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Presentation synonyms

What is another word for presentation .

  • display demonstration, appearance
  • demonstration performance, display
  • show performance, demonstration
  • performance exhibition, show
  • submission performance, bid
  • introduction submission, performance
  • exhibition demonstration, performance
  • offering submission, bid
  • appearance show, arrival
  • proposal submission, bid
  • production event, show
  • exposition demonstration, report
  • delivery submission, bestowal
  • present give, gift
  • award giving, gift
  • bestowal give, giving
  • donation giving, gift
  • presentment
  • representation design, staging
  • giving bestowal, awarding
  • showing exhibit, arrival
  • debut knowledge, coming out
  • spectacle event, exhibition
  • proposition bid, offer
  • exhibit demonstration, audition
  • manifestation display
  • suggestion bid, offer
  • offer proposal
  • unveiling exhibition
  • launch debut
  • conferral give, giving
  • grant give, gift
  • arrangement appearance
  • rendition staging
  • launching debut

Synonyms for presentation

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90 Creative Ways to Present a Project in Elementary Classrooms

creative ways to present a project

Gone are the days when learning was confined to reading textbooks, listening to lectures, and answering questions. Today, educators and parents seek innovative approaches to inspire curiosity, creativity, and a deeper understanding in young minds.

One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through creative projects that allow students to express what they’ve learned uniquely and personally. These projects enhance understanding and foster a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom walls.

Understanding the need for such dynamic educational tools, we’ve compiled an extensive list of 90 creative presentation ideas tailored for elementary students . This collection is designed to cater to a wide range of subjects, from the intricate details of science and the broad timelines of history to the expressive depths of literature and the vivid expressions of art.

Whether you’re an educator looking to bring your lessons to life or a parent searching for ways to help your child complete their school project, this list offers a wealth of ideas to transform learning into an adventure.

creative ways to present a project girl presenting a project.

90 Ways Students Can Creatively Present Their Projects Organized by Learning Style

These fun presentation ideas accommodate varied interests and learning styles , from constructing detailed dioramas to producing engaging digital slideshows, writing and performing puppet shows, or creating interactive quizzes.

They encourage students to explore, inquire, and present their findings or understandings in ways that resonate with them personally, making learning a truly enriching experience. Teachers and parents can choose a project that will engage students based on their preferred way of learning.

Visual Learners

For our visual learners, who grasp concepts best when they see them come to life, a picture can be worth a thousand words. They thrive on the energy of vibrant posters, comprehensive mind maps, or carefully crafted storyboards that illustrate their ideas in vivid detail.

By incorporating infographics, drawing comics, or designing colorful PowerPoint presentations, we give these students the tools to showcase their understanding in ways that light up their eyes and the entire classroom.

  • Comic Strip : Students create a series of illustrations to tell a story or explain a concept. Have them use speech bubbles to show dialogue between characters.
  • Diorama : Building a three-dimensional scene to represent a historical event , ecosystem, or story setting.
  • Digital Slideshow : Use software to compile images, facts, and short text to present information visually.
  • Art Gallery : Students create artworks inspired by their studies and set up an exhibition.
  • Timeline : Construct a visual timeline with significant events or discoveries related to the subject.
  • Model Building : Create scale models of buildings, historical sites, or scientific concepts.
  • Photo Essay : A series of photographs that tell a story or document an event with captions.
  • Collage : Assemble a piece of art by combining various materials, images, and texts on a canvas.
  • Interactive Map : Design a map with parts that can be moved or interacted with to reveal information.
  • Infographic : Create visually engaging representations of data or information.
  • Mind Map : A visual diagram that connects information around a central concept.
  • Museum Exhibit : Set up displays that include artifacts, information tags, and interactive elements.
  • Animated Video : Produce a short animated story to explain a concept or narrate a historical event.
  • Flashcards : Design cards with visual cues on one side and information or questions on the other.
  • Vision Board : Create a collage of images and words representing goals or learnings .
  • Stop Motion Film : A video made by photographing physical objects in small increments to show movement.
  • Architecture Design : Sketch designs for buildings or cities that relate to a specific period or style.
  • Symposium (with visual aids) : Present short speeches supported by visual aids like posters or a slide show.
  • Documentary : Film a documentary-style video exploring an aspect of the subject in depth.
  • Interactive Notebook : Craft a notebook with visual and interactive elements like flaps and pop-ups.
  • Augmented Reality Display : Use AR technology to create an interactive experience related to the subject.
  • Virtual Reality Experience : Develop a VR scene that immerses the user in a historical, scientific, or imaginative setting.
  • Origami : Fold the paper to create models representing figures or concepts from the study.
  • Fantasy Map : Draw a detailed map of a fictional world, including geographical features and landmarks.
  • Chalk Art : Create large drawings on pavement or boards to illustrate concepts or themes.
  • Lego Construction : Build scenes or models related to the subject using Lego bricks.
  • Board Game Creation : Design a game with rules and objectives that teach or reinforce the subject matter.

