sufficient rigidity to withstand the maximum possible overpressure, which occurs when the valve that links the penstock to the turbine is closed in a short time (Fraenkel et al., 1999 ). This means that the determination of the minimum thickness of a penstock depends on the expected surge pressure and the properties of the penstock (Fraenkel et al., 1999 ).

The surge pressure head is calculated by the Eqs. ( 1 ), ( 2 ), ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) below:

where h surge

h surge : Surge pressure head (m)

h max : Maximum possible pressure (m)

h gross : Gross head (m)

C : Velocity of the pressure wave through the water (m/s)

V : Flow velocity with valve fully open (m/s)

\(\rho\) : Density of water (kg/m 3 )

\(k\) : Bulk Modulus of water (N/mm 2 )

\(E\) : Young’s Modulus of Elasticity for penstock material (N/m 2 )

\(D\) : Penstock diameter (mm)

\(e\) : Penstock wall thickness (mm)

e min : Penstock minimum wall thickness (mm)

\(:\) Gravitational acceleration (m/s 2 )

\(\sigma\) : Ultimate tensile strength of penstock material (N/mm 2 )

\(F\) : Safety factor, typically 3.

It is worth noticing that the expressions of the minimum thickness \({e}_{\text{min}}\) and the expected surge pressure \({h}_{\text{surge}}\) are mutually dependent. Hence, an iterative approach is needed to estimate the value of the thickness (Fraenkel et al., 1999 ).

The algorithm allowing the calculation of the thickness of a penstock is presented as below (Fraenkel et al., 1999 ):

Initialize a first estimate of \({e}_{0}\)

Calculate c, \({h}_{\text{max}}\) and \({e}_{\text{min}}\) for the current iteration i

Compare \({e}_{i}\) and \({e}_{\text{min}}\) :

if \({e}_{i}<\)   \({e}_{\text{min}}\) , update \({e}_{i+1}={e}_{i}+\Delta {e}_{i}\) and go to 2

if \({e}_{i} \gg\)   \({e}_{\text{min}}\) , set \({e}_{i+1}={e}_{\text{min}}\) , and go to 2

if \({e}_{i} \cong {e}_{\text{min}}\) and \({e}_{i}\ge {e}_{\text{min}}\) , go to 4

\({e}_{i}\) should be increased by 1.5 mm while dealing with mild steel pipes to take into consideration corrosion effects.

According to Ramos et al. ( 2000 ), the most dangerous situation the penstock must withstand occurs when it is subjected to a great depression due to the appearance of the vacuum. Thus, the minimum thickness a steel penstock with a diameter D must have to withstand such condition is calculated through the inequation below:

While using this method, 1 mm must be added to the value of the penstock thickness calculated to take into account the effects of corrosion (Ramos et al., 2000 ). In the numerical model of Yildiz and Vrugt ( 2019 ), the minimum thickness of the penstock is calculated using this method.

ESHA (Penche, 2004 ) also proposed other equations for the estimation of the minimum wall thickness that will make the penstock rigid enough to be handled without danger of deformation in the field. The equations are presented below:

where D is the diameter in m

where D is the diameter in mm.

The Eq. ( 23 ) with an additional margin of 1.2 was also used for feasibility studies of micro-hydro-power plant projects in Cameroon (Kengne Signe et al., 2017 a; Kengne Signe et al., 2017 b).

In conclusion, for the calculation of the thickness of a penstock, Eqs. ( 1 ), ( 2 ), ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) seem to be better appropriate since they can be used for all types of penstock material compared to the other models used only for steel pipes. However, their iteration process makes them a relatively more complex model that needs higher computational time and resources to be used, yet modern computers are well capable of bearing the burden.

Equations ( 22 ) and ( 23 ) guarantee the survival of the penstock during its manipulation in the field. This is why it might be more cautious to calculate three minimum thicknesses using Eq. ( 3 ), ( 22 ) and ( 23 ) to ultimately choose the largest value.

Models for the selection of hydraulic turbines

Turbine is made of (1) a nozzle that directs the flow to the runner, (2) a runner that converts the hydraulic energy into mechanical work and (3) a shaft that transfers the mechanical work to the electrical generator (Sangal et al., 2013 ), components that altogether determine the flexibility options and total energy production from the water flow. Commonly, there are two principal categories of hydro-turbines: impulse turbines, such as Pelton, Cross-flow and Turgo, for sites with high head and reaction turbines, such as propeller, Kaplan, Francis, screw and hydro-kinetic turbines, for sites generally with lower head and higher flows (Okot, 2013 ; Sangal et al., 2013 )). Typically, the head and flow available on a site are the principal criteria that orientate the choice of a hydro turbine for a given project (Paish, 2002 ). Nevertheless, it is also important to use the efficiency curves of turbines (like the one of Fig.  6 ) to know how the turbines will react to variations in flow rates and therefore determine the one which is the most suitable for a given installation site and river system (Okot, 2013 ; Yildiz & Vrugt, 2019 ).

figure 6

Typical small hydro-turbines efficiencies (Chapallaz et al., 1995 )

Determination models of the nominal discharge

The choice of the nominal flow is important since the height of a proposed site does not really vary meanwhile the available flow varies a lot (Bezabih, 2021 ). Based on the flow duration curve, it is possible to determine the nominal flow of a hydropower plant. It is the maximum flow rate that can pass through the penstock and the turbine without causing inadmissible energy losses (Dubas & Pigueron, 2009 ). The nominal flow must be chosen carefully to have a hydro-project profitable and efficient enough. A good choice should make sure the plant works all the time at its maximum capacity while exploiting efficiently the hydraulic energy of the water (Dubas & Pigueron, 2009 ).

There are different ways to choose the nominal flow of a hydropower plant. The simplest way is to fix the mean annual flow as the nominal flow. In the work of Adejumobi and Shobayo ( 2015 ) on the optimal choice of turbines for small hydropower plants, the average annual flow has been considered as the nominal flow. According to Heteu and Martin ( 2001 ), the choice of the nominal flow depends on the use of the plant. If the hydropower plant is the only source of supply to the consumer or the mini-grid, the nominal flow is the flow reached for at least 250 days a year. Otherwise, the production must be the most important factor and the optimum flow in that case will be around a flow reached for a period between 50 and 90 days a year. This methodology was used for feasibility studies of micro-hydro-power plant projects in Cameroon while assessing the fall river of Kemken and Bakassa (Kengne Signe et al., 2017 a; Kengne Signe et al., 2017 b). For those two projects, systems were decentralized, and the flow rate of equipment used was the one, which exceeded 250 days per year (Kengne Signe et al., 2017 a; Kengne Signe et al., 2017 b). In the same way, Hanggi and Weingartner ( 2012 ) also mentioned in their work that the choice of the nominal flow depends on the desired operation or purpose of the hydropower plant. They recommended that for hydropower plants operating in an isolated network, the approximate values of the nominal flow should be less or equal to the flow reached for at least 255.5 days a year while that for hydropower plants in parallel operation should be between the flow reached for at least 54.75 days to 91.25 days a year.

According to Alexander and Giddens ( 2008 ), the equation below can also be used to find the optimum discharge for any diameter.

where \(\lambda\)  is the friction factor determined by the surface roughness of the penstock material (–), \({H}_{\text{g}}\text{ is}\) the gross head (m), S  is the penstock slope = \({H}_{\text{g}}\)  / L (–), D is the diameter of the penstock (m) and h is the head loss (m).

As with the formula of the calculation of the diameter of a penstock relying on the cost and the slope of the penstock presented in Table 1 (Eq. (17)), the objective is to have the head loss h = \({H}_{\text{g}}\)  /3 to achieve maximum power.

Voros et al. ( 2000 ) worked on how to design small hydroelectric plants while maximizing the economic benefits of the investment and they proposed an empirical equation allowing determining the optimum nominal flow rate of the hydro-turbines and concluded that it can be used safely for short-cut design purposes. This empirical equation is presented below:

where \({q}_{*50}\) is flow rate duration curve parameter, defined as \(/\) , \(q_{*\min }\) is flow rate duration curve parameter, defined as \(Q_{*\min }\) \(/\) , \(q_{\max }\) is hydro turbine maximum working flow rate fraction, Q max is annual highest stream flow rate (m 3 /s) and \(\gamma\) is short-cut model parameter with the values 0.422 for Francis turbines, 0.369 for Pelton turbines and 0.364 for Axial turbines.

In the study of Munir et al. ( 2015 ), a new parameter, known as the inverse incremental energy was used to select the optimum flow of the hydropower plant at head of Upper Chenab Lower (UCC) at Bamanwala. The nominal flow was selected through comparison of increment of energy with respect to change in flow. A relationship between inverse incremental energy and flow was plotted for the selection of the appropriate flow.

In conclusion, as seen above, there are several methodologies for the determination of the nominal discharge of a small hydropower project. Each of these methods can be used in specific contexts and situations as a starting point for the assessment of the potential of hydropower sites. However, to determine the best nominal discharge for a better exploitation of the energy potential of a natural stream or for a more economical project, we recommend using of an optimization algorithm related to appropriate objectives functions.

Selection of the appropriate type of turbine

The net head is the first criterion to estimate a suitable turbine for a hydropower project (Pagès et al., 2003 ; Paish, 2002 ; Penche, 2004 ) and Table 2 gives the range of operating heads by type of turbine.

A first technique used in the selection of turbines makes use of charts like that in Fig.  7 that depict the expected suitable ranges of net head and water flow admissible by technology (Paish, 2002 ; Penche, 2004 ). However, it is important noticing that the specific curve is strictly manufacturer-specific; hence, that plot shall be used as a preliminary reference.

figure 7

: Typical range chart of turbines (Chapallaz et al., 1995 )

Another criterion that can also orientate in the selection of the appropriate turbine type is the specific speed. The specific speed is the speed in rpm of a turbine with a unit head and a unit output power. Impulse turbines have low specific speeds; Francis turbines have medium specific speeds and propeller or Kaplan have high specific speeds (Ramos et al., 2000 ). The specific speed of a turbine can be calculated as follows:

where \(Q\) is the discharge in m 3 /s, \(n\) the rotational speed of the turbine in rpm, \(E\) the specific hydraulic energy of the machine in J/kg, \(f\) the frequence of the electric system in Hz, \(p\) the number of pairs of poles of the trubine’s generator, \(g\) the gravitational constant in m/s 2 and \({H}_{\text{net}}\) the net head in m.