Auditory Learners

For those students who absorb information better when it’s heard, auditory learners flourish when given the chance to express themselves and their learnings through sound.

Encouraging them to create podcasts or audio recordings of interviews with historical figures (portrayed by classmates, of course!) can allow these students to harness the full potential of their auditory skills.

These learners might also excel by composing songs or raps about their subjects—turning the rhythms and rhymes of knowledge into music that sticks with them long after the lessons are over. Sharing these auditory projects creates a symphony of voices and sounds that cater to their learning style and enrich the entire classroom.

  • Music Performance : Compose and perform a song related to the study topic.
  • Podcast : Record an audio program discussing the topic or interviewing a “character.”
  • News Report : Act as a news anchor and present facts or stories related to the topic.
  • Interview Role Play : Pretend to interview a historical figure or character, focusing on oral communication.
  • Poetry Reading : Write and recite poems that explore themes or information about the subject.
  • Language Cafe : Simulate a cafe setting where phrases, songs, and conversations in a studied language are shared.
  • Soundtrack : Create a collection of songs or musical pieces representing different aspects of the topic.
  • Public Service Announcement : Record a PSA to inform or persuade listeners about an issue related to the study.
  • Debate : Participate in a structured argument focusing on a topic, developing oral communication skills.
  • Symposium (with oral presentations) : Deliver presentations or speeches that delve into different aspects of the subject.
  • Puppet Show : Design and perform a puppet show, focusing on the auditory storytelling aspect.
  • Cooking Demonstration (with verbal instructions) : Explain and demonstrate a recipe, emphasizing verbal instructions.
  • Quiz Show : Host a game show where students answer questions about the topic aloud.
  • Book Trailer : Create an audio or video trailer for a book, focusing on compelling narrative delivery.
  • Newscast : Produce a video or audio newscast with updates and reports on a significant event or topic.

Kinesthetic (Tactile) Learners

With their hearts on their sleeves and hands eager to explore, Kinesthetic learners thrive in environments that encourage movement and hands-on experiences.

It could be as simple as a Scavenger Hunt , where learners dash to find hidden facts around the classroom, or as elaborate as a Living History simulation, where they embody figures from the past and reenact pivotal moments. For the child who can’t keep still, let them construct their own Interactive Model – be it the water cycle or a Roman aqueduct – so they can physically manipulate the pieces to see direct cause and effects.

Teaching in this way, we cater to their tactile love for learning and bond, laugh, and grow together..

  • Science Experiment : Conduct a hands-on experiment and demonstrate the findings.
  • Model Building : Engage in creating detailed models that require manipulation and assembly.
  • Cooking Demonstration : Prepare a significant dish for the study, focusing on the tactile experience.
  • Dance Routine : Choreograph and perform a dance that interprets a historical event or concept.
  • Fitness Routine : Develop a series of physical activities inspired by the study topic.
  • Nature Walk Presentation : Collect samples or observations from nature, then present findings through physical displays.
  • Craft Project : Create crafts related to the topic involving cutting, gluing, and assembly.
  • Herb Garden : Plant and maintain a garden with plants relevant to the study.
  • Puzzle Making : Design and solve puzzles or riddles that incorporate elements of the subject.
  • Escape Room : Create a physical space with puzzles and tasks that teach or reinforce knowledge.
  • Invention Prototype : Build a prototype of an invention that solves a problem related to the topic.
  • Fashion Show (with costume creation) : Design and model costumes that reflect a historical period or culture .
  • Sensory Box : Assemble a box filled with items related to the topic to touch, smell, and explore.
  • Kite Making : Design and fly kites that incorporate symbols or themes from the study.
  • Birdhouse Construction : Build birdhouses as part of a study on birds involving woodworking skills.
  • Geocaching Adventure : Set up a real-world treasure hunt with clues related to the subject.
  • Product Design : Invent and model a product that could solve a problem studied.
  • Upcycling Project : Transform recycled materials into new creations related to the topic.
  • Magic Show (with physical tricks) : Perform magic tricks that illustrate principles or facts of the topic.
  • Fashion Design (creating outfits) : Sketch and possibly create outfits based on a specific era or culture.
  • Survival Guide (with practical skills) : Compile a guide with skills necessary for a specific historical period or scenario.
  • Signature Dish (cooking) : Prepare and present a historically or culturally significant dish.
  • Interactive Storytelling (with movement) : Tell a story that involves audience participation and physical activity.

Reading/Writing Learners

For the young minds that find solace in the written word, the beauty of reading and writing unfolds in a world where they can express their deepest thoughts and wildest imaginations.

We instill the love for prose and poetry by guiding students to pen their personal journals, helping them understand that each sentence they write is a step towards self-exploration and reflection.

  • Storybook Creation : Write and illustrate a book that narrates a story or explains a concept.
  • Journal : Maintain a journal from the perspective of a historical figure or during a scientific inquiry.
  • Travel Brochure : Design a brochure that provides information about a place using persuasive and descriptive writing.
  • Scrapbook : Compile a scrapbook with written captions, descriptions, and reflections on the topic.
  • Biography Presentation : Research and write a biography of a significant figure, focusing on a written presentation.
  • Advice Column : Write responses to hypothetical questions from historical figures or characters.
  • Webpage Design : Create a webpage or blog with articles, posts, and essays on the subject.
  • Newspaper Article : Create a newspaper-style article about the topic.
  • Social Media Profile : Develop a profile for a historical figure or concept, focusing on written content.
  • Social Media Post : Create a series of social media posts from the perspective of a historical figure living with today’s pop culture.
  • Email Exchange : Simulate email exchanges between characters or figures, emphasizing written communication.
  • Field Guide : Assemble a guide with descriptions, drawings, and observations about a specific topic.
  • Memory Game (with written facts) : Create a game where matching pairs involve reading text to find connections.
  • Autobiography : Write an autobiography from the perspective of someone living in a different era or involved in a key event.
  • Pen Pal Letters : Exchange letters written from the viewpoint of characters or historical figures.
  • Greeting Card Design : Create greeting cards incorporating facts or themes, focusing on creative writing.
  • Book Trailer (with scriptwriting) : Write and possibly record a trailer for a book, focusing on crafting a compelling narrative.
  • Mock Trial (writing scripts and arguments) : Prepare scripts and arguments for a mock trial involving historical figures or literary characters.
  • Instructional Manual : Write a detailed manual or guidebook explaining how to do something related to the topic.
  • Mathematical Models (with explanations) : Build models to explain mathematical concepts, accompanied by written explanations.
  • Interactive Quizzes (with written questions and answers) : Design quizzes that test knowledge on the subject, emphasizing written content.
  • Culture Box (with written descriptions) : Fill a box with items representing a culture, including detailed written descriptions.
  • Time Travel Diary : Write diary entries like traveling through time to different events or periods related to the subject.
  • Zine Making : Produce a mini-magazine (zine) that features articles, drawings, and interviews about the topic.
  • Charity Campaign (with written proposals) : Design a campaign to support a cause, focusing on persuasive and informative writing .

By categorizing these project ideas according to learning styles, teachers can more effectively plan activities that will engage all students, recognizing and honoring their individual preferences in learning.

This approach enhances students’ educational experience by making it more accessible and enjoyable for different types of learners. It also encourages students to explore and develop skills across various modalities.

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another word for school presentation

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Synonyms for presentation

  • investiture
  • demonstration
  • arrangement
  • introduction
  • performance
  • representation

the act of conferring, as of an honor

Something bestowed freely, the instance or occasion of being presented for the first time to society, the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward), related words, a show or display.