Without a speed increaser, the rotational speed of the turbine has the same value than the rotational speed of its generator. The rotational speeds of asynchronous generators will be 1 to 2% higher than the value of rotational speeds of the corresponded synchronous generators, a slight over-speed being necessary to create the magnetic field in the machine (Chapallaz et al., 1995 ).

According to Chapallaz et al. ( 1995 ), the maximum speed of the generator must be limited to 1500 rpm to consider the over-speeding of the runaway. Over-speeding causes very significant mechanical stress, and the minimum speed limited to 600 rpm, as because below this speed, the volume of the generator, hence its price compared to the installed power, increases with a decline in yield due to increased losses. When the rotational speed of the turbine is less than 600 rpm, it usually drives a generator with a low number of poles (1000 or 1500 rpm) via a speed increaser.

Thus, after calculating the specific speed of a hydro-project, the appropriate type of turbine can be selected through the Table 3 , which describes the operating speed limits by turbine.

This way of characterizing turbines through the specific speed was even used in the numerical model of Yildiz and Vrugt ( 2019 ).

Generally, in the prefeasibility study phase, the head and the design flow rate are used to select the appropriate type of turbine for a project since usually there is no enough information to calculate the specific speed. The choice of the methodology for selecting the type of turbine requires this level of information.

Cavitation model

The cavitation phenomenon occurs when a high-enough negative pressure occurs at the exit of the wheel, such as when a reaction turbine is located well above the downstream plan. In those conditions, water vaporizes and the corresponding vapor bubbles first detach from the surface of the runner blade and then implode creating strong pressure waves as soon as they reach an area where pressure is higher. As these implosions cause fast erosion of the blades, they must be avoided by accurately design the turbine discharge to limit the depression at its exit. To do so, the so-called suction head H S , which measures the distance between the downstream plan of water and the axis of the wheel of the turbine, shall be limited.

To reduce the construction costs, a reaction turbine shall be placed as high as possible in reference to the downstream level, but this increases the value of H S and cavitation may occur. Therefore, to protect turbines, it is important to know the suction head threshold beyond which cavitation appears relevant enough to damage the wheel during the implantation of a turbine. In mathematical terms, H S is calculated as follows (Penche, 2004 ):

where \({H}_{\text{s}}\) (m) is the limited suction head, \({H}_{\text{a}}\) (m) is the water height equivalent to atmospheric pressure, H v (m) is the water height equivalent to the vaporization pressure, H (m) is the net head, V (m/s 2 ) is the outlet average velocity (as a first approach, one can consider 2 m/s according to ESHA (Penche, 2004 )) and σ is a dimensionless coefficient called the Thomas’s coefficient.

\({H}_{\text{a}}\) can be calculated with the formula below (Yildiz & Vrugt, 2019 ):

where \({P}_{0}\) is the atmospheric pressure in Pa at sea level and \(z\) is the altitude of the power house in m.

\(\sigma\) can be calculated with the equations below (Penche, 2004 ):

where V is the outlet average velocity in m/s 2 and H the net head in m.

In the techno-economical method for sizing the capacity of a small hydropower plant by Santolin et al. ( 2011 ), the limited suction head was also calculated with the equation above but with different equations for the calculation of the Thomas’s coefficient: \(\sigma\) was calculated with the equations below:

where \({\omega }_{\text{s}}\) is the dimensionless specific speed (with values lying in the intervals [0.04, 0.40] for Pelton turbines, [0.4, 1] for Slow Francis turbines, (Safarian et al., 2019 ; Yildiz & Vrugt, 2019 ) for Normal Francis turbines, [2.0, 2.5] for Quick Francis turbines and [2.5, 8.0] for Kaplan turbines) and \(\omega\) the rotation velocity in rad/s.

Turbine operation models

It is worth noticing that each turbine can only operate between a minimum and a maximum flow rate, reflecting its limit in exploiting the available hydraulic energy. Hence, in a hydropower plant where there is only one turbine, the power output of the turbine can be represented as follows (Anagnostopoulos & Papantonis, 2007 ; HOMER, 2019 ):

\({Q}_{\text{exploited}}\) : Exploited discharge (m 3 /s).

\({Q}_{\text{exploitable}}\) : Exploitable discharge (m 3 /s).

Q min : Minimal discharge (m 3 /s).

Q miax : Maximal discharge (m 3 /s).

The minimal discharge is usually given as a percentage of the rated discharge (Penche, 2004 ), whose values by turbine type are reviewed and summarized in Table 4 .

Hanggi and Weingartner ( 2012 ) proposed a new parameter \(Q_{{{\text{safety}}}}\) , which is the safety flow beyond which the turbine operation has to be to avoid damages. By taking into account this new security constraint, the new operating schedule below emerged: (Yildiz & Vrugt, 2019 ):

Hanggi and Weingartner ( 2012 ) recommended to set \(Q_{{{\text{safety}}}}\) equal to the river discharge with an exceedance probability of 2% and it was done by Yildiz and Vrugt ( 2019 ) in their work.

It is worth mentioning that in most hydro-projects, environmental regulation mandates a minimum non-usable to bypass the hydropower plant to limit damages to the ecosystem. There are several hydrological-based environmental flows methods, which allow estimating this minimum flow. According to Kuriqi et al. ( 2019 ), the choice of 10% or 15% daily flow as minimum flow, methods named 10% or 15% Daily Flow, is considered appropriate. One of the methods can be used as reference method and can be combined with other methods.

Accordingly, the exploitable flow is obtained by the equation:

where \(Q\) Exploitable : Exploitable flow (m 3 /s).

\(Q\) river : Flow of the river (m 3 /s).

Q f : Reserved flow (m 3 /s).

However, given the variability of the river flow across the year and the operating schedules above, the efficient exploitation of a hydraulic resource, particularly in run-of-river plants with one turbine, can be challenging. For this reason, multiple turbines of different size operated in parallel may be used to enhance overall exploitation of the potential energy, but project, operation and maintenance costs may rise. This financial constraint limits most models to two turbines in practical terms (Anagnostopoulos & Papantonis, 2004 , 2007 ).

While dealing with two turbines, the operating schedule is a bit more complex. Two examples of operating schedule in the case of two turbines of different size working in parallel have been seen in the literature.

The first example is the methodology of Anagnostopoulos and Papantonis ( 2007 ) that does not consider the parameter \({Q}_{\text{safety}}\) , conversely to the second example of Yildiz and Vrugt ( 2019 ).

Calculation model of the energy production

The electric power generated by each turbine can be calculated using the formula below (RETScreen International, 2001 ):

where D : diameter of the penstock (m), \(L\) \(:\) Penstock length (m), \(:\) friction factor from moody chart of Darcy’s equation (–), \(V\) \(:\) velocity of water at the time t (m/s), \(\Delta H_{{{\text{major}}}}\) : losses due to friction (m), \(\Delta H_{{{\text{minor}}}}\) : singular or local losses (m), \(\varepsilon\) : coefficient of singular loss (–), P elec \(:\) electric power the time t (kW), \(\rho\) : density of water (kg/m 3 ), \(g\) \(:\) gravitational acceleration (m/s 2 ), Q t , k : exploited discharge of the turbine number k at the time t (m 3 /s), \(h_{{{\text{net}}}}\) \(:\) Net head (m) \(,\) : gross head (m) \(,\) : efficiency of the turbine number k at the time t (%) \(, :\) efficiency of the generator (%), \(l_{{{\text{trans}}}}\) \(:\) the transformer losses (–) \(,:\) line losses (–).

The calculation of turbine efficiencies can be done with the efficiency equations presented in the Retscreen engineering and cases textbook (RETScreen International, 2001 ) which are derived from a large number of manufacture efficiency curves for different turbine types and head and flow conditions. Gagliano et al. ( 2014 ) to evaluate the technical feasibility of repowering an old Silican hydro-power plant also used this equation for the calculation of electric power by a turbine. The results of the simulation were sufficiently reliable.

The amount of energy E in kilowatt hours (kWh) produced by n turbines of a run-of-river hydropower plant over a time period \(\Delta\) t can be calculated using the formula below

Equation ( 43 ) is one of the most general energy calculation formulae identified in the literature since it takes into account not only the electrical losses of all equipment (turbine, alternator, transformer), but also all types of line losses, such as those due to a parasitic load or an inappropriate cable section. The efficiency of the increaser should also be considered when it is needed between the turbine and the generator. Although the evolution of the generator efficiency with load is not considered in this equation, it generally gives a good representation of the total energy production, when the average efficiency is considered (Yildiz & Vrugt, 2019 ).

It is important to note that in grid-connected applications, all the potential energy that the hydro-power plant can generate is usually sold, unless grid outages occur. Instead, in off-grid applications depending on the actual load, the hydro-power plant may not be exploited completely and renewable production may be curtailed. This article focuses on the generation system, which can then be connected to the grid or enable a mini-grid or off-grid system. However, the issue of distribution of the generated energy is not discussed in this article.

There are also three indices, namely the energy production index \({E}_{f}\) , the load index \({L}_{f}\) and the water exploitation index \({W}_{f}\) , which can be useful for the assessment of the efficiency of a hydropower plant. \({W}_{f}\) denotes the fraction of the stream flow that passes through the operating turbines, \({E}_{f}\) is the sum of the generated energy divided by the energy potential of the natural stream at a gross head during a year period and \({L}_{f}\) is the ratio of the mean (annually) produced power to the installed nominal power (Anagnostopoulos & Papantonis, 2004 , 2007 ).

Cost estimation models of small hydropower projects

While dealing with a small hydropower project, it is important to evaluate its financial viability along with technical feasibility before taking any investment decision. That is the reason why several researchers developed multiple models for the estimation of the cost of a small hydropower project defining different cost-influencing parameters, which represent the variables of the equations. The most common cost-influencing parameters are the power and the net head.