  • presentment
  • lecture demonstration
  • counterdemonstration

the act of making something publicly available

The act of presenting a proposal.

  • proposition
  • first reading
  • second reading

a visual representation of something

  • Snellen chart

formally making a person known to another or to the public

  • making known
  • reintroduction

(obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal

  • prescription
  • prescription drug
  • prescription medicine
  • prescriptive
  • prescriptive grammar
  • prescriptive linguistics
  • prescriptivism
  • presence chamber
  • presence of mind
  • presenile dementia
  • present moment
  • present participle
  • present perfect
  • present perfect tense
  • present progressive
  • present progressive tense
  • present tense
  • present times
  • presentable
  • presentational
  • present-day
  • presentiment
  • presentness
  • preservable
  • preservation
  • preservationist
  • preservative
  • President Abraham Lincoln
  • President Adams
  • President Andrew Johnson
  • President Arthur
  • Present Worth
  • Present Worth of Capital Expenditures
  • present you as
  • present you with
  • present yourself
  • Present, The
  • Present-Day English
  • Present-Minded Individualism
  • present-worth factor
  • presentability
  • presentablely
  • presentableness
  • presentably
  • Presentance Report
  • Presentaneous
  • Presentasi Pemikiran Kritis Mahasiswa
  • Presentation Accept
  • Presentation and Personalization Management
  • Presentation Brothers College, Cork
  • Presentation client
  • Presentation Connect
  • Presentation Connection Endpoint
  • Presentation Connection Endpoint Identifier
  • Presentation Context Definition List
  • Presentation Context Identifier
  • Presentation Controller Mediator Entity Foundation
  • Presentation Convent Kodaikanal
  • Presentation copy
  • Presentation Data Value
  • Presentation Department
  • Presentation Departments
  • Présentation des Normes Européennes
  • presentation drawing
  • Presentation du Systeme de Planification et de Gestion de Frequence
  • Presentation Element Parser, YACC
  • Presentation Environment for Multimedia Objects
  • Presentation File
  • Presentation Function
  • Présentation Générale Lex Persona
  • presentation graphics
  • presentation graphics program
  • Facebook Share

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Other forms: presentations

The noun presentation means the official giving, or presenting, of something. The presentation of diplomas at a graduation ceremony is the part that makes many of the parents in the audience cry.

A presentation can be a ceremony of giving some gift or award, and it can also be a demonstration or show — like a dog training presentation at your local pet store. Another meaning of presentation is a style of displaying something — like the presentation of plants and flowers in the florist's window or the presentation of food on a buffet table. In the 1600s, presentation was commonly used to mean "show or play," as in "a theatrical presentation ."

  • noun the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward) “she gave the trophy but he made the presentation ” see more see less type of: ceremony the proper or conventional behavior on some solemn occasion
  • noun the act of presenting a proposal see more see less types: first reading the first presentation of a bill in a legislature second reading the second presentation of a bill in a legislature; to approve its general principles (Britain) or to discuss a committee's report and take a vote (US) type of: proposal , proposition the act of making a proposal
  • noun the act of making something publicly available; presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it “he prepared his presentation carefully in advance” see more see less types: unveiling putting on display for the first time production a presentation for the stage or screen or radio or television staging , theatrical production the production of a drama on the stage type of: display exhibiting openly in public view
  • noun formally making a person known to another or to the public synonyms: intro , introduction see more see less types: debut the presentation of a debutante in society reintroduction an act of renewed introduction type of: informing , making known a speech act that conveys information
  • noun a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view “the presentation of new data” synonyms: demonstration , presentment see more see less types: show 19 types... hide 19 types... exhibition the act of exhibiting exposure presentation to view in an open or public manner performance the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment lecture demonstration presentation of an example of what the lecturer is discoursing about counterdemonstration a demonstration held in opposition to another demonstration dramatic performance , dramatic production the act of performing a drama encore an extra or repeated performance; usually given in response to audience demand extemporisation , extemporization , improvisation a performance given extempore without planning or preparation juggle , juggling throwing and catching several objects simultaneously conjuration , conjuring trick , deception , illusion , legerdemain , magic , magic trick , thaumaturgy , trick an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers musical performance the act of performing music one-night stand a performance in one place on one night only interpretation , rendering , rendition the act of interpreting something as expressed in an artistic performance last hurrah , swan song a final performance or effort (especially before retirement) debunking , repudiation the exposure of falseness or pretensions production (law) the act of exhibiting in a court of law rodeo an exhibition of cowboy skills program , programme a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation reprise the act of performing a role again type of: show the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining
  • noun a visual representation of something synonyms: display see more see less types: show 5 types... hide 5 types... float an elaborate display mounted on a platform carried by a truck (or pulled by a truck) in a procession or parade Snellen chart display consisting of a printed card with letters and numbers in lines of decreasing size; used to test visual acuity spectacle an elaborate and remarkable display on a lavish scale bullfight , corrida a Spanish or Portuguese or Latin American spectacle; a matador baits and (usually) kills a bull in an arena before many spectators naumachia , naumachy a naval spectacle; a mock sea battle put on by the ancient Romans type of: representation a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something
  • noun (obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal “Cesarean sections are sometimes the result of abnormal presentations ” see more see less type of: attitude , position , posture the arrangement of the body and its limbs

Vocabulary lists containing presentation

To improve your fluency in English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR), learn this academic vocabulary list that includes words selected from the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) state standards.

Vocabulary is key to performing well on Common Core-aligned tests for English Language Arts as well as for building literacy in social studies, science, and technical subjects. This collection features common tier-2 words that are taught and tested in Grades 9 and 10. These words are used in a variety of contexts, exhibit different shades of meaning based on those contexts, and appear commonly in classroom instruction and on standardized assessments. Here are links to our lists for the collection: List 1 , List 2 , List 3 , List 4 , List 5 , List 6 , List 7 , List 8

Vocabulary is key to performing well on Common Core-aligned tests for English Language Arts as well as for building literacy in social studies, science, and technical subjects. This collection features common tier-2 words that are taught and tested in Grade 6. These words are used in a variety of contexts, exhibit different shades of meaning based on those contexts, and appear commonly in classroom instruction and on standardized assessments. Here are links to our lists for the collection: List 1 , List 2 , List 3 , List 4 , List 5 , List 6 , List 7 , List 8

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Whether you’re a teacher or a learner, can put you or your class on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement..

10 Tips For Giving A Memorable Final Presentation In The Digital Age

  • Get Comfortable
  • Speak Clearly
  • Engage Your Audience
  • Eye-Catching Visuals
  • Don't Cram Text
  • Don't Read Your Slides
  • Pace Yourself
  • Avoid Distractions

by Lyndsey Gresehover

You have worked extremely hard completing your final project of the school year. There is just one more step in the process: you must also present your project. Your teacher makes it clear that both virtual and in-person students must present, so that everyone is able to learn from one another.

Whether you’re presenting in front of your class via Zoom or other digital programs, fear not! Good presentation skills can actually be learned, practiced, and perfected, no matter how shy you are when it comes to speaking in front of others.

It’s true this year has been a challenging one. Many school districts have been virtual for over a year, with all students learning digitally . Some have embraced a hybrid model, with some students in person and some online at the same time. In whatever capacity you have been in school, navigating the classes was surely a learning experience all in itself.

No matter how you are sharing your end-of-year project, we have 10 great tips that will assist you in providing a fantastic final presentation.

Before you get to the stage of presenting, learn how to develop a presentation or project that will earn top marks.

1. Get comfortable

The majority of teens or preteens don’t absolutely love speaking in front of their peers, whether it be in person or virtually. The best way to get past this is by practicing. After you have put the finishing touches on your project, stand in front of a mirror, your family, or friends and walk through the presentation, noting any areas that need improvement.

2. Be prepared

Get used to all the digital tools you will be using in your presentation. For example, if you will be using a tool such as Google Slides or PowerPoint, make sure they flow through the presentation and the timing is set (if you’re using any animation tools). When presenting through Zoom, Google Meet, or a similar service, be prepared to unmute yourself, control your volume, and have your notes easily accessible.