Singal and Saini ( 2007 ) made an analysis for the cost of canal-based small hydropower schemes in the plains and other regions of the country in which water is used also for other purposes, like irrigation/drinking through canals, small dams, etc., and developed the correlation in Eq. ( 43 ) for estimating the cost of such schemes. The results of the correlation showed a maximum deviation of ± 12%, so the correlation can be used to predict the cost of a small hydropower plant at the planning stage.

Another study carried out by Singal et al. ( 2008 ) on the cost optimization based on electromechanical equipment of canal-based low-head (3–20 m) small hydropower scheme proposed correlations for the cost in Indian Rupees per kilowatt of the main components. These main components include civil works (diversion channel, spillway and power house building) and electromechanical equipment (turbine with governing system, generator with excitation system, control and protection equipment, electrical and mechanical auxiliaries, and main transformer and switchyard equipment). The correlations are presented below:

\(\text{Cost of diversion channel}\) : \(C_{1} = a_{1} P^{{x_{1} }} H^{{y_{1} }}\) (45)

\(\text{Cost of spillway}\) : \(C_{2} = a_{2} P^{{x_{2} }} H^{{y_{2} }}\) (46)

\(\text{Cost of power house building}\) : \(C_{3} = a_{3} P^{{x_{3} }} H^{{y_{3} }}\) (47)

\(\text{Cost of turbines with governing system}\) : \(C_{4} = a_{4} P^{{x_{4} }} H^{{y_{4} }}\) (48)

\(\text{Cost of generator with excitation system}\) : \(C_{5} = a_{5} P^{{x_{5} }} H^{{y_{5} }}\) (49)

\(\text{Cost of electrical }\&\text{ mechanical auxiliaries}\) : \(C_{6} = a_{6} P^{{x_{6} }} H^{{y_{6} }}\) (50)

\(\text{Cost of transformer }\&\text{ switchyard equipment}\) : \(C_{7} = a_{7} P^{{x_{7} }} H^{{y_{7} }}\) (51)

with \({a}_{1}=9904, {x}_{1}=-0.2295, {y}_{1}=-0.0623\)

\({a}_{3}\) , \({x}_{3}\) , and \({y}_{3}\) can be obtained via Table 5 and the other coefficients via Table 6 .

The total project cost includes the cost of civil works, the direct cost of electromechanical equipment and various items, and other indirect costs. This miscellaneous and indirect cost (that includes the costs of designs, indirect costs, tools and plants, communication, preliminary charge of preparing the report, survey and investigation, environmental impact assessment and cost of land) represents 13% of the sum of the cost of civil works and electromechanical equipment. Thus, the total cost of the project in this case can be calculated through the equation below:

In the work of Singal et al. ( 2010 ) on the analysis for cost estimation of low-head (3–20 m) run-of-river small hydropower schemes, other correlations were proposed for estimating the costs of several subcomponents of civil works. This includes diversion weir and intake, desilting chamber, power channel including head race channel, forebay and spillway, penstock, powerhouse building and tail race channel and electromechanical equipment (turbine with governing system, generator with excitation system, control and protection equipment, electrical and mechanical auxiliaries, main transformer and switchyard equipment). The correlations are presented below:

\(\text{Cost of power house building}\) : \(C_{1} = 92615P^{ - 0.2351} H^{ - 0.0585}\) (55)

\(\text{Cost of diversion weir and intake}\) : \(C_{2} = 12415P^{ - 0.2368} H^{ - 0.0597}\) (56)

\(\text{Cost of power channel}\) : \(C_{3} = 85383P^{ - 0.3811} H^{ - 0.0307}\) (57)

\(\text{Cost of desilting chamber}\) : \(C_{4} = 20700P^{ - 0.2385} H^{ - 0.0611}\) (58)

\(\text{Cost of forebay and spillway}\) : \(C_{5} = 25402P^{ - 0.2356} H^{ - 0.0589}\) (59)

\(\text{Cost of penstock}\) : \(C_{6} = 7875P^{ - 0.3806} H^{ - 0.3804}\) (60)

\(\text{Cost of tail race channel}\) : \(C_{7} = 28164P^{ - 0.376} H^{ - 0.624}\) (61)

Finally, the cost in Indian Rupees per kilowatt of civil works is

\(\text{Cost of turbines with governing system}\) :

\(\text{Cost of generator with excitation system}\) :

\(\text{Cost of electrical }\&\text{ mechanical auxiliaries}:\)

\(\text{Cost of transformer }\&\text{ switchyard equipment}\) :

Finally, the cost in Indian Rupees per kilowatt of electromechanical equipment is

For the same reasons mentioned in the work of Singal et al. ( 2008 ), the total cost of the project in this case too will be calculated through the Eq. ( 53 ).

Ogayar and Vidal ( 2009 ) developed correlations to estimate the cost of the electromechanical equipment (turbine, alternator and regulator) based on the head and the power. Here, we have an equation for each type of turbine: Pelton, Francis, Kaplan and semi-Kaplan for a power range below 2 MW. The results of these equations can be used to determine the initial investment at a previous study level when planning refurbishment or new construction of small hydropower plants without developing a complete project. These equations had been validated with real installations in different countries of the world (Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, Portugal, and Morocco) with committed errors lower than 20%. Santolin et al. ( 2011 ) used these equations in their techno-economical method for capacity sizing of a small hydropower plant to determine the machine cost. They were even updated by Gallagher et al. ( 2015 ) in his four-step methodology for assessing potential energy recovery sites in water and wastewater infrastructure in the UK and Ireland.

The correlations obtained were:

\(COST = 17.693P^{( - 0.3644725)} H^{( - 0.281735)}\) (68) in €/kW for Pelton turbine with errors ranged between − 23.83% and 20.015% ( R 2  = 93.16%);

\(COST = 25.698P^{( - 0.560135)} H^{( - 0.127243)}\) (69) in €/kW for Francis turbine with errors ranged between − 15.83% and 22.27% ( R 2  = 72.26%);

\(COST = 33.236P^{( - 0.58338)} H^{( - 0.113901)}\) (70) in €/kW for Kaplan turbine with errors ranged between − 18.53% and 23.5% ( R 2  = 91.7%);

\(COST = 19.498P^{( - 0.58338)} H^{( - 0.113901)}\) (71) in €/kW for Semi-Kaplan turbine with errors ranged between − 18.53% and 23.5% ( R 2  = 91.72%).

Mishra et al. ( 2011a ) also developed correlations for the estimation of the cost of the electromechanical equipment (turbine-alternator) in run-of-river small hydropower projects based on the head and the power. They used three different methods: sigma plot method, linest method and logest method. The results obtained from these correlations were verified from the data of electro-mechanical equipment of installed small hydropower projects. The results of the sigma plot software had a maximum error of ± 10%, the ones of the linest method had a maximum error of ± 5% and the ones of the logest method had a maximum error of ± 18%. Therefore, they are regarded as suitable for the preliminary cost estimation of the electromechanical equipment in small run-of-river hydropower projects.

(Sigma plot method)

(Linest method)

(Logest method)

In the review of Mishra et al. ( 2012 ) on electromechanical equipment applicable to small hydropower plants, other correlations developed for the cost of run-of-river small hydropower projects under low head (3–20 m) considering the head and the power were presented. Here, there is an equation for the cost estimation of turbines with governing system \(( {C}_{\text{t}}\) ), an equation for the cost estimation of generators with excitation system \(( {C}_{\text{g}}\) ), an equation for the cost estimation of electrical and mechanical auxiliaries \(( {C}_{\text{e}}\) ) and another one for the estimation of the cost of transformers and switchyard equipment \(( {C}_{\text{tr}}\) ). The equations are presented below:

where \({C}_{\text{e}\&\text{m}}\) is the cost per kilowatt of electromechanical equipment, H the net head in m and P the power in kW.

Mishra et al. ( 2011b ) proposed other correlations for the estimation of the investment cost of an entire small hydropower scheme under low head plants. There were formulas for civil works and formulas for electromechanical equipment.

For civil works, we have:

Intake (C 1 ): \(14382P^{( - 0.2368)} H^{( - 0.0596)}\) (76) with one unit, \(17940P^{( - 0.2366)} H^{( - 0.0596)}\) (77) with two units, \(21191P^{( - 0.2367)} H^{( - 0.0597)}\) (78) with three units and \(24164P^{( - 0.2371)} H^{( - 0.06)}\) (79) with four units;

Penstock (C 2 ): \(4906P^{( - 0.3722)} H^{( - 0.3866)}\) (80) with one unit, \(7875P^{( - 0.3806)} H^{( - 0.3804)}\) (81) with two units, \(9001P^{( - 0.369)} H^{( - 0.389)}\) (82) with three units and \(10649P^{( - 0.3669)} H^{( - 0.3905)}\) (83) with four units;

Power house building (C 3 ): \(62246P^{( - 0.2354)} H^{( - 0.0587)}\) (84) with one unit, \(92615P^{( - 0.2351)} H^{( - 0.0585)}\) (85) with two units, \(121027P^{( - 0.2354)} H^{( - 0.0587)}\) (86) with three units and \(146311P^{( - 0.2357)} H^{( - 0.0589)}\) (87) with four units;

Tailrace channel (C 4 ): \(28164P^{( - 0.376)} H^{( - 0.624)}\) (88) with one unit, \(28164P^{( - 0.376)} H^{( - 0.624)}\) (89) with two units, \(28164P^{( - 0.376)} H^{( - 0.624)}\) (90) with three units and \(28164P^{( - 0.376)} H^{( - 0.624)}\) (91) with four units.

For electromechanical equipment, we have:

Turbine with governing system (C 5 ): \(39485P^{( - 0.1902)} H^{( - 0.2167)}\) (92) with one unit, \(63346P^{( - 0.1913)} H^{( - 0.217)}\) (92) with two units, \(83464P^{( - 0.1922)} H^{( - 0.2178)}\) (93) with three units and \(101464P^{( - 0.1920)} H^{( - 0.2177)}\) (94) with four units;

Generator with excitation system (C 6 ): \(48568P^{( - 0.1867)} H^{( - 0.2090)}\) (95) with one unit, \(78661P^{( - 0.1855)} H^{( - 0.2090)}\) (96) with two units, \(105046P^{( - 0.1859)} H^{( - 0.2085)}\) (97) with three units and \(127038P^{( - 0.1858)} H^{( - 0.2085)}\) (98) with four units;

Mechanical and electrical auxiliaries (C 7 ): \(31712P^{( - 0.1900)} H^{( - 0.2122)}\) (99) with one unit, \(40860P^{( - 0.1892)} H^{( - 0.2118)}\) (100) with two units, \(49338P^{( - 0.1898)} H^{( - 0.2080)}\) (101) with three units and \(56625P^{( - 0.1896)} H^{( - 0.2121)}\) (102) with four units;

Main transformer and switchyard equipment (C 8 ): \(14062P^{( - 0.1817)} H^{( - 0.2082)}\) (103) with one unit, \(18739P^{( - 0.1803)} H^{( - 0.2075)}\) (104) with two units, \(23051P^{( - 0.1811)} H^{( - 0.2080)}\) (105) with three units and \(26398P^{( - 0.1809)} H^{( - 0.2079)}\) (106) with four units.

Thus, the formula to calculate the total cost per kW (Rs) is \({\mathbf{1}}.{\mathbf{13}}(C_{1} + \, C_{2} + \, C_{3} + \, C_{4} + C_{5} + \, C_{6} + \, C_{7} + \, C_{8} )\) (107).

Yildiz and Vrugt ( 2019 ) computed the cost of electromechanical equipment (turbine, generator and power transformer) using the equation of Ogayar and Vidal ( 2009 ):

where j is the exchange rate of euro to US dollar, P is the installed capacity of the plant in MW, a , b and c are coefficients of calculation depending on the type of turbine used. The multiplication factor 1/1000 converts the units of P from MW to kW. The cost of the penstock was calculated with the equation below:

where \(D\) , \(k\) and \(L\) are the diameter, the thickness and the length of the penstock in units of meters, \({d}_{s}\) in ton/m 3 denotes the steel density and \({c}_{\text{ton}}\) in $/ton is the penstock cost per ton weight.

The total cost of civil works was calculated with the Eq.  110 below:

where \(\alpha\) is a unitless coefficient called site factor (it can take on values between 0 and 1.5). The yearly maintenance and operation cost \({C}_{\text{om}}\) are estimated using the expression \({C}_{\text{om}}={\beta C}_{\text{em}}\) with \(\beta\) a unitless coefficient whose value ranges between 0.01 and 0.04. It was considered here that the electromechanical equipment has a life-span of about 25 years and the plant has a lifespan of 50 years. Hence, the total monetary investment in this numerical model is estimated using Eq.  111 below:

Dubas and Pigueron ( 2009 ) established a formula given the price, dated September 2009, of electromechanical equipment (the guard valve, the turbine, the generator as well as control-command, safety devices and cabinets) based on series of invoices and offers for this equipment. The formula relies on the maximum hydraulic power as presented in Eq. ( 112 ):

While using this formula, if the price obtained is lower than 20′000 CHF, then 20′000 CHF should be considered as the price. However, this price may vary from single to double depending on the supplier. In addition, this price was related to the specific economic and market situation of that time: when mini-turbines are in great demand, or when the prices of steel or copper prices are high, such as in recent periods, prices increase, making it difficult to be precise.

More recently, Mishra et al. ( 2018 ) developed a methodology for cost assessment of high head (beyond 100 m) run-of-river small hydropower plant projects to determine their techno-economic viability before undergoing detailed investigation. In this work, it is still the capacity and the head that have been considered as cost-influencing parameters. The correlations for cost proposed in this study were based on different types of head race conduit, penstock materials, types of turbine and types of generator for various layouts. It was concluded that these correlations could be used for reasonable cost estimation of hydropower projects for planning of such projects. The costs obtained through these correlations are in Indian Rupees. The correlations of costs are presented in Eqs.  113 and 114 :

Cost per kilowatt of civil works

The equations for the calculation of costs of civil works components presented above are used with Table 7 and considering the prices as per schedule of rates prevailing for the year 2012 in India (Penche, 2004 ). Thus, the prices used are as follows:

The price for earthwork in excavation with all leads and lifts in ordinary soil is 265 Indian Rupee/m 3 ;

The price for earthwork in excavation with all leads and lifts in soft rock, where blasting is not required is 330 Indian Rupee/m 3 ;

The price for earthwork in excavation with all leads and lifts in hard rock, including blasting is 550 Indian Rupee/m 3 ;

The price for M20 grade concrete work in plain cement concrete as well as in reinforced cement concrete, including shuttering, mixing, placing in position, compacting, and curing is 3640 Indian Rupee/m 3 ;

The price for reinforcement steel bars of iron 500 grade, including cutting, bending, binding, and placing in position is 55,000 Indian Rupee/MT;

The price for structural steel, including fabrication, transportation to site, and erection is 75,000 Indian Rupee/MT.

Cost per kilowatt of electromechanical equipment

The electromechanical equipment considered and the value of the constants \({a}_{1}\) , \({x}_{1}\) and \({x}_{2}\) are presented in Table 8 .

For the same reasons mentioned in the work of Singal et al. ( 2008 ), the total cost of a high head run-of-river small hydropower plant project can be calculated through Eq. ( 53 ).

These equations for the estimation of the cost of small hydropower projects presented in this part should be used carefully because they give a rough estimation of the costs of specific markets at specific times.

Conclusion and future scope

This paper presents a detailed review of models for the techno-economic design of a run-of-river hydropower plants. In particular, the technical modeling of the diameter and thickness of a penstock, the optimal selection and implantation (admissible suction head) of the turbine, the estimation of energy production systems and the estimation of the cost of small hydropower projects were extensively reviewed and discussed. These modeling approaches provide a powerful tool for the technical, economical, and financial feasibility study of run-of-river hydropower sites, to feed Artificial Intelligence and optimization algorithms. The limitation and validity of each have been clarified to inform readers on the generalizability of the study, as technology and market conditions evolve.

Therefore, this study can be of interest for scholars and developers interested in developing run-of-river feasibility studies and further research activity, especially in the context of Sub-Saharan Africa. The results of this review could also be used to develop a tool for the preliminary studies of run-of-river hydropower projects.

Availability of data and materials

All data analyzed during this study are included in this published article.

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The Cameroon Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation supported this work under the SETaDiSMA project. The SETaDiSMA project is part of the LEAP-RE programme. LEAP-RE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.

European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530 through LEAP-RE project.

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National Center for Development of Technologies-Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation, PO Box 1457, Yaoundé, Cameroon

David Tsuanyo, Boris Amougou & Abdoul Aziz

National Advanced School of Engineering/ L3E, University of Yaoundé I, PO Box 8390, Yaoundé, Cameroon

Boris Amougou & Joseph Kenfack

Institute of Geological and Mining Research- Hydrological Research Centre (IRGM-CRH)-Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation, PO Box 1457, Yaoundé, Cameroon

Bernadette Nka Nnomo

Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering, University of Pisa, Largo Lucio Lazzarino 1, 56122, Pisa, Italy

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Conceptualization, D.T and B.A.; methodology, D.T. and B.A.; validation, J.K. and D.F.; formal analysis, D.T., B.A. and A.A.; investigation, B.A. and A.A.; writing—original draft preparation, B.A and D.T.; writing—review and editing, all authors; visualization, D.T.; supervision, D.T.; project administration, D.T.; funding acquisition, D.T. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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Small hydropower technical potential per country for 44 Sub-Saharan African countries (Korkovelos et al., 2018 )

Country name

Natural mean annual runoff 999 (Billion m )

Small Hydro (1.01–10 MW)

Identified sites (#)

Potential power (MW)













Burkina Faso












Central African Republic












Congo, DRC




Cote d’Ivoire








Equatorial Guinea
















































































Sierra Leone








South Africa




South Sudan








Small hydropower definition and classification in some selected countries and organizations (Bhat & Prakash, 2014 ; Elbatran et al., 2015 ; Mishra et al., 2012 ; Ohunakin et al., 2011 )


Small-scale hydro as defined by installed capacity (kW)


 < 10,000


 < 10,000


 < 15,000


 < 50,000


 < 50,000


 < 15,000


 < 100,000


 < 25,000


 < 30,000

New Zealand

 < 50,000


 < 5000

EU Linking Directive

 < 20,000


 < 10,000


 < 20,000


 < 20,000


 < 50,000


 < 25,000


 < 50,000

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Tsuanyo, D., Amougou, B., Aziz, A. et al. Design models for small run-of-river hydropower plants: a review. Sustainable Energy res. 10 , 3 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40807-023-00072-1

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Received : 11 June 2022

Accepted : 05 January 2023

Published : 15 February 2023

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s40807-023-00072-1

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1 introduction, 2 methodology, 3 data observation and data analysis, 4 results and discussion, 5 conclusion and recommendation, acknowledgements.

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Problems identification and performance analysis in small hydropower plants in Nepal

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Roshan Pandey, Rajendra Shrestha, Nawraj Bhattarai, Rabin Dhakal, Problems identification and performance analysis in small hydropower plants in Nepal, International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies , Volume 18, 2023, Pages 561–569, https://doi.org/10.1093/ijlct/ctad043

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Hydropower is powered by water, making it a clean source of energy. It contributes about 17% of worldwide annual energy generation and 90% of national energy generation, out of which 25% of its generation is contributed by small hydropower plants (SHPs). Thus, Nepal is predominantly dependent on a clean source of energy for power generation. In quantitative terms, approximately 70% of hydropower plants in Nepal are SHPs. Unfortunately, there are several bottlenecks to the smooth operation of these plants, viz. run-off-river hydropower with low water flow in dry season, insufficiency of proper guidance monitoring, regularization and inadequate and unfriendly policies. The study is based on primary and secondary data considering the SHPs spreading from eastern to western Nepal. Furthermore, the study follows the multicriteria decision analysis method to generalize the major issues at the sites. Inadequate water flow in the dry season is not the only issue for reduction in power generation; mechanical failure due to lack of monitoring and periodical maintenance is the predominant reason for the reduction in power output. This study discusses the role of reduction in water flow, unavailability of a trained workforce in rural hydropower areas, absence of appropriate equipment monitoring guidelines and inconsistent maintenance in the equipment failure and power production of hydropower plants. Every one in three SHPs has issues with smooth operation in terms of generation capacity, and overall, 50% of SHPs have mechanical issues as the major problem, which concludes the findings of the research.