3. Speak clearly

Make sure your voice is not too fast, yet not extremely slow. It’s important to speak clearly so that both students who are online and/or are in person can easily understand what you are saying. If speaking online, a headset with a microphone is always an added plus to ensuring that you are being heard.

4. Engage the viewers

Just as you would do when writing an essay or research paper, you want to engage your audience and grab their attention right off the bat. Start off with a slide or visual that viewers are drawn to and want to learn more about.

another word for school presentation

5. Use eye-catching visuals

Whether you’re using actual pictures you created or pictures you took with your phone, the images should be clear and bright. There are also clip art websites that allow you to use their images without violating copyright laws. Try googling “free to use clipart.” Depending on the owner of the art, you may be required to give the individual credit by stating where the image is from, but many don’t require recognition.

6. Avoid cramming text on a slide

Your audience should be able to easily read the text and see the visuals used. You want to ensure that you use the space on the slide properly, so that both the text and any images included are clear.

7. Don’t read the presentation word for word

No matter what program you choose for your presentation, make sure you do more than just read the information exactly as written. The viewers can read it themselves. The slides should be there to support what you’re sharing with your audience.

8. Pace yourself

Be aware of the time your teacher is allowing for each presentation. If you’re only getting 15 minutes to present, it’s likely that you don’t have time to go through 60 slides. However, also keep in mind that you want the audience to be engaged throughout. If you’re able to get through a lot of informative slides—without speed-reading through them—then that’s OK as well.

9. Avoid added distractions

Some teachers may require a page header and/or footer with the page number or date on each page. If not, only include this information on your cover page or slide. Added text can cause the viewers to be distracted, forcing them to focus on areas that aren’t important rather than your actual presentation.

10. Practice makes perfect

There’s no such thing as practicing too much. Present your project as many times as it takes until you’re as comfortable as possible. You want to feel confident and prepared when it’s go time!

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Lyndsey Gresehover is a middle school ELA teacher, curriculum designer, and published blogger. You can view her tech-infused, innovative resources at her Teachers Pay Teachers store, Lit with Lyns . She also has a blog by the same name, which can be found at, where she shares ideas and resources for middle school English/Language Arts. For more by Lyndsey, read: Does The Million Word Gap Exist? | This Writing Checklist Will Help You Ace Your Final Paper

Presentation done? check! Now it's time to check off your final paper, using our checklist!

Ways To Say

another word for school presentation

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Home Blog Presentation Ideas Powerful Words to Use in Presentations: Ultra Long List 

Powerful Words to Use in Presentations: Ultra Long List 

Powerful Words to Use in Presentations: Ultra Long List PPT Template

The power of words is immense and palpable when it comes to sharing ideas with others. The way you frame your sentences and cherry-pick specific words will affect how the audience preserves you. Not just that. Well-selected power words can shape narratives around businesses, distort (positively and negatively) their perception, and impact the listener’s decision to purchase. That’s why top copywriters and public speakers alike spend a great deal of time brainstorming different word combos and obsessing over their selection of action verbs, adjectives, and linking phrases.

Granted, you no longer need to do that. Just grab a PowerPoint template of your choice and start populating it with our big list of power words! 

What are Power Words?

Power words are persuasive words and phrases that evoke a positive or negative emotional response. Our selection of verbs, adjectives, and adverbs can convey different emotions from slight excitement to rightful outrate. That’s why public speakers , authors, and copywriters always carefully choose their words to convey the right idea and sentiment. 

Power words and phrases can make the same idea sound very different. Let’s take Apple’s famous slogan as an example: Think different. 

You can also convey the same idea using other descriptive words: Don’t think like everybody else, think outside the box, be creative 

Powerful Words Think Different PPT Template

However, each variation has a somewhat different ring to it. Ultimately, your word choice also impacts how others perceive you based on your speech.

Researchers found that word selection can have a massive impact on people, businesses, and society as a whole. Individual word choices can indicate the speaker’s mental state and impact the outcomes of a negotiation. Business power words shape customer experience with the brand and affect conversions. Action words, chose by the media, influence public perception of a social issue. 