Global installed hydropower capacity rose by 1.6% to 1330 GW in 2020, generating a record of 4370 TWh of clean electricity in 2020—higher than the previous record of 4306 TWh in 2019 [ 1 ]. Although most of the developed nations' electricity is mainly generated by coal, natural gas and even nuclear energy, hydropower is still the primary source of electricity for many countries. In 2020, hydropower supplied 17% of global electricity generation, the third largest source after coal and natural gas, and over the last 20 years, hydropower's total capacity rose 70% globally [ 2 ]. Being the largest low-emission source of electricity in the world, the hydropower installation rate is modest compared with solar and other renewable energy. Hydropower as one of the clean sources of energy has various options like run-off-river (ROR), reservoirs and pump storage methods of generation. Among these reservoir methods, high dams can contribute a huge energy supply, followed by pump storage systems producing 160 GW of supply in the world by 2019 [ 2 ].

Although small hydropower plants (SHPs) contribute only 1.5% of the world's installed electricity capacity and 7.5% of hydropower capacity, the role of SHP in developing countries is crucial. The world's SHP potential is estimated to be 78 GW, considering less than 10 MW as the standard size of which more than 66% have not been exploited yet. More than 65% of installed SHPs lie in the Asian region. Likewise, the South Asian region has an estimated SHP potential of 48.5 GW, and among which only 12% of it has been exploited in the region so far. The electrification rate in South Asia has increased to 75% in the last 6 years on average [ 3 ].

Hydropower is a clean and affordable commercial energy source, having a huge possibility as an electricity commodity for South Asia, including Nepal. Currently, hydropower structure has reached 86% in Nepal, and technical losses have declined to less than 15% in the national grid [ 4 ]. Even so, the South Asian average electrification rate is only 75%. Hydroelectric power plants with a smaller than 1-MW installed capacity are categorized as mini-/micro-hydropower plants, and those with an installed capacity larger than 1 MW and smaller than 10 MW are categorized as small hydroelectric power plants as per the Department of Electricity Development of Nepal [ 5 ]. But still, the definition of Nepal's SHP is not clear. At present, there are 17 micro-hydroelectric plants and 80 small hydroelectric power plants connected to the national grid [ 5 ]. The total installed hydroelectric power plants of Nepal stand at 2088 MW, out of which nearly 20% of its generation is contributed by SHPs. Unlike other renewable energy sources, an SHP can be considered one of the mature and reliable means of renewable energy generation that can be constructed with less investment and fewer administrative procedures than medium and large hydropower plants [ 6 ].

Although hydroelectric power is one of the main and low-cost sources of electricity generation for South Asian developing countries, it has a rapid rate of industrialization, urbanization and local level needs; however, international donor investments and abroad technologies and experiences still have to be managed [ 7 ]. Similarly, the role of SHPs in one of the neighboring countries, China, is also huge; it contributes to China's social, economic and environmental sectors. The country's electrification rate of 99.9% was mainly achieved through more than 47 000 hydropower stations in rural regions [ 8 ].

Despite the huge potential of hydroelectric power generation in Nepal, It is unfortunate that only 5% of the total generation capacity has been achieved yet [ 9 ]. However, in recent years, the hydropower generation rate has been increasing much more speedily than in earlier years. Many government policies, rules and regulations have been placed forward, and required amendments to the existing laws have been made to promote the expansion of hydroelectric power plants by the government of Nepal. There are many difficulties and challenges in electricity generation and even more in SHPs. Despite these challenges and difficulties, SHPs in Nepal are growing at a higher pace at both government and private levels. Although low investment costs, less administrative hassle and fewer gesture periods make the SHP develop at a faster rate, the problems regarding the reliability of the system, operation and maintenance issues along with problematic shutting down due to large machinery difficulties make investors think about the performance evaluation in such systems.

Even learning the practices from many developing countries, evaluating the performance of mechanical components and design consideration for SHP systems is a matter of high priority for various reasons like energy security, subsidy delivery and so on [ 10 ].

The equipment like real-time monitoring, automatic flaw detector, supervisory control and data acquisition system, oil refinery units and other necessary maintenance appliances could make the system reliable and run for long periods without any problematic shutdown. However, testing of components in hydropower plants can yield very useful information to the plant operators for future evaluation, and it is not even expensive or cumbersome [ 11 ].

There are still a few documents based on standard engineering practices that aim for procedural guidance to agencies responsible for the simple operation and maintenance of hydropower plants in Nepal to all government, public and private sector agencies [ 12 ]. However, the documents are not enough to give all the information and the details. The question is also regarding the quality and number of the implementing skilled workforce and investment that will be used in such operation maintenance methods.

As a consequence of low investment and less technical expertise requirements, SHP plants have attained a lot of popularity [ 13 ]. But the problems like routine maintenance, maintenance procedure; real-time monitoring, testing and calibration of the components are major in the SHPs of Nepal. The previous study also shows that the condition of hydroelectric plants below 1 MW is satisfactory regarding installed major components like a turbine, a generator and other electrical appliances and even poor in regard to components like bearings, shaft and couplings [ 14 ]. Hydromechanical, electromechanical and electrical components are the major problematic area of concern for old SHPs in Nepal in terms of reliability, safe operation and proper maintenance [ 15 ]. These previous studies also give the necessity for the study of SHPs above 1 MW of capacity having more or less similar components installed under similar circumstances. Maintenance is just limited to regular routine repair and periodic overhaul, which in the long run affect the performance of power plants [ 16 ].

Although it has been found that the plants above 10-MW installed capacity in Nepal have good performance in terms of efficiency and their performance has been enhanced in the latter year by increasing the efficiency of the components installed [ 17 ], the conditions of SHPs below 10 MW are still lower, and performance measures and upgrading inefficient technologies have not been practiced by either the public or the private sector.

Thus, the study mainly concentrates on problem identification and performance evaluation in SHPs of Nepal, focusing mainly on mechanical issues and the reliability of components installed in such plants. The study also gives a clear picture of electromechanical, mechanical and electrical issues along with their impact and the possible problematic shutdown in plants and their causes, along with the consequences on generation output.

The methodology followed for this research work consisted of a literature review and desk study of similar works and national and international practices, along with the development of mechanisms/protocols for current activities. The protocols started with the sampling of data with a preliminary survey and detailed field study. After the completion of primary data collection, data validation and comparison were done using various secondary data from sources like articles, reports, books and so on. Then, a detailed analysis of hydropower plants using parameters like power generation, power losses and overall functional condition of the plant had been done. The methods and steps taken for the study are explained in Figure 1 .

Schematic representation of the study methodology.

Schematic representation of the study methodology.

As shown in Figure 1 , preliminary data regarding hydropower generation and its status have been collected following the clustering method with 10% random sampling from the eastern to the western part of Nepal. The sampling data from eastern to western Nepal lie between 2.4 MW of the Panauti hydropower plant to 30 MW of the Chameliya hydropower plant. The reason behind the selection of hydropower plants up to 30 MW is only because of the International Organization for Standardization definition of SHPs. And the sampling plants are all ROR schemes since only one plant is reservoir type and no pump storage plant has been installed. After the sampling of plants, the questionnaires were developed and a protocol for the study was defined. The protocols comprised the site visit of plants, observing the plants and their components, interviewing, secondary data from the data log book and finally filling out the questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed in such a way that it would help survey plants of any size below 50 MW. The sample survey was done in Panauti hydropower plants at first, wherein the pros and cons were collected, and it was applied to the other plants. The survey questionnaires consist of general information (such as plant name, construction date, location, owner, etc.) and technical parameters (such as head, flow rate, types; components type, viz. generator, turbine, shaft, governor, bearings, etc.; and the condition of the components, mainly mechanical parts and the failure rate). They also consist of data regarding the times of failure, problem of the shutdown, maintenance period, maintenance persons, etc. Finally, the observation data were based on detailed problems and status. These bulk data were then checked and compared with the secondary data taken from the Dispatch Center, Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), the sole organization that looks after the generation, production and transmission in the country. Thus, both the observed preliminary data from the questionnaire surveys revealed the current situations of these hydropower plants through compilation and preliminary analysis. The data collection was accomplished through a developed questionnaire by examining and interviewing the technicians and plant managers during the power plant visit.

The observed data along with the secondary data after validation were analyzed in two phases. Preliminary analysis was done at first with a simple compilation and surface study. The final and detailed analysis was completed after analyzing the data in more depth, considering the secondary data and results from such a similar study. The detailed analysis of data followed the standard guidelines and performance indices for the evaluation of plants. The performance indices were as follows: availability factor, plant factor, capacity factor, performance factor, annual energy generation per installed capacity, percentage loss and so on. Here, availability hours were defined as the ratio of net available hours to total hours of running; the plant factor was the ratio of annual energy generation by maximum possible generation and the capacity factor was defined as the ratio of actual energy generation to design generation, performance generation as a targeted generation to actual generation. Furthermore, plotting the graph of each value gave the results in each plant for analysis. Then, these performance indices were analyzed and compared with the actual data available on the site to find the actual result.

Furthermore, a detailed analysis sheet was deployed in the stations having more problematic components to get a clear picture of the plants. The comparative performance analysis was done using three indicators, viz. good, satisfactory and poor operation of components, along with detailed reasons for the problems. The validation of the analyzed study was done again to draw up the results and findings. Finally, the conclusion was drawn using a simple multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) method with the help of analyzing the primary surveyed data, observing the information results and comparing them with the secondary data findings in the study.

Technical parameters and basic information of the surveyed power plants.

Serial NumberName of the plantLocationInstalled capacity (MW)Type of turbine usedMaximum net head (m)Rated discharge (m )
1TrishuliTrishuli Bazar, Nuwakot24Francis51.47.8
2ChameliyaChameliya, Darchula30Francis9436
4FewaBaidam, Pokhara1Francis74.70.47
5RadhiGhermu, Lamjung4.4Pelton6170.87
6Jiri KholaJiri Khola, Dolakha2.4Francis1242.1
7KhudiSimpani-5, Lamjung4Francis97.85
8Mai KholaGodak, Illam4.5Francis5012
9Modi KholaDimuwa, Parbat14.8Francis69.825
10Puwa Khola 1Golakharka, Illam4Pelton108.11.3
11Upper Puwa KholaBarbote, Illam3Francis116.94.5
12Lower ModiParbat10Francis46.316
Serial NumberName of the plantLocationInstalled capacity (MW)Type of turbine usedMaximum net head (m)Rated discharge (m )
1TrishuliTrishuli Bazar, Nuwakot24Francis51.47.8
2ChameliyaChameliya, Darchula30Francis9436
4FewaBaidam, Pokhara1Francis74.70.47
5RadhiGhermu, Lamjung4.4Pelton6170.87
6Jiri KholaJiri Khola, Dolakha2.4Francis1242.1
7KhudiSimpani-5, Lamjung4Francis97.85
8Mai KholaGodak, Illam4.5Francis5012
9Modi KholaDimuwa, Parbat14.8Francis69.825
10Puwa Khola 1Golakharka, Illam4Pelton108.11.3
11Upper Puwa KholaBarbote, Illam3Francis116.94.5
12Lower ModiParbat10Francis46.316

Status of electromechanical, mechanical and electrical components of the plants.

NameMaintenance byGeneratorGuide vaneTurbinePenstockBreakerMechanical governorTransformerBearingsFlywheel
TrishuliNEA staffGGSGSPSGS
ChameliyaStaff from ChameliyaSGGSPSGS
PanautiStaff from Panauti HPSGSGSPGPS
FewaLocal staff and hired from other staffSGGPPGGSG
RadhiGenerally from Nepal and electromechanical from IndiaGGGGGSGGS
Jiri KholaBearing problems by local technicians; others by Chinese developersGPGSSPSSP
KhudiNepal/sometimes outsideGSSGSSGGS
Mai KholaChinese during the warranty and then NepaleseGGGGGGGSG
Modi KholaNepalese/small problem is fixed by the site engineer of NEAGGSGGGGGG
Puwa Khola 1Small problem fixed by NEA engineersGGGGSSGSG
Upper Puwa KholaChinese expertsGGGGSSGPG
Lower ModiLocal technicians and IndiansGGGGSSSGG
NameMaintenance byGeneratorGuide vaneTurbinePenstockBreakerMechanical governorTransformerBearingsFlywheel
TrishuliNEA staffGGSGSPSGS
ChameliyaStaff from ChameliyaSGGSPSGS
PanautiStaff from Panauti HPSGSGSPGPS
FewaLocal staff and hired from other staffSGGPPGGSG
RadhiGenerally from Nepal and electromechanical from IndiaGGGGGSGGS
Jiri KholaBearing problems by local technicians; others by Chinese developersGPGSSPSSP
KhudiNepal/sometimes outsideGSSGSSGGS
Mai KholaChinese during the warranty and then NepaleseGGGGGGGSG
Modi KholaNepalese/small problem is fixed by the site engineer of NEAGGSGGGGGG
Puwa Khola 1Small problem fixed by NEA engineersGGGGSSGSG
Upper Puwa KholaChinese expertsGGGGSSGPG
Lower ModiLocal technicians and IndiansGGGGSSSGG

G indicates good; S, satisfactory; P, poor.

3.1 Data observation

First, the primary survey data and observed information from the site were examined. The data from 12 hydropower plants that were considered for the study gave primary information about their installed capacity, head, discharge rate, the turbine used and site location of the power plant. The basic and technical information in the questionnaire survey consists of hundreds of data. Some important technical parameters of the 12 surveyed plants are presented in Table 1 .

List of reasons for problematic shutdown in various hydropower plants.

Serial NumberName of hydropowerReason for problematic shutdown
1TrishuliLack of sufficient water
2ChameliyaTechnical glitches
3PanautLack of sufficient water
4FewaThe silting problem, valve, generator and penstock
5RadhiBearing, turbine
6Jiri KholaBearing, butterfly valve and governor
7KhudiTurbine Control and Monitoring, an exciting system
8Mai KholaBearing, control panel, bus bar
9Modi KholaIntake, cooling system, trash rack
10Puwa Khola 1Governor, turbine
11Upper Puwa KholaCurrent Transformer/Potential Transformer damage
12Lower ModiRunner silting, cooler jam in winter
Serial NumberName of hydropowerReason for problematic shutdown
1TrishuliLack of sufficient water
2ChameliyaTechnical glitches
3PanautLack of sufficient water
4FewaThe silting problem, valve, generator and penstock
5RadhiBearing, turbine
6Jiri KholaBearing, butterfly valve and governor
7KhudiTurbine Control and Monitoring, an exciting system
8Mai KholaBearing, control panel, bus bar
9Modi KholaIntake, cooling system, trash rack
10Puwa Khola 1Governor, turbine
11Upper Puwa KholaCurrent Transformer/Potential Transformer damage
12Lower ModiRunner silting, cooler jam in winter

Similarly, the questionnaire survey along with the technical observation of the status of major electromechanical, mechanical and electrical components was observed. The major problems with those components and the servicing of the components with skilled manpower were also observed. The main problem in the sites and skilled manpower supporting the issue were also observed in the survey. The observed data were filled out in the questionnaire in such a way that they gave the qualitative data of good, satisfactory and poor of three classes or ranks for the components. The rank defined for some components and equipment during the survey is illustrated in Table 2 .

Similarly, the problems of various equipment and components were observed and surveyed in detail during the study, with necessary breakdown maintenance. However, the reason for the problematic shutdown of various plants in the last few years is illustrated in Table 3 .

Even the period of all 12 plants for major maintenance was noted down, which showed time the problematic issues accumulated” and its solution timeline. Components detail problems for each machinery failure and their further consequences were also observed. Figure 2 illustrates the timeline for any major maintenance in each plant. The major maintenance in Panauti hydropower was observed to be 5 years with long duration time compared with other power plants. And the reasons behind the long duration for major maintenance were found to be insignificant low generation from the site and difficulty to repair and maintain the old system of that design.

Period of major maintenance for 12 plants.

Period of major maintenance for 12 plants.

The comparison of installed capacity versus the output power of various 12 plants in annual average and during a particular wet season is mentioned in Figure 3 , which gives information regarding the effectiveness of plants in terms of output. In Figure 3 , the annual average output of plants collected from the plant's logbook with the annual average and the output average for the months of (Bhadra) August and September was observed during the questionnaire survey.

Installed capacity versus annual average output and average output in August/September of various plants [18[.

Installed capacity versus annual average output and average output in August/September of various plants [ 18 [ .

3.2 Data analysis

Various performance indices are used to analyze the data in the plants. The annual average power output plotted along with the observation output in particular months can be observed in Figure 3a and b . It was found that the actual annual average power output and power output of the surveyed months differed in some of the hydropower plants. The generation output in the surveyed month seems to be lower than the annual average generation and power output although it is not the month of the dry season.

The output power and generation marginally differ in Chameliya, Modi Khola, Trishuli and Panauti hydropower plants than others. Thus, to investigate the reasons for this phenomenon in power plants, we have gone for various secondary and primary survey data.

Then, we assigned 1 for poor performance, 3 for satisfactory performance and 5 for good performance of installed components in these five plants. Thus, the performance ratings of 1, 3 and 5 assigned for the major electromechanical, hydromechanical and electrical components for each of the hydropower sites having a difference in generation output are illustrated in Figure 4 .

Plot of equipment performance status for the respective hydroelectric plant.

Plot of equipment performance status for the respective hydroelectric plant.

From Figure 3 , we have observed that there are great discrepancies between installed capacity and output obtained in four hydropower plants—Trishuli, Chameliya, Panauti and Modi Khola, which have been analyzed by performance rating in electromechanical, hydromechanical and electrical components of five plants.

For performance evaluation, we selected five plants, four abovementioned plants and the other one is the Puwa Khola plant. Based on the performance plots of various hydroelectric equipment in the selected four plants, we observed that the performance of electromechanical equipment is relatively poor as indicated by the deeps in the graph as shown in Figure 4 . The condition of the bearing, mechanical governor, turbine and some generators has a poor performance rating in the plants having detailed study. The graph of the performance ratings for this plant shows that the sites having a poor rating in mechanical components have much less generation in the months than the sites having a satisfactory and good rating. Thus, to be clearer and more reliable in our results, we further plotted the annual energy generation along with the target/design energy of each power plant. The annual energy generation data for all the sites except the Puwa Khola plants are less than the target/design energy data, having an overall satisfactory performance rating of the electromechanical, mechanical and electrical components.

The annual energy generation versus target/design energy graph, months for all five plants, is illustrated in Figures 5a–e .

(a) Annual generated energy and design/target energy of the Trishuli hydropower plant [18[. (b) Annual generated energy and design/target energy of the Chameliya hydropower plant [18[. (c) Annual generated energy and design/target energy of the Modi Khola hydropower plant [18[. (d) Annual generated energy and design/target energy of the Panauti hydropower plant [18[. (e) Annual generated energy and design/target energy of the Puwa Khola hydropower plant [18[.

(a) Annual generated energy and design/target energy of the Trishuli hydropower plant [ 18 [ , . (b) Annual generated energy and design/target energy of the Chameliya hydropower plant [ 18 [ , . (c) Annual generated energy and design/target energy of the Modi Khola hydropower plant [ 18 [ , . (d) Annual generated energy and design/target energy of the Panauti hydropower plant [ 18 [ , . (e) Annual generated energy and design/target energy of the Puwa Khola hydropower plant [ 18 [ .

The three fiscal years' (FY) data of design generation versus actual energy generation have also been analyzed for the plants and have similar patterns of low actual generation consistently. The three FYs' data are illustrated in Figure 6 .

Actual generation in three FY data versus design generation of the plants [18[.

Actual generation in three FY data versus design generation of the plants [ 18 [ .