Interestingly a group of researchers from Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada and Wharton in the US also found that word choices impact the song’s popularity. By applying text mining analytics to Billboard charts, the group found that songs with somewhat more unique texts performed better than those with pretty standard lyrics. A 16% differentiation in lyrical topics within a song was enough to propel it higher than songs in similar genres. 

The takeaway:

Our word choices have a profound impact on how others perceive us, as well as the actions they take afterward. Thus, if you want to be a Rockstar presenter , you need to choose your words carefully and prioritize powerful words! 

People Cheering for Speaker PPT Template

List of Powerful Words to Use in Presentations 

The English language has about 170,000 words in use . But an average person has an active vocabulary of 20,000 – 30,000 words. Among them is a smaller range of powerful adjectives and action verbs to make your presentations and speeches more impactful. 

Action Verbs to Use in Your PowerPoint Presentation

As the name implies, action verbs denote some dynamics — state, movement, result, etc. We use action verbs in our everyday speech a lot to describe what and how we do things. As author Elwyn Brooks White suggests : 

“Write with nouns and verbs, not with adjectives and adverbs. The adjective hasn’t been built that can pull a weak or inaccurate noun out of a tight place.”

Strong verbs don’t need adverbs to reinforce them. Compare these two statements: 

  • I walked quickly towards the door. 
  • I rushed out of the door. 

The first sentence merely states the fact. But the second one better conveys the emotion, the urgency of getting out of the room. It adds color to the narrative and sets the right mood.

In business presentations, action verbs help imply action to the user. They are good to use for both throughout the copy and the closing slide when you describe: 

  • Main action points 
  • Accomplishments
  • Next steps 
  • Results 

As you proofread your slide deck, look for weaker verbs and then replace them with stronger synonyms. Some common offenders include: 

  • State-of-being verbs such as am, does, do, could, might, etc. While they have their merit, oftentimes, you can find a more descriptive alternative, conveying an extra emotion. 
  • Verbs ending in -ing : wishing, planning, forgetting. Be bolder. Use present or past tenses instead. 
  • Verbs in conjunction with an adjective: walked quickly, talked loudly, etc. Again, these can be replaced with snappier one-word alternatives. 

List of powerful verbs to make your language more persuasive: 

  • Accelerate 
  • Alter 
  • Maintain 
  • Regard 
  • Convince 
  • Boost 
  • Ignite 
  • Surge 
  • Disrupt 
  • Rejuvenate 
  • Smash 
  • Supercharge 
  • Report 
  • Change 
  • Explore 
  • Re-define 
  • Strategize 
  • Maximize 
  • Capture 
  • Achieve 

Man Speaking in Megaphone Powerful Words PPT Template

Powerful Adjectives to Use In Your Presentation 

The goal of adjectives is to reinforce your nouns and verbs. Use them to convey specific emotions and set the scene for the audience. 

But be sparring. You are not writing a novel. Too many adjectives can make your slide deck look cluttered, as you’d have to skim on white space to fit longer sentences. Also, excessive use of adjectives can muddle the main idea behind your key statements.

Below is our quick collection of power adjectives you can use to punch up your presentation: 

Power Words for Motivation

  • Awe-inspiring
  • Exquisite 
  • Blissful 
  • Brilliant 
  • Dynamic 
  • Burgeoning 
  • Breathtaking
  • Accomplished
  • Successful 
  • Enterprising 
  • Venturesome
  • Life-changing
  • Encouraging 
  • Baffling 
  • Sensational 
  • Incredible 

Power Words for Sales (Adjectives) 

  • Cost-effective 
  • Exorbitant 
  • Knock-out 
  • Science-proofed 
  • Limited-time 
  • Fully-booked
  • Refundable 
  • Negotiable 
  • Below market average 
  • Too-good-to-miss
  • Budget-friendly
  • Optimal 
  • Exclusive 
  • Time-sensitive
  • Efficacious
  • Sensible 
  • Stylish 
  • Unique 
  • Profitable 

Power Adjectives to Persuade

  • Verified 
  • Risk-free 
  • Effective 
  • Tested 
  • Solution-oriented
  • Vetted 
  • Non-negotiable
  • Quality-controlled 
  • Reliable 
  • Legitimate 
  • Lifetime 
  • Market-tested 
  • Foolproof 
  • Surefire 
  • Ingenious 
  • Innovative 
  • Cutting-edge 
  • Exceptional 
  • Game-changing
  • Ground-breaking
  • Flagship 
  • Assured 
  • Collateralized 
  • Painless 
  • Diciest 
  • Tamperproof
  • Immutable 

Coherence Markers 

Coherence markers are conversational words and phrases we use to denote logical connections between different ideas. They are not meaningful standalone words. Yet, they play a huge role in making your presentation copy more compelling.

Take a look at these two versions of Dove ad copy:

  • Your skin’s natural oils keep it silky and supple. As you age, it becomes less elastic, and the production of oil slows down. Aging can cause dull, dehydrated skin.
  • Your skin’s natural oils keep it silky and supple. But as you age, your skin becomes less elastic, and the production of oil slows down. That is why aging can cause dull, dehydrated skin.

The bolded coherence markers help digest the claims by establishing logical connections between the ideas. Research shows that adding such links to any copy (or speech) improves clarity and boosts persuasion. Therefore, sprinkle some coherence markers in your presentation to help the reader or lister mentally justify what you are saying. 

Coherence Markers to Use in a Presentation 

  • Now do it 
  • So go ahead
  • Due to 
  • That’s why 
  • Given that 
  • Here’s the deal:
  • That’s right 
  • By contrast 
  • Beyond that 
  • For starters
  • What’s the bottom line?
  • You might be wondering
  • By now you should 
  • Better still…
  • The general conclusion is that
  • Compound this with 
  • What does this mean for you?
  • Inferring from above 
  • Just imagine
  • You’ve tried everything. But
  • You start to worry that
  • Let me guess 
  • What’s the catch?
  • I know that’s what you’re thinking, right?
  • But one thing’s for sure
  • Let me say this straight
  • Now consider it this way 
  • It gest better (or worse)
  • But here’s the kicker
  • As if that’s not enough
  • Best of all


A metaphor is a figure of speech used to represent or symbolize another object or concept. For example, time is the greatest gift given to you . 

Writers love using metaphors to act depth and eloquence to their narrative. At the same time, top presenters use these to help the reader picture an intangible concept. 

As research found, metaphors help with persuasion by helping the reader or listener form a concrete mental image of the discussed concept. For example, you can say that your printing equipment works fast. But how fast do you mean? A metaphor can help make it more clear, e.g., “Our printing machines an equivalent of Ferrari in terms of speed.”  

Check our complete guide to using metaphors in presentations for more insights. Or swipe of some of the examples from our list below: 

Powerful Words Before And After Metaphor PPT Template

Metaphors for Professional Presentations 

  • Zeus-like 
  • Drag-and-drop interfaces 
  • To be worth waiting for 
  • Glue for the Internet 
  • To stay afloat 
  • Off the shelf 
  • Custom-made 
  • To get up to speed
  • App-like functionality 
  • blue ocean / red ocean 
  • Bumps on the road 
  • Jump on the bandwagon 
  • Tossed its cap
  • The veneer on the credenza.
  • Moonshot project
  • More complicated than one-color puzzles.
  • Lion-tamer-sky-diver fun
  • Pack a punch 
  • At the foothold of new 
  • Buckets of questions 
  • Going against the grain
  • The epitome of something else
  • From full throttle to a halt

To Conclude

Positive power words speak straight to the hearts and minds of the audiences. They encourage, inspire, motivate, bring up, and help move on in the right direction. If your goal is to hammer in a clear idea and prompt subsequent desirable action, these words are your best buddies to use all through your presentation slides and during delivery! 

1. 12 Tips List PowerPoint Templates

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If you´re searching for a PowerPoint Template that is very flexible and can be used to create lists, the 12 Tips List PowerPoint Template is a great choice. 

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Synonyms & Similar Words

  • contributions
  • benevolences
  • benefactions
  • generosities
  • care packages
  • beneficences
  • remembrances
  • philanthropies

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • peace offerings

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    The noun presentation means the official giving, or presenting, of something. The presentation of diplomas at a graduation ceremony is the part that makes many of the parents in the audience cry. ... synonyms: intro, introduction. see more see less. types: debut. the presentation of a debutante in society. reintroduction. an act of renewed ...

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