Similarly, for further analysis of the plant's status, graphs have been plotted from the available data of annual loss percentages, generation percentage with respect to the target and plant factor. The plotted data for the five plants give additional support to the previous results, with less percentage loss in the Puwa Khola site and higher one in the Trishuli site. The annual generation with respect to the target value and plant factor is high for the Puwa Khola site and low for the Panauti site. The plotted graphs of percentage loss and annual generation with respect to target and plant factors are illustrated in Figure 7 .

Power plants losses, generation to target and plant factor [18[.

Power plants losses, generation to target and plant factor [ 18 [ .

The study based on a questionnaire survey and observed data along with secondary information presents the status of SHPs in Nepal. The data of the 12 plants surveyed show that 33.33% of them have regular issues, and these issues are basically from solving through preventive maintenance to major maintenance types. The major problems found in four plants in addition to one good-condition plant have been studied in detail for the representation of the problems. It is clear from the generation to the targeted and plant factor curve of five plants taken for a detailed study that there are also other factors for the decrease in annual generation besides annual flow. The plant station losses clear the difference in design/targeted and generated value, but the loss curve does not clear the weightage of losses either due to component damages or annual flow.

From Figures 5a–e , it is observed that there is more deviation in generated energy from target/design energy in Trishuli, Chameliya, Panauti and Modi Khola hydroelectric power plants compared with the Puwa Khola hydropower plant. Obviously, the months of dry seasons are responsible for low generation due to low water flow, which is even clear from the existing literature [ 19 ]. But still, there are other factors responsible for low annual generation other than the low flow as observed from primary data. It has been drawn from findings that irregular maintenance, high cost for skilled manpower and poor operation strategies leading to mechanical wear are the major leading factors of losses. Figure 2 further supports the findings that the plant delays in major maintenance would be reflected in their performance than those in a few months. Delayed in major maintenance of Chameliya and Panauti, accumulation of a large number of issues, and thus decreases in a generation have been observed than the other plants. They ultimately cause huge losses throughout the years. Figure 6 shows the consistently lower actual energy generation in three FY than design generation in the four plants, further representing continued reflecting and recurring problems every year.

Figure 7 shows the results that the performance indices are good for the Puwa Khola plant and below satisfactory in Panauti, Trishuli and Chameliya plants. The percentage loss, plant factor, capacity factor and performance factor results conclude the findings in them.

Chameliya plant of 30 MW, which has frequent problems in the shaft and bearing wear, causing the vibration in the system, causes an annual average generation of 10 MW from the operation date. Panauti plant, which is the oldest power plant, has been designed for three units of 2.4 MW, but the design flow is for two units that only have an annual average power of 1.5 MW. It has problems in some design aspects, mainly in the mechanical parts. Similarly, the Trishuli plant, which is also one of the oldest plants of 24 MW in the northern part of Nepal, is suffering from continuous debris and sediment making and lowering power output, and the components installed in it are older, thus having frequent problems with turbine and the governor system. The previous studies also support the operational issue in plants either due to sediment erosion in the turbine and its parts or mechanical losses like leakages, vibration, and cavitations, which are the major problems in the hydropower of Nepal [ 20 ]. The reduction in efficiency and increase in operational and maintenance cost for the hydropower are mainly associated with degradation of turbines and their components due to sediment erosion [ 21 ]. Although the problems of sediment erosion on turbines and their components are found to be challenging, the latest development of coating technique has mitigated frequent maintenance issues in them. However, thermal spray technique is considered to be one of the latest advanced methods that mitigate the erosion issue, but it also decreases the efficiency due to surface roughness on them according to IEC 62364. Hence, real-time monitoring in the hydropower system before and after overhauls is always the major factor that results in enhancing the efficiency in hydropower machinery and proper operation of hydraulic systems [ 22 ].

Similarly, findings reading the effectiveness of plants having Pelton unit over Francis, one can be observed from the study. Skilled manpower from various countries has also been deployed for serious issues in some of the sites, clearing the insufficient skilled labor and skill knowledge regarding the operation and maintenance of the system. Import of skilled manpower, import of knowledge and low generation are connected with financial loss and high payback periods. Even SHPs are challenging source of energy for developing countries like Central Asia in terms of improving the levelized cost of energy, enhancing equipment efficiency and lifetime and increasing yearly power output [ 23 ].

Many hydropower plants in the developing and developed countries of Europe and North America have planned to rehabilitate by replacing old runners and other mechanical components to enhance the efficiency, durability and reliability of the system [ 24 ]. Even countries that mainly depend on hydropower as the primary electricity generation are generally South Asian and Central Asian countries, and the main issues in these countries are technical for its development. The issue in technical parts makes the generation and operation cost of electricity higher than in other parts of world.

Hence, both the least developed and developing countries other than South Asia and Central Asia can also have future benefits with the study, focusing on preventive and scheduled maintenance strategy, periodical major maintenance and the use of enhanced, efficient hydraulic technologies to address similar issues in mechanical, electromechanical and electrical components of hydropower plants.

The research study of 2.4–30 MW plants in Nepal with primary and secondary data gives the finding that most of the plants that are comparably lower in size have lower generation than the design, and that is not only due to the lower flow in the dry season but also due to the fact that the actual problems are in the maintenance and operation strategies in these plants. The surveyed and observed data of all 12 plants give interesting figures for performance ratings of electromechanical, mechanical and electrical components based on MCDA methods. Among all 12 plants, it is observed from the data that the performance of the Trishuli, Chameliya, Panauti and Modi Khola is comparatively low with respect to that of Puwa Khola, which has a good annual generation above the targeted value. Though, the design generation for each month is different for various plants and so is the generation, but the main reason for losses in these plants is not only due to the design parameters and design flow but also the major mechanical problems in them, which are due to debris, sediments, or lack of operation and maintenance. The major problematic shutdown in these plants is the issue of mechanical component failure, and the plants that have delayed major maintenance show a lower generation throughout the years.

Besides this, the article also focuses on the issue of insufficient knowledge and skilled manpower within the country for such systems' operation and maintenance. The huge loss in revenue through the low generation and high cost of foreign manpower caused the plant costs to be high, and even the payback periods for investors are high.

Hence, it is concluded in this article that the ROR-type scheme in Nepal is not only the reason for low generation in the dry season. The mechanical components (turbine, governor, breaker and bearings) are the critical factors in the hydroelectric performance of these plants, and the equipment needs detailed investigation and analysis. In addition, these hydropower plants are situated from eastern Nepal to western Nepal. Thus, observation and analysis of these hydropower plants certainly give the representation of the hydropower plants' condition in Nepal. Regular preventive maintenance and regular major maintenance are the prime necessity in the power plants of a country like ours where there is huge sediment flow and a chance of large debris in the wet season affecting the moving components. The study also shows the problem found in the plants having Francis unit rather than the Pelton one. Although there are only two Pelton systems, Radhe and Puwa Khola plants have good generation value and performance indices than the others in the survey, which also verifies and supports the common practices. Obviously, for the reliability of the system, energy security and safe running of plant maintenance strategy, technical audit, real-time monitoring, national standards and guidelines development could be the suggestions for the developers of Nepal.

Furthermore, a detailed study of the plants is necessary for the performance analysis of mechanical components, which seem to be the main cause of annual loss in generation and major problematic shutdown. Each plant needs a real-time monitoring system for further investigation to have more information on the cause and consequences.

Innovation and digitalization in the modern world have made much improvement in preventive measures and the effective operation of SHP. The artificial intelligence-based monitoring system, automatic flaw detection, remote operation and cyber security in the system are some of the examples applied in modern SHP. These types of systems induce effective operation and automation in SHP as existing in developed countries. Even the rehabilitation of old plants with such mechanization and innovative systems in those countries could be a learning lesson and future recommendation for developing countries like ours.

The authors would like to thank University Grants Commission, Nepal, for providing financial support as a fellowship for the research. Similarly, the authors would also like to thank the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology for providing laboratory and equipment facilities for the study. The authors also acknowledge various power stations of the Independent Power Producer (IPP) and Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) for providing the necessary information during the survey. Finally, sincere gratitude is given to the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, for providing workspace.

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Harnessing hydropower: Literature Review

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Literature review: hydropower and iceland's environment.

Olivia Villamagna , Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Follow

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Dr. Kelly Whealan George

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Wesley Lewis


This paper seeks to answer the question: To what extent do hydropower plants affect the surrounding environment? Through a literature review and personal accounts found on blogs and website articles, there were many conclusions that came from this research. A review of the literature indicated that use of hydropower influences the ecology around the plant. The power plant’s redirection of the river's water flow and reservoir submergence cause many problems for the surrounding environments. Hydropower plants can change the landscape due to the fact that the water they use is no longer providing the right nutrients to the previously flourishing landscape as a result of the rerouting of rivers. Specifically, the hydroelectric power plants affect soil sediment around the plants, destroys habitats, impacts certain fish migration patterns, and ruins water quality. The plants were also found to uproot flora, change the sediment content and cause erosion, disrupt nesting grounds, and change whole migration patterns of some birds. These factors all contribute to the negative effects of hydropower on the nearby ecosystems. Research has identified that the change caused by the redirected and distributed water flow affects animals and vegetation in the adjacent areas and, eventually, leads to the destruction of habitats. The researcher briefly researched how this could affect eco-tourism, which was found to be quickly growing and a huge part of Iceland's economy. These effects also play a negative role in Iceland's nature tourism industry, as it is changing much of the wildlife sought out by these tourists.

It must be stated above all that plants do have a great negative effect on the environment and surrounding ecology.

How can this problem be mitigated? A few suggestions made were to move the plants to more isolated countries or implement nature preservation programs directly correlated to the plants. There have been few speculations on how to mitigate the effects of the power plants on the animals that reside in the water areas around the plant. One of the suggestion is to make “small adjustments to river flow regimes might help to restore river ecosystems” (Poff & Schmidt, 2016).

Further research also suggested since not many studies were conducted on this topic, especially ones that were originally written in English.

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Undergraduate Research

Scholarly Commons Citation

Villamagna, O. (2018). Literature Review: Hydropower and Iceland's Environment. , (). Retrieved from https://commons.erau.edu/student-works/74

Since June 14, 2018

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A study on solutions and problems of hydroelectric power plants in the operation

  • Original Article
  • Published: 29 May 2022
  • Volume 8 , article number  90 , ( 2022 )

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literature review hydropower plant

  • Cengiz Koç   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7310-073X 1  

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Hydroelectricity, which is defined as green energy, is a type of renewable energy. Despite the advantages of hydroelectric power plants, there are also negative effects caused by them. While power plants do provide advantages such as flood reduction, disaster management, mitigation of the effects of global warming and climate change; they can also lead to some unwanted environmental effects at the local and regional levels. In this study, the generation capacities of hydroelectric power plants that were built and commissioned by a Public Institution or by the Private Sector in the Büyük Menderes and Western Mediterranean basins were evaluated, for the years of 2010–2019. In the years examined, the project energy production value was compared with the maximum and minimum energy production levels of the power plants. The average maximum and average minimum production rates, which were calculated by proportioning the maximum and minimum energy production values to the project production value, was 93.33% and 56.04% for the West Mediterranean basin, respectively; and it was 92.97% and 43.09% for the Büyük Menderes basin. The average production rate for the Western Mediterranean basin was 69.8%, and for the Büyük Menderes basin it was 68%. It has been shown that there were significant differences between the annual energy production of the power plants and the amount of production realized due to the changes in the water resources of the studied basins, as well as due to insufficient data and careless planning. In addition, the production and environmental problems encountered during the operation phase have been revealed and suggestions have been recommended for the resolution of these problems in this study.

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In this study, data on the hydroelectric power plants operated and constructed in the Büyük Menderes and Western Mediterranean basins were obtained from the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works. Therefore, I would like to thank the relevant institution for its contribution and assistance to this study.

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Department of City and Regional Planning, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Muğla, Turkey

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Koç, C. A study on solutions and problems of hydroelectric power plants in the operation. Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. 8 , 90 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40899-022-00677-2

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Received : 30 July 2021

Accepted : 10 May 2022

Published : 29 May 2022

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s40899-022-00677-2

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Floating photovoltaic plant monitoring: a review of requirements and feasible technologies.

literature review hydropower plant

1. Introduction

  • Better average PV system efficiency due to the mitigating thermal effect resulting from the thermal capacity of the water [ 9 ];
  • Indirect effect of water evaporation minimization [ 10 ];
  • Shorter installation times compared to ground-based systems [ 11 ];
  • Higher power density as compared to ground-based systems [ 12 ].

2. PV Floating Plants

  • A large number of mooring lines (especially in the case of pure float designs).
  • Site constraints.
  • Varying water levels.
  • Unequal load distribution.
  • Array shape and size.

3. PV Floating Monitoring Issues

3.1. monitoring fpv systems for evaluating the water environment impact on energy production.

  • Positioning of the PV Modules: The position of the photovoltaic (PV) modules can be affected by wave movements, which vary significantly depending on whether the system is located offshore or in freshwater basins, as well as the type and design of the anchoring system. Consequently, the modules exhibit variable positioning.
  • Temperature of the PV Modules: The temperature of the PV modules is affected by their surrounding microclimate, in turn depending on the water temperature and the thermo-hygrometric conditions induced by the presence of water.
  • Efficiency Degradation of the PV Modules over time. The hygrometric conditions in which the PV modules operate can impact their efficiency over time, potentially leading to a loss of performance.

3.1.1. Variable Module Positioning

3.1.2. pv module temperature, 3.1.3. loss of efficiency of pv modules over time, 3.1.4. effects of soiling on fpv, 3.1.5. monitoring via uav, 3.2. monitoring fpv systems for evaluating their impact on water ecosystem, 4. sensors for water quality monitoring, 5. technologies for autonomous water basin mapping and monitoring, 5.1. state of the art of surface and underwater robotic systems.

  • ASVs (autonomous surface vehicles), also called USVs (unmanned surface vehicles), are boats controlled by an autopilot, commonly linked to a ground station through at least one radio trans-receiver (for sending telemetry data) and to a radio-controller through a radio receiver module aboard the vessel, enabling manual recovery of the ASV or failsafe functions at any time. Positions, trajectories, and all on-board data acquired aboard the vessel are available on the ground station (or directly in a control room), making it possible to set waypoints of interest and let the robot follow them automatically.
  • ROVs (Remotely Operating Vehicles), due to their cost-effectiveness, excellent maneuverability and on-line acquisition capability, represent the current commercial tool for widespread use in underwater exploration. Some ROVs configurations can be equipped with an extension module, enabling the tethered cable to supply the energy required for an indefinite time due to the availability of an electrical socket on the surface.
  • AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles), unlike ROVs, are characterized by the absence of a tethering cable, relying on a battery pack for power supply and off-line data acquisition capabilities. Indefinite operation requires permanent electrical recharge/docking/recovery stations. The cost of these vehicles increases with the number of sensors fitted on-board. The more automated and powerful the vehicle, the more complex the missions it can perform.

5.2. Issues Related to Robotic Systems

5.2.1. localization issues, 5.2.2. data transmission, 5.2.3. energy autonomy and environmental impact, 5.2.4. operation and maintenance, 6. a case study for an fpv autonomous monitoring system.

Click here to enlarge figure

7. Discussion

8. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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ParameterPossible Effects on the EcosystemObserved Effects in an FPV Plant
light intensity (W/m )
The intensity of sunlight at different depths not only activates biological processes, but can also play a role in the migration of animal species. On the contrary, shading may also influence fish behavior, attracting fishes which perceive increased safety from predators or reducing interactions [ ].Under an FPV system, UV reduction has been observed [ ]
Turbidity (NTU/FNU)Turbidity may be correlated to the presence of suspended particles. As it increases, the fraction of light that can reach underwater plants, either sessile or floating, decreases along with photosynthesis intensity.A certain decrease in turbidity has been observed due to the lower presence of algae [ ] under an FPV.
The temperature of the water affects the chemical reaction kinetics and the overall concentration of dissolved oxygen.The average temperature of the basin as a whole decreases by approximately 1°C as its occupation by the FPV increases from 0 to 90%. Correspondingly, the Schmidt stability index is almost halved [ ].
It is an index of self-purification of water, and it gives direct and indirect information on bacterial activity, photosynthesis, and leads to stratification.Dissolved oxygen tends to decrease in non-aerated basins [ ] and is observed to decrease significantly below an FPV system [ ].
Chlorophyll-a (µg/L)Chlorophyll a is a measure of the amount of algae growing in a water body. It can be used to classify the trophic condition of a water body.A slight increase, however not statistically significant, is observed under the FPV plant [ ], which seems in contradiction with what is reported in Ref. [ ].
pHpH is an index of the healthiness of water. Normally between 6.5 and 8.5, it is modified as a result of the presence of pesticides or by the organic decomposition process.A slight, although non-statistically significant, decrease under the FPV plant is reported in Ref. [ ].
It may be correlated to various parameters such as salinity, i.e., the presence of positive and negative ions. Its variation may be an indication of water contamination. A certain decrease is claimed in Ref. [ ].
Available Sensors
(by Data Sheets)
Probe Features
(by Data Sheets)
(2023) [ ]
[ ]
YSI****** *25027.658.7
(2023) [ ]
*n.s.YSI*** ** *
(2022) [ ]
[ ]
YSI****** *2001.87.245.7
(2021) [ ]
[ ]
Quadlink * **
Al Widyan
(2021) [ ]
*UltraPen PT1
[ ]
Myron L ** 0.0551.617.2
Pedroso de Lima
(2020) [ ]
*Troll 9500
[ ]
In Situ****** 2101.98.847.3
Pedroso de Lima
(2020) [ ]
*CTD Diver
[ ]
Van Essen Inst.***
Pedroso de Lima
2020 [ ]
[ ]
Aquaread** *** 1000.74.229
Pedroso de Lima
(2020) [ ]
*MiniDOT Logger
[ ]
PME * * 3000.3458.6
(2023) [ ]
[ ]
Aquaread****** *1001.47.744
(2023) [ ]
[ ]
Eureka******* 1002.38.948.3
(2021) [ ]
[ ]
YSI****** *1003.67.670.5
(2021) [ ]
[ ]
RBR******* 750 6.3
(2021) [ ]
Aqua TROLL 600
[ ]
In Situ** *** *2001.54.760.2
(2021) [ ]
Ocean Seven 316
[ ]
Idronaut*** ** 1002.21071
Water Depth [m]


(dist. from FPV)

Open Water
(dist. from FPV)
Depths of Measurements for Each WC [m]Monitoring
[ ]
(100 m)
0.6Fixed: x, y, z
(100 m)
each 0.5Fixed: x, y
Mobile (winch): z
[ ]
400>38 30.5, 2, 3Fixed: x, y, z
6 60.5, 2, 3Fixed: x, y, z
[ ]
(<5 m)
(120 m)
each 0.5
until 10
Fixed: x, y, z
(low-cost sensors)
[ ]
1Shallow1110.8Fixed: x, y, z
[ ]
0.0811 0.2Fixed: x, y, z
Pedroso de Lima
[ ]
18.3351 1
(100 m)
Fixed: x, y, z
1 1
(100 m)
each 1Mobile (ROV): x, y, z
Pedroso de Lima
[ ]
0.006–0.8 111
(>10 m)
1.5Fixed: x, y, z
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Share and Cite

Bossi, S.; Blasi, L.; Cupertino, G.; dell’Erba, R.; Cipollini, A.; De Vito, S.; Santoro, M.; Di Francia, G.; Tina, G.M. Floating Photovoltaic Plant Monitoring: A Review of Requirements and Feasible Technologies. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 8367. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16198367

Bossi S, Blasi L, Cupertino G, dell’Erba R, Cipollini A, De Vito S, Santoro M, Di Francia G, Tina GM. Floating Photovoltaic Plant Monitoring: A Review of Requirements and Feasible Technologies. Sustainability . 2024; 16(19):8367. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16198367

Bossi, Silvia, Luciano Blasi, Giacomo Cupertino, Ramiro dell’Erba, Angelo Cipollini, Saverio De Vito, Marco Santoro, Girolamo Di Francia, and Giuseppe Marco Tina. 2024. "Floating Photovoltaic Plant Monitoring: A Review of Requirements and Feasible Technologies" Sustainability 16, no. 19: 8367. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16198367

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